3 application. op atton Gourier. F PATTON PUBLISHING co, Proprietors. POSTAL BUSINESS. | postal cards and stamped envelopes in {any quarter of the history of the THURSDAY, FEBRU ARY 8, 1896. TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION. One oopy. one year, In advance, ape Advertluing rates made known $1.00 ape No papers discontinned antl all ar | renrages are paid, uniess at the optim of the ‘publisher, | Entered al he Je ectotfioe kt Pathan 5s meori Shes tail matter Ari : COUNTY. TIME OF HOLLING COURT. 1st Monday of March ist Monday of Sept 1at Monday of Jone 1st Monday of Deo OFFICERS Prosi nus Je Dee. Hon, A.V. Barker PROTHONOTANY Darby, RBGeTER AND Rao. LY A MeGiongh TrEAsSUREs-F, H. Barker, sSuenrre-D. W, Usaiter. Perory SHERIres- Mgerised Davis, RB Davis Prerer ArronNEY SRR Murphy, C0 8 LRG KD NE fuison, RE COMMISION TRS LER John Uo Gates, CNTY SU PERINTENDRNT.: J. W, Laveh, COUNTY NORVETOR-8. 0 Fatioripan, per A as “Wn, srry, James Emily Le Jury Fino Em- Andem Wimikiand, Wm. Miler, Conoxgr- Dr. eonp Martin. Poor Pirucorors.- BL Moon, | retin, Baphiiel Hite BOROUGH OFFICERS. Bones. WJ Detineliy, Coxe L-Limecin = Heit, Wilken, Frank Campbell Bn Yeung, Ralph Tebah, SONY, BARD 4 CH Curfman, re w, Capper: fom Bo Dade 1. BE Barton, Samael Baminsthn ice oF TRY Prac Jom Fo Elmer Geo, ML Warte, Samos Rohe pro dest; Of Trawelt, president: 15. Pale) dus : Soar, i TRE RURER WEL Sayrnitfant. CRE Harve: ¥ Patterson. CaLLEen ¥ Bo n a ARERR RF OR, J vprToRs--F FH. Kinkead, HO n Gronidy Ge 67 Er rerio Ss Sam't Hover. ns Wolter Wenkiand, VNSTANLE Samus! FB. Jones, CH 128 oF Poriog- John Boyee . TET COMMISSIONER A, 3. Jacxwon. Winnborw, SR OUR NEW GU 'NBOAT. Sa addition to the avs of | the United States took the water last | Thandhy at Newport News, in one of | the oldest of the thirteen original, | Srna an of oly ming in one of the newest of the far western | . states. The Nashvile and the Wilm- A ington, sister ships of the light-Araaght | mire have been in the water since October 19, and are rapidly ap- | prosching ‘completion. Aside from their particularities of © "hall and equipment, the eae es able thing ahvat these gunboats is their low cost. According to the provision § Tes mm thee were to be built for not more than $400,000 each, and the Helena was con- ‘tracted for at the extremely low price of $280,000, exclusive of armament and speed premiums. This is considerably joss than the price paid for any other ‘vessels of like class now in the navy or about to go into commission. The other great shipbuilding firms, like the Cramps, the Bath Iron Works and the Union Iron Works of San Francisco, ‘were not a little surprised af this bid, ~ and it really marked the beginning of an era of lower cost warships. Two months ago the Newport News com: pany contracted for the building of the battle ships Kearsage and Kentucky under competitive bidding, and at i what sre considered very low figures. | These facts are here cited becanse of their significance in the upbuilding of the United States navy. This govern ment was a long time awakening ‘ol She importance of having a modern the papers that Mississippi had solved the prison labor problem by establishing farms upon which to employ convicts, | says the Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. The statistics given are obviously gromly wrong, since no kind of farm- | ing can realize 150 per cent. annual | profit on the capital ootlay, but the idea of employing prisoners, sapecially those. who bave earned the highest grade for good behavior in peniten- | tiarigs and prisons on farms would be | worthy of consideration. Our prison authorities have much difficulty in finding employment for convicts, and the raising of farm products might be | Jomitie Sues Son oe indicated. Land is cheap in the re moter districts of Pennsylvania, and a colony could easily be made at least self-sustaining. YE CONCERN — _ Philadelphia has long been clamor ig for # chased 10 the sea which will accommodate any and all classes of ~ shipping. This want is not the con- cern of Philadelphia by any means, it is something which Pennsylvania is | _interveted and should be interested to such an extent that the improve | ment would be made without the loss of any more time nnoecessarily. The ‘commercial progress of the Keystone . ‘Btate demands that a good harbor be made in the Delaware tidewater. The ‘State's majestic march at the head of the industrial column is something in | which the interior inhabitants have | material interests and take as much! pride as Philadelphiavs. A——————————————————————_,—> * One Minute Cough Cure touches the | ght spot. It also touches it at the | right time if you take it when you have a cough or cold, Bee the point? | : 9th i : Then don'tecagh. ©: W. Hodgkins. faowd t J. Bones, WELL “A ¥F, Wise, P. x : HH Sandfond, trea is the record of the The | postal BETVIOH, closing three months of 1895, total sales were $20 517.014, $14,957,626 was for postage stampa, $1.354.607 for postal cards, $1,247,168 i for stamped enveldpes, $1,005,488 for stamped snvelopes with printed retorn requests, and the remainder for peri : : odical postage and posta; due stamps. | The record for the calendar year 1895 | also sfands absolutely at the head of the list in volume of postal business. The total sales of stamped paper for the vear were §77,884, 409. FARMING. NOTES of Totorest to the Farmers Wha Head the Patton “Courier” The older the egg the weaker the germ. Oar exports of cheese fell off nearly | 27,000,000 pounds in 1585. | The most active hens in the flock are | generally the best layers. Black currants are less productive than the red or white varietio In planting out n commercial orchard : be careful not to got b too many varietios of frait. Brown-shelled eggs bave thicker ‘shells than white ones and do not : candié as readily. Experiments Fhow that wheat mixed with corn Is bor for a hog feed than “either grain ohed separately. There is no danger of over-produ- tion of egpx. As long as we annually : import millions of dozens of eggs the ‘market will not be glntted. In catting off the combs of your fowls ose sosharp knife. To prevent | bleeding wash the head first with | strong alum water and then dust on | powdered tanin. Loom Market Report For the special benefit of the farmer ‘pn the vicinity of Patton the COURIER publishes the following lock! market Pt revised each week from Geo, 8. Grxul's store: Putter, ay LE ee per pert | Ombbage, a Se fag w MO LOA ®' 1a = Aen. " Bapatyed (ta, SPAR RI Nor. ‘shisiiet. B sek wha, Rye, RY Soothing, Beating, * ExRusnun Es; fev BIT per tom cleansing, De Witt’'s Witch Haze! Salve is the enemy | to sores, wounds and piles, which it with the result. burning. Cures chapped Jips and cold. sores in two or three hours. CW, never fails to cure. Stops itching and Hodgkins. Free io adios sod Gis. interested in Soricultare, which has open on Febroary 25th aed last until to one collection, which will contain choicest flowers. It will be neces | oetved after stock in exhansted. These collections are distributed for the pur- populir weekly for ladies and girls | Address, Ladies’ Philadelphia, Pa Don't invite disappointment by ex- { periménting. Depend upon One Min- mediate resalta. C. W. Hodgkins One More Woman's Editar, Mr. Prancis Bellamy, ‘to the editorial staff of The Ladies’ | Home Journal as one of Mr. Bok's | principal associates. The new editor Lis a cousin of Edward Bellamy, author of “Looking Backward.’ | Admisistrator's Nother, Estate of A. M. Burgoon, Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make H. Somerville, Adminstrator, Chest Somerville, Patton, Pa. oh Jan, 29, 1596. Flour and Feed. I have recently parchased the two flour and feed stores belonging to Sam’] Boyce and Willis M. Ross and am now prepared to furnish yoa with all grades of Flour and Feed At Prices i to Suit your r plirse {Rol ler Feed and Poultry Pow der i Give me a call, John Gantz, r a Specialty. The largest gale of postage Abr, 4 county are requested to met at their Hatarday, of which April 5. of everything in the drug line. [on aki of alchohol and | the entire stock of collections are ex- | sug making oxoiss d and! hausted. Fach person will be entitied ‘the oldest wine grower of the United | : States, has studiously fresh seeds of ten different varioties of _ sogar or any forei whatever, but has his wine fully ma. sary for those residing outside of Phil : { adelphia to enclose seven two-cent with name aud address, to charge for postage and mailing | which will be returned to sender if re poset of attracting attention to this Ade Every Saturday. “Seed Distribution,” #20 Walnat street, him more good than all other medi cines and treatment pat tog ther. ‘sale af 50 vents per bottle by Patton ute Cough Cure and you have immedi | diate relief. It cores croup. The only harmbms remedy that produces im- who for nearly the | SIX years was one of the aditors of The Youth's Companion, has been added late of Ash. ; payment, and those’ having claims tc If present them withont delay to Dr. Springs, Pa, or to his attorney, Beusl Beech Avenge Attantion, a. Republics . The Republican voters of Cambria usual places of holding elections on Feb 2 1804 between the hours of 3 and 7 p. m. in boroughs and Johnstown City, and from Pio 6 pon in townships, for the purpose of sect. ing delegates to a county convention ter be held in Ebensburg Monday, Feb 24, 1996, at 1 p.m. sharp, to nominate sonnty officers and declares the choloe of thecounty for chngress and State senate, and to olect delegates tothe Reate convention, and 16 sot upon any pther business that may (ome before the convention. J. Swas Tavion Chairman Cambrian County Repablic ean Committe The little dwaghter of Mr Fred Wehiber, Holland, Mae, hid a very bad sold and cough which he had not eon able to cure with anything. | gave him a 25 cent bottle of Chamber jnin’s Cough Remedy, sayz WW, P Holden, merchant and postmaster at West Brimfield, and the next time iw him be said it worked like a charm, The remedy is intended eipecially Hr acute throat and long dbeases snvh an poldr, croup and whooping saugh, and it is famons for its cures. There i no Aanger in giving it to children for it sontains nothing injurions For male by Patton Pharmacy, (. W. Hodgkin Facts About 1806, The vear will have 388 days March, May, Aogust and November will have five Sundays each. Fourth of July comes on Saturday. So does Memorial day, Sa does Wish. ington’s birthday. Bunker Hill day will fall on a Wed- nesday. Thanksgiving will be due Novem. ber 28. The only sclipse visible in North America in 1588 will ooeur August 23-23, a partial eclipse of the moon. Spring begins March 19 summer, June 20; fall, September 22. winter, December 21. Easter Sunday will come with Christmas will fall apon Friday, Our people are growing more and more in the habit of looking to Pat- ton Pharmacy for the latest and best They sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famots for its cures of bad colds, cronp and whooping cough. When in need of such a medicine give this remedy a trial and you will be more than 8 phase Nosh After the Fhsod. ] The first fruit planted by Noah when he left the ark ‘was the grape, the most healthy of all the products of the : ble d Thre annual free distribution of rare earth. All through the hible we real ‘and beautiful flower seeds to those of grapes and wine from grapes being | mended un the frst remedy for the iis of life; hu it js pure juice wine, | been inangurated by the Ladies’ Every Satarday of Philadelphia, Pa, will : ot watered and cr. hip highly alchobolic and Se ar Jute that the wines are the prodacts pot belonging fo a heaithtil wine. Speer, of New Jersey, weoided water substance tured by great age and carefol ling. Thrownd Awwy Hix Canes. Mr. D. Wiley, ex-posimaster, Blk Creek, N. Y,, was so badly afflicted with rheumatism that he was only able: > hobble around with canes, and sven then it canned him great pao After using Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was so much improved that he threw away his canes. He says this liniment did For Pharmacy, C. W. Hodglina Lyear and woll worth $5, to each of the : Phitaeiphon Pa of all kinds done promptly. CENTRAL - HOTEL. Land Wines at thi Lr g Te Arewt Hae gv IN : Restamnt on Mages | WH DAVIS, Re La RR NE VEYA Eo nih SECA Fh A eb Cm SEI MS EE “Clive me o liver regolator and | can ; regulate the woarhd sid 8 genius, The driaggist handed him a bottle of Dre | are represented Witt's Little Early Rivers, the fanions in the CE TON WSURMGEE faci: - v Protect Your PROPERTY. Ww=Office in Good Building over 1st National Bauk, Fd nt a. Eve x 8 : Ps ATTER SC IN & CT Interext paid on thme deposits await Making a fst of Twenty words] ; J : t : 3 ‘ACE Parron, Wa H Sa : £10 the fect ® le bes minke eighteen: PA RN E L L, i President. : hy $5 to tha first able to make sixteen: 87 i : fs the first making a lady a -And Enjoy heantifng nicke! weateh, with fine Amer lean miovensent gnaramesd for one -PRTTON- | Our stack of Winter Shoes is the most extensive in the shy. and-—well you know “we always sell goods cheap- er a thee anbody else in town not because our goods are | inferior, but because we buy in large quantities and at : the right time. See? The | goods first-class and} stylish. George F. Streit, 1122 Eleventh Ave, Pa. hiss Ee Some of the Largest Fire Insnr ance Companies of the World OF PATTON, | Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. 