BZ PUTTING UP A STOVE. A Version of the Operation That Rarely Happens In Real Life, + This is abont a man who put op 8 ptove. Tt %s mnrecessary perhaps to go far. ther with it. You know in advance Just how he swore snd tors and spoiled the | enrpet, and the pipe dido’t fir and he ROT skinned his bouckles and oot his fin JEL CHALICE. of un Fpiwwopat Clérgymia Win Is Also a Physician, Trterast in the develop [munition enp that shogid mands of elvan lines Lana vessel weed by on exe tine, ibn his the A NON 4 Tavention I i mm eR bey and spilled sort down the back of hie ie a neck and finally went up town and six men to finish the job. we Johnson,’ said Jobmson’s wife at dinner yesterday, #1 want you Weoms | “home early this afternoon, - ~1 AT] right, my dear,” snd Johan, “T'H bo howe at 4. Boa + Bo that sfternocn Johnson's wile sent the children over to visit on the ides of town and staffed rags in xl the 5) tracks to deaden sound. After a fervent prayer that all the neighbors would be vat of town for a few hours that after oon she was ready for Johnson. He arrived promptly. “The stove is out in the maid his wife : : The stove Wak pot very large, and after Johnson had dressed himself for the occasion, with (he help of Mrs John. son, who had taken care to hava his oid e ¢ and gloves handy, be got tha stove to the back porch withont much | | 4¢ must be bisckened,'' said Mrs, Johnson as abe mixed the blacking. T' little robbing, and Johnson whistled at he tacked down the oileloth and the zinc and kept on whistling. fo) the stove in carefully and in the right place ; plenty of the old stovepipe, while be cleaned it in the alley tick Mra. Johnson sat an the | ROR PUR him whistle | The first joint went on all right, and the damper staid in place. Ths next joint Btted so well that Jubnson almost stopped whistling in sheer admiration | for it, and so did the pext tne The al | bow fitted admirably, apd the collar acd ast joint went cn like a top. The seam was bn ths right side all the way op. | There was not even a speck of soot 00 | the papers Mrs, Johnson had spread on In ten minutes more Johnson had a | Jowely fire in the stove and was in his © basiness snit again spiok and span read | ing the paper while his wife got enpper. Te was just here that thorn was sav age nudge in Johnson's deft ribs and be heerd his w # tell him to wake up, sod hostile cut now, for it had been daylight | for ball an hoor. Topeka State Journal BUILT THE VAONG WAY. Why the Quaker's Chester Hogs Took No : Prises In Georgia. “I never shall forget an incident which ococnrred at the fret fair I ever attended in. Georgin,'' said a retired Oipeinnsti meat packer. “It was at | Mason, and I think they called it & state = 2 % # AE fair, At an rate it wae a big thing for the town in those days, They had some fine stock on exhibiion, spd s Penneyl- vasian had sent down about 20 of the finest Jooking hogs you ever saw. They were ost] Chester Whites, and if 1 secollect aright they were exhibited by Thomas Word, a great hog and caftis fancier of 20 apd 30 yours ago. He! was who introduced that famons breed of bogs, the Chester White, and 1» made a great deal of money out of bis fancy stock. He was a Friend—a Qua- ker, you know-—who need the plain Ian: | 5 Ragland na tod brirgmed hat guage and wore a broac Ha was a smart old gentleman, “and prosperous, He sent his hogs from state fair to state fair, and they tock "many prizes and blue ribbons that each his money making a collection of badges. “* When the Macou judges made their awards, they gave bloe ribbons very Jib erally to the razor backs, but not one of the fat, sleek Pennsylvania bogs got a prize. The owner of the exhibit did not | poderstand it, so he hunted up one of the judges and said in the language of a4] know thee to be an honest man, and I donot question thy fairness in the | award, but to gratify my own coricmity Iwonld be glad to have thee tell me ‘why thee gave all the prizes to the na tive stock and what fault thee found in rr 4 <My friend, the your loge: greatly.’ the judge replied. "They ware certainly handsome, and 1 have no doubt that in your section they | are the best breed to raise, bot they are not suited for this country. They are eo ‘short legged and fat that a nigger could catch them a two minutes. What we require in & oy inthe south is legs anid wind. We give our prizes for speed.’ ~Atlanta Constitution. : : A Powerfal Baring Glass The most powerful sunglass ever con- structed in France was that made nun der tho supervision of the savant M. de Villette. This glass generated heat sufficient to melt a copper coin of the gize of our silver 25 cent piece in Tl seconds. : ; orge Parker of Fleet street, Lon- don, made a glass much more powerfal than that which resulted from the athay wired shed,’ blackened tos beantifol finish with vers | Proper looked like a boy who had spent all | I wan: that | sitting room stove up and going by Son : fs wid pet nid prea, Rais y from the wi | Episcopal ob of Sun Frapeiseo,. T46 the appr © those wearer Dro Law sub trad Bo CELE As It progressed toward o I The California eofompni in design from any ther simid wel, ¢ It vs made of silver with oa god long, and stands 95% inches In height and & inches in diameter into soaliops, which © 0 wand for drinks | fng places by success, te communicant whe trrn the oup as it is passed from cné to another. After the sealiops have all been weed, the cup is cloansed with a purifier before it is need again Although the seallops at the exige form the most striking innovation in the con. strootion of the cup, the whols scheme is altogether novel Within the cup ia a reservoir holding ten ounces of wine To fii] the reservoir the cup is inverted ari the stem nnecrewad at the pase of the bowl The wine i% then poured in and the stem replacad The chaljoe is next inverted over the reser voir, snd the reservoir is firmiy screwad | jpride the sup, but the sides do not touch anywhere, there being one quarter of an | fneh of free space between the outside of | the vomervoir and the inside of the von, When the chalice is troogbt 10 an up- | right position, one third of A tems onfnl | of wins escapes from an opening ac the bettors of the yewrvoir, sod no | wine can fow ont into the.oup anti it | has been drunk by the commiunicant | When the pep is Hipp for drinking. a i babble of alr entors tha cpening and | when the cup is brought to a vertical yor : sition in peesing it U7 tHE DORE CCHIT | pant, another supply of wine runs oot Chefore On the © i evokes. whinh the phn iater QURITE # af ter : tha &ogigre Bae SearnIpus en need This pero tha air tO euler and {fee {veins seeking its loved, rons isto the dup : to be oopsnsel by i The aby sutages nraed ¢ fashion in the conn pach rommunioant df dry place, and pever touches any Wit | excepting that which he sctnaliy con Lsumes. The dang: of spilling ie ales ‘ averted. while the wpa ietion of any for | sign substance, peasit LF Ah cleanlinn ie practically elipinatsd. — { New York Son. | FOR THE ARMENIANS. : ; {A Manifesto to Ba Ke § CC ropean Kew | H IL Yan Md | Missionary M i Carigin of the Chinese utes preted anctiuy Gon be Lrages, 10 be Trans hnted sd : piwspaper of | Anstrin, Bogle : Italy and Rassias, the pose {parties wilh Tarkey to P Bastin of 1555 £ He bas alo writ hea AR TA i ¥i an fa ivy + gatiim ¥ »X 4 ig the minister in this new sleds ean are thal inks rian a oeub) oe anfectiog, 591 15 Pes mee or Ahi pit ds entitia} C1 Here are t a SAF Went ow i r § ERAS Sra We T fae 009 § 4 { : i WEEE 5 ¥ ¥ » : Lo, 2h Lomi, Ba RiGee 1 3 {ries Thos pane? 5 hana | FOR NIGHT FISHING. | New Electrical Device Loaful : nal Fisheruen, ta Nomar An electric so | ald of pralis Sebermen. Me 5% | oly and other frsh water fab | market soruetinues sol 85 TIASYT 48 4 Goken | Yinea. Thess mast be taken up & £5 the Eats Fe gon os nas oo Ly ¥ fir tae | device is an srisngeineni . when the fish Gs eel 1s bux pull clowes an electrio clivuit—s fine wire rouniog the Moped 8 tiny bell at thea shire we alarm. A small storage batter of the equipment, as & uate i i The German Emperor, Bow ot Beeson £ barman chi FR wea at » eA Oy Unt iw He ane gid Was iv os itn Hae don'd sare £ Rak avs Be b B® ws Blows he & ved Wan att MRA SAA a He A ‘ Frenchman's efforts. Parker's was three | {eet in diameter known that it only takes a temperature of 2,757 degrees to melt cast iron so that it will flow like water. —St. Louis Re- public. oo ; Husgary Water. . The first alcoholic perfume was Hon | water, made from rosemary by Elizabeth of Hungary, 1370, she having ured the recipe from a Hungarian hermit. This perfume bevame popular throughout all Europe guccevding century. and sapowerful that it | was uctoally nsed to melt substances | which were to refractory for the for. | naces. The best authorities on heat say | that it had a power of 166,383 dygrees | F. This is best understood wheh it is | in that and the — He don'd sohiorg suit bat Bis aye. He ts up mil oo +9 Yeaghs wei bow St eal 8 en Dot ts ail proud Was hak Jou pit Bille? Nix! i Dot Chonpy Pull say, "Very gaol; ¢ tink dis jan by pine i Und des be gods 8 00 Ger BD noGh, i Dot lesdle chap sak, 5 1 : Was iat kos 1076 Bll : Nix! is i : : Dot teeddle chap unt 3 Enon vod dey re suaas, : Unt Chupny Pui b 8 ¥ooet 8 lewd ie oud : Was tat los mit Billie? Maxi od 3 co¥ Sua. The sige iw broken | a plowed their dh myo woof Lhe reservoir 1K 8 51 bo Inflaentinl Foo ing 8 fri | Tir pew | b. young artist Came ey GoT MARRIED GO Lark of Moncs Was Wrap ar gr Ran Bie ® od rns pet 3a fhe Ni ARR Gen with # 5 was also sory much no Est her parents had 4 engetios to the match apd dd 2 il that was in their power to heeak it off. They had re vin Bins: Bato potuith 26 waeceaded Ears bi 4s standing this, meetings with his heart's ) doribg one of thes: he proposed ar riage to her and was accep! ad, he ars ing that if they Wore joined in the baly bonds of matrimony nothing, not even her stern parents, conld separate them They had arfanged the details and con. cloded that the roly thing to be gone hioioe, 3 was to get married in secret and than separate until he should graduate fram his college She, of sours, wonid go back to ber bona and Dive with ber parents as if nothing out of the general ran of events bad happened. Pat the young man, being witht funds, was in a dilemma, ard the worst of it was ha could not see his way eli to procure the DoCCSSRry any Mt 5 pay fey the cnrtifioats aad deremon His bora was fo a we ho re ceived an 3iiow ance from bin father aly oped fn sty menihe J1 was pet dus for pearly 140 penths Fle cape Indeed that his omly oonvse was to ry Ee no referred 1 Rg kind hearted nap, told 3 the sed wm for tha pay. provided the ludy 1 wpe. The next day ¢ 15 an appearance and riot © Ups the prrival of the next alicwanon from his patent the youth walks A dure fam effin coe day, ayade Mine! Rooovis and rene ted the cink = #1 we Promtias Fleraid. i % abo Ide Conk, ¥ » 0 Yimin ny hat Xs eek xy perform # ¥ £4 $1 LE in WATER SMAKE FIGHTS EEL Terrific Combat Which Fisully Ended In the Feta Eacsges. “Ind sou bver Koow that there ina dendly antipathy between a ecanmon water stake wed an eel!’ asked the fi 3 “hbeil. 1 never knew if une til sow that 1 hal in withess fiahe be pen the twin Personally 1 Bave the greatest dread of sein mere afraid of than I am of a suake, and von san imagive my chagr wien 1 happened to book one Gn ohe of pay fehing axpadiliooe {was afraid 0 feria doowas th lek is I oon pod get it aofY PETRA # ah ener Pe PE do, when, gi8gete ed the slimy abject to drop down to the water ve in biz water 5 in & fake make ware the Hrs i re] A 3 eg Xx § 8 why bast won its tell, abd [ ponid wink its ugly oxic fanga into Beaty waiter asniGuRly Kose Fitie ite grim boid #311 an the sels peek the snake, Gack 5% rakes fo tell 40, wrapped itE sug. pus body arcusd ile antagunist & nek An an effury to squeeze it fo death. The . benly of the ail seni, Bowieer, and the snake wonils, despite all it could “do, wood slip dows the water, Time and time again it ried to sqneezs the life ont of ita sntagunist, pever for as instant releasing its hod on the enl's peck but the bode of thet latier Was Too - slenk for it anal every tine 11 Ww aald sip divwn, Finally the bool broke and the eel made gad ita escape —lndiunago lis Sentinel. Sans £ tha these] # he GeV RLGETGE NTE, 28 Wa bo 5 as BN FRO Sram or (1 snd Water, “Pe very unfortooate. '* said the Hew gre deficient fn one fmgortang fas 2 fai] hie ensidid friend. at } {iipaseny olme In go > Tall, t ban wi abide Ban krn vk oe iy THAR rim SR Se Si 0 PAVE i * ae Py Smads I, BO be Qdn ® Willing te Fiemsse. Tos i ot fin [reland s-~] should like n Lopoesn With aad iron beditend Hotel area Call soft wal a si grietir—airr, tH Baven't saad fn the place —1bhey re But you H fad the mat hard, ser —FPik Me Fro Lael % » % : Noe inks closely resembled aot po avciaut of te large Ruin empluyed in Leer of Letters stcial up in gelief on | basek ives a¥ : yuan | powmiti | the pan wig Lh ong EID Glaleedl. In the early days of Ha rentury many y fasten Dard ppunis | efforts wore Lt Busof metal Lo peps of puller mater al ; fastened as prints to pens of | were ft | glass, tortoise saell or aon yea a hak wa Rus ah a5 LE y why, parious Ways im gil pever ston. Hithy, rimaciug ragpicier, YHE WIND THA SHAKES THE BARLEY. TE Mav Pies Hamid 3) | § a EX Lik aT Sav A : y shee gonara] BERNAL AH 30a $e the 1xria mapa 33 fay fant mike Dai srering of peparRLine ne 3 on dierent Cas pi Yi Were when the hiond brakeman pot bow gawd Hoowas axparied (a le ord. And be dul : ¢ 3 lah Es we AiSnanking Oh a Lhe pad fuer rons’ that little Montana Unico fixie lags over anything | sver saw. No bmted clocks or anything olen te hold a mn doen thera 1 worked for that road when Boh Smith was Afspatcher, and when be told the boys to ‘wheel ‘oni wa all knew what iti meant. Ome day we were going north and wera dalayed in until wo reached Stewart Bob wired the con, at that point that he wanted our train {0 get to Garrison jost ax quick as (God wonld jot nx. We had a slear track when we started, and it wasn't Jong befarw the telegraph poles Jookad like a ptoket fenca. Tie biggest burst of speed was reserved home streteh—from Deer Lodge to Crar- fison-—11 mile Wedidn't stop at Deer Lisdge, but ax we approached that pince the snginesr sounded tha whistle a ssaal, and you may take my head for a football if the ‘stow’ sign in the Garr. son yards wasn't passed by onr train be- fore that whistle had cesssd to mnnd. This made the boys lock weary, bat tha “braky’’ hadn't fSuished yor He eostinnad : “Or'fWell, wa pull our train Sway aml ware resting ourselves whan wo glanced up the track and saw a dark streax ape promching at a lightning gait Wa wera astonnded for an instant, bat as jt Blow. od up wa readily recognized it ax the shadow of Us triin we had just brought in. : And the boss all rose up, and after presenting the relator with a raga larly signed lost the Miswon ia Silverite x Lan A Baginning In Literature. For my frst affort to anil the sea of | otters it osenrs to me that 1 ought say {hat my father's literary refatation cannot be hold responsible, I bad reached (io take a step back ward in the story) the matureags of id | I was a 1 ttle girl In low necked ging Bam dresses I know, becsnee 1 remens. | ber I had on one (of a purples shade and | incredibly nubeoming a half grown. | Pronetts girl) cope evening when my first gentivman’ caller came to se she I fait that the fact that he wax my Sun tmportance of the occasion, bot axtingnish iL and. obediently to law and gospel, had gone up Mair The sctonl tronbine of Life bave nny or dulled my sense of mortification as overhearing frm my little room at Lie bead of the stairs, where 1 was sirog fling to jet into that gingham gown and present a tardy appesranos, a voor diktigetly excusing me on the group Whether the an wo far angst un with my first she had gone 13 bed nish of that coche that it had auything Wo da Jiterary nrdertaking 1 cannot say, bat 1 am sanre alent shee owe peck gingham Areas, nnd that 17 was daring his oar ticular your thin I ditermined 10 Ha0Ome an andiradangl and cont Yuooth x Campion. I did wo. My contriboiion Was soc ed and paid for be the appearance in my father’s pea for a year, and) my imp wars high noecked thereafior and was allowed 10 St Up il 8 o'oloex then TULA Bla event gon di Ww Parereaninedd 0 ch Aaa UA sihnte To 00 ¥5 5 3 GrONnE my iad Mot nre'& Miumains Eueertainty suid Ceriainty, wwe HE Ad See Wy AR Yom lewid worried, {wring saneh, bat, oo truth, 1 et tell whether he bax Led t How are thing with youl CFs had a big disap- Lorem the fean't Be Or not amon EL Just Ran iw pointes, tat sami ly [ve Raed a deal on band nts and [expected Ww close bgt this morning the other £ ¢ i O03 purty tu pals conidu’t tae it up Now it's a my mind and I'm glad of jn" “Sue thers's no fonoy busibess? “f wish I was. So long.” Cine nan smiled aud the other suwl- ed — Now York Times A a SS ot Gr thoes laid : He Understood. Panl Louis Coarier, when bitterly as- sailed by a French professor, guistly re. marked; 1 faney ha mast be eexed, He exlls me Jacobin, rebel, plagiarist, thief, poiscner, forger, leper, muggle pastor, {9 graniale what ha he and | and this wants to zay. He means that are got of the sane 1 ts bia only way Gf perliog if o The war with Francs lasted from July 4. L798, 10 Sept. 30, 1300, and the gumber of men engaged, in the pasa : fores ninne, wis & 083 The land forces eased for this eampaign cut no fgure The word und’ occnrs 35, 543 Times in the Ud Testament and DL 6348 Dine ¥ ¥ Pr 4 fo the New Testament 5 CU aneransental meaning, for the ; | of business in English territory in broad- | b adjourned | i: Moe Yu of the paper | positon fs thug 1} preity soon | coming popes mi frankly that his privet r. Libeler. a horrible, I gather LE NE qk, 2 WOKSE THAN APES aX Reveltisg Castoms of Some of the Africas | Sint Cannibal Tribes. ; : : Tha cannibalisny of the black seeret gocioty known as the Human Leopards in the sooty pear Sierrs Leona brings forcibly before os the differance het\vesn the east African and west African hab fea of sating human flesh. The Bbherbo cannibals waylaid and killed their vio: tims and afterward feasted on thelr | fesh. The cannibalism of the met coast is of a very diferent kind. 3 MEN EA A OR = The flealy of the old pecpleethe gravdfatier and grandmother of a fami iy—-is dried and mized with pondiments, and a portion of thin iv offered, with a dim sel of in travelers who hacongs guests of the family. To refuse it would be a deadly insale. To accept it $a a» passport tothe privileged position of » friend of the house Many of our travelire in sast Africa have epten thus ancramentaily of the anostors of so1ne durk skinnod polentate : * The cannibalism of the west const in a of a mere horrible kind, connected with fotichism, the Worst developments of which are peculiar to that country. But thers is & hideonsly genuine appetite for fresh human flesh till sxiating among : the negroes of west Africa. This canni- balisn manifests iteelf in a refinement of ginttony which has ita mild analogy in the tastes of Europeans Young boys | are bought from the dirk interior, kept { in pens, fattoned npon banwoas and fin. | "ally killed and baked. To thems Thyes- | chiefs of the interior, bat whispered, black merchants Men who appear at their places 3 : from the | nat. : cloth and tail bats, pars of their white musters, are mid to disappear annually into the interior, whers, we are told, they might be seen in naked mvagery taking part in the | banqnets on plump boys, in which they delight : Bo thisas it AY, 3 i gingn larly free fron auyihing fio van. Hiba lem, — London Saturday Review ; MOLES IN THE CakvVasg i “© 3 i Efcacy of Babin fyho foros of wind cannot filly take of iy in fron Eoguoide thi sfagtaioon © Lit, by the application thos depression is deepest Wien it 8 Eid P wattonhiole, so that they will not tear ont. ; Trials rods 1 Yavaus wantiior Bave rented we follows: With a bight wing La bors wih ondary shige made 4 knots, whim the Hew will iperegsed ths speed to 01 knots Irs mu frau heen the respective spesds Wers | and 83 Ena anid in a strong wind they were 3 aud 19 knits an boar J | which ¢aunot escape past Lae sides of a Cami] must 114 Oe | saiiboat. Where the: wind | ptrack a oud ba spring we | pressure of © | tisin current of wr now sirikes brawn Amit the canvas, Las pooat esd moc ge fron practical sallors as Lelenoy. Vaally onmragenient fogemll ue 22 i delphin Record. Ia Afvios. edad for taxing into whatener nee gi eolf, a8 we iw the shadow of he ¢ pyramids atl tha very beart of ihe | Himalases, but football fe the middie | of dariest Africa ix something of an jn- | povation Yer football iw rapidly bes ory the shores of Lake dat Kotakota, which a tow : OG Was notorions ue the greatest ; depot far slaves on the western sbord af | the lake, mized teams of black and white meet every sutnrday with as . much regularity as do one home fans, though the local chrunfelir omits to pay Fonthall I Eagliishmen soe p | their games with thom | part of the sinh LRuow, 18 whether Ruogby or Association has Won | tho suffrages of the Nyass teams. (ma { startling feature of the gname is that the | black players decline ta bamper tna. | selves with boots and fod appeared ao tnconvenivoce in playing with beto Ge Cor. Manchester Gourd fan. v Hrevet Rank. The story ia told of asoldier uf the Army of the Petomas who had his Gwn ideas as to His financial value, a8 veki Ss am the method by which that values cond : ba realized. 2 He was a white man and was deta led Cur servics as a tester 10 a Lain wiih was driven for the most part be negroes. The Degroes warm red at the vale Go #20 per monly, out the white soldier received 00 mare than his pagar lar pay of $14. He appeared with this arrangement and nile an ap plication to bis captain, : : +1 should like,” be said gravely, "to be appointed a DeRMY by brevet, avid bs assigned to duty fn accordance with my brevet rank!" — Youths Companiot : Oar Bosy Day, How many of ns have sympathioxd at ame time or anctber in our lives with tha oli lady who said she had sO many things (0 du she guessed she'd go to bed. icity le Jopraal | A CARS feasts come not only the savage almo, it in | avery oar who ape the man- | | place, socording to the i 1s the middie of the train. sosnehow the native: of the west coast and its Hinterland is nuiike the East of Renth African native {5 the deep lying savagery sod the ex I | sracrdinary facility for returning to 18 hadn't delivered the missing which are his jeading and very anpleas. | apt charaoteristion The subject claims the attention of the anthropologist, and asrtainly SOERISta 0 CUTIONN FAAKON for | questioning tha relationship if the black muy and the ape or the go bid, ing | that the race of manReys Seem to be i i phy mesing | nothing was knows (there t | Am fmportant Discovery Dirwasing the An Iialisn sea captain, Gio Barta Vasallo of (unos, has made » very inter | | eating innovation in the ase of sails of ordinary sailing vemwis. He claims that : | compiled to thw | fect in a Emil, since the mr in Laont of it . carinot properly oirenlate in the infatal part and remiding stationary immediate: | ened un way that it had £ of cart of the sail proper. He ; f air, ox be calls of a nomber of | : ; 18 | priall holes in that part of sive anil where day sched teacher durracted from tha did nat : od. Thess holes are re-enf weed Low It was perhaps 5:30, 1 aha [t stands 6) reason this : | the doing awsy With a layer of air that it was past ber psual Bemiriong add | ) ‘ shee effeienoy of the formally | whieh of sir wiveh acted Bile i, decreas ty the otaahl th wll | direct and of course ax ap greater offi. ciretienl solentista —Phias sanewlat lissatiitied ESCAPADE. " STARTED A NEW BREED OF Ci¥ LEN THE DELAWARE VALLEY. Coe Little's Bills snd His Train Frited 3 Agree Whes He Reached Part Jervis The Expiseation Offered For tar Cave Strange Freak. *e30 dent ligely tos ties Cri Little breed of cattle tin ihe upper Delaware valley, sid a Velen paiirnad man, hoianse, by this time, their identity must have beendestroge though mixture with ofber breads | dios 't matter, for there was pothi af peirticalar pote shout that breed gattin, xcept the way they happened Ta introduced into that jocality “In those days Vive stock transports fon was one of 1.4 Erie's big items of raffle. Traips half a mile ong, kK arith borped cattle, hovees, shewp over the road two hres times » day. Soch a thing is alk moat » onriosity powadays Coe Litt was ccpdoetor of one of (hess stock trains. between Susgoehanna and Port Jervis. He left Susquebanca cre night, in thoas good old days of raiiracding, with » Jong train of cattle care 7 frais were siext tO passenger trains lass, and were run over the road a-bam- ming. UCondvetor Little delivered hie train at Port Jervis on time, and hand- ad over his way bills, which he hadTe- ceived at Susgothanus, and on which the number, charscter and contents of in bis train were recoded. Port Jervis compared Little's train on this voocher, one oN was missing. Thecar was entered on ti way bill ax haviog left Susquehanna right, but it wasn't in the train, Ip bill, was shoal hog, amd to pass When the ageut at “Well, bere was a situation. Little declared that every car Wal the train when be left Susquehanna, he hed checked the number of each on this way bill himself. He : sar to aly ane on the way. and be covlun't see bow sny ane conid have snvaked in and ste- Jen it, sepecially ax the train had ben on the move pretty much all the tink betwen Susquehanna and Port Jervis A telegram was sent to the agent at quehanuas, asking for formation shong par: The reply wan thik hat conld | throw any light on tie subijet | quite {the eomtrary, for the spent porrchorated i fartie’s reporl Tho sar was in the trale when it left Snspuehanna ePuring the efforts of the yvier lod railroad men 8 ¢ Jurys to wilve the myawry of thr lewd go, san ann digs ecoverad thet the rar that shenll have. bean net belind the missing one wis Dew ust abead of it withons the aid of a coapling pin, the Lok beng broken in beeps a hook, which wus fast inthe ptabole In the osntier of the ather car This didn’ help matters a Hrtle bag, aml athe deenned the westery. hey warn still desp in efforts w mplve the mystery, A Car (racer Was vi be sent back over the road 10 spe if Bee sonnled Tadd the cir, when a tele gram came frum Shedola, a Mution 18 ssilen west of Port Jervis The agent a8 that station said in effect that somes Baule a EE A He gud (eae? felanears river Just bewimd Shediols station, aud thar somebody ee | beter como and Joni after AL The wreking gang wos sent up from Pas Jerviv, wi, sors encogh, in the midie of aA feat or moors Dean yar road, goed the rattle var, right as a triver, goes dorm wars oten and 3 cathe goog Toi whire it Was fie v8 Lavy Om ten foor embancient, A Wao roid and through a stont rail fence, Shure Was GBIY Une Way to explain the freak of the car ib quitting its fruin po pncersmonicas’y. (Ring at along thut part of the Erie the track man a 34 Ee 5% gh feild, i x gid mini its a * Heris | hesvy down grade. Just pefofn reaching . Shohols the coupling pin that held the ear to the ops abead of it most have broken. Dhis divided the train in feo parts, The bead car of the req part Jumped the track, and breaking the link that held It to the car behind it, wast on down the bank, getting ont of the wity of the cars following on the track “When the leading wetion of the A vided train got to the foot of the rade, tn speed gluckened. The hind sition sanght up with St snd ran into the pear car. bat pot with fares sufficient to do any dwpage. or street attention Tha broke Uuk, 1 hook, happens tw fall mo the 3 o of the mpi? alinad of i fratn Was thos eon. plat anid wens im po Bat Jory witha? tho of a our clobe out of comter having % dhncoversd By sow fsa. There 1a Sud 1 the record of dl and it has nevis os ter all old tne rary spat whether the dors of the Ta tive car were broken by the jar amd af ite trip down the bank, through tones, and across the lor, or whether t cattle insdde kicked them open, [enn ® say. They wers apen, and the oat? fomped cut. It was winter, and ® = Delaware river. only a few feet away, wens filled with rapping ice. The cattle poust have bess in a panie, or most have inown that ther were in Pike oconmy, Pa. or something of that sort, for they My, & 3% fume hy vie Pog plunged into that ley Sood and mais their way across the river intd Sellivan county, N. ¥, Searchers, sceompamed Yiy the drover who owned them, funod and recovered them all, Une cow. a deep red animal with a white star ‘n her forehead, tock tha fancy of o farmer’ on whose premises some of the catia were found, and he beaght ber Hbe nad trein calves in the spring, sach marked exactly like the mother. One was a bull onlf, me a heifer. Becawe of the way in which the stock happened _ to be thers it was called the Coe Listla breed, and for sme YoAars Was a favin ite breed among the farmers of that part of the valley. ''—Naw York Son vai that sdwald buve was astray in a feld hm "8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers