A ATS ——— "SASTRY Courier, a pate of a) avenue near iron bridge, Pat. ation'| Bank CO ‘raprietars Lawye I. D. Katt yO LHIS DiACe : wa : ; : ; £5 PATTON Pattan PATTON PUBLISHING Cambria Co.. Pa THURSDAY: avo fas | re “1 50-wiii gor th MON Cia ve Did You Ever FEEL THIS WAY : In The Shah of Perdda Has Ones ielicate fem iting " Worth Gere Haif a oy > a It PENNSYLVANIA'S COAT nitedd State rev says that the producti country daring hse last {rl( ). SN pt i i ), an aggregate of 1.783. R74. 284 prous tons, and rome Ratton, Pa. Pleasant to take. Perfectly harmiess. FETE ETRE, mes # SOMETHING NEW . . a . . the details of these vast figures present y 1 i a remargabhle Gus the an- thracite re y > : gerfnily beugtifai Vaiged at i pA, 1 : 1 ; the past 15 years m Thi sunday Port, twes Ly LIES A . i hoaowd of FE30 A fiste Fin : : : ir » total ontput of D E= N | S : ba ine i it. Petar’ hrone Again, the calculation made by the your county paper for the price of one ent incumbent of Bt. Peter's tt ) This, 80 far as is known, exhansts the Tt | ITILIZED A R dmin nals Phere I vitraction of } th is no liability of any early exhaustian are many remarkable pearl necklaces ! m APE 8 ¥ YY POM) BEATE wi ys of the deposite. On the contrary it There are Many good reasons Winy whose value is extraordinary. I; eas e 1 i : 52a v pod tener 1... . ' . § appears from the Pennsylvania geo- you should use One Minute Cough necklaces ure made np gradually, pea . J There are no reasons why you . after pearl oeing added to the The Shoe Man. produced during than hb per cent the country, and yet the coal fields of figure that it 18 § pearl would bring Censors DEeCHInE possessed Of 10 10 A man this State, producing such a large pro- portion of thé whole amount, consti ly 82 25 tute but little more than 4 per cent. of » Semi-weekly Post and The Co ov % v z = 3 Soda 5 an tesls avid i+ haga WA & are TY XC Lt ty SITU the known area of coal in the United RIEr one year each for only 81.50, Just Der which has not been told, and it has Pe J : r ; ro escendes i WTTRe to the 8- brad ri ; + States. think of it, The Post twice a week, and descended in regular course to the pres ard CSE most reliable authority show that there Write us for pample copies iist of trulr celubrated logical survey that the untouched re- ture serves of bituminous coal in thie State should not, if in need of help. The may be estimated at 33,447,000,000 gross only harmless remedy that produces lookout - proculs Eris Ona : immediate results. W. Hodgkins 10 extend the chain. Un the wi ' pearls are not especially valuable, ones bringing far higher prices, leading jewelers are constan frotiort ix Locai Institate, A ila k) REPUBLICAN VICTORIES. New York State by over 90,000. - New Jersey—Republicans victorious after a contest of thirty years; plu- Maryland by a plurality of 17,000. Kentucky, plurality of 5,000. Ohio, 100,000. : Pennsylvania, 170,000. Massacusetts, 65,000. Nebraska, 20,000. Kansas, 20,000. Towa, 70,000, THE CHERRYTREE RECORD has again been suspended on account of non- support. It is now time that that! place was severely let alone. It is a wonder the town can support a cem- etery. FARMING NOTES Of Interest to the Farmers Who Head the Hatton © Courier.” Always give sufficient food to keep the stock thrifty, Successful poultry keeping consists in close attention to details, The use of a little barley in finishing off hogs will improve the quality of the bacon. There is a strong prejudice against dried fruit which has been artificially hleached, j Cheap corn usually means cheap hogs and a tendency to lower prices for bacon, ham, pork, ete, i8 cut up. into thick slices and ach of the fowls inter food. iehibreds should be iunged into not Wailer hefore being There will be a local institute and Ea rom follows; B44 & necklaco of pia pearls that is Flag-raising and address by Prof. R worth $80,000, the dowager em- ber 16. H. Bites at 1 o'clock p. m.; “Use and Abuse of School Supplies,” Eva Dur- bin; “Scientific Knowledge in Country Schools,” 8am’l O. Thomas; ‘‘Buey Work,” Stella Wills; “School Disci- pline,”” Mary Hagan; ‘Mental Arith- metic,” Prof. Biter; ‘Geography Made Easy and Interesting,” Mary Cramer: “Composition,” CC. T.. Settlemyer. Teachers and friends of education are cordially invited to attend C. T. SETTLEMYER.: It is a truth in medicine that smallest dose that performs a cure is the best. De Witt’s Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform a cure, and are the best CC. WW. Hodg kins. Flag Vresentat or On Thanksgiving day, 28th, a new flag will the Westover publ members of John Gelford 590, Department of h R. Exercises INIGRETICER Everybody cordially in r of Post Opole FO MA pearis that are white being sought next after them. . Queen Victoria of England press of Germany one made of 82 pearls which would bring easily $123,000. The Rothschild ‘women have, how- ever, gems of this sort that far exceed in valve those of royalty. Baroness Gus tave de Rothschild wes one made up of five rows of pearls, the whole chain being valued at $200,000. Bar oness Adolphe de Rothschild owns a circlet that in all probability would fetch even at a forced sale $250.0 Even more | 1ant, bes OVEN Ir royal ] ‘mons in the world fr view. Hardly second the of Austria, pearls are noted throughout Ear extreme beauty and rarity ‘hat has bBecay the Empress on the A. M. THOMAS, Announcement! | No Pain. Da GOOD BUILDING PATTON, PENNA. No Injection. tion. d. T. SWARTZ, D. D. 5, Boots an FRI I WINT ESS be z A R 5 urposes to the keeper corn and M : | ; 4 ma HIRE IY we os | : 4d WE HAVE 1 he For Ringers and Public Speakers, > 2 2 phew Use Annt Rachael's ! i Ae be Horehound b . CENTRAL - HOTEL, "SHOE - SHOP 1 : 4 O. Patton Supply
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers