td big fire, with the assistance of the Pat- | an increase which is almost startling. latter are recruited from the callow : ‘a Henry Clay cigar or sven a Pittsburg ai bmi on a a le Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING co., Proprietors. | THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1895. TERMS oF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advance, - - . $L0O | Sa-Advertising rales made Known “upon | application. JE Na rs discontinued until all ar : ng Td, unless at the “option of the publisher. Entered at the pastoffice at Patton as second- class mail matter. “COUNTY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 1st Monday of March ist Monday of Sept. 1st Monday of June OFFICERS, PresipENT JUDGE—Hon. A. V. Barker, ProTHONOTARY J. C. Darby. REGISTER AND RECORDER--D). A. McGongh. | TrEASURER—F. H. Barker. Sueriyr—D. W. Coulter, : DErUTY SHERTFFS—Ramuel Davis, EF. Davis, PrsTRICT ATTORNEY RB. Murphy. CoMMisstoNErRsS—P., J. Dillon, ¥. 3, Wertz. Elmer Liovd, Qos msIoNER 8 CLERK John C. Gates, | COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT J. W. Leech. COUNTY SURVEYOR~8. G. Pete rinan. COUNTY AUDITORS—Wm. J . Jones, W, Berry, James Daily. JURY CoumssioEns- + Martin. Moore, James Som- Anslem Weakin nd, er Di. Geo Poor DIRECTORS—H. erville, Raphiel Hite. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Boroess—W. J. Donnelly CouxciL—~Linecoln 8. Bell. president; Wilson, + Frank, Campbell, RB. F. Wise, P,P. 1 Yume. iia Covell, president; G, .H. dandford, treas- Barton, Samuel 8, M. | Scrool Boarp—LC. C. H. Curfman, secretary; urer; Jesse E. Dale, i Bdminston. Hoories or THE PEAC g—Jesse FE, Dale, Jas. . Mello TREASURER—W: CLERK Harvey Patterson. CorLrcror—Ja . Mellon. ASNESSOR-J ON, H. Ricker. ; AUDITORS F. H. Kinkead, H. 0. Winslow, © «me H. Sandford. Goul “Jubar or ELECTION-—Sam’l Boyce. INspECTOR— Welter Weakland. CHizr oF PoLiCE—John Boyce - STRERY CoumissioNER-—A. A dnckecn. : GOOD FIRE PROTECTION. During the fire on Thursday morn- | ing a fair test was made of the water from tha reservoir of the Patton Water | company, which proved that when | there is any water at all in it, that a a ton Fire company and their appliance, | will stand no show whatever. Itis a fact that the water will become extinct not “only in Patton, but in all other places | during dry weather, which cannot be | avoided when the supply comes from a | natural source without artificial as-| sistance. The COURIER is pleased to | 1st Monday of Dec. © EBENSBURG. EBENSBURG, Pa., = Avg 20, 1865. The Democratic convention will be | held here on Monday next, Don’t forget the Ebensburg fair next week. A balloon ascension will be one | of the chief attractions. - J. B. Wilber has remodeled his new | store room and dwelling and will move | his goods therein this weelr. James Kirkpatrick, of Spangler, was among the visitors to Ebensburg yes- | terday. William Stratiff, of Patton made a business trip to Ebensburg on Tues day. Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, ‘spent a few days last week in Fbens- burg and on Thursday morning lec- tured in the Catholic church in this place. While here he wes a guest at ‘the Lloyd house. Miss Annie Buck, of Carrolliown, spent Sunday with friends in this | place. Ebensburg was disappointed on Sat- " urday as the nine of this place was to play against a nine from Altoona, but ‘the Altoona nine failed to put in an ap- pearance. Mrs. L. A. Craver, accompanied by her son Willie, and her nephew, Gus. | Hertzog, spent Monday at her father's, i A. Hott, of Carroll township. : Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Stineman, South Fork, spent Sunday with hy . Stineman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. | James, of this place. Reduced Rates 10 Boston, Mass. From August 23 to 26, inclusive, the . Pennsylvania. Railroad company will | sell excursion tickets to Boston, Mass., going and returning by the same route, | at a single fair for the round trip, ac- | connt Twenty-sixth Triennial Conclave California Wines and Brandies { of Knights of Templar, to be held in | Boston August 26 to 30. . The tickets | will be good to return leaving Boston i not later than September 10, and must | be used to destination on Pennsylvania [railroad not later than midnight of | September 11. Excursion tickets, good in the vicinity of Patton thé COURIER | Cr Omions, hag TH Local Market Report. For the special benefit of the rns CE NTRAL - HO’ TEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. publishes the following local market | report, revised each ‘week: Butter, 15 cents pe r pou A. Cabbage, . Eggs, .... | Potatoes, Bar in connection. dozen. | Fyn igs i. Boas 1 RATES »1 i ¥ NT, Deal erin ‘Wines, Beer, Etc. Phoeni BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Flasks, Cor 15 0 1.25 PER DAY, oma, ¥ Orin ie or, “shel Te odd. W heat, J Buckwhent, {Rye Hay, . Ay a RB 5 : “RK pressed; to $18 per ton. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. Office in the Good Building. W. H. SECHILER, Attorney - at - Law, EBENSBURG, Cambria County, ks. Jugs, Eit., HasfingS, Pern’a | ASSETS of of Fire Represe anted by the PATTON oo: GENCY over 225 L000 GEO 04, Pa. : ATER [nsnrance Compt 3; F. MCKENRIC K, Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG,; PA. © Will attend to all business with prompiness and fidelity, : Office opposite the Mountain House, ‘FISHER § 00, Wholesale. Amount to Be St Kind of Pri . ALSO THE PREFERRED ACCIDENT CO. or NEI i rT y The best in the world pro sfeasional men: Harvey Patterson, 1m [Lif A. gent. JAMES QUINN, Johnstown, Pu. DRY GOODS, MI Ly NE! i, ETC. ‘Fine Old Whiskies ported liquors. and 147 Clinton & 609 Main Sts., Johnstown. Pa. Telephone 175. | going via one route and returning via another, will be sold on the same dates ‘at a slight advance ofer the onefaiy | rate for the round trip. Teachers’ Institites, The department of public instruction | announce that in a very short $ime* has furnished the city and county sup- soch a disadvantage will not be ex- | _ perienced by the citizens of Patton and in the future we will Lave the best fire ~ protection of any town in this part of the country. As was announced be- fore in the COURIER the Patton Water y is at work putting in & pump station and will have an abundant and millions (to be exact, 3,333,845,560) of cigarettes were sold during the past fiscal year, and the consumption shows ~The profits in the business must also be very tempting, for two of the largest manufacturers outside the trust are making preparations to build a plant with a capacity of 12,500,000 cigarettes a day. It would appear from addi- tional points on the ts trade tht | : a es. avo. uo caret ering to the paper {mitation, and the inference is that the devotees of the youth who never enjoyed the solace of ‘The production of cigars during ‘the year was 4,130,440,879, an increase of 63,000,000 over the previous year, ‘while the output of smoking tobacco “shows that the popularity of the pipe Is fully maintained. oo oF iran nature would nd it an interesting question to de- termine whether the consumption of cigarettes would ever have reached its present magnitude if there had been less conspicious opposition to the habit. Will opposition to the bicycle costumes i! of the now woman have simile ect on the latter?” : Children, especially infants, are soon run down with cholera infantum or | P: “summer complaint.” Do Don’t wait to determine, but give DeWitt’s Colic ~ and Cholera Cure promptly, Jou can . W. | trait, generally is small’ —South Fork Record. 1 to be known as the Altoona and Phil- erintendents of schools in Pennsylva- nia with a list of annua county teachers’ institutes for 1895. The dates | of Cameron and Jefferson county in- stitutes have not yet been fixed. Among those for Western Pennsyl- | vania are Bedford, at Bedford, Decem- | | ber 16; Blair, at Hollidaysburg, Decem- ber 16; Cambria, at Ebensburg, November 25; Centre, at Bellefonte, | December 16; Huntingdon,at Hunting- don, November 11; Indiana, at Indiana, { December 23; Somerset, at Somerset, November 25; | Greensburg, December 16. ‘Westmoreland, at ‘Apples , Will Be Plentifal. “There are more apples to be seen in the north of the county than in the southern townships,” remarked a gentleman who has plenty of oppor- tunity for observation. ‘There is an orchard on a high hill on the road from St. Augustine to Patton that is londed with an average crop of large, luscious apples, of which there will probably be five hundred bushels; but elsewhere the crop is below the ‘average, and the init spot lM “Amother Railroad. Work was somimenend last Monday | morning on the new railroad extending from Altoona to Philipsburg, which is ipsburg railroad. The new line will intersect at Philipsburg with the Beech Creek railroad, which extends by con- nections with the Reading roads to Philadelphia. The road, when com- pleted, opens valuable bituminous coal, | mber und farm lands for tha section | of f Bennaylvania. Wanted ‘All kinds of factories and good _in- in- dustries to locate in Patton. inducements possible offered. ea advantages, natural resources and beautiful environments. For partica- lars address “E. M., ” care of COURIER, Patton, Pa. Mr. A. A. Snyder; Supt. poor farm, | Winnisheik county., Ia., says: winter Mr. Robert Leach used - bast | boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve and cured a large running sore on his | leg. Had been under care of physi- | cians for months without obtaining re- | 8 relief sure cure for piles. OC. w. | Hodgkins. : : “H Public Auction. | There will be exposed to Public Auction at the store room of J. W. Sharbaugh, in Carrolltown, Pa, on August 23, 24, 26 and 27, 1895, all the | large stock of Dry Goods, Boota and | Shoes, and General Merchandise. Also | store fixtures, consisting of Large Safe, { Cash Register, Scales, Lamps, Show | Cases, Etc. Also lot of Household and | Kitchen Furniture, 2 Pianos, lot of | Chairs, Etc. Also 1 Cow and Farm Wagon. Sale to commence at 2 o’clock p. m. each day and will. continue each afternoon and evening until ‘the entire stock is sold. : La Che SHARBAUGH, Amsignee of J. w. Sharbsugh. - Drink Ambrosia. \ | “mn Bottlers and Proprietors of ‘OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND COXEY’S CONMON- WEAL Pure Rye Whiskies. Our stock of dry goods and trim- ‘mings for the late spring and early De ea season 18 not equalixd. Cotton New York World, on ss not equalind. Cotton : 0 pon. nor EO so low. Now is the time to buy. Come down or send to JAS. QU INN C linton St, THRICE-AWEEK EDITION. 5 ohnstown, Pa. The T isa widh edition of | the New York World has been | converted into the: Thrice-a-| week. It furnishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen | : pages every week, at the old Stop and look at these price of ONE DOLLAR a year. is gives 156 papers a year for Ome Dollar and BARGAINS. ‘every paper has 6 pages eight! re columns wide or 48 columns All Summer Cloth- in all. The Thrice-a-week - rred 1 a World is not only much larg- M8 TC uced to 25 per er than any weekly or semi-/cent. weekly newspaper but it furn- ishes the news with much Gy - hats reduced! greater frequency and prompt-| raw. hats recucec ness. In fact it combines all to cost and below cost. the crisp, fresh qualities of a D h daily with the attractive ont miss the oppor- pire | features of a weekly. tunity of getting one, Will get the Thrice. | a-week World and the Men's Be ys | Shoes mn Prices and Styles A fine line o Furnishings, Ex “and all Percale shirts, black. Light former price 7: cents, colored ones, now 50 cents. Every thing ‘marked dow n. COURIER & For one year. Think we oh A THOM n, of it C all at the Covu- 'RIER office and leave yous name Good Building. Accommodations the best. First-class Liquors, Pp. P. Young & Bro., Wihilesale and Retall Dealer 1 "FRESH MEAT OF ALI FirstNat on Bank OF PATTOX Patton, Cambria Co, Pa I olo Date I Ad 3 Ge nts: soft shirts at 50 cents. Patton Suppl y i i RESO RETR You Would ty 5 he A Superior ua ra a tee tinware and cooking titensil "THE CAMBRIA HARDWAI Get the Freshe st and the Pt GHOGERES AT THE PATTON SU 1 i else 1s | 5 OBSERVE: atures from Arbnck 1 to Our ors for a Bar store, 1 gall), CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers