AERT Buss Bp £ ne i PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1804. $1.00 PER YEAR. IF YOU S: To IT IN THE PATTON COURIER ITS 30. > O © Cc HOTEL BECK, H, C. BECK, Pro. SD one of the Largest Hotels in Northerp Cambria; ~ Conducted in * MODERN STYLE. Good Table and Bar Supplied; ‘ © with Choest Brands of 3 : Liquors. {The Popular = | HOUSE Are You SONG BUILD, af so dont fail to call and in-. ~ spect our fine line of DOORS and SAS THE COURT PROCEEDINGS. At Bbensbire in Full This and Last W eek. INTERESTING CASES uP I Por Honting=-Conpidersviv Amount of Business Attended 10, The following is a eontinuation of | the proceeding of conrt at Ebensburg ‘ from Tuesday of last week at 1 o’ elock ‘p.m. In the case of commonwealth va D. E. Notely, assault and battery, Milton Westover prosecutor, defendent dicted i | The next case called wi that of com- ‘monwealth vs. Frank Beaty, Ellen | Wiserman, prosecutrix. There were i two indictments against him, one on the charge of malicious mischief, the other on the charge of burglary. They were tried at the same time. The de. ' fendant had no attorney to defend him . and the court appointed F. J. 0'Con- ‘nor. Mr. O'Connor said this was a trick Mrs. Wiserman hadl in getting rid of a lover when she got tired of him. - He was found guilty on the charge of malicious mischief and not guilty on ‘the charge of burglary, and was : | sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costa. The next case called was common- wealth vs. George Hamilton, larcency, Joseph Urda, prosecutor. Defendant found guilty : : The next case called was common- i wealth vs. Joseph Lehman and Levi | Lape, larceny and receiving stolen | Seva, A. Marshall prosecutor. { Prosecution claimed that the defend- | ante stole some tools from the tool { house of the Ingleside Coal company at | ingleside, while the defense was that the : defendants only took a saw znd saw-bit ; 20 sharpen the saw, by the order of Mr. fr the superintendest. The case { was continued until the next day | Troe Bills. Commonwealth vs. Lotiis Pegg et al, | robbery and receiving stolen goods, ‘Henry Craig, prosseutor; common- wealth vs. Louis Peg et al., assault of PATTON. ‘and battery, Exa Ream, prosecutor; commonwealth vs. sams, assaunit and | battery, aggravated assault and bat- | tery, assaunit and battery with inteat to kill, Henry Craig, proscittor; common- | wealth vs. Elmer Barciny, frandently making a written instrument and ‘fraudently uttering a written instru. ' ment, Reinhold Betterman, prosecutor; commonwealth vs. Milton Westover, | perjury, D. E. Notely, prosecutor; com- monwealth vs. Thomas Barclay and J. 8. Colbert, entering a stable building ‘with intent to commit a felony, lar- : guilty ceny, James D. Bracken, prosecutor; commonwealth vs. sami, horse steal- | ecator; commonwealth ws. Frank | Smith, false pretense, H. Pettler, pros | ecutor; commonwealth v&. Wm. Weim- | ‘We have just received two!er, et al, entering a railroad car with “ir Loads—Can make prices| |intent to commit a felony, larceny ‘x suit Buyer. We are also agent for. D. M. Osborne & Co. FARMING IMPLEMENTS o C.DALE ‘Magee Ave. _ PATTON, PA. Commercial, 5. M WILSON, Prop. A Modern Hotel. enty-four Sleeping rooms, 11 new furniture, - | felonious assault, and receiving stolen goods, E. J. Dun- {apy prosecutor; commonwealth ws ' John C. Ream, et al... same; common- | wealth vs. Patrick O’Connell, et al, | same; commonwealth vy. John Rey | olda, receiving stolen goods, E. J. | Dunlap provusutors commonwealth va. i Miller, larceny and receiv- ies goods, Robert Lynne, pros- vs. Daniel | ecutor; commonwealth | Bradley, felonious assault and battery, Adam Smith, prosecutor. : Co Ignored Bills. Commonwealth vi. John Secora, - Jol: n Magdriak, ! prosecutor 3 Wednesdays Proceedings. F. J. O)Connor, Esq., presented an | application of Charles Jones for the | transfer to bim of the liquor license | now held by Enoch Jones for the | Alhambra Hotel Mr. Little presented his own report as auditor to distribute funds in the i hands of Geo. B. Gardner, administra- itor of HL H. Gardner, deceased; of ‘Reade Township = | Mr. McHenry presented a motion for judgement against the Spangler ' Improvement company, garnishee of William B. Schroth, as by their answer filed. Judgment entered In the case of A. Bradley & Co. vs. . Plack Bros., the tinners, of Johnstown, ‘Heated with steam through- W. H. Smith & Co., garnishese, W. H. out, | Rose, Esq., moved for judgment against | the garnishes for the smount due as Hot and cold water on every admitted in their answer. So or floor. Cooking ment in Skillful hands. mag @ PATTON, PENN'A. 8 AVE. NEAR R. R. STATION. | In the case of Jacob Jacoby vs. | Christina Myers, ejectment, on motion and dining depart ow H. Rose leave was granted to | issue a writ of habere facias posses | sionum, clause of fi. fa., for the costs: Mr. Shoemaker presented the return : Thomas ‘of sale in the estate of’ Rev, © stole was found guilty in manner and form as in-’ _terman was the prosecutor. . The | feommonwealth vs | ing, receiving stolen goods, same pros- | rr Cwstaiswick, Davin, dovenied. Frank Powers exes cutor, : and levi Lape, larceny and receiving 1 goods. The jury returned a ot of not guilty. : verd] : the case of the commonwenith ve. in Law wife with desertion, both sides decided to leave the matter with| the court and not have a jury trial. [Hassenplug was sentenced to pay the costs and! further sentence was suspended, he and his wife having be- come reconciled, The next case called was that of the commonweaith vs Milton Westover, D. E, Notley being the prosecutor and the charge perjury. Case continued to next term. - D. E. Notely, convicted Tuesday of assault and battery on Westover, was sentenced to pay a fine of $10 and the costs. Hie : : Elmer Barclay, of Morreliville, was found guilty of “frandently making a written instrament.” Reinhold Bet- Barclay, who is but 17 years of age, forged an order on John Thomas & Sons for a suit of clothes, signing Betterman’s The judge sentenced him name to it. to pay a fine of $10, the costs of prose- cution, and to undergo imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary for one LNEar. Commonweaith . vs. John Mahan entering a farm building with intent to commit a felony; also larceny and re- ceiving stolen goods. Neal McKay was the prosecutor. Mahan was charged with stealing chop, bran and turnips from McKay's barn in Cambria township. The case not concluded. : Trae Bills, Commonwealth vs. William Mahan and others, entering a building with intent to commit a felony, and receiv. ing stolen goods, Frank Deveraunx, prosecutor Commonweaith va. John Good and others, same charges, William Mahan, prosecutor Comménwealth vs. Elizabeth Mahan, receiving stolen goods, James Me (lemernits, prosecutor Commonwealth vs. D. W. Powell, entering a store banilding with intent to commit & felony. ter, prosecutor Nol a Troe FE In the case of Herman Crouse chavy- ed by E. B. Cresswell with larceny and receiving stolen goods, the grand jury returned not a true bill In the case of the commonwealth vs John Mahan, entering a barn building Andrew Strittmat- . with intent to coramit a felony, an ac- count of which has been given above, the jury returned a verdict of vol The next case called wus that of the John Mahan, Wil- lara Mahan and Joehn' Good, entering a dwelling with intent to commit a felony, larceny, and receiving stolen goods, Frank Deveragx, prosecutor. Verdict, not guilty James Burns pleaded guilty to the charge of breaking into the store of Lonis Wehn, of Johnstown, and taking therefrom several pairs of shoes, and ] genced to pay a fine of 819 8 and undergo an imprison- ment of two years in the Western Penitentiary : The following cases were prossed by consent of all interested: Commonwealth va. John Mahan, John Good, Williasn. Mahan and Peter Steinbeiser, entering a barn nolle ‘building with intent tc commit a felony, larceny “and receiving stolem goods, William Makin, prosecutor; common- weaith va. D. W. Powell, entering a store building with intent to commit a felony, larceny and receiving stolen goodls, A. Strittmatter, prosecutor, and commonwealth vs Elizabeth Mahan, receiving stolen goods, James Mc. Clements, prosecutor. These cases were all from Cambria township and were bronght through the instrument. ality of James McClements, the de- tective whose manner on the stand and whase conduct *he first few days of court had a great dea! to do with the defendant's acquittal. : Bills : Commonwealth vs. Clara Miller, assault and battery, Hannah Dawson, prosecutrix; Robert Dawson, assault and battery, Jos. A. Miller, prosecutor; Trae Thomas Dawson, assault and battery, John W. Miller, prosecutor; Ludwick ‘larceny and receiving stolen goods, E. J. Sharretta, prosecu- tor; Peter Elli and Fredrick Elli, ma- licions mischief, Wilson Powell, prose- Thy: first case to be tried was that of - the commonwealth vs. Joseph Lehman ence Hassenplug, charged by his | the attorneys for C elo, parties ing bila: Burris entering. a store building with intent to commit a felony, larceny, Louis Wehn, prosecntor; Harry Marsh, Logan, prosecntor; George Arthurs murder, Michiel Logan, prosecutor; Charles Clinefelter, assault and battery, Michael Hady, prosecutor; Lawrence Fletcher, alias’ Fetzer, alias Fetzler, rape, Harry Spangler, prosécitor; Elmer Carland, et al, illegal fishing with nets, Jacob Mouse, prosecutor. Not Trae Bills, Commonwealth vs. Mary Hassan. plug, perjury, Lawrence Hassanplug. prosecutor, prosecutor pay costs; Nel lia Smith, larceny, receiving stolen goods, Annie M. Duncan, prosecatrix. Thursdiy's Proceedings. James Miller was found guilty of stealing chickens from Robert Burns at Hastings, though the jury recommend- ed to the mercy of the court. He was fined $5 and costa and sentenced to ten days in jail Harry Marsh, charged by Michal Logan with carrying concealed weap- ons, pleaded guilty. He has not yet been sentenced. This is the pal of George Arthurs: who Cush. Sentence not passed. Lawrence Feteer, charged by Hurry Spangler with rape, pleaded guilty. No sentence imposed. J. 8 Colbert and Thomas Barciay, charged with entering a stable with intent to commit a felony, larceny.and . receiving stolen goods, and another indictment with horse stealing, J. 8. Bracken, prosecntor, were next called They were found not guilty and ‘ re- leasexl. / Lewis Peis and other Morrellville people were placed on trial for robbery, assault and battery, aggravated assanit and battery, assanlt and battery with: ‘the board hope to be sable #» get intent to kill, and receiving stolen goods, Henry Craig and Exa Ream being the prosecutors _ Settlements have been effected in the case of William Weimer, Frank Beam- ish, John Ream, Patrick O'Connell and others, charged by P. RR. Officer Dunlap with breaking open cars, re- ceiving stolen goods, and larceny. he defendants plead guilty to receiv. ing stolen goods, and nolle prosequin were entered in other charges Sent- ence deferred. _ The grand jury has returned trua ‘bills in the case of Mary McGonigle, assault and batiery, Jacob Nolan, pros. and in the case of George Keiper and others, two charges of riot and two of assanit and battery, Annie ‘Rushnak, prosecutrix, a true bill was found on one charge of riot but not on the other charges. In the case of the commonwealth vx, Louis Pegg and James Jackson, as- sauit and battery, Exa Ream, prose- cutrix, and the eases of commonwealth vs. Jouis Pegg, James Jackson, and Adam Green, aggravated assault and battery, assault and battery with in- tent to wound, robbery, and receiving ‘stolen goods, charged in two indict- ments by Henry Craig, took up over. half the afternoon session, the jury not going out until 4:30. The three cases were tried together. The jury bad not yet returned a ver- dict at the hour of adjpurnment. The next case called was the com- monwealth vs. Charles Clinefelter, charged by Michael Kady with assault and battery. : The jury returned a verdict of guilty, but recommended him to the mercy of the court. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs and undergo an im- prisonmeunt of ten days in the sounty jail Case of commonwealth va Joseph Crack, Jacob Commiski, Joseph De- kownki, Joseph Yesturka, Frank Krish, and Lodwick Cwistneswick, larceny. and receiving stolen goods, E. J. Shur- retts, prosecutor. This case was not finished but Was continued until the next day. True Wills, The grand jury returned the follow- Commonwealth va. Newton Dévine and - George, alias “Shorty” Brooks, assault and battery, Frederick Wiserman, prosecutor; commonwealth | va. Joseph Ferran, fornication and bastardy, Alice Werrick, prosecutrix. Ignored: commonwealth va. Tom Youn Kin. assault and battery, aggravated assanlt and battery, August Albright, | prosecutor, pay the costs; common- wealth va. James McClements, furnish- ing liquor to minors, Elizabeth Mahan, prosecutrix, prosecutor pay the costs; commonwealth va. John Green, larceny ‘and receiving stolen gods, Joseph Punala, prosecutor. Friday's Procecdings. The jury in the Pegg, Jackson and cutor; same, Wilson Powell, prose. | Green cases came in with a verdict of John Reynolds, entering a. cutor; ; railroad car with intent to commit a felony, larceny, receiving stolen goods, | E. J. Sharretta, prosecutor; James not guilty of robbery and receiving stolen goods, aggravated assanlt and | battery, and nesanlt and battery with : [Continaed on Ee Page. shot Thomas returns of the day. both of Loretto, PROVED WATER WORKS. The Water Mars Repaired and a» Seeand | rveir Erected The Pato Water company bad workmen engaged repairiiig gol water main which was damaged by the late flood and an excellent supply of pure fresh water has been obtained by the construction Of a second reswrvoir placed above the old one whereby residents of Patton will no ionger be annoyed by having to use muddy ‘water after a heavy rainfall or when ‘the quantity diminishes, ss was form- erly the case. The water piain has oeen extended to the second reservoir which Is sup- plied with cold spring water and an automatic devise has been so armnged that when the water becomes low in the smaller reservoir the old one will supply the demand. This is an excellent idea in time of fire or very dry! weather a8 remervoir: No. 1 will’ always contain a reserve supply should the water in No. 2 be come exhaasted. SCHOOL. SUPERINTENDENT ELECTED. W. McKinney Smith, th, of Benezette, EIk County, is the Man. . W. McKinney Smith, Benesette, has been elected principal of our pub- lic schools. Mr. Smith comes to us highly recommended and our school board is to be congratulated in their choice. The teachers for the intermediate schools will be elected after the usual examination by County Superirtend- ent, July 28th. It is the intention of the school board to opem the whools October 1st. The tax rate for school | purposes has been fixed at 15 mills. | This is a very low rate in view of the | large amount of expense incident to the establishment of new schools. But through on this basis. ! Repobiican Club. | In pursuant to a call the Republicans of the Good building and elected the following. permanent officers: Reuel Somerville, president; Reuben Mc- Pherson, vice-president; John Boyoce, secretary; B. P. Wise, treasurer. An executive committee wus appointed consisting of tha following gentlemen: D. H CC. Warren, chairman; J. C Whitney, Curt Richards John Traman, BE. P. McCormick. Dr. J. Harry Me- Cormick, H. E. Keller, Alex Mcnteith, E. C. Brown, Jesse E. Dale and Will Thompson. The meeting then ad- journed to meet Friday evening, June 15th, at 9:30 sharp. Birthdiy Surprise, Saturday, Jeme 9th, was the 48th anniversary of the birth of John Otto and quite anknown to him Mm Otto prepared a surprise in the way of a royal celebration in honor of the oc- casion. Guests began to arrive at an early hour and soon the house wiw filled with a genial happy crowd all bent on having a jolly good time. During the evening a sun\plisous repast was served and at a late hour the company dis- persed wishing Mr. Otto many happy | He was the re- cipient of many handsome presents as tokens of the esteem in which he is “held. Worried at Loretto William Ivory and Miss Lizzie Little, were united in mezr- riage at that place Tuesday, June 12th, . by the Rev. Father Kittle. The cere mcny was preformed in the church after which a large concourse of in- | vited guests repaired to the home of the bride’s parents where a banquet | “was held to oslebratesthe nuptials. Mr. | ‘Little, the brides father is well known | in Patton business circles, being pro- prietor of the meat market on Fifth avenue. May their life be a bright and happy one with just enough cloads to make a glorions sunset Cambria Bar Association Mast A meering of the Cambria County Bar Association was beld at Ebensburg . Monday evening, June 11th, and quite an interesting meeting was enjoyed. The following officérs were elected for ° the ensuing vear: F. A. Shoemaker, Esq., president; Jacob Zimmerman, jce-president; Alvin Evans, secretary; o Horace Rose, John Brown, Capt. Kuhn ard M. D. Kittle, board of man- agers; W. H. Storey, S. 8 Reed and Reel Somerville, auditing committee. A Carrell’ Towsatiip Banediet. Mr. Joseph Switzer and Miss Agnes Orbie, both of Carroll township, were married in St. Benedict's church at , Carrolltown on Tuesday, June ith. . The ceremony was performed by Fath- | {er Marcellas Mr and Mrs. Switaler | have a large number of friends in this had vicinity who wish the couple a happy | Foams journey through life. ' the 4th of July. acti on. + of Patton and vicinity met in the hall ' trouble The eagle will scream in Patton on | Creek | enteen me STRIKE J5 DECLARED OF. But the Miners May . Repudi- ate the Set tlement and PROLONG THE FIGHT. The National pnd District Officers Say They Will Resign. “At a meeting in Columbus, Q., on Monday evening the Scale Commiltee which has {een deliberating for. two full days on|a scale of prices for that competitive (district reached an agree- ment. The basis of 80 opnts for Ohio and 89 cents for Western Pennsylvania. : It was anounced that the agreement which had peen drawn op would be submitted th the joint conference of miners and pperators at 8 clock for ratification. : : : The ment is not to take effect until next Yond the miners stating that they + i haye to have some time in whith to prepare their consti. taents for the acceptance of the com- promise. Laster. The scale agreement at Columbus has only shiftefl the ground of the coal miners’ strike, instead of settling it The miners) assert that they will not accept the terme agreed upon, and are in revolt nist their officers. The latter say they did what was the only thing to ‘done ander the circum. stances, threaten to resign if the miners re to refurn to work, or ques’ ; tion their (integrity in the premises From outldok Tuenday night the min- ers will not goto work on next Monday, the day fixed for the resumption of work. In [ase they do not, the nation- al officers f the United Mine Workers say they will resign and tbe officials of the Pi district will follow their At Punyisutawney. Z to latest reports no serious existed at Punxsutawney where the ni- White company at- tempted to start their mines, although the strikems are growing bittar and trouble is poked for any moment. Accordi oa apa hayiviamin Operators and Miners Full to Agree. 5 The Speen of Central Peansylva- nia and delegates comprising the dis trict met ip Altoona Tuesday bat made another dipmal fidlure in effecting a i Thomas Lloyd of Gal Edwind Berwind, of on behalf of the oper- ators, add i the meeting. He said they would Iillingty give 10 cents per ton, the fame price offered by their competitors in West Virginia and Maryland. Bradley spoke in the interest off the miners. He said that no good reason had yet been given why they ghould not be paid 50 cents per ton, onday it was thought that an amieable setti:ment would surely be reached. . Ther: was much disap- pointment| as & final conclusion seems no than it did a week ago. Among the operators were the com- mittee of sbven appointed at the oper- ng in PRllutelvila on last he day Bradley and 3 com- he delegates met the Phila. deiphia committee and made an offer Central Pen ators half fcay. | wy stated hope of the there wasapparently no coming together at any Hdwind Berwind said the operatprs on their part were solid ! for the offyr they made, and would sot consider ayy other proposition. More Tiveaps Needed. Monday afternoon Governor MeKin- ley receivpd demands for troops from ‘Stark and [Tuscarawas counties. Sher- iff Adams [of Tuscarawas, and Sheriff Doil, of Sark. telegraphed from Mas sillon and | New Philadelphia ¢hat the situation phere is extremely critical The miners assembled in large numbers along the fine of the Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling railroad, and they threatened the destruction’ of property and the holding up of traiva. van Miners Resuming Accordip to a dis from Frost. » back-bone of the aries is broken. Supe uperinten pe phe bo that Here consiierable increase in the miners going to work in alt siarted in the 's pany NL, with evs : n a8 work, this morning. | dent ten compromise was upon a
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