A roused 2 at an Karly Hour. {34 ple in Sevoral : ! CHICAGO'S BIG BUILDINGS ROCKED. CASE WILL PAUBABLY Bhock Fell Throughonl ihe Wese mod Sout and Cansds. Ixpranaponis, Oct. 31 ~The most pronoanoed earthquake shook in the mem- ory of citigsns orf within the history of . the weather e-7vioe ovearred here st 06:10! o'clock tins: morning. It coutivaed 60 | to 70 seconds. Every building in the city was ~haken. Thousands ef people were awakened. Windows rattled and beds rocked. (asses bumped toeether with violeuoce. Prof, Brown, of Batler college, who has recently returned from A resi | dauce with the Arehasologienl & Athens, says the shock was a8 prononveed | as those commonly ex perien es } oety in i mainland in (Greece. Micsican UITY, Ind severe parthgnuke shock va pity this m ening at Di oity was effected, Wind £)t f yo? PH WAT and people ren ont of tues hoi pight clothes Kansas CITY, Mo. Oct. 31. tinot shocks of earthqnake were fait here this morning. The last sbock at 5:2) was much more severe than the cove which preceded it a few minutes. Houses niong the river front were severely shaken and many residents { in their night clothes. "hills in the business portion the shook was not so strong. has yet been reported. Cricano, Oot. 31. ~Chieaghnnus we alarmed a few miuntes af this moriing by a distinct shook. The vibrations, which were felt. plainly all over the city, were severe _ enough to shake objects ou the mantels or desks in the tall buildings, and milk- men avd other early risers, fearing that some of the sky-scrspers might tske = tamble. made haste to get on streets where there was less danger. At the Twenty-sscoud street police sta- tion the severity of the distarbatce wae such aa to overturn &0 ipkstand on the desk of the night sergeant. Reports are coming in from all over the city, from Ald Two dis Further np on the of the city No damage » ter O on elock afi hganks [ Prisoner paoko woe i on the} it lad from their buildings i SHARP ARTHQUMGE SHOCK EVD. NG Vif ERD SAIURDAY. Lama With rhe Womsn He Had Basely Deceiver, oad ahd dh PAA PrILADALPAIA, Oct. 81— Ihe first givam of hope came to Holmes when ie sttorne; succeeded in keepirg from the jory all ev idence bearing directly upon tho mn ud of the Pitesei ohildren. This demsion of Jndge Arnold and the sonfronta ion the wWilnDoes DoX Of Holmes by the women whom he deceived a into believing she waa his leon! wif apd the break Jown of the prisoper that follow 3 ’ i ¢ YW tt, ¥ § *% edingr tird BY. Mies Yoke wag ore of In y aq B43 gin their Fh if Lie te agiog to & 3 38 ¥ err conrt room expectsd, Ble peaméd ga have no knowia ly in the mnr f wuy events basing {rectly tor of Pitog:l, or the eovidren, Thea attarpaysct th believe that there 15 Kd of returning &ovaraict Holmes, k= the, Cin : A showing dir Pie {Irn 40] prod 1% jmoner Kite Atborany tint ba hous i Z I ustriot doit flint Liolmen ne ck Uy tie #8 ready pres: nted. Judge Arnold's deisiors bre ert of? the testimony of aboat fifty witnesses for the commonwealth and there Low. seems so likelihood that the trial will extend beyond Satorday at the far hest. . Fifz-immons’ Case: Postponed. Lirrre Rook, Ark, Oct. 31—Fitzaun- mons and hie manager appeared befor: Jaodge Martin thie afterooon bat the case waa soutinued anti to-morrow becuse of the +beerce of Lttnrpey (General Kings. {he cass persous who noticed the enrthgnage, from towns as far porth «as Janes Wis Operator Willits apd might Western «Telegraph company fait the =i gpniNarieno, lil, Oct 31. —Thie vi- einity waa visited with an earthqnake | shock at 5:11 this morning. The shock | lasted fally a minute and whe alm It passed | a1 i Vike, | i hia! $e pmnioyea of the Duion | i f i {8 x3 oat nn- torm in tendency throughont. trom northwest to southeast sud shoo the honses and buildings in such 8 man per as to awaken everybody. | Taree Rivess, Mich, Oct. earthouake shock of about 20 duration was falt bere at fiye o'clo kth It was accompanied by rumb- | Most wera awakened by the morning. ling noises and shook bmildiogs ef the inhabitants shock. Garnironis, O, Oct. 31 —Between and € this morning an quake shook the buildings in this ety. | ‘The shock wsa very distinct, and wus felt by nearly everybody in the town. J Darvrox, O., Oct. 31.—There was a djs- | tinct earthquake shock in this city and | vicinity a few mioutee after 5 o'clock this | morning. The shaking of windows and | shutters was first noticed and awoke the sleeping populace. At firet it was thoaght to have been an axplosion of some sort. | buat later reports confirm the belief that it was an eartbquake. The shock lasted about one minute. : OrATTANO0GA, Tenn., Oot. 31.—There | was a heavy rainfall here this moruing, and st sboat 5:15 a shock of an earth- quake was felt. The shook was heavy, but no damage was done to any of the buildings. Panxerssoad, W. Va., Oct. 31.—A de- cidely perceptible shook of earthquake was felt here et 5:15 this morning, No rain fell. 2) o'elock earth: | | Dr. Bradéord Csanfesses, New York, Oct. 31.—Dr. Orlando E. “Bradford, the convicted counterteiter, has <znnealed’” on the Brockway gang. As a result Chief Hagen, of the sacret | When the commonwealth service, who came from Washington to | Lear the wily doetlor senteneed to-dsy, 18 ! 1 now in posession or nine p ates exogel lent.v exeented for counterfeiting Liils an i bank potes, partially Sviehed till $1,000,000 of spuricas money, and a 3 very valuable information regard ing the work- | ings of the notorions Brockway gang. ig Fight Wedneaday. Hor Berinas, Oct. 81.—0'Donnall and Maher has signed articles to fight st Whittingtoa park Monday afternoon. The latest program provides for the following fights: Maher 0’ Dounell, on Monday; Ryan-Smith, Tuesday; Cor bett- Fitzsimmons, Wedneeday. Awful Mining Disaster. 8ax Francige), Nov. 1.—Advices re- ¢ #ived by steamer from the Orient this morning state that sixty miners were kiil- ad by aa explosion of firedamp in a coal mine near Hankow. | Nine hundred and forty three houses were destroyed by fire at Nomaro in the island of Hezo, October 3. Batol Now a Cardinal, [themaslves 1D Latte Ivock to-muorrow, L noon. ! ralation | gnestion Lmorniog tok # 1 ty » 14) | DRIE PTOI inti ater 12 ¥ i Corbett fight | 24 hours notio state of Arka ] { 1 i i worthy, Probabilities are that will occupy several ds) \ 3 : {2o9mry or Gee Bre or Giark to-riight again thst the Del Uroes LiRposnl wETe fully equal to #1 there wonld be no fight in Arkansas. ty Corbett and Brady will sabmit to b governor's anthority y surrerdert Nothing of importancs. was de ne for M nda authorities Maher and O'Donnell y 4 The sction of the to battle vi het her ths pons ay HGght ug }, 3 kT Rik Y that Corbedt I it { terms of contrac thin and dec mres that of ir i Angin 34 pose of chil ¢ Corbett, without see- ing him. Cor Rock at 7 4. mj. Late] from thie Scrap, Litre Rugg, to-night to pro ‘itzsimmons in private at h, for $10,000 a eide, within ittle Rock, bat outside the 848. ood that the location of the o Tepneesee, Louisiana, or there be any tight at a''. kK, Nov. 1 -Both Corbett Ons Chesed Were postponed 250 miles of L It is nnders! fight may be Mississippi if ‘Lire Rog and Fitzsimm aotil to-morrow Chanoellor Martin thie afterncon is- sued a temporary injunction restraining all pugilists, their backers and trainers, the Hot Springs Athletic club und the officers of Hot Springs (com bringiug off any fight. This settles suy fighting in Ar-kaneny, atleast for twenty days when the writ is ratarnabla. Holiness Asks Clemoncy PritabeLiaia, Nov. L— Holtaes to- threw } lay yimse |! apon the merey of the jor closed its ca ei thut they considerad the prosegation bad not roads of charge of this aiternonn bis snponn myrilar araer 1! its It at their Chge 1} ed by the commonWesith wrisoner, { yett will leave for Little Nov. 1.—Jaliap agreed | yosiiion ‘rom Brady to have | ¥. b Sd i 9h0P Hi 4 “oil 1 AKEn < | Ih i ¥ 1 LIRLINRALY o . 4 wn Persons Killed, Go—When tue 8smOkK- ina tains of swenistiops in Peltinm street whiah ware barnaed esriy this morning (RCOvery Was made t to psi teen tort. Three | baiidings wera totally wracked, sod 8p | eatimate of the damsge places it at $100,- ¥ i i i fsrows Naw Yous, Nov. worn spsrohel 108 Mi ERR | J The asses of the dead are 88 follows § J aot - EEN J taster; vi Janae Prosser, tailor, Tarr , Wi tehmAL jnmped st x neria Deasbi, ox “0 a Bre os i With, rx Peary ET nn I TRAIN DERAILED Fas Coachas Turned Completely Over and Two Passen- Gers Drushad 0 Death. 5 FTI H Wel Two prac % wreck § 5 PE ou % { 1 slog U2 BAA abi whith onaet Krtiwr wih TW The ont Garnile § tard completely over 1:ha derailment of that ca: (ph sten and parlor ear, Lome fished. and were badiy Coreea Affair Upre:s It. New Y kk, Nov. 3.—The Herald prints a cable dispsteh from Shapghsi, saying: The repors that 4 treaty has been con- claded between Rassias and Obins, by which China wonld become practieally tribatars to Bossin, apoesred first 10 the Clitos azetie of Ocober 10. 18 18 Oe 4 tae Phat y emergency aod that! the | B here | i rig ! : Eto day except to arrange the Sght between The Ganiows Bourges cabinet the moderates ima Recoped In » Fug Kival Prrrsscec, Nov. 2. ~The H. ©, Frick | plant aod franchisee of the X' company and elected a | rectors of tat compavy. For a tima the | MeClare cotptny will continue to rnb | 88 & separuie Organization. : | ‘Ibe McClure company own 25 and was the pext largest in the ( | ville region to the Frick comnern Lney | with the Frick company ov 4 own snd | control 50,000 scree of cual jand witk 8 {coke manafactnriog capacity of about 1 250,000 tove per day. i Burleigh Brings Action’ | Prrissvra, Nov. 3 — Tha | litigation sgamst the banks paying 1 | terest to W. FI, Honse begun yesterday vy City Attorney Burleigh. i new gor Mr. Barleigh bes saed the Lbicesl. Allegoeny National Irs eemen’s Nations! hanks 7 Aur we OWING a 34 2 tnt gigs i each, *11 % ) + fF 3 Hieghi pay ILaDt Ut 4 to W. C. Mo hie reliant, ea. vi 1 4 bet It wes thea arranged that the closing | poet arguments on woth sides shonld begin to sorrow apd eeart adjoarned. # the judge will probably consonie tha bet- The closing ergnments snl charge of ter part of to-morrow, but the case will! in all likelihood be given to the jury to- morrow afternoon. ; Miss Flaghes Indicied. Wasi NaroN, Oct. this afternoon returned ap indictment against Misa Elizabeth Flagler, daughter of General Flagler, chief of ordusnos, U: 8. A., obarged with manpslsagiter 3].—The grand jury iu Debt Siatement WasHINaToN, Nov, 1.-~The pabiie 2 W ssHiNaroN, Oot, 81.—Monsigror Ba- tolli has been elevated to the position of | cardinel, . debt statement iszaed this afternoou how i net inereass In pnblie ie treseury, daring OQotober, of ~ 8. hit, CRE il {7 321,472 gar ae 4H) of m { money. by forcin; | There 18 LO | : Young Hovnvedale Man Suicides 2, — Lewis Hartnng aged 29. son of Angust Heurtnog. wealthy brewer of this ouy, co Us sue das Friday night by shooting i HONBSLALE, NOY { mite hms at his residevce. Pra re ton Ikfesis Har vard Privcrros, N. ¥Y, Now defeat «i Harvard Staardsy by J.~Priveetor ha 8 re shooting Ernest Creep, 8 solorsd boy, of 12 to 4 whi'e he was picking up pesrs in the yard! of the Flagler residence. Darran! Cony ‘pred. trom | EXri-SS WRECKED. | i | | 5 ¢ janeut #9 it's extensive rilis et that place. Lk § promised | wu wv the | 1m her compavy « offi a, «nd is he ir=axter at om | PA ations pH al 1 [hers ars lomber C80 tow Thess gare aud Lorthero Pannayivacis, of {withatend jpg the plant tha oalamity howlars who 108 gt that tha virg'n orants | af wu # Ala 4 thronghont gents 19¢ WRiia of #XiRt OGY 1D tna Yoldeso inhabits: yadis W barron, and a thal fam short | pasa Jwfore iow yh - : Riit i & nig . R:INMDIBT 3 rt iL.k ail | ger 11 Bets gotta to ¥nstip, cf PDaBowr, pe Awe spony the penka aud Away anty, 2% miles east at 5 1% La 3 of iiaae i THE MEDU! &7N LUMBER C MPANY. fais ¢ mpeoy isa Now York oa moeri, £ wich (hen BE. Dodge is president. Pitns B Meigs, treasarer, Dodgy, Megs & Go, of No. 43 Broadway, N. Y., the saliing agents aod J. W. Hartraso, sa- perinteodent at M-dix Rao, where the mille are located. The Medix Ran Lamber O»., owns 23 000 saree of beavily timbered Jands ad lbers it has ovmmeuced ap operation stocked with an great variety. an of ? Cand shargs of i pery woich | skateh. ~The firm also operates tanneries | i at Driftwood and North Bend. Only sole t*a Boston Leather Company, of Boe ‘engive and boiler touse and an offios 3 i» jestired in rs thal H lust m ak Coke company has purchased the entire 8 ure Coke | ard of di- | § ontsining powerfal » i naar the rauro d * farmer gotiainil 3 pow being used ve of gre at valae — i that of the timber Ran Francisco, Nov {.--Duarrent was | ound gailty the fret degree “jury took but ons ballot, in Hotmes Found ¢ ality PHILADELPHIA, Nov. tonud guilty in the first d gree inst ni on = topk op'y ong ballot, 3 sh # ~ jouw The : Holmes was | | expected y larabiia i RIBAS S one 95 horse power engine and two of {ERNST VANTA RAILROAD i fwoegtor) Gall a Res wv | gasartmant | A io! I 3 varsity ane Ad varsity f lie Piney ond pthongh arrangement Ora, rg Hin Phila 8 HI ax y ord Ra ci re ral PeIRID in alaeps intil 708) 8. “ebay and inter ateglations arriving Phtiadaiphla, $52 oc New York, #88a.0% worl days and rS sw, m. 00 Mind dna, $28 a, ms. Wasbin Poin cars snd pResen e and Williamsport 10 GESTS br Ww vary in. 148 vit Ty adap which Blow andistiarbed manag: met, intter 8 Mr M.S man iv i right pulsion 1s assed 0 tans [Quafar, whi in righ ronizga the stors, Ww pt RA. GLRASON & SONS TANXERY - 18 sitnated the planing - mi ont Aa This large lanpery ¥ 4 1 3 2 fo i Little Gistanos (roi the compsuy which w= the loander of Mediz, snd nas & contract with it to take i sTH ¥ % x PR iraNMrt CHAIN 3 dni & caves Mow Yor® 1 AUF ox yc Washinglon,, 4 Ie o gare Mm, Polian see] a to Erie and from Wasik Wiilimraspo rt ane mdeiphis Bail re 411 wid atl 250 a. from Philiadeiphi ington and Bailimore 1 through passer cons Les Tom Phi £311 youre LS tas Brie fm VilHiamenort ia the sabjsct of this brief leather, thal XnOowWD RS Crop’, 18 | FRALN 1 Waves Renovo al 5:55 & a nday, &rrmt Aa Tok yn a6 cdapheily 8 y litte + oof § NK AKelr atqg 8 tou, ax ak aa The buildings of the tanoery cousist| N.Y OC & HK RR. Co. Losses. of a yard sod beam house 360340 fees, a CONDENSED TIME TABLE. dry loft 256140, a leech honse 156338 | _. Read Down .- 124 and the other 430232 feet in sigs, | No x 0.8 ———— PE RN Psd 1S | saves 3 14. ices Westover aerassenbELs eukREE F v 5 v " balding. Ail are well painted and have steal roofs, Thera ure also 18 dwelling | houses, a bosrdiog house, aad a mansion ased b, Lue superiutendent, There sre a5 re bk oend a boner of Uhl Boras BY vite ihe pamber banda em- $5 i tind of PTI TS ITE +i] 3 § . ruoniog fail 18 audits : iy ul eH 14:38 Ol on VEY PARTY Y SOIL RAY, t. tidy and ne Omed Choo: comraandil ES DAagisome!y ars “ry : : 5 ibd 51 The schovis are weil attended | 411 1. 3 3 gi % } ie i rif. Dodd, sald foi Pa alway Ff EHER ! Peassenger Ag Now In J Meadix rreqiest (1 * f2e ny £30233 Anmmer, ¥aen | at Swit a 3 ey 3 nd tb pr@OT ANY RIS Ba IL A by te epuoir=; i 18 LUO t th 2 pn ate ve! ; nnectel wth Fr BL A BR A OF ee ol BD GR 2 Sr Wesi ward 11:34 8a 18 3:00 py 18 35 p VR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers