aie AS . a fall. Our a | people, for the people, to be paid for by | the people if we are jucky. Our relig- { ion orthodox, with a firm belief in hell for delin , subscribers. Our motto "Take all in sight and rostle for more. Our policy to love oar friends and smite thee on one cheek swipe him with haste and dexterity at the butt of the most convenient ear. What we sdvo- cate--one country, one flag and one wife—at a time. Our object—to live in As a role they are coltid at at the , United Staten Mint—that Is 08s way. to maje dollars ly by saving, ya manny vo Web Don’t Care to Boast As to having the lirgest stock of fShoes, an we we have not been | around to exsniine other stocks, and themsfore might be telling antrathe. The | thing we aim to avoid in all oor advertisements is filsehoods. of ; ars political speakers, clergymen, o> Lowi D. Stern, of Altoona, was o tingersand.others who ose the voice i guest at the Patton hotel one day last | | excessively, rely upon One Minute § week. | Cough Cure to prevent huskiness and | i laryngitis. Its value as a preventive is — McGeary and P. B. Congrove, of | on1y aqmailed by its power to afford in- : Gallitain, were in Patton on business | stantaneous relief. C. W. Hodgkins, | Monday. Patton Pharmacy. 2 Fri - ¥ ows. = Ba clot Good for old and young. We know , BelPs store. - oy ires Improved Rootbeer. Te ro wart 1 Le buried In a pitoh in that we are able to knock out all com Geo. G. Snyder and Wm. Warfel, of Jicions, effervescent, king, apetis- | pine coffin with our face downward, : quality considerad. ie ills, stopped at the Patton imp he that, enriching the 88% | with a clan shell in each hand so we d sta m Satandsy Bn le ho," F 10 where we nieng Better Goods, all New Stock, ™ | Bailey's big show at Johnstown on Sat- | advances of disse. A package makes Oyster Supper and Dance. For less money; hetter quality for ‘less prof y. {urday, October 10th? five gallons. Hold everywhere. The An oyster supper and dance will be | more setiafaction (hess av the inducenuini we | tired campaigners ‘will find it very re- be given in the Firemen's hall on | a | | Sa MOUNTAIN SHOE STOR When We Boast We like to boast shout somethi we know tobe facts. Our boast when Jt comes Ww low prices, : freshing during the campaign marches. | Thursday evening, October 1, 1806, for | The Pittsburg Daily News is just the benefit of the Patton Fire compuny. on | abont six months old. It is » Republi- Supper wil be served from 5 to 8:30 p. pleted dwelling can evening newspaper of eight pages, m. No dancing until after supper. Br Eo fonts printed, and served by mail or | Ice cream will be served during the : carrier at ome cunt 4 copy, or §5 a year. | evening. Good music will be in at Eyes tested free every Tuesday BY | The Daily News aims to be a paper for tendance. : om Piper, graduate in Optics, at 5 the home, snd it spares neither iabor Botel, Toesdays. | nor expense to cater to the family cir 'g ma mama Well we have oj It claims to have been phenome- Attractive Bar oii in & fine assortment. 500. for | najly successful in its efforts. It is only Note the se panic | prices: Se | the best, 6c. for the others at Bell's. Fitiaburg dally with a page devoted °F Best black ink per! Swipe tion | Wm. Piper, graduste in Optics, will entirely to women. If you have not od EE Or an In L. A. W. BuRetin. | refand your money If you are dissatis | seen it you can get a sample copy of it | Very nice shirt waist sets - , : fled. At Commer 1 hotel Tuesdays. hy mail free of charge. Fine pear seta . Our $10.00 clay suit guaranteed to be It is sorprising to many that foot Ladin cole buttons, silver top, sll wool, fualtiess in fit and workman- | ball players and other athletés regard Children’s school bags Q {ship. Don’t fail to look os over first | & sprain or bruise of so little conse | Ladies’ skirts or hi gone Lor last, we can sell you.—Bell. iquence. Ome reason of thin is, they Infanva silk caps 0, 15, 28 | The merchants of Patton are hustlers | Know how to treat such injuries 80 as: nice sacques . which is easily to be seen by looking st 16 recover from them in afew days, | «© yeils 18 the tasty window displays in their While others would be lnid up for two Very nie Tam (’Shanters stores. ‘They are up to the times. | or three weeks, if not longer. Writing | Best silk ribbon, 2 in. wide, There was no end to fakirs at the from Central State Normal School, |p by ribbon, per yard : Best elastic, 1 in. Wide, por yd Lock Haven, Cwrrotitown fair this year. The ones = Pa, Mr. W. H Losch, ¢pun : "| who could not. get inside of the gates captain of the tase ball club and gym- | Ladies’ wrappers sobbed the people on the principal | nasium says: “Y take pleasure in stating + " warranted not to he w street. that members of our baseball club and | ticod MAT . myself Bave nosed Chamberluin’s Pain | Gaeta nty , A hacking cough is nat only 800% | Balm with most excellent results. |. © ; ; ing to others, but is dangerons to the npeitatingly recommend it sa the | Wash robbers : . ‘15 prices to suit all. Ask my clerks to show them to you. 1 | jurson who has it. One Minute COUgh | peut remedy for sprains, swellings, cute | (00d brooms = 3 for - 3 know you will be pleased. (are will quickly pat an end 40 It | und braises, of any that T know.” For 1 0 grentent corn a rover of re, ieby 6 W. Hodgkin Futon Fur. ee y : W. Hodgkins is making pre » ae the a i get your back. At no time in the history of Patton has there been such a Whaddon ve store ig on the rmsd i ii The world’s stove polish os large and magnificient stock of corner of Beech and Fifth avenues, County Sent Lotter, : Good large e Auris | A SHOPS ar i BU | SHOES! SHOES! OE an "i heated by hot water. The radiators Esmsponc, Pa., Sept. 28, 1596. - D —y Eg ol —— | have arrived and will be placed in . Harvey Brickley, one of Cherrytree’s We are leading them am sv si i ry ine O00 ot 1S few days. | liverymen, spent a few hours in Ebens- | self. ; 2 ‘as are on my shelves. [I haven't nearly enough room to dis- play them, consequently there are many pretty things in my oC Hobtard, the contractor, bas Ll S. ~Shoes Na at reasonable prices, » I am fully convinced that the Ladies of Patton appreciate ‘or and demand that which is up to date. What part of their 05 attire are they most par rticular about? Why their Shoes of ‘75 course, That is why I have put in the elegant line of Shoes oo Which are positively the very latest out. Such as the 20th ‘ss Century, Low Cut, Large Button; also same thing in lace; 18 also a large assortment of Oxfords m both tan and black, Patton, Pa. | } ! | Like to state that if afi any tree you desire anything from City I will cheerfully get it Yor you at exactly the same price would pay if you were right in Wanamaker's store yourself. Kindly give me a call and be convinced that | am selling the Have your eyes examined youn goods for as little mony as you will find in litrge cities. by LT Graduate in Optics, at Com mercial Hotel Tuesdays. = Ashyslie Lotter, ASHVILLE, Pa. Sept. 28, 1596, and Winter They cannot fail to please you, The partment for little men stock is all new, up-to-date in every variety Clothing and Ladies’ New stock of Fabrics for Fall Cc APES, Come in Fur, Boucle, Ker sey, Bloe and Black Beavers. We have many stylos for you 3.50 4. 35. of fine material, lpn i up at $2.75, $5.90, We are told daily by many that they have seen nowhere All-wool Suite as good as we show you for 8.90, 8, 10 and $12. We show in our Ex- clusive Children’s De wear. On next Saturday evening, October pletion.— Lock Haven Democrat. * 3, a festival and oyster supper will be held in St. Thomas’ hall for the benefit Jue. B. O'Connor, Esq, F. P. Martin, | ‘burg on Sanday. We ary closing out our shirt waists at stock which I know you have never seen. Just think, beauti- Democratic meeting beld here on Fri. The carpenters commences work on | | doesn’t know that he dosen't know it, j aout % ware there on Friday. ¥ —-y Wan. | be doen't know. Ex. | Julian Bt. x bol | Martin and Louis Nemson, all of AL. ithe Palmer house this (Thursday | morning at 10:30 and will close on Wed that ¢ cannot be had in my store. : | { styles whether you want to buy or not. where she will teach the Beech Grove literally. i fall and winter suiting and overcoating | night by Frank Davideon. The piay ceive the the atmost Care. John Hatherall, who was a minerand Pbia, this afternoon. | puper forwarded to that place. as low as can be for good new stock purpose whatever, shall have the amy Mrs. D. G. Myers, landlady of the o Times Is a new exchange be held to include typewriting. This ypewrlting. This, __, tere on Saturday. have been awarded the contract for | Maggie ant Esther Delazier drove at 3 2.3 Ry h Cheryioe on Crmaaeogue raion, + branch of the Yoon o Mm. ¥ Myem. of this If you wear one of our Nobby Suits at #5, #4, and $12, ent in the latest fad, made well, vou count x ten- All ready for your inspection. The Ebenshurg Mountainer says that of the Catholic church of this place. gard for the shape of the wh foot. Every vear has seen improvement in shoe making, and the fall styles are oom. ¥. which kas been sold and the purchasers to which a large crowd is expected. At Our ‘ gherry, oak, hickory, bemiock, etc. em- News being as scarce as vgolid hats’ and Thomas J. Itell, Esq., of, Freeman B. Williams, of Patton, was | | half price, b a es Siew Roa > hand A. Shoemaker, Esq, Among Thursday's visitors to Ebens- | G. 0. Brady, Prop, tel of Ebensburg, were speakers at the DOTE. ’ : | ful wash Silks at 20¢. per yard-—can't be beat in Phila. You day night. Oh in Jat # week. ‘the will find my clerks only too glad to have the pleasure of | The fellow who doesn't know ARY-| (noun Fair on Thursday, sod | howing these goods to you. ‘about the money question and | ¥ i ) | io who usual moet persist Miss Roe Mills, of Kane, and Mm | It is a well established fact that nothing but the very Ee vant io pagers wit wh Harry Mills, of Philadelphia, are the choicest | : : guests of Mr. snd Mrs. E. J. Lather, of | Louis G. Hoover, Chas. 1. Lowe, Ed. There are foar families of this place , Chas Krugh, J. D. Regad, | mi ted with scarlet fever. The Cen: | Cal. Knippar, Jos. M. Garvey, E. J. ’ tral Hotel bas been closed on that se- : | toona, composed a bicycle party which | "28" ©. Loo devotion is being are on my shelves which I aim to sell at the very lowest : 5 rs gry Ty | visited Patton on Sunday. held in the Holy Name charch in this: prices possible. sea Alex. Bmith, The Tailor, will be at pigce. They nommenced on Sonday My stock 18 complete. There is scarcely an article in use " | for fall ad Winter wistiing ever am Aver. of thin plow, de HU [UUl LVR! \ » -— : : + brought to Patton wwe parted yesterca Chest townsh ¥ ¥ for in Not only figuratively wl] i Don’t forget to call on Alex. Smith /nebool, which opened this morning. Pat the Palmer house this (Thursday; “Old Farmer Hopkin’ was pro- The most sensitive organ in : ‘evening and examine the finest line of duced at the Opera House on Friday the body, the eye should re-| ever known in Patton. Prices to suit was splendid and the audience large. the times, and styles to suit the most Mr. H. J. Buck, of Carroll township, | | fantidions. shipped a car load of sheep to Philadel | and worked in Patton for the past two A protracted meeting is being hed at years, left here for the west about two the Christian church, at this place. , months ago. Word was received last Ba. Craver biked” it to . Cry eg : ville, Silver Bow Sounty, Montana. and relatives ‘Mr. Hatberall i» an ardent reader of Boys school shoes $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 the PATTON Coumimr and ordered his pi omulets stock, and the prices sre A new law in this state provides that Beil, Shoe Dealer, | typewriting, heretofore executed (and all that may hereafter be done, for ne Pp sees rs ndiauey. Accommodations ex. writing and that the word “writing” Ashville house, attended the Carroll. r f vecuring in the laws of the state shall OWS ffs Jt Thursday : Rows Leary, of Cheat Springs, was a to the CoUriER's list. It is a is the first state that has thus legalized : well edited journal, and its the work of the typewriter. Mrs. David O'Connor, of Altoona, i: : visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- George 8. Good & Co., of this city, yp Cole, lant week aw | constructing 800 yards of masonry and Sund Dr 3. Weida, and | for an earthwork fill of 2,000 yards in. Wii . is tmind fe. of Al : | Potter county. The contract is on the toons, spent Sunday with the latter's YOUNG MAN line running from Lawrenceville to Ulysses. Work will be begun at once dollar bill you save by staying away from the tailor. r to We w and will be pushed an early com SHOES. Made of finest well treated leather, on lasts which were fashioned with some ros another large sale of timber land has Maitland's orchestra will furnish the fortabie enough, stylish enough and pretty enough to please the modt fstiduons, and to fit the most pecaliar-shsped been made in Blacklick township. This music and every preparation is being foot. School shoes a specialty. OF time it is the well known Reed tract made to make it a grand success, and Glance Y are Messrs. Crosman, Goss and Creery, Everybody are invited. of Cherrytree. The tract consists of Charles Adams and wife, of Altoona, : 534 mores, heavily covered with poplar, | are visiting relatives bere, u 4 Ta L gy : bracing several million feet. The work in our town we will not tire you this Windon Y . a i 3 -- ’ : ; ny - o of cutting will be commenced In the time, and will try and*do better in the La a Ll : i ™ pi! a 8 ¥YX'4y ; wy 1 {pee on — 00D BUILDING, PATTON, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers