HARDY, NOVELIST. SHORT SKETo: = ASU OF LITT RATURR + > v Ila Abander 1 Arphitactars For Story : 8 SA riting The fires wand Incident Shows Thiet There fs Sometimes Something In # Name. Thonias Hardy's voirk, bur ow iodead is generals fo Birrell. An obvious res elise distike of prrsenahiti tog from pabilie curiosity, ple, serene-—almot pedi nature that dominates him, As a yong man be prow low architecture as a jooio stadied with diligenes. He went the well kpown srchiied, } Kil gg 3 sone XW BIN | Bir Arthur Biowficld, A. R A, in London. While equipping kimse¥ for bis fature curcer, he need bis spare wo ho TE: ments in writing & novel that he calied “Desperate Remedies This book, aft. | Just found a pub | Yaher, but it did Hardy no more good | Meantime, following has ! or several refosals, ai than harm. architectural work, be carried ont his | first commision-—natnrally a modest One, as young architects sre pot psually intrusted with cathedrals Although bix maiden efiart in lettors had met with comparative failure, bis geal was un- abated, for be immediately wrote “’ Un- der the Greenwood Tree" At the time this book appeared Fred erick (ireenwood, now the distinguish- | od student of Enropenn policies, edited y Cornbill Magasine. It is a hatit Ath Mr. Greenwood occasionally to sprow]’’ abont old bookstalie Looking over ¥ a basketfnl of cheap books il thrown together, be chanced to light apon ‘Under the Greenwood Tree.” a Par the sake of its parse he up, paying a few pence for it. C0 editor saw at & glance that there © his thiny first year, he com | cumstances as well ax impel ; | genius in that neglected and discarded | w3 BAF 4 work, snd, finding cut Hardy, the Sasionred ‘him to write a novel for The Cornhill It was then that Hardy, forecd by cir Jove for letters, abandoned architectnn and, throwing himself into his work | with perfect singleness of purpose, Write | ved, a } book that now stands with a few others | among the lasting literstare achive. f “Par From the Mudding Cn 3 ments of this centary. Yet big eyes teil anther tale and pos | poss that phosphorescent Hight that indi cates energy. The polution of these con | tradictory marks must be that be in ‘mentally as robust as be is physically © delicate, or it may be that the strong | mind has someting s to stroggle against ful spirit ix characteristic of him, and | there is nothing in bis presence that is | strong encogh to intimate the goality | | of his mind. The most that can be paid fa that his face is exceedingly keen and | glever. His bronmed hair, now tinged gray and brosbed back, is becom- | thin. His slender mustache adds | company met, the prinos presiding, and | _ lightful soup. Passing finish the sonp at the second floor, and | yesch my own floor, all i} being larger than he is | being legs hough Though be is neither listless nor jan guid, Hardy's appearance is that of 0 : man who bag Intely reecvered from an : {llness. His cheeks are slightly sunken and his skin is sallow, soeaking of sed entary labors, the midnight lamp and | of a sonstitnticn that conld not support | the snsti oo vivn of an arduous task the drooping of the Judy. . axaray 1s neither tall nor commanding ‘pervonrness, showiness or fudesd, a trangnil, thought with “point to bis finely modeled features. Al broad and give bins the appearance of when Pa 18 sean As is the case with many Eaglisl. writers, Hardy lives jo the conntry and London once every year for a to brush away the cobwebs 1 and the tarnish from their silver. Hardy's quiet home is ot | far away from the pretty little town of Dorchester, in Dorvetshire, his native This home 1a entirely the work of his way is designed to iit bis own and his a land compauy of which th pe of Wales was president. Thoogh prince did not know Hardy person: © ally, he greatly admired his work. On ope occasion the directors of the land when the report was read Mr Hardy's - applic for a fow acres of the com: incidentally, with the remark that it weould, of course, have to be declined The prince said: ‘What Hardy is 11? Not the author?’ “Yes; Thomas Har- dy,” was the reply. “Then why nat Jet him have the few acres” said the prince. ‘He would not have asked haa : he not set his heart on the spot. Yes; let him have them.' — Cor. Boston © A Course Dinner. ~ #When I open the front door npon my arrival home at night,'’ said Mr. Flat _ ++] inhale the fragrant odor of a de- j in a leisurely manner up the first fight of stairs, I then 1 find that the fish has been served. take fish as | proceed along the hall second flight of stairs. On ] ind the roast and on dainty dessert. When 1 : 1 really want is a cup of coffee nnd A cigar.’ — New York Sn. Le Co A Left Handed Compliment. A certain society lady was designated as a social Jemopade dispenser because she said so many sour things in a sweet way. — Boston Commercial Bulletin. ¥ “and up the ‘the third floor ‘the fourth a ABUCLTESFUL MAN i iand sll ad by his | His manner is free from | sReeNRiva in type, his shoulders are THE RETIRED BURGLAR. A Brief Account of a Lively sud Interest. i img Incident Tn His Career, in a town pot very far ont of | York," suid the retired burglar, didnt the hotise, and encuph to pay my car fare 1 came dimen stairs again 1 saw arti #1 in a corner of the hall by the front door something that 1 hudn't noticed wien i I wont np that pleased me vary mach, Land that was a tricycle, tele, with Sy { whoe] in spokes, and a | aod a seat oph that oo | You've geen jo tee] mon asking we bn bot boas had been so eve that I really hadn't felt as thongh cemld afford to boy her one, bmt hero was one waiting for me to carry off, snd it made me smile 10 look at it: a bright pew ome it was too It was pret ty near Christmas, a5! [ thoaght I'd tien high front, mas present. “There wasn't any rubber tives but I picked opened (nto the seliny stairs, the way I'd come in. 1 got it to the first door all right, and into that entry way or Ball withent hitting anything. bot get ting it through the door jeading to the cellar stairs, pring first myself and back dor when 1 was jost a step down tried to free it, and it freed easier than 1 expected. and 1 lost my balance and Jost my bold om the tricycle and fail dinen taiis, “iden? Well, pow, J tell you, 1 was at erpioadion open. and ane 0 in a sawmill bos I nev sr begin to hear go moch Dose omy tife as 1 did when me and that tricyiie fn A stein bd 10 85 xpos | rolled deavn the cellar stairs. The tn eyels fell over me and 1 fall over the L trieyele and simnewhera on the way down 1 believe 1 most have fallen through the tricycle, for when we got down 19 the bottom, 1 was all seratehed and out and my clothes were tore and the tricy- clo was & wrock stood thers for a | rainwte koking st §f, till I heard two | men coming down the stairs to the bail above, wknd then 1 went away and Jeft it ving there at the foot of the oeilar [stairs “8, you see, my little girl didn't get her trieyeie that Christmas after all.” ~Now York Sas. A Confused Bridegroom, A young man abont 10 be married by an Episcopal clergyman and being quite frmosent of any knowledge of the form of enlemrization for matrimony in the bok of common prayer concluded that ba had better Jook it np and dtody the | gmswers to the guestems the clrgyman | was to ask him terested in and somewhat perplexed with the several! orders therein formuisted for ss many religions services so mach so that when he stood up before the clergyrang with his bride to be pasrricd i the confosion in which be found ham- seif he tomid recall but fhe merest sratehen of snewers be hod seen in the prayer book. Whon the clergyman asked, “Wilt thon have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to Jive together alter God 5 ordinance pic, the groom cour ageontly replied, “I rencuncs them all, and, by God's help’ ——pansing sx if he expected the minister to help him finish the answer Bat, disonosried by the groom's response, the clergyman snfor tunately increased the embarrassment of the recasion by mottering to himsell a Little too distinetiy : pon oumpos mentis,’’ to which soap judgment of his mentality the bride. groom blandly responded The ecromony was suspended. Ex. them. The bridegroom was told what be was to say. The service was then sumed. and the couple were married in doe form. New York World AN INTERESTING CAVERN. Immense Subterranean Cavs Found Near San Diego. A big cave has been discoversd om the coean vide of Point Loma, near San Diego, Cal So far as explored it dees got seem units as large se the Mam- moth cave of Kentucky, bat it is a8 In teresting. The discovery was made by Hornce Metcalf and Vernon Go Matthews, who live cn Point Lama. They started out on a sort of exploring expedition, and at & point about a mile and a half north of the lighthouse ssw a big bole just above the surface of ow tide which seemed to be the entrince ton cave They tried to get down, bat the cliffs at that point were too steep, and they gave it up Going farther north, they found an easier place of descent, whers they leg themseives down with a rope. Near the place of descent they ran across a sma er hole, which they entered, finding that it oopnectsd with the larger and led into the bowels of the earth : Metcalf and Matthews made their way in with scaue fear, finally resching a point 350 feet Moly the entrance, where the passageway widened out in- to an immense chamber big enough to hold the largest building in San Diego | They did not fully explore the cave, bat thought it ended at the big chamber. They describe the interior as grand The entrance is only open at low tide, but it is probable that other passages will be found admitting explorers at any time. The tide fills part of the pass ageway to the grand chamber. Richard Henry Dapa, in "Two Years Befure the Mast,’ mentions a cave un: der or near Point Loma, and it is be- lieved that this is the one referred to. — FIGHT A homes that T went into ome night | Legin to pan out a9 well ase 1 prpected | it wend, and I eomlin’t belp Honlinig 8 litte bit disappointed. I'd been all Over ; hadn't got mnch more no But when | eharge of keep it und give it to Ler for a Christ on it, | en I didn't dare roll it across the ball, | it op and carried ton door that opened into an entry that ing down with it, the long handle flopped over in somehow and caught in the 1 3 He became quite 1n- “1 baliave that this bridegroom is “Al this I most stendfastly believe. '’ planations were quietly made between FOR FREEDOM. | DESCRIPTION OF THE TRAIN WRECK AT EL LUGARINO, CUBA Bar hd at A Hew the Cuban Faliriods Foforen 150 Pays ment of & Tax on Cattle Bomnd iw warn Mines of Dynsnite ‘Fonrhed OF by Flietrielty. 5. ab : L PEIRIIRH IN ¥ #* Fond train Whaex a $e by insuysen | train was proceded a f thr froop gheetn mand With & 8000 hoard This keomative, ha £ovemal Ao ja Tove, 1h Manned OF I OTR, 150 rire Wax Hey § * Id 4 ner. a drawn by the mntive Le Fy Wired Lest snd moss perfect Yelemping 10 the oompany. Frapeiseo Bejarano ¥ Road pigner was the engineer in charge, with WN. Artila and J. Robio nv firemen. We bad a mixed train-—ten nsttle cars, £3 | curs of general cargo, a third, second £5 { 3 : owas tha pew 30k | and first oi which thers wore abont 3 soldiers WAS AYIA the statiom of Fl Lo garemd. Toe atter # place dotted with Bemus and the : pesidenoes of men employed on the fstiom. Thi % Ta Irs pther trees extend fo Hate tamoe along the side of the = point and for several miies bac ¥, form. ing a secure place cand a safe retreat tive passed the bridge known ae Na Onr train appronched and passed in suf ty. Suddenly we b owed almost : ing report: the pax: Justant Wa w in a jumble 1 was thro against the forward ¢ wife and in ¥ SUERT of ans, a sen rae ok ween Ane La adivanos Joon at i Pane Rte a dererid Fragtat sd anf thempht an stiack mm cave perma badd i sods awaiting the ¢ at non “'¥ roshed from onr oar, Ww ty managed 10 : there peheid gen tH ; * faoneEn Hani bo worse wn : A A on TLR3 wore I: * 5 eh 4 before they gloetens, 4 i intend ass of § befs bat a pil it In rhs ay, ¢ cn Of the Tene z ay i" GL SRL DY hark. The 17 cattle vars worn arash ho + I NR GA ba Cand prasrie orale and an iron car in the Tait “Law Mipas woe pasced and the train HU x ] pretty. Jtie poted M4 i the 1 wall doguainted wiih ef the Dniotas, Lwin, arpd ar one 4 at Trae : enya] from whieh to attack oe bade ed nis Ema vet aloped Tighe frac Rea mana kp es ig tah he fad annals BOVE Paow Minneat iin ay TE OE ann SS ENR LOST ALL AT PO RTH MILLIONS TENS, PROPERTY NOW WA STAKED ON Fi How Nicollet Faland, st Minpespolls, Fass o8 Orat of Poessasion of Pierre Bottipess. His Conpsstion With the Early BRistory of Miso a com, havipg tween rn the plges where Fargo, Ar the tio of h i pd Sweden and Sectehmen pear Fort Garry wk Hettin £0 years was 10 XY an experienced gus skied sd mors than ohn ¢ weg wy dog Fe Lake fn want Lord Selkirk s he Sane gow was smplored as a guides apd sont. and was one of the priveipal embers of = He 8 eo} au in the early duys 8 imost ny i ¥ AEs Vata AUR Bat in a Hid Ds uy Ha 0% RR wwas the owner vat tracts of valnshie jand, which y Jat In ona way or an % ¥ In i=4i Mr. Baty NEVInE if for whores and cow whieh he dre con thas BEAT W ia 2 deer ats grasa omy sur & waa oof EEL PITT ALR 4 iE T pn release WER rls he anadretole Pe ¢ 5 prdaratownd hatter thay be did Thera 18 x #1c29 wi EE ton ele res i ein in the Masse Minneapis REA, fate kindling, tie whee wits w renchad | from direct Jos strewn along the axion Cat! ae, cloned apd Lying, the vemd for 04 ER PAAR Posed Lhe or which tracted arm and deg body badly brnied, most separated piece from (MY EOEIDeYT Was Bnei Goats in Beal was nearly severed fram bis and beah arma wore gone The aan. Whoa was in one of the oa wits theomn 50 feet in the air, a. now jot of ing his fall 2 tha sn ll and had one arm roles “as | jureped from th beneath a cumg : abent 13 meen armed With machetes They looked at for a pioment, and thenat a sig thelr jeader dismppenred in the The Spanish Droops in the mean mained in the ran attack which did net 1d nr, expe? the trark Alzooet aii of the cattle were killed omtright or injured to such an ex tent that It Was tecesiary to end misery. Every cur exc comcls and the ron car wis badly dansged Cpodeh was, HRe the ' demolished The se Sxmmed into ours and half way up of the ro “in review we fo had sustained an the Jaw, my sister w ed apd 1 had a sur mother escared wilh the arn. Moat of the passeng pretty badly shaken ap Cv Upen examipation we f the insurgents hal a Bb froen the adgn of the Widals £0 | and Boaed there between the ties a dynamite to wire to the elin tread. Thera to pase in safety, Lut as sn 88 Lhe ond was over Lorpenio they Tn the button of and dynamite tempt to Big ward Havana wiibout the insay similar result from onmtivipa des parse of the meng gs wail oad for as try to Bod tess HEY og iTV A or i en the Hrs ny “dg third the ie Fd of the irnm car my ow Wi mo the fant in , as tse 0 ee Dar anal wrist a Tew scratch nud Wars, Crating busttery it Ya 3 ANN the Brat 3k ais A Tae LER fi Tek SRY ; Lag IRE aa diing wood. Until the prssent uo had no dea of iL dynamite. We bat I am sore the know we were on board, not have Blown gp the rin, General Igoacio Bis life for the Colag tml all of our family, as ¥ tha eld. Mother, Sst minia. v.ife and mysel? will soon Jom you im the United States. We have jeft the « home here and sre ready tu do anything for Cuba libre.’ : 8 gesitusiive SER 2 pays TIE pee xi cry bp Arann, Rie pr Hens nl Dery 3 WwOnre 5 ted 3 §osontieredd in every Lamotte { players discard a ; prs ofS wedding fhim hand a goad o 5 3 eviry BEL mune 3 ! Land hb 3 ard retired f : rhe RAT and wath ow. 1 immedi | ately telegraphed for assistance aud a | persue belongings of the wrecking train from Noewitas to repair Ewhe were wishing they bad mora | wager uid thelr respertive hands {aL au the | tabile in i ineau {his cards, he thonght | then remarzed that all be bal : Nioaliet 4% : hohe of anrs wos perrhed | | pabin having stood upon «iin the center ¢ years KER.! : : A Hantemasn’s Stary With the Lave of » % . a armed a oly of | TEM ; ; Broken voeks ate 3 Sonrs of de thems porpie began an exodns for oder | > gi Beiwas, Bedtinean Was i and 3 se} oop Ka Plotedd ot ould not oeate. | take to wing: sgain the jefe does the | P work, J i wing. ley expedition, which crossed ; ; wan seemingly coming ho pearer (0 Toe hed i den cripple | down with the wind, swings aft OOS | ‘un the dlert, on she copes, straight ax an | | arrow, neti] confromted bros high flat ster. Mr Botthpess was a warm friend | rock, apparently wo high for the leap: of Jawpes J. Hill, {he raliway magnate, . { having poet Bim at St Paul when 1ha L pigs was little m | podnt and where Mr nes Trocghter s trading | : ; : i | hesitates, stops the hanging [OBER IS | i lin | paw, | straightens the boshy tail ned Patil { aniousl was the bearing heart; the brestiving even ewmed hushed 51 sie elder peg | Dave 003 Ta kena oA ¢ bards, {ive Ehading. Vora aad | pemained among The OARS Vary nL i what they Ponld fash | their least i Bretosy peasant of THE POINTER IN ACTION. og Told Between Lises. Cm the frst merning ont we strock tht with Juanes, gulf nr gy pid {roorge ty the gr GH Weis SETITH fore Bound # rel brings Whil alas, thn ge frets wandwane Teli ding 39 RO 1®O I bait, w owas ran Hem conus am winch Jeannette Go #arta A Wo ny huge A fow yards farther and fw more Wid falls with nn kb My : : The doctor and Wa go 0 find, Pen hive Jef ni Wo most search alone | wom rock to rock bounds Jeannette, | Ria takes a wider oast | With bead high and every sites of) | | but, fearful of lowing for an instant what | Phos dulicate nostrils contain. up she gros. lands on the edge, starts to cross, i 3 Ria draws in: with it ene side of the upper | She gently rates that slopder deft | lowers that knowing bead, | Hak domb | i The snly motion in hil For 2006 yards in any dieection rail | hs meen this small aaron of motte | marie 5 oben ny ROR 0 : | stil i benrt of any troe sporisiaan | was Uber, re | hidden I a handwime Pearse hone nes idie fracets. pers 1d it wiak 4 waht to benntifal sched at 1h wh Ton paves £ Wk 4 der a rook, j EER EY : The guide seonpwl Th Tw : Lad Bat a a mantis 5 Bay NEN A CURIOUS FRENCH Ci | The Basfanel snd the Part He Play In | iniatere Weddingn yi greiage omstams in Flame Bgee | ni We Sensi a ele age, ned Co i weed pReTRORDIED Interesting pon ligrity i. Ll religioma respect I lite fannors wid : Bim fro wi Win foreta Cages, wh : stately Tw 3 peer FEL Pfowr a girl in man Commer. fossnteimonial embeasmsaior § Sens Lpgred COWRTh 2%:3 Ww! AR he ¥ Hara al 4 £% i a ed 0 Lhe sane RRR & Big hand inviseible and § Hisopgd den wpe pro Fi wilt 8 3 6 LEE Sie Fa lig badd Thogiey TW table was heaped with Thad, $0 men Te Ee] ax ogy thie font of thes, and it was Bar tr, Carefully ooking fy sian, ’ Wika (Sa Father He De Es aarioest ants ers Td i pond the iz fon when it wis pglisd down B # 5 Bis make Tix For tho rernleds : TH ¥ CRGBg. This inland bel against E048 ShraNiy Of i ¥ r ad 2% L 4 a 4 La Aan the Amite ede ad IS iad ib PAE WAItHE A siiie Wik a soon B i fae a the fray. nent, wlio fhe dan taat dav oe wipntesanond an & Frgw Ped FF eaves Ater rel Ha arLNn 5 ¥ PE fabio Lace 1p. There was a dos Thon Box! WIaiErNACE xt Hache WELL the paar. gever touched a card fag in any fon i the conntey B rr Red Lagn Don chm gh Sa ihe thine la fae g “4 SN Twat BrOnersy AL soa Fa a Botrinean one Fails, where wWisere fie hig death, graduad iy is the a aogaine Rae on Pinan estan aera of Hottinean 82 Lis death away the Last VOTRE and wet. aniy a Tew spends mu AN toe Af 1dentifying a Warcioad. “Better git the harkeepsr fo The bunieer, they git to tohtin “Which acke!” “Shem toa etn that's tail friends they am’ Fhieton GRexR Oud, 5 i at the fur wher what oad fo Eod rsh) fouis we 3 HULTS GiHIIR STRAY nai 3 i fared . Cand pu CATE ie DORE] TET rie : pit hee ite bi | fhe basfana { halt i the foal fale % ® LP ant the ¥ Lo paviabily un tall | from hovse to boos in At 1 {works at foam iveesigia blo | the heat informed nan conoen ning the Ever 3 3 district, {oweanen, Deanse t fad | geandal Their Xing for him canses { men to despise him. but they | loss have recourse to Bis services as an | intermediary whenever the peed aries, : | Sneh is the basfanel Cgestive tO | respect. Tom ais Tat WOE TI a tw i Cmnch approved i Rob th {a piece Lomghily. { moved, tint Umar the : Ioeanag HX With i TES so Canadian bit in my time ' | ford, ip Linco ; black man, : are any. London 5 * and the beautiful in all surrounds ma —Coleridge. : destiny | aed the ot er fomalal Thi hose! eR wed Safe SEs Un rendly acting (he pars ar Dae i fax has ly her marty reassemble in the which 8 mor ar aeneral ow forward, wed on thee whisle company ie addresses fear ione 0 toe Tomng ou a fanpticne 1 When thin hride Teeny ti heed wie, all wawviding Linl oho ofan 1 HE ¢ T3% This courtly perscnage Iv almost in His habit of goiog the exercise of tailor seldoen Bin to beonioe his rural enlling the private affairs of all the funiies lo his fle is a great favorite of the | he i to them an un | of Joes! gossip and | fata fomntain ing pas eri | A Bane Bore eng | of ridicnle 1 the Breton ban ie Bar. 2 Far. wing, will log with Fuga Laat Pur. after some yours ¥ gaara BPA ae 3 dt bran previously heated aye » hot bean well ato the fur with § flannel, shake the fur move al) particles. and then brush thor The for will clean Rude gees the Hnieg and wadding are fred rasueval 8 nal COHAN AER Wh Uhe peek pation piemtle i Bet i a Fi ves Tr hid als} Sei . is und : ea ELE the Bat, i mre ly need? Appear aney of af furs long 0 tee I» whelly removed by the Lira BEES a ah the fur the Writ Way, tis yp LHR pRITCIAT ITE B $4 Saat right way Not Seeing, Not Believing. There was a man in Nottinghn whi discontinued the domation he had | regnincly made for a time to DUASHE- { ary society. When ssied as to his tea : wong, he replied; i, 1 ve travis mrhire ¥® & ok : wy as far as Sieg and I don't helieve there andard. : i oe 1 % Poetry has heen tome 118 own axoond. | It has gives me the fey dinciiver tf ing great reward habit of wishing A thar meets and The Koran forbids © fevers to the Vioens ra, AG Aud wirst URLS TTB Fo this way young Blader parts of ian, 4 4 | by thas wonderin | in every be 3: Rin RENE, “ A ETL eT | opr Deathly Inetiire. and I never saw ag frat ity CIMT RING SaLCILATONS BY A GIET OF SA TURE, ; Pawn Bors Whose Peeudinr Talssta Attract. pd Cae rsl Astention ous of the en. call Teits Theougl Pideh They ¥ awed Raprveanting by : Rg # +X - we Fat BM 3 ig Pidder war boen wm in Dvn of» At the ex ize whieh a Aap 3 " ae ; tanned waar ied pst AR frosted pene found 10 8 peel no pant 16 08 and +a Pion vinitoed many the Affe him ith whivh vont exterual gid of any deseription set difionit questions. Of these the following are 8 gow of the mest axtrareiinary examples: If a fea spring 1 feet and I inches 5. here piasy hegw maet 3% take to go aroand the world, the cream. TELE C fapenes being 25.090 miles, and bow jong wonld it be performing the Journey alloaring it 10 tice 50 hogs syry mannte without intermission? Anewer, 55.718,- 600 hops and | year, 314 days, 13 hours apd 20 mingles The follwing question was solved by him in 40 seconds: Suppose the ball at the top of =u. Panls cathedral te 8 font in dimmeter what did the gilding cont at Jigar sani mh Anewer, £337 10m 1d The full gerne ed wit gms ode iH Ree thee ote w tn and fir far (lin miieate i oiaenn 49 og wp foage Bors fons wosid Answer, $04 4° 4 An YH by frre by arg duta, poseinly COT Case TR Bag shemetical nent i asad re grind Bins with slaoed tha hat au i meNy pow wis died 88 : HY oh Hiker opers fivided, was Cabot, Yi, wWitpier Atm very temsder moc adentaily C Wak naEch sar Hite rupeating € ind beri, ad had neceived no fy am coma be shtained at sugniry school whose currienbitn did aod lpeinde wt. iB or orplaeriag, Flas hereon pon proposed a varery of arithoeelioas questions to Hig son. all of which fhe ehisd nuswearet with semarkable factiity amd porreet- ness, Al 4 5 the her was abue to solve nun it questions by the ERAT Many per: HiT for ther giathanatas male a poink stig with bi, and they proposed To bis a great variety ot Auestions 10 Lait Bis marve losis posvers Among then rere the fOLOWINE : mre root of B60. UR. Aft fi lve replied Po BOB, - wad that ha prodooed wena tips sana of ; di He was he the answer twine i task whith be though 1he are - Zarah Rept. | fori ae, adler Boge prised Lae though at 1! ober InMrsries Pe ho TRAeN PARE $x Lx Pe Pr i Had $I pe wl SER 1 ¥ ¥ 5 » Lad of wwii and olaver CaiNr fume sik hag asset To Boge 5 2% a ACTA PAIR © ue £3 shi CARS R gaara Gogpruely of atid now He Arel ue re git, ang to the gn eomld ard adie rhe sane ae Lae fac Ta this be replied 041 HY TRCHOE ww Tw What 3 Are Tow An Women See Women. i. in ® {rajes, wae wWiianen ae Chars +f rther worsen srivaveredd on the of woraes aR ET st Chives Canad SAW er EY he gos |p The mao © TEE Bix bang 3 HUW, CHR Sed oka ci arcond the uesk, 8 sod skal of “hwllep 143 ONE Wii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers