jjYTEST ARRIVAL ! ! FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! ! ! CHEAP EST G 30DS I N III DU WAY I AT THE STORE OF II, & BEiWAPj Cor. cT Main ,y Water, end of Hydo Ilonso, here lie has on hand an extensive nssort ii'CUt cf GocJ:', consisting of Yv'ooltu Good.', Hats and Caps, BooU cu I Shoe?, Underclothes, Ladies' Trtii Good?, Shawls and Nubia?, IIocp Skirls, Opera IIjoJ.j, Mas. Una and Call. toetl Balmoral Skirt?, Blanketa and Counter' pancu, Ladies' Drasi Triraniicgs, Gents' Furnishing Good, Groceries, Paints, tlasa and rutty I ! ! Call and see roy stock before purchasing elsewhere ! Dec. fG7 ly. NEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED AND MARKED CLEAR DOWN To the Bottom I AT THE cheap cash sionn J. V. HOUii, Main Street, Kidgway, Pa. HAVING jii't relumed from Iho eastern cliie-i where I have purchased a large ud woll selected assort mont of coojs. I invite (lie attention of the public to tall and examine my block, consisting of Dry Good, Notionu, CloiLing, Ilard-Ji" Hat, Cap?, Slioei', Qntiaif it provisions, &c, ic. BUYERS WILL FIND MY STOCK FULL AND COMPLETE, and well adapted to the wants cf tha comaunitj J. V. UOUK. Ridway, Dcc5 ly. 1-UMITUllE STOKE ST- MARY'S? PA- gASII, DOORS AND FURNITURE ! The subscriber keeps constantly on hand all ize of SaUi and Doors, also Wardrobts, Purcau3, Washatands, Bookcasea, Table, Desks. Lounges, Bed.it cads, EofaT, ic. Picture Frame, fasdi Painted anl Glazed, All work warranted to be of the best mai terisl and workmaubhip. Call and examine my work nnd price? as I feel confident my work w ill give satisfac tion and r.iy prices are aa iow, if aot lowar than they ate in any other market. CJ1AS. L. BAYER, my23d07tf. St. Mury'n, Pa, WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE, CHARLES HOLES, Practical Watchma ker, Jeweler and Engraver, llidgway, Elk county, Pa. Tho subscriber beg$ leave to announce to tho citizens of Ridg. way nnd vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in his lino on short notico and at reasonable rates in the very best manner hhop iu II. S. Belnap's Store. Special atten tion paid to engraving. Ho has also on hand a large assortment cl Clocks, W atches. Jewelry and Silverware wmcn he oners for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. nov7'07tf. TIT HEELER & WILSON'S SEW VV ING MACHINES. The under Signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WH1TMORE, March Ot-'CC-ly. at Ridirway, Pa. TVTAILS, SPIKES, HINGES. RIVETS IT locks, bolts, and all kinds of builders' materials iu general can be had cheaper at me ei. luaryg Hardware store than any uiuerpmoe in x,m county. (out) T7NVELOPK8, LAKELS & TAGS neat JJJ pnattdi t tha A4rteat OA' PHILADELPHIA & ERIE EAILEOAD. ' WINTER TIME TABLE. Thrrvgh and Direct Route between I ltdadefphui, Ihiltimwe JOirris lw(j Williaimpnrt, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. E L E G A N T SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON nnd after MONDAY, NOV. 25th, the trains on tho Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows : wJisTw.wtn. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..!!. 15 p. m. 1 " " Rmgway "Ao p. m. " arrive at trio 9.00 p. m. EiioExp leaves Philadelphia. ..12.00 noon. " " jiidgway .- a. m. " arrive at Eric 9.45 a. m. KA.'iTVf Hl. Mail Train leaves Erie 10.25 a. m. ' ' Ridgwny 4.!)8 p. m. ' ' arrive nt Fbildelphia 8.65 ft. m. Erie Exp leaves Erie 4.25 p. in. ' " " Kulgw.ay JU.i:jp.-m. ' " arr. at Philadelphia... 1.00 a. m. Mail and Express train connect tcilh all ir'tihsen arre.n ami I ranktm Jlaiheav. Pascrngtrtlcaving Philadelphia at l'Z.OO M, arrii eat lrvinrton at 0.40 a. m. and Oil Ciiij 'J.COa. in. Ltavitj Philadelphia at 11. Xf P' "' orrivt al Oil Cit; at 4.35 p. m. All Irinns on n arrcu os r rauklin Railway :nke close connections at Oil City with trnins for Franklin aud Petroleum Centre. BAGGAGE C'ilKCKEU THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. STOVES AND IIS-WAKE AT John Sosertheimer & Eons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. 6T. JIAUY'h, T. Keeps constantly on hand nnd for sale. a Iarc;c and well selected stock of TIN WARE. STOVES &c. Wc have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock or blOVtiS consists in part of SPEARS ANTIDUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & W HE AT- SII E AF STOVES. IVc nlt'0 keep on hand and frr sale tho MORNING GLORY, A large stoc of GLOBE HEATERS with Russia top is among our assortment, which are now the best stoves in use, and'ean be sold as cheap as ever. SCRAP IRON taken ia exchange for good, . SPOUTING & ROOFING done on short notice. Give us a cull, and satisfaction guarantee!. Sept. 20 bi. tr. 1) lNTSfor FARMERS and others. Tlie Graton Mineral Paint Co. are now uanfacturing the Best Cheapest and most durable Paint in use ; two coats well -pul on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years ; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color and can bo changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage nnd Car-makers, Tails and Wood en-ware, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, esfels and ships Bottoms, Canvas, Metal and Jihingle Roots, (it being tire nnd Water proof), Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manu. fact urer having used 5000 bbls. the past year,) and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed lor body, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price $i per bbl. of iUO lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warrentedin all cases as abuve. Send for a cirtular which gives full particulars, rsone genuine unless branded iua trado mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, '2ii Tearl Street, New York. Soft. 6-'G7.-Gm. N EW CASH GROCERY STORE, JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries &c, would respectfully inform tlio citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he has fjone into the Grocery Lusit its, and will open ou or about tho middle of May. Ha keaj constantly on hand an exteusivc stock of TEAS, FLOUlv, SUG A.US, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY Ly thcharrcl orouart, and everythin connected with a first class Grocery btorc. I will sell for CASH and consentient. ly can afford to sell CHEAPER 'than tho CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to come and sati.-dy thetnserves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, '66. 6m. TIEDELIUS VOGT, Practical Clock & ' Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Rooms next door to Hintcnach's Clothing Store. All kinis of work done done in a satisfactory nianaer, and war ranted. Consultations in regard to work in the Gerniac, rench or English lan guuges. March 14, 18G7tf. The fllrard Life insurance, Annuity & Trust Co OF PHILAD'A, CI 1.1 II TEIl Elt lJt 1S30 CASH CAPITAL $ $00,000,00. ASSETS $214C61805,6qr- Mutual Insurance combined with,' tha e. curtty of capital. For insurance apply to JOHN G. HALL, Ridgway, Ta. D LANES of U kinda for W at this of. . ifjjJe, 6ifr & Co'f., Cofiitw. jyjEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS 1! NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVIN3 AT THE STORE OF . HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &e. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE REST AND CHEAPEST IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AND SEE US. H oods, Nubias, and all kinds of Woolen Goods at the cheap store of HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Do you want to purchase a silver watch American or Foreign 1 if so, go to 1Z 07 111 UK, UILL1S iiCtJ. Fresh Oysters constantly on hand at the store of 12 07 UYDU, U1LUS & CO. Notions of all kinds in extensive variety at the store of 1107 111 UK, U1LL13 4 CO. A" extensive assortment of CLOTHING nt tho store of 12'67 HYDE, GILLIS A CO. TOOTS, SHOES nnd GAITERS every f) kind, style and variety at the store of 1 07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. A large and complete stock of Hardware Xi and cutlery at the storo ot lli'07 HYDE, UILL1S& CO. T OBACCO The finest brands for smok ing and chewing, at the store of 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Q UEENSIVARE an extensive assort ment, at the store of 12'67 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. ""VTewest Styles of Balmoral Skirls at the I cheap store or 12'67 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. X adies Dress Goods latest and jnosl I j fashionable figures. at the store of . 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. I ats. Caps and furs, in creat variety J J and at tho lowest price, at tho store of 12 07 HYDE, UILLISS CO. Tt Teas' woolen and cassiaicr Shirts at IT JL aensation prices, at tha store of 12 C7 HYDE, GILLIS &0 . . 1 rr. TTndershtrfs and drawers, cheaper than j tnetiueapesl, at tne store or ' 1207 11YDH. GILLIS SCO. f Oefllt',1867.1y. e. 3JJ. Alec's Colti,).)' rpil E WOR L D 11 E N 0 W N E D L MORNING GLORY! ' W-xm ( t lOiriw.flr.iaw ' t-1 f?7'-'IS'-r, ' Wc have w)h KV1 'i"i iu t:'''3 3l'r:,;"'I,'-(,;'t f-h- ' nM:ii- .- -k WBMSMf in thi, Hue il; Mwwk i.iiaw-.;rl''i - - To our c,j- FOR SALE AT SERVICE'S, EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR ELK COUNTY. I have now on hand nnd am now receiv ing tho most coinplcto stock of Cooking and Tarlor Stove.) ever brought' (a tins section. I buy tho bet, believing they are the cheapest. I have the exclusive ngeney for tVo Ci 1 cbrated Morning Glory, also, for Speer's Cooking and Parlor Stoves. I havo some beautiful designs from Erie, Buffalo, Troy and Philadelphia, and am preparing to fur nish on short notice aiiv stove made in' the country or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted seventeen years cxc'.u sively to the sale of Stoves r.'id the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware,' I nm satisfied that tiio most I'aslidi. ous can be pleased at my shop. Don't fail to call before you puruhnso elsewhere. MERCHANTS supplied with Tin-ware and Stove Pipe as low as can be bought iu Erie. THIS IS NO HUMBUG. Coal Hods plain nnd fancy, and everything usually kept in a first class Tin r.u 1 .Stove Store. Rags, Copper, Brn?s, Pewlcr, Lead, Sera Iron, Sheep Pelts nnd Fanners pro duce generally taken in exchange for goods or work. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WHINGER. mmm .'iMv 't'l-i v have the A-etiey for tho UNlYEEiUL CLOTHES WRINGER, it is tl.c lost, CC-L', 000 of them iu use. Each .Wiim cr wari ranted to be r.3 good at the en ! cf e::-: yc-.r as when tirst purchased. Cad ai. I tr.ue one home with you and if it docs no! give good satisfaction after a fair trial, K ji.ny be returned and your money will bo rculu, ded. SAVE YOU!! CLOTHES,. .'""'"' PAVE YOUR LABOR, PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH, SAVE YOU'lTIME, ALSO, THE LILY WHITE HANDS, and have smiles instead of frowns on Wash Days. Oct. ZUi lSC7-ly. rnilE CI1KAPEST GOODS J IN THE COUNTRY . A re Sold by XT E I 3 RROlHEnS Successors to Geo. We'u, IiF.ALKRS 1H Pt. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. 1 ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE :-TOCK OF BOOTS AN'D ' SHOES i KLiiip-"that v. v t ;Jobii'.iimDnt, 'ur customers -t lr.il to bcVatis 'ti'fk direct from 't Jsons' Cole. .'-t.u.'rctory, Elmi- V.'j v.-::rrarit all coods c-nr establishment. HI'IILF HARDWARE. : rr.rp'.RED to offep. in LU lino bargain1 li ca;;uot be underfold iu Elk couo- ty. Our stDck is largo, well selected. and is especially adapted to the of tlia community. T ADIES' DRY i FANCY GOODS. An I uequalled Aesortment ! Muilius, Silks, Calicoes, Satin:), Delainsi. Muire Antique?, CLiutzcsi. Wliito Qooi:, Cloths, Flannels, Eeroccs, Lacc3, Coreot?. In fact wc have everything connected with Ladles' Wear. We are deternjia- cd to sell lo;c r, cheaper and BETTER I Goods than any other firm in the courj ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. 1 fARK WELL WHAT WE 8A V.'c Sdf tifi Bout, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNQ Sold iu Elk County. Our Stock of (& I 0 f -It 11 J IS IMMENSE, And wo co:!CJci.:ly flatter ourselvxi tint V.. tK-r C"nni:"- onr.nnf. la fiim.) AxnvnzRE. IVrsons, bt i''re purchabiii" elsew' would do wc-'i to jiivo us a call. CO. No trouble to s.how our Goods. QROCERIE3, NOTIONS, &o., &a. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST! At the Storo of It f 1 $ $W In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. We have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be cold at a YE R Y SLI G II T A D YANCit On cost and carriage. tYf Our Store is in the neio Stint Building on Mnin Street. July 11, 18G7tf.
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