Yo rl a a VOL. 1—NO. 28. - S Pure Goods Co ime at this store we will give or Good Table and Bar Supplied DOORS and SASH PATTON, CAMBRIA co. PA, THURSDAY, MAY 31 i594. Hic 00 o PER YEAR. v IF YOU SEE IT IN THE PATTON COURIER 5 SO. $100 Given Away. IMERICAN FLAG ABUSED. FIVE cmNT MONEY ORDER. . : Was Torn Down by Drunken Canadian Soldiers. With each Dollars worth of goods Y Onders, and when Twenty to us at one time, we will prejnted them, ving in cash or merchandise for them; or we will them one or more at # time tow: paying for a bill of gous And Would Not Accept an Apology From any one time the Lieut. Col. Smith, / store amounting to fifty cents or more. . An extra American flag in front: of Patton Pharmacy, the United States Consul’s office in St. Thomas, Ont. CC Ww. HODGKINS, out in honor of the Queen’s birthday. .. was torn down and destroyed. by some members of the Queen's Own Rifles of Toronto while under the influence of Drugs, Medicines, and Chem- liquor. . Some other members of the “icals, Stationary, Confe(- | Loui; who were in the crowd pro- tested against the outrage, but were onary, gar s and ‘unable to prevent their excited com- panions from carrying out their in- AGENCY FOR COLUMBIA BICYCLES "720% S——— Lient.-Col. Smith, D. G. A., spolo- . gized to the United States Consul, This is the only Drug Store in George J. Willis, for the act, but Mr. “Patton where these Money Orders can Willis wonld not accept the apology, and notified his superiors at Washing- ton and Ottawa. on The incident is looked upon, at St. Thomas as merely a result of too much whiskey, and while it is deplored generally by citizens, it is hoped noth. ing serious will resunit. A press representative ‘be had. HOTEL BECK, H. C. BECK, Pro. at Te ragita saya: was not so reticent, and who was an eye-witness of the affair, asid: “Yes, ‘it is true an American flag wa patie -d One of the Largest Hotels in down. After supper about #0 of the Northern Cambria; : “ regiment matched up the street, when d d one espied the flag oating cut in front : Con lucte ‘of a drug store. Several went and m Peponstrated with the proprietor for ing an American flag on N STYLE. ain 8 birthday, and asked, or rather ~ MODER ’ Ordered him to take it tn “He re- fused to comply with their wishes, and immediately some of them made a dash for it and tore it from and left it lying in the street. They, | am sure had no idea that it wus the American Consuls office, thoangh ™ The incident has cansed a sensation in military and other circles in Toronto and the action of the hair-brained perpetrators is strongly Sondemue. a reply to United States Co * Willis’ report t his superiors the - lowing was given out through the press representatives at Washington: U.S 8 Consul Willis at St. Thomas, Ont. | reported to the State per artment, by telegraph, through U. 8. Consul-Gen- La ntzy, eral Riley at Ottawa, that the United - Dealer in States flag flying over the consulate Wi es, was hauled down yesterday by Cana. in Liquors ians. He asked for instructions, The and Beer. Consul General added that the matter Phacniy Brewing ‘had been brought to the attention of the Dominion government, and that it “Beer, F ashe Casks, | Jugs, 1 Etc, C 0 ‘S| had ordered immediately o rigid police | investigation, to learn the facts and to Mail orders promptly. in : . its fastenings with Choiest Brands of Liquors. The Popular HOUSE of PATTON. ‘locate the responsibility on the guilty individuals, Inasmuch as the Canadian officials and our Consul General are attended to, | gating the outrage on our flag, the ‘State Department felt it unnecessary to send any instructions to our repre- sentatives pending the conclusion of the inquiry. Of course the Department is not disposed to permit such an outrage . without proper amends, but is believed here that the matter will. admit of “asy explantion and adjustment. nT Right Prices. ™ | HASTINGS. PA Assignees: Notice. - Notice is hereby given that T. F. Mellon, doing business as T. F. Mellon & Co., of Patton, Pa., made and deliv- ered a dged of voluntary assignment for the benefit of his creditors to the undersigned. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate pay- . ment, and those having claims to pre- sent the same properly authenticated. y JOHN LAUER, Assignee, . Are You B U | L D The following letters remain in the If SO dont fail to call and in: postoffice at Patton for the week end- ; ing Saturday, May 26, 1694: spect our fine line of ‘James Bateman, W. C. Beamer, Rob- ert Ganner, Irvine Myers, Ss. Stone, Newton Smith, ersens calling for the above letters ve please say they are advertised. : “E. A. MELLON, P.M. Patt ton, Pa., May 28 1894. List of Unclaimed Lette ra. George We have just received two | Car Loads—Can make prices to suit Buyer. Drink Hodgkin's soda water, Local Market Report, . We are also agent for For the special benefit of the farmers in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER D. M. Osborne & Co. publishes the igh Joon! market rt, revised each wee 'FRRMING IMPLEMENTS ute Butter, IN cents Bags, Tl ; : : Corn, { Wheat, das ! Buckwheat, rT pond Pottoes, i Apples, nions, Turnips.... Magee Ave. PATTON, PA. . an 10 Hes, perl $12 tO Fi3 per ye... . Cabbage,................. t Hay,.... One Dollar (J, S, CONSUL INSULTED which had been hung - A private of the regiment who. the "a school year is ex Carley of Lilly; pushing the proper course in investi- maid: ton Fire company tore down the "feet, THE END SIGHT. 5 a——— ‘Pittsburg Operators Want to Effect a Settle ‘omewmt. > The end of the miners’ strike and the distress it has cansed the business interests of the country in sight, and with it an improvement of mining ‘wage rates at. the least, and possibly to the fall terms demanded by the miners. The. strike situation took a decisive turn Tuseday toward a settle. ment by the action of the Illincis oper- ators agreeing to an adjustment of the scale on a satisfactory basis to the miners. The aspect of affairs was changed somewhat in the Pittsburg district as a resolt of the operators meeting in the chamber of commerce, which had quite as much bearing up on the prospective ending of the strike as the conference between the miners’ officials and operators in Illinois. The IHinois districts refused to send representatives on the operators’ side to the Cleveland conferemee, which was largely responsible for the lsilnre of negotiations. Francis Lo Robbins, the Pittsburg operator, Tuesday re ceived three telagrams from as many different operators of llinois armouge- ing that a satisfactory agree would be reached between the miners ‘and operators, and stating that Presi- dent McBride looked settlement. The complished by another ferences or tl for general ar COT end. may national dist rict conleninees. that SERN be rongh It is probable, however, genera! mesting of miners snd oper- ators of the w pole country will be held. With Nlinois in line for a settlement, nothing will stand in the way of a settlement unless the winers insist ap- on making terms for Central Psnnsyl- vania and the Should another conference be held the operators of Central Pendsylvamia will likely par- They are willing to engage in the Cleveland conference, but found that a settement was impossible owing to the almence of the operators from ind did not at- another ‘west. tic ipate. lilinois and the tend west and THE GALLATIN semis They Agnin - te Secours the Appropriation. Open Stat The Johnstown Democrat of last week had the following concerning the trouble existing at Gallitzin between the nuh teachers and the Amériean Mechanics: * The Gallitzin public chil, which were closed sgme time ago by an in: juncticn secured by State Councilor Wilbam T. Kerr, reopened Monday morning and will continge in session until the requisite number of days for : anplotedd, The injunction was to restrain the nuns from teaching in the garb of their religious order, and was successful, as the directors have elec “ted the following teachers in their places: - Miss McGlade and Miss Mary Dougherty of Portage: Mise Mary O'Malley and Miss Kate Mc- Miss Margaret Lloyd and Miss Annie Anstead of Gallitzin. Mr. Kerr, when seen in Pittsburg in reference to the action of the directors, “Tl am pleased that the board has taken this action, as there is no inten- tion on my part to deprive the district of its share of the state appropriation. Our whole contention was and always has been against the sisters being pér- mitted to teach in the public schools. “If an opinion is handed down in oar favor, as far as I am concerned, I am satisfied if nothing be said concerning the appropriations used to pay the nuns in the past. What we are looking to is the future, and it is our parpose to prevent any further attempt on the paft of the nuns to resume teaching in their religious garb. It is a question of principle with ns and not one of money, and I have every reason to believe we will eventually win.” Indastricus Firemen, i On Friday the members of the Pat- old Marks saw mill sitnated on Lang ave- nue, at the rear of the borough lot, which greatly xzdds to the appearance of that immediate vicinity. The fire. men are now erecting a dancing pavil- ion on the spot which will be 39x60 it will he put under r cover for the present, #9 later on will be boarded up and coterted into a hall and will also be used for dances, festiv als, ate. for the benefit of the company. TT he Firemen of Patton much for the fested since perfected. are deserving of interest they have mani ‘that. organization - Every citizen in sbould encourage the boys can as tl » is nto other Wiis all organs tion more worthy than this one, especially when vou are unfortunate en ough to be visited by fire. they eI Snyder, the restaurant man kee PR Steele's ice cream manufactured at Huntingdon and it is pronounced the finest cream in Patton. Come and see us and yon will come again. 26-11. I. R. SNYDER. A ther Delegates Were Preww: were also three ballots were DECERRATY and some disorder. - ballott #223 Patterson on the fourth. for Jury commissioner. class ground and expect coming Patton RUSAWAY BOYS snd Found. TERE CONVENTION, , Coulter Nominated oh Way aes the disappearance | For Sheriff. of two lads of tender years whose . parents reside at Hastings. Chips, the A LARGE ATTENDANCE. D. Ittle 16-year old son of Mr. P.P. Con grove, accompanied by Jesse Delctier started on 3 little picasare jaunt, to Carroiltown. Cowvention. They had appropriated the nae of a The Reprikican. county convention, pony which Mr. Cosgrove had par- which was somsposed of 148 delegates chased for the ase of his boys, and had chowsers 6 Sie primaries inst Satarday, made their destination without mis met in the eourt house at the county hap and decided to return by way A Lively seat at about ome o’clock Monday of Patton. When in the vicinity of afternoon. The eo by Dr. L county Johnetowsiy snd 1. ©. Paterson, of Torley wad immediately madie 5 to Geo. 8. Good & Co's stone quarries 93 wa esc 40 yes Tile Chin 13 of he youy sud th ‘Hastings, Were named a \Omporary the: whereabouts of the littie fellow, but Lovsnoen the Delozier boy conid not be ndaced La Secretar The "of delegates Paving been to tell. Threats and persuasions were called, crefioutials presented. and the alike withont avail and 2 searching convention regularly formed, Ander. Party wasinaugurated to search for the ¥ rs. of Johnstown. and Jost child, A large number started on , , of Coopersdaie, were the chase and #pent the entire night - ation for permanent locking for the lad, bot not & clew that -wenld lead to his moovery could be The ballgt resulted. in 54 for Walters Obtained and it was the general impres- and 39 for Cooper, a number of dels. Sion that be had been drowned. Thurs gat tes not Woting Mr. Walters, after day morning the excitement was in- being clocted, made 2 very neat speech 'ense and nearly every which wag wigorousiy applanded. in Hastings helper] in the search for the The tostporary secretaries were then Jost ebild made permanent and the convention A nomber came to - pr wes ded $0 brsiness. ee me king diligent David Ry Bryan, of Johnstown, the Word was received that litsle Chips had farnots pieEmpter who has called the been found and returned to his home. figares und set the pace for more peopie The COURIER was informed that after than any. dozen men in Cambria being thrown from the pony he wand- country, then proceeded to “alderman ered aimlessly along and darkness left if forkhe convention. overtaking him, be sought refuge in the He said that be wax 2 Republican, and Goarries and was cared for over night Patton and were that he believed that he represented by Mr. J. E Housel. who on Thursday the sentiments of 76 anied the lad home. memploved at Gallitzin per vent Repl blicams of Cambria county nomination be was about make This was the naming of W. Couier, of his son waz on a business trip to Wil- Franklin'hefough, as the candidate for havaport. Mrs Cosgrove thus being sheriff The nomination was received eftalone was greatly distressed over his with great gheering by Coulter's ad- foun, and it was with a general feeling herenta, ¢ The num burg, Suma M. Miller, of Johnstown, worse for his adventure. and James TL Young, of Ebe naburg, 2 GOOD BRIDGE Presented and the con- a vention (mn DROPPER To % Ballot. © ire ey ddleman Krects.a Bridge Revomn Pry Rom. “It required 75 votes to nominate and The néw wharf bridge which of the morning accomp in the ‘Mr Cosgrove 20 to choice they resulting as follows : durability and mneh satisfaction has been expressed regarding the excellent - ‘manner in which Street Commissioner 4 Sar’ Addieman has personally con- ducted the work. The oid bridge which was 3 poor affair to say the least w Wan Gestroyed by the late cod and t Mr Addleman wisely decided tv. make : new structive 20 substantial as to withstand fotare deloges etc. The Las : So ieAnen or the new bridge is 32 x % : foe is laid u is So W .-D. Coulter was at last PeCOR- gerincers A ia a Rized by his party and is the Republi- ‘Liaved on cither side which will be can candidate for sheriff. The nomina- greatly appreciated by residents of the tion was made unanimous amid cheers goon side as but formerly one walk wan built and pedestrians were obliged The convention then proceeded to to cross to Zein access to the other side. select c¢rindidates for assembly, and. Over 7000 feet of plank will be used in Stizeman wa’ nominased on the first. VIRST RALIT SFEEYINT BALLA th THIRD BALLOT - yiler Previn, ee a © wa ks Mr. Addleman has ™ been appointed street commissioner ald the able and thoroughly satis fac- tory manner in which he has planned _ and supervised borou gh improvements is proof of knowledge of such from affaira. - He was street commis- siotier at Corwensville, his former : home, for a period of over three years A rifle team hes been organized in leq supervisor for a number of years, Patton with a membership of over the rehy gaining experience which on- twenty. The team has secured shins him to understand and surmount grounds east of town where they have diffi ulties which another, less exper- erected barracks and\made the other jenced would be at a considerable dis- NeCesSsary improvements a first- sdvantage to overcome. 10 hive some’ interesting matches there the summer. Wm. Baum, the r manager of A. M. Thomas’ ort Magee avenue, has ordered a No. 2 Remington rifle for Dr. 8. W. Worrell and Reuse! Somervide and a Z5-calibre New Ideal rifle, No. 9 for LL. J. M. Robinson. Several of the bers are now supplied with while others are contemplating ing them When the membx get in practice no do sent to out-of-town teams tality will be mad dag mateh., : For poor house director Geo. Woods, W. (. Bland, and James Moore we proposed. Mr. Moore was chosen. W. D. Miller; of Dale was nominated . Dale and Samuel E daoomen as delegates Jesce ¥ were Patton. Je " NS his Rifle Team Organized. ; for New Schedule an the €. 8&8 © Ny The following notice concerning train movements on the Cambria & Clear field division of the Pennsylvania rail- road took effect Tuesday, May 29th: The trains leaving Ebensbirg at 10: popula store, 25-calibre match - Cresson for Ebenshurg at m. wil be discortinoed. On Sani ext hat spond trip daily will leaving Brad. ley Janction at 10:40 a. m., and return: 32 Cherry Tree at 130 p.m at Om 1 bat 3 np leaving 12335 p. m., and n Campbell -at Stevens . 11 S. Bell and Rigs e Mer: i ETON be made, i wd ire Jeay SOON. B : aR present. ne tr Wn ubt challengws will be round Ra Bn Strack Ly L Shining. On Friday afternoon lightning struck the barn of Joseph Hogue in Allegheny and : It was soon enveloped in to the ground, together wi comn- Tw> daughters of Mr. Hogue I were severely. burned while gettinga buggy out rom a shed by the burning , hay and Sraw falling upon them. Cambria. Freeman. Map township’ sf in cn fn Engineer flames and a very hand. t 3 very com- harmed ith its tents 3 Ct : nl and is a credit to 1 all its det tails werned. © A blue print of adorn the Cot LRIER office in the fut ire. Try Dr. building it wit near Wendie © dentist in Good Asheroft's millinery store. -24tf MeL rinduates of the Dime Novel forbes Lost | hasiness man inguniries here when - and at the time of the disappearance of { thanksgiving that he was restored of 3. W. Davis, of Ebens. to his parents apparently none the Kirsh, J. Yeagien and 8 2 Dvv Run on Fifth avenue is a model of the new structure’ exclusive of the quite recently “Qren. ‘ds. they march He oC tween Lore IANERS ALLINGE MEET In Patton With a Large Num- ~~ berin Attendance. A VERY ABLE ADDRESS frase wy J.T Adteess och Appreciuted - The Largest Mevling Held. : The second meeting of the delegates Mf the Cambria County Farmer's. Al The delegates were called to order by Presicient Ira Bloom at 1 o'clock p m0 The delegates representing the dif rent hranches were as follows: Buckham, No 8D. P. Wright Aibert Allenbaszh and Valentine Cramer. : Cambria, No. 58. F. A. Deversax, J. C. Parren wh W. Haghe - Banner, No. ~Michael Noon, Adam Shettig, — ‘Strittmatter and John Phalen Pringle Hill, No. B3-W. WwW. Panl Empire; No. 64 -Wmn Baver Jos Boley an d Frank Hartzog Keystone, No. 85 Jacob Burk. Portage. No. 88 John Ital] Champion, No. 87 Andrew White, Enterprise, No. 8--T. L Parrish, Henry Myers and Ambrose Sanker. Munster, No. M--J. A. Parrish, Wm. Beiter and Andrew Cain. St. Aagastine, No. 71 hind J. A. MeCanse. ‘Cros: Roads, No. 72-James West. ek, E. W. Bawley and John Hawn. Concord No. 73—J. F. Thomas, Wm. Jos A. Raker, I. Gooderham, J. H. Hoover and Hom, J. J. Thomas. ; Barr, No. 74--A. 'B Kirsh, Joa Lich, KS Kmsh JJ Reddinger.. Jobn EB. . P. Kirsh, Susquehanna, No. 75 John A. Dillon nd Chas, Miller. Plack Lick, No: 85-J. L. Edwards, *. E. Hartman, Wan. Patrick and Sam- hed Ceorge. Pine, No. 3-4. J. Farbangh and oki Maly hill After the organizing of the conven. ion Bargess W: J. Donnelly made a ery meat and appropriate speech, jrelcoming the delegates to Patton, pnd tendering his hospitality. J. T. Ailman, of Thompsontown, Pa., Lecturer of Pennsylvania State [irange, was present on Monday even. {ng and gave a very interesting lectare Pazurer's 's Organizations. Hon. J. J. Thomas, who had spared ; © pains in making arrangements for occasion, was present at the full ion and gave some very interesting instructing talk throughout neeting. ; : The convention closed with a vote of ks to Burgess Donnelly and citi. ns of Patton for the inden and any courtssies extended them during heir stay in Patton, also to J. T. Al than for his very interesting lectube, and also a vote of thanks was tendered th H. M. Gooderham for his services as 3 niember af the committee of arranges .thenta in providing for the comfh srt of he members of the convention, > Confirmation Pes Sunday afternoon a large nmaber Tom Putton attended«he confirmation prvices at Carrolltown. Bishop 'helan, of the Pittsburg dioceses ad hinistered the sacrament of confirma fon to one hundred and seventy chil- The cermony was beautiful and impressive and the large church ‘was jomfortably filled. the neighboring towns being well represented by those Fho bad come to witness the ceremony. The children made 2 beautiful picture ed into. the church all fobed in while wearing white Yetis and wreaths, : Bn Meat and Batter stab Petty thieving still cootinges in Northern Cambria county, This time a lhrge quantity of meat was stolen from itt Metrongh : ives be Spring, one) Also onl the same day butter were taken Pom the spring house of Henry Shank yho im the same neighborhood, The farmers of Northern Cambria have Heen rested bx thieves some time i tto and 3 ay last week ver three rolls. of fives for hast, For lo to Jam'l Boye BE i, 3c go
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