POINTS ON FREAKS. SOME BORN YO OTHERS TH} 7 : If Nature Hasn't Been Kind to You In Giving Tou an Odd Number of Limbs or Hirs Ado Kot ute tx Where They Our to Be, romen Yon Must Ad ght hieve Notariety, greg il which what the vel at t! attain the manager ry mus m Notoriety, no matter how and where obtained, is just so much stock in | ‘feade, and people in cur line of work] ge willing to pay any price for it. Tol? - yaake no account of the money value of | the advertisement, they are delighted 40 know that they are being talked about and speculated aboot, and to see their names in the newspapers. You! geé how high that dome ig?" he contin- | ved, pointing to the arched space far] - above the ropes and bars strete ‘hed | - ‘moross for acrobatic performances. | “Well, a offered tao! jum {i 8 fghesl Rf A} the f wolf 3 1 van came in here you ku had manaus begs: and wa justing Dows He repre: ing a gaosh throug! an optical delu ti it ar that p al gb | she nigh hb red photog r tne DOGGY ApH LI, at ¢ 23 RE 81 idea what a fur That was dow body wanted with that ti Cass { been hus! ty and crowd 10 1 no end of as surrounded bs thetic, rapt | people could through disp on Le her i words added the sh will scientis their desires stitution whe: freaks as syst jute bread. Tose TH a8 J sicians, it 18 said, who Know aw mach the human anatomy can be arf Ved and cramped and distorted injury to life. The babies’ are manipulated when tender and. they soon grow mis- eae. "=Now York Just i W { 3 ¢ 2 Bf { the infancy of the telegraph business dispatches were eent paid or collect, many of them abbreviated in telegraph-. ing, avd all newspaper dispatches were not only abbreviated, but sent collect. There were no: news agencies then, as DOW, and papers had friends in ali’ the | towns, who were authosized to send them dispatches to be called for. Every beginner in the art of teleg- | raphy was given a book of abbrevia- tions and signals, 7hich he bad to com- mit to memory aad. practice till he be- His Money All In Stocks ‘““There’s money in stocks,’ said the man who is young and enthosiastic. ‘““Yes,'' replied his seasoned friend, “I'm sure there is. 1 have been put- ting half my salary there for the last four years, and it's all there yet. ''— Washington Star. : dowers Of woman's beauty ever lov or gang! Oh, heartiess, trustiess soul could ever brave i The chance to grieve when rosy youth grow gray fou would not hear me once— you love today. — New Budget. The Wonderful Factor It Is In the Disin- | tegration of Rocks. : The rain falling on the rocks sinks in- | to every crack and crevice, carrying with it into these fissmies surface mate- is in da i gied rou has alm ance. It is asserted that ‘‘the only wealthy people in China are officials and. ex-otfi- cials, and not a siogle person can be found who has grown rich from honest “industry. ’’ | is soon laid d Whi Best Material Quarters {ut way. inl nine | is simply shellacked, often ition pre- » CAST ,| vious filling, and every scratch of the | | bootheel shows on its surface. The wood | bare and permanent Iy | stained, or perhaps the wood is oiled | | : Lk ] ACTION OF THE RAIN. | with clear oil which has not been prep-| i erly rubbed in. The residue gums on the surface and collects dust and debris, and altogether the hard wood floor, | which has been well laid by the carpen- | ter, is a source of discemfort und disap- i { pointment, *And the cigarettes: “Quite so.’" ““And yet you read in the papers ev- sry day about people so blamed impa- tient that they go and commit suicide.’ —Washington Star. rr ne pat 2 Bax Mos! 10s pt, twisted, drawn and bammered to an extent far beyond what any niineral ! not a metal could endore. Taking up the matter of tho rusts of gjgerent metals, he showed by a series of interesting experiments that sodiam, potassium, lithinm and, in a lesser de- gree, calcium, strontium and barium rast instantly when exposed to moist air, their white rusts quickly dissolv- ing in water and forming alkalies Oth- er experiments demonstrated the fact t lat another gromn of metals. in which &F $s € ad $hare Wis " ransacking of attics, and table covers vent like hot cakes. But the old shoes? Well, wherever he found a convenient bole beside the road, out of sight, he fulled up his cart and dumped the lot. -=Lewiston { Me.) Journal. two well known neath and so very Joeal Names Vor Virginia Deer, tailed deer, flag tsdled deer, long tailed deer, red deer and fallow deer. The . last two mentioned are particularly cb- jectionable, for they rightly belong to European species. It is no wonder that so many men are deter- mined to name this creature from the appearance of its tail, for that member is 80 long, so bushy, so white under- noticeable - when its ewner is running frosa you that the JoIion is vary as, ine Critlefam on Tennyson, AF TE ris Rant i 11S ££ Ri }. 4] is she man wip, Vos ing once o dike a dts ter accepted and inserted in the paper, Nicho- thinks that the genius of Scamp tin is inborn with him. it nit di The total! cost of the Tichborme ol gation amounted to £91,877 1%. 24 .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers