hin, aA i SF A AA VE A Termin i OO BS Mag SOA AO Copan ES iva bmi ene Rell Rede Rl Lote ia - VOL. IN QO. 6. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER $1.00 PER YEAR _ BATION # THE NORTH STAR OF CAMBRIA PATTON. co F. MELLON & C0, i= NEAR LINGLE MINE, CEN MERCHANDISE MINE and MINERS SUPPLIES. Our specialtios ard: FINE GROCERIES, WHITE FAWN FLOUR, DUPONT POWDER, DRILLS, PICKS, HANDLES, MINE AUGURS “OTT, and POWDER CANS. and MINERS’ ONL, Our stock of SHOES (AND ubber Is complete Call and see them. We are sling a good Roller: Flour For $1.00 a Sack. TRY i: | \, PAS NAGLE’S fing La kK of Wi INE RIGS AND. GOOD HORSE « CAREFUL DRIVER 8 when desired. : | HORSES + BO ARE ED [ By. the week or mont. Pr So : TRY ME a T. N. NAGLE, Propriet tos PATTON, PA DUM DON JN IRRESTED And the Big Guts at Wash- mgton are Safe. ‘CARNEGIE WILL GIVE As Monch to Pittubirg’s Relief Fund as All ‘Others Combined. 1 Joseph Don Jan, the Newark freak who has been writing threatening let- ters to Vice President Stevenson and several United States senators, sue ceeded in having himself arrested in Washington the other day. He was called up Wednesday for a hearing, but his case was held over. The Press dis. patches say: Senator Mills’ son was in the court room ready to submit evi- dence in behslf of hix futher and the Vies-President’s private secretary was also ready to be sworn. It has been decided Attorney to prosecute Don mn two separate charges, one of forgicg the name of his father to a postal note or order and of sending threatening and scandalous matter on spostal cards or on the outéide of enyelopes through the ‘mails. Each of these offenses is a felony, under the Federal stattues. A Witlionaire’s Munificeace : Mr. Andrew Carnegie expresses his wil lingness to match all contributions made for the unemployed, to the amount of $5,000 each working day. This offer covers a period of two months If the highest possible figure is realized the donation will amount to over 825,000. Its exact size depends upon the people of Pittsburg, who are thus invited to a generous rivalry. As Fm pressed hy the Pope Acconding to the Pitteburg Dispuateh an American tourist was Unprivsed as follows by a recent visit to Pope [eo “As T entered the andience rom the Pope rose, came half way across the room shook me cordially hy the "hand, requested me to be seated and resnmed the papal chair In a few minutes we warp in the midst of an earnest and in- structive discussion of property snd its righta arid the duties of labor and capi- tal, employers and employe. When | fold him af Amores and the pporta- nities it gave to men fo rise, and alind- wd to the encyelical/ letter an the snb- ject of the rights of property. there came a splendid exhibition of abe old man eloqment.’ The Pope pressed to the front of the chair, groping the arms, andl. presented the ibrearanes and vivecity of a man of 58 viens, ine stead of 85. ; “He spoke for nearly ies minutes, and in clearness, directness, forme and fervor it was one of the most. glowing and impressive niterances to which T° ever listened. A statement of ifs mean. ing does not do it justice. But in sub- “stance it was this: He said tliat in his encyclical he. had merely laid down ‘anew what had AINAYS been the doc- trine of the churc! , but which needed to be stated again because of the labor troubles, which were growing more acute everywhere, ; “The possession of wealth imposed obligations. The rich man failed in the ~ administration of a trust who did not: recognize those chligations, and the poor man should re i rocal spirit those who i : dnties af wealth. Pep! lovers should treat en mploy OR would be be und i fo his best for his was a failare, and the church of ita mission unless they lest exercise and mast no nquestion i submission to the fatherhood of and the brotherhood of man SCHOGT, TEACHERS 10a IATION Next Meeting of the Blair Connally Org ration. Salijeets for Disewasion: The instructors in the pnhl } of Blair county haus which holds meetings af « on Natardavs, that su will not comfy LW ith ROCHE arned by progra an forward MRIER by the seeratary of 21 ty ry a lower hy Me A Creneral discussion Second Subjes Made 3 Dg ¥ by Pro (ener T tain ¥ rancis Cass d foliowed hy Pr rof. anys terosied shania methingw on b% SCO0PED A SAFE CHRISTMAS. Robbers Resieved i Permmanis Railroad Com. pany af $150 at Clearfield. A dispatch from Clearfield to the DJ Boia COURIER save: “A @trange rob ‘bery occurred hers Christmas moming which the authoritios have as vet beers unable to fasten upon any person. The “safe at the Petimsvivania railroad «ta. tion was robbed of abont £150 bet ween 3 and 7 o'clecle, while the station em: ployes were at breakfast. Jesse Under- wood. the Sum agent, who boards at the St. went to the station to sell tickets 1 for the 5 o'clock train after the train left he closdd the safe door hat did not lock it and ‘went to hig breakfast. When the agent went to the station about 7 o'clock he found ‘the door of the station had heen broken in and the money taken from the safe. Parker MeDiowell, who came from 3 ville, and was formerly emploved and who is now working in mill here voam blamed for the 1! wax taken before “Squire nligngh last cvening, bot there was not, in the judgment of the justice, evi- dence enough to hold him and he was discharged It was testified at the hearing that MeDowell reoined with tv Wo delegates are present, represent- Underwood and got ap before 5 o'clock, ealled another boarder with whom he was acquainted and the two went out to the station and were standing aronnd outside when the freight agent locked up and went to his breakfast Mad el’s companion returned’ and went to bed aonin. his room bat J. H. B prietor of the hotel, testified that Dowell did fot returmm with him. - It was also submitted that McDowell was the first to tell Brown of the robbery, bit it was afterwards shown that I'n- derwood had informed MeDowell of the same. The «Mair is still 0 profound mystery " Christians at the Catholie Church. Christmas was celebrated at the Cath- olic church with three masses by Pa- ther MeCarrius, of Carrolltewn. High mui was celebrated at 5:3 a. M., low mask at 7:0 and high mass again at RAG. The attendance was good at each vo The other denominations or- ganized here, Prashvterian and Meth. odist, did not old public serviced as neither have a church building ap to the pressnt time Death of Mes, Carlhedn, hrlatian of “aribiedm, who lived town, died Wednes. iliness of ten : d 55 vears TI van wan taken with grip afterwards with double lobar pneumacnis. She was in a erties] condition before her! physician war called and he had byt little hanes of her TELOVOTY. Broke Through the See. Little John Edmiston was skating on Marks’ Fy Christmas and running on tn a thin place broke through, He would have drowned at once; as he was in deep watsr, had it not been. fos the coolness of a youthful companion, who “hastily secured # board and pushing one end out to, the lad drew him up on the ice again : : Mr. Beck. of the Hotel Beck. and Mr Robinson of the Robinson house, hav Rome very handsom {heigmins signs in their bard and dining rnomsa. The de sign of both are aniqne and very preg- tily executed. Warren, the painter AINTer af who Ww as tne designer aed I : * H bath, <howed eonsiderable skill iw doe. orative art. © Readers of the Covers will ind een eral news up to dite each wiwek on th first, third and sixth pe Applications for have bern filed at: court wiil tppon th MINER h CONENTID i Represented vw Delegates at Dt «Boi 5. VOTING FOR 15.000. Beech Creek: Passengers Camped in Conch - es xl! Night Tuesday Night. DuBois, Pa, Dec. 28 - Miners’ dele. gutes from the several bituminous dis- tricts named in the call fora conven. tion, issued about two weeks ago, com- menced arriving here on Tueaday. The call was issusd by the executive hoards of the checkweighman funds of the Houtzdale, Philipsburg, Beech Creek and Osceola districts for deciding, anong other things, upon which of the Two - organizations, the K. of 1, i or U. M. W., the miners of Clearfield, { to Cambria, Indiana, Jeffervon, Clinton, Bedford and Huntingdon conn: ties.shonld adhere to. Ba Yesterday's sessions were largely de voted to organizing the convention and accrediting delegates and very little important business - was acted opon conclusively. . One hundred and twen- ing 15,000 miners. Thos Curry was elected permanent chairman and John Myer secretary. A mass meeting will be held in the opera house to-night and addresses will be'delivered by T. R MaGuive od Joseph MeKinney. of the | dK of Lexectitive board. ‘man, who, have heen in Mr. Good's TIED UP AT OLANTA Passengers Lowaged oi! Night In Ceathes Widting for a Ciear Track Tuesday night of this week the pas- “sengers on the Beech Creek train doe at Mahaffey at 9:30 had a lot of grief camping in the coaches all night near Olanta. A long coal train, east-hound; had broken in two and four cars were wrecked, blocking the main trick com- pletely. It was late when a wrecking crmw cotld be hronght on ta’ clear away the debris and as the passenger train conld not pass the occupants of the conches snoozed and fumed bv tums until the small hours of the morning, arriving at Mahaffey at 1:10 A. M: They had time to get breakfast and board the early train for Patton. ~The wreck was fortanate in that no lives were lost nor serfous injiiry befiil IY person. Td Ne One Vhing “till Wanted, The Beech Urevek passenger trains are showing much greater: respect for the eel 3 so hesdules than they were a. few weeks ago, yet the aconmmodations ar not wnat the pubiic desire and will not be until trains from the east ars sched. uled to make a continuous run through ‘to Patton at least once a day. That evening train is the 6ne; there is arbi- trary managements somewhere; perhaps with the Pennsylvania road, or travel. ers would not be compelled tostay over night at Mahatfey, when com paratiy ely fow of the whale number have bhusi- ness there. Futhermore, the B.C company is not wedded to a terminous which originates such. a limited amount of freight and is’ the starting point and’ destination of the comparatively few PDAssen ers, aspecialiv when the acquisitions and fights have Reyme apposition, they haw Hafli Excursion Kate The Beech Creek Railroad will afford ann opportamitydor its patrong Le travel cheaply during? the holidays, and to this end, ticket agents have besn an.’ AOTIrea ms ae low rate CRolUrsion ul static; ii the GOODS GENFRAL STORE. A New w iginess Place in the Good Bailding. Malice Avenns. This week the general store of Gen. 8S Good, of Lek Haven, is being opened 1p in the west side of the Good block, ‘ MaGee avenne. It is a large hose, oe. cupying three floors, including base. ment The first floor .is 30 by 50 feet the second 30 by 50 and the basement is as large as the first floor. Al of the “late ideas have been adapted in the onstruction and fitting of the rooms: they are wired for electric light: are heated hy steam, equipped with a Mar- shall safety elevator at the rear, hand- some counters in hardwood finish and of omamental design, and is lighted from side windows and plate glass 96 by 9% inches in the front windows. The transcms are large amd the glass, as in the front doors, is; leaded. The wood- work, excenting furnishings, is of Nor- way pine. A glasscounting room will he built in the centre of the rear end of the first floor room. Great piles of goods ary being unpacked, marked and placed on the shelves. Mr. Good has been selling out his Lock Haven store and proposes to carry all lines of goods here and in such variety that people of “the vicinity will not find it necessary or desirable to spend time and money in going to Altoona or Johnstown to bay. The new store will be. prepared to sup- ply alt ordinary wants. Messrs. Elmer Smale and C. F. Dates- Lock Haven store for many vears, have been trarsferred to the Patton store, and Mr. Good is pursning a policy in the management of his varied business affairs to doncentrate his interests here. Remarkable Revovery. Monday, Dec, 4, Charlie Wagoner, a lad 11 years old, was run over hy the cars, an secount of which was given in - the Covalent Dec. 7, and he was fright fully aed The correct account of | the injures, which was given then, was as follows: “His left arm was so terri- bly crushed that it had to be amputa- text at the shoulder, his collar bone was so badly shattered that about two- thirds of it had to be removed, the left shanldet blade it was neveRsArY to re- nove eptirely and the seventh and eighth ribs were hroken and the sev. pith driven into one of the ad's lungs, “it really appeard that there was not a whale bone lef in the eff side of the Attention is called to the circumstanos at this me because the assurances #8 given tht next week one month from the time of the accident, the hov will beable to get out of the Hhov's body house, uniess something wholly unex. pectisd by the attending physician should ocenr The Wagoner faimiy is the one for: which H OC. Beek, of the Beck house, very Kindly solicited assistance when the trouble came upan them. "FRACTURE OF A RIB, Follveed by an Operation to Relieve Press. wre Upon the Patient's Lung. Latry Callen broke one of his ribs Tuesday bv falling on a railroad rail, He was walking on the track and trip- ped on & crossbar at o switch, fell and straek on his side violently upon the sail. The broken rib pressed. against hiv lung and besides canging him great pain made respiration short antil his side was opened by Dra. Noonan and Worrell and the pressured relieved, After the operation he rested, with comparstive comfort Cash After Jan. 1, 156. The managers of the Patton Supply astrietd i husiness herosdifter way of diving dod Hatice and th nubile energl been esr (ie fol wing o ; RIND TRIEND After a thorough tr ul of the eradit system, we find it det rinental to ourselves amd our enstom. ind wer have selon that on and 3, or wil sel] ony of ont i 1d thanki HV ¢ rernialn yours: vi EF UPPLY wry yar %E . iabions rot paid within PUBLIC NPN, Work on Crossings and Street (Grading. ACCIDENT ON THER. R. A Youth's Cold Bath on Christmas, The : Perils of Skating. 1 ‘Although such work as grading and building sidewalks is performed under difficulties in winter it is still going on apace in Patton. Street Commissioner Alex Hunter is making a good showing under rather adverse conditions. Ev. ery week produces a change in “he ap- pearanie of the streets somewhere. “within the borough limits. A part 6f the work accompiished hy Me Hunter since his appointment © the ofes is the opening of Magee uve. rom Fifth avenue to Donnellys mil, on the west end, brigding Chest Creek and. putting in a flume at the Marks mill crossing. - The bridge is cribbed and planked with IR-inch lamber, and the flume, which is also of plank, is 30 inches wide. and if the same in depth. The South »nd of Fifth avenoe is graded to the Patton hotel, and the commissioner did some grading on the west end near L. 8 Bell's clothing store, cousipernble re maining yet to be done. - This week Fe has been taking the top off the steep bank near the railroad station to per- mit the building of asidewalk in front of the railroad com pais 's property. Foar weeks ago i coramittee was ap- pointed by council to ascertain where public ‘crossings were needed. The committee reported thirteen. Three of hose; at the crossing of Fifth and Ma: gee avenues, one ut Heech and- Fifth and one at an alley haek of the Chest Crevk Land and Improvement com- pany's office, have been built. Ownérs of - private property have, in buiMing sidewalls, kept apace with the borough improveme Tite Wide walks have been built all the way from the railroad. nearly, to Fifth avenue, on the south i of Magee, und - are well advanced on all “of the prineipal SqUATes exe! where bintlding has been Loin on. : Two enterprising property holders on -Magee avente have Sgreed io put up some street lamps if the borough -will attend lighting - them. George SM, tod is one and = 3 Wilson . is the other. Each propos | it up two lamps, one on Gach Bide GF Ler spective properties, i care of the lamps and supplied with oil and ataired. : MINERS MEETING LAST FRIDAY Acdyrss by 2a Beganizer Seteganes t1 DuBois : Canvention Eletied. The miners’ muss meeting. held in the opéra~ house on Friday evening, was not as well attended as was expected by the presiding officers; only about 125 miners’ being present. The house was called to order by the chairman, who stated that the object of the meet- ing was for the purpose of electing delegates fo the miners’ éonvention which was to be held in DuBois. Mr. Bradley, who ik eetiplped by - the United Mine Wor as organizer, was then introduded b ¥ tug chatrman He, in ito a lengtay speech, well de- Hyvered, advised the mthers to organize for their mutual nrofection against the erase to reduce wages, which has be- come a fad with operators. manufae. turers and emploverd The speaker apparcutiy, thoroughly. uiddersiands : vothe situntion, and Held the close atten COMM: Aire have determined to do’ f the miners pros fur an haar: tL rmoeived and aptree of thie. oper nan irs fay : tO. en. Gok Yi reg bested by the 0 send (delginates tn the con. vientiomn and to lend vimnpigints
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