5 PATTON, C AMBRIA co. PA, THU RSDAY., FEBRU ARY 2 1866. $1.00 PER YEAR. PA. I wish to inform 1 my custom “ers and all those who, at any time, wish to purchase any: thing at my store not to led as to what I cary and what 1 do not carry in stock nit to and then you Ww 1 know. Remeniber I carry the most i complete lines of _DRU IGS NT MEDI- CINES, ETC. than any other store i North. ern Cambria County. DON T BE A complete stock L Homeopathic Remedios. Cull and get Bn copy of Munyon's : Guide to Health free. Patton Pharmacy, Headquarters for Cc : emicals, Etc. _ Opponite 8 School Building. MONDAY, he Case of A508 Nol Arrestad for Por be iis- Mimday, heen neases Tor the { x swig Por Grand Ferry Mosnbay, feloniions rape: Fenatierdly Chery, 5 of Munyop's To be Heard at the Term Com- mencing at Ebenshurg ARCH 2nd. Fars. WHE Come Tp, The criminal court calender, as sub. mitted by District Attorney Murphy, far the trisl of cases mm the Cambria srimninal conrt coremencing March The following alse mind: ant y annoieement & he foeay wi penne the day defendants and peed not De present until fisined for trial of cases in which they are concerned: Mareh 24, w oe filer, Harry 2. Wh rd IB Biekien rortion; Jibn gagith prose Harris, Correa sane J. Lipt FP hittiery Jed ¥ 3h J OK. Henderson, v; Mn Edward Butbord, Rage aq Thorass Lean apy ard battery: Rate Yeager, i Martin Loss, SERTaY: battery; Kate Rarvact Martin Long LE cade Teun], rion fal prions rape; Pear Hom 13 0E pu abd Afed] smanuly ad “hatte a Kate Kur Henge Ramil Lightne: r pte Yo rape; Joseph Marked. ng. Thue yas of srr neh batiery, ment to rap bx Lucy Marine, adultery sibs Lngde Little, . (hoorge Ma Ta, rine. Maris Francios, sdaitery, Imardo Galle, Antonio Robison, adultery: Duardo Cradle Frank De Cano, fornica Carge © Mandarino. John Ward, fornication aod bast srdy, seduction; Emma McCarthy. Brewster WW. Kemsraan, seduction; Missouri Grove, Aamael Haddie, fornication and bast ardy; Sarah Steele. » % Otto Fink, fornication acd bastardy; | Mary Etchison, Ida Orris, adnitery; J. 4, Uri Raffale Liberte, felonious assault and battery; Danisl Sexton, Daniel Sexton, aggravidied assanit and battery; Alphonso Liberto. Steve Feskoet al, aggravated sssauit : and battery; Michael! Logan, Mary Tomasko, aggravated ssmanit battery; and battery: Michael Logan. for the boys and girls to x up their heels’ in toglimb " to “have f fon.” ign + shoes to] Such not fine: couldnt » at that price. are strong, well put together and will wear. Splendid. Nothing more of men's, women's we show some some boaation. : Our “Dollar Toe at $2.00 : i & good stylish wearer, Our Misses and Children's shoes at 1, 1.25, to 1.75 and §%; all excellent wearers and fitters. Mond don’ § pass as by. a a Pine 1 tent Leatiwr " ‘Stamslan Calf and Enanel Leather are | eantion 813, 3.50 to §4 80. TEN ; Dozen New Styles in| Baby Shoes at 32¢, 30¢, to The, in Kid Patent Leather and Tans. For complete stock of Foot Fixings come to ns. Be l Mary Tomasko, aggravated assanit battery; Jacob Winkler. Frank Roberts, perinry; tharies | Musante Benjamin Figart, aastlt and battery Merrill Wynkoop. Walter Van Scayoc, John MoRean, fornication aval bas tardy: Theress Binder. Canis £0 Grand Lar Toostng, SE ooreky edd, Commonwenty va ciel larceny and ron iemtor, 8 a fl. Vacoer, Jaan MeK Nene ef Bl. receiving; SR Yarner Jobin Sehiaaeunstine, kyepang fing house; HJ. Mek i Frea Spe 4 Ba rsibag ¥ nore Lo pane ors; AW HL dane Sth, haroeny Denala Nightingale Joseph Neff, selling Heense: Josdah Werte Andy Leonard, nae! al . SHE. pose larveny snd wasrihe Feniving) without battery; : Edizabe th fark. John tite ar Jamies Burke, bone stealing Puls Henry Walsh, assault amd Jubn Putts M. J baliery. Moen, siptwinzicrnent, Thomas Murtha. WR Davis. embenh wrx id IRL Brown. Porter RB. Miller. reayle Porter BK. Miller Croyle Abraham Ying in the Lasinoss of Heenan; Benjamin Yingling. Ward Enable, larceny and receiving Joseph P. Miller. John Harsbberger, larceny and re- . civing; Bernard Nees. Fred B Bisel, larceny nErgeryY. Cemberiien 5 ng et an, detective engaging withett a and Chattery port, a tap6. willl be found Prosentors and wits Coanrmonwenlth must be present the days nated below, when canes will be presented 10 the grand tory: Jury Zh tard : aggravated ae sanit and battery; Willian Winslow. John MeRenze mashing Hauer Lo reosiving: . Bernard A rd 2, “cash, one pr ice Wiliam Winslow et al., assault ar “ eph P. Miller. W. Van Seovod, Atlea Neff, perinry: 8 E Jones Cais for Trial Monday, vol Bal Afark Modvey, prosieciior, Kam A Commonwealth snrety Of ihe peace, ant Hoey, Oliver Boyle, Matilda Boye M. Cunpingin Witham a Pan] Tomasky, Jacob Winkler Thonias Shatter, dimertion Mary Shaffer. Robart T. Harter, déseriion Harbor, Philip ¥ Jaros W «Lr Fae stanly & AN Jesartion, hon-sapport; sigroty of the peace; my PeLy of thee pees, pion-sup- Fannie mich, stiredy if hye pata Kiliduft 'T Fonte action; Pear] Balerbaagh rhaazh, fornication and NET ARIE SEL Mereril pe When Re sain il sive beds wirely of the Janes Riad RY Hk ; i Johns Stowh Pe ii Ease Pret Ma girie Brisder Camps Tar Teint Tivmlay, Alaris Sed, armory wen ith tion: prods nd S and hastardy. of Sard ie avngciition ang rape saan asad hedtory TERE TE Thomast Annie Little Faery Marine, adultery Lepore Mas rine, Muri rail Francine, FPrasrddo Aberin Babin, iad Prank De Ca Mandarinng Reowstor WW. Missouri Girove Kamne! Haddle, fornication aod base sardy: Sarah Steaie, { Mites Fink. fornleation aml bastardy, Mary ¥. Etohimon, ida Orvis, adultery: J. J. Orrin Frank Roberts, perjury; Chea mante y frail arhan worine Bovavisinin, Mu. Jikn McKean, fornication mud bas te; Thervesa Binder. William Wissiow et al, ssssait and battery: W. Van Scoyod. Canes for Teial Wodnouduy, Mareh 3th, Common weaiti Thema VR. Leap, aggravated assanit and battery] prom cutrix, Kite Yeager, Martin Leap, aggravated sssanit pe Kate Korvack., Martin Leap, aggravated meauit andl battery: Kate Korvach frafale Liberia, assault Paniel Sexton, taflaie Liberto, felonions assanit and battery “nd battery; Daniel Sexton, Daniel Sexton, aggravitad amd battery; Alpbomss Liberto Htave Fesko of al, agyravated as salt and battery: M. Logan, Mary 1a spray ated i battery, ¥ Langan. Mary Tomasko, aggravated and battery Jacob Winker John M. MeRensie of ad and recwy RB Varia John MM MoKenzie ot and reesiving: = K Jobin Sehlaasustine, AEs and assanit larceny AL. iarveny Varner receiving stolen Lge Ade H. J Mokenzio John Sehlasenstine, receiving stolen goods; H. J. MeKeuzio, Jolin Seldasenstine, keeping gamb- Hing house: HJ Mokenze, NM. J MoKengiv. embezsiement; Thomas Murtha w. = WwW. Brown. Jahn Hashbierger, ceiving: Bernard N Davin, embestdement. HB laneny and ree Ce : ol I immel, Lan oan revue Bert card Mowe, Cones tor Trial Thursday Murebh Sth, 5. Froud Speck, fur prisecuaior, Common wendth § Bila A Ww. Jane ‘ Dennis Nightingale Josep: Neff Di Hoense, Ju wink W arte Andy Leonard, assanll Elizabeth Clark. Cieorge W_ Shier, | pery, intent to kill; 1 Joseph Carr, larceny Mary MetCiain Claud Sickles, larceny and receiving; John Stier, James Burke, horse stealmg; Martin Hil Rovgith apd reeeiving. Hoguar w phon appl battery avd bat. palin receiving: “Fults, John Walsh, John Potts, Abraham Yingling, empaging in hasiness of detective withoat Hoense; Benjamin Yingling fies Neff, periury; 8 E Jones. Vard Knable, larceny and receivng; assnnlt and battery: aul Bade seabifion: Hilinaois Cleaned Here and There by tt Bgl ang ho Ee CI a ge oe the Courter” Reporte: DR. WARRENS LECTURE AY the Farnyeis® Tussi ute dd Won Fale repay FEL. pr. BH. before the Cambria Vavmers® [astitute, of Patton, nithelogy and Entomology, was highly interesting and ins shetive jo farmers. Among other things, Mr The ~ Totes wiare Hf Warren, Zootogint, tt: NE 1 ¥ on Warren wgaek: The farmers, fruit PR try raisers of the State sunnally joes thrasnads of dollars boosie of a ‘4 Erin and pond bai Lanwhuine dondprning We fri Sasamde tats of the needs, birdiu aid armies whisk inhabit Uwir Fai it Agricn The Zoological grionen tnt Premues fhe State Depa Prope i make capeiul iny eatigations relitions of, ¢ {ow whinh Saami Hi ihe common ey infest the enltivated cropd, as wedi Aw shes Birds asd mammals which by their ar 8 Dingarandy, hortiouitariat, ann aphrts. see a bvaedit, agricuituriag, posiry ta the Saiser “if paid isin in gardener, Shae ivesbirie tir annaal nn psn ite The ddoenmenisa fires of Cost Retin can he ht ined, IVA ing saplication to Agricuitare, at Hlarrishary, pulinting which by the Department of Anwng aiid bee sniead ane ing thal inherent po fhe fines any of Poultry and the Farrel and Feally eri Eocibes of Powis Ssh Cnitare and Birds and Mammon Which Desteoy Fl “The English Sparrow and His Relations to Agri oulfuws and Hertioultore' Sere Common Insects and Renwddien for : Lie % o 3 A gis SX a oo tiny present Vou will be of EE Pie {invest ic Their Destruction,” and “How to Skin and Staff a Bind" These buileting will be written ib a plain manner and free from technical tering which, in so many scientific pub. well pleased with tie interest and pro. ¥ ations confuse the mind of the gen- eral reader. There is probably not a single do not diminish By al joast one-tenth, and they offen injure crops to the ex-| tent of ope-fourth or one-half, and aby time whatever, sccanionally entirely destroy them. it ix estimated that the agricultural pro ducts supual y amount Lo $2,500,000, - oi, and not less than $100, £00 000 dam- age in done every year OY insects. of entomology, that at least Afty per cont. of this loss might be saved. We lenin from good authorities that in 1374 in the border farther affliction ar western states, FAVES amounted to $73,000,000, in 1384, the chinch-bug hire $423, 000, 000 worth of craps, and in INT, in Missouri, Lhe same apemnted to $18,000. 000 Lia raisng Wigton, Tron the grasshoppers’ in the outs 188 to NTA, thus annnal Joss fron the’ colion- warm wis estimated to be $15,000, Dik in our neighboring state of New York, the insect commit yearly, it claimed, degredations of from S001 (9) oi) £0 E31, 000,000, and here in Penns vania, an entomologist recently fisted aut that the destruction to erops by inwects was fron S10 000 BOG To FL £301, (RH The plum rendered plum culture in this Hate on thing of the past, hy apraying and polleoting Lhe haw tion on shaking the tees in the morning, anti destroying the fallen plums which con tain the worms, from Afty to seventy. five per cent, of the crop in many saxtances may be saved. The pine-tirve heetle a few years ago, in Southwest Peunsy lvania and West Vieginda, came aged the ping forests to the extant of £1 250.000, when the services of an entomologist Were agile preventive applied to hd wala in weevil bas practically vel alesis, by GER One and Ht pay were saocesstuly stop Lh Lins, Mr. Warren then read tabie nuhawing the value of Pennsylvania in 138 and in Jain, {Nm comparative in Lotad chickens was value of other fowls, Fa, 7.580 Mut; stal dozens of MoaTT aN In 188 thie total value of chickens was $14, 4RY 781: other fowls, $090.604, total $11 381,385; total dozens of CgRS of all fowls, 30.040,915. Thas it will be seen that the increase in value of poultry in ten years wan $0 (20,582; increase in value of chickens, $3,781,765; mncrease in dozens of eggs, 15 878,008, Lie vadne of Phe 34 020 ule; iy fs 3 toad, seepw of adi fowls A forty, night Ax KE cof hawks Crop : cultivated which the infesting insects in. insects’ ravages promptiy pra dace in um partians war cluding contents, wis Lot wily dost roiios Sniancially. to feel proud of the The total value of the eggs at fAfteen cents . per dozen, would be §7,506,487.25. The speaker also presented a data ; showing that a mink will kill thirty, chickens in a single smon weasel has hem known boy il vghty s¥ ar Hy one rowan soken-hause, 1 have Enews lt done tinged Mr, Warren, a pair of cihper's hawks to kill swelve yoong chickens in a day: and is one week the sane pair destroved 40 chickens on the farm of one of my asqusiniances, A pair of sharp shonied | hows Have i wees fine one, ihe visits Le destroy Poxes, when they Nad a poultry visit at daily, if uit molested, and soon destroy all the ponitry. Wild caw Hie in will in tall prose and shrubbery, and often pout arpesaable wil mirisomt des pinned danas. Bas ar waar aloes A Hy team (imerineeny Tas foowtan a da Gimatns, afd racroons’ PUBLIC SCHOOL LETTER ropa ed by § #1 Wishard Yo AsiTpyiaii’s vd apd 6s bas €9hne the 2d of » on Saturday “y # % & * Takia he Lt VER solani 5% Friday alaenodim, Wi pan sha has wad Beinutituily | salted he hep of Bliss Conntry. Ther Ballinger 0 in rey hough in fase the matory of In bese appeapristely r a1 ELLE Yop aceon telale ait the Batiding fa. sarh tepoher prepared a ! 1 AFUE gh FE th Ps wits $i a ZED i rien otit Inv Lhedy Tempe: hi wohl. diGvrent moms of ie was sarediaby our The wishing wens elaborately decorated with Hun, Fe % gas Phew biweokbourids, The pupils werd groaliy tereatad in Ihe yee md drawings spaprines ww iiet oun Wietod of patriot pontine, Sng, iad whitigre, gnolalans, drilin, and performed hele Shaker ney WON, he the Pia : priis; part Cres Firing aanar, PrTSONE, wd bese sivelanr The seachers aml pupils ware much prieiiol ti steers of of Grunts LAR Lh mostly palais of hi the hailing and Lstesed t rainnent mrnished by have the Bis selinod board and so many soneat gitizans honor he presence. The exercises Le ie of thie gross manifested hy the sehools. The weather of lust week being very severe, a namber of the Primary pupils sified mach from the cold in going to and from schodd, yet twy braved the storm and very few of them missed The Second Primary bis not been in session for the past two weeks owing to the ies of the ifr farmers and others would give a little | time toshe stady of ology im the line | there is little doubt : Cwerionsty iH for the past does teacher, Miss Smith, began work again on Monday of this or Miss Smith has bean doably allicted in the loss of her father, and herself haviog oe wisekn it in sincerely hoped thao she may be able to continne her walk withool Wo again arge upon thé patrons to send their children to school regular for there is nothing so detrimental to the interest and progress of a Li as careless attendance, specially the latter part of the Lor lessons in indostey apd stability can be given to children that to seand them and regularly Ww during 15k Ns Tt fer soisonnd. Reape of the best limadi wi foodie taneht ares RIE Big by vin ah Ea Bava ala hy good ex hoa Ll urs #3 Hah @y ike nt tint regularly am the TEL Segal # wiles Py dnd 3 ciel BEEN HIER & Bre gyasd Inhenosd and j give the teacher tha least Drouilue Sassy thelr atadiog aml vont (hea Senge] toy rite reat, RerpoaveR RTIEER sche the Baya and irs every day th wihoat and then you may sxpect good resale 1a fallow. Church Baim, ‘aloek Roniteee, Hi Ye wh have Om Tuesday marting abut» o cher Catholle ehureh at NE wat Thers: wing and very by fire. The fire bs supposed to originated from a beiter. po water works in that place few people ab the seete Lo Terms Bracket brigade the fre soon guide wl headway and in a short me the building was in ambien, A large fl AR ira was consumed. It was whether the liding = wil ar nol Eopnrysony Plhrased, Martha given by Ww gn the evening & pronounced The BiG Ale large, but Ww promptly provided with an elegant supper. The joe oream and cake was very flue and the society should have every reason saves of the sap per in avery particular. Clear Sal Ulmetan Among the charters granted Monday at Harrisburg was the tollowing: Clear field Clay Working company Gf Ulear- fekd, capital, $60,000, The Wiashingon Ladies Awd of the 23d KLOOEEN agnely sooially snd Wak very = ti raaitect, Thies during | ft Li the Far Toray thirty oive Ri vention Ehenstmrg Morsiay purpose of naming candidetes for VARrIOHE Conny affloeg, he Bale sons fie indorsing tuny for Presilent EE SONYTYRE WOR willy their day paged off pleasantly and all who wore | presto xprossed Uinemrmel Vise a8 Ding Lt Ser hold grade, which wach interost wis taken goad x Aw Ee he tow nmi i angular sa A vilbigee ¥ Le fran prnet af taming 2 aeres, my oosrgan yained af BLOG send | arvean a atid barns. acres atid 112 poy supper wet taywnship Was fran Asheville, Nye’ for the fusst Address 1’ J sMurp ny. CONVENTION Held at the County Seat on Monday Afternoon. SPENCER NOMINATED Ms Preandenss, funy indanad toy 1h The Cambria © onntsy Repuiiean con. mit in fee ot for (he the Sant afbornann the ter, M, sil af poROIGL NIE Aatidae The corvention oho RY. & ‘ Werte chsirnan. A tiv i Fi wae Recrant or tN Alvin Evans, of fe bead we the choir of he fran HEhepabierg OR Ags ary fear Whitin Sine OWL CUM MITE RST an thin dist ried, privilege of alent Tin ave Bla er BEM fosgvois, i dt preamntad Anas £ > Yu Za roe A a% BE, LE mame of eas, SETEEY La BaEdE fe 1h BY OO ee wilde pode natedd is von hhdeayn VERE ri edd dE BOmInGi es aE g4 Rema, 8 13 Paid Edward H Roses wiatl Pati award Hug Rove and Patierson were mominntadl on first bailat, the momings Es on SEX CAR casas. ALM. Bart and rhea the The ¢hiel Guhl was or Lion fof coapiry easter eile dates were plasdd ar SOIREE Shumaker, of Prasmtings, and Owing to the ; ae nt —— Pol tamer, Jose, Vane Johnstown, Rpeneer, of Yeovkisn, of Gallitaa fu that much fhe pemination work was gope to fF A P sped srrgpeed TE ana Fes fhe JA er anty nominated ater 16 tsatiots, fowing are the balloix taken Seana - f FN SH Ed ren For counts commisdoner Benjamin Jones of Ebensburg, and Hostetler, of Johnstown, were nominated, For andfitor, AL Miltenberger For auditor, John Gattings Poor director, Jas. Bomerville. Rate delegates, M. C. Westover, A, J. Thompson, T. F. Hamilton, The sonvention wan one of the arg in the county, Very SHERIFF 5 SALE. Many Progeeibes * he Friaynessead + 4 be GOR owt Ceomslter Shorifl Coulter has advertised the following properties ol sherifl 's sale to se hold ab he Bre. Monday, court house in Ebene March 2, 15% at 1 oleh pom The interest of Willman Parker in all the coal and mining rights and privie joie in 200 acres wil 123 perches oof and in Carroll township. The interest of William Parker a the pndividest hall of all the coal apd oneal of all thee more ther minerals in 192% anres, or lows, in Careoll » foray The interest of Wiliam Paker in the aidivident ball pat ii fra 0 alt thie cond and bay in 98 sores amd WY perches af Login Carroll townadag The Parker t AXEL of Interest of William Ad GTROTENL, ek By dig ia ights, Swing real Pr REG Shiai sie remit an end mittersis Ail {i AEE Oon-na ster in Ea epee in Cur The interest of J, LOX copii ii AL ares in Clearfield og pH how HAIR tl 8 SHOE al brn The rile ih a irk prosnd io Tite Musquelaing fsterest of fri oF Sot awmship, having therenn 4 tOnmt anvil daar iiang Fis 3 NOOnoeT GBa H. Bpsaoer an a tag of patarning LE gata aRnsa “Lae fait. Phe interest of Casper Woodfin a tanned in Carroll township, sone BE OID Ee dwelling hens r LAaving 1% 4 rem 1d Phi futerest of Margarsd Glass i 32 hea of lang in Win SAREE Nye A spieial to haat. Lae Hu RELAWOULN Rows N. 4. says that “Hill diel there Sat arday alteraoon, Agenis W apieal, Agents Ww antec ambra £O% in 1 EY aache. Mad Agent, Hoon, Pa $ iiie 4 thes 8. ne 114 Blevenih steed, A i oid L Tos Hep as phs All me ubers of the hnproved Order of Heptasophs sre requested we present as the reguiar meeting on Pris ay mghi at 3 a'vioek sharp. By areder of E. Wish GREENE, Secretary. \.
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