0 APITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $15,000.00. Agwingnts of Corporations, firmus, individu pix adr Hanks paused apes (he gost vor. {ble tin cnandatent with safe ao pomservstive | banking pe arms Hip tekstas Bor mile for sd the lead wen, Fiomvign Drafts payable in the ny | ints is of La Dill We it ay Vo AH pa rrspondesnes will havesnr prorapt and rial ativalinn. Hitthe pills Fuk “Natives” And x transposing many small sand that mn: atte; for example cot it. on ate. The in will give R10 in gold to the first them to, minke am peesibie. It Gs ey 35 waorels = : y-ive words oan be fie, addin’ Every Sat- fas nota, (Ne, fords Ey first five able fo make twelve words and a heautifn! diver plated swan pin cushion to each of the following OTe making fen otters foand in Nooetiaen hundred from that way Ad or mors shonid mime of correct lists be pre ceived, Weide list plainly on postal card. with name and address of sender: The above rewards are given free and without simply to at moat charming for hudies and of which will be Ladies’ Every Walnnt street THE sopaideration tract attention to this sixtesn.page weekly girls, a sample sopy matled fred, Satarday, “A Add ron, WH H. SECHLER, Attorney - at - Law, EHENSBURG, Cambria County, Pa. eT (ood Building. ~ALL WORK— GUARANTEED. When you are Ready to purchase that new Cook Stove or Range, call and in- spect our stock. You will find that it is complete in styles and sizes, and the price is’ sure to be satisfactory. are 30 To JOHN DANIELSON'S SHOE - SHOP 5th Ave. near Central Hotel ; * Hhoow mide to order and repairing Prices 18tf. Altoona, moderate. JOHN R. CORDELL, Aceommisdations the beat, First-class Bar in connection. RATES $1.25 PER DAY. Prop'r. iy ~~ AHA FFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, Pa. Avvtn modal Brstclues, feet of Lag aure Kuhio attached GRORGE FERGUAON, Prop'y Hazon, Bridie, Saddles, olinrs, Nota and Whips, Blankets, Har mms Orls. Ete, Repairing a Specialty. E. 4. SEVERIN, Prop’, PATTON, PA, TOBACCO and (RGARS mito al BE ITZPATRICK'S AVENNe, DEAr he colic » a P. RR depot. ; Fj i : : NEAL A AT ALi ROH The few Heating Stoves we have left will be disposed pf "at cost. four of these left. After having exhausted Joust if in search of anything in the Hardware Line come to ux, we have § THE Omly three or Attarney and Counselor at Law, Enpxsntng, Pa brs pess promptly a tenho to ; 411 pear + 3M day ston pec CAMERIA HARDWARE CO. GEORGE, ATTORNEY - AT - GALLITZIN, PA, Saticitor for German National BR & I. association. LAW, No Prices act gently But promptly upon mntestines ; clear se the system aches and fevers: cure habatud LBARECERIAry ficial in effects. A single Tam or just before retiring, or, bette first indication us noted of : symptom of incligestic an J it you muller Sram Headache, Dyspepain or Indigestion, . i you are Bilioans, Gonstipatad, ar have 8 Disordered Liver, . Ee Completion is Sallow, or you suffer Distress ater Eating, Far Dfensive Breath and aif Pduocdors of the Stomach, . . . Cad Ripans FEEEXEEXZXEEEXXER + ONE > GIVES x RELIEF | EASY SB Son a WUE ee er pe Are aceeptalde LE LE taken he | APT Hen ; Cond, beadache, any 1: i alwavs + he & go ¢ . ” Tabu Regulate t the Sy n " SAVE W . n Like Ours on the kidnevs, liver, stomach and : gupel colds, head , making enemas nach an} truly bene- OENERID 8 meal, ment when the efter £ Laas il co nsig 3} tive ste ks iE I Nery price we quote 1S the low- t. We intend to keep our prices -1f er not purchase back and get Thats our standing Hid aw LS x WAddly Ey It coms ti lowest) Will repave in an hou Tr he patient t being con. iy ether than a slightly . grid that the ex- fated to material eared. yi LAkAR ¥ bring your the mone y. oer Compare our 17 list—conswder that 0 Spi RA Comes on which when ory % and —— RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES ANS TABU rE TAKE quality Is * TAKE cho est——and SUC if such prices ti) bye Quick, AY Gl TALE f HNL {¢ Isewheére. ¥ Pr (lehivery wlre and Ferg speek ip Health. QUICK TO ACT, CTOR'S BILL. TO TAKE, MANY A CE | NE J Bs judd | Sh sh ” i wii, wn NREET FRA WAS AEs A 00 or Sn “3 Fra} paged Shue L meierd-damii SHIRE g - SN nn pr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers