a VoL, 1—NO. 1s. PATTON, CAMBRIA ( Co. PA, T HURSDAY, ‘MARCH 1 fs 1894 Ae Se $1.00 PER YEAR. ALL ROADS OF NORTHERN CAMBRIA LEAD TO PATTON. T.F. MELLON & CO, NEAR LINGLE MINE, ee GENERAL MERCHANDISE, MINE and MINERS SUPPLIES. . Our specialties are : FINE £ a GROCERIES, WHITE FAWN FLOUR DUPONT POW DER, DRILLS, PICKS, HANDLES, MINE AUGURS, OIL and "POWDER, $1.50 per keg. CANS, and MIN EB RS’ OIL. Our stock of ~ SHOES Rubber Good Call and see them. We are selling a good Roller Flour For $1.00 a Sack. : TRY IT. ; The 3 Commercial ; 5. M. . WILSON, Prop. | A Moder Hotel. Tisuly fou Sleeping rooms, AH new furniture, ie Heated with steam through- out, ‘Hot and cold water on every floor. Cooking and dining ‘depart- ment in Skillful hands. MAG GEEAVE.; NEARER. STATION. PATTON, PEXN'A. F.&B. DEALERS IN— FU RNITURE NDERT AKING. We have on Kies a complete stock of furniture in all ‘its Branches Carpets, Window Shades, - Matresses and gH aires Parlor Suits | ‘Bed Room Suits ane . Prices to she TIMES. You can | SRUE 20 PER CENT on very Dallars worth you bay rom, Town. Special attention given to UNDERTAKING : and - FISHER & BUCK, Patton, Pa tent, never reached completion. May 31, 1803, a receiver was appointed "completed and 88 iif MICKA Dramatist E: Expires Aboard | a Train DETH IF ST The SEEKING FOR HEALTH. He Pevigned the Creat Spectatorieon Which 3 Proved a Grand Failare, Steele Mackaye died Monday morn- 1g wr Tomy 0), a small station - line, aboard a Santa Fo tran on be way tn San Fran- It can ‘truly Wm that he was a gen- * Stcke Mackaye was one of te most men of his period. : ins, and that he was not really what - the world calls a great man was simply owing to the fact that he was entirely too haman. He throbbed 20 violently . with natural impuisess that be was on- able to control himself, and as a result his life was one long series of grand ideas, masterful plans, brilliant schemes, ‘inspired work, from all of which others achieved sucess. In July, 1891, Mackaye went to Lon- don to secure the publication of book there. While in the British metropolis he thought of or happened across the grand idea which proved his _ ultimate downfall, and abandoning his book—which remains anpubiished he rushed back to this conntry and inject- ing capitalists with his enthusiasm be- gan the building 5f the Speetatorium. The large opera houde and theatre he attempted to erect just outside of the World's Fair grounds at Chicago. This gigantic playhouse, 400x600 feet in ex- On for the Columbian Celebration COm- pany, and his big amusement enter prise went to smash. Bonds to the amout of $800,000 had been issued, and $500,000 of them had been sold. There had been expended already £500,000 on the enterprise, it is anid. and the com- plainant averred that it would take $270,000 to finish it. The company ‘owed $316,000, and had tangible sasets to the amount of $50,000. Mackaye ai- leged that the company owed him $55, - 000, and that it conldn’t pay its debts. In October the large unfurnished build- ing was sold for old iron for $2,500 and demolished. Upon the failure of this project he started another, the estab- lishment of a Scenatorium, which was opened about three weeks ago. This was also a failure, Mackaye for the first time in his life. They broke bis spirit and without that he could not live. DR. Mr. Jno. Helfrich died at St. Boni- face Saturday, Februa.y 24, ag. d about 78 years. The deceased was born in { Germany ana emigrated to America in the year of 1550 and setticd in, which was then known as Chest, but now Elder township, and being one of the pioneers of that part of the country, . he cleared a farm. In after years, be- ing too old to attend to the many duties at the farm, he removed to the village of St. Boniface where he died as above stated. Funeral services were con- ducted by Rey. Father Max. The re- mains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery, Monday, February 28. 1894 He leaves a wife and daughter to mourn his death. The daughter is the wife of Anthopy Raver, of Barr town- ship, and the mother of six children. . Scariet Fever Increas-w. Notwithstanding the many precaa- tions that have been taken by the board (of health and physicians the dreaded ' disease scarlet fever seems to be on the | increase. Quite a number of the phy- sicians were visited to-day and all seem to think that the disease is not abating. Ome had six new week, and several of them are very. ‘serious. ~ Another one states he has two new ones, and still another one says he has several casas that are not fully developed. As it is, the best of physician says he has : care should be taken, as this disease in the malignant form is very deadly. These cases appear in different parts of { the eity, several being on the South | Side.-~Johnstown Herald. : Loe) Market Report. For the special beaefit of the farmers | {in the vicinity of Fatton the CovriEr - the following local market | Nport, + revised each week: Butter... 5 ov nts per pound. dozen. Ollie ssi TaN RA FO per head. .. 914 to $15 per ton. - Commercial Agency, - Wednesday cases within the past: bushel | { weacwanT's proTecTIvE ASSOCHTION CA Loest Branch Formed st Patten and - Ofecrs Fle cted Monday Fyruming. : Monday ~vening a meeting of the merchants and business men of Pation was held at the Commewcial for the purpose of organizing a branch Pro- tective Associstion. Mr. Phiio Patter- of the Retail of Chicago, has “been in town the past three weeks for the purpose of interesting the mer- chants of Patton in organizing a local branch aid was present Monday even- ing to explain the workings and ad- vantages of membership in the agency. The local branch was organized by “electing the following officers: H. E Barton, president; D. C. Dale, vice- president; 1). A. Buck, secretary; Harry Buck, treasorer; executive board, T. F. Mellon, A. T. Little and John A. Reilly. The constitution and by-laws, as adopted by other branch organiza- son, tion throughout the country, were read. and adopted by the Patton branch. Lo 8. Bell, formerly of a member of the agency at DuBois, was present and stated his experience with the organi- zation and how the agency had been snccessfully managed at that place. ‘The system in ume by this agency has for its purpose the protection of mer- chants. . This agency uses no dishonor: able means to foree eoilections or settlements, but the merchants propose to exercise their legal right to refuse credit to persens who gain the repu- tation of not treating a member of the agency honorubly. Many a poor, worthy man has been refused credit for the necessities of life because’of the merchant's unpleasant. experience with bad debtors. but this system will tend wo obviate all that, because the man who does respect his credit will be known and have a stand- ing among merchants, while the “dead beat’ and others of his kind Will also be known to agency and be absolutely refused credit; no matter if he moves to another town | _. EBENSRUAC CONVENTION. Cambria Republicans Meet at the County Seat WERE ENTHUSIASTIC. wew ansrvaus m PATTON. im fhe Good Bullding. - : : That the present general pression Observe Washington Birthday has in no wise dampened the ardor for estover. merchants Patton ass at W lecrative field in which to npn ues glen yn. re FLAG PRESENTATION. by the exceedingly large number who Delegates to Sate Convention Named and revival of confidence and a general ax- have already Made Bt (Beir SOME | pet Mrererting. Heerolees. Mobil ult the’ nation, and which Sends to show a School House in the Afternoon. . ~~ The flag presentation at Westover on || pectation of a decided improvement in Thursday last, was participsted in by "early fotare. sll branches of business in the Wry many old veterans and sons of veter ae ; ons. The Sag was presented to the Last among the prominent enter- public school at that piace by the G. A. prises to establish in Patton is the R. Pot Nose0. The Cherrytree dram ated to him by the convention. : EC. Bownand 8 M. Wilson were delegates from Patton. Delegates were Austin Pa. Mr. Koller hae amocisted furnished the music on an of are aio closely connected with the firm | house until a quarter of an hour jater. of L. B. Cohn & Co., of Alcona, KBOWR | The sadience was called to order hy an the “Model Clothing Store.” This will personally conduct ite business wis filled with sound loge, patriotism ® here and expects to remain perma snd guod common sense. The COURIIR - neatly in Patton. He is » gontionsnn representative coald nit learn the name of indomitable perseverance, amd | of the spealrar who made the scoepta- of his accomplishment of pwrpase is high- tion speech, it being time for the de _ ly commendable and will make him a. ; partare of the train for Patton he ‘hed ; prominest figure: in Pation business to leave. We understand that our tke members of this | or state his reputation as poor pay will ; follow him, and the merchants in such be new place of residence will also refuse him credit. The agency does not interfere - with the credit of men who deal honestly, no t matter if they are slow; neither does it in any way regulate prices. object is to compel men to be honest with merchants or to pay spot cash for . goods purchase, THIEVES AGAIN They Attempt to Burglarise the Store of Mirkin sod Kassner, Bat Fall Thieves attempted to burglarize the store of Mirkin & Kasner the clothiers, morning at about 3:39 ‘o'cluck by breaking in one of the glam show windows. Mirkin and Kusner were sleeping in’ the store and were awakened by a loud crash of glass. They at once ’‘nvestigated and found the glass next to the main entrance broken and scattered in every direc- tion, but the marauders made quick ‘their escape. The proprietors returned | to their bed and kept on the wateh for about ten minutes when they heard the party arrive again and attempt io gain an entrance. He succeeded in getting inside when Mr. Kasner, grab- bing his revolver from ander his pil- low, started after him. Just as the fellow made his exit. Mr. Kusner fired, but with no avail. All that was mis sing was a shirt, which no doubt was taken when the giass was first broken as they were hanging in the show window. Mirkin & Knsner can com- sider themselves very fortunate in not loosing more than they did under the circumstances, and Mr. Kusoer de- serves much credit for his brave at- (tempt io Nighten the guilty person AWAY. Returned to Altouns, the proprietors of the New York cloth- ing store, was in town Friday looking after his business interests in this place. During Mr. Salmond’s visit bere the goody of his store were packed and shipped back to Altoona and the store at this place will be closed. The es tablishment opened last fall and Mr. Wm. Storm was Was early placed in charge. young man who made many friemds here and all will regret that he will not in the future be a resident of the town. The business relations of the CoURIER with the New York Clothing store were always pleasant and agresable. That's What They Are. The Patton COURIER reached the Longman le sic dobthorind : We intend to lead and a others { and worthy of pasrSEage. —Karthaus | | Times. Its sole’ in Patton Mr. Storm was a sd on record their solemn | in the chape of 87 000 maj Clalasha A. Crow. Eo For the New School Bullding. - Mr. A. J. Dill, of Pittwburg, repre sentative of the Smead- Mills company, was in town the latter part of last week and met the school directors for the purpose of introdacing and explain- ing the heating and ventilating system ( for public buildings manufactured by that company. Plans were submitted for placing the same in the new school building that it is proposed to erect here during the coming sammer, and board of directors The systein is probably the best that bas yet been and thereby expensive plumbing is not necessary. The system is in soccesaful use in school buildings in ‘many towns of Pennsylvania, among which may be named Kittanning Pwnxsutawrney and DuBois, where it has proven very satis- factory. : : : Hastings and Reaver. General Hastings and Ex-Governor: Beaver passed through town Thursday and a COURIER representative had the pleasure of meeting them. Neither would talk om politics although the subject was introduced several times (leneral Hastings is the only man the Republicans now speak of as a candi-' date for governor and his nomination | at the state convention will probably At the Repulican’ convention held at Ehensburg Monday Jaa. ‘IL. Salmond, of Altoona, one of be made gnanimous be was unanimously endorsed, which shows that he is popular in Cambria as well as elsewhere in the State. List of Unclaimed Letters. The following letters remain in the postoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Saturday, February M, 1804: Mike Evans 12) Mark Krise. Mise’ Katie Kintzman George Lupton, Sam- ‘vel Lovd, Lawrence McGowman, Jmo. H. Roland L. L. Sheafer; Job Stephens, “W. ‘W. Spencer, Harvey Weinstein, John Schrina. will please say they are advertised E A Mxuox, PX From Pails Creek Hera. Men who have business of their own to attend to should not waste valuahie ' follcw in styles and prices. Yims Respect, Keller & Co. townsman Dr. Noonsn was booked tio igo gentlemen have been forto- make an address. but on secount of the - nate in securing the services of Mr. U. time taken up by the two speskers sb 8. Stolts, formerly of Carrolltown, Bet resdy mentioned. it was impusibis fw ate of Altoona. Mr. Stolts is well him to do so, as be had to leave ait the "business for the opening. which will take place . erson, Mrs Persons calling for the above letters » known in this vielnity and is a young man of exemplary habits, and excellent the last of this week, will be most complete. and we wish them abaadant ‘ saccess in their new enterprise. : | Marvied st Bellefonte C. Hubbard, the well-known jov- a who is employed om the Good building at this place was nmr ried 10 3 Miss Sadie J. Moore, of Flem- mington, on Thursday, February 22 at one o'clock P. M. Miss Moore is the: estimable duaghter of Mr. end Mrs, W. C. Moore, of Flemmiagton., The overe- mony was performed at Bellefonte by Rev. W. A. Houch, a Methodist min- ister of that place Mr. Habbard has a out going train. The Patton Brilding and Loan met First National bank. Owing to the dull times, only a few shares were sokl, the premium paid, howewer, was very satisfactory. This buildiag asd loan is on excellent footing, and no doult will, when times get better, grow with the town. The COURIER haw agai and again say that by wo dang 6 Ben : will soon be a eity of homes. Risthe only way in which a pour mpn _— a racer to Mig Se large circle of friends in Patton wha, - with the COURIER, join in wishing he and his life partner a happy and pros- perous journey together. A Happy Sleigh Ride. _ Om Tnesday aftersoon two sicighing parties composed entirely of ladies took advantage of the excellent aleigh- img and drove fam this place to Hast ings. The names of the participants are Mrs Curfman, Mrs. Wilson, Misses Mary Wilsen, Daisy Wilson, Katie Wilson. Mm Addleman. Virgie Dale, Mrs. Greene. Misses Della Addiemnn, Effie Ad- dleman, Grace Jackson, Maggie ‘Ashosoft, Sannie Dale, Mollie Meiion, plain | Fmgie. Merry Bell : The fail of sow Monday morning i wa= not very deep but with - lent - foundation it had Fannie Mellon, Emma Tippery, Bert Patton to Spangler and had a mos ‘Morgan, Kate Young, -—— Kinkead. - Cleaning of Gold sad Miver Lace. Mix half a loaf of stale bread with a enjoyable time #1 that place. They = 5 BelPs Tafloring Estadifihniont. clothier, has secured the J. W. HE, of Colm crumbs with a piece of flannel and rub | “wriver, or otherwise will be : softly with a piece of red velvet. —Pebn/ 136 Sante: Diaked, Initial ' ruary Ladies’ Home Journal. The el - from oll the - counties of the state gives Grow a total “What shall we ‘Markley got 2457, Morrow, $386, ‘and | Weare bere ay. Valin Lotier, 3845. | reply. : :
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