res ore of 14 109. hy » Patton base ball club has retired : for Sp atten’ with an exceptionally good re ord for a country dub. Ont ‘of 35 games played this season the I seven and they : layed with some of the strong “The clad ‘has played MOTE CAMs ‘with the different clubs from Altoona than any other, having played six with Defiance, two with the Happy Bills, two with the Millville Blues and 13 games in all from that ity. In these 11 gates our boys lost one to the | Happy Billy, one to the Defiance, and | winning all the rest. Manages, Som. erville and Dale, and Captains Dale and Reilly re to be congratulated in = the mannet in which they, with some ig, kept the club together m, while “Pop Moors | end with H m by & score of 12 to 11, and in the second game only four innings | werd played; which resulted in a sore of $104 the game ining calied on ac Pays on Stary. TATION. 2 w Hisesilasuns' a a ue » % t ine gramtie IE Hs te pd 6 4 1a Sy Eb 3 a Co Ci Ten i i he Re © RC ne a BD BE 3 MA ART Home Ron, Thi or yn ok, Twirbne fie Ci er i ite ng yustin, Le Dale 2 es Ban fbf kb biian Bose omy MY Hommel Fo Xl Hatin i Ha by Piehod pone. Werk {mt By Ri. 1 mpisen, Giinaore wr a ria The Joervmony took place at the home of the i Beech avenue at 3 o'clock po Tm, Rev. Chas. W. Wamon, officiating. | flor the sites vere performed the bride turnii Ea Thaatins ot soo train is for 8 pairpose of taking sally a na place Several two with ‘the Black Dismonds, making : fad sBusu-ing} = il nunber of town people expe : soffewhat queer sensation. All other features of the entertainment - he remained in that state till Puenday evening at 8:30 o'clock. He was os t sala, Andrew Pugh, Clare Godfry, received a very fine 4 enponweamine our new line of fall and] Shh ae Al the Rrides Home on Wednesdiy, oc | tater 1, 1896. At the Bote of the bride i the picturesque town of Burnside, on f= eiatar 7h, Bevennd, : Tnstisites by the Methodist Episcopal church of Patton, | | united in marriage Mr. E 0. Hwts- I SEC’Y AND | DIRECT OR, horn and Miss Josephine Dowler. The | | wedding ceremony was performed At John HMamiiton, of the the. Pephirhinent of Agri 12:45 p. m. in the presence of only the ealtun:, Harrisburg. immediate friends and relatives of the | | bride and groom, | Mr, Hartshorn who holds « position | “of trast and responsibility in the First | ‘National bank is a young man highly | esteemed for his many exc lent quali- | i ties and In both business and social | ‘clroles is regarded as one possessing : the highest qualifications of himesty Gentlemen: and integrity. may be most effective, our effortashonid Miss Dowler has also a large sircle of be concentrated apon a few fonda | friends in Patton, having taught sue. mental objects, rather than be senttersd cessfully in the public achools nf this over a large area, thus wasting power place. She is a young Indy highly sc ‘and accomplishing comparatively little. complished and of charming person. ality who will be warmly welcoined in States has failed to effect the best re- Patton's social cliroles suits, not because the workers were not After 3 brief wedding jourmsy Mr. competent, conscientious and energetic, and Mrs. Hartshorn will rotarn fo Pat- bot becabse those directing their efforts ton and begin homsekeeping in their did not have before them, & well defined | handsome pew hotse on Beech avenue, “and definite set of objects to be attained. : oe Jt is proposed fo attempt to correct this error into which we and others To the following members of the State Board of Agriculture: Hon. J. J. Thomas, Chinirman, Patton; John | Lioyd, merchant, Ebensburg; Jos eph O. Thomas, farmer, Wilmore: township. : Hedrived a hrter, A few ays ag fhe Patton Stver have fallen, by prescribin 04 tHpeas topies Cornet band received its charter from ohjeh are to be discussed in every in the courts of Cambria county. ‘sociation has been reorganised and oun their instromonts have been overhauled 14 every two days institote the sve ‘by an expert and they will sooh bein ning semion of the frst day in to be set shape to make sone fine wasic. This om for the benefit of lndies, and w to i sn association which should oxist iN phe in interest of “Countey Homes." all towns the size of Pation and the This will include all that relates 1a members should niceive heirty Support home life in the country. The con from the citizens. Mr. George, the oneting of homes, the besting, light leader, is enmnetly endeavoring to ing, ventilating and sanitary arrsnge- make the Patton Silver Cornet band nants for country homes: the water one of the best and the Cormier will go supply, sewage, snd plumbing for hand in hand to sesist him whetiever it houses in the country; the cooking of is possible. Tn order to raise fands to good, the care of the sick, the care of go towards paying for the charter, the ohjidren, flowsr gardening, kitchen band boys will hold their first sonnal | gardening, house decoration and ail ball in Firemen's hall on Friday night, hat relates, in any way, to comfort, October 18th and a dance will also be oon venience, health and enjoy ment in “held on Satorday night, October 1768. country home. As many ladies as The prices for the hops will be 0 cents | ible should be put on the pro- dmission for Fria hight and 10 ents gramme for thin session. * oe ¥ fd w ants tend Sd 3 U1 tan oo sen ou of {hi organization in our Yawn. } | “Cie { Roads! Thisiss “Supervisors’ A Good Bie ctiainuent. Sesion,” and is far as may be neces. , Messrs. Martinez and Mardelie, hyp- | mary ail discussions are to be upon the notists, gave an exhibition in the subject of roads and their improvement. | Firemen’s hill on Monday and "Tuesday | | evenings which interested many. The te be an entertainment was firstolnm hod the ‘ju to be distinctively in the interest of & above named gentlemen are adepta in -sdueation of the farmer and his children the science of hypnotism. (Quite a and all that concerns their Intellectosd ox od the nature and development, ['nuler this reading for farmers, the institate, the were good und i these gentlemen re | ETADES, the alliance and the farmer's turn 5 Patton in the fature they will club as educators. Also the sountry receive good patronage. One of the district school, the country high school, peel featinres was the young man COURSes of stady for conntry children, | who was put to slesp on Monday night ote. To thix all school teachers and | at the Firemen's hall when he was re- School ebildren ought to be invited: | moved to the store of I. 8 Bell where | alko School Directors, Coanty Superin- tendtente and ail who are interested in the education of country people. In ried hack to the hall and nwakened. watll Wore Tmpros eres, such topics relating to agricaltore as John A. Baker is erecting a new they deem best, but the three sessions, 0 dwelling house on his lot on the south named are prescribed, and no option ix | side of Palmer avenue, near the Cath- given with regard to them. Thin is olic church. It will be a two-story done that we nay in all of our institutes frame structure 18x28 feet with a large concentrate all of our energies for at: basement to be used for a kitchen. Mr. least one season, upon the solution of Baker and Samuel Kirkpatrick, whose these most important questions that lot adjoins Mr. Baker's are having a pow interest us as farmers, and effect _ well drilled on the lot line from which so deeply the present and future well A both properties will receive x water heing and prosperity of ourselves and supply. The work of drilling oor children. Another season we can the well is being done by Wn Gray, take up some other topics and discuss of Hastings. ‘best thought of our farmers apon mat- ters vital to agricultural people The following is the re of Ams. | | Every two day progranune, therefore bry school, Gallitzin township, for | iit contain these three topics, and {month ending October 2: Number ,,, Shem scheduled at the time of day ‘enrolled, boys, ¥7; girls, 16; total, 4 | jo degigmatid attendance iy | Average 83. - er Every one day institute will have the for the month: Huddy Brubaker, | afternoon session devoted to “ood Cogan, William Foust, William | Roads,” and the evening session to Boughamer. John Boughamer, Ignatus “Education for Farmers and their : Rolka, Andrew Rolka, Tomph Yai ' Children.” The morning sessdon is left ‘ bumsky, Frank Lobumsky, Albert Pe- open for the more general topics relat- : in ng to agriculture. Let us all anite in a determined effort to make these dis ‘cussions of the greatest value to the interests represented, and thas come to ‘a more perfect anderstanding, as to what is best to be done, in regard to these serious social questions which con- ‘front us. In selecting speakers, there ; fore, keep in mind the topics prescribed, | and secure persons who will be able to | give information that will aid us all to a better understanding of the subjects discussed, and form the basis for mak- | ing up a judgment upon which to act. : Bertha Brubaker, Mary Good, Pearl | Nagle, Nellie Boughamer, Howard Cox, Annie Pugh, Willie Cumey and ‘Dena Antoniami. John Rolks, Jennie Boughumer. CHa Vv. DuseuaN, Teacher. Ladies You are respectfully invited to call and | |» MRKIN & KCsNER. ! A HE hi SATA * . { Mrs. Outline of Work for County ‘home in that place Monday afternoon. | H. J. Kromanaber, farmer, Barr In order that our work | Mock institute work in this and other "Phe 88 Luiente to be held in Pennsylvania this The evening session of the second day “Falucational Session,” and the topic can be discussed the conse of is completed the company the two other session, {natitnte mana- gers have the option of introdacing them thoroughly, and thus get at the Clwwaon Plunges ato» © Dep Well i Mra. Samuel Clawson, of Crveson, | deliberately took her own life ut her Samne She went to the well, lifted a hoard | and planged into the water. Half an hour elapsed before her absencd wi. ‘detected. Her dead body was finally | recovered from the well. She was about 50 years of age. She | dren. Her hosband is an engineer st the Taylor & MeCoy conl mines Ine. sanity is assigned as the oats of the woman's rash act County Sat Retin Eppsenura, Pa, Oot 5, 1886, Charles Anna, of Patton, arrived in Ebensburg on the 7:30 train this morning. Nulson Brown, son of oar liveryman, Jos. Brown, is seriously ill with typhoid fever, Thos, MeHreon, who is employed at Moxham, spent Sanday at his home io . this place. : Maple Park Springs clowed on Bate urday. Cambria township's schools opened this morning. M. J. Heminger, operator fur the Postal Telegraph company il this place, spent Sunday at Upemson. Our blacksmith, EJ. Lather, wears 2 broad smile its 5 girl ft is romored that a wrench fletory will be established in Ebensburg in the near future, Mrs Judge Thomas, of Carroll towh- whip, passed through Fhensborg on Peiday on her way home from Pitle- burg where she bud been friends the past week, Phil. Shettig. of this p ape, ches parted on Saturday evening for St Vincent's college whew he wil oon. tinue hie studies About 11730 het evening our | were aroosed from their slumbers by the ringing of the fire bell. Ina few Cnfnntes half of the people wens on the street and running towards Maple Park Springs where the fre was. it wan onused by a spark from the fire place in & room on the second floor. The room was coonpled by a ick lady. The proprietor, TT. HF. Hedat, and | man goest, with a few palis of water, | “soon had the fire under control. The oss by fire nd water will probably exceed $100. Bridge Ahi Completa, The overhead bridge on Molniyre avenge, which is haing erected. by the Pennsylvania = Ralirosd compiny, ander the supervision of Supervisor W. 1. Moore and Division Foreman 8. / M. Cornelins, is aboot ocomnplited. | This bridge, ax was stated befom in the Cove, will connect Melntyre ave nue with the new township road lead ng to 85 Lawrence, whichis conidersd | a nearer route by about thee miles The bridge is 22 fect high, 22 fest wide and about 70 feet in Jongth. When it will paint the woodwork, which will add to its RppOArneg very mach. The tiW Grand Saray From Cambria fn the list of grand jurors deawn for the October term of the United States | District Court, which will pen in Pitts burg, on Monday the 19th prox, ap pears the following names: Bwirg T. | Duffield, teacher, New Alexandria, Westmoreland county; J. W, Hoff, | liveryman, Baxton, Bedford vounty; John Little, farmer, Loratto, Cambria eounty; RR. McQuilken, ferme, | North Washington, Westafioroiand | ponnty. In the list of petit jurors ap- pears the name of ER Hauonamond, merchant. Bolivar, W estinoroiand pointy. "A% Yong a hey Eine 50 ban Johy Nagle, who resides tear Ht Boniface, Elder township, and who is aged 89 years has the destined iu of be. ing a rapid footman, notwithatanding his advanced age in years ne day fast week he walked from Chess: Springs tio the home of his sister-in-law, Mm, Catherine Nagle, a distance of two miles in 15 minutes. visithog He does nob oon- | Appointed for Fifley. Oc- tober 23 896. SHOULD BE OF 3s SRY % IRSrarbroY Bonny vy (he sebonts of Te Grek { Commonwesith. HARRISBURG, Pa., Aug. 10, 1506. leuves a husband and five or six chil- | DyearTaest oF Pursue | | HarpassUno, Pa, Sept. 15. mee To the Directors, Superintendents, Teachers and Papiis of the Schools o of Pennsylvania: ; Itis chiracteristio of civilised man iw one of the most weriking differences ‘between him and the barbarian who lives only for the present. cetrnggle for supremacy civilisation has won becanwe it anticipated the future aml met ity events as they appeared. It is & function of sur pablie schools to train pupils to lead in such move Mmts as will best perpetoste the Stite, Jing automin, you, the pupils, are en- For this reason, each succeed. joined by pablie proclamation to tern aside for ope day snd consider the re- Intions which the woodlunds of the Commonsealth will have to your pros perity when you wee the citizens and rulers of {he State, For this you are asked to snconrage. by your example, the planting of trees, which will grow into a sapree of wealth and power Thus you may transmit influences of good, not only to the next generation, but those who succeed it A wastei acre which produces noth ing is a reproach to any country, as “much as a wasted Hilfe iv a disgrace to him who has led it. Therefore, lend the weight of your chursoter and ex- _snple to the public duty of covering the barren hills and mountain tops of Hime the State with trees, whose leaves will ‘distil mcistore into the aly, whose trunks arid bark will furnish material for our isdustries and whose roots will id In producing fresh soil to replace that whith is washed from our elds, down the streams and rivers into the apeat. If you, in your day and generation, . fil to do this the order of natave will be violated and a penalty will inevit- {ably be invited upon the land for whose prosperity yon will be re | aponsible. The abundance, in future, of the oa- tured fait of orchards forests and fields will be in proportion to your lndividmil activity in tvs planting and in forest restoration, Trees may be planted both in the spring wad in the fill of the year. In gecordarice with a time-honored cus tom I appoint Friday, October 23, 1996, : is Antminn Arbor Day, and earnest | jirge divectors, superintendents, each ors and pupils to observe the day with nppropeiate exercises, both by the planting of trees and by the dissemi nation of information on the growth and care of trees and their value to prenant and future generations NaTHAX C. SCHARFFRR, Superintendent Public Instruction. rv A hor A Rieyeliors Moshmpe Ed. Martin, of Alloons, who with | several companions, made a trip to Patton dn his bicycle lust Sunday, met | with an socident on returning which | might have cost him his tif, says the Fbensburg Mountaineer. While com- ing down the steep hill a short distance this sicle of Chest Springs be was ‘thrown violently to the ground by 8 stone, which flew up and lodged be- tween the forks of hisbicycle. He wes rensderedd unconscious and had te be carried to in nearby farm house by his | Companions, who were following close {iy. Dr; Somerville, of Chest Springs, wow sent for, who dressed his injuries, ‘which consisted of a deep ont on the bridge of the pose and another cut on the cheek which required several stitches: to close. He was otherwise badly bruised about the bead and shoulders, but will recover. sider walking trom 10 to 15 ndles any job at all and the most surprising fact shout his walking is the short time he takes ta do it. He can maki flmost | any jerson one-forth lis age very -Wenry trying to keep apace wits him. Ginmd Hop st Chest Springs. A grand hop will be held ut Chest Springs on Wednesday aight, October 14, 1806, for the benefit. of the Npangler Cornet Band. Music by the Huron or chestra. A free concert will be given in the afternoon and evening hy the . members of the band. All are Divited. That boy. of yours should be it out Lin one of cur nobby reefer cont. We List of Unolnimal Lothers The following letters remain in the postoffice at Patton for the ‘week end. ing Satnrday, October 3, 1896: Miss D. 1. Brown, Daniel L. Lewis Mrs. August Marell, Jas. Spencer (3), H. Stanley, Miss Martha Stegner, Frank L. Thompson. Persons culling for the above letters will pleas sng the are Mdvertid, A. Mzuox, P.M. Say, Genta! If you want a bargain in gents’ far nishings come to our store. We oan fit you ont in shirts, neckties, ete. Re- member you will be have them ages 3 to 6, prices. #00 for | Wore & THOMPSON, Good B
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