i 3 i i mA AAA SS SO R PANTER 108g TWEE. OR oe - A BUNGLI ING J : LOWS AT RANGED FOR MURDERING RIS MISTRESS. |, Pal ater Clalmed He War Subject 10 Hyp Bootie Toflurace and W a8 no rr Responsible. CHicato, Jan. 26. A shoring 2 was witnessed at the exsenit ¢ (teorge H. Printer this oping. At B och ok the miarderer was taken from the eel U the galiswe, the wijasted and the trap was sprong. . To th? horror of the spztatore the end dooried mean fell like a log to the foot, Toe hmp bady of the nine murderer wes LADO Lier rope WARE Ber” red. ears wid te the sou a wa attemp! Paint RE or Bonth Green etre ing fim aC EBicag O gam Fader haliever 10 hy opporinnity 1 by x 7 goene Set. in noie Wis ope broke, TY dang! hing 1 to pir, rire Ving ens veeiefind, o's orime waa the mun! = ' firernent oar A 3 ¥ pe right of i eg eat waar raf nae if. ii peat Bis artic on the der, but his THE WEST BRANCH LUMBER TRA . Shipments $c an increase for 1997 2 i Wah 1832. Wirtiassrony, Jan. 24 ~The apd Baiietin, 10 ao rd spor with uel cnasom, published an eximushive view ! the condition of the lamber trade, re- . showing the skipments last year and the “stock on baud snd in the mirket. The tots] shipments during the over 1832, The outpat of the boom was 83,197,267 feat of hard wood aed 186 (8 - 478 of bemiock. The lamber on hand 8. given lows: Pine, 19828656 feet, 1,582,775 trom the figures of lock, 152 655,870 feet lath, 385 6&0 2 pickets, 2 0 BH) 150. Theo seipped year 1808 19.310 cars: &« mded product of ths mills b of 1.367 cars over 1594 z ES fol . tiporeasa HITE RSD at. desreade, Wars 1 dating Sita $1 ww oy ™, &2 dead fufutey io Vv illismsepart, bat itis good ! na of at least a quarter of & century 4 that the ontput is mon likely to increass than digainish, : : Frozen to Death. Suer's Mite, Fe, Jan, 25- this morning several jambarmen, walk: 4 alongs tha tracks of Clearfield rosl, discovered the iifeles the Biluway ad body of an nnkpows mad ying slong the . track. From sppearzuces il seems’ man had frozeu to death. Tt is thongh’ that be was intox:catad snd Reng g too warn he took off bis overcont ard © tied it in sn roll under his arm ast was foo pear him. Thre as Bwedo. Want Reviesd Km: grant Laws : WasaNeTOoN, Jan. 25—The National Board of Trade today zdopted 8 reco lation recommending hat | Jaws be so smended ss to 1 quire th at | every emmigrant must have » cerl ficate of good character {rom ths aothorities of the place frum whence be comes su! fur the i] tone 03 your were | 259,650,000 feet, an inranse of 505,000 | % Genreases of. 8 GROreasty oq | The Gegatte and | Bulletin declares that thess fig: res BO to prove that [nm our manalactare Buel Hi that i Early | g dasd man appeared to be | PP ured fo tao that ¢ Teel but rece immigretion HURG CP IN CORMITIEE Why the Pr sides is Sending Few Eman ; the Senate. Wasgrsc rox, dav. 25 wap noted that! rery law nomi a of 18 pominabiopy ese OBE }. Sect Har Kansys © inte 109 ~t iF REE pited rieon for aarvero rv LH f eiky. daricg the present week ioe Prosmdent hue sent 10 the senate hi S 17! aomination, that of Mr. Pecibam, to Ro far Te be aseosinte justine ! the supreme court, and while the senate hus held two three brief syecutive sessions on dy a vers gow ‘aw confirmations buva been atunonpred, It 1s also 3 wel KROWD {ad that there * % PONY BD important committee Of sanste which hae pot one or OTE natives hung up there Lecanse of senntora pnd others 4 at belief 13 that tice wi s | more 5 P ITIGATION, Read ny Comp as againet the compan | BRAIDE The shown thnd withdraw Lpctbing jo : suit on pas * Bon el Aes wise Han Cras | nati Od. Jue ohne th a LAN, Jur pared to | otber 1 orables of erie. i of ap wl ¢ eonrtesy { Hismavk. Foo Teme fram Fis: oy . Newikk, N. 4. Jav. 28 — Bob Wiz ghmmous snd Dan Cresdou have agreed to fight March evgh ih to a Sowh for the Inrgest paras cf fered by any cinh and the middleweight champicnshiy. Fitz<immone ES A he is wine z fo met Corbett { telegraphed the dnesday no reply. # i and ht is Tr ng iiznard se We a Ohisnoma, 3s. The ¥ Gurgnie, pow CCI froese ab zzard Tees fam''y of ty Chsglon: ii. 1d Te i - 5 i» ¥ Jz 2. =lleports are - night. 1ea to death 7 1 woman aod .. in Pawnee county. tg among settlers is terrible a two mi The safe: ther that the law be modified eo +5 to ad- | ers mik professional men end wom: and | technical expert artisans ase itietsrots re. with such restrictions as wil} preserv. (he | Considers! le : ‘opposition was manifted aa to the leet spirit of existing laws. clause. iL : Represeniative Sibley Resigns, WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. — Representariv- | Sibleya Penneylvanis Democrut.hes sent bis. resignation to Governor Pattison, of | Penueylvanis, as 8 member of courese, to take effect Feb February 17. Mardy in “Secomd Degrees. Pirrssoroe, Pa, Jao. 25. — Francesco Farbo,sccueed of complicity in the mar- der of Tomaiso Cerra, was foutd guilty of | darrvdty marder in the tecond degree. Trou! Fry for Distributios. The Pennsylvania applicationa for this species of fish for planting in suitsble waters will now be commissioners of fisheries will bave oo band for distribo. tion, after March lst, about 2,230,000 trout {ry, and announcement is made that JUST A DOZEN. Parcd Yroyerhs, 1. All is not beer that's bitter. 6» 1 that ghitters. v4 ¥ ey | Twelve : Good not go; plmdien in Lime saves crime. dite vk, We time VOR nine. } [:'s tlie loug cape that en al Vie : C ilte She talks most whe talks fast, He Isughs best who laoghs last ) Win esa’ A AOR J, car~l (What can't be cared most be en- | 4 plot to sessesivate Pre i fatd tre lip aod the ap) ¥ ‘at 8 ort, Spent) 8. Fr opular | na that has no turning.) { bird's many 8 tip Beis the meal a i Ah ———————————— ier sil 1% 1MFORT oT < HANSE ioede b . 2 esd of! the sige $5 #15 ile, of | wo ¥ abe ny 5 3 £2 ou Hang {ureigtiees, Who Peon hae diseppearsd, but tn noche wills & {eres weetrickep, ares vo gud armed Taiaay ‘the ghost eorvers challenging sll co Harg Fue pent mines | they { Wages AR i There 8 regu o perished pected. . O: a ’ port favorably existing law to less / Ga ‘act of January 14, oe id apr Bhp: ares How to provide for the r cannot Le lawfal.y be cared sboall be in} i § } i i {Vhere's many o elip tweixt the cap! lish speaking 7 Tbe nearer the bed the coldet the gid pot declare a strike for & 79 { be nearer the bone the Wester the {, day bat 1t is said the leaders in the pict | pein The ristera 8 starter] in yak! the T HGS at Hon frre fen i £ 3s as vd Sp mitre Chnrlier [re 3:0 4 3 217 (00. Clo Heading Snpply compu)’ voit i repofied one mun Was ba rioters then ’ 2repident Frye charges 16 anlion . Meoting 5 . py - A AXNEFIELD, aK peneaih Lisae F rat ahd ow foc G18 LT Hed with nslff what 4 Rant o CARER : ivi an, to bas Put he fed wilh tangul Gissatis BUG va tig, : a have Sally seo Apo uIig ext for az onthreak A Manstledd | rioters pret ¥ 3 to bLelieve that the red toliowieg than flag bias u larger 1 Bus- | y Basdimz mu the inaders, Hardle Gpany 8 1 AY Valgahie mae nary waa ABont a hundred Jeputy sl w Against]Proposed Boad issue Wasainorofe, Jan Tha | cornmitiee of jadiciary Tories, | eousidered ao} suthorizad Baler the resciahion Carlisle's proposed bond issue. The res. | polation was aflopted to 4. | The resolutioh states that the secretary 1 1 the treasury Has no authon ty ‘he €X-! ‘Pan ale excels 2 &F asd, destiny e Fer i®a Dass hee nf = { sent from Dera lo rejative to 1 S THE 2% by & yota of J: WANTS SEYTHE RECALLED ta Mali Secames JMizicas and PRengiva te President Higpohte. New Yom x, Jao. OH. ~ The am I. from Haryt frived to-day, Bronght as 8 phasangs? of ¥rindud wo a Veni o his was at Port aa Prin is The Monster . 3 alaer hin ig Yrs PH cept such as is upon him 1875, entitied an met esUp ap payments” and that money derived from the sale of bonds under tbat to yoy. wiiel of a? sy sa flhiac: Was waned nat -apphied par i i cone { poses except thos specified herein. FS the! : i : : 5 says thal Smythe Flot to Kill a TU. MW, Ofticer. ! | Prrrsnrra, Jan. 26 i i stated that i fre; maOws Cel le, QOL Ge pest Frye, of} PRO i measures tasesn to the Pittsburg dist viet of United Maize | Workers, was frustrs to in pl prompt action of Frye'a eh The son Fog | : miters at Mansfield are in ' dignant because the miner's anaventic o cent rate, Frye gddressed a meeting at Manetleld | wenting en ofa ticna ang Sonny ] oa the aise i jnstioe on the bench He ! cised the government's dnacces avd ens also ont diverting the pubic woney. resi dent ! Hippolyte a said to. Bava with the State Department at Washington | | requesting the recall of Smythe. On manicated | { were kept away from the hail. | SENATOR many Sibley went to Harddsbarg 8 of the | apwiea tol damage to the} l to dete. RHO | the scene | i W. | citement st Manstieid. crenlation that a call bod been mle {or toms ports and acensed the president of | ARS 17 WHT - TELLER FAWDR CXATICN 3 3 RESIGHATION WITRORAWS, a Tun to Wiles un i® Newrrihele Herglely Opyoss ‘w §83IAL — i Phe fis ‘attenhon che ones $e. itn Dede Quest, Oil: Wes plaeed 0a cok a very sdvanced the espexaiicn of the sated of Cabs thal ug spear {1 Hp eaiten SOEs “wey vie iprapenly Hie resiguh- - protests of y- wink of 210 from wk the upisy lending tosmbers purty, sod Pattison, Lis Tesigoe- with: ws Fomine iy per $3 SAU iAPELOS vith Govarior : red Bim th reonosi his angdinend be from rit moe EW SB LTE ary to the par than apy srtion which Mibie » far fF bail PS 4 . ived a-nneiner of telagrs PERE Sid ad x 3 - ‘Maadvilie, ost, i bave had THE wos STA PULSE xs iate wer web Fo ta work 201 Sheet . Retitenedy. Hw . i wink they ceament Saint Lim DOSY ateryt hing ie nd A Oubain the Riot 13 BB poEviLLe, Pe Jan. 04 rt shows Deri ir - * CS IeY DATE Tle Ble od plate for Fustrons Worl w whew asl de ried that snppies of . smite ard Bed fore youre, Ok SompawyY al deputies. Herons Cos! Lmrher, 3 aly ae Arerg ned OD Te Ee. 11s ” Awtriet re and Log wes oieda usr cme property for 33000 woof i was tall and iron Sts wast bh resterdsy moaming uy sd on her a assaulted bes Pee YORE aga wise RF ny iin WBE wf. Mee Ulmer ng EV: whieh be indoosd ber by eedl avid 20 tH ” biengo where - 1085 #1} retaraed b $isd ale evor mane to char Tre Ouaieer Cycle Stow. | DELPHIA, Jao, 20-11 Ge ig Bip “ oF opened & to-day Ht 7 Fol Regi. : te iam larg Cie CADROS ry to ite wimost, Every Trean taken. hie exhibitars haya besa forced other Sous; nad ranted a : a show « 1a wire, a1 # tai » 4 FDRON RE J ankoss wit pers aii the I8i¥I0g Papers ®L0 5. | SPAS Were OC mp] todd ti give them op. Coles dn Ext botls ia: 1 S|agnar zht, By amir heing Yous we ore uh who, that b #h.1 61 a i } i yerger® - thea dP TRERILEN ae SHRAmMLOLREID * SF BY ret ail oh PEs s, uid that haw sways be Tidy rounds with TE MOTRTE, epd Bogs enarrad «3 with 00 NEE, Craedion boa 2 % wh" gc ® ane Ee G8 oa Wk Twelve Thousand killed an, Jap. 38. Belg from Chins. an HRP take gnuibilstion by tha town of Kuchan, Pesan. | persons were gilled Ten thane nd corps have been recovered asand oattle wera de- Lime, an Faanois td she AIRE {hw OUBTOS ue juske we Te Lassa Faulty thu OF ed al he fale sill Rioting Sanding Hrehing. Maxsriup, Pa, Jan. 38. —News. has just srrived tha! a battle is in progress at’ mives, co Tome Ravn, be. i tween a band of the rioters sud a force of | | deputies. The « J Stean's Ligparsed rioters Lave a assem mbied at their rendezvons in Hedel- | | berg. : No Call far Tropes. Haixnmarse Pa, Jao. 8 —Governor | Pattison to-night said thers had been Doo | request for troops to quell the rotons ex- | A romor Was in TOO Pe. Ha t-Mile Skating Record Broken. gt ~d tor hail mile skating was broken | here yesterday by John 8. Jobreon, of | Migneapolis; ime 1:18 4 5, mr. Chiids' Condiiiue. PHRILADRLPRIA, Jao. 28. -~Thers was no change a Mr. Childs’ condition at mid. night and hws physicians believe he will ! ive fare ah the arts. oof | wl Advices by geELAND. O. Jan, 38. —The World's nder greenest ssveral MAD ser pra nnabile ue get their goods Ting to I Parteroon, LLIDATSBURG, Pa, Jam. 29 —Sua- Langdon, ressiver of the Alloons srfietd Northern raitrosd petition- way for the _ Tare af his 001% Frank GQ. TBO. Tha allege Sot Patierem Ww at*emniting IB violation of the rights of the stockholders (he ratitord fragchive to the Peon £1 ivauia railroad. The ocart decres is held noder ad wssmant. K. of L sul Aiier Carlisle. ; WASHINGTON, Jan. 99. An argument fLangdcs Ho 8 P Bnd See as =r Fate $M 1H . ad +O oni lio favor of the meeeption of the smend- ad petition of the Kaights of Labor forsn janetion restrainiog Secretary Carlie som jesming bonds wos made in Zhe sas pr me oourt of the Distrtet of Columbine » morning. Jadge Cox will decide 28 tothe sia ssahility of the petitica to- or Wedoesday. 5 = wore : Income Tax Rill Wasaixorox, Jao. 3- ® mediately alter the hoase wént into ocrumittee of the whole, MeMiilan (Dem, Tenn) offered . an internal gevenae bill with the income tax festara, 88 sn irzendomest to the tari ‘bill. Alter the hili bad been ead Me Milan spoke mn sdvossoy of ik Hall (Dem | Me.) Willinme (Dew., Miss) snd Taveney {Dem., Mo.) supparted the amendment while Ray as N. Y.) Dan ieis ( Rep., N. Y.) and Covert {Dem N.Y.) opposed it. Recass was then taken until [ tov night. : Will Sus The Penusylvenia Railroad, : Priuaperrmia, Jao. 20 —Papers are being prepared by ‘the connsal of the | United Colleries company, Joing bum. pess in the western part of the State to bring suit aguinst the Pepnaylvania rail. pri road company for $300,000 damages for alleged anjast discrimination “freight | rates and violating the iter state sommerod laws. far Murkiey Thinks He'd Better Not. - PHILADELPHIA, Jiu. 29.—1t is stated to-day on good authority thas Slate Seny~ ater Markley, recently pat ‘orward biy the When the fuel goes into the fire the fog fies out of the chimney. Another Democratic Proteciionist. { When poverty enters the door, love Corvus, 8 C., Jan. 26. — Dr. Sam received. These spplications should be made to the following commissioners, Captured a Train Robber. 8 bP, i Quaiel at Miduight Dricwoen, 8 Jan. ~--A tram | Maxsrrenp, Pa, Jap, 38 — Deputies at a -t ‘who will famish- blacks for fiiliog® out: Henry O. Foxd, 1823 Vine street, Phila- delphis; H. C. Denlatb, Lancaster; John Gay, 1020 Vine street, Philadlephia; (for the western part of the Btate): Stillwell, Beraoton; Lona Streaber, ~ F. W. Ebel, Harrisbarg. Heretofore application for fish fry only veaded t signature of the commissioner io who they were made, hat in the fatare nod a rider tothe act of the last legieia‘are they must be endorse’ by tue senator o representative of the district ir wiach tije application is made. ~=Clearfield He pnbli- can. ————— say In Bad Sthnpe for a Strike ‘Maxerizrp, Pa, Jan. 26 — field Valley miners beld a mase meeting this afternoon to consider plana for in. " augurating a strike. Many families of the several thousand men sffectad are al- ready depsodent apon charity for sup- port. { fires cnt of the window.) 9 Marry for taste, treasure. (Marry in baste and leianre.) : It. Once kitten, now pie. (Once bitten, twice shy.) 10. funk. : ¢It won't the cowl tbat makes nIOQE, ) : 12. Half a sofa’s better than no bed. 3 a loaf is better than no bread | - a Tid: Bits. Found Dead in His — repent ed + xpress inst night en route from Chi cago to Pittsburg, was found dead iu. his | ‘barth this m woing. The cause of his | death ie a w)stery. It isn’t t the scowl. that makes one: mao, rather than oo# of the lenders of the taforin Demo- at the Wilson bill and in favor of protection the | pices Corbett Prrrsivro, Pa, Jao. 26 —Lewis Ger- | lof $600,000 in “gold is reportsd by the Roman wrestling sor, 8 wealthy stock desler of MoKees- | treasury to-day. This reduces the gold port, who wae a passenger on the Limit- | t; less than $65,000,000. ‘robber named John. Dalton was captured | by the North westere Express MessPnger | yesterday. Dalton bad bid himeeil ex- pressed iseide of a stuffed buffalo. He | ‘ removed one of the ainroals glass eyes and | stuck a revolver through the socket cover: son Pope, candidate for goveizor, wl ' erate of the state, has come ot against ‘to ASiarican } masafactun rers. Duval Club Got Even. ‘Jacxsosvinee, Fla, Jan. 26 The! range and leaped on the back of the bat i Daval Athletic club, mnder whose aus | falo. The back eaved in 10d the messen. and Mitchell fought, was | ger dropped on the robber meide and held i dissolved to-day. It is understood a new | him till the esreet station was reached, ‘etab will ba formed. The cliib comes when he was hacd over to the suthorities. oat ever on the Baht. | The sate contained $50.00. The Champion ‘Wrestler Garvesrox, Jan. 28. —In the Graceo-: mateh last night be- tween H. Bernan and Fred. Marks for the championship of the northern and sutdthern states Marks won easily by three straight falls. Marks says that be is now Gold Reserve Di ———— ' WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. — A farther oes | { = Coudithan Su Childe’ Coud:tion Scrious ing the mes-enger. The latter got out of | | justice take its course PricspELpuis, Jan. 26.--Gao. ' Childe’ coudition is serious to-pight. W. | ready to meet Rieber in a match for the | championship: of the United States. Tom's Run district reports at 11 p m. | that all ie quiet out thera. Other dis { tricta « re also quiet. To Withdraw His Resignation. Harusnrea, Jao. 38 —It 1 reportad that Congressmsn Sibley s resignation will be withdrawn 1O- MOTTO W. Decl: ned to Pardon the r Aunrebit: Panis, Jan. 28. —It 1s stated that the ‘Pardons Committee bas decided, in the case of Anarchist Vailiaint who threw the | bomb in the chamber of depulies, to let. President Carnot has intimated be will ot interfers. Efforts to Arbitrate at Failure Loxvus, Jan. 28.—A Dispatch from Buenos Ayres says that Rear Adwiral Benham has failed to bring Presdent Peitotos an! the insurgent leardeis to! any understanding regarding the arbi tration of their differences : “Pennsylvania Democrecy” fur congress men at large. wil withdraw from the ‘ticket: It is because Markley is satisfied he would make a poor showing st the poils. : Lara - Friends of State Senstor Mark- ley deuy the statement that he will with draw {eum the state ticket. One Short Day's Work « Week. Porrsvriis, Pa, Jun. X.—An order has been issued by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal snd Iron corapacy that the company's collieries, not suspended inde finitely, are working on'y cue day of three qaarter ticce this week. Last we:k two ! short days. wers worked. This affects more than torty colieries. : Passed " a Quiet Day. Purrapesraia, Pa, Jan. 38 11:30. - Mr. Childs passed a quel day amd them ip is no marked changes in Ziv weneral oom~ ; dition. ¢
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers