re public, A eT . x prominent French American resident of New leans, who was with the French commune. He describes the | el ue of al mag- splendid executive ability and d | bravery and firmness 1 bukiness as a small com . in hides, wool, eto, _ ut Havre years ago Ry, ecomomy and thrift, he prospe _ mud bis business increased until he was smoot the most extensive eommimsion merchants in that city. Hao became also one of the most pic eity politically, and just Franco Gorman war M. Faure during budore the was a staff officer of the nrg, althoagh his duties did pot require his presence : ou the battlefield Fs took an active in Ly terest, of conrse, in the war, and it was owing to his efforts this department of the egal] snyplied He was also 8 ooo am manner demonstrate] groat exson give talent and a born ieadership. 1% was in 1571, during th somone, however, Kis porso Sravery and alility toeonfraut des emergencies wore tani While noting in the eupaotty of “adjoint,” of the wavor ut Hove, a reqanet $0 vin made of him from the mayor of for firemen snd engines The city of © Paris was in flunis other, sod mid w el i s being asked ev where in engines and firemen. Fiore ; 4d wrged i thers the nooaity of responding ! “to the call He thus riled & company | at ones alist for, voluntoers an v axed fight Ti gerry whens of firemen to go to Par fives that were raping Faure showed bis hearts of the firemen sud pi pis by g ing with the volunteers as their Joader ith all the engines the pity com spas From that, by en- | mainent men of the | fie was made first “sadjoint’’ to the mayor of the city and © th srr iEeaTy A rench soliiery Was a iwar of tho I Moials od Havre awd in Franch : Hiab i or adviser Paris from one ond il thos One Minute Congh | named: It affords instant relief from , when afflicted with a severe oan or cold. It acts on the throat, Or. | bronchial tubes, and longs, and never “bad as he did before b tormmenced tak- ing these little plils fails to give instant relief C. Ww. ! | Hodgkins, front er Seangers Kiss the 1 1% Nour baby i the most lovely that was ever born.” writes Isabel A. Mal om in Jannary Ladies’ Home Journal, cit do pot let strangers, in thelr de give to express their admiration of it, | kiss the little ps that cannot object, Lor asp tightly in their arms the Httie ihody that is as yel, «0 far Ro min little ones injured hy priv soaous Kisdng that the wise mother the parse that or Rows ofifaidders taittod to Kids the Ly her discharge without peferanie amiptly fdlow, sd. Nurse must consider, Gra if to the oat *e a £355 (a - Hg nee wh ag 2 Amid A ¥7 5% Tati her charge, even Eo seorld, she fn prwiiling to : play the baby intrasted to her care Con phing ieritates the Aebioste ud ngravaten the dives cof try One ak rR in: Minnie BE as se Every one likes Pao 0 Wo Hodgkins. | Set, wa Bb Cure, « xpectoration easy, i nose and inflamation. wing, £5 55 abe Air CARR 11 Bees XI rg ed vw ed : Fir Bend Stern room Wek on Magee avenue, beating ove with | yewrister ancy gold hanging farms fonoy candy jars, & fr sale cheap fhanbe in lot courage and won the offen, 443 One» rightly! Hard parted? Crilation and with put apon thet : x Wine of and three show CARES | PTLD Apply at lCouriER gr LY Wife The fool! Why didn’t he take De Witt's Littie Early Risers? | need to sully os Wo Hadgking Peravian Pires, LaPaverTe, Ind, Aug § Atwr Bacsarl, SPEER: { have been asing your Peruvian Piitery of late for malaria feve® that i have tot been entirely past (WD yea patil now. your bitters haat evervihing. it only six weeks and began Laimpr ye the first week, 1 am wall hearty and feel young again, sven now in Chis very hot west rary, Max Jang Ned aak 1a i pst say I ose IW if suffering with piles, #8 wild xt you to know that Pre Wit Fiseel Baive will core thea, Th il if ik noel beire fa peeidie for complaints of an Fret pa One SRrTi 3 thin character, CwRich are Bimpie RRC POTN DRA, it PERT TAL LOAEY Hodgkin Fhe Climay Hearty of 1806 5 antag Has proven to be a superior dis err marker by jt i= superior el ming afi aE reins for which brandies ketal 5 of ripening Lhe Seer ay £y wi Foe handy, Le TE WE Seve Eas el ¥ ME they hastened to Paris, and for ares b without rest or scarcely abything ’ wo eat, Aomght the fames © Paare did the doth of a fireman, om one occasion, When ino of the me was msleep from fatigos, rather te awaken him took his place sed did ‘woek, He was in 8 Gosen perilous pos tions during that throes days’ fight wis in guspasy of kis comp fine In every pation sud Courage He was firs st every danger, and - thea pest PEIN he never lost hie sell p : I power, and with bis soluntee be did yeoman service in trying ambience of the : il fend. | The people of Havre pever forgot M Faure's valiant savios on that cooasiin, and afterward, as a tad $0 the charaber 0 He bas Baka Bu AY Lite Keron ipbell's lives of the 10rd chan. | aon of which thers possibility that be might himsoid! Brougham said thatit bad 3G ‘8 pew terror to death Life ban aX ; stuffed with new terrors by the | { ph that there is bardly room | and stroctare of that micro given with diabal: 20OUTACY It really be a relief pot to know | being and verisimilitnde. much of the minute organi: and | sasions, and | matance he vo Republican, he was of deputivs. He with several ministers as private oo ry. and of late years has had ner | : connection with that branch i pewspaper, upon the new year onditions of its hy A powertul agent munity, it fis various depart paper covers the State a A AA SAN 5 BA HR Ti ENE op is eagerly sought by country. <: the year, iv: day, ¢ The Pre: wd Philadelphia 3 $y a that Jlass of : course. wat the knowledge be con: confined to them, as the saoir stevics nsed to be to the priest ir would save no end of popuiar £ hud shar. ‘With every symp The Philadelphia Press For 18060. Pennsylvania's greatest Republican family # ¥ The Philadelphia Press, will enter under ments have city, town by town, In the matter of Amateur Sports The Press is also far in the lead and publegs more pews on that subject than any The subs riptidn price of The Press, per Daily, six dollars: eight dollars : Weekly, one dollar, the greatest the most favorable EGTY. in the national com 1 16 now more than ever a leader in FEW and ag bie gammnen it. during the past year been really strengthened, Pennsylvania is covered county by county, No oth HET TW so well, The Woman's Page of The Press bas be: come one of its most prominent features and ladies, WET paper in pape Daily and Sun- want medium in loweat rates on x now sssored that he ody sud the Here 1s an Tealian boteriologiet "ho has discoversd the hacillny of nd when be has found out the OF of salt to pot oon ite tall ite fF mye ill be at an and, and old age, jon, will pues away, sulais as a theory or remote reir spect. He bas not yet disclosad thn stractaral outlines of this carious reptit- in debutante, apd it may be only ap after dinner vision, to which science will dehy A recognised place, leaving pid age, ss it was before, an incurshie eondition, with an invariably progress fe tendency, in na need of bacteria to ‘coelernts 1. =~ New York Tri bone. De Wits Little Early R sors for bi x see. Tgestion, constipation - pill i prompt sure 43 FE oolrkbs 3 Ww : ; The Dolineutor Is te wooaan's fmvorite MAgRrine . 5 fs: | by the famous fianhic heh The Busierive Pebibhing Limited Lat Tio 17 West Th: Bere 3 Wow Vo » £3 rete of #1 Lar 1B cents pe gazing aastie 0 for i any, fred ¥ the Bf go Sa a nn Minote Cough Onre ba fi popais we pegnedy for croup. dafe for children ard yaylis CO. W. Hodgkins, a pew and virnlent micro canstantly published re | f the miescaecpists tard to bu intestines : clearme Le aches and fevers: nance ESIAry. Cur first | ind sympiom of he i you suffer from Headachi, Dyspensia or adegestsea, . * } you sre Fillons, Camstivaled, or bu a Dicosdered Liver, . sulier Doras after Lausg. g ol the Stemuch, *® » s » ONE GIVES RELIEF i your Completion bs Sellre, or yeu o Cire For Ofpasive Breath snd all Dieonders ov AR 5 pn — a Nae AG fyuly te er g me al, hen the ES Fo ig | Wo dio, I ——— -— a od rN Dich wgeg I EN EN apd AT : Kipaiis Tabu » iid wach ing Syif Here's an account of a vat] ‘who shot himself rather the pangs of indigestion. Hushand and Fine Old § § wo yr wy Cilifornis Wines and Brandies Telenhv . ym Len 1x, . 5 Reuel than suffer J Attorney-at-Law, Patron, Pa Office in the Good Building. PATTON AW ROOT... Manallvy.. Sdn i AE aL WwW. H. SECHLER, Attorney - at ERENSRURG, Cambria County, Pa aw, Karyna Xow Mitineed ok asta rid of for the WH DAVIS, Attorney and Connselor ot Lou Enexsuy RG, 3 sexs tna SP ELLY Shane bd 1] 1. GEORGE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW GALLITZIN, PA. ry; rs Qaljcitar for German National fg oi and B citer Tha Ever Before. {sss inion. tics To 584 PAGES, Hove. DANIELSORN'S T “i ; : lS] 1 500 TOPICS. | ET areata CU Tues 48 SHOE SHOP ou ee : a : yi XE a Sth Ave. pear Central Hotel, Tells Eyer thus ¥ os Want TE nN i ga PnilaAr Tw . Kbwse made 1G order and re pairing o now 2 fon 8) 0 : - : of all kinds done promptiy. Prices Want to Kana It. fay 0. put 1stf me dey Ie, - bap Hy Deer YERITARLE CYCLOPEDLA CE NTRAL - HOTE L OF UP-To-DA TH BACTS. We > JOHN R CORDELL, Pre inwalanal Politica! and 3 ¥ xxge phazesy 8: wi | to WE EE Ruy xT we JOHN —-— A Acoommadations tha bess Bar in Erefatng Wy REIDY JARLA PRICE 25 cadls. { Powtns od Mal ¥ THE WORLD, 8. Ra Pulitzer Building, New York. | Pais 0 jee Down's Gn Without It This Frosidendal Year Mahat¥ey, tawet P, - Time Table. CAPE Pr Frat sox, Ridgway, Props SEE Sama gr tie ve WE Cy ETH, NE fuel ¥ Har ei Napwiles $0 Yiu 1 ih het 8 tp Blankets H A ret ov * > N Ele Vier a a Specialty. "SEUERIN, Prop'r, PATTOX, PX, , wid " with Wonrien, Does Voorln, MA wining Fons doed, oaviny. Hels way si ¥hie Gwe Trafliin wind Ra oni vison tat eso Pho » Een, Ae ren Wi Jewet, wed te ben, wRyos, Big an, $1 A Eh SORBACOD and CIGARS ie LL at FITZPATRICK'S - : ‘ Ek ; SH $ # wrk Wallaby tasirant ob Muges “seme, Nn CMURN ED fo ns ras Tae ji fe tog jo i a MEV CO ey ER ER from : EL 3 Pi on § : % $a P.R R depot : Dureas Jor sevurion RUS meric. py 4 #0 i. ven Wat: ary 2 Lae Dre BE Seo % £48 he BR Oat en ps eee ar of charge om the Srientific American Cai 3 5548 iw ater a mr ne A gk the fk PiRtleal Matsa Al ALR » Eas pats Aserms sore 1 wd Wholesale. yo 14 wwe 4 % 50 4 wal EY ® RIPANS The modern stand- ard Family Medi Cures the common ev T every-day ills of humanity. 5 5 3% % 2 W ported Lic gL 3g skies and lm- wih AT AM PM ¥P MER vl fhe Puy H FALLS € Boar rhage Hhoomns Curweding ik Wieigh x Johnstown. Addons Viaduet E305 Mam Mts, Pa. £31 ONE lV 2 RELIEF 3 a wetors Bottles OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND COXEY'S COMMON: WEAL Wi hiskies. and Prog MN PN Har hig Hus Fidentia eg, © £5 eer hw ad Faer Babi 4 as Palle Sieepdng (ae a {sic ihinis R.R. Time Table. In effect May £ $ gw i 90 PRY prom wren. ¥ Sul pals Tomi Wa Shewatdy ¥ wi & dopa 4 Str Si wee 3 jaw 4 huge Ark, Ta Mew fuk, AI ES wer SA LoaATEY ra. At, REM, ~ ¥ Wrist Ger pemaelisie rR AA kon sogeetinl ag IAN A EI § were oF B® Aun we A 5 Rye JAMES QUINN, ney 134 and 138 Clinto P & N vb Railroad. Helgi ug Eemeet downy A wy ER Mark Nay $6 $= Johnstown, Pa Al woud “ali | and Winter dress gros at Ze. fail wide, New tatds and Boagle goods, choice pal rt Black wool dress goods war ranted. Ladies Jackets and Capes in al} sizes. The largest stock between rhiladeiphia and Pittsburg ak Millinery Goods a Specialty ¥ * ¥ Love : = “u PRE v CT Give us i call. Gene Manager
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers