iy fea ACHEDULE OF DAMAGES. FFEY HOUSE leeNTR AL - HC OTE F «11 a. Ww iH 'SECHLER, mmm. |gpmersows |CENTRAL - HOTEL. Fipsilation|B nk sens damages and levy contribGtODE sccommodations Art inss at disoon da Prope. OF PATTON. | Attorney - at - Law went report of the dairy for the grading of Fifth avenne in| Land Wines at the har, Stating attached. | Accommodations the best. First-class . : .) ¢ ’ missioner of Pennsylvania names 80 Patton Borough { GRORGE FERGUSON, Bar in connection. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. EBENSBURG, : many food products which are adalter- : We, the andersigned VIEWErs, ap Prov’. : ; ; x. $s py : aed an toraise a query 8 to what is Lgitted hy the Court. to make and Pr 1 RATES $1.25 PER DAY. wr (QAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00 Cambria County, Pa. ; ok arlokeruind. nang the many in amsess damages and to levy contribu. | + w i SURPLUS, $15.00. 0. sold - - Seo Some of the | Fire Inmur- Arornin of Corpesitioas, iene 3 En x sae : ea mainly componed of ground and 05° CF 100 FECL LO TE worn | 15 nis tr et en | Peinsylvania Railrond Time roasted coocanut shells; baking powder; R Patton Dorotig gE are represented b . Table i ; Beef, wine and fron prepared AE a tonic; schedule of damages and contriba- | . : in the oo : sig Bete Bis ws #8 Sid {#0 tading | the = a i prime onl | ry buckwheat flour, candy, catchup, tions: A i ie aan aan a | ite Tn Wad I May 26, 1985, gfder, cheese, cinnamon, cloves—the To Chest Creek Land and Improve x ; 2 PATTON WR GE Lb bY ra a tpt and : latter made almost entirely from ground ment Company we alow no damages 3 Pritam veut Fy Lim epee Ie § wes vosves Fast wrant pacosnut shells, the odor and taste of 0 riba : Tor 3 ho] <. and assess no contributions. a 2 : p t+ You eloves being scarcely perceptible; coffee pn, pg 1 Yeager we nilow no damages or A a rotect your na a —ponisisting chiefly of coffee screenings and assess no eontributions : gk Kab : Covidien, | AOI . President Cashier. Arrtammardiatien. daily or damaged coffee, but sold at a high oa He ral wht” Ed PRO} ERTY. ; ¥ xpross. Saiiy 4 price as a pure article; fresh “Java” TO John Solomon we allow no dam- {3 | oy | Phiinariptin Expr, dail Et frum Wheat unt barley natle, ges and wsaess no contributions. / \@E=Office in Good Buildin i on ead roasted with sugar and containing no To I A. Buck we nliow no damages : | Ov er 1st Nati OTA] Bank. : : adit F Cx roms. hails Bg off: codfish not codfish at all—mere- and assess no contributions. | The Leading PARNELL & = Na Tr ay Ay cheap dried fish; cream of tartar To John Yahner we allow no dam. Undertaker, i AY . ; ao . : i : ¥ satiine, ¢ nity ; os adulterated with flour; flaxseed adal ,ges and assess no contribations. COWHER, Dealer in ambria tt aid Aerated with starch; frojt “buMers,” iq. viewing the premisos and hesr Patton, Pa. Embaiming a Specialty. Agents : cabelas ated Clear. soch as apple butter, peach butter, sto, . : gery seldom pure, being adulterated ing the evidence of the parties in 9 Wines, Liq LOT'S, Yoru irvin for Patton uo Crosson ives ot re 7 ’ 3 A as a {oe bcme BAW Poy with starch waste and mlicylic acid; meres, re Seer that the benefits : : | Cwrway (for Hastings SA Finer 45 Oe same is troe of grated pineapples ; srived by said property owners are | bo : <BR : Wh | -Sol d rs rion i Ka ele = Putas 5 Rirudiey ‘gloger adulterated with ash, rice halls, | equal to the damajes sustained by J : IRIN ' 10 £ € : Beer. Etc. at tid nm Aer on tT yn ‘mos flonr and oayenns pepper; lard; them by reason of ssid establishment W 8 BE r E : ] er aay a Aor Bere maple sirnp, made froen commercial of grade. : ’ There's more coughs. colds Phoeni BrewinG ( : i iam pgs Ha vemrway for Cresson) BT Patton glucose thinned with about 30 per cent. Woe also make and report that the Manufacturer's Agent and consumption creed in through im- % i Lo, s Beer. 128: Bowtie. Fanetion 2: Rayon 3s = arr. of water; mixed spices; orange juice, grading be done by the Town Council si : > | perfection in Shoes daring soch weather Flasks, Corks, Jags, Ele. Northwand Jemon ail, lemon phosphate, moineses, as than in all other canses pot together : Morning Din leaves Orson for Mahafey of the Borongh at the cost of the Bo pat toget, e ; olive oi v a A gE ‘Bad Shoes Wet Feet - Tremend Fat Rayior #3 Emdiey Tonetion mustard, 1, pepper, vinegar, For The sii fatto WES Lamewny for Hustings: 0-6 Hust: * ‘4 t to - : ¥ ; i pills extract. all kinds of preserves, ex- ough and the pavemsnt mm iaid in con Risk! * C ¥ 11 Ror be Hp i sg oe tract of strawberries and tes formity to the grade established by ., 4 " . ; ’ , dts 110k Westover (Li Lodo 1187, arriving To add th the deception a fow apple Criedinance, after the ground in graded, | ELLIS De Powers, : 41 ag Boa Meromoon trun or . d A few Ry yf £ gn ry i - le hs lk os i Gi SRS Moraetieny 4 4 oh Pati _ goeds are scattered through the so called ot the expense of the Borough Threshers and Cleaners Sreit’ Ss well-made whole : {hts ody “rE Hasshugs oy Ma fruit jams, or timothy or other seeds We recommend that said grade be . s the host § | i lifer” G90 fuarway or Mahaffey A i ‘ z CHAMPION Binders, Reap soled shoes are the best LARLY fi & b- wiley; a. Cinrwuy for Mabmtiey) TA: Wath CR mibeoee Express werd days iw “ro Aoevrn tre lation. well Ses Mai fn Line FX press nike AE Papyos, Ym H SANDFORD ow Fe suis ® = vr ELS BEZaas Oke ww - CERRY ER tREEnL §38RE3 sre added to the mixture to represent 4. within thirty days x 1d Mowers. health preservers tog Hed Son of stfawlerey " se. The produs We also bereby give notice to all the sa : Cali Preservers. : ox mon in % of tions. Eh ny parties in intervst that we will meet at | ¢ CROW N Hoosier Grain and fo, aunotto, logwood and er] are the office of James Mellon, in Patton. (Corn Dnils. tise ti Soave Eiatrryt =” sped in great quantities, and are proba Borough, on Saturday, the 11th day of (10 4 (WW Q Buewi Sapte OVER-SHOES WwW is B00 Spier, SO Carnawd _Bly'tot harmful; Arsenic copper and April, 1896, at 10:30, when and where WAGONS. Buggies, Carts, 3 holesale. f, 7 3% wind v SEE or 11h (AI Tor ramon : y > 1 fonnr ia TeErl . ¢ Brndvey Junetion st 708 Seas are very deleterious. but are not said viewers will mest and exhibit said Plows. Harrows and Cult: A fermoan caves CROrrrire af 20 gi ery 5 » . A Cary of Him res Ra Rpusnyier, TR Carmditown mow used as much as in former times, schedule and hear all exceptions thereto. vators. Pine Old Whisks and Im A Sah sand coRsacts with Lain for © ren - pafore sanitary offici sde ] wt Bradier funetion st Bib $18tent attneks on ola “Milk pe and evidence relating to ssid grade. : Most robbers “wear right throo i NE er ~ products are often colored. Annotio is W. 4. WEsKIanD, | WHI E kind re ; Si ao ia sidiey J are 1. J. PrizPATRICK, BRB I kind of rubbers, It takes some care in, Pam i yery commonly used by dairymen to Jos H. SOMERVILLE | aelecting nd gives less profit Calif OOTY 1a Wi 160s and Brandes por 16 os Fae Paes i arriving af Even rich yellow color. In itself an- HN HS RVI , - a the selling to handle only the good ei : : UU herrvione 190 : ‘motto is probably harmless, but it pro- : Wer “Hewing Machine, the King k kinds: bat we prefer to do it 14> Chinton & 600) Mam Ms, _ Aerneos sewin isces Bendiey Suuetion for guess decoptive results —New York March 30, 1506 ee | hrreyteon at gp Curvalitows Hond: Post - Ran lof all Sewing Machines a er Peta 38 a ne Sosquehanna Extension Fastognd 1 ; sr 1.24 ACITS. Was ward — This is to certify that on March 11th, | | arin the Pesan Branch ein me ODD BILLIARD FACTS. 1 walked to Melick’s drug store ona Specialty. S Johnstown, Pa. 5b nits Shang and inter. : : pair of erutohes and bought a bottle | Any person wishing tn purchase any G i F St i mis te gun i. on i he aritval of all temiee : of Chamberlain's Pain Balm for in. {of the above line can SAVE MONEY eor 2 * rel ! Telenhone (72 i pil pb srs En a mgs A billinrd table can be built in 34 flammatory Fhenma sia which hd by sending a Fostal Card to : /o I hours if surte blanche is given to the crippled me up. er using three / ARBAUG : 1122 Eleventh Ave ttlene aii Provurietors of & ¥ Daath 1. R Wood, 1 he prefers to bave bottles | am completely cured Ioan J. W. SHARBAUGH, 1122 Eleve FXVe 1h A :2e PER yi Coon. Mgr fren. Pas. Agt ” cheerfully recommend it, Charles H. | Carrolltown, Pa. ! | Wetzel, Banbury, Px. Sworn and sub- | 140 LER Altoona, Pa. | D CABINET Beech Creek Railroad. scribed before me on August 10. 1994. | em———————— : N YC &H RR Co Lees weed. Walter Shipman, J P. For sale at 50 re OLD FAVORITE detent Tipe Tala cents per bottle by Patton Pharmacy, hend ap Ne Ro , C. W. Hodgkins. AND Nok MoE Sram No 8 Nom A & Se crim ont oe WANTED-AN IDEA So: COXEY'SCOMMON. ,, 7 =m Sl olor, and olive green is known y y va ach ._ ; ’ ] a x ev ? somimsini er the billiard world as Prioos Dring you wealth. Write JOHN _W C1 IY YY TY SAY IMZY WEAL 0 EM Re ® 2 wile 83 FARA IS REBT RPP eee i i" BUBnziiRay a a wh ETT OE 's olor, D.C. hai rime offer 1 1 Te 0G FR BEY : § Ti A New Mig The balls must be weil seasoned be- I beer 14} ik a 2 i ) Ji Nw Eni fore they are used for play. Manufac- : Pare Rue Whishies HB me ry et which to store =i: ile phon rr ai them that they may undergo the drying - Home incubators will hold fully : they are vgreen.'’ Bolid ivory is the | ¥ #* i ame Bae - rr : BC RSEE BEERS a WG Gord WR 4 » ae $43 oak 3 Big ier ” . : : 5 BE Ae Wal enidaie _ anly satisfactory material of which to | 21a7TD Ne CE a i a ‘then ; artificial balls’ {thowe ; . AX PE . 38 a ren ! b i : 5 5 ois od pets are made of romposition) are much heavier : : r——— ’ CRE DEAL 7 3h 58 a Sfmt ' and do not wear well. English makers, Lic a |} Tie remus of th 22 _ Pwie to give the rod balls a perfect color, - 5 eatin oe hd! rE £31 A ano Show itdep thew in a derontion that is some. EO | iA L mee (FLEE R ATED 1S SG tiny fimes described ss the ‘‘guardsman’s i i Fa ga LTARRE REMEDY was got. jm sm ¥ Haven ath" iis ls enmcied from the id Arts | | ER L/fN \ en ip ae blast wirew 4 VIR 1010 DL Joe Shore unstion. goats of Tommy Atkins, and for bil- Le | BEARINGS ARE SLIPPERY. F i — I Nin=eanr Vie—m— _ Hard tally it is the finest scarlet dye x : hd > tr = £ mie Worlduwn So ; known. —New York World. IT SAVED 1 M, SR pee Saisie ee m——————— wala eg | Cones and canes are ground ll fimmmpert with Phila . " J i : 5 4 I wil smu yal fa od Benet val 1 Jere A Brave Chinme Ofesr. Ae and polished to that high touch i allroad at 3 ¥ a ~ A AK FAS AE 1 HA BW EYE es $98 i ew — = “th Fail Brook Sy. ow Mii Fadl i Huang Two. ‘Lien, who was a returned fia of giassirwems which gives that Sew that curve CA I ARRMH ch hoo a ai Restvnd of Ponowy venta; at American student, was kilied before the ne : Shi ee : 5 : . phir with Ponssy ivan rethwosd: at .. NY. * . 5 : y ART C AT ALOGUE. #C Heady oH LoaERbes il ag § etd with the Batfhby Noeheoster sod surrender of Wel-Hai: Wei, He was first iNew No. | glide that easy glide found Ahi LalalAWat By Bu XB ; mristary miway. at Matar snd Patton : : 5 os : aa FEL A PERE NT LEI Erg TECAN “PREL T Cusnbris and Dhertield 3 of the Hentenant of the Peiyang cruiser hind : : only in the Keating. 365 days KEATING WHEEL (0 ALAR ir Droit at Mahadtiy with ol ot : : : : aE ipae . O : fa Bris { ELEBRATED army Trani ated Nogtiowamtlers aati way ahead of them all. HOLYOKE, MASS i FAREE RIBOEDY 45. Palmer F. ¥ Herrtian, 5 OB i pram rl einate nd pers. Pass. Agent sgpltrinon ight doh gras. CER sears Pio ladeindiis, Pa sr Ee Saad EG SREY E Ki gf hor the iop Wel- Hai. | | | or eR R ToEmommm =m mene Es 2) df Beer comps Gust ait Wola gs Pais ant poles 5 the appr OH Wei Lieutonant Huang Teu-Lien was A oh 7 : ¥ ral Tels wie ilar taki Flag Teed TNA) Regt ud ater Nov 6 1 _ Badly wounded snd was therefore ad- as . . 1 Pe Bo . , T thew semsiaio Bh veld Di and degmyt re Tg om wised to leave his ship and go to Che Forty-Five Dollars, $45. ES 8 BR 4 7 Fi Smal in Doss. Small in Price. SOc abate | Matin, daily KO ype hea ¥ oa H : ! 4 y Is a a {En ly : Faw aH safle wise wt Beastie ak Wr fa for treatment. This he resolutely . LE ea i ; Lr LA Hrowek wins vitie, Ridgany, Johnwubong, Mi Rha d to da, declaring that ‘his duty A : & : : Hespedd, en ating, a 5 gg rT Butleio, and the ho auaporcr demanded his remaining ih " : a 1 a stu ad Jublisanbaiy 8 : 0 : : 3 t $e. " $ x Woname, ron. -t Cy \ t havi had his FirstClass i ; Eo Wh i . ok ] x | pes hud Lin ~ Sa sy 3 Wa | nT bastily dressed, the late lieu- : i 3 RIPANS hey. Bikeway pn oi bh va—" ant went on with his duties on Hf] act gently but promptly upon the Eines, liver, stomach and [§i i eb late ratinun for amas and Patxm: he although be had to bs supported, ge iH mtestines | cleanse the yp Rem effectua yi ; dispel colds, bead. ig - j or ; a ; 3 lg Lissa irsestation.- Por Dalle, SvE. . attendant in doing so aches and fevers: cure habitual const ies making enemas 4 : The je: 1 Th ing Ran, and Pre asia wes ard a shot strock his args ot unnecessary. Are acceptabic to the e Samach and truly bene- 1 ; le modern stand Th he A edution. Ja still refused to retire, remaining at Two Hundred (] ifty JY fcial in effects, A single Tarte en after the evening meal, h ard Family Med:- ax, 4 org. M3 Jewait, wd wn uy k Sy Rh © *T 8 1 his guns A few minptes after Dollars and up. or just tefore retiring, or. better st i, at the m hen when the ; . pa 5 sid lon Bie Ta Boing Swans, Wy Run # shell from the enemy's batteries 4] first indication is noted of aa approac hin g cud, bh h $1 cine: Cures the nn xntawney, and Walston o KX es cada eC, any h £. oe 4 gp SER rvs Wale ic ann.hilated the gallant officer. Sn FE Symplom of digest: Gn of dep Fess: of < rits wil 1 remove : S— r : : A m Sted remy (EATS boo SO A aa wala mye HET Fa prews from 3: ~ eT Soy eae x 3. iy syed a } Ind Sri li dar EE Saw {I-00 in an boar P= common a y-Cay rt treet eal oy. yt awe oh $ EL abd Mr, Gratebar on Fishing. Ei i = . 4 : hout : he atient being con C4 § ills of humanity. ahin 2 “1 think,” said Mr. Gratebar, ‘‘that : Im il 8 by gb” $ 38 4 5Y other than a slightly 12 ET ~~ a re Fret ca He fe talent for fishing. like many other EE 1 i il] § : J Rarning ell 1, and that the ex- Hs v1 LX NM Inisu Si talents, is Hii No doubt the true 1 4 Sih A a pected finesse failed to materi pd i : FALLS CREE a an, like the poet, is born, not : i : at : tT ree or has duanoeared. ni : > : ED made. Fishing is a faculty that can be > i § -— amonly ec 0 | a a asi CLEARFIELD eultivated, like many others: ome can - ) Nn siigh + fearn by rote about tackle and baits : a eigtected in soras Ase in extent — and tides and es on, but when it comes I gradually grow dangeruss. 40 actual contact with the fish there. Hardman - Pianos 4 pe! at " | @omes in the art of the fisherman. The Tae fit ji) 7 yo aufier fram Headache, Dyspapain « , 3 y RIPANS TABUI ES If fact in that some men can catch fish Sterling : . or Indigestion, Al " . # v si Ph NE fii 7 Roki A 5 a ; : 5 yna sre astipated, hav cra I 3 << TT 21 IEC " jg lies ARIE 55 AR sh enews ih Saved JeA ET per H roa Ma comstimnt. o have 1352 RIPANS TABULES fg ah EEE rem 3 3 Dost alongside of men catching lots of ha . . 1 = your ¢ Complexion is Sallew, oc : 3 Bl «in %t e . £10 1 . ha Teveh Cmek 5 4 A _ fish and caught Dope or next to nove. Mason & Hamhuo saffor Distress afer Eating. r= ike RIPANS TABULES HE ow am aw Bape Batllove tog fishi . all the EE] a : F Offcasi : i . Sie i 1 2 : WE £3 ; b; \ : wi & ou 623 Fits 2 relia. $i SEY i or AAR F Oddities of Bight. ; Martin 3 Ripa Tabuics Reglaze § {he Svstem and Priserse the Heall : ow DES PAT > rr i cn oats at DuBois Tor Bradford, The two eyes really see two objects. Standred COPYRIGHTS, ~ fain Nis Th Aone at Cleared with xr ye ops , gr Pt Li srmation snd Sree 5 ; . the two forefingers be held. one at AS > T. LQ) A Dy § PRONE R00 WU Bnoan mat, ¥w Yom vhs. (Cre mitrond. Sw Philipetinrg, ek + i a Tor mevsiring | patients fn Amaston Bacon Sod & Mossi WOH Bassons, Phinaaded. .— Y z ; PH : i ; ry 111 Le ; : E NY X YCR's Bil paces taken ou 2) |g an Benaght bent #2 a Yor tT siz d. M. BONNELL'S pf | aves Ee Ih i 1 we in at, two toms ’ ; ; : FN - FAY s8 Err aves LER NERO ] 2 A a Nn ale 0A dn es TYR Reta: EE Fabward 4. Lapey, Lean Pas A Music Store, ¥ } RELIEF i mas hE I are requested he mr ; ~ : 6s 2 mr es fm, me es re i re £25 0 meat aout ws . oe 5 eenin WH Iw fof hooiet, ur Ee
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