# PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1396. $1.00 PER YEAR. [OND & COWDE ENS STORM, AL Close to the Line MC GUT ments of goo demand of us. give you-—~mong most of the makes them is this profits ours that inspires you confidence 11 e-thns we ex-! 1 oa paud into a larger In Facts we shall v8avi ing facts, ¥ _ STOCKINGS, FEATHERS, GOWNS AND CLOAK may be col reid a Black that will not ennk or fade of you use Came Gon and feathers The cvshen rin x fade a ort package mikes an ok fe, i A Haun LORE £1 Guide 10 C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, re for or SI Headquarters Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Etc., Oy posite Sehonl Buiiding. ‘Now is Your Time announce. | Facts you. Care oonoerned, as they ng $i chase a Lot in Patton. ph Sb GREAT INDUCEMENTS Arn OWered to Those Wha Uonleropist Tuvesting in Real Retate. This rule home ln our finds no exception at thriving and prosperous borough rumors that were heard for some time past of prospective purchases of real estate to be made and prospective dwellings and business hots to be erectiad have colminated ito rediitins and never have the prospects bien so bright for Patton as at this time The Courries knows of a number of purchases and transfers in real estate and of contracts that have been made avd are being made for tion of dwellings and bug soo 88 the went mechanios of Patton have more work than they tothe care of In this connection the COURIER represenintive gabisal 3t he office of the Chest Ureek Land Tuto COM pany with permission of Superintendent kK C Brows looked over their maps & * ing their recent sales and propeny still available that is labd off (600 ots and was mach surprised 4 ut ¢ t of lots revently sold @ they have at this tie for Mr. Brown stated that t they business in FRO the case for some Line, On inquiry the ; on which they sod wis sired that the are the purchasers’, ue far as He pig wii Bl mn Tye vip ehonihe, EELS ES i bw silver Hat Bisict fhe hE Ee piatnbey sig iit than } terms sill monthly payments extending long period. if the purohieer a0 04 This enables any person, bn whit bis income may ba jot and that is the first step owning his own ron : This advantage and hbera tha Chest Creek Land and Improve company, in connection with and own associations there is i most excoelient © tion officered as follows! president; BF. Wise, Wm. H. Sandford, secretary Davis, soiicitor, EO Hartahworn urer, amd with the folios E.£. Brown, J. RB Core Donnelly, H. E Baron Loe Bn % 5 iE bag iw pre ford, un statement this paper Jun Shoes © forthe boys and girls “kick up their heel’ in, to climb fenous, to Yhave fun.” Tight shoes to keep oul the wo, © keep the fect dry. Such ahiowe posh 8 81 air are pot Bue: opuldn't be at that price. rand mo Thome shoes a a will or loss. Our Spring of Kind Stock © * Irene, in won a vr 4 rd BOW IE BEE ar wise, er. shots at ¥ 1.95 ta 1.35 and, exoeliont wearers god thors Malb NTS py vlan G Russ i TEN Pozen New Styles in Baby Shoes at 50%, 1050, in Kid Patent Teather and Tans, For complete stock of Foot Fixings come Ons i. S. Bell, Clothier Tailor, Ratler. FN FE Cash,One price munity CY Reng fd Phos that in the Boguiriog oi « i Spans pttention andl investigation prospective bailder 5 a he benefits and advantages o ing and joan associations Lo a oo are meets in the vities of Phila delphin and Altoona, where the ia ing nen, mechan) % generally own boluses great many people in the Inhoring cas, Clerks wito shod and pay the same home of thelr own. t - Sian oF FRIBEN $54 ied amennt teovards a It is sarprising that the advsnlages of building and BOL Gre Renita fact that the wrong ue have: haa ore, Anrgels JOAN Reso ialiodee Epo, SonCeTLIGE tee wintions is PER INIT his The hm: feted will Iw t roogh th nkisbation and Loan ase Bp at Cetin s ailer 4 few yeilds waa ERE R 5 for 1 fa the inten {and and make short § i She CasaRiy askin Eine of the Sd special % Ti lens All persons ahioabe inter Pena afered. do not intend 10 baiid wo do well to cad the C. €. 1. & 1, their offers The Patton Clay Masulscturing company is about to bugin Dusiness, 18 fact are pow manufactoring brick, of which nn mention is made elsewhere in Cthe columns of the COURIER, and with the beginning of this new industry i necessarily resuil in bringing & large number of persons to our town to becoine residents here, ant the price of real estate will then advance. [tis ‘noticad on the seheda £2 LNAI Y sal lear of eof prices of the ('. L. & I. company that no ipcrease in the price of Jota has been made and none will be made for the present, bat sooner or later the demand increasing the price: of lots mmst necessarily ak vance, therefore advantage shnid be taken promptly of their offer. This article Is especially directed to the laboring men, reecharion and clerks who reside here, ax well as to all others who may be interested. With the approach of spring it is ‘natural that more or less building and improvements should take place in a ‘pew and growing town PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT Fropursd by the Principal, GH. Babhbeod, Fer Pabiieation hit the Coparier. The Patton schools completed their ‘mixth month's work of Seach shry ¥ on Fri day. March 8th. On aceon of Miss Margaret Srnith, Primary grade wan vlosed wei: tie partment, and the report braiily Bie fore, cannot be given regret that we are the fall report ax it is sng one ? pesiiodt. aed Lhe herrea re wary ¥ * an ib has been 1 fro SO pone Lhe lnrge as the a0 in #4 Af Phas Hyp yg Ey 3 vverly Tair wal TE ag wa oink a Harry Melon, i 3 Hi farimmrons Sy Anna Pravis, Sarserid Wn Sipmalford a ph pF Vik LEE Gh ee ¥ 3 oat LEM AT in, Howard sirael Weeks proveding 1 5 HN Ri yrther inform Bir, Heawan T. Jones Hee T. 1. Gussoy, Ehensbarg, Pi Baby she line. we Bye Berl. The Sine Cad the “Courter CATIBRIA COURT NEWS Athie Nett, Who Was (harged Wilh Parjury Acgaitted By the Count The reguiar March term of cou convened Fhensturg on Monday and the day was occupied in receiving the quarterly returns of the ITER Al morning Pirie petitions of homing mod £145 shea © RETEST BENS rs ¥R BOTTI of i Bas Wore whichis of interest apd vicinity: The foils dh . EAE RE ARN SE SpE aK i - Wah § PEROT GF woh 1. x5 «BY ka Ry rp Fig HAN WE SR LR Ase $id mot Ki ti xy. hat was sont pemoved © Hs properly pared for by its owner. ng i wnfortapate one ‘J. N. Brewer, '§ 3 Yi 51 fous TY 4 nh. 8: fi pen nearby COUNCH. PROCEEDINGS. ¢ Prantness Which was Transncied by the New © § Coaneil on Tosmiay Night. Connell met in regular session in fi Connell chambers on Tuesday night | with the following members present: RM Wilson, | PP Young, Ralph | Lotseh Tr P. Jones, J. T. Onlp, 8S M. Cornelius and B. F. Wise utes of last Toesday night's session were road and approved and also the sinntes of the last meeting of the id Counvil, Priday which were also approved {'nder the head of unfinished busi Te following Billy apd tha Ulerk was nstegoted (0 write WOE Jow a spe John Boyon, ew for month af Feliranry Ariel sod fo Th FHL Rin we meals 0 prison- W. J. Donnelly & Ua, and hymber 87.50 Ae FX street work. BLA President Alex Montel % the fi 3 rorddern for the same: a8 a 3 $e Rar oad, LET torts, inborn, replies 3 wR. LEHR RE lon ® belek Ghee CBee cir tha melt sb side Being resold lo Ho x Ae ered 0g Frey Peed fe le Ais Is AR the Bret Hoar oh hae sewshi fecr with be Pann bog A The AS hacdsog Ww ascend WHER his been aw Hulbard & Wise meses bg dings af fin RYU gL faetumy a ive Pret oa COEUR mht g Lire #0 in Fratton Woes Seen rylaite o . ny ss A&R TRE Welt Xuan ved ie Ea 1.00 amd $1.05. Brig, igs FA night, February 28th works wis turned out on were rendered Cntheer viable ard ouportant £ he § hws randy LR ‘The First Invoice of Brick Manufactured on Tuesday. p8 M WILL SOON MAKE PIPE The min. Far Beware, Aine rther Clny Prodagie Wi Kaan be Tarded (hat. The first brick manufactured at the Patton (Clay Manufacturing company’s Tuesday of the manufatore of sewer pipe and other clay prods be made in about thirty days Thin is good neva this week, and % wil and the people of Patton wil welcome this encouraging peaort with rladaeas, ax it means more work for the laboring man, swore bude ness for the merchants, in Wet it signi- fase far wiper ty for oar town onsiiae of ivdugrieg whotlding the main day works, which was Bs bei contra time sa, TOE onl wots Page poy mara ire in place amd nafard ore of wnt. gm fast as A erewr of men are at work puting mn will whibed CANES Poa c enried WER teen part Ea ft wife RE i cpdatio bug ef 4 BRYA gE ey HEAR Ai present Jane the to te. which we fownt antl they are ready Tria swawar Dine fa andl all aronnd the id gener ak winnt a scones - ¥e aw ail eral TE Ey ed a £ 5% PRET ae ng a in SRrpenters, | fopaniTmerss, fil wirighte lathers, plasterers, sinters ww exhibited, HC RARLIOR Are band sepedn Various wore La srvoty taborera and all Thesrabont The stisigr thal no owes CATO whe He a ME tenns WES Wa aud frst pT A £0 senar? WR Send swith Bim He hesmgcder RApsil Pe md Basins Way vigeprteaibend Hasire may voair path w The Wish Frank, Bg Contraat, $45 3 ® thnaK, de Te Pave, Hable plumber whic aw has & baa GRR i) TOW Lives ak awCapen he Tasdy Dealing papas fanafnniunog Lhe ie Tia Rivas Lal Dus 35 SAREE MALY. TALI eae RERGOLT SOdriae. Ad HE Asha wn oF 3 Ty rN Wedh 1S a Mules of Harp Le Haninalang Two Onn Si-Large in candiates sa LaoN LEY fhm ntaon, and sther bas. Baaiing san Adstiiiion We Bi PR Al eae ¢ lr, aaiamd, the Mages ER RU » a twdiar basing action business. It wil tion 12x18 feel ta: valarege pleted, which nreparalory Ww to his place of be a twosstory adil This will enalbie him his ore roo when come he savas is Bis lenin, We ard GUAT Harrah for Patton! are he peopie And WE gost De
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