ausosrone rams ra Lor betrly two motia. An engin ; Patton Courier. of the Frick Coke company was beaten | | Te Grand OM Mans Has Aged Many ¥ "to death on April 4, and since that In the Past Three Montha time there have been numerous fatal en- Those who feared that his retirement THURSDAY, JUNE7, 18%. | counters between the sheriffs depu- from public life would bring upon Mr. Gladstone just those evils which be de- ties and the rioters with no visible signed to avoid ate begituing to find TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. prospect that the rioting will be discon- their judgment justified The Gfand tinned. This is intolerable im a civil-- gid Mun has aged many years in the ized country, and the time has come . past three mouths The picture be made SA vertiaing mates made known BPO | for vioomyns action to restore tran- “atthe Dr. Andre ww Clark mersorial meet- S@9-No papers discontinued until all ar | quility and permit the resumption of ing was a pititul ove. He wis a fee bile yegrages are i, ness at the option’ of the ordinary business in the disturbed bent octogenarian, who Jeaned — “ : stout stick even when addrasing the region, tered he Postoffice at Patlon oor: ; : fram his chair. | As Entered at the Bo tmail matter. Bonwit Sa wail if the liffsivsons | S0diats Soup kis cue, pr Sl ; between the strikers and their em- . FEDERAL OFFICERS approjriste. Not a shadow has vot oross- : ay ployers can be settled by peaceful i his shining intellect, but both fos U8. Sex rows—d. Donald fate ron. Har. arbifration. Governor Pattison has, and spirit are breaking He is not 30 tony, Beaver count ty. ¥ tendered his services to bring about a No specific malady is andermiLing hi pr RUREER A John TD. Hicks, Altoons, motual understanding between the | marvelons vitality, but a great cha JiR phos Lperon--Edwand PP. Kearns, Pitts contending parties. Bat the first. which his grieving rivals sarin DEPUTY CoLLperor — RW, MMnsmore, requisite of a peaceful settlemnt of bo Songs, by A ad : Punxsutawne a, "Jefferson county. Pa, : tie or any other labor . dispute is that : - 2 hi . That 3 STATE OFFICERS. the peace shall intained both | ‘ omuinons, For years pe {0G rest _Govemsow — Robert E. Pattison, Harris > by other forms of ACLIVItY aw.d peo tu iW Pa. parties pending negotiations for settle oo, yice Work has bows his aly ioc 0 oy Govrxon—Louls A. Watres, Seman ment. Rioting must come to an end, acon Fresh responsibilitics pews mer Jrrmmxar (ArParss— Thomas A youd Sut Spoils, and Le govue | failed to renew his vigor = fric: A Tan srr End 7. ‘Morrison, sworn duty noti beginning to understand pow Ww Harrisburg Pa. Shay fying the rioters to dispere under pen- Sita ndrew Clark e.: clourly—ti for i : na h I . 1. ae re Puna. Mcrgr, Harrie ge Cop ing compelled to face trained | Such a man to i i Lis lop nom Br 0 to see the big celebration pn the tr. PraLic Ixstroction —N, C. Schaeffer, | soldiers with orders to shoot if farther | { #pair und death. : ; : Ha Pa. oek Liajin effort will be jade now to or PP, OF Meek, Bellen te, Pa. - disorder is persisted in.” Si eT | yo Carroll township: Wperisied in” = vide the warrior statesman “with In 4. C Summan, oath Fork : | Te COURIER had a recent interview '< ambitions sufficiently inupir 1 a PT vi : 5 : coor OORT. with a business man of Johnstown and’ L > Biive pa gy — ot H : : TIME OF HOVOING C l« upon ; twit Fi WOR : ’ jst Monday of Marek } § in Monday of Sep. learned that the popular impression | destroy it If bis enthodara: can be Ist Monuiay of Jape 5 Ist Monda) y of about the removal of the Johnstown pevived, he MAY remaiy any Anya . j OFFICERS. iron works from that city to Cleveland, | fizure of which the nation wi Yi Lo tice ; presinES7 JU ras-Hoo. A. V. Barker. 0., is not altogether correct. A part proud If set, then uothing aan E ; : J PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. | One copy, one year, in advance, - 2, $1.00 PROTHOXOTARY—J. C. Dard : Reoiwrrs. AND acoxnER—D. A. MeGiough. | of the plant it to be removed but the delay the cud wv TRENT ¥. H. Barker. . remaining part is to be enlarged and The mot remariable effi +3 Se ! | will employ AS many or more men | Gladstone’ § retirenent has Iw € a bition, Murphy. Lioyd, than ever it did. The investment at #p] cmphasized a Oe NE Geo. ML Werte. i pos 0 i pd «. Eis enoli COMMISSIONER'S CLERK —John C. Gates. | Cleveland, while by the same cOTpoOra- |, i boone his {rious Biche DUNTY: ERINTEN DENT—J. W. Leech. { tion, will ha . : : ~ SURVEYOR Henry Sean be practically independent of ety iy ceased to be a paris hig a Cor sTY AUDITORS Wm. x. “Jones, Ww. | the Johnstown operation and will not. English polities Sy oe Cor. « WW e want y our rescence and ‘Our 1 Or on a - a . PT Comins I. | affect the number of people employed York Sun I ! ) mone and m return we will at the latter place or the business of SHE FOOLED THE DAIL ; : gv € you a a good time. Poor DIRECTOR ohn YonE, James Som- | the city at all. The COURIER is pleased i : : ervilie, Raphiel H to note that the metropolis of the vrs Dromcgaw (Aves an i. i of ier oe OFROEN. 2 | county i not to undergo » ) of Lexterity as a Ti. cnr Lom ip 3 | Industrial conditions through business D107 es 2 ~ THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF S ; Witem. H.C. Beck, B. F. Wine, P. P. Young, ventures in a distant city by & corpo! tion of hor ait Mo i Ti 3 x 2 «4 Blough. ; Corox En Pr. & Mart 1 1 J eons Boaro—Dr. J. B. Xoonan, president ration of sah large interests in dena. the Hart ison Serio po case FB. Dale, secretary; Ww. ; ; jos EN De a own, gave Dalliff Vorul a JUSTICE OF THE PEACE-—Jesse £. Dale, Jas. | ———— 1 jon of Lor eoxterity Me cc ken W. H. Sandford. STAGNATION in business has deferred |. cd i r elon ol state dig ove Grand Industrial Parade at 10 o'clok. Crenx—Harvey Patterson, the plans for running Beech Creek pas- given bv icf Bren A CoLLrcron J nb. Jamon senger trains through to Patton. The | Lp siht aul wis are sio | No A dandy Fantastic Parade at 10: 300 ‘clock. : Avprrors—F. H. Kinkead, H. O. Winslow, people. here will be obliged to do as lice Foster. Ste was 4 vo pak : oe Will L. Thompson. : J -All th fire ( nies irrout y towns arg inv y qn Er they are doing everywhere else—wait {Ire Bo evidebon 1a he companies of surrounding towns arg invi ited and will be in the parade NEP ee AB . ; x a A : ; : ~ . xe Poricw—Sam’l Jones. patiently for a change. fors haviug & ; : ~ ! : : : with our Fire - a Addleman, | ——————————————" ” BC il Mala Rid baad a : ry. YY ! > : y-.% : L : Company; : DECORATION DAY OBSERVED “Ym pre. Tae Porn maid + - Balloon Ascension at 10 o'clock, To Qur Patrons. = AtChestiprings snd d Se. Augustine Severad | N° a so od have to di En : a By one of the Leading Balldonists. : | Owing to the general depression ex- 87. AUGUSTINE, June 2, 1894. woe BE a a wit To : 2 Fire W orks at 9 o'clock in the evening. isting throughout the country the PAT-| Chaplain R. C. Christy Grand Army iu, x,” : i : : : : on CoUniER will be reduced in size. Post of Ashville after attending charch The two ref itl We hope this movement will only be “at that place on Decoration Day and utes, and then ti wR hd tie 3 : . ; ; i temporary. listening to an eloquent and patriotie Shortly afterwerd Bolt Fig © © on | EE ————— 3 | address by Pather Rosensteel, Jeft for | that bis dion “ari FOF Bo (80 hy i | PENNSYLVANIA AUTHORITY. | Chest Springs where they were met by 2 toy : Pennsylvania has been the scene of a large crowd of the citizens. Im-! 4 0 as : : 5 es : : pi > rg many conflicts between labor and capi- mediately after their arrival they i. baie thougat if loo oof : to If you want to spend a good 4th of July at small expense tal, and of a number of very serious Were escorted to the cemetery where hi: sc. 2 10 the La Ewin ah 1 riots. Those who peaceably contend the remains of gallant soldiers are th 2y Were a a 13 1 . for better pay for their labor have the laid to rest. The graves were then Drouegan waman appronchi sympathy of all who must wor ork for properly decorated after which »n said: : a : : i their living, but those who go so far as | address was delivered by A.D. Ham- a o'you 1 cos your) F< : : | NB : to defy the State authority alienate ienate the jiton, an old veteran. Hi he el ge Sa interest of all patriotic citizens. The From thence the post took up the ..p bh Hite xe Ls wo wien Le: ras : : : 1 manner of recognizing these incipient ‘line of march to St. Augustine where | shout yoursc:% | RP INR : : : : ; Rev. Father Ludden had dinner pre-| gun that you woul 1d; an sac) mnik, : = ee EC ; BF 1 pared for them. = After dinner the and «lie went away jo cating until ices of life had ensued and the | post and large concourse of people, Inter Ocean oo | ] oc early and most heated part of a con- | who had congregated to participate in ~~ cj VER COLLARS SCARC : : : : or he on J i: flict was past. I to be. ihe 5 the | A Bet Wh 8 tant Ted Nt : sary that a namber of people to pay honor to the thirty or more o or Altre 1 ben ig - W il t t i se te Sis vem wren \We will treat everyol & alike, and awoke to the fact that it had any | | this : P The graves deco- | | the iat conditions a or uple of doys aathority, but the proverb that an rated with wreaths and flowers. They | ago when « aoe of thei re: axbwd ape Abr, bot he Dr them sweable nthe hall to lien 0. th wma xacity of si Lvs all will go home satisfied that pound of cure seems to have beem | ‘the patriotic addresses delivered by EE in Washingt an. Bo stoted . framed and hung in the executive’ Father Ludden, Dr. J. B. Noonan, that it was difficult to met a person Or 1sde. by ode with the motio, of Patton, Leiut. E. RB. Dunegan, whi Bsa a sites dollar fu his pock.” they enjoyed the selves. “God Bless Onr Homes.” Coke region Luke Hehe, and other gentlemen from whereas &. lew wcuthe aio the 4 Li riots have been regarded as a forerun- i Patton whose names we did not learn. | Wheels A plentiful $a te pe ‘ner of something serious growing out | The peat then visited the proprietor of De of Bis Corpse, rier: of the strike in the mining districts | the Arlington house, an oid comrade, | upon he remarked that he would iw where a great many men of foreign ‘where they were royally entertained. willing to make a wager of rhe cigs tongues are employed and the gov- The Ashville drum corps furnished lo prove i’ ernor has adopted a very commendable the mitisic for the post during the day. | “I will bet, * he remarked, “that you cause of issuing a warning in ad- A Howsehold Trensare. cannot within’ one boar piedt a an vance, which may save many lives and. D.W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y Rh ky who has a silver do . much bloodshed. It is so much better says that he always keeps Dr. King's : a a PRR had malted waiting antil a few ble bat- New Di very in the Ba and Lis ye other, who had an extre nel ¥oaars tles have taken place that the COURIER JY lua alwaye found the. very Dest and. tock up & po sition dowa at the ow RCJURINTANCE, CAREY AO pted the gage ; : ; results follow its use; that he w : : E 5 i) on airy LR is heartily commends the cause. The pot be without it, if procurable. G. A. mer of Fifteenth and PF strive Evers ni On a platf rm. buiit tor the OCCASION, Hox 4o—uncder the foolishness of opposing State authority Dykeman Druggist, Catskill, Y., friend and acqus ints ance who came alon . lily : i is often due to ignorance, but as the Says that Dr. Ring's New Bi, Xe is was yequested to exchange iu silver dol AUSPICES of the ; ; 2 : : id : - undoubtedly the Cough remedy: lar for four quarters. Scores of §! hills : : warning has been given in good time a } a : bette derstandi f th that be used it in his family for were pulled out of pedestrians’ pucks, r unae ng o € Feserve oight years, and it has never failed 10 but the man with the power on the side of order will be ob- do all’ that is claimed for it. Why not rt o£ his dadiies. At the ; : : : ; : : a : le tain «d by the hordes who are foreign try 7 remedy SO long Lr je wi and tested: SBlY fhe 3 a ie i th at =i 3 3 3 : * to our language, customs and .instita- Trial bottles free at Dr. Beicher's City ano pa yy : I y : Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and Decause he found not a man in his quent en : : : : tions. We think it is well to append | $1.00. , who had a hard doll ket, 1 i ; a : = « chiang arte iar in his pocket. here a view lately given by the Phila : ; oo don’t kpow the reason for the seauraity “delphia Times. It is as follows: The Pens ny Ax. of such coin, bat ifs existence is be ¢ ot : ‘The Cambria Herald has the follow- yond doubt = WY ashiugton Star Unfortunately the rioters are either ing: “Constable E. W. Humphrey, of — : the deluded followers of demagogic this place, who hid been receiving a Declined Bex Services : : CI leaders, whn take good care to ‘be out pension of $12 per month, received a Since the death of M. Boutquin the ; : of harm’s way when the bullets begin notice Monday that his pension had dapper « ed a whi invariably to fly, or ignorant aliens, who know been cut down to $6 per month. Isaac wore a silk hat and carried an ambeells D. Jones who resides about four miles J . when discharging his. official “dati nothing of American law and who mis- g,uth of Ebensburg, has been notified pi, hake oR pris ot he a ily soe x as it vi i ips takenly suppose that Américan liberty | that his claim for a pension has been “joes of a public pi secuticher. M.: de Cor ir Nitte of Arras nger Y ents includes the liberty to kill, burn and rejected. : i ‘destroy without getting agtred for. Liége has kindly arted as a stopgap dur. ih. Beck, : 3. ‘M. Ri ybinson, . A, Me Jlon, ing the interregnum. Last week his co- : ; lawlessness. To this class, it is to be Bridge 1 ettings! oprration was requested by the authori- fo I i kin! ke wl. : } | I keller Ln } EF. Bonner feared, the governor's proclamation Scie prcmenaiie. e1it Ff vee up 8 tive. At the appointed hour a stout, : . : #0 E v . ‘will not appeal with the force that county Commissioners’ office in Ehwnsbar, middle aged lady presented herself and SS. E. Jon CS John S Schied, Ee ADDON Io8 an wacottive wah: | LETCHs Coais Fu, wuil Yaruiey® Jue 13) quietly fomathed 0 he amemuled fone: Jones, 0 3 date by the law-abiding citizens of a | thw ron hridg in mid county, as follows, te Honjzies: : : 3 ra on, in dams lowr o¥ p : ; . Sh : country governed by law. It may re- ui Nant-ygio, Blacklick pion doer Bing babel vat: Se 1B Ssusesion : xy ; : 4 ; quire the presence of the military with Spangler borough. Bids must be scpamic on BIOFRIF 3 : : 2 loaded muskets in their hands to AT tid a cath bridge, although Sac we 4; Sake Bis glace Plume Jot S BE be BANG u on 12 - : 7 nT aaron © oe SEE Spee LS. BELL, ' : so desive jons cnn be seen | z . i eroubusiness in Pentaylvania. = 4tseid Commimouers Poicr. Ruccesstal Ud | fed wheg she added in a : ; a Chairrman. dep will be “be required to give bond Hr the fith- | : a ] : : : “Whether rioters head the govern- TRI Tut 10 let any oF 41 tone, * is mot hy amy means the or's warning or not eo much force ae bid hig any or all fret time.’ : : i 4 Love ¥ .. However, the authorities refused 6 y- - . : La GED, } Wekrr, - Commissioners. gyi] themselves of her offer and mess | F or further particulars add hatte a TE Cet. | ly declined to pay ber expenses —Bres. | i: Ed or . : Fo #
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers