SHERIFFS SALES. ' BY VIRTU H OV SUNPR i WRtTJi of Vi 11(1 it ion t J'.rjtumtH i'Stled out qi the Court of Common 1'ie is of Hi'.; count)', I shall expose to pale by Public Ver.duo or outcry at t'.io court house iii Kidgway, on Monday, tho BJih day of January next at ono o'clock 1'. M., nil the intorcstof tho defendant in and to the following described real estate, to wit : All that certain tract, piece or pared of I rcd situato in the township of Fox, county of VAk. ond State of Pennsylva nia, known and distinguished as subdi vision No. 4 of warrant No. -1 : iT t in a;d township, bounded and described is 'Mbws : On tho north by pubdivh-ion No. G, on the cast by tho eastern lino of 'said warrant, ou tho south by tub-livis. 5on No. L;f and or. the west by subdivis ion No. 5J, and containing Fifty Two acres more or less, with tho F.aiiroad (f the Shawn.ut Coal Company, of L!lk county; ruuuin through it. ALSO, All that ccrtaiu tract, piece or parcel of hvnd, situato in '.ho township of Fox, county of Elk, and .Slate of Pennsylva nia,, knowu and designated m ButJivw ion No. 0, of warrant No. 4:170, iu said township, bounded rtid described as -fj'".oi. Ou the tioitu by subdivision No. 3, ou tho cast by the eastern lino of paid wanaiit, on tho south by subdivis ion No. 7, and on tho west by subdivis. iou No. 5, and containing fifty acre, more or less. ALSO, All that certain town lot, situate in tho borough of t?t. Mary's, county of Hlk, aud State of Pennsylvania, known and designated as lot No. 3f, on t'baui rock Street iu said Borough, ut:d being fifty feet in front on said Shuunotk (Street, by eighty feet deep, at right , angles. ALSO, All that ccrtaiu town lot, situate in tho Borough of St. Mary's, county of Elk, aud State of Pennsylvania, known aud designated as lot No. SV, on Sham rock Street iu said Borough, and being fifty feet in lroiit on paid Shamrock Htroet, by eighty feet deep, at right angles. T f-'0 All that certain town lot, i-ituate in tho Borough of St. Mai vV, euuuty of Elk, and State uf Pennsylvania, kuowu Bud designated as lot No. 4, ou Louis Street, iu said Borough, aud being fifty feot in front on faid Louis Street by eighty feet deep, at riyht angles. ALSO, All that. certain town lot, t-i t u:ito in the B jrough of L;r. Mary's, county uf Klk, aud titalo of i'i-m)- Iv-ini-!, known and designated as lot No. ;", on Louis Street, in said Borough. i.nJ being fifty feet in front, o.-i said Louis Struct, by eighty feet d .. uf ri.'-ht nn r'lvi. AiiiKi, All thnt ceitiin town lot, miu it : in thu Borough of St. Mary's, county oi Lik, and Stato of Pennsylvania, known and designated us lot No. I-, ou Lou:. Street, in f-aid Borough, y. i being fifty feet in front ou said Louis Sneet, ly eighty feet deep, at ri-ht angles. ALSO, All that certain town lot, situate in the Borou:;h of Sr. Mary's, county oi Kit, and Mate of!,i;iia, l.iniwti aud designated as lot No. !.'", a Saint Patrick Street, i: snid j5,ir..:igh, and being fifty feet iu fout cn H:iiii .-;t. 1'at. rick Street, by eighty foot deep, ut right angles. ALSO, All that certain town lot, liituato in the Uorough of St. Mary's, e.oun'y of Klk, and State of Pennsylvania, known and designated as lot No. ou Sah.t Patrick Street, in sii.l Borough, 2nd being fifty feet in lrout on s.'iid Sainl I'africk Street, ly eighty feet deep, at right angles. ALSO. All that certain town lot, situato in the Uorough of St. Mary's, county of Elk, and State ct' Pennsylvania, known nud designated as lot No. 87, on Saint Patrick street, i:i said Borough, and bo. ing fifty feet iu front on s:iid St. Pat1 rick street, by eighty feet deep, at right angles. ALSO, All that certain town lot, situate in the borough of Saint Mary's county of Elk, aud State of Pennsylvania, known nnd designated ss lot No. W, on .Saint l.. :i. ... . ..... i !,...... i i i - lg fifty feet in irout on raid St. i r.tnek S. ALSO, Ml tlmf rprtnin iivn tthinfn in the L'orough of St. Mary's county of E!k r.ud State of Pennsylvania, known nd designated as lot No. O.'J, on .?aiut Patriek street, iu paid Ljrough, nnd bo in fifty feet in front on said Sairt 1 atnek street, by eighty feet doej), at right angles. ALSO, AU that certain town lot, situate in the Poroush of St. Marv's rmmlv nf rvJilk, and Stato of JVnnsvivimid. known nnd designated as lot No. 'J4, ou Saiut Patrick' street in said Jorough, and be ing Cfty foot iu front ou said Saiut Pat. lick street, by eighty feet deep, at light uugles. ALSO, All that coi tain towu lot, situate in tho Uorough of St. Mary's, county of Elk, and Stato of Pennsylvania, known and deoignatcd as lot No. 102, on S'i. Patrio street in said Ijoroujih, and bo ing fifty feet iu frout on said A't. Pat. rick urrcct, by eighty feet deep tt right unglef!. "t-i-. '-ri7 'if? "HP- ALSO, All that certain town lot, (situate in tho borough of St. Mary's, county of Elk, and Stato of Pennsylvania, knowu and designated a.s lot No. Toll, on Saint Patrick st'ecf, in said borough, aud being Cfty feet in front ou said Saint Putrid: slrect, by eighty foot deep, at ribt angles. ALSO, All that ccrtnin town lot, situate in the borough of St. Mary'n, county of Elk, aid St it J of Pennsylvania, known and designated as lot No. I'll, on Saint Patrick .street, in eaid borough, cud hei'ig flf.v feet in rout o;i said Silic; Patrick street, by eighty feet deep at rirht angles. ALSO, All that certain town lot, situate in the borough of St. Mary's, county of Elk, aud stato of Pennsylvania, known and designated as lot Ho. 30, ou Erin street, in said borough, nnd being fifty leet iu front on said Erin street, by eighty feet deep, at right angles. ALSO, All that certain towu lot, situato in tho borough of St. Mary's county of ami stato or 1 Ivama, Known and designated as lot No. 40, on Erin street in said boroagh, and being fifty feet in front on said Erin street, by eighty feet deep, at right audes. ALSO, All that certain tract, piece or parcel of laud situato iu the township of Fox, county of Elk, and state of Pennsylva nia, known and designated as subdivis. ion No. 2 of warrant No. j.'i70 in said township, bounded and described as follow? : On tho north by subdivision No. 4, on the t r.;;t by tho east lino of said warrant, ou the south by the south, em line of said warrant, and on tho v?-.-:t by subdivision No. 1. Containing forty two uercs, more or less, wiih the lluilroad of the Shawinut Coai company ol Elk county running through it. ALSO. All that certain pieee fir parcel of laud, situate, lying an 1 being in St. Ma rys b.ovii'jh county of Elk, mid state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as loi.ows,, to wit : i t?e;i i: uir at ttio 1 1 io intersection of the Phila &, Erie Rail Uoa 1 trnd St. Mieliael street, being tho southwest comer of the lot, thence north fifty f ve and one-halt' degrees west, one hundred and nine and two-tenths feet, thence north thiriv-tour and ouo-half degrees east eigluy-threo and three- tenths feet, tlieiiee north eighty three degrees cast, thirty two aid five tenths ! feet, th'jneo south ten and one fourth degree;; rdst, thence south fifty two and one ball degrees west, sixteen leet along said railroad to the place of beginning. Containing seven thou sand six hundred ' a. i ten sijuaro feet, ou whidi is erected ona two story frame tavern house, about City feet by thirty feet, one two story building used as a drugstore, oue two story building front ing on Michael street aid the Philadel phia and Erie Rail Load, and one old baru Hij feet by 20 feet. ALSO, All that ceitaiu tract, piece or parcel of land, situato iu the township of Fos, county of Elk, and stato of Pennsylva nia, known and designated as farm lot No. 7, Caledonia Road, bounded and described, as follows, to wit : Ueginning at a post ou said Caledonia Road, num. bercd 7, S, !) nnd 10, said post being tho southeast comer of said farm lot No. 7, thence west ono buudred and thirty tvo rods to a post, thenco north fifteen and ono half rods to a post, thence east oue hundred and thirty two rod to a post ou Caledonia Road, and thenco south along the line of said road fifteen aud one hall rods to the place of begin ning. Containing twelve and oue half acres and allowanco lor Caledonia Road. ALSO, All that certain town lot, situato in tho boroush of St. Mary's, county of Elk, and state of Pennsylvania, known and designated sis. lot No. 7, ou Loum street, in said borough, aud being fifty feet in front ou said Loui strsef, by eighty feet deep, at riht angles. ALSO, All that certain fown lot situato ia the borough of St. Mary's, county of Elk, s,'ate of Pennsylvania, known and desig nated as lot No JO, on Maurino street, iu said borough, aud being fifty feet in frout ou said Maurice street, by eighty feet deep at right unties. ALSO, All that certain towu lot, situate in tho Uorough of St. Mary's coanty of Elk, and slate of Pennsylvania, kttowu and designated as lot No. 7, on Walbur ga sttejt, iu said borough, am being one hundred lectin frout on Wal. burga street, tiy two hundred feet deep at right angles ALSO, All that cerUin tract piece, cr parefl of land, situate, lyh y and bciug iu the , township of Jox, tVauty of Elk, aid niDGViAV, PJJXiYA. DECEMBER 20, state of Pennsylvania, bounded and des cribed as follows, to wit : Ucgiuuing at a post on Cross or New Road numbered 10 cud 11, thence east ono hundred and twenty fivo perches to a post, thence couth, thirty two perches . to a post, thenco west one hundred and twenty.five perches to a post on tho new road num. bercd 1 1 and 12, thenco northerly along said road thirty -thrco rods to the place of beginning. Containing twenty five acres and allowance, and marked on the map of ' New Wales " ih No. 11, aud being part of warrant No. 4097. ALSO, All that ccrtaiu pinco, parcel or tract of land 6ituate, lying and bciug in the township of Fox, county of Elk, and state of Pennsylvania, being part of warrant to. 400, and bounded and described as follows : Ucgiuniug at a post on the west Ado of Cross Road, numbered 2 and o, thenco one hun. drcd and forty ono aud a half rods to a post in the western line of warraut No. 4007, theuco southerly thirty rods to a post, thence easterly one hundred and forty three and a half rods to a post on tho Cross Road, numbered o and 4, fhence northerly along tho above road thirty and omj tenth rods to the place of beginning. Containing twenty-scven acres more orjess, and being .No. 3 on Cross Road. ALSO, IIIIU llliU llll'wl'.CV UUU lr id 111 J of tnc defendant ot in and to the follow inir described land situate in the borough of St. Mary's county of Elk and state aforesaid and described as follows, known as the Uornard Eckl property, beginning on St. Mary's street four feci south from William Gross' house, thence to the corner of St. Michael street, thence aloDg said street to George P. Hintcx uauchs comer, thence east to LaFayette street, thenco north to Washington street to lot of said William Gross, con taining i!7,000 square feet more or less, upou which is erected ono new frame store building GO by 20 feet two stories high, oue framo dwelling house 30 by 40 feet two stories hidi ono frame barn iJO by 40 foot, ou e small 6tore building one story high 20 by 80 feet and young orchr.rd growing on said premises. Cell ed, and takcu iu execution, nnd to be sola as the property of Jatne3 Coyno. ALSO, All that certain town lot described as .follows, to wit : Commencing at the northwest comer of II. Fey's lot, thence north along St. Mary's street, 79 feet, tlueucc east Jfect, thence south 79 feet to II. Fey's lot, thence west 72 feet to the place of beginning. Contain ing 5727 square feet, and also, erected thereon, one building IS by 70 feet, with stone basement, IS feet of it being two stones high, and part ol intcuded for a store room. Seized, and laken in execution, aue to be 6old as the property oi u. A . enst. ALSO, All that certain tract of land, situate, lying and being iu tha village of Ridj;- way, Elk County, Pennsylvania, known and described as town lot Number sixty seven (67) ngrccabiy to tho plot of said village, made by J. J. Ridgway, and be ing ono of tho lota conveyed by said J. J. Ridgway and wifo to J. C. Chapin, by deed dated tho Oth day of July, A. D., 1857, who by deed of assignment en dorsed thereon, conveyed the same to the said . K. Graut on tho 9th day ol April, 1858, which deed and and assign, ment are of record in the Recorder's oflico of Elk county. Said property containing in all 10,400 square feet, and having erected thereon one one-story-aud-a-half house, 16x28 feet. Seized, and takeu in execution, and to be sold ai tho property of George Sweeting. J. A. MALONE, Pec. 12, G7. Sheriff. COURT riU)CLAMATION Whereas, tho Hon. II. W, Williams, l'resi.leut, and Hull. E. C. Scliultze ami Hon. Jeaso Kylcr, Associate Judges of tho Court of Common I'leas, and Justices of the Court of Quarter eessions,"'Vnd Orphans'. Court, ond Court of Oyorandr Terminer, aud Gen crnljuil Delivery, for the trial uf c.'.jital and other oltences in the county of Elk, by their precepts to m; directed, have order-ed the aforesaid named courts to be lioMeu at Kidpway, in nud for tho county of Klk, on the Jd MONDAY IN JAN. it being tho 13, day of the month nnd to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Jus. tices of the Peace, and Constables of tho county of Elk, that, they are by these pre cept commanded to be then aud there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clook a. ia., of said day, witli their rolls, records und inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those tliiugs which their cilices apper tain to be done, and that ul! Justices of said county make returns of all the recor.uan ces entered into before thorn, to the Clerk of tho Court as per act of Assembly, passed May -1, 1834. And thou who ore bound by their recognizances to prosecute the prison ers that aro or shall be iu the jail of sid county of Elk and to be then aud there to prosecute against them as shall be just. J. A. MALONE, Sept. 12, 1807. Sheriff. USITINU CARDS NEATLY EXECUT. cd at this c&cc. j 1837. VOLUME SEVEN ITL'M Mill 42. She 6IIt gidiacitiC, A WEEKLY KETfj'PArE.1, Devoted to faa IctercaU of ths Tooi Is of SU: Co IS PUBUilllRII KVIIB-. TtlVKftlt.VS, BY JOHN F. MOOJIE, Office in the Cow llimst. rRM8 One Dollar and Fifty Cont per annum, lurnriaely in advuuM.. No devia tion from th&ie tenia. ' Batflc of Advertising. Transient. Advertisemcmcnls persq.iru rf 10 linos or less, 8 tinosor lass i-1 00 For each suhsequnt iiwvHou -o Administrator- mi-I t l'-.'ajIles.. 2 'Ml Auditors' notices.........'...... 'I M Dissolutions. Cautions and Ksirnys... - 00 Lnenl and Obituary notices por Hue.. l- Professional cards, 1 year 5 l-l) YEARLY ADVKItTISEMKNTS. t square S 7 00! column $20 00 2 8-nmrcs. 12 0().V column 3r. 60 3 niuures lofltnl column Oil 00 The above rates will be etrielly adhered to in all advcrtUin from this d:ile. blanks. Single quire $2 o').C quires qr..$l 7") 8 quires "j! qr... 2 GOjOver ti, qr.. 1 fiO HANI) IU M.S. ji sheet, 2" or less i' 00; sheet, 2" or less 00 (iheet, 25orlo-iH3 0Ul sheet, 2-1 nr les'J0O Nov. 28, 1807. .70IIN MOOIU", Editor and Proprietor. TIME OF HOLDING COl'llT. Second Monday iu January, Last Monday in April. First Monday in August. First Monday in November. The FotiHliii li v i"oiHA. A Muvln Tula Warranted Purely Vegetable, and nunc Genuine, union) signed by the Proprietor. By Petroleum Nu&by, v., si. (which means Postmaster.) J CnAP. 1. . It wuz in Noo York city, that gay metropolis, the sect uv luxury and re finement, and tho home ut John Mor lisey and tho Black Crook. Thither had I come, after 0 how ina. ny days uv tireaouic walkin cz the rear k'uard uv a drove uv the cattle uv a thousand hills uv western Pcunsylvany. I wuz in Noo York, and on Hroadway wuz a site ! Tie ruiublin, iuuiblin, uia-:s uv wagons and sta gos nud coaches '. the sidewalks tilled With a 'lit. 17 in' uiu.s.-, tha rich, the poor, the hijh, the low, the proud, tha humble, the aged, the youth, ful ! I gazed iuto the T.iudcr uv a drug store. Falta gaze ! Uufurnit look ! That look bed an inflooenco onto my fucher life. What did I seo ? A card. luus it red : "JSarrctt h il ;ir llestor- ative !" with a pictur uv u t.ian with thin, gray locks afore tihin it, aud tho same man with heavy hair r-z black cz Poe's stately ravcu uv the (lays uv yore, alter yoosin it. Only thir and nnthin more. It wuz enuff. My hair wuz gray. I bought a bottle and applied it ez by di rections on the wrapper. CiiAr. 11. Home agin 1 homo agin ! from a fur rin shore ! I wuz ou tho threshold uv my homcstid, which wuz a homo to m-j, hu.uLlo thouyh it wuz. Lcoizcr Jane, the wife uv my buzzuiu, wuz at the g tfe a gossippia with her uabor, ez wuz her wont. 'Looizer Jane !" shiiekt I. "S-i-r 1" she sed in a surprised tone. "ila," hist I, "is this tho trcatmeut a food husbaud receeved 011 bis rcturu to tho buzzuiu uv hiz family 1 "Husbaud ! yoo ? is't possible ? Where is theui grey lox? Hast grown youu' agin, ez when in inauhood's prime thou woodst aDd wou mo? It cannot be aud yit that breath ! It is ! it is !" and she uwoondid at my feet. The children I bed more trouble with, but they dual ly ackuowlcd-;ed me. The none was the f'f eehcr they took hold uv ; and wuz uu chauged. Cuap. III. "Husband tniuo !" sod sho to .no iu her wianiest tone, "thy locks is black, whilo mono, alas 1 is gray. Buy lor mo also Barrett's potent cure, that I may bo ez fust yoo kuowd ma ia love's youug dream!" Cood I resist the entreaty ? Nary. I bou-'ht a bottle, aud lo! in u month the she wuz transformed. Her rusty i;ruy hair become ez black cz jet. A new set uv custom-made teeth, wich cost-mo df t.C dollars, coinplctcdithe metamorphose. and she wuz younp: agiu her yooth costin me fifiyone dollars, cash. Disastrous in vestment ! l'our weeks from that date, sho run off with a yan kec pedlar, who eposcd tho wuz but twenty .four ! Kin I suo Barrett and git judgment for her va'.oo 1 Alas, no ! And so 1 plod on wearily aud alone, a uiizablo objick. 1 cood marry a-rm cz a ouu-' lnan, but this fond, heart kin never thump for auother, False Looizer Jauo ! Too cfUcatbus Barrctr. THE end. x Lot. 1 e ?.c:v.::r:i-iiiii-SVAVt in h r SI hi and li'n.' t" .' t viiji '; 1,--k-i A'"i:'i .1. -.;. 'i ddiilj ill Nl;h'j' i ns S!ijir-r.u eMjmnaii-bi'.lii-ts arc (,'iihy ft a l icit uiauy-curiima f reaks, w'-iiic ;;it 11 1 i;- n v arc attended d'ti;''i, anJ ut oth. eisiiii ud eln' ;',r-iiipi-l l--r h-:.-, i-l '--n A A la. I J ' Cii-I a- t'i-t.ilt!.i( 1, in O'limn lliitoi.'t, had been fur a l.:i-.; tiiuu hi"- ' tiuthe i, and v.xrc only waitif,;: Kr u fa veinblo o-j)-nutiily tr. v .!.).! 1 r i 1 1 ; ' . when the t.v.iin w u!d I c ilh-Io : licih, or thurct.boittd. 1 lie l.',y i-- a (,o:nnaiubu'iit of. llni '' l.i;;lic-i. order." very i'Ui'il'i.l, very ruin;iti! ic,'iu.i initcii a-1 licii.i. to the it of n.iv. l rcadini:. About ii nictith a:;o the 1 uiy -1:.1 her luvor h:.d spent tha evening t.i'thri-, an I had Mcpariilctl at tm t arlv hour, tho teu' repairing to his r-ieiii Mitne two h!.,eks off, ftli-l was cm mi a.-i. -i'., dreaming oi lji.3 fair crcafuie wl.o '.vuttl I soon Lc his. k h- iu her Mill i-haii hi:.', by her nii-liii')it l;i:np, pored over itio precious pai'es of tiio lntc.-t new novel, investing, dimbllc.-s, the hero lover wilh the form and foatuves of tho who Was all iu ail to her, iii1. at Ier.-;ih -T,ho 1-r.d nil killed n-id lie.- v,d r.l! ?!..'-..!," IIr tliii si y-minositf' ii 'nejisvd-: -JSlie shut t lie dear, g-iod book l!.:it irawe . hci- weep, Putsottl the ilt-'lil, nnd tuvnn .lw.iy lo rl.;cp." But cro tho ''balmy tucsncricr" come to her pilluw, ii.i iiiiaiiuu iv;;i:ii wanders on the teentvt .-o !:itc!y i-tc-en-tcd ; the various actor.s ttart from tieir hidings anew, while her ideal bcrt.ino becomes identified with herself, and sho A diawcr close ly cotit.ui;. those hidden aud delicate mysteries h i carefully prepared for use during tho honeymoon, and ren-bit:.:; hen-elf, sho starts out, and carclully treading the dia. tanco that intervened between licr own homo uud thnt of her lover sho reachctf tha door, and here comes the mystery. . How gained she admittance ? But cor'ain it is she did. iSiiu enter.) tho chamber of her affianced, gently nhe lies down besi-io him, ui;d t.refcu'Jy not a sound is heard save the uteady and even breathing that betukeus sound and heal thy repose. J'ayiight camn at last, and as all oth er things hnist. have an end, to did this iwcet sleep of innocence and beauty. Lhe geoileictn jumps from the bed and stairs and affright, thinking ho is op pressed by some horrible nightmare, lie sees the pillow where two heads have lain duriug the night, and beholds iho fenified object of his lovo robed in an elegant chumtife t'e unit, her heart pa'.pilatiug wit!i a thoustu 1 throbs of Wooder.ucut and boirur '"lfow catno E hero!" at last came from he.t lip. T!.o ' words brought the youn man lo his ' senses, rind ho realized his position, his diihahiHu, Mr j. tj.-uody, and u,iuulu!.l. down ou the final- by the m ic't :' the ' c-.l, his head just protruding above ; an ex. puliation followed : What's to be done V ' aud wii!i a fjnickuc.'s of thought by con ceived hovv by ono grand :oni de mum maka all right. Tell tho ludy to be qui sta few moments, he baslily dressed, rushed frantically to the house of tho coanty clerk, told him tho chcumstan. ces, pot a license, sought a preacher' and returned in less than an hour, aud they wero married, the lady in hex night grown, aud he iu trippers, r-lant-J and night shirt. Admiral Puhiier died at St. Thom as of yellow fever, on tho l-'d ititaut. Pray era have been ordered to bo paid in all the churches lor the llmproas of Aus-.tri.-i, who is meitntc. A Ft.ite Grand Lodge of the new order called the " Knights of Pythias," has been established in Philadelphia. 'Ho free distribution of coal to tho poor of Cincinnati commenced. Ono ' hundred and tty loads wero delivered iu oue day lust week. The" Proideut's message vetoing riic District equal rights bill is nearly completed, nud has been sent to tho Senate. Its principal points were 1, lore the Cabinet oa Tuesday. William, who fired at tho ring.mastcr in a circus at Katon, aud killed Miss Cuc-pb:.!!, iu October last, has been convicted of murder iu the second degue, uud eml the State Prison for life. On Sifurdcy Mordecul MeKinncy, a member of the Hai i ishurg bar, was run over by a p:;sseugcr railway car, and his right leg fractured iu two ploccs, necessitating amputation. The Hartford Courii r reports that the New York Times has given an order for a considerable number oi' Aldtu's Ivresctt'liL' machined, to hn med in il... composithm of that parr-r, and that tho j rwune conicuipiares doing trie satuo thinur. Oilier caters will ioilow if ii.. it ------ .- uiu machines prove a success : said a ccm--i. t.- i, 1 picic revoiuuou v, iii ua wrought iu newspaper printing; for these machine, it is claimed, will do good work vastly cheaper than can be done by hand. General Howard of tho Fi-endnnn'u Bureau, with tho nrnroval r.f C I'D AP .1 U rati t. has onlereil tbntuil alio 1 ill i nn u agents and officers iu Maryland. Ken lucky, i tnuesf ao, aud Wet irciuia bo discharged, with the rC supcrintcmlaiits of education. 'J'he fc. ior officer ot tho regular tn niy ja ccra maud of troops in tho ahovo name' States will hereafter bo assi.-tatt cor missioner -here. All oflioerf of r a ular army relieved I y this ordr . r" report to tae aajutauc rciucyr stiuelieus. & for in- re t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers