in EY WP - Burned Spee, L0SS ESTIMATED AT OVER $30,000. Mr. Rose Withdraws His Challenge for the } Amezica’'s Cup. Bravrornp, Oct 23.—A disastrous fice this worning ewept awsy a larga port of the village of Ceres, situated on the Wes + term New York and Pennsylvania railroad about 22 miles trom bere. Details are meagre but it seemns the fire broke out in the kitchen of ths Grand Oentral hotel and destroyed several stores, the Grand Oentral hotel, the gas ocom- pany’s tool sbop and & grist mill. Loses estimated at over $30,000, : Rowe's Challenge Withdrawn, Loxpox, Ost. 23.—Cbarles D. Rose has sabled to the Naw York yacht clab his withdrawal of challeoge for the America’s sup recently iesned by him. Would Buve to Fight Spain, ~ Lownox, Oct. 23.—Advices received from Madnd esying the government has decided upon the arming of several of the trans-Atlantic eompany steamers and the eomyersion of sll cruisers into modern warships. This action is generally re- garded se preparatory to messuree agsinst a recognition of insurgents ae belligerente by any American government. It is accepted as a certainty that Spain "would regard such recognition as a vio- lation of international law snd would "immediately place the pation upon s wer footing and sutborize Spanish veesels to eapture upon the neds merchantmen be- longing to the nation #0 recognizing the insurgents. a Corbett Lo be Re-arvested. Litre Rook, Ark., Oct. 23.—The sa- preme court has quashed proceedings in the Oorbett babess corpus and decided that the jndge overstepped his jarisdict- ion 1n hearing the proceedings iv the -Qorbett onse, aud that it should have gone belors & jnstice uf the peace to be tried and appeal from there, etc. The conrt also declare] the law of 1891 against prizs fighticg to be valid and operative. This law makes prize fighting a misdemeanor puniehal'e with a fine of from $1,000 to $2,600. Corbstt vill ke rearrested red made to give a pecs bond. Hurled to Death. _ Prrrssueg, Oct. 23,—Joseph Masser, a ~ prosperons farmer, living near Broaiford, Fayette county, met a horri*le death on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad one-half “mile west of Dawson station, about 7 o'clock last night. The Baltimore & Obijo limited express, bound weet, roo- ~ ming st tbe rate of a mile & minute, dssb- od into his wayon, totally wrecking it, and harled Masser a distance of 60 feet. He struck sgainst a telegraph pole snd hw braios were dashed out. Janitors "8 Troant OMcers. McKezsporr, (Jot. 23 —The sommittee on discipline and morale of the board of education beld a meeting and decid«d to QUAY AMES HIS CHOICE | Favors Reed for the Presidential Nomination. CHICAGO OR PITTSBURG WILL OE TNE Oty and About June 10th the date of Next Year's Bepublioan Conrentoon, Kew Yong, Oot. 24—The Evenine Bun pays # developed to-day thst ae a reenlt of the conference last night between Quay, Piatt, Olarkson snd Cheirman Oar ter, of the National ocommrittes, the He publican national convestion of 1896 wil. be called to meet on: or about June 10. The convention bity wae not agreed ov, bnt Chicago or Pittsburg will be selected at tbe meeting of the National committee. 10 ao interview to-day Quay expressed himoelf in {avor of Reed for president. es 4. gt et. se THE I) IRON TRA TRADE. Where Western Penssylvanie far Execels the ‘Emstern Portion of the State. Harrisons, Oct. 24.--The fortheom- ing report from the Burean of Bististics will say thet in 1880 Pennsylvania pro- dooced 27 41 per oeut. of the ion output’ in the Uvited States; in 1889, 1075 per osut.; in 1899, 8.50 percent.; in 1891, 8 72 per cent.; in 1802, 6.65 per ceot.; in 1893, 6.02 per sent ; in 1894, 4.48 per cent. In 1892 there were 1,084,047 tons of iron ore mined in this State and 4,193,806 tons of pig iron made. In 1894 there were 532,- 087 tovs of iron ote mined and 3370152 tone of pig iron made. : The cost of producing a ton of pin iron ot a southern farrsoce is $671, and at a western Pennsylvania furnace it is $7 49. The cret at an eastern Penneylvania fur- nace is $9.60. The minimum production of pik iron ‘| in tnie State, since 1872, was 875,932 groes tons iu 1875; and the maximum was 4,415,- 829 long tous 10 1890. The money directly invested in the ac- tive blast furnaces of the Btate, independ ent of contingent icdustries, is $60,000, 000, ueing annually materiale that ap- proximate this invested capital. : There are employed from 15,000 to 20.- 000 persons about the furnaces; these re- oeive sbout $7,000,000 annually as wages. The machinery in ore blnst furnaces ag: grogates 120.000 horse power. i mts nt tm OR. 0 Mrs, @irman’s Beil. Avrora, Ill, Oct. 24—Edpa Brown Gorman, of Kanaville, and ber letter chain for capoelled stamps have come iuto public notice again. The volume of letters which the chain had caused to pour into the little Kaneville postoffice for a time at the rate of 1,000 per dsy bad dwindled down to almost nothing nn- til a week ago. Now Jetters are beginning to come from England, the cbain in some way having been put in cirenlstion there, aod the number received daily is abont 500. They are stacked up sgeinst the wall, piled in rowe, stowed sway 1n dry goods boxes, grain sacks filled with them avd a greal pile of unopened ones are in the centre of a large room, the size of a hayoook. The chain will not prove un- profitable to Mrs. Gorman. The cancel- recommend that the janitors at the differ- | led one and two cent Columbian - stamps ent school buildings be sworn in as spe- | are now oatalogned &s worth one cent . eial policemen to that they can arrest each, and she hus thousands of them. - boys who play truant and loaf about the | Mooey has been offered to ber for the school bu! dinge, much to the annoyance | names of all signatures to letters written of the other pupils. It is smid some of |in the United States, one offer of $500 the larger boys who play traaot eotice| for the stampe, and several offers for the smaller boys to stay away from school, and a determined effort will be made to stop the practice. Found Dosd In His Store, Piqua, O., Oct. 23.—Joseph D. Har- mish, who recently purchased the Buffalo dry goods store bere, was found by 8 elerk upon opening the store this morning lying dead iu a pool of blood. He bed shot himself in the right temple daring ‘the night. Harnish left no message of explamtion but despondency over his business is ae- signed. He came here from Dayton, where Agsinsten Issue of Bonds. Prrrssuna, Oot. 23.—This afternoon Judge Ewing filed an opinion and decree in the case involving the validity of the ~ Kennedy school bill. The opinion of the sourt is againet the issue of bonds. It - does pot give a definite decision on the oonstitutionality of the question, bat the | ¢ court indicates that it is against it. This leaves the burden of squarely deciding ‘that question with the supreme court. Football Scores. Prrrssurag, Oct. 23. — University of Pennsylvania, 30; Duqueene Athletic club, 0. ~~ Nzw Haven, Oct. 23. —Yale, 54: Wil- liams, 0. Prixcerox, Oct. 23.—Ugion Uollege, 0; ‘Princeton, 22, New, Ot. 23. —Ratgen, 0; Bwarthmore, 12. 12. © Status of J Brazilian Xx. Rebels. New York, Oct. 25.—A special cable daspatoh from Baenos Ayres, says: The . Brazilian officers «ho took part in the re- ~osné revolutions and have been par- - doned, are not to be permitted to enter *aotive service until two years ehall have * . elapsed, but they may draw their tall psy. Admiral Mello, Gens, Silveyra, and Mar- tin will return to Rio de Janeiro next month, Home Again, : ™ | Wasmingrow, et. 24.— President Oleve land and party returned to-night from the _ Atlanta Exposition, The trip was made without the slighest accident or delay. The latter's lifs is despaired ul. rare stamps. Sbe often finds small checks in the letters, but never for a greater amount than $1. A cheek for $500 re |ceived Irom California several months ago was bogus. 0s. Think Hardin Expee Expects Defeat. ; Cinoemari, Oot 24.—Beveral decorate of considerable prominence came to town this morning from Lexington, Ky., sud THe WEEK G0 § The Persy'e ig. Coin FOUR MAIL S| 1a. p.2TROYVIS, nou. or Ard Firemen KI 1A and F-v-n Mul Clerks tnjnred, Artocss, Of. U. — A qwasirons wreek, invoivipg the death of two mep, the ip- jacy of several others, and tha destrne- tin 0’ a large amoant of mal matter, ‘oonrred near Bailey a‘atior, co the! middle division of the Potuayivanis rail- road, at 2:15 thie morning. The folicwing were killed and ipjoren Jraniel Wolrkill, eagiveer, of Harris ham. J. W. Baipee, fireman. E. A. Chamberisio, of Hrorrichnrr: ‘jaree reported serious. Seven pastal Series; extent of ivjaries not stated. From rc ports receivad hare ii apres that » wheel on a oar on ar estou frergt t train broke at Trimmers hock, pear Baileys, and three or four cers wire wrecked snd throwo ou the opposite rack. The mail section of the sonthweslesrn ex: press, composed of four postal care and a storage car, was passing a' the time, and crashed into the wreck. The engine was thrown from the track ard horled inte the canal. Engiveer Daniel Woltkiil tod J. W. Haines, fireman, were instsutly killed. Four mail ears [following the engios were also wrecked and immediately csaght fire. hart, bat not fatally, so far as is known, FE. A. Chamberlam, who resides st Har risborg, was the most serionsly bort, hav. ing sustained 8 fractare of the feft arm. in. spread with such rapidity that it was m- It wae the throagh msi from New Y va tents for several days. ported that ove of the Jeatal been ony ht in the wr tat thie romor fortunately pr Wea to pe ‘without foundation. clerks bad canal, Haives were buried nader the nik, The passanger trains wars hep roe ping eastward and westward by wry of bus been but little delay mn tr vl | additio. to the regular wre any force 80 men were taken from the car sbops here and the track fally opened by 8 o'olock. As stated the train was crmposed en- tirely of mail cars and copsequently po passengers were oarried. The injored postal clerks received prompt attention, sud those who are able will be sent to their homes at once. Eogioeer Henry Blackbarn, who was injured in a wreck bere October 16, is iv -& serious condition and may die. Hisin- jaries about the chest and back are prov- ing worse than at first saspected. NewPoRT, Oct. 24.—The body of Joe- eph W. Haines, fireman on the engine of the traip wrecked at Trimmers Rock, this raorning, was fourd in the canal under one of the trucks of a mail car this eve- ving. Ope leg was off and bas pot yet been found and the body was otherwise considerably mutilated. The bodies of both Engineer Wolfkill and Fireman Haines were taken to Harrisburg fo be prepared for burial. Bike Fae Factory Oaved In. Crype, O., Oct. 25.—About 90 test of the wall of the Elmore manufacturing company’s bicycle factory fell into the strest’ at 7°80 this morning. A dossn per- sons were bared in the debris. Two were fatally injured and several of! ere fatally burt. Versailles. It a ia] came together, but alt discussed the pol- itical situstion in Kentucky sod all agreed thet the democratic outlook is bed. Hardin's speech at Lexington lest night : is cequrasd aa pricioully 4 s2siamion m his part that be is defeated. Suleg for for a Miser's Ertare, Cwvonewarr, Oct. 24 —Judge Wright to-day began » most interesting case. It has attracted attorneys from several states. Their clients olsim the fortune of Andrew wi. rt, a miser, who left a 15,000 in Leppert slept in a osllar, worked at is Dont house and laid away every possible penny. ; Englaad wilt B Keep ‘Trinidad. New Yosx, Oct. 23.—The Herald's special cable cable from Buenos Ayres BAYS: Rio Janeiro dispatchee state that the mipister in that place has informed the Brazilian government that England in: tends to keep the island of Trinidad. The report was denied, buf it is now known that it is. is true. 'Squabble Over Miltary Training. OCmxornnati, Oot. 24.—8uapt. Morgan, of the pablio schools, announces that be public schools. That means that there will be 2 Leated contest, for every labor union in the city is againet it, and there is no doubt that mnoch hard feeling and probably serious trouble will result. Under an Overta raed Eagine. MirrrintrowN, Pa., Oot. 24.—Thé uop- setting of an engine on the Tuscarora Valley railroad at East Waterford, to-day, resulted in the death of machinist Jerome Noble, of the road, and sericas scalding of William Pannebecker, an evgineer. is in favor of military training in the Early this morning workmen began to dig » trenee pear the wall. The founds- catward, burying the mon in the trench. debris. Volunteers went to work digging the victime_from the ruins, and it is be lieved all bave been resoned. Joseph Becker, one of the propristors, was seriously injared abeut the heed sod bipe. prove fatal. The otbers injured were: bead cut and bruised: William Bunyder, leg broken; Roy Lemmon, bead cut; leg broken in two William Hodson, places. * Reilway Combtoe, the Oonsolidated Traction compeny. liestion. In regard to the Pittsburg con- solidated lines Mr. about January 1. Digregarding the Organization. pame terms as those mines that bave been -! working. Atl of the postal clerks were The postal care took fies sod the fl mes! possivle to save apy ¢f the msl matter. and no aceonnt cnn ha given of the con | It wus at first re. | (x id cramated, © tJaliao iu wbic When the engine wept (ver into toe | Engineer Wolfkill and Firem on | Banbury and Lewistown, so that there | Archie Holloway and Frank Cock received internal injuries thas will likely Obarles Berbardt, caught under the fall- ing wall and seriously crashed; Clarence W. Haley, struck by falling machine, bead cat and serionely bruised; Ed King, PrrrsBUra, Oot. 25.—C. L. Magee came ‘home from Philadelphia on the south- western exprese thie morning. He was in the Quaker city to sttend a meeting of Mr. Magee said there was nothing done at the meeting be could give out for pub- Magee said they would start under the new management He thinke by that time everyining will be in readiness for operstion. MassitroN, Oct. 24.—The miners of this district who have been on a strike have been returning to work for several days without the consent of their organi- zation leaders and the strike 1s practically ended. Work has been resumed at the mime CT " EHS Vlonnt er TR oun ee somo: i Seneening Investigation Belog Made Toto eal Bay Jet. ee AR Ne, Bexriscoon, Oct 25 —The m tra tive forest fires aver Known in the his- tory of the connty are pow raging in the view ity of Houvtiogdoa. The town je to mpi ely so-ronpded hy barpieg for- | end, Lue Bre reacning ub vue fice to with- in 8 quarter of 8 mile of this place. The fic ur- hav: destrry. A over ten miles of amber on Warror’s ridze slove, and 8 x1 tow same amount on Jaske monn- | tein an 1 Lack ridge. 3 Toe ores ‘emons son mer hotel at i) Ve ~ Ke, five | mijes north of here, is 10 Imminent dao » frour nde, | Ber. Owe = tive brided men sre Aghting the | ' we v0 ID 1G Pave farm pro- | wrts pipe binee of the flames. am ta tab rg PoxtofMice. i i } IE iF } i favestigatiog Pit PrrrsporG, Or. 26. An investigation | surrounded by an uoiasual degree of mys- fy, 1 on at tbe Pittsvarg postcffice. W. . Moore, government inepector, is Con- “ tit g the most searching inquiry, the< patnre ¢f which ia pot positively known. tiops are that a big fizht is on in the Jo- cal democracy. Pogilist ¢e Melange. Hor Sprives, Oct. 25 — Cortett this af- | ternoon te! egraphed to Phil Dwyer and | others In New York to forward the stake at ones, He stated io a telegram tete rornedd to reminin in Hot | vember pnd pia the n ; mouey tat Fa wae. Springs ony N tar avid, wb pial * sr 3 YL ib Held a0 Labatt ap Za TL OLR under Any CURR 15 WHR fp rirna this after tof wu telegram from puss, Covel fhe reoed is the Ietter stated that LC riatt did meet roward and a snr. g wired Dmg Nin- procliico bin 8 dig hue movi i YB ME is giroan matters would ‘be | ay or two. i ats ic $0 Toi 2 : b tent apd stated thwt eh srged iv ad Tos cin Frotade, bo CHicaaa, Ost. 27. ~The tag Morford axploded her boilers at 3:55 o'clock Sat. | teenth street. Thetug O B. Green was | also wrecked. Following is the revised list of the kill | ed, missing and ir jared: Killed, Jobn Erickson, fireman of tog | Moiford, blown to the deck of steamer | ‘Tonia. O. B. Green, blown np with pilot. house; sappoaed to ba dead. Ir jared, Dantel McRes, lineman; ankle hart, Capt. John Callisan, rescned from river io a balf-drowned cou ditior ; will probably survive. of the Morford, blown to the (eck of the Ionis; cannot recover. Wo Ljnpett, ly burt. Joeepb Doueily, firrmsn of QC, | B. Green; e!igbtly ivjared. Joseph Mof- fat, liremad of 0. B. irjared. (Green; slightly Rain at Pittsborg. in fifteen days rain of any consequence or quantity descended 1a Pittsburg thie morning aod evening. The rivers will ‘pot va raised by the rain for the reason tht the shower was alirost local. Fally 8,000 miners are idle owing tc in- ability to get barges up the Ohio river. The Obio marks 91 inches below Davis island dam, the lowest on record. rs Bn cen University Bulldings Burned. ONARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Oct. 27.—Fire broke out in the rotanda of the main bailding of the university of Virginia this morning, the rotunda and public ball being entirely destroyed. [ces $100,000. More Important than Warifl, Ciscrwxari, Oct. 25.—Dr. Chaaocey Depew says: “I bave pot res1 Sherman's book. 1 regard him as one of America’s greatest men.” Bpeaking of the proposec! agreement of the trunk line presidents, Mr. Depew ple of this country than the tariff. If thie | agreement 18 not made trusts wi aontrol this entire country in five yeure.” : Rioting In Porto Rico Qnelled. Rico sage that serious swictirg has occur- red there, the peasantry, armed with ives, having attacked the police. The rbance was finally gnelled and a pnamber of the rioters were arrested. A battalion of marines has been sent to re- inforoe the garrson at Forto Rieo. | mMeKmight Convicted. Pirrssuma, Oct. 25.—The jary in the ease of R. J. McKnight, charged with the marder of T. F. Hvland, retarned a ver- diet of manslaughter. “Welcome “Rain. Ww IL LIAMSPORT, Oat. 27.—The unpre- cedented drought was broken this even- ing by a down pour of rain. Fierce for- est firee which have been burping will be extinguished, but the streams will be bat little affected owing to the parched con- dition of the earth. Razirg] nvaEt (lea- i Al eor'm of hints sre sfloat and inticoa-! af. Foire and} if © resin st Hot Springs! Fitz mumons he (Julian) wounld | nrday morning in the river near seven- | Missing, John Fergneon, captan of tog | Charles D x, engineer | ergineer of the tng 0. B. Gress: oot bed-| Prrrssura, Oot. 27.— For the first time says: “It is of more interest to the peo- | Mapa, Ook. 35.—Advices from Porto | LYNCHING PARTY FOILED. Two of the Mob fob Killed by a vol ley from Guards, GUARDS THREATENED ENED WITH VENGEANCE Sitate Troops Wow Hasve Possession sod are Preserving Peace, TiFrin, O.. Oot. 27-- Io sn stempt { sarly this morning to avenge the mnrder of Aagost Sehul'z, Tiffiu's p polar city marshal, who wae shot down in eoid blood by Leander J Martin, alias Williame, 8 farmer of Hopewell township Inet Wed- pexdsy everiog while ¢rymg to arrest Martin for beating a boy, two more vie- time wera added to the tragic affair, At 1:30 o'clock a mob of 150 men, many ‘of whom were onder the inflaence of liqnor, attacked the jail in an effort to se- care Martin end beog bim. A volley from balf a dozen winchesters fired by | deputy sheriffs met them and two of the mob were killed, They are: Henry | Machler, Jr., a laborer, 23 years old, un- | married; Christian Metz, a butcher, 33 | years old, unmarried, : LA daylight this morning crowds again | b-gan to gather in the vicinity of the joi | upd Sheriff Vaonest fearing fartber | | trouble called out a company of the Bix-| | teenth regiment, O. N. G. This company | which is stationed bere, is not pomeri- | aslly strong and the sheriff, thinking it would be unable to cope with a more gen- oral civic uprising, telegraphed Governor | MeKinley for more troops. The governor t "| comphed with the request, ordering three | | ndditions! companies to the scene. Dur- {ing tte day one company each came from Fremont and Sandosky and late this | evening the company from Kenton ar- | rived, It is not believed that there will be any faciier trouble, ye! friesds of the dead - wie fred on the mob shai's friends say that they will kill Mar tio if they can gat to him, Martin was | spirited away to Fremont long before day- i lixht *ut this the people refnsed to be- Hevea i fiuta gli names of (he guards who fired the | 8 are known only to the shenf. trea handred militiarcen sare guarding | the js it to-night. | taan threaten vengeance to the gnards { ard the dead mer | it 18 erpacted that tha Campbell erm- PUD Lien 15 180 “will attient Al 2 d to the city aud that thers | may he sens of violence as threats are | beivg made to blow op the jail to| | avenge the st booting of the men. larga ero si i Change in the tute Department. | iove=ti ation into the methods of the dis- | | bursiog division of the Btate department | k known ae the bureau of seconuts, Fran- | cis J Kieckboefer, chief of the burean | sud Edward Hay woud, chief book-keeper | buve resigned at the request of Secretary | Ol!vey. No criminality is alleged, bat | ‘Opey d sided that the affairs of the ‘hg-! ' rean had been carelessly condacted and | aesmed a change necessary. Bridge Jamper Callatinan Irjared. Poroukeerare, Oot. 27. — Patrick King {Cal'sbap, more familiarly kpown ss’ | “Xiog” Callahan, tbe professional bridge | jomper, leaped from tbe Poughkeepsie bridge into the Hadeon, a distance of 212 fest this m wroing. Callaban is potabiy fatally injared. LaATER--Callahan died to-night. Harrisbarg Pavored. conditions seem favorable for a continua: ssce of the welcome downpour. fig, ye Susquehanna bea oot beeo eo low since 1808. RAILRCAD NEWS REVIVED. Agata the New York, Philadelphia and Chi~ cago Rallway is Talked About. Once sgain is the New York, Philadel plua and Chicago railway brought iste prominence by the recent action of the city council of Franklin, Venango county, anting that company the right of way through that place. The company which proposes to baild this road is mainly com- cepd of Franklin citizens. Their line wil extend from Franklin into Clearfield ccubty, and will constitute the connect- ng link in a great through line between Chicago #nd Philadelpbs and New York. It will shorten the distance between WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.—As 8 result of | - Frank'!in and Philadelphia about fifty- three miles. Its eompletion will give the | Lake Shore or Veunderbilt system a great | | advantage in freight and passenger traf- | fie. | - The linetobe built eastward from Frank- lin will pass along the south bank of the Allegheny, crossing st East Sandy; thence up that stream to a branch, peass- | ing near Clarion and on to its Clearfield | coanty terminae. It will tsp the finest aleo the best timber region in the states east of Wisconsin. ita inception. has been in frequent econ- ference of late with the railway magnates co-operation seems to te definitely as- sured. This is the road the survey for which was made by the late lamented Captain Hamilton, of Franklin, and of which the ‘papers were full a couple of years ago, bat of which little has been heard lately It constructed this road will reach Du- Bois. : i PRU NGB WII coking coal beds in Penocaylvania, and| Hou. Charles Miller, who bas been the | | moet active spirit in this project from } whose interests are involved, and their |'; peer VANIA RATLROAD. [N EFFECT NOV. 5, sor, " . > m., «65 p. oar @me Table. rains lenve Hons, arrivi New York, 9 Puliman and passenger uly ¢ M.--Train 6. daily exespt . Harrisburg and in EASTWAR D. a Sin = Od A. pe ron Now Yorl ine.enpe, Sapoury, at pm pm. ron ia . for ar phis in bn dati 130. m. Cper at a rom Erie to Paonia wort 10 Baltimore. peer iui ahs Hr Brie aan Lovee media 8.7 % »r . aia 11, gay excont Samay. w i HROUGH TRAINS FOR DRIFTWOOD FROM THE EASY AND SOUTH "Washington Ta0s ge 7 arriving at > _ Ha. m.; Sow Yorn m0. Wi : dally 00am ng, ni] 11: Hee 8S rk Sunday, arriving JOHNSONBURG RAILROAD (Daily except Sunday.) TRAIN 19 leaves Ridgway st 4284 Hi. sory Clermont sonaburg st Fide. arriving at 10:90 i by TRAIN 38 ives Clriont ot 10:08 m., burg st 1:4 a. Mm, sib Ridgway at 1200 2000. ~~ Beech Grek Railroad, N.Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co. Lasses. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Read Up | Exp Mail No # No. PM PNM : x : . 185 Ae Pd wees 1B 60 corsrirres WOBMOVOL ec sosiisnsa sense § XB vn Clearfield.......... % { Ar. Clearfield June... Lvé ¢ oodiand i 2. 2282 MM No BF BE $9838 MAN “4% si vorf -“ ¥ nEsEL 5% R@Ln 3 § Pe Pp Lg > EWN | ~4 | deg si BRR Co Bax iii! ARTS aR Boe GAG SE sve wa gy, " or ! “’ we » 1 Bveve » Bee bgt LE {HY uw 9S Bove nw 8 CHE eERRLINBAY 333 Naands . pss »%; «2 Weekdays, $10.55 A NW. Through Pullman Ruffet EWeen Clearteld and Frimaapile pt Sunday, on trains Band 8 rough conch to New York, and through Pana Bulent Parlor Cor bp Philadelphia ou train leaving alma bmn m. Connon LAL Wil *Daily. th Harkssvra, Oct. 27.—Tbe firet rain | EF oa 17 many weeks began falling to-night and | ry ey Spi VALLEY RAILWAY, LOW GRADE DE DIVISION. J A yl On and betweed F ARD. No$ Nob Nel Am, T.m: al IX SUEUASRRABRERSAN) ti i BSEBeevnvavvue t BEC EEE BE Be onion | | GRENOSNRESSeE: : -— HARARE DR Iw ERERBHESURUARERES - 0 000 00 45 4D 00 et pd be ee Pk Bk BERLE Re AGSEUBEALUBYE 4, SAGERECEBANERE i li Mail No. 1 AY PiEabutgas S40a. m. and © erives at Driftwood at $20 po m. No. § leaves Driftwood Kisburg at 1:30 p. ma. and arrives at Sp. m., VID McCARGU, Gen" Supe. . iP. ANDERSON. Gen’! Pass. Agent, POWAY AND CLEARFIELD R. B "DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 2 i : ® ~ seovanacsaass| su3usnacsasu* EE5SE5EE cee) BEEBBESRBENEE EE REREEE SEREVBREE EN TRAINS LEAVE RIDGWAY. Wemtwara Train 3, 11:34 a. = Train 1, IR Train & &%p. J.R. Woon, Manager. Geun''Agt Pam. 2 ii EE ii Py? BRR Kk 8 3 = ag TA tT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers