: PATTON PUBLISHING co, THU RSDAY, ESTILO I TAY AUGURT 22. focal Time Tahle, The hours of arrival of trains at the Patton Station follows: Train No. TEL. 0e-N. TO8-N......... 00-N.. Postoffice hours from P.M Train numbers marked “N" northbound and ‘8’ southbound. 7 A. MM A Hopeless Case, He was just a eommon sinner, But he’ buy a tramp a dinner, “And he'd sort o' try to put him on his foet, Aff a feller might be needy An his raiment worn and seedy Yet he'd stop and visit with him in “the street, ‘He made no ado about it, Wouldn't brag around ner shout it Yet hes did a heap to help his fellow men. hen he'd find a fallen brother, > some easy way er other | He would make him organize himself again, He had money, and he spent it, Er he give away er lent f Reemed ez if the more he lost the more he got. Made all sorts of bie doitions, support his poor relations, An he Hp ran En a house an lot Never heard o' him a-shoutin. Ner a-settin round a-spoutin ‘Bout the everlastin winciedem o' things, But he jest went on a-findin Deeds to doan never mindin Much about a crown er harp with golden strings. : In the dencon's folks At & very to say it—they was merry When al last th eame an caught him in ¥or they knowed the devil got "in, : ‘An it served him Heh dod rot him! ‘For he never had un the church. : —Nison Waterman 5 in H A. w. Builetin. 8 ein ~ Boda water ‘At Hodgkin's Try Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey. Pa. | L 8 Bells “ad” is changed this | week. Proprietors. | : Try Traman’s coal. —67tf Say, have you tried Hodgkin's soda | water? X .. several days and is stopping at the! Loyd he MRE, ~The archbishop ole. {(re:f. thie New a week and the only $1.50 a ve: S.C, Lr, Leiter, a traveling re gisters Wi Monday. Williamsport, mercial hotel Before leaving spring suit of clothes call ¢ tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-65tf The employes of the Beech railroad enjoyed a grand picnic at Agar's park near Lock Haven Satur day. Michael (Friel and wife, of Altoona, are visiting at the homes of Martin Thomas and Mrs. Alice this week. " Misses Kate and Anna Linton, of Johnstown, and Miss Della Dennison, = rp. strongest and of Washington, D. C., are the guests go + year-old hens of Miss Bessie Wolfe at the Palmer good strong cockerel. house. : The hee season in Canada 8. J. Luther, of near St. Augustine, very poor owing to frosts in is now going around with a walking and drought afterwards. stick. He had his right foot sever ly Cows kept on dry feed require much ‘bruised Saturday caused by a huge saw more water than those given succulent | log rolling over it. feed or running on pasture, Easy to take, sure to cure, no pain, Half a peck of cut green cabbage | nothing to fear. DeWitt’s Little Early sprinkled with sweet bran is an excel- . your order fom ¥ mn Lerch, Dh {'reek ive weight, the - snd offal yal . . It requires more fatten a growing animal matured one. best has tL the Dery Hpi 2 4 ‘| Risers, Best for sick headache, bil- lent milk-stimulating food for the | licusness, sour stomach and constipa- ewes. tion. C. W. Hodgkins, Fowls like turnips either boiled or . James Claffey and son Waiter, raw, and the wise poultryman will lay of Norwood, N. Y., are the guests of by a store of them to form the basis of | the daily winter mash. has beer in Ebensburg during the last | and 30th. The manugement of the | Fhenshurg Fair asanciation take 1 make room Men's and Boy's C Children’ s We: Boots and Shoes. Gents. Furnishings, 31 Ady 2 gk fede or Se LL ARI e TV S$ 8 he a > Lo gan, Someone, a G 3 5 Leading Shoe fe Fry ee re 1400 Ek lever Drink the new summer drink, Am- | Mra. Claffeys sisters, Mrs. C. H. Perry, | brosia. ‘of Chest Springs, and Mrs. J. H. Dixon, | ‘Do not attempt the rearing of the Ea ty iE el. As well as all other stick Hote the change of A. M. Thomas’ ‘of this place, this week. advertisement this week. ~The Oarrolitown fair will be held nber 34, 35, 26 and 27. a ‘Blanche Bridge, of Clearileld, [rrr whelg E. ©. Shuits, of Huntingdon, stopped by at the Commercial hotel over Sunday. _ /Geo. Lalamont, of Westover, was a 5 Su, of Freeman B. Willisme Mon- Si The COURIER and the New York lay [Ties s west World for only ne a Ew ‘Boom snd Ed. Smouse, of | Ausonvills, were in Patéon on mainess © A stranger came to the bome of J. * 1. Dixon one night las; week; its 8 ten a ‘Deputy Sheriff Eimer E. Davis, of : Johnstown, stayed over night in Pat- i ton Tuesday. '. If you wish to get eccled off stop in to Hodgkins drug store and get a drink of poda. 7 ~~ A.M. Kirk, an enterprising mer- ¢hant of Curwensville, was seen our streets Tuesday. 5 i You can get the Patton COURIER snd the New York Thrice-a-week World Seoul i ger your. The Patton and Guitar! club played some y pretty music oz _ onr streets Saturday night. _ #fiss Fannie and Master Clifford ] A Deaminy of Lumber City, are the of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bloom. : Jas. Kerr, of Washington, D. C., and Alex. Patton, of Curwensvile, : had business in Patton on Tuesday. Qo to Mariposa Park, Berwindale, Ps, Sanday, August 25th, and hear Imperial Hungarian Gypsy band. A Mr. and Mrs. James Mellon, of Pat- a few days at Ospe May sad other pointe east during the past : week. 3 Deacon” Lita, one of the leading bas ball players of the DuBois nine, is making Patton his home for the : : . EE I rteoncams up from Clearfleld Tuesday to visit relatives. When you take a ip to Bhoneburg stop at the, Blair house and yon will be used all right. Accommodations ex- cellent and rates moderste.-80-tL McPhessat; ssvompunid by | ‘same time you acquaint yourself with | Stomach and bowel complaints are English methods of feeding and adopt best relieved by the timely uso of De-| Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure. Insist | on having this preparation. Don’t take any other. C. W. Hodgkins. The rowing puilet should be fod | with a view to developing the frame 'and egg-producing organs: for this Coke production in the Connellsville purpose the food that is best for laying region keeps well above the 150,000 ton | 18 boat for her. Fifteen thousand ovens are | 1. r} re meat in the poorer | _ producing, which is probably the best |... io. or Paris and its suburbs has showing, taking all things into consid: |, so large that the French | eration, ever made in that region. butchers have petitioned the govern- | A man ish’ a man who will sand bY | pent to tax horse meat as beef. with his hands in his pockets and let As the result of two seasons’ experi- women carry water at a fire. ot Sa owii vee wie stp ladies did nobly and will not be for- | gations report that for general pur- gotten, neither will those mon with | , ae, jt, is not advisable to use more that ‘tired fesling' there might be| - fire | than one-fourth wild blood in a breed- | i { At he Palmer House. visit Mariposa Park, Berwindale, Pa., | : i Following is a list of some of the Sunday, August 25, to hear the Im-| perial Hungarian Gypsy band; will be | a treat and all should take. advantage | house since last Wednesday morning: of this excellent opportunity. See | C. L. Roop, Altoona; W. R. Hogen- large posters. A communnication was sent into the | COURIER relative to dogs, etc., running | -at large in the borough. Anlordinance | appears in another column of the Cou- RIER this week which counteracts the communnication, hence the reason for not publishing it. } i ‘buch, J. 8. Hall, Philadelphia; F. K. Bradshaw, Wm. A. Anderson, Pitts- | burg; J. A. Smith, Gallitzin; Harry L. ‘Reinhold, Philadelphia; W. D. Harold, ‘Jas. A. McLain, Bellefonte; C. A. I (Jette, Philipsburg; J. K. Thompson, Tyrone; W. A. Dunwiddie, G. W.. | Case, Philipsburg; Miss E. B. Hughes, down for another compressor at Big toona; Fill C. Negley, Pittsburg; W. Soldier mine and when the compressor Gainsford, Pittsburg; A. C. is ready to run eight more machine A B. Orshing; Spangler.-89tf mea will be put in Big Soldier. This | does not look very encouraging for the | pick miners. —Reynoldsville Star. A Ww. Spence, of Philipsburg, is | Pstopping in town for a few days. Mr. Spence has charge of erecting the buildings for the engine and machinery for the rope haulage system at Magee & Lingle’s colliery above town, which ‘will bé in operation in a short time. During the past six days over four | thousand tons of coal were shipped through this place from Vintondale and | Twin Rocks to eastern market. Coal trains containing about 35 or 40 cars are now a daily occurrence over the’ Blacklick railroad. —Ebensburg Herald. | The Falls Creek Herald presented | itself to the COURIER this week in the *°" form of a neat twenty-four page in- | pla dustrial edition. - The editor, Chas. Pe teadta. J. Ban takes a t deal of pride | in his Sown and his enterprising efforts | BUY Your Clothing, Hats, Shoes &c. should be reciprocated by the citizens from vs. We give you good values. of Falls Oreek. | L. S. Bell. Come buijoed so Biddle 2) Peg ~ Accommodation Hat Rack. Beautifully carved as per cut Pre. | ted with $40 00 trade. With French te mirror as per cut, presented with | people who registered at the Palmer : pression, which is about over, jon Pumps, Stoves i continue ving you by. 2 giv- | Clearfield; W. A. Gans, Milton; Frank |= The foundation work is being put, : Bard, Philipsburg; Frank Maible, Al- Yambert, | . everything line. | 98Lr come under the price nared above. Come and see us. Mirkin & howe or. | . a8 (Going out of When I make enough to re- tire. | But not having made any money on account of the de- ‘and the close margin I have] ‘Hardware, Tinware, | Low ps, [ will Xo v & have to ing V alue for your MONEY, and from the increased patron- Cinderalla. 3 YC ———————————— CARP SSA “ON ALL SUITS BUSINESS In Light Colors. ‘Men’ s or Boys S | Zz E BS: This IS No Fake. FOR EXAMPLE: $10 8 6 Suits $5 age I expect to receive, I can sell good goods as cheap as before. A M. THOMAS, PATTON, PA. Racket Store is the place to buy fi the “house! told e of at your own price. If you don't be- lieve come and zee. - Everthing is sold A fine - at a bargain. Call RACKET STH, FIFTH AVEN UE. vr i And SO On di Wn o : ai 1181 Is OUR SUCCESS In Patton 1s this: we keep want and a big assortment. _ BELL ‘The Clothier, Tailor & Hatter LOOK IN OUR WINDOW. \W h at
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