| th connection with the recent discoveries | of smngglers’ tricks. A few years ago ap individual in an ecclesiastical cos tume used to cross the frontier from Bwitzerland into France every morting with a large breviary in his hand. He was a man of dignified aspect and re. ‘ewived every mark of deference from the emstoms officers, who sometimes ancim- panied him part of the way of his daily stroll At last a letter put the sathori- ties on the alert, and the presumed prriewt was fonnd to bes professional srongy ler, who bad contrived to introdoce into Frazee at loast 1,000 watches in his broviary, Which on examination proved to he a ti Hix. Vary carious also was the experignes of & former inspector general of operoma here. During a vizit to Geneva he bonght a cloek aud instructed the vender to for ward it only when he had jnformed him of his return to Paris, sdding thik he mug bo careful to pay the duty. Coe of the first things that he ooticed ii bin wrrival at his home was this identical finepiene in hi draping room, wid in reply to his questions his ecsmchman #x- plained that the tradesman had himself slowed the look away in his carnage Tt is ealeniated that only one ont of ten profescinnal emogglers is ever caught. —Lomdon Telegraph. A Competent Yiotormes. The complete power which a thor oughly yraical apd hog vxperisnced gaoter in Bias ower his trolley car was eleariy demonstrated by one of the em plovess of the Hestonville Line in Phila dolphin the other day. It win dinner Hime, and severnl of the curs were, at evé end of the rare Incloded fn the Yauch of cue of the motirmen Wins a hard toiled og. In oa Fog way he said to his peighbor, 1 will bet $4 that f van eruck thesholl of this seg without Breaking the egg with the front dasher of my cur | motorman reverssd the current aud Backed his car un distance of ag yards (me of his eompanions stood ou the rear platform of the oar in frimt god held the egg between his fingers, with ope (nd against the rear dasber of Ahn ear. The maker of the bet started his ear forward at a good rate of speed snd then apnlisd the brake bringing the ear to a dead standstill only when i had fo poms Bo climes Bh the oo abel an to hold the seg supported by both oars, Then he again reversed the current. snd the shill was found to tw neatly tracked, put the meat of the agg upleokea. Ey chatge. Where They All Gargle, A visitor to the French springs st Cunterets, whose sulphur wators are highly reccunpended for throat Jiffiénl- ties, Writes thus: 1 strolled into the Therme abd wa Cimediately sid with astonishment at the gargting rooms. Thi solenn way in which people tock their glasses of water aud went to RAINS was i source «of wonder to one who was Bob acrustom: alto it. 1 will draw a veil over the gargling. It is nd a beautiful wight, and the best looking woman cau hardly kok pretty when engaged in it. “ Proficienny in gaging is mach ad mired, and I overheard » group discuss ing 8 man who, they mid, ‘gargied » merveille. | At the table d’hote later 1 was mused to hear 8 min ark a good ooking girl if she gargled. “Oh, yes, monsiear,” Was tbe reply. ‘Shall we gurgle together Wancrrow? be asked, nud she seemed quite pleased. Pear: wm's Weekly. ng Sb o Two of » Kind. A professor was waiting for a train st a railway station, and having nothing hetter with which 10 take up his mind began chafliug a bal witted fellow who did odd jobs about the place. So saya Beottish Nights, from which wa borrow the story. : “f gay, Jamy.' said the professor in & tone intended to reach the ears of the pystanders, were you ever at college?” Ng, sit.” answered Jamy, "bot I've “been at sebool. “Indesd,”’ said the witty professor. And who had the houor to be your schoolmester “Master Black." “Why, " said the wit, U schoolmaster oo" ™ “Do tell me!” exlsimed Jammy. Man, who'd 8 thought oid Black eonid have turced out two Like us?’ ; Goats In Baggege Cars Boome years ago the bogguge depart. soent of the Northern Pucitic road iesued ‘fa order that vo goats should be trans ported in baggage cars A peculiar inci dent bronght about the general order. A goat had wen pleced io a tuggage oar that was boppd for the Pacific cost Paring the trip the animal bad eaten fhe leather straps that bold tle brass checks ty the tronks When Portland ‘us resched, the chetks were ail on i fliucr of tha car, and thire wid Bo way of Wieniifging the tronks I: tok nearly three months ta straighten out the tangle, snd the general order was feged. — Minneapolis Tanes. Perfume. In the collinting of perfumes two proc- ees sre employed. In ule, the grease process, boxes with gles bottops are prepared, the bottum being covered with pure grease or suet, and the Bowers, gathered fresh every day during 1he sea- 0m, are lald om trays jp the box, the grease beng left to absorb the fra- gruvoe, iu the oil process the phaoe of sass is taken by ection beating sata. yoted with oil, the process being sub. stantially the same, In both cases the withicke becomes impregnated with the eMential idl apd odor of Bowers. ELS A Sea Torm The meaning of Al fo pame of a ship signifies that she 1s per feotly seaworthy dud insured at Lioyds' fpr the lowest figure, After pine years, ues thoroughly repaired, she sinks in Myation sud is removed from the first elggs Kansas City Star, NE en ry FT RNR A pool was mis and the Lord Raleigh says that the delusion of water appearing in mirages on bot, sandy plains is due to the fact that the andisturbed stratum of air pear the earth is highly rarefied A ray of light falling very obliquely npon this stratum and be- ing totally reflected reaches the iy of an observer jost ax it womld if reflected from water. The phenomenon is, striot- ly speaking, tne of refraction rather than reflection. Now, just ax the glass lend forms an image on the screen, io the erestailine lens of the eye forms an ime age on the retina or snwitive back part of the eve This retina mage is invert od. aa all retina images ave, and being projected to another strata of rarefied afr above has the effect of making the der logion perfect. Raleigh further SAYS that there hax been moch ynnecHisary speculation in connection With fhe the cry of inverted retina images, the mys tery being that we do not mee ail things inverted, The truth of the matter ie pow kek for something you Dever saw in a bike du pot wee the retina im. age at all; we only feel it. 1 we cond soo the imaps cn the eve of some one alse, wa would certainly see it inverted Paiunfal She Then you sre willing to dip for me? He Ach, with pleasure! Sha Weil, 1 don't usk for that, hut 1 am going to put your affoerion to the : Ho By all means. What am 1 fo do for yom? Shall Leapture a Hon, or say to the mighty coean, Stand still; my Jove carpmands 147 Bhi No, I do's crave after any soe’ impossibilities. There is aniy one thing I ask of you He «What is it? SheeNever to come bore again — Unsere Gesellschaft Two Drummers For Trade. ; A Portland rere it hss roenritle had ated to hid an ‘ : commercial travelers great yiciasitndes of fortune, One who wailed to solieit syade for a cortain brand of calchap Was at ona time one of the leading marchants of Boston, and his residence, when ad- versity cme, sold under the hammer for $73,000. The other, who had a Line of vigard, had been twire sleeted poy ernor of ome of the largest of the middie wostern states — Portland (Me § Adver tienr Cur army does more traveling than sty other on the globe. When troops are moved in Frame or Germany, it is unity for a shart distance, but shifung the position of a regiment in this coun try sometimes involves thousands of wri ow of pewvald ih day dee Yak Elvan Away siblishers of The Happy Home wn elesran® Bune toned night pone wedi wt $800 00, absolntely free + the person sending them the argent ed in the name of ther fubhiestion, "Tbe Hop wr Hine Additional presents, urea a od wuts hes, siver watoben sewing machine, mosie hex, silk dresses, China dinner sef, and Bey gabe aed wsefal articles, will y we veied in order of merit, and we seeding not fees thin ten {peredve a present of valoe ae eithe plural or singular works, bat wl nie eller miogy Liomik Than is appears in the text, “The Happy Homie? Uh trening lL Nii ref mee ¥ $i eit fits i, % ESTER wo i jaa popular pian.of in 1 new homes this pupaiisr hag in rneceivind a bapiy sel ¥ 4 dre Cpubiiatian ow ih Ty pATTH eXGRIOTI c thousands of ty aay % SLES, Xo the ohdior giving away these eilgabd tx ie bo advertise and atrrset attoniluin Thon Happy Hisense, wk br & handsomely hustrabed aan Be Lag gee BHR0 Gh a 4 Ae x; et Yrs ini Ene dev otal to alerae fi g o Cashion, stories and art, every fit of wonls most be aceom panied wo Lwr.otnl stamps six cents this favorita home fsmrnad containing fall particolirs, ast prifed pearing oo. & viagabie Addr The 5% Dearborn street ve Mgr Fouled tin Foal Na si ee Bo Hp hs Phe Masel nander of Tollettes Fei aadisdaans as strana reals fashion i a $4 Lipraiide PEE + by Cees Tag natherbh sed, ¥Eop tuted SAGES Aahia ik aAToee i La EC ae bh A PEST CHANTING, BA SNR Lag saa tiem sw Elba wis . 127 TATA i Fait MAE ab Cie Th be hal Gl AN adie GER AREF of gl sr © 8 Gi bE GS oe, BERGE TY 5 oy Yd mes afeted Shire NR SW Hatment dul mit snes and treatment pat together. For wile ab 50 cents per bottle by Patton § 5 gat #3 Finger i fogs Gah AWR 2 Pharmacy, LL a tie persons of twd ita three hed AW Mi NT Doe fons 4 inti bles for Pes wr : Vg : Reade township Wasbitingtory township RECEIPTS And Expenditures ER disaai $ ih oak need cing WE Eid {APM wo rs, Gd : fax § a Kelley dno son wwnships Set : : L 3 Fis i G00 gt Hn 4 FTA Ligier | een SEEN HY Dewars 0 Yearly PRE VAP HER TY Cambria County, io . § ye hve Tory $i Vio siren ng 9X Poop REY i Er FH aE dhe §Eahieladiow Bywn jr Rpt 3 5 TRG fo gx te ART Fo % Sian TARE 1 worpelleiiie Bea ye wR I Fherpnmiedd Heaney <8 wspowiand Toy ik Py avis wi § EOE TY § £40 % SER LA EY Tuyen LORRY OR Fe Rang a Expendillres REM IoN pik Trend Si Warp ld Ga OW mes Le yee Ty ewe salma Bie asin Twp Up Wop ers ws ff Wawelearts sre CEE Pi vag 4 fev wwdos! bagule Yoda Sediewsd Hears § Sik oe # 358 Ww waves Higarmy Thum Ch ; Loser, Sassy erat iihe, Sawin ge Chest bonis) Presa (oR BLD Lope iier tone lati | Hastings horeugh f ga 12 wd 814 § PA # orn le WR ee AEM pasbncte sof bay, $reg of miller 59 des of corn, NF rata tes OF wal. 3 ba of Tye, 5 § vm of Twine, oo Tk oof peat if v ¥ phoma, i oF pest LI 0 gwar Sf heed ganrie, 3 or Fete tariyin of wimpy Pa of Papag pra TEER (he ot rRiHY, Th i trig RK Sede ok lip 6 218 uiwet Fe hi —- Cope wa TEN, BF wR TM Tvs oF pass Are Pad pe spies, 39 54 § dries bo yyy > A vig #8 a af Tua Pie FOE. EARN vive. AWR 2 aa ws TAN daa a Li] im FTE SWIPE HE eRe Re if BE HLOrR. Jerk. Wines, Liquors, ; Beer. Etc. Phoenix BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Ag Flasks, Corks. Jugs. Ele. Hastings, Penna. % Living Catary| | : wees 1 Yet Given Up # SH PIE HEAD The formula of we LW BULL'S CELEBRATED EAE DY was gol : sraw a dying in his efforts Wo SERRE, an Pa pestains Hie IT SAVED HIM, {¢ will suve vou, CATARRI #4 (5d i re PEO vp Li Lh BE ¢ RED. LHAEATED aR EM ESY Wa as 0 $3 RIPANS Sn 2 P. The modern stand: 11E * RE ard Family Medi Cures the Cine Ss y 1 wi GIVE o ONE For mtormstion and tree Handbook MUNN & 00 3 Buacabway, N (ident Dares for seciuIng patends in Amarin Berery ratant Talon onl HF OF Ia efron Paws bY Baetion Ven Tee of Charge i he Scientific Americag ; SLA six Hoe PU BLisikin S61 Broadway, 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers