The Jad: Judge Willie 2h HLEY Shay EXT I Wot of Virginia ast pom bad gn the gararrar bait tela cerning ge pata Bin fuk a I SOT a for ‘he wer of fhe mem ti i fhpey friends A will admit any one Eton fe if these a senntar wak 1h Washi PRE Tae sel of Paw i fiw we ofa Pear yh td bath, a Eady ied pes thin Pons dim oon div iy atten bernie gopthern sire. th hess jindes and by x Judpe. ibe t a arg he pot Went down stairs 8 Ye bead Byiche aint pttendant came vp nd sa kyant hala iol Jeenthe i Lor it ¥iiti rok FikY “1 don =i bass, dat you kyant 150 bah heoh A hye aid iho startled bather “Read the dar gard rem LM Respur Fr Begrer cue bath Fie fail : ¥ : - - tha ooloresd br pare Gisriied. raving, the $50 topasn Rivera Plead ¢ A AN a MIR AM Bovk Drilling. The cost Ff hand aud pmehine dng 18 made the subject af move {ye comparieoms in The Wore Anualer, It app that st Don Fei Sweden, mechanical Fock drilling costs BO conta per yard, while band drilling is only balf that nmaant, #0 “that The ingle wivaniage pornos hy tha © myer Word sromn tod feist in the geen ter gepth tow ie i the holes may be At the place named the mean dept ‘Boles with band drilling 8 2 I $ joehes in stopes and 2 feet In conversed | tens or overhand BOTs, while with machine drilling the depths are 5 foc? {gnsd B feet 8 inches, respectively. lu the year 1860, with hand drilling, 8 mater shothole Bronght down 2017 wwe if Crock; in 18 3 wirh machine driiling, four tons, or 5.88 tins if the subdivision ‘of the rick un aes by hand drilling te taken into oomsiderntion. Dxmbling the {depth of the hob, thereiore, Jonsined | pearly doulle the quantity of ek or dnereased by wore than some G0 per cenit the mass of subdivided rock. » ? pin paid for hard drilling in Dane mara 18 at the rate of 2% ents per meter One Way to Tell Time. “A hat tine is it? 1 asked the jani. tor of a down tow office bailding The old fellow reached into his vest | ariii Trp PER LF Rag Ah { 2 { progont doy #hooid ¥ { 1 ail Lonpht to he {has dome 8 preat § ¥ : ehevrerd | Met | guadrnpeds, & [tain roots It La very usefn Lhe roend pe ide | BOTHEL OR | dhoosing a bo ft ofren fd | matin of their gasrd | fay moore than | Panel can do and Jost why the great moles of the Lave nly £15 pons Eider the coonsn an enimal { a brwer | ardor than the stoopid and hnlpiess Eiath, a third crder from thie Jowett oi Sad fhe ji pet ne ir ETE Whe Wives of the OF oe a & : j i 1 eARY to snd stand Ba a patter of fart nen don] for the opin —— Note what thd ereatiare is 4 yon en {hat on fg. green Sor ai ¥ wriiL srw iied arid eer and has | tii I: 1 rHEER BA Ran mest rood : janie 3 Evereining Chered ants almost nd 1% inrve, Yi : tran wigrs i age Finiher, i . mw Fi §x 3 2 & i Xs 73 Ta is vias nie oer i gro grey gOpRirTiG, 1 peually I f large troes, Whe tx dig Hest Fr: foo tho hmnter it makes loo Tom Wien atincke dently to forow fits aw Take the bear | and woodohook, it storey np a phat food is soares, and, abovy all, tha | male hins a nice, warm jo +] 4p carry and protect her help ; meted of leavin . Be, | fund pure U8 pertain way. at his head. rohan | fnl supply of fat for winter nee, $a @ thee in the nest of pold or be dewonred v —W. 4. Hornaday 'n | cateh thair death i hy some enemy N jehelos Qaner Wills. medion] jonrnal states that on opening a Khir Une ago the will of a Parisian the following clause wax #1 regress that my v holy ba de Fivered to the Paris Gas company forthe we of being placed 1a a reElOrL I always osed ray mental powers for the | enlightenment of the pniation a large, and 1 Aesira that my body be nse od ti enlighten tha people wlter my death, | Bguire Hawley of the village! ti! Hat Geld pear Demsaster, Jel the wi ae of bis estate to bis groom, 10 the peepd itis | | that his fu eral should bie mdpeted Ha died on a Christmas doy and was buried in his own garden | in the center of the graves of hiv eattie, | | that had died during the rinderpest. : | He was laid out in full bhonting oo | tums, including spurs and whip, and was carried from the hime to the grave om a coffin board, whe ha wal placed in a stoma coffin, which, weigh Bg more | than a ton, had to be Jowered By means of a erane. His pony was shot and A Pars The : baried at his feet in bridle and saddle, | and his dog and an aid fix wens buried i A Never Satiified “Yes, my eldest daughter married for money.’ “ithe is happy, of course?’ HiPar from it. Whils she bis every. Bh semis pocket, pulled out A batterisl silver i : am ng one could wish for, she is far form watch, locked at it intently, and then being happy. Sha loved another. taking a pencil from another poo ket jot ted something down on a bit of paper. || Next horeached into another pocket and | "Your soend daughter aiso married, | | did she not? “Yeu, sho married a man for his good polled ont a second watch, the eUmpan- lock. a {jan of the first, Jooked at it and sgais ted something down an oa bit of pl per. hen he began 8 little eomymtation ou Onin slip of paper, after which fe an | pounced : EAL the time you avkid, end 27 minutes put a ! inact cbiliged, 1 Rnd © § Fier But Woah | Jou kindly explain to me why sou had ah massless to Jook at two watches und go thr © ull that figuring befure yom couk me?’ “Why, you see. sub)’ Athin here watch that 1 on west 18 n mighty good watch, bot ] just ten winutes every day. Thi watch that I carries io uy pairs $s e Just a8 good, bat it gods ten minutos every dey. Bo first I Jogke at oe, and thier 1 . Jooks at the other, and then 1 takes wy pence: and figures ont the average be tweets the two. That way 1 gee time exact, sub. le=linf falc } RITUS8 HAO STN Ln op he ti. An English journal prints ¢ $ he ing: "A very dukes Bae In king of Portugal ix that he kao male friends. The tf Laer fog hows all do this, and of « common enough | sbrosd but, heaven, so far this nasty Jooking matter bow relly inpocent) hain pever become faslibosable In this HPT fry. It is of conse ali a were of etiquette, bat let us forven thot Engbshoieti Shon or part from their fou to think it the carpet another. Etiguetie ig p over the work, In Amerie shake hands and the women other and sonsetities oF, for fonts ladies are clipplon woeasta France and in Daly son more wo - en weep, while the pn dims and hog | ope another almost as Vigarussiy as if a IX Cah thay FLEA $3 they wers in a wrestling pit Be Au English wownn chakes bavds with man of ber acqasistance, while io Spain | she always gives ber band to be & It makes the sans sensation in Mads for a an to take a woman's had and shake it as if wo ld in London for a for eigoertoseiae a dy 's hand and kiss it. wyvel MT 20 an appoi thought to test to take the yoang man ths ‘ingly while on pointiment tie Fouugster. Nis an giving out | professor had His surprisey he found the “heads'' and & Now, it hap an okl fashisg Wis Very ston to be procured 10 gver the top. ter gervice His gver his trin: oh. His righ however, tury disaster . When the you text, ‘Ho that nto the gome tino r " "a a robber’ wre t the Talien a open took with vt oa favorite student 8 young man. He was wy Lf thin the ng. Afour Proved text ho found that the glen | warch upon bins urned to dismay when hi anly text, but sis) of at the pu one, a the prod La get in, a Judie cable him tied Cane ROBO Yiy 1 &hio i Ram is i LC hire wy NER TARE Lim | i Pen ae dhe prea 10 the 50 | hore rofespor ‘pumped 10 rn mada sess his surprien whey | yell » — LE 1 snpposs she is bap. ; Tented she is not. Whils ber hus band ta a good prov ide, be oati't affard to give ber whit het whilest mister re. calves, and, conssanent ly, sha 5 anhiap : py. EY And your ¥ ghrer, thea # mngans dan Lome T always thonght wo much of, is she fd yagin 3 ew oe geil 3X0 2 girl? Bt very pam!’ qh oe “of the thre Cewhan Fro A Raivation War. A Seree but samewbat { in Pontiac, Mie Sateation Ariny hos Hie head we ¥ wh by XE ¥E Haat TR Lent A tim saitie x VOITY Rea wi wal ¥ AX ¥ ong rr ad the incidents of 0 hand e cnflic th ars high'y inex Bonnie's Attednpts ta Ba Megern. a bern fires - pyoelers Out {ppon the city tell wipe, and the BE WE 1 Si arent erntars the first res it of modern riviliealion i next is dig bas told npn © # really quite peel | print, when at and since thes fel BEERERRTY 1 3 ; St de to Aig fs perineily exiry man in his wine TIKI fhe OO ja she an except alptarent io aly Sa, Fast peat geheral raw EiRT ad : EBON bs a fo Lhe Laity al eiviivaation div (oImios rie) ering {have sre mt ws wench ‘them 1x the nods | mene ; estravaisn ; Hane. Mars Cinvw hoard When aera Proposed. Mra EH lon Eosersint pays that sie py Weil father, in Llenincy Wits hor AIEPE RCS BATT LNT hes £0 pen ning service and ibe | iverysian Pt rhay iY : I Ix 3 | i 7 Ly over gar thing i FORK OEY §h. ohedprate. I can sew Bi 06 with those glaring reine the Bors fas mE 1% Her Opin, ‘2 ehils : thrrAaR : rea ied Cthe 1 i Reid ent Win | the | phide’s extravagmuce 16 ruiit en Fl BER Bs 2 Ws Mow ihe Paveroge I Por wort alt Fro gazed Four Soe Frade, haa gornorsiif | fg » the great majority of to wie Aik otha red ne par: id ry aad ® nd wae ¢ Hien Ax uw ot i #1 teanpe rating dl pe sir arid as srvificdai refrigeration Rae n A Sroamed of, brawiog was dime only io weather, spl the fewer wis #orad in Flora ft was i Ah faim ons Hana 4 anit un Prt to age 3 iron in sprin £37 the latler Pen phe begin ; whan the van ad the thirsty putile wis with a pure, wi Yom rae Aral of Hing War MEY DETErAON. free fron Fabia to ge CEs tp Anctiber version of the stay whan! the vanities were Whrown bua tat wed that gave risa to he 1 be widely aden gir and lf wire thors PATIIER Was gliYD the Fein arn i tast Coe. a j end Ths Heed? : Hulk haw baw re ta Eas i (HETERnN, Has} Ss ink 56 api hoo aw nti rman with heury Srink pel? thin bey [will drink it the pw a» 5 > oF hf as pe] & Tod i TL Suieit Joiners] TRAVAGANTE the Emperor Napoleon: Wat Both. erst by Drressmaiery’ Riis THeonghont the late summer and tan of 1567 the imperial mord before JOSE PRINE'S EX Even an wtateiy Than sve i the nid pobiftity became asidooss in their a sandance, and, as one of the empress’ in diss|in waiting is mid to have remarked, einer Vrmeivied good company.’ Om dis return Napileon havd fomnd Jose Yo ns un bonnd: Bow Monet wal although for the mist | part] fragal Mi sme d « he hed this encduraged lay ness ty his Hell it was wt agreeable je 1 bavi Gross males’ bills florig into his | whan driving in state with his ¢ and] ca ome cll ba werd] an eiplpd bur clover wpliliner tod 2 Bie or derd ia fon pris at 4 oo Ar fat WA hodeve: #240 at ioe er ale aver, plaip, beeaus, GR WB Fiat wl ri Sims ba on Tet ai 1 hm 1 Ber wary ris of of stonln ly rep Bry way wad at that a profes ots Ae frig) presi Th gore als hails, STR Peay oy mil ie PT ECE SRDIER saat GIP 3 . & LEE EE RRR ES Walling to Uhlipe. Lx Senat JT Wash:inae Hae Lae 3 Now Tdea bo Baibwny Yowiks And Bx the fret Tima CORT WAS sqriion i yee Bere id Ye Fieal REaiay. At. SriraTagant, and very sie : ke s®airs of hx nee guentiy a Biss Be never PAralY An ojham foam! i a, - zr wocrts. He % ok FON Deaton and nl Bebrermnibn, And ina bs Abie serTatI ve ot Big pomntry RR ane OE CRst AT ERE In 'M Klay mE ete he { fiinwwe Harve, HE crsors A we ’ | ut Fie Xs Sam, ment. a for Whit i A stili ping of onions A fees Bor Beattie, Yetta, & ir¥ £ hae » : Pa § Le 5 A ani haf ta Pe woe o $0 ARE w off (SUFFALD, ROCHESTER S sensi RJ dar Bs woth fer Noy Wi OE smear or LITE mri ee aed var Teoma Di Fon pt Raz hay, He x MY ak » Phomomenst Arch 1s the Cee | i of the Linh. Fs beets rated | 4 Be 1B sy pond 4 35) le TRAINS DF¥PAKT. = URrwensvile sig 1 8 Eewatiend Bolo esd RR X eile Wey and Big Bon in, Palle reel Pan ai "Whey nd Pig Row 5% meh B84 Sans if Kia way pl Padi Pus xeninwie sid Big Hun. Ho Ceaetield nad Pilia. Yuin © revi. TRAINS ARRIVE. a. 81, Pan ssutawrey and Hig Kan, Fain Cree Bradford wired Ridguny. {ISOM oe B00 OU ASemrfieid a Poi a Pun ken woey and Big Rue Reever pudl Bata vasssataw wx aut ig Rag A Cairae ney ite sets Senrfiend. th aman Pain LRA gran TOT jresmcpe DELTPSSE PEt al ¥ ene NT mies e GhaReTK, Lome lates and fui i¢ * Wing own 1 HB ErEelion £3 Sern, Agent, Pra fnin, Lapey. en Pas Agent. Howtowior N. . Y. jereh (Creek Kailroad. BVO &H EK RK R Go. Losses. it Is rialiy » wt gives an pda of wl ¢ Jew fu ww ilinp las E 5 FAP Se opener whieh iH stretsived | i Ao wll CONDENSED TIME TABLA Rewst Up Reed 1ows Exp Man No 4 No. 8 AW P A ain day. 17 ity the whify slaps Bik boo Lipihy Tosumel Bis head, Wirh prery Ble $ Samar hei Jeveini & i Corre renin Clearfield Sane Lo Wont innd a ; edilhind GAL KAT Re die ca $e a8 wim iring wird ATHAY 2 vith Was 3S designate | wird the like a Bash. | is the soap wren pewked fot thee *ise Elst vr aX of : LM rE Tn i Yoo. Muanmt . GRGESE CE CRS2EVE i #lrnee, oy sy & ars at al footy CARTE IN Wn Lack x Haven i 5 oungdaie | {Wave spore Jonetion.. A iamsaport.. Ar | AA AA ap SH We ed IRB¥s@asEsuE PEN x ey ash wi SEyEgRgENNn Y Ra nibs i eA A Lie the fudtlen, anoa Litter. LP Was Made Dy a Profuse Frndhwomn In A citipe spate bu whieh be Thay REET at X: a b Hed hie wig to aeons a j of our ing : Pai: Brook K ii ontesi Ralinone of non | Ph patairg with Poon‘s. BR. At wR Lee a Main. Rochester and A BATAL MISTAKE His Leave Taking. A F : fol A ran rt) § Nr WAY FF HERRIMAN, 4 GPALMER, Gen’ Ag Hor perin wenden L ' ase wo RG BE an vel. werreihing a0 vikak gia WO an nr JENNSSYIVANIA RAILROAD. iN EPPRCY ¥ NOV, 3, a. Siladeiphin snd Erie Rai romd DAY sae Tite, Trades (ones Driftwood EASTWARD. ie, dally except Sunduy, foF Loripadinie ste and interspedisie (f iameeid 00 P. Whey Ns ra A jor hel wh ta yiterios . if } Bi ward ding Bik Sus? wad hier gary Bind ted EO) Taian Fai ib 5 Apr ¥ ¢ aad THT 4k. MT Sanbary, Barvisbar nie jriving ei phe, Saw York, ein p, ma. Hot] abe, oa | WN aabingion, Ta pore. Polen ergy WILLMOTT 8TH DRRNSDEer mrcass Bowser to PRUisdel pit. cu Mo-Train & daily sxoept sgnany, for Baro anarng aad (ntarinetinte sIRISO0R arrive ang at Pride phia al © me TE, Yok A Sienping relies a naar Wo Philadelphis York A JETP Ia pm 0% CAE he Nev sania GRU Tae. Be. Tl itl Bol wrens “whan mal re etiae sasiona aren Lp < Fries SE Pstimte plain, 58 4. ma. New York, Ban flichigm His VARA FS mek Sas ahd Wiha, Bm. 00 Seeds ; Ba, Jamon, £30 a W. Wasa or TR & » Mp iuais GRC ANE Phaene EP Ser £ haniaonrt to PRlleteiptiin. cpr Ir Haile and Ww 1 rasa] irae Wesbiogte s BE Head Peon Vira WESTWARD Tease: 45 Iam edt hate = bn Line Fyn he, Ridgway sii om. hor Be Hai iy Uo ea pa mens SHAE salam, Tits 1], Saiiy eXoepl maniiey, sp Ler set Lie slaisoe. ay TRAINR FOE PRIFTWI FM THE KANT AND OUT. RAIN 13 esves Phllede pile £0 ow Wm > Andy Ling ba rae wy Hailiaaose Sh 8 IB. Cig esti Tre, HY 0 dite Sop Run arriving at Leiflwond #1 8 p.m. wit fl TH rt add pin adh | he, GA AR veld a a LY PM Kase aa 1 Sow York si 00 pm Hh OW aashiagton,, EA Be dh mile areivitg al DF wy, Puilasan sweeping ww ibe a Eire and rua wah st wiry i Willisans ais akg ix Pao mist TD go phi 4 Bailineare WL ns. rod Bmore a3 B50 8 MW. ar Werodny, KrOVIOR Dire wend 7 iN: bed = RTE EE SOEINROIN BE Ka Ra iiASAD, Pail eXoept Handa IHAIN 19 femves BUAg way al BE a m. Jane SvEiarg at 2b a WL RrTIVInG al ermont ET UE PRLALN $0 eaves Sermon at © Koa sing #i Jolissining #t EE % Het He Ss PAW AY AND CLEARY ELD RB a lLY EXCEPT SUN ¥Y : o ETH WARD vONP - . in ’ AH Laing Mia Haven Opotinnd 5 evant Run £ LaeTied Brose war vill MoeMinn semanit Harseys Ran Walls i rvek Dai Bods FRAINS LEAVE RIlhe'W AY Worst ware Train 4 ald he = Trgin 1 0p Ww Train & bod =» I. H.W, fhe" Pas gt Sf fk pe bind] tnes mene ses # * aaa EEESERIEE ENE A Se BiENEREsay FT had werd rain A Toally Toamiint Hi, nn as mg v A a $0 TRARY ERT PR ERE Eo EAE SATA RAERRY @ « W ' : deeribute ovat (GY DVT x 1 va Bligh gras Aca When we ob LE ag Duuvoie arrives and prone 1 Vv oung Ladies Yhey RAGS «ME ee CLE COMPANY, ELKHART. IND. TARAS EBIT ERR GER ed {
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers