ments of § demand of us. Facts we shall #0 “kick up their heels” in, to climb L L—NO. 14. the Line goods. Facts you give you—money-saving facts, most of them; that's what “makes them inte esting. is this profit-sharing policy of ours that inspires you with confidence in us—thus we ex- _ pand into a larger usefulness. in our announce- It | third the Loud bill will pass, says the D & CO - Teations sent by the publishers thereof, Ss — leaned Here and There by G thy “Courier” Reporter. A GOOD BILL, PASS IT. To Amend the Postal Laws Rolnting © Hews ond Cian Mail Matter. There seems to be litile doubt but Newspaper Maker published in New York. It has the pnanimous endorse ment of the American Newspaper Pab- lishers' Association, which is depidedly “in its favor. Some opposition hiss been ' aroused by those publishers at whom the hill is aimed, and to whom the passage of the bill ‘womld mean an added expense of many thousands of dollars per annum. It is to this very class of publications that the enormmons yearly deficiency in | of sample cophes which should pro pigsty nee Dior whl ams for tottn, #nd ere for wik and wl fie vosot fate ot | A complete stock of Munyon's. Homeopathic Remedies. [Call and get a copy of Munyon's Guide to Health free. Patton Pharmacy, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Etc. Opposite School Building. hoes for the boyx and girla fences, to “have fun.” Tight shoes to keep oat the wet, to keep the fuet dry. . Sinch shoes cost $1 apair. These shoes will wear splendidly. J tire not fine; couldn't be at that price. ‘They are strong, well put together and Nothing more i of men’s, Women's #nd children’s footwear is now in and we show some some beauties. Our “Dollar Toe at $2.00 ix a good stylish wearer. “Our Misses and Children’s shoes at 1, 1.25, to L795 and $2; all excellent wearers and fitters. Mothers don’t pass us hy. Fine Patent Leather Russian Calf and Evamel Leather ary beauties at 3, 3.50 to MM. Gan Dozen New Styles in Baby Shoes at 32, 50c, to T5e, in Kid Patent Leather and Tans. For complete stock of Foot Fixings ome to us. Clothier Tailor, Hatter. the postal department is responsible. The mails are londed down with fans : wri ye pay & higher rate of postage thie that poeorded to gevemd or tase matter. Rach publications which print mi Hons of copies for free distribution enter into dlegitind powspapers. They divert thousands’ worth of nasily from the columos of andl weekly pros, beosane We JRxity eof the present jaws peril them 1o im pose upon the government. in clases Loo, the cliss of hiteratire oon ‘tained in them is of a piroicious char meter. and their infloence on Hie mors character 1s detrimental to thy pabilie gorind. Newspaper publishers will serve the | interests of the public as well as their | en by advocating the passages of this tex eonpeti Som with Band redds of ve rtining an: the daly TIAL % Fill Their representatives in Congress should be made aware of the senlissent in favor of it Following is the bill to amend the postal laws relating lo sonido lass hail matter, prepared by Representa. tive Loud, of California: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Tnited States of Amarica in Longress Assornbled, That maliabie matter the second class shall embrace all mewspapers and other periods pa Heations which are jesued al stated intervals. and as freqosutly as four fimes a year, and are wisn the oon ditions named In sections three and four of this Act: Peoviben, Thas nothing herein contained shail be so construed as to admit the second-ciass rate publications sued pericdioally and to subscribers. hit which are merely books, or reprints of books, whether they be ismbaex] come dete or in paris, whether (hay bound ur Rhein. whether fey ‘mold by subseription or otiwrwioe, of whether they purport to be premadms or supplements or paris of regular newspapers of periodicais Bec. 2 That publications Lhe ‘second class, except as provided io wection twenty-five of the Act of March 8rd. 1579, when sent by the publisher | thereof, and from the office ol publics tion, excluding sample copies, OF When from a news agency to actual submerib. ers thereto, or $0 othwir news agronts, shall be entitled to lrapnsmission through the mails al one cent a pound Lor fraction there! wh 18 tes Fa bar Pe Fr & Fx GLEE spaid as now provided by law: Pro- VIDED, SEVERTHELESL That news gents shall not be ail yavedd Tooretarn [to pews agents or publishers al the pound rate unsold periodical push tions, but shall pay postage the mame ut the rate of one cent for four ounces. Spc. 3. That all periodical publics ‘tions regularly weoed from a known place of publication al stale inter vals as frequently as far Ligkes & year, by or under the suspiies of tenevom or fraternal societies 0 the lodge system, and 2 fide membership of not less than 1.00 wersons, shall be entitied a of second-class mail matter. vinkDn, That such mater shall originated and published to phiéects and purposes of order, 2g. 4 That the conditions which a publication shail be ado “ti the second class are is Blows: © Fist It mast regal i fa stated intervals as ir Th 4 $a Dw feta pig 2 times & year, bear a gab jsene, atud be numbered conserativesy. PoNecond. IL must be eins fron a i known office of publication, Gis shall be shown by sation itself Third. paper sheets without jeather, or other substal such ss distinguish priv preservation from periodical tions, Fourth, ky eet It must be {nrmed of printed are. oy It must be originated an published for the dissen nof ks formaticn of a pablie & tor, or Pdevoted to literatary, the stiendes, aria, ‘or some special interests, and mast have a ligitimate list of sabsribers who voluntarily order and pay for the same: ProviDED, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to admit to the second-class rate regular publications, or any partioniar issue of any regular publication, designed pri. wutsatin ia » 5 | marily for advertising purposes. or for ; free cirvulation, or for circemiation at : AND PROVIDED, That all extra numbers of second-class pub- pominal rates: A acting as the of purporting to be pe agent of an advertiser or : preter or address furnished by the r, shall be subject 10 pay at the rate of one cent for every four ounees or fraction thereof. AND PRO- vipen FoRTHER, Beat it shall not be permissable to mail any artich or arti- cles, or sng part of any portealar number of § newspaper or periodical segregated from the rest of thi pabii cation, except at the third-clsm rate of mtagre. Spc 5 That the Act of Congress in regard to second-class mail maiter ap. proved July 15th, 1854 be, and the same js hereby repealed Sec. # That this Ast shall take effect and he in fore from snd after July 1st, 198 GOVERNWENT AWARDS Roestesd by the 00d webddors afc Cambri sind Noarby (anciies The following pension enrtificates have heen ined sbpee The date of Feberosry 25: Original Jonnetown: John RB Bette Johnstown; fravid Ho Arnold, Dabs, Tearfieid sonnty; Albert Burkbart, West New. ton, Westmore yoo We P Kennedy, Wend named snd cemnty: John V Aan Bastvinn | depeneed ied PREY, Fishery, Arner, arabe Ee pod lige, Kreger, Westsiorelng (omnis, WE tour, eared f ; Newton: Soha WW Bow. Marin Indiana county Boek § rere ne Civeprmhung abi Aa Ass Fastronn, Jobnsiawn Sahin Metrgar, > £5. ka LEA gt Fads pi FOR Is, Bll Baymerset nounty fo Fraud Foremmen The fimgnen of this section should Bot forget the fait that the next ai nual eaneedition of date Bremen will he held ar Joknstown nell (etoder Cand the fre company of Paton shoud pon nol vary EBGuURs io ase Ar wiped 10s @ This will yrobabiy be the reared pobr! the semevention will he beld to (OF Own sveral years and we sald dn the ranpements bo alt int] to her posed neon be meres by John WW, sSeioh, ehmirman dren id The rane furenics committer. Johnstown, Pa jet Patton be will reproseniiml. Lat toe people out of town know this we haus VD] THER & a etn ].ist of Granted and Refused day Are Was Witheleawa, among the nity at Ehenuburg on Mon: day morning when Judge Barker made known his decision in the license ap plications which were presented for bin consideration the month on There wer this your 718 applications, ak against 209 last year noe owas withdraws by Thus yosr ronson Of another person having made spplich fast year iy $93 the same hone pogrranted: . Ena 4 re Fw Rr Wyre ra ih be fonsned a full wood of the conrt's action, with Johnetown mity fenitteat GRANTED. he NRE Trani relic i PR EE w“ BARN ES Haow CRUERT TOW NAY { hares Ehud SEINE SPINE BORG GH Wiliana ¢ CI RARIIELD TOW NaH wv Harker, Simon P. Nagle CONTMATGH TOWNSHIP, Lawrence Koad, browser, CREBSRON TOW NHI. Matthew Adebdwrg A O William R. Dunbam, Jobs MeXNaily, B. J McoNaily, Charles Satheriand, 4. fs Yerkiov, CRON LE TOWNSIOY, . Bimend, BEaranfesd LF onal ¥ A i the best equippesd and regulated vol unteer department in Cambria soanty, Af i is pot guile so arge. ¥.R RK Ihmprisemends, The Penisyivania Ralros the Philadelphia 23 apres Lhe STO ERTLY Beroed, hos af Sd: new saya os caammlrne tool pyar Goal Cars Ths RTs will be batilt ab the company & snaps in Pan Ateema Penney vari risirasd the coissiebilann i tev hee SAE AL raogtls engines Fase The Tuma Crovk Dany. Ti Bewvh (reek raoromd is nanting paras amount of dal delivered sriield and Muboning Bo oa be i3 an th {3 branch of the Baflaia sowd Pitltalinre maiiway, gether with 8: Bl tex ; g so ok 3 igi i yor Lacks BE JL G08 vk Alpe Beea i offered 8 Th Cor supply seems 10 be “ Be » iy The Cay hao Sai ive HR LL Boake By a Male On Priday evrrong s work | serei ve & > wh Sd Hy Fenmhal WAS i». RE : . AE sien Eo eal 5 5 a ha dL : Caravan aries if reas masiles WHR 5% Sa the Tinseiak s L oa SRE © Ee fhe © danagin HWE fan, severed ZROK Trott One a atr-entesl Alias, ! his ribs Greate bea AL present BTN be wo % 1 sl rAnGY Imlrovess BEL Wid Mes ah oe to attend Lo Bis Work agin 1 OT TE Ciadizier Wilks ba pana Cranes al The Lew shang Ngee Yo sil my Palrops: Crayon Portraits free and frasaes 4200 to all Balding 3000 Lares hie Rs Ah fF is ii Cg sa = he IR eat serie meme Ba Say, don't miss the 2 reraen’s dance in Fireman's hall, Faton Pa, on Easter Monday night, peli 6th. DEAN TOWNSHIP. Wiliam © Sevder. LAST CONE ADUGE BOROUGH. William N. Goud, corner Locnst and | Ciromve shereds, Mitsil Tobe = Bowlands, fimseve sireel retail. £3. Jd fires e Mipveln ean - By Vooniman, sorner Main and rata FEENABL JBI Nie, EAT WAND Jor 3 5 Ras. WEeT WARD AE Bender 1 A J MeKenaine raver. 1000 pe A 4 tapmaaid, Elmer Hear ales a is A Honey Sey Ei cae LAME GAIIATINN TERY Mud ire. E Marshal Andrew ban B PEO, Brow SUE ORY reli s Ee Fa EA Pasi AH. Phend, D Ghaerge PORT VOR TOWNSIDP : WW Seott Confer. William H Ed wards, RADE TOW NLIY J]. F Bouper W. A. Chaplin, Stephen A Cooper, DB. Newcomer. RICHLAND TOW NERLY wnard News, Geistown, retail SHIH PORK BOROUGH. CC. Menoher, Walnut Grove, retail. : rentil Liquor Applications Tih of inet Brown, Bas ested the engines painted black, os i : Ernst 9 PATON, CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1896. 0 WW. Baker, retail : James BE Mangus, Raiiroad street, SPONVOREER TOWNER. Jobs J Hoghes Plas, Walnut (rove: residence, Noo 998 Bediford Pike, distiller. : : 175 OUT OF 216 O. K. Fudge Barker Files Wis Decisions or Mosse Jahr Metzler. Waltiot Grove, retail. EPANGLER BOROUGH. : B King. I B Saillvan, M. C Ce » Westover. There was a little Sutter of surprise | HUMMER John (Griffith, Francs Karth, T. © Y abner SUSE ANN A TOW RRP, Daniel W. Haower, PUONKRELN GL BOROUGH John A. Bertram, John Goldy WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Frank Leap Martin isup, Thomas Y Brien. WLM RE BORGUGH N. Jd. Boyer. : HEFL SET, Astevilie horoagh- James Hanlin Barnget Wealkiand Carell township Patrick Harrigan tow nahi gf Huagh (Don. sevagh baroagh oo Waresdine {roses ely Hastings borough Jobin A Pawn Jat hoo A.M George, John Macwell Prank OP Nall LD Suffer T { Bape tate Restndaie Weng. Figo ep rasan baron arhy | For, CRESIR DY, hewremyerts John J Me Din mitt Portage township James Dhaly Peter AA, Peale fipmaslitn XK. Lh Gray, PE Ls & rad renw Baker saenstiin James Ilan robadl: John LR Henry i £ 2 Seugth Fork bora Willian Fox, lakes and Halroad sires, retail; (wore Bo Onlos, Railroad sirowt, po Sail ] Spanger Riekard Bowen, Turelkill boroagh--T. J heron PH Bearer CPanel Quinn WITHDRAWN Fhepsburg, West Ward Matilda i MeKenzie No Wow Ormavvents Lowel The Pennsylvania Railroad company corilers Bave ail rails 2 mandie bars, pipes and bras works on Alt ornae averts mit whee he pranoven The ander meets the approval of all be 8 #7 hd 5 compidepubde of te Bower, Le work, white The are firemen & polices © haw beeen engines of he rigid, BL have thar brass Boel copper engines polished & That sit the order pelling Wo Graze in dis plesms them, sons of the wogines hav. pans] to x wh Lat Ts Lar fhe Hiss ing deer Borns that have ee taken eae of for Years Wor by pogiested to sla aan Lr ie hi EhAIIe Of wis Smee EE joi se Pa pS Rad dks Apne ie banking business, 4 fat that gives us pate. Load port Standard Pot Bens £ based who conducted ® < iE sk i% Hal Line ho tale AWAY He DW Eng & a We Tai aa Prati, whith mx % hte basiid By LAY Wir hover Daal EE Ruy ne Yi oe Plt hh average A} eomdin Wav Yad Npents wabled ambos county of MM ria Y. Hrent lie Shion aie fond thus anor Ageni Aikman, BP Address BJ ERs SEPT, n Eons Le Laas of $200 to i Oma Seal & Woesapiive rade Fadl A gram magoersde al Wie be edd Patina. Pa... on Heeryianiy pe Ime TBD: aenret in Yeager's fia Momiay night welcome. Good order wis taped The Shesl DING Tickets only 3 cents Farm & DORNAN, opm op “live me s ver regulator and [ean regiziate the world,” sud 0 genius. The druggist handed him 3 bot of De : Witt's Little Early Risers, the famons little pills. ©. 'W. Hodgkins { Mid ini, They have bhewd In the Office of Renel Somer- ville Tuesday Evening. NEW BORO. OFFICERS Pinched for he Emiing Year AN Member Wise Presa, Last Friday night a special meeting of the oid Borough Conuddl was called and owing to the expiration of the term of Councilmen the Rilowing members stepped out of the harness: Frank Camphwll, 1.8 Bell and BF. Wise. and those remsining in offles lo aot in conjunction with the new Conn- | slimen olacted at the last slection were SM Witson, Ralph Leisch and PP. Young On Toesday night of this week & mweting was called by the old and new Coanelimen for the purpose of organs ing, obligating the new members, slecting a Presddest, and other ime nortant offers. which were necsssary Al this Lime The new Council met in the office of Reon] Somervilhs, Bug, 30% pom. wilh the following feembers: Alex. Mon ratthe WOM Covedinm Twan™l ¥. Jones, 4. 8. Brewer, Dixon, John T. tp, Alex. Bower, Ralph Leisch, P = MW ec first ee ohlaghling the new members and The tempor. ary slentaon af Chapvmnan, asd Sew Fiwal Tg tars, which offipes wers hy Alex Hunter Romney Fag, The frst nomination for permanent Mow wan thet of Preddent of Counetl snd Counecliman Monteith meociving the highest number of votes was dee clured alestod Then catae the nomination of (ferk of Connell. resulting in the slection of F. Wii Grwens for a term of ohe Year, with a ‘salary of 8500 per month and posta of stationery need in that on parity. WwW. f Sandford was seelseted Bor ough Treasurer for the ening year Alex. Hunter, elected Conneiimen then handed in Bis pessignation as 0 member which was asconpted and lected 10 BU the vaeany Mr Hunter sosipgming John Bovee was octed {hienafe Pobior in Panto Borough 8 sdery of $30.00 per wionth. with the ander standing that he shail be abject lo pemaval by the Conocil after notice given, and that be is to wear bis unk forms provided for that purposes while an duty, which ist filled rowed ely amd Hedwd ane of the pew af Cotiseil BF Wise cased by or Be Tarnished by wid and - Bioneait EXTEN The asteetion of Bex Hunter pein 5 his own proser A Steel Uonnnise vai A hex the largest number af vores wan duly slevted for the ene suing year. A at of Roles and By-Laws goeern Lr the Borough Council were adopted when a motion was made and phat. the Monsen Le sane ext Thewdny 2 in Low oun. BhotEr Was 19% Ae “a reat sonnel Zh Ar bern at TR@ sharp ate Hour which ie ls iransient atl Carried sok 4h & $e Ta grwiny be Coral wie Repl 3 sfsmion a5 sanmonicalions and other imal } Tueskavy night, March Ba, 1x98, DHEmilieseR Was Lh 27 Last af §peisineed Leothiys Tow following wilers peidain a the sostofios at Paiton fur the wees end ¢ mpliiruay, Peds 00 N00 Henry Brooks Edward Botofl (ibe {risinger, Juha Hem CMe Anne Bowley, % 4 Micliget Limes PF Slawand, Wright sod % Satin i we og Parmins calling for the abave 5 Gd EWS MEYER XX Mroioxn PM ers Ww Able REAR any tisend. BE. Viswauen s Dose, Um Raster Monday might, 15, Patton Fire hold a grand badd in their ball on Lang ab Le tpril Grn, COEDRNY Wad ¥ Pugs Hai avenge. Evecybogy = vtec end. Daal grand aftr. rams if as i wild By order of | COMMIT IRE R Lovept Thaaka f wish ny thank the pases sannns of he their sad Tebow GOR generals wd Words cant ox press my Appreciation of their feud | J M Rory, me ms ” Tuesday evening 3 $ Dana's Sarsapaniia & not only the best of all remedies for the Narves, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, aad Blood; bat if no benefit, you can get your money back. The same guarantee ape plies to Dana's Pills, Cough Syrup and Plasters. For saleby ¢ W Hodgkins, Agent. - 1814. : :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers