30 all LH | VOL. I In. --NO. 8. a VISIT COOK, SALMOND & COWDE PRA op doko pn An watt fom a ging yon wast fron 4 [ ATION HARMACY | Come and Ang mo Jee 3 oy Stock. BR Erersasy, Drugs Li Medicines Chemicals Statione : PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 189s THE CONDITION OF THAGE As Reported oy Bradstreet’s Commercial Agency IMPROVEMENT IN CROP | Conditions and Demand For Steel and Iron Increasing. BosTox, August 2.— Business is show- Confectionery | ing some improvement in most lines of Tobacco Snuff (rade, but operations are yet conserva- and Bmoker’s Articles. : Toilet Articles: Holiday Goods Always _ Fishing Tackle Sporting Goods . Base Ball Goods Knives Razors Scissors Shears Strops Mugs Ete. FINEST SODA WATER. v — Manufacturer of-- ; : Magic - Drops —and-— Magic Cough Cure. ' Guaranteed to give satisfaction or : money cheerfully refunded. Prescriptions a Specialy. {00 GIVEN AWAY = FUE CENT MONEY ORDER. a With each Dollars workh of goods bought at this store we will give Five "Gent Money Orders, and when Twenty _ are presented to us at one time, we ha wit oem them. giving "ONE DOLLAR | tively conducted. As the fall business gets under way ‘there are signs of more activity. The money market coutinues ‘dull, with rates about the same, al- ‘| though the tendency appears toward weakness. Business paper is quoted at ‘3(« 4 per cent, with corporation loans ‘at 2i(= 4 per cent. and collateral loans at 2423} per cent. The boot and shoe market maintains a firm tone, with trade yet quiet as far as new orders are concerned. The factories are busy and shipments continue large, the total from Boston since January 1 footing up 12,489,009 cases against 2,081,208 last year at this date. an increase of 428, - 781 cases. Leather is firm, but quiet, ‘ with hides quoted strong in price. The ‘iron and steel trade is active, with prices gradually working higher. Lumber is quiet but steady. Coal dull i and the market unsettled and weak. BUFFALO, August 2.—There are no new features in general trade; condi- tions are practically unchanged. In- | dications point to an increased fall PHILADELPHIA, Angust 2. Textile manafacturers are fairly busy, except the carpet mills, the strike still being ‘on. Wool is firm, and a fair amount {of business doing. Clothing manu- | facturers report plenty of orders, and ' there is a fair trade doing in dry | . goods. PITTSBURG, August 2.—General trade is featureless, with midsummer dull- nets prevailing in nearly all lines ex- ‘cept iron and steel. Collections are arrivals of new crop of rice and cotton are reported. But little is doing in sugar, cotton and rice. Sax Fraxcisco, Aagust 2. General S trade is quiet, and fruits and prodice are dull. Grain is threshing out poorly. (Collections are rather poor. There. ‘ON ENGINE NUMBER 42 has been an advance in canned and green fruits, but salmon is firm. Wheat has advanced. Nothing is do- ing in grain freights, no vessel being available. A cargo of barley has cleared for the United Kingdom. ToroNTO, August 2 Business this week has been quiet, and that for the past month is much smaller in volume for dry goods than in June. Merchants are buying cautiously, and payments are fairly satisfactory. |. AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE May Possibly be Held in Pation During the Month of Ociober. A movement is on foot by Hon. 3.1 Thomas, Anslem Weakland and other prominent farmers of this section to try and make arrangements to hold the County Agricultural Institute in Fate ton which convenes some time in De tober. As per an act of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania dated March 13th, 1895, ap appropriation of $7,500 has been set aside for the Department of Agriculture to hold agricultural county? institutes in every county in the state for the purpose of promoting the welfare of the farmers. Two will be held in Cambria county, one in the south ¢nd and one in the north an if the proper encouragement of the citi- zens of Patton is manifested there is ' no reason why we cannot pursuade the socretary of the board to select Patton as the spot in which to hold that grand convention. The institute will be in session two | days and two nights and the very best of speakers are always secured to make addresses, notwithstanding the ‘fact that it will bring an immense throng of people into our midst. Here is a good chance for Patton to guin prominence among the intelligent ‘farmers of Northern Cambria and let chor merchant or hem: or we unsatisfactory. The iron and steel | every citizen put his shoulder to the accept them one or more at a Ta paying or # bil of goods | Demand for steel billets has not dimin- | The columns of the COURIER are free to . purchased st any one time at this ERT to ary cents or GC Ww. HODGKINS, 0h 8 Booch Aves, - - Patton, Pa. | tt pb nc bin on { Oh! | Swpantiok « this oo BARGAINS. All Sumner Cloth- ing reduced to 25 per Straw hats reduced to cost and below cost. Don" t miss the oppor- : tunity of getting one. Men's and Boys” b . Shoes in all Prices and Styles. A fine line of Gents HPumishings, Etc. * Percale shirts, black! soft shirts at 50 cents. Light colored ones, former price 75 cents, i flow 50 cents. Every thing else i lat marked down. market continues active and strong. ‘ished, and Bessemer iron is being purchased in large quantities by all the leading rail mills. CHICAGO, August 2. —Sales in about ' all lines during July show a good in- crease over last year, and Angust starts in with a larger run of orders and aleo a liberal number of personal | buyers on the market. The latter feel | - greatly encouraged over the prospects | for fall business in the west, and are ‘buying goods with unusual freedom. | je. goods, clothing and shoe jobbers rt increased sales. There is also! re Ear among the light and heavy | hardware men, and prices are very firm. Sales of charcoal pigeiron are increased, and several thousand-ton orders have been placed at better { prices. Furnace mén are sold so far . abead on coke irons that they do not care to take orders. The steel men are | ‘getting numerous small orders for |. rails from roads which are buying for | ‘ the second time. Prices are firm, but manufacturers are not expecting a’ farther advance for the present. White pine lumber is stronger, with more selling. The produce trade is fair. Butter is higher. Fruits are plentiful ‘and very low. Wool receipts, 2,300,- 830 pounds. LovIsyILLE, August 2.—It is hardly probable that a cessation in the pro- | duction of whisky during the coming | seacon will be determined upon, and the whisky market continues quiet. In almost all other lines of merchan- dise, however, a satisfactory volume | of business is being done, and in dry | goods a material increase over last year is noticeable. Profits are begin- ning to be realized, particularly where jobbers made purchases before the ad- | | vance in prices. Fruit receipts are large and sifipments are fairly active, | ‘but prices are unsatisfactory. A 10] per cent. increase in wages of 350 em- ployes of a local establishment went into effect the first of the month. Kansas Cry, August 2.—Cattle re- ceipts are good and prices are firm. | Hog receipts are good and prices are ilow. Jobbing trade is above ' the | average. MINNEAPOLIS, Angust 2 Trade con- [Sitions ae are practically unchanged from | OO August 2. Trade is fair. Collections are seasonable and there is a good feeling. | JACKSONVILLE, August 2.—No change. | Collections are still slow in country {and city, though the past two days show a gain over the like period last | week in the retail trade. Sales are far | below those of a year ago. | NEW ORLEANS, Aungnst 2.— Business ' has slackened, owing to its being the ¥ | close of the month and owing to the whee! and push for all he is worth, the nse of any movement like this and the citizens should not let the oppor- fainity drop. Newspapey Enterprise. ond year of the South Fork Record it icame to the COURIER sanctam last week with an extensive write up of | the business institutions of that thriv- ing town which bespeaks praise and enterprise for Mr. Sechler, the hustling | young editor. The Record is an .2x- eeptionally bright newspaper and de- serves abundant patronage by the citizens of South Fork and surround- ing country. The write up in general | was the efforts of R. T. McManigle of Philadelphia, a man of much exger- ' ijence in that particular line and an old | time acquaintance of the editor of the COURIR. : A Dead Give Away. During the past year 8. J. Lather, a prominent farmer living near St. Aag- ustine, has been missing a considersble amount of corn from his crib, and one day last week he had occasion to empty the contents and to his surprise found 8 good silver watch, which was no doubt dropped by the thieves wile ‘making a haul.” Mr Luther safes that the owner of the time piece can have the same by calling at his piace and proving property, but it is rather | doubtful whether the owner will call, and in all probabilities Mr. Lather will become the permanent poNsasEON ¢ of the lost article. Reunion of “The Bucktails.” Through the president, Mr. F. F. ‘Kirk, of Williamsport, the COURIER commences to follow Clearfield creek has been requested to announce that the ninth annual reunion of “The ' Bucktails’’ will be in session at Lock Haven on Wednesday and Thursday, September 4th and 5th. Arrange ments have been made with all rail- roads to sell excursion tickets. A large number is expected to be present and a big time anticipated. Patton Club Not “Ia It." The Patton base bail club says it cannot play ball on Sunday. It scems to be the general opinion that it can- not play on. Saturday either. The Hastings club ‘“‘did the boys up’’ to the tane of 16 to 4 on Saturday afternoon. The club held a dance in the firemen's hall during the evening which wasa success. : Harvest Home Plenie. As has always been the custom the annual harvest home picnic will be ‘held at St. Lawrence on August 9th and 10th for the benefit of the Catholic tan church at that place. - A big time is expected as a large number always ote | uncertainty of bounty payments. First attend. Owing to the beginning of the sec- A IDE ON A OCOMOTIE: Ths rough the Coal F Fields Over! ‘the Beech Creek R. R. From Pattrm to Williamsport, a Distances of Over 150 Miles— A Novel Faplervaor, tendent A. G. Palmer, of the Beech Creek railroad, a representative of the Parrox CoUmiER was given permis. sion to ride in the cab of a passengyr locomotive from Patton to Willian sport and on Thursday, July 25th, tie ‘courtesy was accepted and one of the most novel and exciting rides the writer ever experienced was enjoyed Number 42 was the engine which wis scheduled to leave Patton on the date above named, and before the time for its departure, 3:50 p. m. arrived, tle representative was introduced by Con- - ductor Wm. Cramer 10 Engineer Chas. H. Palmer and Fireman Benj. Allen, of Jersey Shore, who very cordially | welcomed the pencil pusher into their iN'S STORE, as it rounded the SUOOPRKION of © CUVEE, | mounting higher and higher at every ‘revointion of the big drivers, the re- i porter grew more confident of being able to restore his seat in the cab, and after a half-hour’s run he was able to take in the beauties and grandeur of the Alleghennies; over which the train was rapidly and steadily gliding. With the kindness of the engineer and fire- man in answering questions and point- ‘ing out objects of more than ordinary Through the kindness of Superin-’ interest the ride was made exceedingly gratifying. The grade after leaving Wallaceton creased. Science and mechanism hav- ing ong since overcome all dangers of disasters no fear for our safety was felt owe went madly wending our way around sweeping curves and over the op of the picturesque mountains to | Munsons where the main line of the road intersects with ‘the Pulp ‘ranch of the Beech Creek. At Viadaoet where, sweeping over ‘an iron bridge 175 feet in height, thenos ‘through a deep cut and round a sharp {enrve, the prettiest scenery the imagi- nation can picture suddenly loomed neatly kept cab. The train on which | {into prominence. A horseshoe, so per- the newspaper man rode was in charge | of Conductor Mullen, of Williamsport. After getting rightly started on tie main track a queer sensation crejit over the writer, but the mun who at- tends to the responsible duties of BEECH CREEK PASSENGER ENGIXE xo. 32 WHICH CONYEYED THE “COURIER” REPORTER OYER THE ROAD. operating the bg locomotive soon drove that feeling away by his pleas- ant and courteous manner, in pointing out the places of interest along the picturesque route of the great bitumi- nous coal region railroad. A ride along this road in a passengar coach is of iteelf a treat, but when the beautiful country is seen from the locomotive, where an unbroken view is afforded. it becomes doubly inter- esting. From Patton to Mahaffey the Beech Creek trains pass over the Cambria ‘and Clearfield railroad and the scenery all along puts a pleasant phase on the trip ahead at the beginning. After leaving Mahaffey the ride ex- tended down the beautiful Susquehanna river, passing by Chest Falls, which is . very familiar to the lumberman of this and Clearfleld counties, and following this river to a point'below Bell's Land- ing known as Hoyt's dam, then leaving ita course, passing through two taa- nels and over the snmmit heading towards Clearfield creek. Before reach- ing this sparkling stream, attention was directed to one of the stops known as Kerrmoor. Here the passenger train is switched on to a branch road and is’ backed up to the thriving coal town of Gazzam. a distance of three miles After this stop the train proceeded (mn its journey over the main track. About six miles below Kerrmoor attenticn was called to the most acute revere curve on the road, one which requires a large supply of steam by a locomotive ‘to haul a heavily loaded train of cars around. A few miles Necxthor north the road where beautiful farms are the principe object to be seen. Then comes Clear- field Junction, an interesting stopping place for all the freight trains between Mahaffey and Jersey Shore, being at the foot of a very heavy grade, 75 feet to the mile, from that place to Wal- laceton Summit, a distance of about 10 “miles. After leaving the junction the "road crosses over Clearfield creek and again follows the Susquehanna river for a short distance to the beautious and romantic old town of Clearfielcl Here the train stopped forty minutes ' for supper for which the representative was very thankful When the time for departing arrived a new vigor was felt by the Cormier man and all fear of dashing over an embankment or colliding with another engine was past. It was just 6:45 p. m. when the train left Clearfield, and from this place to Wallaceton, a dis- tance of 13 miles, the grade was heavy and the iron horse puffed and heaved in a manner to create a feeling of | timidity in the heart of a novice, but difficnlt to discriminate this is perhaps ©. forming fesits which alone would tax - view an apartare in the mountain which lars address * fectly formed thas one marvels know- ing it to be natnres own handiwork instend of the skill of man, so symmet- rical is its proportions, is formed by the Big Moshannon creek. Although $1.00 PER VEAR. , ATTOON A PA FLISIES HERE ND Hae Gathered | in by a Represents: tive of the “Courier.” OVER A CENTURY OLD. Mrs. Baus, the Oldest Person in Cambria - Expires at Her Home Monday. . Cpon the demise of Mrs. Barbara Baum at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Baltegiver, Monday morm- wae greatly lessened and as a conse i (quence the speed was decidedly in. ing, August; 5th, Cambria county loses an estimable as well as a most remark- able resident. Mrs Baum, who was born in the year 1791, lived and died on the farm one mile east of Patton, now the property of ber daughter, her futher having purchased a large tract | of land upon which he erected the old homestead wherein she passed her life, having attained the very advanced age ‘of 104 years Her surviving , descendents embrace two children, a son and daughter, 19 grand-children, 75 great grand-chil- dren, and 9 great great grand-children, some of the latter of whom are mar- This remarkable centennarian, de- spite ber advanced age, enjoyed ex- cellent health until the illness which preceded her death, and in early life won more than local renown for her great physical endurance, often per- the skill of the most able bodied man. ‘One of which but few men could boast taining three bushels of wheat. Acre upon acre of land has she cleared re- cziving for the same the sum of twenty- five cents per day. She attended log rollings, working side by side with many who were physically unable to the most interesting point along the entire route. The town of Peale at a distance next came in sight and several miles from Peale station there loomed into proved to be the entrance to a tunel fifteen hundred feet in length. After a moment of almcst impenetrable dark- ness the train again imerged into day- light and another skim along the far famed Alleghenies was taken with ex- clamations of delight at every new form of interest and beauty. In a short time darkness descended and a wonderously beautiful picture was re- vealed by the dim glare of the head- light. With an ease that commands the greatest admiration the iron steed sped swiftly along until the twinkling lights revealed the journey's end, and the city of Williamsport ‘was Every moment of the eight hours spent in the cab afforded the greatest pleasure and the courtesies extended by Engineer Palmer and Fireman Al- len will ever be gratefully remembered as having added a most interesting festare to a most delightful trip. Beech Creek Connections. . As for convenience, courtecus freat- ment and beautiful scenery the Cor- RIER recommends a trip over the Beech Creek railroad from Patton or other points at its western terminous to Wil: liamsport. It passes through the larg- est bituminous coal region of Central or Western Pennsylvania. Two com- plete first-class passenger trains are run over the road east and west con- necting at the following named points malting it convenient to reach from all sections of the country: At Patton with the Cambria and Clearfield rail- road for points cn the Pennsylvania Central; at Mahaffey with the Penn- syivania and Northwestern and the Cambria and Clearfield for points éast, “west and south; at Clearfield with the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg rail- way for points north and the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad for the Pennsyl- vania Central; at Munson for Philips- burg, Houtzdale and the Tyrone and (Clearfield railroad; at Mill Hall with Ceniral Railroad of Pennsylvania; at Jersey Shore with the Full Brook rail- way for points north and at Newberry Junction and Williamsport with the Philadelphia and Reading railroad for New York and Phllsisipiia. Wanted All kinds of factories and good in- dustries to locate in Patton. Best inducements possible offered. Elegant , advantages, natural resources and beaatifui environments. For partice- | M # saenof Scowim, Patton, Pa. ; do the work which she did and but few could so adroitiv and skillfully handle the axe. Hor energy always bopt Talk pace ‘with ber. wonderful vitality and she was never more cheerful than when assisting with the housework. Until this surnmer she has, by ber own labor, converted into blankets, clothing and hosiery wool clipped from the sheep upon the farm. She posessed antil the end all her mental faculties and was highly esteemed for ber loving disposition and kindly thought- fulness for the welfare of others. Her remains were laid to rest in the . Carrolitown Catholic cemetery Toes day morning. Reectved » Promotion. W. H. Moore, of this piace, has been promoted to the position of supervisor of the Cansbria and Clearfield railroad, with headquarters at Patton, He has been appointed to supervise division ‘20, including the north end of the road and Susquehana branches, which went into effect August 1st. Mr. Moore has a host of friends along the Pennsylva- nia road who will be pleased to learn of his promotion. Ee entered the service of the Pennsyvivania railroad May 26, 1887, on the New Caste branch of the P., W.and B. From there he ‘was transferred to Altoona, where for four years he was connected with the engineering corps. He was next trans ferred to the Trenton cutoff as assistant supervisor, where he remained two years, after which he returned to the Cambria and Clearfield as assistant supervisor. Contract Not Awarded, a eral surrounding ' contemporaries that the contract for the Conemaugh and Western railroad, which will pass : through Patton when built, was let and work to resume at once. This paper has been reliably informed that the report has no foundation whatever, but that in the near future it would be built from a point on the Beech Creek railroad near Porters station through to Patton. No permanent arrange- menta have been to extend it any farther than this piace at present. Prospects Favorable. The COURIER learns from good an- thority that all the mines in Patton, except the Ashcroft colliery, will run quite steady for the month of August. The miners have made a good start = commencing at the first of the month. Nothing can be welcomed with more thankfuiness than this good news, not ‘only by the workmen, but by every business man in town. May thie good work continue. Teachers Selected. The school directors of Gallitzin have selected the following named Seachem to serve for the oS a hi EL can ¥
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers