LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. j" Husbands Love Your Wives," and give them I'lantntion Hitters when they are pufferitift from NervoiifnesH, General Debility, Faintnebs, Spasms, or any of the thousand and one diseases to which the weaker ses is liable. Hav ing yourselves experienced the benefit of their use, extend the blossinji to oth ers. This invaluable tonic will chase llypochondiia or ' ttio JjIuo.s -ive tone to the damaged nervous cystein gently Btimulate languid seci'dimis dispel vapors aud ennui, an 1 piiicrully 'build up the worn count it ui ion. Fur each sex and all aires it is a comic stini- ulunt and a refrcshingeordi.il. Million of bottles are sold daily all over ilie world . Magnolia Water. V delightful toilet article superior toeolo:;ne ami lit half the price. Rr.soiiitcK.s of Tin; J'. c. K. !' V. IIec.ION. 'Ihe corres(iinlri:cij vthirii is being published in the Kiie Djm;, !, under the above caption, is to be cave fully revised and amended, and brought out in a largfl octavo pamphlet, rl about 150 pages, on elegant typo and paper, enclosed in leather-paper cover, and in tended to answer as ateKt book or guide for all persons who may desire to visit the region or obtain iiifonnat;au cii ccrning it. Fatat. AcciDli.NT. On Mo.ul.iv lat James II. Cook, of lVydeii, 'I'onipkius ..county Xetv York, was fatally iiiju.cd i i by a log striking him whilo at work on j the job of Andrew Hummer, in .lay t.. i this county, lie was -' years ol'tige. t and leaves a mother ui:d Mster to iiiuurn death. His lather died in the army. . J.nes had been in the 10;h New Cavalry. Leg HiloiiKN. Ou January -til David Ilollobaugh, of Fox to'.vu.-hip. was throwu from a horc, tliortby fr.it;- j turing his thigh. He is djing as weil as can be expected. Scalped to i-'eatu. .V few days ago a child, two years old, daughter of John Willia.ns, of Jay township, was fatally scalded by a boiler of hot water which fell on it from a eouk.siove. The W (iiii.D at iioM.: ii the tiilenf a new I'hiladelplti.i ni;i''ti:'.Ino puii'.le.'i tion. It presents a haiiu.-nuiu i.vpo gniphieal appeurance, and is just meh a journal as every J'eiitylvaiiiun should take a pride in suipm vug, it being tin only one of its kind in the State. It management is under the eor.tiol of !. G. Evans, Ksq., the well known bmA publisher, whoso conncciinn with it may bo taken as a sure omen ol the sucee- of the enterprise Address S14 Client Inut Street, l'hihiuelphia. Thanks. (jov, Geary will please Accept our thanks for an advance copy rbf h's Annual Mossago. Col. Campbell will also consider v.s under obligations for the report of the j Surveyor Generil. Notice to Aitlicams roti the iiENEFIT OF THE JiAN KliL'l'T ACT. ! It being provided by the Silth General ; Order in Bankruptcy of the Supreme Court o the United Slate that "In cases where the debtor has no means, and makes proof to tho satisfaction of the Court that he is unable to pay the cost prescribed by the Act," -Ac., the Judge may, in his discretion, direct that the fees and costs shall not exceed the ksum of $oO, required to bo depoMied by iilie applicant. 1 aesiro to lulnrm all luch as desire to avail themselves of ihe benefit of the above provision, that It cannot be expected to be applied to the case of any petitioner who i-s ol sufficient ability to emply au attorney to conduct the proceedings fur him. That if such petitioner is incompetent to the task of preparing his own petition and schedules, he may apploy to the clerk ot tho undersigned, Henry 5.ill, Esq., in Girard, who will prepare the the requisito petition ami schedules for the reasonable fee of 85, and Ihe cost of stationery. S. EAVoodruft, llcgister in Bankruptcy. WHY DO YOU IHH "U.i-rett's Ilair Restorative . " IJccaufe I have used all others, and find my hair in too many colors. Leo Amputate d. Yesterday, whilst working in the woods near the mouth of Bear Creek, Mr. Isaiah Kline met with a painful accident. He' had just " hearted " a trco, which in falling, lodged, and as we learn, that in cutting it from the stump, it slid back on his leg below the knee, smashing it terribly and breaking tbe bone in two places The limb was taken off 1 J inches below the knee by Drs. Bordwell and Hart, man, and the unfortunate young tuuu is now doiu well. .1. S. li'MllJWKLL, M. l. rl!ir hi i-l ecleeiit! means to ehoso or J Kolocl inp.licini-M from nit t lie ilill'ercnt schools of tin1 lie in : .using retnedips Hint nrc snle, and iliso:i riling; from pruotioc nil mcd'einps that havp an iniiiiriims piled on the system, sueh as mercury, antimony. lr.nl. nipper. Sic. 1 lay aside the Inure the old blood letter. vc .Juror or ileplvti-i'. and rijiinlixe the circulation mi I vp-loro the M'sirm to its natural state by all eia; ivrs nn, I tonics. I shall lu'rcilter give :! rt K'ula r ill Irn: inn to chronic di-oa-o-, such it s I ' c 1 M-t! i ii : 1 1 p -1 n . Uys-ieti-ia, I.' vor c-oinjii ntil. Catarrh, Nell. ral;ria. ! i si--i -m of Hit) throat, urinary or. runs, inn! nil ui-eases peeuliav to female.-, c. ' T A !! 1! II I (vent with a new instrument of a lale iu ctttiuti. which riir- every ruse. TKKT II i x:r:i"'eil without iain. (I are Mil 1 r.'-i'lclIC" MlUth ot ifp.iril on f'eTi:-e Si. O'li",' hours t'rom 7 to t a. m : 1 ' to 1 j. in : (' i o 7 p. in. ). I'.fc.T. I-.. .1. S. r.OlU'iWl'.I.I,. Vegetable HAIR RESTORATIVE W aerMei ly Iho N. II. Stme Flr 0 W ij 1 i" now cuni.'1'u.'u oy 1110 piemc in uc a or la.iru iinir in m nncinni color ! 1 nniiit.ilinir Ita Cniu (I. .H.I 1.. In. 1 1 .. I BIl'l Hrflut'.lj iiij; tli" llnir. lliaVre C3 ' Ironi iiokuitoi:. .Inip, dor not kiitiit iiio lnifbt Inune. and lenvfs ttie Si flln cl.l'AN. .V "O it.TSWK.'tf.'r-'' i. R. BARRETT St CO., Proprietors, MANCHESTER, K. H. ((; ((.( . , ( ,. y it- mil;. !:! i; ; m I a i. v a v s 'i in: lO V ...y In. osnvs. ! '. ! : A e lie ': i I in 1 1 ite in- jiii recei..i it i.; )ii':sxn;n:;rn::;i- rj.vni- r. a h lie effer at i - I'eii ear.nnt fail to el' t'l. l-e. ll ! .-Iili I'oli l.lll .i.il -. I'l.hi.'sti-.- ' lCleHl--. llureiiii" li-taiius. Coinni -':l,i- el' M !.).!. I.' nr.. V, i,i; "woi'l mul rii".' I'..-. is me! Vlat- 11 v: i 'l - i' i. I ' niu IJi-eaU-, Tea I' u a v inn) '):: -iriei'e ;,'..'. i. (" .1. ..( , v ,-y I. lie! II el .IrTI ' : ioa. ' i ' 1 ' ' i . i ' 1 1 hi' t ' ino Seal e.l V ." I'i il "ll In I 1 . - '.I HI . I I . V. :,al V In i '1 e I rv I ::e- I 1 1 1 : i 1 ii: a !'n -i ( ly FURMTUREVARE ROOM l,;e' ere I l.-ii.i -i.e., Oil M.. nt. Im i.l I il in i!el'. "'.ill IT .i'a s .,olil il el !. nt' C,,iiii. e 1. Clleivt l eiiiii. ni, 3 .ii. ni-!i in I : ini'neil I I I , I't.-f an I V I eel :e it in i ; ii I.,; .-i-, il',; i.l I'i a,., ('! in :n on,- 0. 'i'i I V e I'na in any Metallic en-is t I ai a' vie In nil. ii.' I, in 1 pm "tnvil in rpeliir. eimfe! in i'ei wii'i n lilieral pat- roiia,',', i-i.l 'i ah ,e o he, v ,, tl firsi t'l.;-s P-i-ihli niat III. L' anlie.li lo I he lien. ,,1( ,,f i;t. ,.,.., , -., it ;.., ,,,.,,,. in !;ee;i lii ;, inou.-v in cireul iiion iii imnic lil.'lll III "let i oli in I 'ie eil ins t iiere if liev ; buy but link' ihey mo In ;;. clip.'lletl an l pay Tin n h t '',''! nan. ! Miei inn, ihp ,, , i',iii. i'ii i" iieiiin be. neyi-r leivmv.iv from lioiie.' ivhul e n, h h i 1 jn-i n- rheep nl linlno, in, 1 the eh. .11V...1 , i i I, if, - ,.j. I're in el 'ru I', no Iv uiia ii at II. II. Thomas' Waie liuwle,. lixeel.-ior lhi';e!iii'', cm tier of Main .-iiel Uejmi si reels 1!h1i:h .i v. E!k enmity l'a. (let. til, ls.;7-ly. II. If. TIIuM S. j . I.l i .M.lfl-i I.IJ I .-i I-1 lii . I.I'..- l lie iiiii!i'i--i''iietj has I n, I nut a v s i ajre u.ou hin (fioiui,! ii'ljoiiiiujr 1 1, ,. ! i , 1 way l'eii'il, to lie cille l The Ims nre fid leel fimil by Ino feel ileeii froul in;; towanli the r.tilr.i.i'l. Toriii I'm-'!,,- first lot .oM, SlOll. Poi the seeninl l,i hnlil. Slid. Cm' iho ihinl lot toiM, .--lii .iml mi ou ini'ipiiHing in price us I, '1 1 are suM. R,. rirs pi!ivlii!..:rs jel ihe clinieo lot at tiic clii'iipe-t vale.;. l'ttrcha-ers w.ll be reistiMPil in the oi iler of iheir. ni'i!ieal Ion ' 'en tier cent ol tho purchase in .liny must be r,ai, ill ihe t line of I ho a j .1 i t . t i,m. E''.'wA..lie.itiinis Mill be tuiiilo to .loll G. Hail, Es.., liiilwav, l'u. J. S. HYDE. IiioVH-ny. ioar,'.."Trii,"i-tf. LUMBER. ai:i: riiEPAiii'.n t.i fckmsii f nrou sh.irl itoiiec ilie tnilotvin Iviitil.s of Lniuber of the tiesl tjiiuliiy. FLOomxa ANiisniixn, Jresseil in tho best po-sible iii'.nner, from seasoned lumber, remly lor me. Ainu, lath roil i'Icjystf.ulnti We will put on cars when ieiiiire,. CyAll in-ileis nib 1st e,l lo us at this place prompt! ntteinleil lo. . Su'l'TUlUl, WIM.IS .t CO. jun2lljll' Ki lway, l'a. GUNS, PISTOLS, KIFI.KS, KM V KS, poehet mi l Inlilo cullery, of ihti best iuulily unit immt npprovuil puitei n, for nila cheup at the Iliirilwnre t-luie on I'iln i-'jer'i old corner ia . Mary'a. (n2!T67) TOI1N 0. HALT,. Attnrnev at, lnw. ltldg wny. Elk county Ta. mar-l'STifi ly TAI'H1!:.I. r.LAKHf.V. Atrtirney M lnw, j iiml U, S. Commissioner. Iliilgway Kik county. Pa. (mar 28'tiH.ly. toVy (MlTvol'nTr Vr7oi7Tii"de7. ,) eriptions rhino at this nllico. AM1 INK iiocm:. m. Mai in in Kreiz. I'i npriwnr. R. W. JWlliS 1IMKH V V! Vt., I anil Surgeon, .Si. .Mar,'". I'", enemy Vn. nini- .,'i;i; ty." pvft. w. v. siiaw iv-u-v.., i-,e,. nml Surgciy. Ciiure ;i'e. I''.- i nty I'a. n;n I -. "VXK'TTIU V. ,T ) i l v. SC !;:):, J !. Wnrvsiii, &c, on hainl nml Jo? mIu ni tins ntltcc. r IT. V' U.K. M niu' ii-n.-e- me! Hi-Ho i, in I. mii r Iteer. -iie i'm liaiiroail ie)..n. S'. I ii v's. lilk e.aie.i y I'a. Mar--J'J-r,'-. l' '. O"1 Till-: I! AMI Wll,.i-i A io,-iiex m. ." r.-nv. l!il;.MV.v. I"l ...".rv Vi..' wi'l I'll. I 10 all p: o !--i 1 1 ll lei . '.i. . n nm n . r. ! ... .--: I ra-es ofMir-.'ieiil iim e. "i; -J'J'iei ' v. ! I'l 1 liiiiiing to t ho ! i eg IiusilK-SS Gen- fi i:A n n. ni-;:i.!:; i. ifi!. on"!v- T l'ealer in li' ie.-- "ml i i - . , I'r.lC PrntiS Hi !..' I'l'ens ! I I'.iini. OiNmi.l Vnn-'-n. V - ' v T-'l. j P! artir'" aiel Maiiniin-v II'.! !'. lu 1, r o m 1 1 1 . IM. fin i'.- Mi 1v, 'o.ixu. iim. i i. e. mil.. i A 1 f- o ! ii v s - -i I - I v , , j ST. V ::V' : I ni:'ziN-f:i:it r. . n K i ut.--rv, v.. ' .v'-,-.ii oil er -Jil, !'';;. ly. I ! ) A I 1 .1 : . I ' I I I ' i V 'iii:i:i- . . "isi-.. ; Tlr- in n n '. . 1 1 VU'elle "T- S. !t...-'w ". 1. i. i;, f '.' e.e I : 'u .1 i! n,i ' , i' : . ,i... ...it I.. ., ' ", : 7i.S A. M- : I L' , t. 7 V. M. ii Ma on rivi vvi:k in us..:. l;!'u:v v. ' nivin tii Wei!. The llililersii.Mieil leiviie- liiii .l en "r.n e-'ini iiiiu-i nil.. I mi .,e -umiim i eo' i'er ol ''"litre hi; 1 -ill -1 (:. v -i in 1 roiivi nieiil sl-i'nlin ; atiaeheil. r fully y.i' ie;; the eilrmia';e of liN 'it. ! I'i iea !. am) the lvit lie ener.,lU . tleel n'ti'i y S. S'l!Mi!T. JOHN (i. Ii A LI,, KAViu Tii w::i;. l-) Vn? i.MI"!, I I K 1'. IIAI.I,. . I llniVMP , lVW.aNi' v l S. (). rv. I ' i : t 'a .-; Co.. I'll lllf i:i. i lu: ii(jL.-i:. I'll.. M. V. Muni;!', T!l III; 111 I'm- Ihe 0 III, . . : , I ,1,1 I lei , Ii'in '. lei . ... - v 1 11': lo ill" en, i ,), , .'lli--., lo ItU'l il ll ce - aiii e. l.it Al t i ii.! 'VTOTICi: i-herel'i ..-iteit C.-.i I ' -vt. i-:' i i. 1 011 ' licee- ' ' " I I will II It'll, I (!' ('!l , ii,e i.fi.,;.' iJ(ali al;'j. l llil n-le l iii ley t Anv pei-nu ei'iii.;; , .e i a ",'.-,, wil he lipid itn-uernlile In i he .- I , i,. L.,.u; I lie law. 1'. I! !I!E IT. fiee'i llSHGlf. Ai.ieii.ni, er. 1 XCII.VNGlillOfiil.. I llllniWAV. PA. , .1. 1IAI.EV Pioi, ,. . This hull 1 i-' ineiiiiily siui.icl on the ! bank-of ilie Cl.iri.in It'tei e el I II, I reck. ! ii ihe Ini.er t il l ol'lh" f i'.e. Mr. !e:,lv ( i. Ii -i:ire no i sins mi ihe t uoveiiic ee i.f j , h; s .-nesu, e in '. no-one iiikIuII lu him a rr ; '. 1 nml P y iiis huu-e. Kept, I, Hi C, - y. I1LACKS.M IT 1 1 1 NT, ! II. S. I'.lil.N A 1' ilfsires I il i in, inn l! p f l i. 7I1IS nf l!il-w:;v .'Pel v'einny I h 1 1 hp I,.,- h 1 .1. S. I'ly.le's 111 .:";, Ii Mi,,,, on M'll -i reel, fuel lias eienin, el ;,,, 1 Mm';. iiin ulmttiil bo oyer vea,y in iua!;c any. ihin-j f'.'niii n but hie lo nn auehoe. l'ai tiei.iar illleniinli ;;iveu in tho Islioeillg ol li'ii si-i. All 1 ns!; is a fair trial. May 17'i','.-l.y. IT.'" OYtiUIiOl.TZIiit. Mi:i;CII.VTTAll,0!l, llidyway, Klk Co., Pa. The siib.-ci iber desires rpsj.eei fully to in form ihe citizi ns of Ititlcrw.-y and vieinitv llii hp is f,i,,.i.e,l in in ike io orderns veil a- il ran be ,1 nenin where. aiiviliiiiL' in ihe line ol his bu-iiii'ss ' All he liska is a fair niul. ! I I'ils jrn i.raiileed. P"'.. t'lolhs, I'lissiluers, VeswiHT" mi l Tri.inuiiii.'.s of ihe late-l ami most nppi'tiveil -lyles hem enii-t-nillv on hand, uliieii will bi ml TCIIliAPIIR Til AX T1IR ClllvVP- T. au'nll.y SO MKT I UNO Xi:V! HOTJSS, SIGN So OUNAMEXTAIi PAIWTI5:c. 'I'm; sLiiscitiit i; ii v. in; i. u it i,. f speclfully inform ihe eiiipin of l.lk eoiinty rhi.l hp has ju-t tnaried in ihe nb ivo busine-s in Jtiiljjnny, null feel euti deiit ihnl heenn please all wfinny la vor hint -with their eustoin. J . I I X I V I'Wl.i: IIANCINiJ AM) CAI -I llIVO liONI; ON' SiMKT VO'I'ICI: AND l.N tiii; r o -l fasliiniuibif. iitol ini,i i,veil iie.iiuer nml style. Orders left nl this I Hiiro or nt ihe linnkin House ol Soutlipr, Willis & Souther will lie promptly ulteiidi d to. W. 1'. WILLIAMS, Mny-17'0(i-ly. C" AU COKi: AND FIPvE-CLAv"! ". . 'All of superior quality, for tale by thi Tannerdile Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, l'a. ted"-Orders by niuil promptlj it tend ed to. iepil 3-tl THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT TIIEllIDGWAY DRUG STORE. Ki:rr by G110VJ3 G. MlvSKNT.ER, Kklort in Invvf. f'ed'e-v, JVnK (ih. White lierd. Lu'irieafing Oil, Lamp Cii, Tsr.nrr's Oil. l'er. fii'iiciit-n of all Kinds, Thi pmeit Varnish, 3ruhe of every Style and Si.o Dye SlufTs. I'ure ('niifeetinniirie Citron, I!aiin. Patent Medicine", '.Vines, Wnt.di, Joudry, Itinns, Tob.iecofs t: fegnrs J'urc .'iilors fur Jledieinnl pur mes only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT I 'lire tri-s nt Low TricCS I - ,;, ,, . en i . i '."lliill (,in;is ,'III"IV; i . . ,, ' r . ! ni "i: in !.in,!e.-s variety n.e,:.e ii ;., .1 I'leji-li Wntrhrv ! ii an I I-jiu'Mi Watches I .Ii in ii v. II ii a ic. . - ni -Ii rtelrv r.innS fte. -, 'I'.n -. I.alevt Xnvels ! i . T..'.-. I.nte.t Xovels - it'..,,,.: v. 1'il-rl-C.lgCS ! -. ""'i.-i'i.me! . Ilird-Cajcs I : iii 1 mi ar Striuas 1 i'nd I i .1'Uir Si i iii"s ! t t . I.ii' k f . ' ' ' -. J inn 1 'linn!, t'niiiinoit 1'lr-a -. No. .1 . ene'iti. mi' niniiet ii.im lor; ".I -lull ill lleli-lei.illl l V 1 1 1 . 1 1 11 1 1 iT N" i- lie, flu li.tr I lie ;i':iniill's 'ioa n e em i, l"i a,i inn I,,, e i'i, i-.ihI h in e .o, li.e ilaiu.';:'." i -".I !,y ilie ', el In ill lain-, jiin) ll, I iu- il.a,i.;;,-- y.'i't i. a..e. eil ii .leennla nee ii h j 1 1 i ; 1 0 , oy , tin! 'i Hiiiiarv in lii- oil'nu iii i:ii,'v.i;y. '. ' f;n-ilav. the 4ili Jay of Jitmury next, ir. S'irTr.::n, w.v.!7"t".7-l'it. 1" iinii'- s All ine--. B E A L E G (i.a : I. i'v,i:Li:,t) i: M n It O C A T ION! tinii a i.i, ii'i:.-"s i.-i;;:nt to ' ' i I -I. i. .1.1 i'le il. il .in i". :.! : ,i.:ie.i!;i,ll. n.ian. ,. i ... i y a ii.-tc- i 1 . U II fill l.l:,,l,"i-.e i,f , I '- ,.' I .1 i...i .-.Ii' HI ,11 I' a n '. I . ,-' . iiin. i . M.i, i ; :t-i'.- i i i i.e k let ye: ot'-,-. : e-; i ' ru I ,i;n.'iii :i In.' t, nieli it i- i . .'iilll : in-! .!.. t il v. 'i .vi'lii e , iti'i' of i- ii v, en I, the 1 1 I. v,', I ' re : tli III v. , e j -i v en f. ' i --.'liiiii, - . . i n I nil '.. !io ; 1 , 'liiul ev- r, i in ; ii 't "i-.il P. i'l ll ,il : ! i ni.ii.e mi 1't.M-s i 1 1 ' v !i t ..- ;. . '., . n;! .'. .' i ; i ' i ? i ru'ii ( i,n ( l it'i . i -, I. ' ! . .i;. VO t.ill:n,c n .- : : ll ll-t itlfiii lo : i.e , , , i 'Ki ! i n ; . i 'i'. -, v't ill'tiv 'r:.lil.."l, hy I (irt'v.-iiliMl np-Hi io ;t;i,iv t!'t Id in1 ilioil !iic!i !i:is , u i' 1 1 t. ..I" hi i 'J p a '"''V v. i , -n e: IO llll! V.'tl'IOttS tii ..',1 .('-) to !,t "i In-iHi'flit iMit lo 1 1 1 (- lliM-ii'. 'J iii- flu 'ii nt':ti o-i u.i-i f I'll red :,l y u-vd I'V I :ie I. n el l.ll,ii:l if.lri.i Addre.ss nil oi'.iei s i o in:. i.n.'i.i.M) i;;;.Ai.r:. 1'iOJ, Siillih Seen ml Si, 1'lii'i'a. f 7. For S.ilo by Uonirtell a .Me-seuev, liiiljjway, l'a. ii, M Hy ' Illi loUowiii nanieil pel -oils iui e tiled nilieiit Ioiii lot Lit eu-p, in ley oiiiep, lo lip iie.tnl at tiie next Court of Onarier Se-siiiiis. Comniyiieiii ( on I lie St eon, I Moii tli. vol' .buinaiy, siuS, Ijcin ilie Inlh day or iiio Montii. TAVi:e.X LIl'KKsl!. Jo.-eph Ktu li and Sou, Kerscv, Cciure v'illo: rha-. II. Villi,, Si, M i ys"; .lo-eph W.iulii 1,' , Si.Aij.y-: Auihoiiy I'oeht in. hi, St. l.n -; I.eon.ud Coo!;, Johnson biiijr; John Muiiii, Jay lowuship; llavid I uaypr. ''iiljiiiay ; 1). C. Oyster, Foxtwp. ; l. V. .Moo. e, Kiilirway ; .M iclmel tlpi Cpii nevitle; ll. lieiinoil, (!enl I eville ; II. A. I1' io-l, Ceiiiiotille; John Holey, Itidijway. l:TINC, HOI -H MCLNSK. F.dtvili d Ulinler, Si . Marys; Jacob Crius, Si. Mans; James MeClosUpy, Cenlvcville : .lames Itoian, Si. Marys; Samuel Miel. t Mary's; .loiiu (iriebel, St. Mary's: Thomas ZiiutiiL'it. Sl.Mrry s; W. V'assou, Kidgway. run a Lici:nse. Joseph Willie1.!!!. Si Maivs, (JKO. A. i'ATIIDU.V, l'roilitniotaiy. jjTCiniTCU linen:!! " BCRATCA ! 8CRATCII ! ! SCRATCH ! ! ! in from 10 to 48 hours. U heaton't Oiiiiineiit cures The Itch. When I oil's Ointment cures Salt Klieuui. Wheiiion's Ointment cures Tetter. Wiipiitou's Oiulniciit cures llarberg' Itch. Whealon'B Oiutment cures Old Soree. Wlieiiiou's Ointnmnt euros Every )iind, of Humor like Mngio. Price, 60eents a bnk ; by ninl,CO cents Address WEKK8 & POTTEU, No. 170 Washington Street, I!oton, Mass. For (air by Uilrnggirti. iSrph 17'C7 ly. EW HAlil WAliE STOitla! The suhncrihers linvt just opened in G T. MARY'" A new and Complete Stock of llcnvy & Shelf Ami will kep con itantly on lnuul a great varie'y of cook j a D m:. rixa .s to vex Ijtir li fiii. Slirl Am lis. )i lin-n.' An, llni fi- Slmiy, Sjn iiitx, JJuilif-in- I lurii'-itrr, fiiirx mul Film nf Exvry l) fit rlifinn ! GIN-, .'l.TOI.S AND ('AKTr.Il)Gi:3, Cutlery, l'lntpil V.'ni e atei I'uie-u riirni-hiiio; ffooiN. Al kinilsof Mi rlian ic' Tool. T i N W A II E Of evety ile-er'.ien, whieli v l,e . out nt the i:ST t'ASII IMMi'i:.-!. They have n'-o lee exehi-ivo nx.i.'y in St Mary's l'er tlio IMPROVED CRiZNT .'. HASH HI' I! N f Xl.1 ('OA 1 1 STOVES 1 a n i) lwrjnt re un aces : V"ii"ii e -. ne-'ii c t I'mir l-'ir.-t C'a1 T'r3. mime nt ion Sc -' Vor!; Siale ae.'lelli. or I'.rrs : Al-n. llip (!l";it .--'ilver M.' l.il el i in; l-Y.ii' of t ie er ifi n lii'iiiioe. he'il ill New Vo.i, ( ily. 1 Wo. They are Pci petui;! ltiirners, only cue fire buiii'j vet uii-e.l to be uiaila tiiii iiiif ilie sPfison. . a . v.M. ;i. :)i(i:LA::p. niu-'i.7 lv . .it?... GOODS I'i.e iindersigneJ have on h:md a .,rrj9 and viy i.e.-i:;;!i!e i-ttiek lif GOOLKs, i:.u v!ii coniar.;!y ktcp an exter.-vive ;:';-.:ii;tnicii!, including everything tliat is wanted to ' i:AT, WE Alt, ORFEED. I ."."(.si i'noy will sell at the very bottom i i!;-,ie anil I'm;!! this date will sell only l',,i' c.l SI!, We will ue every endeav or to nui'ie it to the interest of our cus tomers to adopt tl.e univer. ul CASH SYSTEM. We have de'ertuiued to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, helicvinpr it to be the iutar-c-t of boih buyei and seller. POWELL & KIM II Hid-way, Autr. "3th, ISO". 'e. rATltOXIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. r Jll Ii subsci iboi'H haviim eonipletcd tiioir J New Crist Mill in liidgu'iiy are now n ep. ued lo tin nish the people of the eur louudiug conuiry villi Flour of the Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and others is called to our laoilities for furnishing I hem with FEED OF A LL KIXDS, cheaper than it can te bought any other place in iho county. jyCAsu Paid fob Grain"' J.S. HVDF ' J. V. V . J. K ..OVK. Nevember 7, 18C7if ' WH1XM0RF. HLACKSMITIFP TTvT. joiner's toe' CARl'EN'TlilCS ANU the cheapest " tor tale " cheaper than Stbr. .. t Hie St. Mary' H1'9 w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers