THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT THE KI 00 WAY DRUG nv i GROYE 0. MESSENGER, liculors in Drug, Medieir-ef, Feints, Oil", White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Inmp Oil, T&'s Oil, Per. funtmos of nil Kinds, Tho purest Varnish, Brushes of every Style nnd F-17.0 Pyc Stuff?, Pure Confoctionarios Citron, Raisin, Patent Medicines, Wines, Watches, Jcwulry, Rings, Tobnccocs & Segnrs Pure Liquors fur Medicinal pur poses ouly. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Drug Business Gcq erally. Turc Drugs nt Low Prices ! Pure Drugs nt Low Trices Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety ! American ntid English Watches 1 American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Fancy Article?, Toy?, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, 1 oys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Dird-Cages ! Albums, News, Stationery, P.ird-Cagcs ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Banjo and Guitar String:..! mar2018C0 T MHE SILVER SKIRT. more durable, mop.e elastic, MORE GRACEFUL! And will keep iis shape and retain lis j-'jfe better than !ti,y otter Skirt. tiil twni ben'if 1 style of Skirl Tit rntca Al.ircn 7, 1805,; whs awarded l-y the Oreat American Tns.itute Fair, held ia iTaw York, October, lffii, ft. SILVER MEDAL, being Cue Highest Premium ever given for a Hoop Sk ii i. The. Kioel S'iriii'xs .-rc wound wMi fine plated wire n place of a co.ion covering which will not weir off or become soiled, and Ihe whole '.l;n I may be woshod without Injury or fc.;-.' of Kitting, and will be as good a? uciv. The Combination Silver Skirt Tills invention combine '. with ilio ovibna ry Sti' l (lie advantages or our Silver Skirt tlie boiiom hoops nro the s.-me as ihose us ed in I ho Silver Skirl , llio covering of winch Caeuot weir off, wliile the upper unci nr covered wili coiion. No lady havin; once worn one of our Skirls, will be willing to wear any other, as the lower Loops of ell other kinds are soon injured and soilced. The oest mmee'ials are used in ihcir con oiiucii'm, and. from their durability and aeiss hey a"e destined lo become a ' Favorite Skirt. Manufa:t ireJ solely by the Silver kirt and Wire Harra tcturing Company, 30 and 32, BIP.C'L.IY ST, NEW YORK. T. S. Bpeuby, Sup't. Aug 9.h-ly VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The umlcH ,i!od has laid out a n:o. upon his proimd adjoining ihe Ridj way Den.n, to be called ELK. The lots nrc "0 feH front by 100 feet deep froui. iiiT tow. lids die tai'roa 1. Terms For-he fivt lot sold, $100. Foi the second bit sold, fill). For the ihird l a sold. SlU ,-nd to on incrcrsinj in price as loll are sold. r First purchasers get ilie choice lot at the ciicane t v.'Iim. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of iheir npp' ion Ten percent of the piii eh rue money must be paid at the ii'nc of i lie ion. r)Applio.'nioii will bo mado to Job 0. Hall. Eni., Ptidgway, l'a. J. S. HYDE. r.iJgway, niar.20'fl(i--lf. CIIA XCE FOR A BARGAIN ! 100 Acres of Timber land In Elk County for Sale at a Bargain! rpiIE A ROVE MENTIONED TRACT OF jj land is nil tinted about one-half mile li 'iiu Kersey Hun, in .lav township, and is well limbered with W1MTE VINE, OAK mid HEMLOCK. Four acres a''e cleared and under cood state of culiiv tion. lis continuity to Kersey Run makes it mi';' of the most valuable tracts of land in ill's purl of the country. There arc two coal banks opened on the ir.i.-l., which are fmir fuel thick, and the r.ial of the be ft ij-t.iH.y. I have also one span of hor.-es and one y .'.e otox'n which will be sold eery cheap. For further i iiriieulars inquire of the 1 1;" or Oliver Gardner, at Cale. d iiiia Post Oilice, E'k count v. l'a. iti'ivOlfeiWlm JL'Sl'LS WEED. TO CONSUMVTIVE3. riHE Advertiser, having been rcstorod j lo liea'.h in a few wceka, by a very -inip'e reniody, after having suffered Fcver i.i years w'.h a severe Line; affection, and il'.ii dread ill-ea e, Coujuiiiptiou is".nx i"ii'. I ii mal e kmnvii tojiis fellow sufferers I lit' tnea'is ni' euve. Tii aU v.-ho d. -i.'c it. tc will fen 1 a copy f 1 1 . o pv.vjv'pi ion n ed. (nee of charge), ttiih ill 'j d'l'i'i' i I.'.- pveinrinpr the tamo, which ilieyv.i1' lindnuro Curo fur Con Mimp.i.iM, A"ih'iia. I'.riii!':!i'l.s, X'C. 'flic i n ly ulijri-t of 111'! i,.vi:riiver in fending the J'. ipiimi. is i ii brni'lit iho alllicied, and t pre .d in"i.ria.iii in which ho coiiceives . be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferers vl'l ii v Lis ivtocdy, as it will cost Iheui II i i ii , an I in iy priivo a blesr in. I'.inii's wishing ihe prcscripiion, wiil ple.'ico nddress Rkv. I'DWAKI) A. WILSON. Wiili.nivbtir?, Kinrrs Coitniy.ew VorU.d, O. i. U'nh l-iti'l-ly nMllVli VSWMA NEATLY EaECET- fJIHE CUEAPKST GOODS IN Tllifi tOUWXWX Arc Sold If n i s nnoTiieni fSiiccesnorB to Geo. W'cis.l IlEALERS l!t St. Mary's, Elk County, Ta. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Wo have do hesitation in Baying that in this department of our establishment, we can givo bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. Wo buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsous' Cele. bratcd Boot & Shoo Manufactory, Elnii ra, New York We warrant all goods in this line sold from our establishment. JJBAVY & SnELF HARDWARE. yiE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our cuftomers in this line bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our ntjck ia large, well selected, and is especially ad.iptei to the wants of the community. JADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, Silks, Calicoes, Satius, Delaines, Moird Antiques, Chintzes, While Goods, Cloths, Flannels, Bereecs. Laces, Corsets, In fact we have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We are dcteimin ed to sell lower, cheaper and LETTER Goods thai) any other firm in the coun ty. Givo as -a- call, we'll prove it. TV TARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. TJ'e Sell the Best, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of 11)0 3HJ3' U,ll)lfKl and $Mltit $ ! .0 it Ji x n j IS IMMENSE, And wo confidently Hatter ourselves that better Clothing oannot bo found ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do welt to give us a call. BPfA-No trouble to show our Goods. QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &o., &o. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST! At the Store of C) V ffK tf In St. Mary's, Elk County, Ta. pil'FS, TCBACCOES d SEG ARS We havo now on hand AX EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a YE R Y SLIGHT AD YANCK On cost mid carriage. ItirOur Store ujn the new Stone liuHdina on Main Street, i July 11, !S(i7-tf. N EW CASII GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY. Tlaaler in Groceries ike., would respectfully inform tne ciuiciis oi Aversely ana vicinuy, he hits gone into the Grocery busk iss, ntfl will often on or about the middle of May. He keep coniUre tly on hand an extensive buwh vi TEAS, FLOUIt, sua ARS, TOUACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by thcbarrcl or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. - I will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER -thin the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to come and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'GO. Cm. The subscriber begs leave to announce to the eitiiens of Elk and adjoining conn, lies that be has purchased the harness ahop lately occupied by John Imnti, and that he is prepared to do all kinds of work In a suit able style, SADDLE S,BRiDLES,UARN ESS kept constantly on hand at price to suit the times. Give me a call shop in the sec ond story of Drug Siore building, ocll-ly. C. LEVIS. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 35 & 27, Broadway, JV. T. Opposite Howling Green. KEPT ON TllE EUROPEAN PLAN. THE STEVENS HOUSE is WELL 1 and widely known to the ti. vel ling public. The location is especially suitable lo merchants and business men ; it is in close proximity to the business part uf tt8 city is on the oighway of Southern and Western travel and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat Do pots. The Stevens House lias liberal accomo dation for over three hundred guests it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the eorafortandentertain mcni of its inmates. The rooms are spao ioui and well ventilated, provided with gas and water, the Attendance in prompt and respectful, and the table is gouoiously pro Tid"d with every delicacy oi" tlio socboa-a rao-ei'Lie rates. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. May 9th, 1S67, Cm. Proprietors. LUMBER. TTTTE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH Yf niion short notice the following kinds or .maoer ot.tae best quaiuy. FLOORING ANB SIDING, dressed in the best possible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for use. Also, LATH FOUPLASTEIIING We will put on ears when required. JtJ"AH orders addsessed lo 'us at this place promptly attended lo. SOUTHER, WILLIS & CO. Jun21C7if Itldjway, P. PHILADELPHIA lo EBIK SAILfiOiQ. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Thrri'.jh and Direct Roule letween Philade'ph'a, Buliimore Harris burg, Wiliiamsporl, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CA1S On all Ni-ht Train. Nand after MONDAY, AriUL 29,h, J the irainsou the Philadelphia & Erie uailrouu will ruu as follows : WBTWATirt. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.. 7.00 p. in. " 11 Eidjrway 10.47 a. m' " " arrive at Erie 4.08 p. m Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12.00 noon. " " ' llidgway 3.40 a. m. " " arrive at Erie .10.00 a. ia. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 10.25 a. m. " " Pidway fi.17 p. m " " arrive at Phildelphia 7.05 a. m Erie Exp leaves Erie... 5.00 p. m " " " Kid way 10.44 p.m. " arr. at Philadelphia... 1.00 a. m. Mail end Erpreu train connect ti-Lh all (rami on H arrrn and it nklm Halt:. I. l't evgtri Itcvinf Philadelphia at 12.00 M. arrive oi Irvineton ct 0.40 a. r,i. and Oil Ci'y 9.50a. m. tf vita Philadelphia at?. SO p. m. arrive at Oil Civati.Zb p. ft. All trains on Wtrren & Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with i ruins ior rraniiun and f eiroleum Uentre. liAUUAOJS CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. INSUItANCK AGAINST low or DAMAGE by FIRE THE Lycoming Couniy Mutual Insur ance Company at Muncey, Pa., con tinues lo Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Publio and private uildinis, either in town or coun.y. Also on Mills, Tanneries. Earns. stocks of Grain, &o., at the lowest possible rales, consistent with safety to the Insurer ana insured. The Lycoming Count v. Mu tual Insurance Company invues an investii gaiiou as lo its etability. Its capital ! amounts lo $2,800,000! ! Thug assuring to every one of its patrons that their losses will beprompily and satis, factorily paid. Its management, has always been prudent, as its existence of twenty sixyearsfully demonstrates JAMES EL A KELT, Agent for E'k county, at St. Mary's MEYERS' NEWLY IMPROVED ftejeent $ttft ObaHiftm fkm ! Acknuvled!cd to be the best ! London Prise Medal, and highest awards in America, received ! Melodeons, Second-hand Pianos and Music. No 722, Arch Sireet, below Kielub, PHILADELPHIA, PA. p213ra COAL, CORE AND FIRE-CLAY ! All of superioi quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, 8t. Mary's, Elk Couuty, Pa. JoyOrJcrs by mail promptly ittend cd to. septlS 5 tf THE PLAC ETO BUY IS WHERE YOU CAN BUY The Cheapest i CO w ct, r.-? S4 H'S" t a o 0 0 go a .2 a .t-3 S 5 E T TS n in 8 u 55 5 d o u -"-si 5 g 3 u m t o S o o n to S a B ei c to is In s w .2 63 I f l r-. -a a Q d O d. b O a p-t" .2 ia (A o s "5. o D4'?,'Sh ri1S ? 5 " 5 o H M o o . n. p -i a t?5 "o - "'H m a e a. 8 r- t M a .3 "3 . H13 0 p, el o to ."3 t a 5: rt jG3 aj m 35 TZ s u CI J3 a R S UTS S Qir: ft' CO WE SELL OOODS AS LOW AS TIIEY CAN SE BOUGHT IX Brie Cityl GIVE US A CALL, AND WE WILL Prove i . ELOUDET ORGANS & MELODEONS. Unanimously awarded the First Prize, A GOLD MEDAL, "AS THE BEST CABINET ORGANS," Am. lust., New York, Oct. 1805. Beini pronounced superior in Quality, Power and Variety of Tone, and in number or combinations. "Ah tho best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won tho battle would have nothing left to eonnuer. Am. Art Journal, edited by a well-known musical critto. They hare also taken the first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one, two and three banks of keys six sizes S2o0 to 1,600. Without pedals, single and double bank in preat variety, $tit to $450. These Organs with their smooth, pipeilike quality of tone, beautiful solo slops, strength of chorusk unequalled pedals, and eeneral orzanj-li, effects, are superior for Churches, Hulls, Parlors and .Schools. They are put up in cases ot holia nalnut, fancy veneered Wal, (new and uniquo styles) and elegant Rosewood, of splendid designs and finish. and of tho host workmanship ! it being intended that each instrument a model of its kind. All insiriiinciils i'.on to a fino octavo portable Melodoon, have the beautiful Tremoltiute slop, without extra charge. A lnrpre assortment constantly on hand at our Geneial Wholesale and Retail Ware rooms, 841, Broadway. Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lisls, wiih our new styles, arc now ready. Send for a circular. PELOUBET, PELTOX & CO Manufacturers, No. 811, marl4Cm Broadway, N. Y. City. NEWSIIOR TIN! TIN!! TIN!!! STOVKS ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !!,! John Sosenheimer & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALEtlS. BT. mahy's, PA. Keeps eoust.iutly on band and for sale, a large and well selected stock of TIN WAR IS, STOVES &c. We bave everything gcuerally kept iu a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists iu part of ANTIDUST PARLOll & COOKING STOVES, ALSO I HON GATE & WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can bo had at our shop either riveted or proved. Spouting and roofino, done on short notioe aud at reasonable rates. Juue 14'60-ly. A. II. Gbav, A. I. Witcox, R. II. Emekson, E. F. Adams. Q.RAY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. MARY'S, Opposite Alpine House, Elk County Ta. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Lutter, Cheese, Feed, Corn, Salt, Fish, Pork, Ham, Powder, Cuuocd Fruits, Beef, Beans, Nails, Glass, AND STAPLE GROCERIES December 20 18GG Iy. I'M EDEL1US I'VoGtT Practical flock & Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county, l'a. Rooms next door to IliuleuueU's Clothing Store. All kiins of work done doue iu a satisfactory manaer, and war ranted. Coubuliatiuus in repaid to work ia the German, french or English lan. guages. March 14, 1667tf. RIDGWAY, PiNNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENS W A RE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find STO EES AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANl THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains ! CALL& SEE! March 29ih,lSGC-ly. LARGE CAPACITY, GREAT Slregnth and unequalled pced: simpliciiy and complcieness of operation, are qualities pe. culiar (o the Nonpareil Washing Ma chine. It is a squeezing machine cons.mciedon stricily mechanical principles, and the ex perience derired from five years extensive use in families, hoiclsond public insiiiuiions proves i. iobe of lastiuj value lo the pur chaser The manner of opemlinj ilie Nonpareil, by roiary moiion aclin; on a crankshaft wiih balnneo wheel.) which moves ilie plunders nltenintely, is ihe siniplesi. least laborious and most powei t'iil that enn be de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with tho greatest rapiiliiy and the possible labor. The ;,rciit inecil with wbieh this machine work will be nudcr-nood ,rom he statement that it h gen red 10 give ux ivo':e$ of tiie pluneri for one turn of . lio h.imlle, or, when wot ked leisurely, n'luut tour hun dred sirukes a minute .Vilr iy io the f. livie ' hed is insured by the entire abseueo of rubbing:. A girl or boy of fifteen can work ihe ma. chine, aud do a week's washing lor a fnuily of six or eisht nereons in two to iluee hours' lime; and it may bo relied on loclennscihe clothing thoroughly, wiihoiu aisistjuoe from hand rubbiui. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, lo whom cxelusivo right of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 26,'C6-ly SOMETHING NEW ! ! THE SUBSCRIBER rcspecl ."ully desires to announce to Ihe citizens of Elk county that he has recently fitted up an es tablishment for Ihe manufacture nnd sale of TIN, COPPER, and KIIEET-lIiOX Ware, on Main Sireet, iu llidgway, wheio. by strict attcniion to business, he hopes to merit the coufidcueo and patronage of the community. Ho will keep on hand an exlcnsive and varied assortment of every kind of TIN WARE, and rupair ia the neatest possible manner, all work coming under his super vision. He will also keep on hand a well-assorted slock of S T o y E s suitable for either Wood or Coal. He deptircs especially to culi the atten tion of lumbermen to the fact that ho can supply them with RAFTING-STOVES made in a Piipei iur manner. Roofing and Spouting done lo order on tshort nutiee. r?01d Coiiper, Brass, Pew lor, Lon.l and Scrap ir,JU taken ia esi-han -e for goods or woifc. t-ii. Give hi:c a call ::!! h .il:n ; u f..: trial, ('iist.)iut is il' t ml i . ' . SERVICE." r w , ;. . llidgway, April I. lsn, . jOU PltlNTINU NEATLY CHEAPLY & F.PE1)TTTf)T'.ci.V Executed t theAcvocATE Oflko jfhe lh gdiorn(c A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the Interests of the People of Elk C is pcBi-isnrn rykry TniitsnAT, JfV CUMITIS U 1I.4RUF.TT, Office in tke Court Hovn. Terms One De'.Ur til fifty Ccnls per Annum, Invariably in advance. No devia tion fi cm these ttrms. JOHN G. riAI.L,PBC?KTF.TOR. -C .1 ltnteg of Advertising. Adm'rs and Exccu;o"'s Xolices, enc'i (1 liinn'j 2 f0 Aildilnr'.s !w'w, eneh 2 CO Ti .ni"ieiil A 1 vi ii in, per squnre of 10 lines or ler, : times or less 2 00 F ir eanh fiiil'i'". iiuiit i'lcriiou bO Ti-nfi'svimml :r. 1 y, 5 00 Sieeii'.l nn: - y ov '. 15 O'liiiKtvy 1111 1 ."'I'-iri i't;.',! Noiicc.-i, c.ich 1 CO Yearly A'lvi'vii'in .'. -tie ki,i!.t, 0 10(10 Ysorly Adverlisiti?. tvrn fipNivcs i-"i00 V jni'y Ailver'iu r ilnec f'Hiares 'JO 00 Y sarly Advonikiiiff, en'inmi 2o 00 Yjarly AdvcrLisnK, I column r,0 Yj.irly AdACtisin'T, 1 column TO 00 Advcriisemenls. displayed moro than ordinarily will bo charged for at the late (per column ) of 00 03 J 0DB.NG DEPARTMENT. Having lnlelj' added niaiciially to ojr siock of -)b Type, wo arc prepired lo do all kinds of ro.k in a manner which e tn not be excelled by any establishment bo Iwccn Vi'illiam;''Ort ami Eric. Cards, Hill Head;, Prosrnn'meii Cheeks, Noies, IlanJl'ills, lllnnks, Envelopes, Labels. Ta;i;s, Vit.iiing Cards, Loiter Heads and cny other woik usually done in a conn, try ollico. drill Conntn gircctcrij. COUNTY OFFICERPI. President Judjclt. 0. White. Additional Latf JuJe Win Wrlianis. p. Afisocialo Judges E. C. Pclnltf.c, Jesso Kvlur. Pistrict Attorney L. J. Uiakcly. Sheriff JunioB A. Malono. Prothoiiotary, &c (1. A. iUtMun. Treasurer Janir-a Coy no. Co. SvtpcnMicudcnt jntnoi DhA-jlw Comiiiis.sionerjj AVillism A. HW. J. W. T."vlcv. Louis Vol'tuor. Auditow-Claili Vrilcos, Byr J. Jouc.s, Jacob .McC.ta'.:;.'. County t'ttrvcyor Goo. "Waluisby. TIME Cf Ilfli.l.'.XG COURT. Rccond Jionu'ay iu JiMiuary, Last Monday in April. First Moo'jt'y in Anut. First Mcut'iiy i.i November. B E A L E ' S (lavs rowiiij's) E M Ji It O C A TIO N ! IO R ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO Horses, Citule aud the Hum, u l'it ,,., i-cijiuring iho wa of nn cxicual nvpliculinn. This neiv Coinpoiin.1, prepared by aprac Chemi l h. vinj a ."'.ill knowlej je of all ihe medical viilucs of ingredient that enters in - o i.3ompo-tiiun. is warran ted to exceed any iV.inj; of the kiud yet of fered to tho public nj an external aniiK-a. lion for tho aieucs for which it is recom mended. Vc are satisfied that it will -.voile its own road iuto ihe confidence of all who use it. and those who try it once will never bo without it. and therefore we rely on ex perience as the beat test of its usol'u!nc?s. It is pronounced by Farriers, and all who have tried It to be the best nppl'caiiou ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eight years, and it is only through (ho increaidiis demand and urjrent request of my friends and the Public that I send it forth as the grand remedial apent for the various diseases to which ihatnoblo and useiul nni.nnl, the HOUSE, is subject. M.'.ny ri iiit ili.'s have been ottered lo the Public under diiTorent forms, sn.'ie of Iheso are injuviou. o.hevs nt beat of little ttac. end many wholly improper to euswer ths ptirjir-ses for which 1 hey are recommcuded. A judicious r.r, 1 really coui;iosiiion free 110m ij:.'.e objections, Las therefor. loir; been te-ii-ed by i:i;viy f.enilemen who have variable brir-es. rnd are unwilling lo tru-t t'.uTii lo the c.l e oi' des:;:niti 3 and pret :cni!ii '.'-.i ier.. 'i'lie:r ii-hes ai e a lener-h ful'y ;ra-i.i.' I. by liei.le ln-ii: prevaili-.l upii-i i i :.!v,- ;hU valuable l'ui (whieli has proved ho clllcnoiouv 10 Ihe vai i .i;s '.' ea i to bo pvepared on I brou;;!i; nut hi iho publio. Tliis 1'inbroe i .'on was extensively use I l.y the Coviii.nient during 4ho war. AJdiCbi all ordeis 'o DR. ED.MOXD r.EALE. bOJ. Soiuli Second St, Phil'a. BtyFor Sale by Eoiuttcll & Messenger, Ridway. l'.v. npSOiy 1 IHE MOST P.ET.tACLE CUSillON used on Eilii.inl Tables is the CAT-CUT CUSHION, Manufactured by Kavann";h .v Decker, at ! paieiifil ll.'c l.'i! K'tlil. (See Scieutilie Ai.' eriean, vuluuie 1(1. ui'iiiber 1 I.) It is the O.NLV C ii -h i u that possesses? all ilie c,n..lii ie ixsemial loa jierfeet Cu-li-inn. If is the la-t ela' iio and most durable Cushion ever nil'ervuio I lie !: 'liai (1 -pluyiur publio, as is n'.iuiidaiiily pi oven by il prcat di'initiid lor it since i.s introduction 'The periiUsri.y wli'eli disi'tiuislieii llif CAT iil'T Cit-hion nnd renders it superioi to all others, is ihe ii;r!n"iied cord of oat jjil! which overlies ihe fac and cd;;o oi tin rubber, and luiiuin the full feiiTih of thi CtiMiinn. which pi evuils the ball from bed. ilinj iu. o (he rublier ami jumping from tin table. The addition of the ciu-ut cor i also ad.U uittvh to the el.tstii'lty of Ilie Cush ion. The CAT-CUT Cushion lies already been api'died to over D'iili lab'o-t vh-eh are in constant use. it can be eppliod totablis of iiuv ui.-'lie. fur f?. per set. K.VVAN'AUil & DECKSill'S Faelory, i.t the curlier of ('en. re and Canal Streets. I Y., is llif rin-i iMiiapl 'ic t,f ii kind iu the woi i, 1. Ti.o luachiufiy ! of i ho most im. ju-ove l cliav-ii-l .r, 1 tic liuob'. r tii-yiiii rooiu the lav.r"'i ia tim I niie.l M ilcs, Ihe mate rial used iho b"-l l!,:,t can be purchased, and t':c win'. i,n u ili.-roiojliK sUiilcil. Dil'iMi- l I '..'.. I'udi'. t'ues and Trim iiiiii'.-. . 1 o, i',--',, I iitako. (instantly O'' l,.ti. '. ;. . - "'- ..'.'i ! - o'-.'v a Ten' i. i V ..I,.,','.- ; ,. , . . , lit v.: i ::ii:n": lioriiios io Le the !i -! ('(' i' I c II t eet' ui 1. I'll!! Sii.c T.iiilt-s nit down for ?UiO. Suial fur itti'rahd Prirr List. KAVAN AO !I a DECKER. Cor of Centre un l Cuii tl Sts . ap301v New Yotk City.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers