a We Ps 3 rd a death of Heurietts Jeczeor, who was sal Prrranens, Bob. The Mansell | A LITTLE SPREE ON WASHING. rioters were peptenesd bY Tadge s8o8| CONVENTION RESCLUTIORS TON'S BIRTHDAY. at the morning esesio, of erimicel coart. ACOPTED AT. ST. Lous | M¥a Conra. Jacob Bristeh, Harry Fre | in. John Peck, Andrew Beneb, Jobo | THE SENATE NUCH MORE DIGNIFIED. on Frank Miachs. Costilio Novo, | Carin, Boma Ambrioces, Ardy Fiscolo, | Washington's Pateweil Address Read 10 (joorge Patronick, Mangimo Joam:, Petro I ey the Few Senntors Present Babich, Lone Resms Fog é Chieve, | . t Feb 23 — Toe ssticoul ex Wasiarox, Feb. 22 Toe booee oele {Ravi Marcelian, George W. Esenlich, ie ot 0 ste Popaiiet party brated Wastingtor’s birthday by three © =u puter Nosk. Charlies Bal iad tray: Rawigtivse were hours of the most dworderly proceedinge chek. Poter Wervonits, Juline Postier,’ assed sqiling on the —d 19- of the present session. There was pobit aroun Ratt, Felix Sisroe, Charles Kpi- | resentative in cor grees to vole against Yeti ani the ei pre ead ek. Charles Uhl, Angst Stomold and yp, Wiles bull unless it ie amended so ae been equsiled inyea:s. Itbecsme somarked | | Adam Lraab. ! and gai'ty of not asd an 4, 5. ovide for sufficient revenue to defray a8 one point that the spesker Pro Tem. | sufi} assembly, wars annh santencad to the legitimate expenses of the govers Doel “the workhe nse to terms ranping from tWo 0 by #n 1500Mme tex. The iceuanos of Docker), Sutousses tha) ie srw od month to one Jeet interest bearing bonds to meet such de- : © Chg Fibians and Jc sho Schultz. eon- | Bei y vas 4 3. Ao: address garden. At the begioning Comming, | victed of not, asi awful assembly and dey pabise arraigne the two great parties, [SSURRCE OF BOSS 1S. TREASON. @Grow's Wrlor''y is vo large 1 Kequires * (Dem. N. Y) risiog to the question of | stration of property, were sent to the 4.00700 the issue of bonds in time of highest privilege, depourced with mach | penitentiary for ope year and thres| peace as an set of treason snd sails on sii feeling his arrest on the fioor cf the bous | m nthe. to sdbers to the Omabs plstform in favor - previous to the meeting se subndled ty | Jotine Plantier. guity of riot, anlawful! gen acinage of gold sod silver st » renoy, and protesting agaist a farcisi | ascambly, destraction of property snd de | yi o£ 16 10 1, and the issnsnce of sten- session on Washington's birtbdsy. He! , ine property, was sent to 3. 3 money esalgsively hy government Javed to jours, aug pibey sétbere: the penitevtiary for two years end #X ihant the mtervention of backers .y - £5 ‘and Johmeon, (Rep, Tod) who were' |. oc prisoners ware bronght from Pestberweight Wrestlers. srreeted, “denounced their arrests as jul 10 RADKS RIN Ip ara} 19 rows 1n front "PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 23 —Beusy J ohes anjustifiable and wnanthorizad. The fof the beueh No ons was silo ywed in the the clever featherweight wrestler, came to reading of the warrant isssed to the |, hop the attorp- town yesterdsy, sod it wasn't long before sergeant-at-srms by tbe spesker. ouder { in the prossen- be bad on a boat with Duff Diggios, which the arrests had been made, dis- to b. tad the jiry whib tried ibe Je tbe champior testberweight of Eoglend.' elosed the fact that itcontained po pames, fer-iaate and the ir connes! who is at present. masking this city fue whereupon. the Democrats succeeded 1» | Joby Evins, the court a ii was ope of home, tc wrestie osteh ss cstch-can for - {forcing an adjoursment until to-morrow, toe riggleadere, snd was sent to the peni- the championship, best two in three {alle leaving the cases of the arrested withont |. fr tus yours They sre to weigh 1i8 pooods at 3 culty, went o'clock, afternoon of March 12 The . Po the Senate, | Batpfolt Juv), hich ws for $35 ia 1 n = SY 8 sige, 8 io t> the workhouse for obe month. Paut| contest, whieh is lof . Wasamoerox, Feb 22 — [bere wae po! ‘Makai went to fhe penitentiary for ove take place st the American Atbietie business transected in the ‘semate to day H- ds Ob! Ek a hav, want to the Ci ub, Arch ard Namib Prof. Jobin M. Clark 18 beyond passing the house bill to extend | worktime fe te Vensel the time ‘or building the street railroad | hy. 95 wy he Ye Sore went fo the | holder. E80, of the je BOG on the military reservation of Fort Riley, | Jobo Toose Diggins bas been posing ue an RBH works oe eleven min Kaur; A discoesion NI Harts ar alo] bis store: book, ” which showed but always emiled when seked if be over . Roar Rep. Mass over an arbels in r $ He bad a good time. he was in Steen’s store Sasa 25th. He wrestled for essl. ¥ New York Times relativg to the estab. Fass pent tothe work ho for two month s m Pitistiorg lest jear lp n Florida of tbe Hondates Lok | Eugene Chiene, 8 Prone ~tmap, who was Trom the amatears Not ope of the Sery, ae of the Rexitensn Lottery. {1p this country on'y 9% duys before the’ Smeky City boys cout 1d do apything with - Then ays session WoO ap with! > iriote, was sent fo the workbhousa for o's facaw . : ; iri & Waeki AOE lnavell 4) (thre monthe Col. yD Moore ” * me Teron = he Blu’ few senators Were present sud at the close | {tempted to interpret, hat Sune ts the Yes PRAYER, Feb. 23 ~ Sao y of 2 of the reading the cenate adjourped antl. clnsion the Frauehman duds ttalx Fre Eh property on ¢! Third street, 100% Monday. at least : zot be kind piece, have Geericied to ref ase To pay 166 bare of 840 (00, the Jett crexte A by the paviog of the street 3 my: mt he «rv. japte, en, und parties 10°» whn pleaded g witha nthe nme. Students Under » Grave Charge CROWS Wa IOR™Y ®0.339. Itmaca, N. Y., Feb. 22 — a have (=taigsl an (ficial Returas Row mn from Kearhy alt of Ihe Counties. ; Feb Official m= county io the State ex The inqaest on sttorney. They Lave teen sd vised thot! av ander whioh the ordipapes comps wy them to pave was passed wa i Tha 3 2 - PHILADELPEIA, tarps. from ever) 4 LY pg Sn | a * leomt Freshmen's bacqnet Tuesday, was begnn cept Aliexhery. Armstrong, Erie. Fayette, } ant Cw miesneoe Toe Sens oe i Washington su { Weatmataloud, and with ¥* 1 be of BO a reported that they LI8TE ~ ILTCLTIng severh . death ch Ly the inbalation of the lafect ectimutes: fom thes untied tations! law poisonous gas owing to a congested eon : ; dition of the lasgs. On the jog contain- | ing the deadly stuff was wntten ‘No. 6, Cook etreet, which is a student boarding hous:. The coroner summoned the sta- jority us gites in the sbove dispated, dents residing there, bat two, C.0. Din- | The foi.owicg 1s the vole by counties: gous, a sophomore, of Baffalo, sod F.. cp ye Rep bm ‘Taylor, a freshman of Plamfield, N. J., Adams nA 3 who roomed together, fsiled to appear. Te “Yo This decided the coroner to sdjraro the a 2.6400 . inquest until next Thareday in order to forks find the abeent students. Friends of Braagra Taylor claim be is still in Utisa snd esn Bucka... prove an alin, Cambria : Cameron AR ATTEMPT AT AT ARSON. Yistativnens of an Magrieed Meir. —Arrested at foeated by chiorice was st the Cornell snd nnenustifations Pe LRA Pi) LAr) be pei ¥a BAT chow & plarsity of JRO 329 for Grow for : oo Wrecked His Own Stere Rearixa, Pa, Feb, 23 -— Last magat explosion partly wreeked the store wit dweil'ng of Philip B. Baatsch., Haateeh was . rrestad this afternoon charged with sansiog the mischrf. Him stock was "ruined. : | eopx NEREMAT at iarge The table fiven below 18 only sem: ¢fizigl ~ud does wot show as larga a ma- A aro wi SPORTING (TERS. Fuaver : Written and Scissored by the “gomier's Ex-tmpebhall Creask The foal game io the State poo d tode 1a Dement was played in Philadeiphia lxs! 3 ' night between Jerome Keogh sod Frauk Sherman Theormer wos eas iy. Kergh's victory gives bim of the State, tha Prarswick trophy and | '§ret mony. Shermen finishes serond, | Dougherty th rd. Wilson fourth and Tate *. fifth. #2 «pamon” Davies still bopes that one of i © the Loudon clabs will bul high enough to | seeare the Corbett-Jackeon fight The! | “Parson” hopes for mare fair piay for PC ATDOR Centre Chester Clariom 3 “lemrfic 5 | Clintgn 'Lawissvna, Pa, ood 22 -By » timely | Cofn crumbs : discovery a great explosion and fire was |. emer averted last night. Smoke was seen issu- ir ing 110m the basemaent of a business block | Fix belonging to the estate of the late Chae. 3irciic” 8. Wolte. Nailed against the joints a | Sebring : - the cular was found a large box which Falun irene snd thao be proved to be sb infernal machise contsin i; . viv dusky somputen is Soe ig ve bottle powder, saturated ine 3 a aid : ¢ terms dag s tory Ly Est! sett. n ph ay = . which the fight is confload in the Catted | evening Wolfe's elder brother oo rie ne wanna : States. ’ Lantsster to have been defrauded when the es ate’ fia wiciee . : Arracgements ave been perfected tor was settled, and who had threatened to Leuigh.. waa series of ball fights st’ Han Antonio, kill the executor and attorney of the es: Ly coming B= SR en Posigse Tow, i 7 ' 5 x an fate, wes seen entering the cellér with a Ein ETICAT a was Td box. He was arrested sd st Miltcn infin | participate, pas secured trained axd brouzbt bers and jailed. from the land of the Wostuzman, Daly a Sevres oo a Erie Double Trackin Burrare, N. Y., Feb. 22. Articles of | |i” . The Erie will sooo bave ita doable agreement between Jim Daly and Bob | Fli lade phis. track completed between Mt Jewitt and > {Johusonbarg. Next week the ccustruc Potty ¥Yitzonmmons were signed by the former | ; 4 Soy = 2 tion of seven miles of the road between | Me. Jewitt and Hatchice will be begun | y Jim ik, ¥ ee : AL Blom ry. Montour Northamb'ri'd TC Nariharapton — : = a » :t this afternoon and retarned to Fitzuim- | 20000 gaoos. Daly waots the ght to come off Sulftean. the first week in March. He will Prob Tuma eh a I fen pounds lighter than vena —————————— 3 Whine mn | Wektmort' nd | Wyom' ng York An Accomplice of Anarchist Ravachol. Loxpox, Feb. 22.—A Freoctman pamed Gallien was arrsigned to day for Third Fire tn Une Your, . burglary committed in France Daring go prix Pa. Feb. 22.—The Eth the examination be was identifed as an lift of Cristz] Ridge colliery was discov. anarchist who was associated with Rava- | ‘ered afire this morning. This is the third ehol. He was remanded for farther ex- | fire within 8 year and each time it was | amination. i | necessary to re. timber the slope through- ' _ Officers Shot a Supposed Barglar. | out ot great cost. The origin of the fire gcaaxrox, Pa., Feb 22 —Wolt Barper, |. 8 mystery. a supposed barglar, was shot and prob- | . Suicide of a Bookkeeper. : To watch her needle iv. ably fatally wounded while resisting sr New Yomk, Feb. 22.—Charies M fbi sae frettc acid rest this morning. He bad previouely | Qohliog, formerly bookkeeper for the: That take upall my time. fired st the officere. : well known firm of Ladioburg, Thal! Jennie and Katie—won't they \ 'mapn & Co., Wall street, snicided this : To soe themes ves iD hy The * Just t Like White Folks "OaxTON, Pa, Feb. 22 — Bert. Peterson, moraine in Central park with & reyolver. a young colored berber, in a fit of jeal-! Five Killed na MIL. ously this morning shot Hazel Craig, a = Comrrs, La., Feb 22--Five men eolored girl, and then cc romitted - suicide | | wore killed and several injured by a boil- by ehooting himself ia the right temple. or explosion in Freeman & Hayne's oil The girl will. probably recover. mill last tight. The bailding was ed oon stroyed. : in Ife 1 this aper vou shod Take our adview and be 0 omits. Exprese. Grandma's Four Year-Old Heard From. rm my grandma’s Lite girl : 1am very fond of he, ¥ always thought $n mach of {1 - fan't ell the remson why, My grandmas ploces pew h-wark { always sit pear by Her tn my little rocking chair tic aun © To school she sometimes goes, Bat now the snow is most too deep Jack Frost mignt bi Litiie Lady Fast Hickory, Pa Advertise, i av 3 EW re te her tows. {oeket amd HELL thine hourof » re ns n Reading Colliery. ASHLAND, Pe., Feb. 22 —The Readiog | { Ooal and Iron compeny’s plant at Kev stone colliery was ¥n=--7 '" Loss 260,000. Ove Buodred thrown out of employmen’, Powder ain Explosion Berens TY Lage Fob es "ns (deed xt heir res sltewis - temporary sigke ining medals SERIF, Cport mada by the champwtship | | by the contractors, J. C. Allison & Bre. | of New York. Three hundred men and 8 py, having received positive assnrances % | large number cf teams will be employed | from the senate sub-committee thut they on the work, sod it will be. pushed to would get 4) cents a ton daty, and pos- 1} completion rapidly. The doubls track ably 5) cente, 0a co on coal. { beyoed Hutehine was completed ss far {as Johpeonbarg some time azo. — Buffalo | : sn Por w TOOT TULEY 1® tomearnte * Fai of Tonos ome Quarts | timed. parexwarviLie Pa, Pe 33 Small Pox haw de veloges 10 5 War's ponse a! the Toby mines shove thie place abd the | | result is the family, conamting of len pet | Bone, are penned in to Sepretiue of tie | State Hari fF hexith ‘Nasd, © Reyooldsvile, s'iended io aia the goersciDe. Tone cuss wil he car faily gawrded and ine disease sonfised if possitio, to is ong HIRED OF SHENG &N3 FOL DE-BOL Dns Bosgred anf Siviesm Democratic War: 3 Topmge in the Eval Waser ¥ Fete 23 - snd #xts | Rmreraty Leva io a form ~anens to * aonerder the propriety chsngiog the rales of the be wives with ref erence to the course that shoald be par- sued by the honse whe members fae to vote” The rancus wil te held afte: the [ind ssagriorage bili bas besy die posed of, Berber: I Two Killrdt for $48. Mo xrierr, KX. Fer. B—Jwnh Mo 85, and Mrs h aged tha farmer’. Bie beeper, were this morning foocd tenca gt Bashville, bis: ford Hn nnkpown persons The nefriment med a oOIIER terri He 4 farper sped Ha mond, ing been mur was barn bev mntilisted » Jie wera known cause foe the sri 5 rehtumry WX {wire baviig a foe dave gga drawn his - i 1urteriy 8245 pansion of Dissolution of Bosiness Houges, NEw Yorg. Feb 231 The dssclation of the Srou oo? EL J cur & Le, aad today, as was kiso the Toint Mati: Euroa ¥ jation of low Uh qae Ganr, Ww Dole 81 BunLoe] TBR hank saed by the Drm aceite on br elora Des #y pressantat: Matiteus & Co, 215 = wii he e patil AE J street, Phiulsdelpbia. YMore Than as Century OHA New Yor, Fer. 3 Mr, Lave died on Toedday fast in tha bh y dine Jeo WAH aftreat at he Nant? a £0 ¢ -3 1 rar gra: ge & og Nn 3 Pax Eas L ¥ Ament nani OOS Sneed RY her wight ey the x . . wo 4 . Peiveraat Treely ne asehond ydasiesd Yt wll bao pele thong $£X( 2 Bethlehem fron Mills besemirg ‘Brraiksew, Ps. Fob 93. Fires inghted 10 the Betblelem companys steel mil. | Tze mil ulie for a me tires, sod work wil te on doable shift 1 sli departments sment fo 1.0 to- Gla at XviD empl LABGE, Returred F « vim Seotiand BrocEWATVILLE, Pa, Feb 223, 1994 D. Roberts, saperiotendent of the Northweatern Mming and Exchangw company bas returped from his vant to | greatly improved in heaith. - Yan Dusen Adiudged Not Guilty. PrizapeLruia, Feb 23 — The jury io the cxse of Mathew Van Duser, lormerly bookkeeper for the Conschdstion bask, charged with uidiog paying Teller Theo dore F. Baker in the embezslomeut of $47.000 from the ipstiluticn, thie after Boon rendered a vardiet io pot guuty: a sma ae Teler Plersel Sequitted Also. Faraprrrnia, Feb 2B -Wo Pierac! iy iste reel ving tailer of the C H sofidstion bask, who was sisi chery with ViaDasen in siding and abetig Baker in eminzziiog the bank's motes was acinitted this eveniog. Board of Charities Appointment Hiramerra, Peb 33 — Governor Put- tison to day appointed Bev. James All son, of Pittsburg, a member of the boerd of charities vice James B. Scott de- cease Heard the News from Penteyivesls. W asmixaros, Feb. 23 Coal men sre bap- Anarchist at Eanthier Sentevind. Pans, Feb. 33. —Lauthier, the anarch- {ist who stabbed and sericusly wounded | M. Georgeviteh, sppeisl envoy of Serna to France in November last. was to-day sentenced to ite imprisonment. Rissa Will Not Call His Bil Ta. WasEivaros, Feb. 23. —Bland demes : that be has an intention of withdrawing | Price, negr Kufveh Revolvers 4 McDonaco, Pu, Pes Bh Samtivns THE BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT 5 occurred hare Seturdey morming sLowLy WINNING. | rousa wings. ExGASE nA RIOT. | at Cuda Te Affray. bribig text tx United Pres wJasrin, Feb. 6 —The insurgent | +mwer Bepublivs, with Admired Mello swind, wes oF the bar yesterday. Sbe wiohanged sh de with: he groveroment’s | sta. At 3 o'slock this morning the in. sirgent warship. Acs iidiban seiled snd the government searthlight revealed ber | efrts, ster abont 2 miles froma the forts anid 8° bot fre was opened from x! gons ca the | share, The Aquiditun returned the fire wiskly std was asserted by Tort Ville gugion. The wmshtip wee strack by mary shells bat spparectiy wes Dot ser ionsiy damaged After passing through the narrows she shelied the military | shoo! 1 the peck of the peoiveunla oppo | ste fort rw ta Cree Severs] shells fell ii toe atv, bot $id po potable damage. | Toe PH Hows stated two insurgent | Temas were gotng to Babs to stack tbe qoversment flent thers, Admirdd Ds | jams, with 3 men w= folding the bay 5d five andes sgainat 10,000 of the gov rot forces. Of sere of the Uuited States raiser Detmit report that the government | ¢ wenthe Srvand slowly in the southern | TOTINORF WUYS AND POLES i 4 MOT | mes Lge Kiros 328 Revoduers and Srsks Us Farms $ i tore Levine Por Jranben riot iust right, 3. Daring s ‘n wineh twegly- nw. Pa -{ vs Hangarian and Polish miners engs- 1 ! get. P tar Nossis was fatally stabbed 13 ! the shi-men Jobo Pakar had bis shall 1 crashed. John Nosh was sho: in the ashing der sod seversi mthers more or lees | garicosly ininrel. The Sght started in { Jon Tomesik's boarding boass snd the Pfarntare and interior of the ‘hones Were Chitersils deg ros ead, The enier of the aT BY SECA pad ta the moncta@ps. ci ng Nl th Awe ther Teinl for the Bridge Wassixaros. Fen 35 — Representuti vo! soury bus prepared 8 majority report of shine sommerss commities ob the ow Tork and New Jarsey bridge hill pert says the pending bill obviates ots Prasident Cleve , Sy. 3 Si tha former hil 8 sda by ¥ ATH ne the braige entanany t to Carty oy male guNerament troons row Fafors the committee makes It res and 1.:n that 8 oontiscgs #pas, or : sparing the who's Jnestion of : ar irEEreg snd impossible ws peta bans ¥ 3m BB Lrige, ps prsctic SA 3 sila £8 B FISHING FOR DUCKS. The President 3nd Secretar Greihaim on foe Mos Cargiiny Cone. WasHinoros, Fer. 35 — Presudest Clev-isvd left this allerseon mn the ght hanes tender, Violet, for a dock shooting trip along the North Carolina coset. He & . waz spooinpesied by Hecretary Gresbsm and Naval Secretary Evans, of the light Vielet satled In 8 vhinding tpow storm . Scotland coking mach better sod feelivy | - 4 | Sitka was izstastly Dropped a Wt trek of — Harrerox, Pa, Fete 3 — Michael killed std Hon James Collius, ex-mumber of the legisia- tare this distric?, was fatally injured by ab explosion ol” dy namite si Jeunerilie to-day. Sitka, who was employed by | Collins, was carrying 8fty pounds of dy ‘pamite when one stick fell with the shove .resuits. Aa Appendiciits Yiethm New York Feb 25 — Norms L. Mun | ro, the pablmiier, who underwent a se- | vere surgical operstion Friday for sppen- | { dante, © + | day Masro's 11 sesr oid son went under | { a sioamisr operstion, bat The latter's case was due to a coasting | wd Sanday morning. Last Sao 18 improving. scaadent. Crowded Train Riswn into the River 2 Lown:x, Feb. 25 -A Port Louis, Mauarn- tins, despatch reperts that a eyolooe | { swept the islande Friday doing greet damage to property snd killing and | juring many perscns. A crowded traia | was bios n down an embankment into the Coromandel river. Fifty persovs were killsd and many injared. ‘ Mother and Daughter Burned. Prrrsncea, Feb. 25 ~Lyda Heckert, aged $. was burned to desth this after coun ard her mother probably fatally barned. The child's clothing ignited fnwe an open grate. In attempting te rescue the daoghter the mother waa ter nbiy burned. | Murderer Caplared. STROUDSBURG, Pa., Feb. 25. Richard », who murdersd Chnstan the seigniorsge hill from the floor of the | Ebler and wife. Friday, at White Oak honee. Clinton's County's Official Vate. { rap, has beac captured ai a: Biswrsicwe, N. J. Ha refuges fo return wthoat extradi- Judges Mayer and Crawford met in the | tion papers. Mes. Euler dnd yestarday. | office of Prothozotary Lesher at high | nonn to day to open the election returms | from Ciinton county and declare the | isto Woolen mil Sol Woolen Milas Repaom ug i oamistows, Pa. Feb. 25. Tbe Nor =. closed sino last sicial vote. George A. Brown sod W. | 4 ogni we 1 resume to-morrow with 0)! 3. Clearwater, Esqs, acted as clerks 3 The! complete for Congresman-at- large: row, Bow following is the official voés of the | + county i Health of L congressman Wilson, Grapsrayes, Fon Wiison, Be : IR (nm owssmom an tren. The evi? &® ( Nemes was Dis “lines Tewolntions [Io 1348 William F. | presulent, earriad which destroyed trom $9,000 so SHIRIS | worth of property in Go business’ por | tion of tows. The fw originated is the postctBoe, and the supposition is thet ®t : wes from a sudden increase of the pees | sare of the nator] ges bering ip the wore. The high wind raging st the time . drove the flues np ths street ond strom | 0% the oppose Te of ls 207! Toartes Swall- ings ar 1 st. rem wer revoeed to aden. [ve etifsvetarved ost en nueses, bat | wivg without say orgabised messes of op hogy i ALS a aha: Fizaily by 1 Shon eit ee check 8 HK Cook, Join Sone; Thos. Shane, the’ Jaret Mane- facturing company, Tomes Hosy, snd | the MeDonuld building ad sd Loss smso- cistion were among the heaviest joss. The property destroyed ve putially wsenred. Sand Cant dat me Te Be on Tr p— Peo 2 After ‘three boars spect in an sssvailing effort So gels quorum, to vole to consider the Blend hill to oma the seigoicrage of treasury miver tallion, the bouse yesterday aod joarned astil Mosdsy. Ove busded sod fifty-give wss the isrgest number ‘thet conld be mallied. Blazd sede » epeech in support of his motion and af o'clock be gave op the bettie for the Jay, eying it was evideut the ‘bondBalders meant to fiibaster. Sleele Nuckeye hed on » Teds. La. Justs, Cole, Feb 25, ~Stesle Mackaye, suthor sid dramutit, died this moruey sear Sun Pas.ba the Senta Fe a railroad train, while é» route So Sho Diego, Cudiforue, where it was hoped be would be able to build ap his besith. He bad beeti very ill for several dupe pre- vions to hié departure from (Oicago. which pluoe be leit Thirsdey Sega wd by bm wife, dootur sad nares. A Windiall for Cart. Bers, ‘Moat, Feb. % Cul Vou Boiow, smploied ss bar porter bere, claims to be 8 sepbew ind the osly living relative of Hens Tou Solow, the greet German p I 0 diad rece ly. He starts {or Germany tomorrow tn dwn . whol spo tute to eight mil 1 lien msrhe. ® {he «Salis . Teun pag, New Vong, Feo 28-A Sosl gaoe for the tenn aTAlty was played bere oy B. C. Garmos- champion. Philp 8. cppokent. Some was: Fist set, Geraci ff, Sears & Second set, Garmondia 6, Ses 2 Bonde 6, v Sears 3. seals eriaY mia iia, oho = i Wid FOr BOW (Fars Withan Out i Bal Naw Yorx, Feb: 330 - Erastan Wiman wus relessed yesterday oni the cleposst of $23,000 cash Darl. His coanesl, General [rucy, ssid that ster pxamining ilo the partieniare of the casp be we satisfied that Wiman bad somepitted 1 Bo (Time Hagmmerese, Pi 35.--With a siogle exteplion the of Geiushe A. Grow. tbs Bepatiican candidate for aongreseman nt inrge, st Tossday's alec. nop, was the largest evar given in the State! ‘or spy candidabe. Io 1864 Reory Mott, the Democratic candidste ‘or S— wil commissioner, bad a mwjority of 190,743 over George Darsie, Whig, in s total vote oF 274074 | Peposylvasia bas i some close elec tens In 1564, afters long eampeign of | great exatement, Harrison emrrind the state over Van Bared by 388 One year jater Dwnd K Poster, Demobrst, was elected goversor by § majority of 2/008. Johnston, Whig . delested Morris cacd:dste for govertor | R Loogestreth by 308. In 1803 Franklin the candidate for State over Ges. Scott by plurality bt 19.383, - Hale, the | Abolition candidate. |peiling 3,5M votes. Iz 1854 James Pollock, Whig aandidate | for gowernor, had 37 mose votes than Govergor Biglee, the Demosnshe candi- (dete, In ISS Wiilism F. Pacer. orst, beat David Wilmot by 751 In “1360 Liceoln had 8 75 votes. eer wil his competitors. - The Ee ceterien majority of Mott in 134 was st a me when the Krownoth- mg orgenization had its rise apd its vie- tories. The slavery question was being agrtated, and the Kansas Nebraska il was ander discussion. Aas the Knowsoth. lng party was & secret orgsuvinibon, oats siders kuew nolbing of its strength. The Whig psrty oeminsted ite State ticket, with Puolliek for governor, Smyser for sapreme | {adge, aud Dureis for esnal com- Fleroe, ! mmstorer. The Democrats eussaied Guveinor Bgler, with Eeury = Mett fur soa! comnrissianer, nd Judge Jevewiah nothings io their: for governor apd Mott for canal coramis- sioner, avd nominated Baird for capreme judge. (Of this action none bat the mi- tigted members wep aware, sod the « Id narties Were fabio the fyb. When svar nz of | n the wall. «8, were th Ri ~adl- & Smee tor anprems i 3 a Third set, 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers