5 RA ig SN AP RR a Rm vg nA A AE 7 AAA Rad he 0d iS ab BN Be managed to convey the whole Jt is not often nwt. y i has pow Leen ex ity the #ide of & path a few Brndred foot abo matt and within half an hear of the hot fn It wis aban. dunt, and no Gomi sill ds wil atomt the little inn at the Tosa 1.0, 22d i {may be picked in bawifols within 4 eouple of hours’ essy walk from tho tha i That it na ta of fash, Ti i an evr 1 bas po great beanty. The 0 oF three yellowish tufts leomtozodiom, and the a te foot aot ad should be fo tmeated a8 an at0al The sed esn be Ck % and sores tity ; : t 5,004 to 8000 fest] ther. Once it could el i trond, equivalent to | erect 8 Hi sawmill 1 Er ty owner, fuding him seated on a Jog feb | ng ‘Dey yom owe this land” “ign stramger! Fos bite I've bed,” he smewered in a stage whisper. In aboot 8 minute be canght = fish, und I repeated question, Es i alsa I gave bisa 8 chew, and in & fow mimates be sid, ‘Which and? “That land along the road for ? . mile back.’ “ “Whar you fram?" you? “ ‘Five thoossnd acres.’ “What do you ask for tT “E‘Waal, it's worth £20 30 acys, but 3 fe cash I'll swap for §i0 an acer 4} Kain't talk "bout it sow. Hey ter ketch fish fer hemes, neither of ue mying a word, un. of about £087} 431 he arose and started home, while 1} monnted my horse and followed "That night 1 got as far as to see hip - ted pire down 3 covered, a“ Wt they | deed for the land and get a description. i of pale gray velvet, sur. | ‘iets way be oa Bile shor, be said, i Rarvering covered. Tou sriontifie Fa is NG ir SEE BY wn ogsel FIEANE Einy from Sut Bear, - I wich oon #0 the - bejonge has threes or } did mon wast thet tives in the Alps, one of | ¢ iF fos tn : : being alm abondunt | Bow man does Foils want for bis | fa of ? 1 Le) Ege es & of ae i 1 ry ef Twn wooke Yater | rereived on dvd, aver, » vers diffonlt ant to trapsplint paid 21.006, and when sarvevsdl the ] With sap moo. Bometimes he eek | tracy seared SF pores, "we Windhinig ton Siar AA A NASI NCA + | CARLYLE AND THE CABBY. ¥ [Tew the Lattér font ther Tralee of the Great Philomopher. od tba adel iim, when! Sn te was well kaoien to Lopdoni — Servi sw fs rn | i Whar driver froms the rank and refosed } dixtinoti For gears be caged a partio- | 10 have soy otier. This mam, bowever, Jost his costom in x somewliat prouliar BARLEY. $1 Boome medical students got 8 know of his preference for the dives, and, | ¢ bold of the driver one day, they | inquired if he knew who his fore wan, | i. | when be told them be did not. The stu- | to meh ied yl he wean ae of © Perfectly ware,” Jord protengpndl dently. Then, thinking be ought t my in. sided, rie Song oy a i - good 1 a8 "The Newgate Cnlegdi? The grind odd Danfrisnian glared at raptly sround and engaged the pext mb. From thst day Carivie never looked | at him, bot stock 10 the second man, the] oy] 280 | thew iter aos Mvieg 3 fy tate | who happened to have had the monor of | ith such insidious wiles that at slender moral fiber was entirely | down and she fol] a victim oy 0 sindbis urgency, he consid ite at all, Her Piench attendant, ory to her kosbund, but the em- nd * | of water who had been immersed for | periods varying from six months to a | year or more The cells of the body are toointact with maistore. In ; | this remect they way sven be compared | Ee nt rien Aghios 3 a brs ctrvent of watery fiuid, ‘and the ties ceils are all constantly animals. The blood coils ave bathed in this Suid, so thas the contact of water with the living tinge is a penvition closely analigous 0 that | which is naturally maintained whbin | the body. New York Ledger. ; The Atvoupirs. Even if it were possibie for man to live withoot brvsthing air be could met 1 exist oo the earth if 1t were without an Stmcnp here, Plants derive carbon, the most important clement of their food, { from the air, awd without plants there soak be mo food for animais and thre fore no human beings. Water ale § cones froma the stissphers but if there were Bo water there could be seither .{ plants nor anime. I food and water cond be supplied tn sae other way, the world would still be snhabitatie by | ' ages, first Monday after Shs arrange. ad been made the lad did pot white bam hues "You mustu'dgudge by api “ram, aid the stout girl solidly “I've had v1 that chair thorwephly braced with the | J very bost of steel rods, amd it is now plants and animals owing to the severi- £3 of the cold. Without an atiacspbere there would be po winds, sad cote quently DO waves or occas currents The séa—-if we inay suppos one (0 have | een sapplied by some gniaown canse bi a stagnant — “uninbabit | Sble by seaweed or fsb. Exchange a fo nig 1 A Thoughtfel Girl, "No wonder ths pleasures of court ing have declined.” said the stoat Jouth Jus Jock af the fisusimess of i chairs Xp And be poised to a slender affair of : with pile, sevip to stand a pressure of 60} 1 Then they bx final test ~Cicreiand Plain iy 5 driving most of the distinguished men | of the century. — Pittsburg Dispatch, The — Eamdlady, A friend of mine chamged hin boned: ing place lust week gotag $0 one of those hooses that advertion home coms generally mane That Se ir 8 perso who will pry inte one's private affaive | and read long letters Joft lying alot, This particular landlady happens to re. guard drinking and smoking «8 pation | friend began 1 praise anew beaeed of tobateo af the diguer table the other ght she an Iu her Shause and promptly | shipped nly the = poayrersation. “Smoking makes gen nitorly sellah she mail, sa a stardbr enusclating bes wordy aa if ale wigs Ring ow into. yrmonaedrioad bile My fend was dd fir a mcment. for be had pot mech experienc: with people who denchmes evorything a whong which they do not persinally fancy, but be quiekly recovered sad ao- swerad "Possibly #0, bat afer all ive a stand off, for af stinence from smking | sem to make pe iple denondly impolite, Ot ipomibly yoo indulge a Rok? Soy | sory of the gs enjoy tively cignreties sines and aid alle, hard Nw they study a rongt map and Jewrn to mse a monkey wench.’ "we Washington Star. Cs escent itr ope en A letter posted in New York will be delivered in Banghek, Siam, £0 dary} {ater, via London, and in 43 days via San Francisco ; A quare of butter, pe a ‘um 1 sastty weighs exorcly 16 canoes; when tard, the weight is silghtly greatir. Wii i How much land have oF ont oar og Beside bien for three! ‘sn I rockon Dd tale $40 for it without | him, granted out sorupiing, tarmed ab | forts and a motherly Janllady, which | lar devices of the devil, so when my | know. pa ¥e naw: American, ost ore waif wane darn vw wtpeecn vilorele selin ld | potions and otiver miaail article {ii order | to gain fivelibood But be (hem not "ay long at & fime, borane he, Fen to ey ay » pi tadkond to te1l hive what is going on. by hin moreory and says that he can be un find his way back without assist thw same faculty s cof in said fo have and exervises it in the same way. bere sas water, ste. When be wants | and has 3 trouble, 4 1 oan do thin’ he saws chines 15.0% jot the sams ae if & man & ight being Ble, but it be sw a thousand other things bs oonld pot. I know just how cis impelsbomibidh pl ond without even using my cane sours T am helped » grout dead ‘By the people or: they koow I am blind EE ———— rooms Tor me. "ten Francimeo Call. A CASE. of TELEPATHY. Time of Her Death. 42 rl called Se A es the dam inte the room. Bad all was | silent. No one was thera. The dust Jy- ing about showed po signwof footpring | Bboruiy after the same young lady | was reading on the hearth rug by fire | light Looking np. she bebodd the old | lady Sanding in She Sdocruuy Watching | referved to. The young hady very an 1 willingly told ber exporicnoos. The vis | itor seemed mnch strack and owked for | | a0 arcnrake description of the old lady. “Por,” sid she, “that boss belonged | to ten odd budieg wistere, and wien they | fet their boos they went to reside at by himself. He mys he is always well | treated wad finds people only tos willing | According to Watkins’ story, be sf able fo do these remarkable things solely 1 ance. Io this respect bee meray to have When the blind man desires 10 goto] # certain piace be has never beso taken | 18 before, Be is Jed to 31, and as be goss | 4 | along he takes mental note of sli the | plvjects Be passes. Here fea romgls cross | Ling, bere sores sephaitnm puvemesnt, | | here a dirt rosd with some statue on it, | to retary, be takes thes fn rows tam onder “sig beewyne J 4.87 son a lot of things! o that distract me. me. Vomconld 45 the suis) 5 Shi] SHOVE Maybe in mmile 1] y have 5 remember a few who sould ses wos taken thoooth a dark | s ! alley, Int ny once in awhile was |? given s glizapee (f his sarroutuiings by | inspas 1 3 on He conid re | member what Be saw without suy tron. j many gaps 1 ia fom the domes $0 A gestiemen tank & owns in: eeland | taken anfwhere and made to tors ss! yo MANY COtTers a8 desired, and that be} F One Lay Append tn + Viden ot he PE Geneva. (One of them, answaring exaot- | died at the time iy saw ber appear.” : “Beal. : The Greta . Parirnit; The Geivlan prirtrait seems {ow per | footion of fhe human ype tn uy, aed rare. Iooit the lise of the nove § Hoe of G0 baad, The bioblov at thee root of the pose alueet ef ied, aad | the prominence of the nosy 1 aitened, Whe absclate Girewiag profs wound | therfore bes represented in a drawing | by a single contipuons Lue fog the fore sian uroils, The forehead sionid not progie, —~Popular Selenoy % Monthiy. Wire Serato = She Street Car. Sncbiy-—I had to giv ap mie seat in the caz to aa Irish woman today, ye Cobly—Howiblel How wae that? Soohly--i3be that she didn’y expect un seal, beoanes ali the fellows in a's mn) 3 hard- nbd iF to the description yen hatw given, | be receding. This marks the distinction | between the Grevian and the Egyptian | .- » aving wk last the family revares to Dutt’ One xo i yoLnis. day when a friend wae cailing the cari- | Kan ous incident wivich I have narvated wan | artists copy it, althongh #0 iy homaliy eat . or Jess pootoctly the pradompation of the TRAIN #6 ioyess Barmoot at Ika ma, i ho - Wdawwy a 1208 noon ata Lae a RSwAT 4 AND > CLEARFIRLD » » DAILY EXCUFESUNBAY head and pose. Yor another condition wo ia essential for obtaining the Bue Cire remarked to a friend] ery Spear 8 Victor Emmanael of Italy wa desig: oF ois pelituaen ot emnne hn o | Whe now moon Paling betwiui hud G 10 8m. in the winter time wenne cold gh min if the wind is from the west or! scathwest, wod snow if from (he enst
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers