THE LA TES T STYLES. GOSSIP ABOUT SPRING FA SHIONS, Woolen Fabrics In Dress Goods—The TU. dienlons Jockey Caps Some Hean ful. Ball Dresses— New Life For the Bolero, N wr Colors and Tints. Bree 1 Almost hourly | Special Corresponder New York, Jan. 25. something new | Mankitiric! THE NOVELTIES IN Map COTes forw ard to take its | place upon the counters of such houses | in of rate eis as make a specialty of having a everything new before any one cise . it, and thers we find : spring woolens, and really beantiful are too, There are several styles wool satins -sofnething never seen in all wool—and they are shown several weights, bmt far © black. There are several oxiAy Anime t hev in in nly £03 Hy “ARLY SPRING, _ woolen fabrics in wi like so many satin liz new cloths having nov face looks jike felt or velv pile. There are nn of craps ol ful spring a heavy the hast { Roveral of and thers ris wily but the sn ot witha she are v ‘ rs # the courtauid. « rape. BE fabri s, particular- ly the mixtures, have rt of hs weave that no doubt BD colors than 1a all wide, nin - at the pti fF yard —ti for six yards goven far The dra or down Is now enlied Jockeys Ys Tatil gitinintaly on 5 Or caps, are of widths and birder gO fart, : One very handsome novelty w on one of the new pean de laines new napless broasdeloths are called. Thi & 1 jockevs, red] with was in a soft biscuit myrtle green velvet skirt an inch below the overskirt. It 2 vee looped with three plaits at the rig ght side ander a couple of loops made of a nar row band of iy fur, which all around the skirt and up on the right side to the waist, The waist was of myr- tle velvet with a stormincher point cov- ered with rich white lace. The deeves ‘were of velvet and wool, and the upper portion of the waist was of the wool, bordered with fur. Fpr will worn until April and longer, i¥ is said, - X noticed mong the ful new ball crosses five Gr six» rin «light: ly differing forms © -, gr Spanish jackets. Ono was of rel white be LERO GOWN, brocade, witli low cut neck, the wholes bordered with a narrow band of ermine, The dress itself was of cream satin and was ornamented all’ around the skirt and on the short peplum: panniers with a band of Greek embroidery in gold. An- other one had the princess dress of cameo satin bordered with wide ostrich feath- ers in the same tint. The bolero was of scarlet “velvet embroidered with gold, the parts which would have reached the neck being faced with cameo and turned downward likea bertha, leaying | the cor- sage decollete. Another was of faience blue over ciel blue, and another ivory asd over pink. The fancy is a very one, In fact, I think one cam promises the bolera a new life, as 1 notice. it on all sorts of things, notably a reception. gown of maize and light blue-—the maize | in pean de soie, the blue in velvet—with rows of very fine Persian embroidery on the revers and collar of a light blue satin and down the front of the skirt. This gown was for a grand reception and was considered very handiome. OLIVE HARPER. new diagonal | jo staking tobacco and ¢ Igaee, which the stripes are | extended and gold | new of |: before § 10 i iF i nage Nn “thro : OF GEVEILLD Pipe temperament of th Sand ANGEeT, Who nappy Wd {ter a plu > briny he zits | r mangd tres and & nromane with a ~ ie wich ThE HE L3 fou. bt he it becanss he | cannot find + work, hat because he doesn't know what 10 go at. He wants to start at something which be can follow with- out being niicaled. He is a very sensi tive man and is not constitnted for suc- ‘cess in any kind of business, becanse he | cannot take s joke. Onde upon a time | he thought this would be a good place in to open a cigar store. So he rent- i el a small place and laid in a great stock Une day patron before » full of w he liked his new ir, the isomora. The man - th : i § i " fF swhicnh | he asked a peop ple he color mady/over a which shows “13 Feed pn But nif nl. Aha CARTANRIONr or au i HK. K. Mrsgi osiric ITRIUK. Fishing on Saginaw Bay. orres onde ne Jan, From at of March | peculiar who live on Fish point, motntory that juts out into side of Saginaw bay. i French Canadians, and I subsistence by fishing. In the winter, when the strong enough to permit, the Fish point com- | munity shifts from the to the aud reinains there until the spring thaw | compels them to return, [ Itisreally a town on wheels, and the i population runs from 560 to 600) souls | The great majority are men. The wooden houses that shelter thess wrdy people are bail wheels. They are substantial and comfortable. dn : building the floor is laid bet ween the axlrtrees very close tothe i uwelli Ny is ead Deri: 25. Jannary SORR/OTE | 1 Lhe class of 8 ragged pro- thie eastern These people are they get their with a we is 3 re them Ce, occupl ed by fawly of from i» foar people. The furnishing is VeTY pinta consisting of a table, stove, | covking utensils and a few chairs. The occupants sleep in hammoc] ks that are E Idd up and Liang on hooks during the vtime, when all the available space in the room is needed These houses ar ice three t i: <3 ¢ wheeled around wii of the owner, on the at the who is readily assisted by unabl4 to muster power in his own honsehold. : In the floor of each dwelling a wide trapdoor is cut, and when a hole about b the size of this door has Leen ¢ut in the ice the house is trundled over it until trap stands directly above it. The waters of the bay abound in pike, and it is to catch these that the fisher- . man makes a special effort. When the i hut has been set over the hole, a piece.of fine strong cord is securely fastened to the body of a live herring, which is dropped through the hole into the water, When the herring finds himself in Lis native element, he darts swiftly away to the limit of the cord that is let out for several fathoms. When he fetches up, he is hauled slowly back to the hole, and he is usnally followed by a school of ! pike and other fish that look upon the | herring evidently as a choice morsel.- The fishing goes on night and day, and this. strange village presents a weird ap- pearance in tie night, when the men fish by the hight of torches, THOMAS HOLMES i | games of t | od down to the i played on a ckeckersd beard in tiv t — a 1 | est times. Tug tent | fore m reatly adore 1 a8 to all {operator {stopping of the mach i great Oe Eaci a | Many of {to Prevent Day reread Eros d It is eorions fo pote Boo vz ve tween bend. The game, it of us as wiih a faverits with 8 of £ tha ard} ars #0 il nsetim. Thera which was rial ! 2 i is also the gunee of drafts ~aTil- 44 with draftsy # GYRDDR. 1} called Ch viviand, served thr on played by boys ¢ T r thes weil known nama of puss corer. In Francs the gams is called gnatre coins, or four corners. Both lin the old and in the modern version five are required corners, while tha fi ia) in ths middle 1 andient word an earthen pipkin on his head and was called pot: ant day be 1s the mgand, or sim pleten, and by as id called puss. inna ft in the game - £3 jrlay 5 , ima of or stands (iriwce he To gress the number of fingers woth er held ap was also a favorite amnse- ment, and this, too, is frequently play- od at the present time. as how carefully thy shafacter of the amuse ments and the playthings of tlm very early 1 nas best nrained in the tors and games I lay. --New- castle Chronicie ee Sa yom ages tearing the Hx the entire len ath i Ax now of the fhae bipery in w the parti ng of of tke Sher fromm ti improved, the B meeting these varion sh aples to be made without from his work, whereas the necessitates the ; dat raging a in whic nto ther Unpro vement’ in this ma hine i is an appliance ¢ in connec tion with the inner Fade, consisting of a spring which allows it to give when gin pow in ase not nly! of time the coange. Ti amount the inner and cuter in contact with cach: other. wearof ther ris by this means saved. —New York San Mickey and Con. inded wee kin Z Verdant fool at the public library and eonlld nxt gnite mak to the hiterury repast he wished to kis besitation he case where the freshest volam:s of the library's distlayed for the stimulation of mental a3 Here he saw a roth whesa title satisfied him that he had found just the th wanted. It was ‘Micah Clarke,” by Dr. A. Conan Davle, : Approaching the atte sda, hie said: “Please SEEDY ‘Mickey Cl: ke, thy Con Dov] je. out of that ¢ en fle got the book, but tha expression on his face when he came xick with it scion of the A bok m Isle was intellectual oun kis aN vy 8 Eos AKT. Te are petites, 10 minutes later proved that he had | nationality of his hero.— | 7 | Peterstmry. mistaken the Be ston Herald Cpeerfulness. J That cheerfulness’ can be cultivated is well illustrated by tha story of a lady and gentleman who were in & timber yard, situated bs a dirty, foul smelling river. : The lady said, boards smeli!”’ **Pine boards!’ exclaimnea] the gentle man. ‘Just smell this foul river!” **No, thank you.’' the lady replied **I prefer to smell the pine bourds.” Ram's Horn. ‘How good the pine Stacked: Agata Him. Traveler--Say, wy friend, there's meat in this sandwich. : Whaitress—No? Traveler—Hadn't yon better give that pack anéther shufile. and let me draw again?—Pittsbarg Dispatch. no sve of the ing eack of the in France at tho pres- | | sense oygzane are cotitinmaliy and inde. | pendently employed in stiggnlating im- | having to stop tho | Cosmos defended the ! the pressure of co ion passing through the roller is too severe, thus preventing | blades from coming | ly The great | particular HH . wandered over tothe | E to { be the central peint for £ the T ~weryet ions » first half of re modern Writs erpresed the bel t dreamin yrred atthe mn Ba at in Th oN Pr. Lomiv Robins ; investizators theory of the roctaphysis ive that tho» isa certian am: daring the wa that the vast | wan We and gi- without betray- . save where there isa ‘ ofa B fashing st rock brea $0%E TYans=s gn invisihls snt river, flowing by ing its ps iash « ms 3 i ane, Or He Jv Ring oad : 3 £3 the smooth surfs “Dr. Bo jz loniz and in. which to sateicls " The comelns are gs follows: sinsen’s sions at ! ps A/YTiVES Owing 130 nnesusing which is a necessary conesnitant of our in shifting memorized patter, cerebral centers commectel with the pressions from without, Certain of the aomges, especially main open to e external inflainces duarir Is the a ad pure! Sposition on th paft mpare and CITA o ratns to a svn a Fu 3 Meg Fes nid 8 ron withont, Ana to remarkal p niladelphia Call : Long Talks, Parliamentanans and eral claim that no wan berently orgicoTs In ould ta : t for were than six 3 ‘of Cases to the contrary could be cited. When De gettlers” land hill 198 of the sal TY . 3 BATELTCLS -8]& singe JE MTS, §¥¢ in the lower ko lambiaa parliament, he talked contin- fir 28 hours. The act confiscat- af De ( asival by noon of a cer i3 EIN nts had t in day: De the only de- “- : ps3 43 2.4 3 Q3ie Wik head letter ing he : : talking bange. be hat] t 18835, and a new mart along a maritime canal Tins harber feet deep, cost ILO Ui) the 4 of gTain anc Kinin dey art- of coal and the loading other articles ef export. ment of public works 13 als Tel ing the advisability of constructing tunnel ander the Neva like that unde Thames in Londen, but batit This abandonment of espec tal In terest, 8 . at wi? Fe iv ¥ estal * tha ™ rt Oo rie } x at the close as with #8 lectar etry? —Chrv nnoonscions cerebration ¥ | conatit-’ Lwerit fos rainmasor o hours, by which time 10 Bad Become i eo] Haus Gowan {he hillsides power of intellect, the brain is always | - in part awake, and is especially active The | ATX What comes of fooling with the 3ritish Co | i § i Lie . sort: —_ G7 PAINMAKING. In the FLeted ides fitands That Vas PBrimfal of Success, An Effort toyle . T. Scenerviile of . whe Hved many ides 1siands, ells the regarding the ative raim- ni end. of fhe year, } , there cams an dromght, thats = istand of Ambrym snd siemanded his bereto: : 3 Work to weave a we branch fs T ig rain PInesiiate Hea at attesting | ones. gt Ee ing gsal i nrover incantations, places i what shen! have been tha now parched hed of There it was Driveny sa for 43 EO brits at the cana the rain mach of a go th producing hurd is anita 10 feet nn- der water in the ssthing torrent, tha people, much to th eir.dismay, ¢ that their yams and the sarroundin earth were beginning wd afc “he lieutenant continges: “Now ata? ela was able to dive tot No man of the bill country he bottom of the water hole to pull up the hurdle with | ita wéight of stones, so the merciias : | rain still held on. At last the shore na that of hearing. re tives, accustomed toswimming and div- what the matter was, and f them coming to the assistance of tha slemonts was re- irs watery bed and—the heard sincidence as this, hap | pening rary coos in a Gecade, which . - al ek Sk ae ¥ Ins Ppeatae, ROW thoroughly to wash . C AMBRIA AND CLEARFIELD, A 7 ¥ Pd oh oa i |rassssassasssass; STATIONS, i Ten West Fond Emersid Park Ene ikett Muoster siding Vv ra Yet eh WEE or or oy Hus GA wh SESE ng mmm’ BELSENNALEARRABIN ws Wl 0 5 TR l,l eg gud : Faw ) i togive up thar! rm tars, alth ont- f rank superstition appear rain ugh ail other wird forms ¢ handoned.—Lonis- $ - ix Sah and the Levees, Jt RK SE A break in the | I know that crawfish have may soond it is a fact srihiescme little cdnmrer 0 . Us a big rise, the river is stretched i emban into the ist earth. YR Mags ree than ood les, The ET ray be completely sodded with grass and yon see no external evi- dence of the damage going on within, bot when next big rise comes you wali on water joy $ ru They eh be seg if. if 1 ag Lat ht = v and yor the waterto b : throug Gr three feet from the ton, fahute 1 0 Nat eork of erawsish. This br true of the break at Offut’s in 1889, vihen a por riion of the town of Green- | 3 The builder of | ton at- i I, aA IOINeTRW., the je- | kment, the v3 and | wind loosen I bave frequently known : re he levee two | Linir but the destrnactive | was particular- | r111 have totake a3 one gt his Giobe Swearing. ; ithout €xXagee ration v3 an {important fac- | I vizcabulare eof | Gireat | ine zexl mation. hakespears knew thie A | kespearean caths and AYIRG ogy would i Shakespeare realized ve inseparable from'a faith- | an charac- of com- hom nre hls withoat the | cement language emotions, i nine- their forbids to rs what the FEliza- : y tolerated, but ap- ads tv hia P Tess, g on Shiphoard. oy see 3 disgusted man, Whistlin i vou want jast wh stie You never knew a sailor to whis- | He tline down the wing,’ gut up a pucker to save bis ship. DT. Yeu i remember that old story about a sea | | capiain who refused to take aboard a | wasn whe whistled, and knowing the | ! old superstition feared that with her i ol i WITvik. i ¢ i the board he ¥ world te sure of ship- | pisiin e of vessels now, for almost an seems to know hew fo keeps up the fashion. ~~ | on shipbosrd before a sail- | 14 tell you all about ** whis- | but be could not | i : net know how it is with | A MPBELL BRANCH. sgn ha 6 08. SESH + AN NA BRAN “HL Berrie IW itis SETTLER : 6% 18 p* AX]: NG tT Mag, i ANY E- - - Lt - - $Y ? Be rwindale 18 Joss Muha fey Set wes Sidney Hu Inian BRugsyey ’ Avra © rowi Pop sts whey i dnteey Horatio AB wh wi GA B00 34 Be Po, J SEXMBEeCRaNERE8EN Oa Lae ln 8 mHmmmnmapewevBBE SEnuyEasEAnskELan TE puoeons NY VAL LEY RAILROAD. LOW GRADE DI DIVIRION. mand after Sunday Ivoatahar 24, ER, trains _ 2a] Driftwood and Pst airy wilirau ae ov Raat XI LIA NGOIE Ernie i > + o . wo AY FMP ANRERRES. wk ok wl GG SasunsnaEeEass ind] Sook wt Wa BECO Emma whe hE Bg a ai iw ww wk ns s—— —r Ss, Sold oni hrough watch ds '» watch cane soener ehh malsy 3 2c pom charm seni free on rocuesl. KeystoneWatch Case Co., | PHILADELPHIA. soa es ke oe A BREAKFAST APPETITE. Caa Best be Alded by the Nows of concisely Told nnd Weigh Worle © Upon. THE PATRIOT is the caoly compiels morning kapayer that reaches Pennsylvania at an esrly boar of the Baghty. cilities of the great Press Association, 2a aided ng ie oun. - BHE BRERIOS in the best advertising medium in oateide of bang and Phil ; Free to the Usemployed: It insarte with- a Cents Word Want Colama Tor ' wants, DAILY, every week-day morning in the year, $5 a year. WEEKLY, Tuenday evening o each | week, $1 s year.-dlwl® THE PATRIOT COMPANY, ‘HARRISBURG, PENN'AL.
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