ATTON. CAMBRIA CO, PA. THURS SDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1866. Ga $1.00 PER YEAR. OND & COWDEN'S STORE: ALTOONA, PA. eee TH NERS STITUTE 5222 PATTON 808, ELEC Ktpewt lamps properly bghlen : nature of erties, and 10 buy to the Wide stevia | best actu aniage what ib news 2 & x iL 1 { gH Tf w % : i 5 Conon] pavenerits FO Nv ds od in AtteN | Pasay by Henry M. Gooderman, finn & Neosssitv to the Farmer’ Rewergge avatorn of § inl one st reeta . Sp ; j 3 Keverral brick butdings : | ; WR very intepesting Sh [ wich FE ais yaar PIETY Si cite nf dors that are nol Knead a EAL: MEETS fg The gue rv Sk me owe and wraps The a PEN ’ gp I wish to inform my custom- WHAT WE HAVE HERE Spin rotestinn INTERESTING MEETING ponds or the fis of the farmer?” was A LARGE VOTE POLLED ers and all those who, at any. — A civil engineer ; : answernd by Prof. Warren, who said time, wish to purchase ’ whup Was Well Attenitid and Wach ¥ngwed that most owls are Depeficid basse The BEE C0 Fiekiet Was Eirwied. Fhe vi arty “er the sypearkad Benefit of Suraegor creed ; Ww . le See Suu ; A he A Lire ba Abe Wer: Pretent 5 : . Phelet us miahe cate’ thing atmys store not to be mis in Han iy Kise ERE Mah they Gestros Acid mibwe: rads and : 2 Ho Ba Fak a wail or rgock i WF Faved S45 Eh gag l Dain Fee ¥ 5 g her iy ay oF FE led as tow hat 1 cart y and Ont thos Ibe ont ana pest iL gn Ye tard & i ies AF PG i : cos heed lon, DOL Ue ary are IBTRTIONS, ; DE % : hat, and when you are ssgeG amt. Lens people who make a hpsindess 4 asditate of Cambrin county SONVEREQ .,ihey prev npon poultry. Loros are which di held im the Firemen's hail what i do not carry in Stock, . : in tne F. Aohurch of this plate lal o ih on Tuesday passed off gait v with the k Patton you can, al et, arse all | RUSE 8 Al sat Lhe 5 sere El pees ; . yi tH questions very guiek] fe “ Have B ore 1 a, ; sled Tis : TR CLT destroy arg Sor aod the eps of Everton vine ares roAGHs Neff falters: £5 ret t =. rT. 3 Email birds 2 One atiormey, rot al SuRveir BLOT. a : Phaloy ? san Salinas] av esse dpe BOF Ra 5 the oekap nstil Wed Two ppwelors Sarne land Beate” who aver UNM wn § pmmber of the Slate DORPS Bender Sook ora # a 2a 2 net ta morning when Oe Ras L Ren Twa Tivery ; Mite Tid of Agricultors. who spoxe oF Lhe O85 : Thetis ans % 5 ai te swat Four grigory Four fiest-class Btdeis Two inner yard oe : a riven of girrionitoml prodnsis are con GArRATHY Barge BLE Inguiriag The bopongh slection oof Patton present One laprdry. ; ; : Le ne Lay of Be 1G. Two pitimbers Chir the line of Mr Thomas rPermasas 4 Hal bey tha Hom, J (: SUIEAE Lak siden were consid ; ia : ; . Td sanizative Mr Jim £3 : ; spb a erst rey mee ie Eh asus Yodl peip at a Ome teeny * s wil iid” $e Xe) § i gas par. =~ CF ssn pabiians WOR 4 r 74 HATTVAR, i piers, TOARTRRINTE OG YK ABR FOTIAA 58 it 60 Tle pops § % ; + 3 4 ierpaien Ary FUR TL EES ve Barber shops cand then you will know Two tinsmiths, Remember Ic carry he moat. Two draymen. by Tape droge stores, compléte lines of Two coal Kame odd mah DRUGS | Four phy hE - : ps Ome dentist P ATENT M ED 1- Two miitors | ES, E TC. | snl 3 fis ine nhisge : 3 2 ; : frie cir works : ’ ; than anv other store in North-| A solid bank: eit thom of their home and & was BOY OR CL it orn Cambria County. Pwo nudertagen i] ed Ra Rothiuek, secret Creer 2 D0 inhabitants afternoon vp Blaete samvad Bir 0 Lg ME, BOOTED 5 ah { AE * Privat ry alee ato Ea : i £: bor wrt SYR at Tow yeas LE §rhae BE ton amet Boe M3 : k ; DON *T BE A phe fing 2 ae oh + 2} ¥ bong wy 3 Es 5 VY $s Sta La £ frais re iby HR 2% i 330 2 4 z : . » hi . a 2 : : wb Tian aamawiialu nie : - ; 3 di } Raskar wae neesont al % i Ent aii Fated # son The mois Fags Dery Three gents ft John H Some pretly girs hart 4 short Life Wilken a BEAR TL : ; ‘ ii § A good wale Works Tr : #3 hia et nesta of the institute wonk! Agditor i irs Nf pond To 3 i s A > pi 1% ken $5 x 4 EAE + % 3 SEW % id PITTI aie Te En Go i So : : : Co i : = 3 XO AEN % : a ; a 2 ¢ 233 RAGE 3% 5 Fan k 5 EC i LR ap 4% A eI % A complete stock of Muanyon's nt : bepseath ie cried wes As I devotes IO qUaTus : Lapaalv at ou : . pw connty The frst 3 Se . ee sre largely Bllemalenl ai sight the years, 3 prea, 190 Homeopathic Remedies. Ota showinaker. sepity arr eral und the Biel uns hae thest ry, referred fo Hon waa LSE ee tf Ciena? . Ain 4 . Midi IRHTTANR : : : Yoho A NCR MYA . So 3 43 GEESE a 1k aa Cawes, Gaesrteeart, 5 Yours £18. Call and get a copy of Munyons. aes meat market extricated oil convered By the hom * dvr A Woodwusa, was “How 0 aod ian Cs thts mut ack Lantrent Taal as - . Guide to Health EE r Wet Bator) Destroy Woerll iti Wheat? He ans ye har ths lostented motores leadbetar, 2 Yeas Jaw A Rea, 1 to Health free. TH ur wobed Gaiam on West Baorh avetne bray Word i Weak Pie A py : & 5 aia . 7 hope ra wars alare sud Rn . ef 3 ft % a Teowedry ad cour, 1 oy 4 hg fC vear 137 ¢ pn ; Fu ¢ 3 Bgl say Fu iad a 5 Pn 5 . * * yk + Aen oo + TTR iate at Blaniidide of carbon, rr - : whith were very High t onstable tak. wn, TIT ¢ bprsdind) sie baad ne fo hey Severe Tile, A delicate based a . pounds 0 100 bashels of gr, graced W od kins Several stone masons, Es may i wnek dass oo xno, Two general store, : ‘H 8 pErena Ba he mimizathy of 7 > A ane npr. a dos to Se One good fire, life and accident in- ill in thule sud Derenveinegl ah, Exh wm who : _ Judie of Flectivi Joba sAedell, 128. EITATICE WRETICY the Yapor AB : ‘ednesday of thie week marked the [aspector Albert Jobnsos, 130. # oF i aa” Civ % Rk i 2 3 4 jeaivedt effect abwtinienos and devotion in he {atm imines iman Ses Prereacott. Patton Pharmacy, twa furmitars store GOVERN t or LARD Ran gerotm fy ait lide world ban he beginning of Lent, 4 season of prayer, cacialict Lata Thales A i ; 5 5% £350 wbabhoais sd a 7 1 « TH oS A fife and drum corps arash x al oe ad a pa so i 5 ¥ 4.3 % Socestary Bdge re Hed to a qoery lie and Eplseapsd clsirobes. The frst John Sippedeni¢, Headquarters fo A good orchestra : : : A lot of good hustling busine 235. . eoriifiedien Be le to the danger of Paris green. Say o of Jent ie known ws Ash Wednes- Soboo! Director. Walter Rowley, Drugs, Medicines, A Grand Army Post. . : ha no esued ince the date of He w nid Hot vase ® on the cablutge. ta; ‘bn the calender of the Oatholie : ; | Ome lodge room. ehruary 1 : oti frail thers is no danger. The hy, fur on Lhat day the fnithfal are ginal John Laneharl, Su Law srdean miixiare is the better, spppossd to he anpointed with ash Chemicals, Etc, Three miilinery store { : ys es = Sia he rovew, ammlidia con as Andrew Han. flow to prevent borers in apple Lroes ¥ Honday Mra J.B Blass, of Paliner svenae, was cathe Lo ber Hore 05 Curwenaville Keane widows 3 sonaeerate themselves 0 Def gn KR y ~ : ® : > Le Rt # oes £ ay Por EF a ; ee Opposite 8 School Building. : cok. Rroat hers, sh a ata 2 ax todd by Me Jolin Rickella whi ai : i Raturday st of Lhe annpanosmnent ) 78 as : : my hi ABOS: JOT We MGIB Gave. in the Three painting frm : ; . gr frm : ; TE : Gt wrk £ ar 4 3 Lon 4 ; / 4 Ho tlommeer £00Y, POGHRIES ary. believes in removing the borers He saety dave of ti ¥ tree £3ip hiuhe af 1h ous Hines Of her sister, Min An Epwort Gf PE Ried : (ieah : : \ a # sarty days of Lom i Larch tke hahops June Preeman Slike Froesman had a 35 i Licht Oranasn, Fe slaw Pve aronnd Bis ree Nk is i ; : bit - Si a Splendid railroad facilities ! : : pe a BIGHT Ris Sues. an Ash Wednesduy intpossd public been ill but & few dass but she dienes 4 fpoamEig ng sion Fagus ony i i 4 bat. 5 a i gw olainod Bat wean & [ls : . dois Rl GEHL Several boarding Buses H ’ il EG wretary Bdge explained that w PODANCE Of MBBER After anton Bad with which she was stricken =» A LRN, ETRE EL COs lh ew ET SEAN J 4 th Ply & #2 bikie . 5 ka $s $ be ¥ 5 so : 3 : 7 fel i A miserablo railroad depot. A iv { be i i ; Fe & i. P Bes 5 fen : Cun been placed Gx Hur Dess, he arr deniy teynipated ally on Monday A fouring m Increase Samael Mardis Johns arcand the Bobo | f the tres to pre. snes were driven out of the churth a can Sipobil : il : 1 re pet ont of Li rh moeniag Deweasxd was highly ee o. ast 3. A al a 2 ri Pg n OR Feer Py Fon i : 4 a 4 & 3 a plasterers town, John Hao tutower, Myerwiale, vent We borers from getting at the with the foot of tie Crom and revs Prd sessed in Ehe oostitanE wn which she A w Eley x 9 i“ ge 3 IRD BEEP £ ik it % ik we i +R; 3 Same poiitieal aspiring : A few oandal OnEeTS Two Justices of the Peace. A very healthy own Fai tor Mesk Bopaduny Searle rset cananaty brow $a to Beelisyien 1 PPRGY log ow TH hw hg Poa ie a at atmnt arid van? : oslo bin) the separated from the faithful antl Hal ved amd her remains were interred Original, widows’, elo Anaad ii. buwers Tharsiay, Three days efor the o d.6F emi i : Ge = J 0s Sab NAH ays 1 yer the ond 8 hewide those oF her [Giher {iramopain Reod, {aokport, Inhaia (0aass bon, Burkes oY DT BL Ey SH ¢ ; : ’ 8 2 nt. foe WeSRMGR O80 Laat Was Oi peepeslery ; ; daifed for the purpose of giving min Highinpd Grange (Medrs, Men's Suits 3.50 tO $12.00, Several confectionery stoves Thussday 80% 3 nh of jst week | ni call manned Af SPROTIAnILY te nas the flesh and Vollowing am the officers of High. sa’ Sits SF Co Lots of pniterprise {posits Hp aE i wa ¥ : ABLRN] gtrenigthen hie Go an over the lund Grange, Patroms foo Hasbandry, ye 8 ss, nie Dandies ” iy GOW ES He be ae . y . : x ; Bo ¢ Two plan o wiih ai : i: : oo ‘ x wnkes The last seven dues of lant for loo ensgiayg year anter Ji wh : a i ¥ : : 5 asm z TaN 7 Eves i iH Cet Rg. § ¥ $id p : oh 0 to 4 50. A well come Fee mad pRtoide Yu vs HAR REA. ; rind on ? es i > oN 2 HID 43 Bab or IVER A HH. 5 WwW eo during whieh i PASE TNR (oe +4 “ or IER Legh 0 puis Sok Piss] aks wi yirsiav H Jind Priday and Haky J 1 15 stie atl y 3 ‘Children’s Suits, Mothers Two saw mil. El omy. FE A A 1 Holy Thursday, (hood lease call and SCC the Fu aster A handle factory i tan woste aed Ea he re : : : ORME: ient termin. Hughes: ssisiant stewnnd, John M FLAN | aseien a hanks tA Ree Blo 3 with alert wisi die fount of 3 ag spi YR Jones: ress. Suits for Children. Ages: 3 eve al drowanaiiers Aus obo d : senains were Lake: op 1 bale of Gut a Ou tay, Swe foset Jones: chaplain, Owen J Jones : ga bior of pod carpenters bs Phil 5 Prytarpedd a ST. Hae restrnes lant per, Hires yrs. to 8 yrs at 2.50 to $4 50. Some eo wh ; do Bot pier tha carmebey thers oy Sands . a8 ¥ Eup J : BE tharos fab Eh 3 ak af AN Yad : 2 a $30 TRAN Hughes, der : BAAS Live TRACED) £ ARR Mara Mes Thonn 1 Horhes DHTYR oo ad de wadding of Mr ap i hg . yorsary of Ae Poe | and oH Heghes, lies’ assistant Mra WL Meehan amber of ther award, Mma Owen EJ friends Mieagumsd A snrorise samy ! t : & Ciro Tien 3 i Spring ade their pleasant home ine and NECRIVERR, | Ao ct ee a . TE RC ji i a EE i ? 3 CF Boba dR TE awed aie a g land ares with Mr Bathe i Mann CE egy Jie dors roanpy rag i oad #0 the “one 5 ; spi ina : 4482 Ne LUA lodge of sist Orpdhis of HT. | P% Wid WEES LE i mind pro ; : jo property celebrate Lhe eXORb puget sonial war held oY osger oi Dandy nice line at * hernias. Set EE a : eat iv lk : re The party Wis Sou ah nadl by the aly meaner of Le elé 2 A Bots 1 BE af die L$ pad Shirl where hay Clan WOW en £753 Lae Teal Ter SIN 53 % tant: online Stress iy he fiinwing ahi @ iri pr “By an | EPOIG SAMS Pex paritnenia, RaGWig he wen present and whi decinred Lhe oy # ay } sh > . : Hyery Alls alle Bivited To attend thin WHERE AS IAT OR Pot. 3 2 ir evening & Mmosl pleasasl ane: Jas ; $: : : af he SYN ERD ARR SEER EE g tasenand and with, Miss er Piye $ b jo SianRre oul on id art. Mr aod Mpa eens Ey 1 attends: ws cod Mrs John Laver, Mims sor Kan L Er. / : : fi . : y i : a AR, pring & Some. young Hiss who ought 10 88% nog | Afernon Semon Myers, Mr. and Mm. John Callaghan ia mnt FEE D The meriod. = ; ple af rnoonn session Was hp 3 Miss Hutlz $3 cc og adhig Pub cg: +50 to 3 2.50. Two novelly : The pier ¢ iin i : hor which Uw * , Pig Ras hay pe ; 2 . gh rk ak Sp oh BE To i ot {igs w ad is 3 i i € honk 31 n { » 5 pr £ hich khithidg hha Thires restanrants I rx WEAR XT Bei i 380 Ay < Ale LR ArieisRy, CELE. awl WENN, Chasey, a DORAL KID FOB Ay ttessinnd ER Sa pra ¢ 5¥ : g - id ” je . a : : & Ge 3 “ 350 A large number of g Awelling a TE af hone peadinge in 1 are und imlwell. Win Orool, «048 Spansy : Br : : hs our, IBN ALER, See beat ee, Tei, yo a i } il : ob woh] 3 : of Patt sd Foesaas AFG of Toms . CBouses ? ei oe : Liiee ELT% i BRRAVIYADGR Mo Ss SL ! J heat af the Pugs : ring Sh #. Thom: = rn TIE eat OS, iin x wt The plant of the Patton clay wark Lk : SEES REE Pea jo] es, pavasip UY J ; i Sm , VEEN x bie abies an mses ly dest ro Neal OF AE, 3230 a whweh slay CIA > 4 Ele 35a § WR ¥ Sida a4 hs y . , Sp oi : y Hux Baath " : : ” y 3 i Rf a wen liuen i i Cas . 3 ; an SYD CAMITIANL ana Po : ; 3 ke { Lad Haven goalatuen ae S ¥ ER ERT are in and coming every day. goon. Rn I hy, | puntany Rds Spl paper Lo rte ts Te helt fi of Mane We have the hest and ost NEE Ee a 4d rs RGA pemindtandiaiinan HE Sepik x. Rove ’ Br hen 3 iwith wihegl, (da Doe Low : : 1 TOL Mall SARs RR at w held fir sompietedd by the ot Of March am desirable Dres Shoe in town ufactares tiie, sew at | An abundant supply of moRaln | paeeaarn © Edward Borgeon, Chor y - oh mies meh 0 AR TT dees of weliumn, gE aleny [Phe dpe ely Works af DOGon, § tach 3% ns = Mary soa 1 jus 4 ostela, Gro, UV Lary, hk : : i Hoe Pages il Wie THEIRS, leaned water. : ; : nro, Loony K pana pai Rey FH 2 Pn £ ps 34 Gilg greaaiand ahion? 1 A fate MM, owere aaa al oe OHI hoc i Deny Tomi G0 $0 Fin TE is RTE ¢ - : ¥ x : : £45 aH EAN EIRENE] ea § gi 4 » # - : : Sos ot ae PL 5 \ wo Patage Dinw : : : ; Clmpoenic Toaoter ss wn Pow Baan, 37, ave ang TeDINE, Gad s expel be looked alt iy t SAGER, Ai Ge : , raged ; What wg Lh Ti0ie cial Td ay ean a 3 9% Jl : I barr Maltheu : so bwin MLTM EG a : Su Pharr aE Sette ¥ nouRE an they wil te Poly CO work oa stort Yeory few | Cl fors. : ; ek Be Is be avd Taine I rig oe hep Sis a3 gt aE 4 yoEEy TOMA Raliink Cin 3 : wig by i tH A Lite 4% . the Foor mining com i even plsda have pissed po da : : ; RINE; toy tesch patootoars, titsca Tins C h S Two blac re ET cop: recitation, Jenni M. Glenn, The committes of lsdien ol ihe Cath. ome: here — ave numey : > One Wagon Maker. covtury Bdge was intredooed and. on, 0g hw amelie g : every purchase. x is an enh hk ret mu siaia] fortilimary ton; tx mbit antion of studies, JL M¥. iheir sinvere chunks | hich soenipblissant 2 Pi JOR TERE a biking shania 7 at ans Tiere, ¢ KE Ww ands, wie Kix a ¥ geist 3 % + sh uf ¥ : farmers of Penosyl : sun Amped. i RAMEE Ramah slvope ¥. oe ws aE Yer Da $i; % x va} by k : Ions PORN, cenit 3 Parental CO-0DErSUOR, EK. BE Tempie oie chun tas wish Lo extend A candy manufacturer Three clothing stores. wing wway over a million One tailoring establishmet!. ates] to meet with (A Ko dollars annoy bescAtse they do nal A grand Martha Washangton Sipe Te a A few “sports. "ost i Sf SIENA Y &ler. aederstivad thie Datum of fertilizers. will be given in the Yeager ball « Agrnls Wanted Clothier Tailor Hatter Four saloons : Ep Vebriary 230, 7) Fi the parp Oe of His lack was riplete with aseful im for- Saturday night for Lie benefit of he Agents Wan al int Sh | OTRO Gn ! * | A Ladies Add society. organiing a Camp of | Sons of mation. To those using commercial Methodist Episcopal charch, under the for the nest HLe of Bicvales made. | Fortilizers it wis well worth the entire auspices al the Ladies Ald sopety. Address 8 J. Murphy. Gears A sent, gabe cooial A SUOpeEs Gil DRIRIAERY misrht, and adda ty Hose whi attended. Martha Wisshington Nipper. Two pool and billisrd rooms Veterans in Patton ¥ Cash,One price A fruit and confectionery stort, LS ood and trouble of attending the insti- Evervbody weioome. 11 Elevents sireet, Altoons, Pa 123 oi Erm ya
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