ot oun was Gi A lareckesnt pi fend fut ¢ eame down to get some ; shoes for grr serves’ 8 Jy demanded | the young man 48 be straighteeid oy t | gia you “Say, sil Alp yom Jak is for vo : | addi: eo ir, Ao yom ahinoth pio eel a : Yom tet. Whisr's yor ma and 10 | digren 40 got Tt “My mw 1th hime, thir, ard 1 rE Fi the Josth. You sre very rode. thir’ | H¥om ass very rode, thir” poobo the terror wk be heekomed 6 the Lavi lose 1 and see the fon i it theems fo we, Thin,” pid 11 young man a8 be booked the other gue 3 “that you don’t Hike my hokioa ” met R poared Honk ie all my rt ppsdonyiel ny over the pails, | # emap 10 83 thre iy St the rate of j on the tan : cate oat of thnt po mx you are 1 wsevar n" alin to bold my porve ¢ tripe That finshed | Y wis Yorn hort in nt his think 1 had a a par Tho Jan thing : f | report him for net stopping. o body git sre Rote wd Brag ry.’ girl and Hops. » Sin oer to ri ed yo could : friend,” 1 said. ey parson, wasn coobbler! "= Washington Bear. ilot a cross street that interacts Broad- way and gignaled the cable cary, only 0 |i way {something and waved his band back: ward. : cus- {them 10 the lower side of the sireet, it fwhere the vory fist car sapped for | Times. {gazing into u stare window, admiring ud turing 10 Jock a8 the SagEed Svs “Na, 1 a worly + ¥ “And that you want ta pirk as for “A fuse with a katy. Eu hs, ba 1 ““Thir, 1 can take oxte of © vthett " “Don’t want any ma lod ok yim 16) eh! “Na thir, and TI wont yom th ik way bet i] 3 riled, 1 hoot.” ; : tommce nx bt Seiad o a er #, what is this thing augy wer “Wath vou referring to shoe mused § | the Yoong man, 2 or povarer | wae Whos arvethag 6d yim esoape fron : hie, J iho thath vou wnat ro to | thot ye n, snd th 1 wil 0 ont Troy % oe A a Tie Ce “He will Fla tT Ey hr $f 3 x 5 wih, © ll the yom hy Hoan; i Frid anybidy ren i uf ors % bo wan pt} pulisd (mt 8 ! ref % 8 poy apd ar fo oe 3 SX ABE | 3 d Ty. 3 sid 1 hn gu Ee wh : he wae Bens fer pe 3 xb a dour : yital Set Bod) hoon. 1 Ge a ol He ik Po Wo with lis eves oivced Tig a dong, Hong time, but be finally cpeped them and | faintly wked: “ors, have | pin shot or what?’ “Yee youve Minekhof, sawwercd one Who did i “The young feller that looks like a vent Sect, yom don’t ]] me!” “Yeu, he driv six bullets right inter {yor envenss, Havok, and you won't oxi ter ahont for a wonth to come.’ Co HAud it wos that feller?” Yen’ 83 8 Waal, darn my hide. I've allem ] heard that muthin on the faco of this | © ME sirth could lisp and shoot, ton but the WES fellers that told me hadn't ever rm | i ap agin « baby. Onin Sews ee both, Thies a do well.’ 1 think you are mistaken, my “I am a minister of the 1 thooght yo' gospel” # + ‘Henan mie, Just» Woman's . Wag. Two women stood on the wrong side see them shoot by in the Incest aggra- Tea, o of all the impudence!” “Did you ever!’ CoWhy t's worse than we mad aboat. Here one of the gripmen shouted ot xd cheaper than oa Broadwar, with me?’ if ¥ : the 53 i. Ctr from iby Walter apes BODO A andre Thomson 1 araws . faa Thinbla | y tire wate Bes w hich are setsetimes fitted | grains of EYeT, ia perio: mew 1 tiny sere wn sre oar auethoosandthe of | i ap Inch in dialer and seven one thin | mation. The & thod wapally | m delicate balances, the number of a giv: ‘em amsount being determined by the The iwas Swhuifred.” and wherever “What did he say?” ““Bormething about the wrong corner.’ “Well, I've got his number, aid a ‘Here a policeman came up and tock And they pith said: “Well, the h- Kansas City - Both were very young. They stood the pretty frocks that children so love, Herald. | take bth your mind's #8 utter blank. | : —Pick Me Up. : branchios the indication is for very foul \ | mind takes a purely social fan. Then, a» the saw that fhe int Cwas greeting one of her danpad Was wt fm the gs. of Living i sfcroaid plebeian shids, sor hast air : : : Addie ix frying them on four her, es fghe fuga the gars paged fowtoam Bridger” But this strock Addie as a Heth foo | vidicglons and, ue she was us plabs, ov | | eryday Arwricsn girl, withoms frais, | she Taughed alond, mach to por wily Cpwether’s dlgemfitore . “i, don’t mind yea wie said | Lerhat's just coe of her when This Lghoes tre for me, and 1 wear fim | Bridaet wonrs sheen, | pore" “The: shoes ary very good hors maid Cmy aguainisnos, “und very math But the silly mother would have pore of it. fhe was furions with her plain woken | dunghver and handed back the shoes. *” the amused and amare] woman. 1osond cnr morvapis diner? she | enid shortly. “Ther will be better Corns, givin Hope to sie yom again Mr et : i And gh swrent out, with her poss in| Bo 2 gin ne my foe sb] eran is ember pe Recorder a regs bot Coatdhops. werd » Cando Cogent 1 dri in | Bre ba fans of p + they Have ali “3 am bard Wp Lp Cof bale : hnerhished. thom of Fhe fn oxi : sep o teday i Bi ¥ ened ‘ 4 of the Erglivh sotil PURE Ioan, dae, fee has aleewdr | bwetisn Boairy yom Bio enpidls tars ree a to Cietral Avior i for gather bestiog Due nf ¢ the Sans | Bea bod fiful bogs § know to 1 Iew bei Plo, & ¥ie hanks £ only 26 yi be 1 tt, of ite erly i» hue. T he notion that device bh tris airaly been made | | mere on Tio sasllost rr e cvor vende are seer] An Lhe wranalactuie 1 fhe neinls size stuin. bracelets, ota bio pe gt Yaing fo being invisible . docking like minute wl, With goed glee, bow PTY Re that rach in fares ogni in tL, | ssndtha of an toch in Jength. In weti- {mated thine a hudy = thimble of aver sige wonld hold 100.600 or them ol Sttemapt §& ever made to coupt those ‘‘siny trivmpbs of wwechaniosl i perY. iey’t other thar to get a beavis for ete pure Yeisen deternsining their pumlwr is 10 © fully count 100 sad then places thers on BAN Weight of these, —8¢. Lewin Republic. ; The Sehasttay aad the Smperor. The organ of the schoolmanters, The!® Allgemeine Deatschs Lehrerpeitung. ro- fates an episode of Kaeser Wilkeim's visit to Wiestades. When be was rid- ing along the Taonos strases af the bead of his suit on Monday, a small boy ran after him and cried out ss be frantic- ally waved his cap, ” Herr Kaiser, Horr | Kaiser, got us a boliday tomorrow!’ dreams wher Cfue pank. snd i fing paced for a Tace +» Va ts ooh by ber sighting dangh- : 3 J Bowen 13 x sate of tev emperor friendly wink to the lad, eslled out, | “We whall manage it." Accordingly oo the next day ail the lads and lasses of the town were informed that the day the! kaiser appears] he was naturally groet- | ed ax a liberator, with the full power of youthinl lungs, Hogs al Storm. Hogs are always more restless than meual on the approach of bad weather, | { and when these animals run to and fro with rsouthfuls of straw, leaves or weather. In their native state pigs prob- { ably made their own beds, and when bad weather was coming perhaps path- fered a larger supply of straw or leaves than nsual 0 serve a8 & profecion against the rain apie iba ans The Enfiaence of Clothon. He—Did yom ever obwervs what a S net ne difference clothes make om one’s mind? | Wow, when 1 am in my riding toms, § I'm all borse; when I have on my busi pews suit, my mind's fall of business] {when 1 get into my seeming arms =r 1 She—And 1 supposes that when you Some Lett. laoghed, and. with a! The Toronto Mail asks, “Did the pre. ] man eat pie?’ If be did, he did at almost asy railroad Sp Clobs 2 ce Hm, He . ww ot Prhompone ki ¥ ow Yar Boa Ee RY SE RAR ns WHICH WATINED. Sasa ne tua ix Leda Vic snek Fire Upay Wrasse. Dreams, Vos grin Varo gsr,’ and im hrewoy Bate largely | sg bie Qnretee Fu the year 1500 a Se Loge on off ne He was ast of te Fhe Wie | Lime daria the same spreding pie iepms £08 tho Anew snd WIC tex hs 2 Y weit Gs 5: Lproepn £8 for nor Si That sight th cially un Bebyest | that sh w as 5 @ fons fad bot lg a waded tie vw havin be FHS WN My hig part. Gx | heres o world win ih rh St a several Mngihs atent ; of a ah Fore sop one she ave Tay Ror thre rg Soma | the 8 iatioy waned # goad ge anti (uring 1 pha poe, dud y Bon begets shia fa dark ERY gay LS sn ¥ ha wk where Bg 3 thw he wr beeiniy » 5 do Then de } ad fll meen the straw, Yi Fr paving and sporting bomdly. T oh wived that be swobe id frmesed that bie eonld In reality beat the be ing the wile of Bix stall He partially Ldressed and ran ont, avd sed Bn moment too secs Sowa misersunt bal thrown & | speak on | Sloth borning sod staked with ofl thremgh the window. This had ignited Lib draw, and in a fow segs more | the horse panet Bave perished, thoogh, ! fortunately, ae it was he wan bos sage ly injured Troster snd Pacer ar a a ASA The Expert Witees The present customs which permite | | each side to call in ts own rapert and | | pay him for bis testimony is calculated | to produce anything bet eipert Sesti mony unless the term sexpert wpplies to _manipaistion of facts tosuit lis cbient's | y case. Jt would be about we coprineive 10 Justice if wach side were allowed 0 re | tain and pay a judge and jury of is own. In fact, the practice is 80 obvioas ly caleaisted fo defeat instead of aid | the ends of jostios thet it ix dificult to |, Ihe mere | ig gee how it veer originated. Ea Jaros i Toe | ¥ respect $d Gredne Wak ay : Aware milex He ; and ie the Elirper The choerfal ton one the shod have bron hit the aid or the farkery oldu’ wo AD {Fura Imtanees Where Dien of Blorses | fren pri {a says thy I 6 Mor the game. : : Wis the woniher is gloomy snd ev. Hy one Joa the lines, it iethe chestill an wis jis ott snd g i penn of wood, iH or if hen ns ive bux spmebody vise do it, and when Tpight coms» big campfire is started hay chore oversbody op 10 the story eilimg point, which pine indicates SE Even psd} Jews wre walcome ia 8 prteran’ . amp when the place ie gioesey. Small Bore sakes fhioge inte RCE. Tiers are gone to dey aronnd and owners to kay thingy, Thee ie 8 ; food supply to pick at, and five 50 wed [8% with, pipes tn bpenk and tin dishes {fo rartle, Ju dosen't tke mach 1 cheer (mys sad owen, Hf daly the right visitor eonves wiomg. The arial of & soiling Way fe sh nhother ony, one day whan thie rat poured did teat once 9p fous sna bad nile ovr her ol SPINE pastrig agus | BY 3 ter “CALLERS LT A Writer's Reuios Fe WE A Ras £35 mehatie | You yirc week, soos ig shes 3 0) wears, and MH oyon & word or fwd he wees ad of the bealeh of the Sivaily. bos set oe erything been don TRUE var rendition ow formality can resecnahly dee mand? i wo have business or seed ine formation that others can ive and wk of them. Be brief, § ann oF be is EE —— Hon eehirm oogh oli” The fact that & witness is employed and ing paid by the defendant or plaintiff on conscinusly enrolls him on that side, and thers are few experts Whose testi mony i not modified by such an ar | rang gent. This customs has led so of ten er A flag captramtiction regarding. the general pabiie bar Jost confideoce in { snch wwtizoony. This im, of course, very |g anfortannte, as it bv beyond question | that » man who bas devoted bis life to s study, for instance, of poisons sod | their effects on the body is in a better | position to judge of the probabilities in | » gives case than the ordinary layman or physician. Under s systess where the | expert is called by the court Do ques tion of bias could be raised, snd science would not be disgraond from time 0 time by those who ure wiilithg to trade on their soicntitie reptitation, — Popular | Science Monthly. Duseesraey and Education. So long as the direction of man’s in- | stitetional jife wan in the hiusde of one | ‘or the Tow the need for a wide diffusion, | of political intelligence Wan not strong: ite correlative in the diatelioal ignoe | | rapes of the maseen There ‘was uo edu | cational ideal, resting apo a social and political necessity, that was broad enough to inciade the whale people, ball | the rapid widening of tise basis of sov- | ereignty has changed all that. Xo deep j er conviction pervades the people of the | Unisen] States and of Frages, who ar the most aggressive esposents of de mocracy, than that the prewrvation ol liberty under the law and of the insti: tutions that are our preciowd possesion and proud heritage depesie upon th intelligence of the whole propia. It on this anshakable foundation that the | argument for public education at public expen really rest — Educational Re | | view, A Man of Abily. Tosson—Jobnson haw®o ability of any kind Jackson — No ability? Nonsense, Why, he can ask you for a kin in such '» way that you thank your ducky stars for the opportunity to accomamodat him. London Pun Parrots are good Baromters Just befor - in the ment talkative. ami The first gt country wan that of New York, rabid 4 act of parliament In ie Ly fein The divine right of kings found ; i ray a an Ty j of dixtrine fall from irs tabi Ceually | am forced to trenthe of such & tis a gossip poisoned stmorphers. This reall™ in another iden of civility, Sand 1 am compeiiod, it a wes victim of his or her whim. ® 1 refums, i: have dose point blank, to present apsell 1 am called a hoor and all man {Pe of ayly nese —Lippincorrs. Strange Begioning of & Friemdahip, I reaneniber the anecdote my stepfa- ther, Count 4 Auve, who sutered Ia Flech before the sige of 8, med no tell ma ay the frat fms Be bad left his mother, and be was ome | what bewildered by the roughness of his ocmnrades, who affected the aire of old troepern To make sare that he was pos 5 mtiksop. one of them, & veteran of If made him lay bis bund Sat on Lethe ground, stepped on is and crushed one of bis Segers. This tormentoe was the future General Borsguay 4" Hillieen eta, who pesriy fainted, bore Bowever, “And thin was the begisting wy stepfather ceed fo add Bail w century Jager, when sacw ing his deforpsed Super, of a frvndebip that Jasviet ail ove bivss’? This happesed prove giter fhe rer empire, When Rowan wirtoes vires emulated, bot one rgd sot infer eas this teciuted fact that wtoivisse Hourishes vigorously in ‘the Frepeh educational system. —Th Benson i Century. A Tinie Gin Riditie. : Soveral children were asking riddles the other day, and a bright Distie girl who listened got the den of whats riddin wan The next day she went wo ber father and said, “There was a blind and ourtaies on S yelaud dhe pots dat and two men | The father promptly gave it wp . when she said, Dan's son see the point?” Upon being soswered in the pegative she pussied ber brains for awhile, and said, “Xai ther do L’" She is mow practicing on riddiss that bave some meaning in them, grep “Husband, what Aid the doctor my. about me?" “He mid that you mun give wp » ligion and take fo drink.” “What? Well, be anid you semst stop doing 0 mich Sharcu work ant isa ug 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers