718 How. vie SE i He Hani 1 or | onnwee weer i ho Ix Nomisuted “for Senator After a HW Julidut mii! | To bo Het ed (host & Surin fn Monduy, | The Repubiican conferees of the Cambria County Pomona Grange, Here and There bY Thirty-fifth senatorial district held And Takes Action on the Com- No. 5, Patrons of Husbandry, pod Estimates Given Out by Both HC mrier! their first seasion at Holidaysbury Mon- convene in the hall at Chest Spri ‘Courier”’ Reporter. : ngs ‘Co trier a poss "day. Upon the eighty-first ballot the pulsory Schon Law. on Monday, Ontober th, 1800, ut 400 1050] Big Parties. FE 2s ve aie & | was made the amanimous choice of the | IMPORTANT SESSION. will be devoted entirely "io he regain | CUT THIS REPORT | conferees. | i business of the Grange, also in bearing | oe ihe New Ralirond From. The bone of contention Between the | | Night Schon! Will be Meld—Collsetion (report of secretary of Patrons of And Paste kt in Your Har and Compare 0 Sy I rieal candidates, Mr. Btineman and of Funes Urged. . Husbandry Fire Insurance cotipany | Figures su November Sih. : ypelsngifed Dr. D. J. Appleby, of Blair, was the| The Patton School Board at thelf and reports of seorvtaries of Subori- On Monday Coven Grogeeter sion to be United States senstorabip, and the re- | reguisr meeting September 21st 400k | nore Granges. of Athens, O., gave out » table of stk the necessary steps to comply with the. Thre sflerncon session will open at mates of the: able result of the '» has been | Joba Wanamaker. provisions of the compulsory educs- 1.35 yslock. The following program | Prsidential election. Commencing on to Goo. 8. Good Company, At the evening session the following ition law and on and After Monday, | wii be rendered: Relect reading by iE, ve sayw: : ood. who looks fier the in- resolutions offered by the Appleby con. | October 5th, all children of the rey Charlotte Will; discassicn on | | teres the company, has been going fercon wore unanimously adopted: quired age not then in attendance at lime, opened by Jos. O. Brown; elec | oral votes, r M over the line of survey all this week “Resolved, That the nominee of this | the public schools of the borough OF sn and installation of officers of ley, ms I hed my table as follows: farting crews of men to work at conference shall support for United elsewhere will be required to attend. popgna Grange for the coming | Soir England ee States senator the person indicated by | [The board sincerely hopes that the yo, years; a talk on Grange Works vis drat se wil be sommenced im. the unanimons vote of said confer. parents, recognizing their dnty onder yo Ww EK Douglhus: recitation by | ion ries sn tp psd io the law, snd the obligations of the fvory; a talk on poultey wn ig Bome heavy work | Thereupon the following resolutions, { board, will cheerfully comply with its py pr, A. Somerville; the Pomona, or oho. "... on the grading, there be- offered by W. I. Stineman, son of the Toirementa, thus avoiding any Ne any, degres, will be conferred at 4:30 niles... Targe cuts to Xe BOAT | nomines. were utianimonsly adopted: comity for extreme measures upon the | grcjock. { Mnigun % “Whereas, It is the opinion of the |Past of the roid. the ; or The night session will be open and | ate co. that. the rallrond is being conference that the Hon. Jobu Wana | h £¢ ton with school awe of goo for everybody, and will be called | HR of maker, of Philadelphia, is admirably | this Commonwealth this law is mand | order promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Fol Kentnexy equipped by eduestion and training tory in its character and provisions Bin | Limp is the program: Song b {i on i: : the interest of the fatare welfare of the | Boy 5 , fart t for the high office of United Sates Sen. wi oa | Plinton Grange choir; recitation, Annie | Ca iforola Patton is sure to continue to be ator; and Sn Fen; shea che hally Soceptad J. Garrett; solo, Miss Sasle Ricketts; Thoni Hee the leading railroad centre and metro “Whereas, We Believe his slection to 304 Mos bo COmPIEC WE wmay? To what extent should s farmer Fore ins total of 208 votes, ar 54 | polis of Northern Cambria. that office will reflect honor upon the FO formation of parents the be a student and what should he mre thd safficient to elect. | ocome bi iy They Want a Nehoid. ‘Republican party of the Common. emi oF she ow 1s antic: following yeudy * Lonis E. Kaylor; recitation, 10 some sistes thal are still in doubt : trou es ana in- RSH that cithrens tarroll | wealth; and tion i Jobin McCann; solo, Mim Eva {ates to wit: y hp : Bisesisom a of arr a “Whereas, We believe him fo be the “Act of May 18, 1598 Bev. LXX VIII | Aprangements are being made to! Kansas, 10; Nebraska, 8; North Car ward it o ; the mines west of Patton, aod the Overwhelming choice of the Republi. Beit enacted and that every parent, have some of the officers of the Penn- otina, 11; North Dakota, 3; Wyoming, reve t sohool direstor of that district, Mesars. | ontn of this, the Thirty-fifth senatorial guardian or other person in this Com- | gylvanin State Grange at this meeting 3 Total, 35. on Col ty Dumm, Geo. Baker, Bd. Bender, | district; therefore he it | mcmrwealth having cotitrol or charge of | for the purpose of giving instruction “Of the remaining states Lounisana, AY. Du M Dumm, Simon Link and! “Resolved, Tiat the nominee of # child or children between the ages of In Grange work and education. ARS; Tennesse, 13: Missonel, 17; Texan, Geo, E.'Misel, are at loggerheads. The this conference be, snd he hereby is Leight and thirtewn yuars shall be re. Patrons coring by rail will be met at 18; Virgirda, 12. Total, 64—are one or | cltisens above referred to have asked instrocted to cast his vote for Mr. | quired to send such child or children to Ashville station on the Cresson & mirire of them within the line of possi | the directors of Carrol) township for a | Wanamaker so long aa his name is be- | a school in which the common English Coalport railroad. [bitity. 1 might almost say reasonable : of for the establish. fore the legislature. ” ‘branches are taught, sod sach child or INE FW. CLARK CASES. | probability. 16 children shall attend such school dor | vo |" goncede to Bryan and Watson or ] ent of 8 school in that vicinity ss the. County Sent Lotter. ing ut) sixt waka of sach year | Matioas for Arrest of Fridgernsat snd “in ran amd Sewail the 2% , y | 1, “which i near the Stritt. Expand, Pa, Sept. 21. 1608, in which schools in their respective | New Triwi -Rensons There, yan a sti | mutter farm on the Carrolitown road, In court at Ebensburg Friday, H. W. | Arinnans to tr ok i to, the The jury commissioners sre busy districts shall be in session, unless such for FW. erg Sosend their children Lo, the gijing the jury wheel and drawing the child or children sball be excased from. | Searey, acesicll for Clark, made | Finds. istance being fram 0 jurors for the next term of cor. ! oh attend by the 1 od of the|® NOU for & sew iris} in the five opti. to, About 20 Pattonites attended court hoo district in which the t counts for forgery and five for passing | | Hhminaippi Jie movement u the Monday for the. in Ebensburg on Thureday. guardian. or other person parent: forged inttruments on the Altoona ra { brought against townahip | Moser Price Davis and w Jj Upon the presentation to the said board | 310% % Loan smociation, nays the | 3 th Carita amon at soe py a yt on Ta y. child or children are prevented from losing for fou of thom: i hese. are ¢ practically » ware for the t According to the evidence There are over 300 pupils enrolled in | attendance at school or application to | iy bt the err na papel Thoms aithough there may be a | talon there would be over sixty pupils the Ebenaburg high school. istudy by mental or physical or | September 9th, while the defendant, possible diwpute. | wha would attend the soho Tr tab Revel Somerviile, Patton's prominent | other urgent reasons; Provided, was in Jat and on the 10th day of Fryum's Managers Keinate The was | attorney, attends court in hensbarg | that in cise thers be no public Septem September, about § o'clock In the The followin estima of | abe d. The matier Jel lant week. {school in wession within two miles | BOTRRE: he bs wan taken before: Justice | . and of the P. Yahner, Jones, of Ebensburg, when electoral vote in November wa given r Hast: ho wanspponied by the Jou. Shosmakir has improved his of the nearest traveled road of any My Clark demanded a hearing and an gut Pridiy at Chicago by the managers | honse one Main wtreet by the addition | person. within the school district | opportani to have his counsel aoart to take testimony in regard to i J OF bis campaign: 4 : ; y ; (of a new porch. He has als: placed & | he or she shall not be liable to pro. | Prescot proceedings were held | | | the new school, who will report m00m | oy fence around his residence. | visions of this Act; Provided, that this | 720 about two hours when be was Jiu. and his decision will be final. If be Frank Davidson's Comedy company ‘Act sball nok apply to any that | SE ew © right to Procare his the | ngage AW fb 5% | Id 2 1 isi 32 ae Fh 9 | fade that the iceetors fafied to do 90 | iti produce Farmer Hopkins in the has been or is being otherwise in- | trial, and the proceedings bufore the | . { Opera Hous on Priday evening. This structed in the common English | Justice returned to court, when {court will huve the power to sppoint | company has been in Ebensbu el {indictments were sent. to the grand | {six pew school directors. The action | rg =v branches of learning for a like per- and troe bills were found thereon © bof the Inspector will be watched with {eral times, and they have always had 8 jod of time, and provided farther, and filed tn court on the 10th day of | | ranch interest by those interested. {fall honme, that the certificate of any prin- September. : Edwin Craver, of this plu, rides & | cipal of any school or educational In the fifth count the reason was that | Toielana ASed Accident. “bran new bicycle.” " institution or of any teacher that the information did not charge the lL! on Friday evening Frank Kinkead, Summer boarders are till lingering | ‘any child has been or iv being in- defendant with the crime of forgery. [lisnesi. .. | the well-known proprietor of the Kin- in Ebeusbarg despite the cold wenther. | sruoted imned to such child or ita And in all of them it i» held that the | finns Pet 3 Kend restagrant, on Fifth Avent, had There are 37 goests aff Maple Wood | parents of guardians shall be sufcient court did not have jurisdiction, if the Montana ‘Springs. This resort will close Oc-| and satisfactory evidence thereof” records count, aa the proof was that [ovada. log between the knee and thigh. | tober 1st. action was also take by the the mortgages were oeed in Blair RSs EAE i Mis Blanche MeKenrick, danghter || rard county. eos | om pelied to use crutches to enable him | of J. F. McKenrick, of this place, left bok lebie anes I ort ob | A motion in arrest of judgement was oa [fe : to get around and be certainly will re. on Monday evening of last week for years the tax levied for school pur. also made on the ground that the de- : T— Hs {osive the sympathy of all who knew Rhode Inland where she will attend. a feodant had been committed to the iN. a {him when they learn of the above ac- | achool. | poset has Bob fally available for | ov jail and was In the custody of Waitin #ident. After be received his injury’ Mm. Vinson, who conducted a candy gre a purposes during Der the high sheriff for committing an EEL Hr bo: Pitnie linen. IWR Csi . Leitasey nt eas CETTE - ——_—. ; 4 0 id Ra boson kk FoR RE LEER pf LI LEIA FEE EA EE ey terra thus embarrassing he was ‘at once removed to his home store in this piace for the past two School Board in providing fands for ‘alleged crime, and while so confined a | Wyoming jand on Satarday was taken to the! years, left for Panxsutawney lost week. oo, of teachers and current ex. tonstable having & warrant from a Teotad. ior a = ¢ hospital at re woudprmniiitn linger in business in | penses. Therefore, be it resolved, that justice of the peace took him therefrom | | Thome stanton give Xe Bryan 1 was placed under charge : p they expect to make | the attention of the collector of taxes And to the justios’s office; that the slates, with secs vote ik ¢ on Washingtan Cam impo. 34, Shte houte Shere be and is Bereby called to the require- whole proceedings were illegal, and | [1 ie ais claimed that Now. Yai and | was & member, looked. fer the ag | Foreman Jobn F. Jess. Sanger ot ot of the § Laws of J Indlctments Soy nal ds we —— | forts of Mr. "Kinkead darin Ne trig 0) ir acto ff with tov corrliages | Foray lua, vis: Sec. OLVI and. | ¥ Meanwhile Mr. Clark keeps up his) - s : fA oy Burfi of the | CLVIIT Act of April 15th, 1854, Sec. 49, » a » Selon Bell Reguiation. Philipsburg person two of stomach, ie hope of her Fe page 519 and conditions of collector's courage. He an interviewer that | a | covery Parents will please notice the fol- oi 1s 3D. ur, he Frank Ponsington and) gavery warrant requiring the settlement in De Was depending entirely on hel... .guiagons which will govern | Manager WaRifoah Resigned. full of school tax duplicate not later Lord. He says the Lord has never yet, the ringing of bell and admittance of Good Geta Another Content. | F. E MeEifrowh, the present general than January lst, 1897, with notice that forsaken bim, and will not now. a, pupils to school building for morning _ George 8. Good & Company have manager of the Patton Clay Manu- conditions ns above muse be strictly his belief, his present rathen nodesir- | Lon: First ringing of bell st S:30 a. i taken & contract from the Fall Brook facturing company, the COURIER re- adhered to for rensons stated. able condition is merely chuutioment | _ : second ringing at 9:30am. ; morning >. railroad company for masonry and {frets vary wish to & inform the public, Petition being presented requesting for something he has done Shus ot | #ession open at 9 a. m. For afternoon | grading in the Cowanesque valley, in | has tendered his on owing 10 | the board to opan a night school was | Ploases the Lord, ARI he beeVes XY popuiouy boll will ring at 13:48 p. m. and 1 Say Messrs. Good & Com- the fact that his interests in | taken up and considered. The decision be weil in | session open 38108 p.m. No pupils pany will commence the work im- Penrith, W. Va., compels bis immediate of the board in the matter being as All the Eititor fas to Do. “will be admitted to the building until | mediately. —Lock Haven Express. attention. The management of the com- | follows: Whereas, the board is pro- All a fellow has to do to Fun & REWS- |, winging of the bell 10 minutes be- el Ladi pany as well as the citisens very much viding schools at a heavy expense paper, saye.an exchange, a fobs able fore opining of each session, 8:50 & m. {You are y invited to coll ind | regret this move becoming necessary on which are open to the petitioners as a weit 4 pact; dietus the fueifl UM: and 12:05 p.m. Ibis hoped that these 8 ator pons! rally foe of oo M1 | the part of Mr. McEifreub, bus all wish well as all others and feeling that the Pir® 3 gume, edding, | ulations will be observed by pat- | winter cloaks and | him prosperity in his future enterprise. benefit to be derived would not justify saw wood, beat a lawyer, dencribe a. of the school and that pupils will F-cloaks and capes. ‘The plant is expected to continue right the additional expense at this time, fire so that the readers will shed their |, 10 giowed to start to school until ja © MIBKINARKUSER. | ok in fis present prosperous con: they therefore deem it unwise to com. | Wraps wake a dollar do the Mork of | tne ringing of. the bell for admittance, Sewer Work. dition. ply with the request of the petitioners ten, shine at a soiree, abuse the liquor, ., ging much annoyance to teach- hg Jarek, Fa Sept. 18, 1596. | Tn Wanted. for reasons above stated. habit, tet whiskey, subscribe 0 char. 4g Jissatisfaction on the partof _ Bealed addressed to Borough derstands | parents and scholars oided. Engineer, Patton, Pa., will be recived th ea) I sist he rising Ascoptad the Call. {bary, wear diamonds, larva a ri By Order of the Bourd atil ber 24, 1896, for con- once. Apply at the residence of E Rev. N. O. Patterson, of Ansonville, Hsements, ¢. C. Caowsiy, Pres all material | | Will Greene, Palmer avensn, Patton, | has accepted the call to the pastorate of deitight Jumplsn rs GH CuBPMAN, Sec’y. the Patton Baptist church. He expects Minister to the afflicted, oa to move to Patton about the first of mani, ght ton fib mt type, Oyster Supper and Danes. The Central hotel of this piace was October, when he will take charge. mould opinions, sweep the office, speak An ovuler supper and dance will be Air {purchased by A. 1. Hopple Thursday | rut macht cad stand in with given in the Firemen’s hall on Thum : Abe sa amount he thee | consideration of $6,600. The Something Special everybody and everything. An editor. day onHing, Sctoter a: Jou, fe Whe if WE be seen at | former proprietor, Mr. D. C. Sullivan, Anyone residing within a radios of Ban's much © do, ag ho? Engineer. | will move into his property opposite ten miles of Patton who buys $15.00 We ect any or all bids is the railroad station. a wis ot wr wi wh od, = i prietor is a popular young man of an ceive his or her car free both ways, ioe fall and Winter SNR: ‘cal and, . RC. Brown, obliging deposition and wil ua dusts from us. Muy & Kusnen, : sh oF .
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