RA A Nr HE PAT Ho VOL. I1.—NO. 100. TY I'( yN CAMBRIA CO, 3 VISIT COOK, SAI xmas 18. Coming And we vision with you wish Books Games. Novelties And Parti Dolls. SOnIe Very I y: ve made ample pro- S11} 1 any kind ply you all of as 1 present such Te VS, ularly the little We have g 111 ¥} sizes. V the and stores windows pr Drugs ght 1 ) HARMACY Medicines Chemicals Confectionery Tobacco Snuff Smoker's © Articles. Toilet Articles Holiday Goods Always Tackle (ioods Statione ry (ligars and Fishing Sporting Base Ball Razors Strops Goods SCIS80S Shears Ete. Knives : Mugs C. W. HODGKINS. hth & Beech Aves, Patton. Pa. ~ [caps, ete, NESE Should be observed in and we give thanks that we LE ADER: » in all kinds of FURNITURE f wedety competition. many ways are the Lorre: go> THE WISE MAN, THE MooN - And all other wise men and women will tell you that they sre always ‘treated well at our mammoth store, Special attention will be shown to persons dealing with us who live out of the city. Visit ns and be convinced. COMER BROS. Johnstown, Pa. Telephone No, 140. =i. 126 Market Siro ‘ pontinues dull, weakened under the depression, all {bers are fairly ai {demand at ‘below expectations. Cquiet, eyver, this er ; | no change from last week. THE CONDITION CONDITION THE SAME the fore fronds. BosTON, The dise trade continues steady departments, with operatioys ately conducted. Sar eid ia going along fairly, but the lacks general activity, The is stedier, with the nll better owing to a for settle- ments which are now paper ig quoted at #4(a5) per x corporation loans at 3¥a4} per loans at 40:3 per Check Ditmand Staple A Moderate in November 1. merchan- in most macler- business market OnNey presnt rather demand Business nt. wi due. ith cent. and collateral cent, In the business tories boot and shoe tradeg idle on orders. market has with many faq and buyers yet holding back The leather hide and +11 kinds of the of hem- lock sole. heing sell. Hides are dull, small. The with a rather better fone rnd former, outside lower tc offerings ars considerably but iron and steel steady in structural dnll. The lumber trade the market, i Coal ir quoted higher n inder light (ff shipping | material. is steady points, PHILADELPHIA, November not active, but prices are firm. cturers, generally sp but manufa said to be doing fairly, not running full time, many art Dry goods job . Fair demand drugs and glass. Flour Petrolenm quiet tive. for paints, and grain dail. firm, market Boots and shoes hay fair prices; out-of-town orders continue good Demand for morocco and leather has fallen some; prices still firra; the and medium goods have fully 100 per cent. Lumber pract flat. Little is doing in tobacco; have a downward tendency PrrrssurG, November 1. -The eral volume of business is somewhat ea st elas AERA interior advanced { ‘ally \ prices gen: Wholesalers are not inclined to extend credits, tailers except for immediate and shoes are and ro- with cash will not purchase i Boots with watts, seasonably active, prices ruling firm. have a reasonable and as the holiday trade Will gin, it is expected that an increased annual business will tions are slow. Window glass is active by reason of builders’ in demand, with prices, ing low, | : n 23d ga Das, t demand, Dry goods, soon be be done. Collec supplies baring % however, rul- y IPT oe | tones Fria Piet Iron and mRLee marks with & steady enange in prices nas Deen smais, no particular change is looked the immediate future. CLEVELAND, November | steel markets are and sleady, Thi 214 au} Te “i nLaers INaeria hardware i very fair, and the volume of general merchandise trade is reasonably satis- factory. CHICAGO, November 1. goods and clothing trades activity for the season, fallen off slightly and mail orders. © Orders are iii larger culiar |OMMe more anxious to sell and bres led } fiyp DOIGINE 101 prices, wh full figures. athers For the are } ou ys t 1:4 . 2. present. tily ers are not numerous. Sales of season- | ablé hardware are lighter, but prices Heavy iron goods are ord- are firm. ered freely, and jobbers claim to be getting full prices. Buyers of pig iron | are holding off, and only small lots are selling. There has been some selling by parties who had bought for October and November delivery, specification or pay for it, have resold. Small orders for steel rails are being |'placed at full prices for present and future delivery. Groceries active. Lumber The produce trade 363,157 pounds. are fairly is holding its Gwn is fair Wool re- ceipts, Kansas City, trade the exception that country the Much de November 1. ~ General conditions are unchanged, * 11 + about {Collections LOO } hanks. MINNEAPOLIS NO 3 average. mand form Vern h volume of business with jobl isfactory for the season, though ‘in 81. i | RLESTON, in good. Collections ton receipts light. ATLANTA, N« 48C repo ried with Jac "REONVILLE, | . Yering 11 Hl Adz Here coiled hi Noy here rember 1. WT Business i aff’ ' work will be commenced. ' journed. and not | wanting it when called upon to give! bulk corn. SAN FrANCE mercial h lines y it} x fers dere “iF FYE fe ut with a tendenc HI proves ment in prices lines, Produce markets are gene steady, Wheat strong Por {rrains are tending upward QO ¢ good auag m Dirsil ney more generally i hare Mexico gales in the e: better prices. erally is unchanged, £1 Es counts active, China, pinenits and Caiif have yrnia, and increased pst NGyvember |] Trade £ with a fair busi- of which rule very strong higher. Farmers ar reiuRIng 10 Beil r here? isi tor i in reply 53 iY and MOVs Each person has a part to life and it must oul of the % ; rie) by 17 $y tLe y wb WOR ati seh fi £4) BiaYy Cll, BO 0% be carried out is a hold and ail will best, It YY each one now COME out ou have own PWLING brighter face on any CAlBe Cease wish to aid vour about hari an aid to and aril Pia Will Jt your town, your country, : i ¥ % $ yori . ) Cm Oia] Wind yiati J v OL TRE | han anyoue ele x ’ ho > y a 3: 4 1 & ¥ mber that nothing 18 atiadneda itn trying for it, and if you want } a 1 ¥ § 5 ¥ citi! LOIS bette tian they are vou won't wit 3 < wisi 57s Ly whit WOrKing against fosps PERKINS ried bry mney 1 PeULAr ight, October 29th, BF. Wi gee and Fifth avenue. motion was made and carried that the Pa Mar then Clay wnfacturing compan) be extended up Magee avenue to first alley after crossing Fifth avenue, and that the price for tapping same be $25.00, two tappings to be paid before Council ad- Birthday Surprise. On Tuesday forenoon Mrs. Catharine Nagle, who lives in Clearfield town- ship, was agreeably surprised by a | large concourse of friends gathering at her home in honor o her Sixty. seventh birthday. Afte large number Holter, Blanche Decker, Axle Anderson, Jas. Grad- ‘ well, Sadie Sommerville, Fannie Wilk- | JEN'S S {[] GENERA LARGE RO A Complete The li stitute th grades in t 1 is and deportme or aise ti in is fazyie Brewer Uheohan Sandford Eva Cra Corneiin Donnelly, Hadden ell. Lora Fdward McTigue, Wilkins, Joi nelins, Thor Bennie Wilkins Heist, Dan Thom as ~heehial Beckwith Fisher, Bert Y LE ob ATION 108) Webb A YY 1 ALTA vy First Primary. Paul Barton, Rachel Haden, ‘Willie Penchers, Marshall Glass, Annie Wil- son, Earl Wilson, Samson Simmons. Ralph Crook, Dora Prescott, Eddie McCormick, Peter Lungren, Romaine McCormick, Lillie Williams, Mary Hervlett, Annie Shay, Thomasine merville, ing. Mara Short, Osesr Danrnielson, CrPRSS Bea eed St TORE Mary Som- | PUBLIC SCHOOL LETTER 0 sch 4 Manner us results, for “quite A § F Me & oils 1 attr f A them { We OMEN, Wai ong days aw % coi wea oid r The seh ols Ore 10 vored w whit Mate £4 ty Names were ¢ ter, Fallen Tunber;, DD. EE. Mountaindale; Benj. Thompson and W. A. Thompson, An- sonville; F. 8. Foster and Oliver Rice; Fragality; R. J. Yothers, Hastings. Holand, At the Palmar House. Yollowing is a list of some of the people who registered at the Palmer houase since last Wednesday morning: A. W. Lauman, Allegheny; E. C. Poor- min and H. C. Brooks, Tyrone: Wm. § ir TWO STATES mommon. a MAIL ORDER The camp will meet in Good’s hall | ovary Monday evening at 7 :30 0 "clock. Smale, Grace Diehl, Julia Myers, Anna ALT'OON BRIEF idx DOUBT of Camnbria Whale Hepublticans Their BD wend WU “3 Pad heat 1 wisi ip. Kep., tarneshorn, Ri VOR Fan The Best Good The Greate DEPARTMENT was as clumsy in its workings as any, but we have been learning, improving and en- rr te] T Send for Samples AND SEE. Wm. F. Gable &
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