Erie Express I'm..)... do da 'West... do Mllil J";l lo dn West Local 1'reight East... ilo do Most... ...10: 1-J p, n, .. R:.Va in ... flj-JT i. m. ... 1 1: 17 u. m. ...10: 17 a. in. ... C:l j p. in. Mr. Wallace's Address " To tin? People of Pennsylvania " on our second pip;e, is Well worthy of a careful perusal. Every true man will tand for its principles. On tlio mau ticr iu which wo obscrvo the advices nut! injunctions it sets forth depends, iu a great measure, the future of our State, nay of the outiic nation. Will the peo ple fail to lespond faithfully to such vi tal questions coining as they do, from one who has spent years iu the service of the Democratic party. TLc dissem bling Radical-", after having wasted your substance, arc uow barefaced enough to talk about loyalty, iu the lupe of gain ing more. Will you place on the Su preme bench Judge Williams, whose awwed comso is to make the liejzro your equal, nr. J bur. 3 liiui into power in this State. Our Court Yard. Wo recrrct t) siy that the surround ings ofour Court House reflect no vci'y high decree of credit on iho Cumruis. sioners. Whurc is there another shamo that does nut Cod its apology in the fact that this Court yard resembles a half fenced pasture oa some deserted farm. The conr. deration of what stra.igers will say, together with a little plausible jridj would save all '.lib. It is our opinion, ct least, that the county could uSorJ other embellishments around the scat of its courts, than heaps of truck aud re fur-0. n few links of fence ur.'.!.;d to flunk tree?, a stampede of i.ajrs atd c.-.tile ccntiuual ly tramping around, rauk, thistle? and alders in profufion, and in fine the surface strewn with dead trees, and seeming is if torn up by a forty horse power plow. A tMrcsc." On Saturday, the 28th inst.' an ad. dress will bo delivered in the Court House, Ridgway, by the II ox. J. P. WiCKEitsu.vM, State Superintendent of Common Schools, The subject of the address being Kia cATiox, it is hoped that there v. ill be a largo and general attendance. School directors and teach ers in particular, are expected to be pre sent ; but all are cordially- invited. The hour will bo made known hereafter. To Our S'.;ts:rlers. Those of our subscriber?, knowing themselves indebted to us for the Ad. vocate for the past year, will please re mit to us the amount. Also, all tlicse indebted to us for Job Work etc. Don't ull remit at ouee. Teath of Misu Caulilwtll. Died at the residence ff Mr. Daniel Scrib;:er, at Elk Creek Mill, ou Thurs day, Sept. 12th 167, after a few weeks illness, Miss Mui'.a Cauldwoll, aged ubout 10 years. Miss Cauldwell leaves a host of relations aud friends to mourn her loss. She was clearly beloved by one aud all of her associates. Sean Caves. Mr. Kepler, of Crawford couuty, has arrested LVan Graves iu one ot the 'Western States. Graves is supposed to Lc aeoulederaie of Charles Chase iu the McDoinil murder. Graves has been placed in jail to await a requisitiou from the Government of thia State. tq clip tho uobve from the Eric Disji't'ell. Death cf lit. Jolitssr.. (Ju our feivud p; gc will be fouud tho obituuiy of Mr. liulph Johnson, one of the oldest ivsi lints of our couuty. ThcIitUeCo.-pjral. We believe wc can safely say that it is the very bc.-t child's paper published iu the country. It will make your childreu better, v,ie-, and happier. It brings gladness to the heart of child . hood like a t-uubca-.u. Terms ?l,00n year iu udvauoo tanjp'.e copy ten cents- Address ALF11ED h. f-EWELL, Pub. Chicj-o 111. DtMdltKS'l'.S ll.LLSKTAXi:i MoNTtl- I.V. The October number of this fa. Vdiite i.aiiur eoiiiCa to Us rich as ever, in that peculiar anay of utlraeti'in.i which rei.Jer it so Wclcun.e in the f.i.iily circle :aud with addili iaa! ni cpiiiiin inl atii.'ii to the lavur of 1 .idles, in '.lie hl,aie id' an extra fa. hiui) platj of lar.'O .!., which 'jives '.lie f ar-hioiiablo Miuiieiiade dresses f-'r this This ieatttie is t 1 be continued, wiihotit any jibjtemi-iit .if other distinctive and pup ular features an evidence of enterprise 011 1 lie tent nt ilio ijuiihshcr winch is eh.irjeteristie, mil tells tho .stcret mc-eess. hub -cnptinu price, VdlU I lc 1 rcunui.i. A OA LID. '''.. -r ?..! Lui to inform n. i ca clues, School Director, uml the public generally, lint he has recently pmrna.ii'd dirci tn Jrttmthe jmlitisttcrs in the Cities rf AV? York and I'hila ddjJtla, a y. nerul ami complete assort went of HOOKS & STATIONARY fu Habit f,r the SCHOOLS of ELK nnd ailjiiiiiir.j counties. He further desires to inn it, that jiureha-iivj from the Publishers of School Books fcc, and not frjin Jobbers, Jtc is enabled to sell lower than those who purchase in tmullcr quontitit. Also, thai cvcri ihimj wanted in the above line can be found at once, or nil! be -procured by Hail or Expires. As usual 10. Jr ct. discount, icill be allowed on all sums of 810. IE. J. BLAKELY. Jleiu gduerisqmonfs. J" anics I'rvcr IN Elk Com. Pleas, No IB. July T. 180(5. ' Domcstio Attaohroeut. vs C. Wellon & Ceo. E. Welton. Trustees Sale. 'ipiiere will bo exposed to sivto by puliVic J. vendue or outcry at tho house of Joseph Wi'.iilf'oV.Ur. in tho TWough of St. Mury's on Tucilny, the flret dny of October next, nt one o'clock p. m., the following doscribed Heal Estate to-wit ; All tho above named defendants interest in thai cortn'n tract piece or parcel of land situate in Uentlugnr tovnship, Elk c.inuty, Pa., bounded nnd subscribed as follows 1 On the North by the New Brussols EoAd, on the East by A. Eochlmun lands, on tho Eolith by St. Nicholno rnad, on tdc West of Innd-orX. It 111, IT. f'oolt.J. WindfpMur & A, T'l'-IitMan, rout n in r; t-.venty-fivo nercs more orlc; upon which arc erected 0110 two s!ry frame houc r.'euUt '21 feet by C3 foct with a wir.j cxtcu llnj; bncl; a fi'sme bat 11 ubi.a: -r h C")f:-t. There i also a fn-.t'.lrtrchnr.l-a e--nl mine op.'iicl, iruulti) hii.I. Cual L-b;:t, wc!iniof scales &o.,rca' y for iiuiiiciiiito ndnin;; operation. Tr.kon as li.c i-rjcrly of R. H. .t Ceovpo R. V,Uon. ,'AMM.s COYXE, CH.AS, LUIIR. CHZS. II. VOLK. Pi'D.-lu'(,7. .Iw. Trustee.?. IXECUTOH'S NOTICE. Notice is here 2jiiy plvcn that lettfi-s testamentary on tnu estate i-f Lyman Wilnmrth, late of Fox towi.ship, deeoiisod, have been pramcd to the uu lersigr.'td. All persons indebted to estate, arc requested to make immedi ate payment, nnd those having claims ogainsithe same will presont them duly au thenticated for settlement. L. C. WILMARTII. FUEL) WILMAHTH, Sep. 19'C7.-3iv. Executors. Tlii? is to Oive Notice : THAT ou the 27ik d:iy of August, A, U., 1607, a warrant in Uanlu-uptcy was is putd ngainst the estate of John Cobb of IlilgTvay, iu the County of Elk and State of l'cunsylvania, who bus been adjudged a Uankiupt 011 his own petition; that the payuient of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Ibinkrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by luiu are forbidden by law j that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Hankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate will bo held at a Court of Uankruptcy, to be holden at tho Court House in the City of Jlrie, before 8. E. Woodruff, Register, on the ninth day of October A. 1)., lMi7, at 2 o'clock v.. in. THOMAS A- ROWLEY. U. B. Marshal for said Dis't. G. 1'. DAVIS. Dep't. U. S. Marshal. Sept. 5-'07.-lw. P AINTS for FARM 11HS and others. ThcGraton Mineral Paint Co. are now iiianfactuiing the Bet Cheapest aud most durable lVmt in use : two coats well pu( on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years ; it isofa light brown or beautiful chocolate color and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit I no taste 01 mo consumer. It is valuable for Houses, JSarns, fences, Carriage and Car-mukcrs, Pails and W ood en ware. Agricultural Implements, Canal l!r,:its. Vessels and ships bottoms, ("nuvas. Metal aud Shini.'lc Root's, (it bciug Fire aud Water in oof), Floor Oil Clollis, (one Mauu. faeturer having used 0000 bbls. tho past year,) and ns a. paint for any purpose is uusui-imsscd for body, durability, elasticity, and udliosivc-ncss. Price SO nor bbl. of oOU lbs., which will supply a farmer lor veai-s to ironic. Warrcnted in all eases os ubove. Sen 1 fo a circular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded iua trade mark Oration Mineral rami. Audi-ess D VNIHL ItiDWELL, iiO 1 Pearl Street, New York. 5ept. 5 't.7.-Cm. DISSOLUTION. The parinership heretofore existing be tweeu the uudeii;rneiB under the rirmuame or llealv & (iillisis this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of tho firm will be sealed by W. C. Healy. W. C. Healy. C. V. (JlLUS, Ridwuy, Ph., Aug. loth, Ja.i7. 3t. T!iC Liirurd JAft litsuraure. Amiuitv & Trust Co. OF 1'IIILAD'A. CASH CAPITAL P- 8110,000,00. ASf- V.T.-t SJ, -loo, :')), 50. Mffiiul liismancc combined with tho sc. citrity ot ca;,' Fur iu.-'ii inee applv to ? J ! 1 N (i. li"LI., Ui brwny, Pa A CARD TO INVALIDS. A ('h-ivyuiaii, while lesidinu iu South Amki-ici at :i mi-..iii'iiv, iIimc-ovi red n .-.-t le ami .-'uij.U- reiiiedy tM- lbe Cuio Nirvuiis Weakness, llaily I'eeiy, li.-e;is nt t lie I ruen-y au-i .-icmiiiui n.gans, am I lji li do t rain 1 f ilisordei s brought ou I. Ii.iai tul and ieioii.-i habits. Ureal numbers b:ie b.-eii uu.. I by thi-i n-itite Ptiimjilfd by a d --ir J to I tiielit tile alilieicl 1,1,1 iiufoi'iuiiate, I will si-ndib-1 ivecij y lor pi -i.ariiig aiel u-iiig ibis 1111 diciue, in a s.-aU-d i-iivilepe, to any ouo who tu-c-ls it, It.-: ui II.:,;.-- A'ol.'- :s. .I.i.-Id'it T. IN M AN', 1 0i T KT 1 'HOCIiA M A 'J' I ON J Whereas the Honorable William t William Tre.-id.tnt and Hon. LI. O. Seultze and Hon. .Jeiio Kylcr, Asso ciate Juilgcs of the- Court of Onmmon Pleas, and Justices of tho Court of Quarter Sessions, nnd Orphans' Court, and Court of Over and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other ofl'enees iu the county of Elk, by their precepts tome directed, have ordered the aforesaid named courts to bo holden at llidgway, in and for the county of Elk, on the first MONDAY IX NOVEMBER it being the 4th DA Y of the month aud to continue ono week. Notico is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of tho Peace, and Con stables of the county of Elk, that they are by these precepts commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock a. m , of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do thoso things which their offices appertain to be done, aud that all Justices of said county make returns of all the reeoguizanees entered into before them, to tho Clerk of the Court as per act of Assembly, passed May 4, 1884. Aud those who are bouud by their roe ignizaneos to prose, cute the prisoners that arc or shall be in tho jail of said county of Elk and to be then and there toproseeute agaiust them as shall be just. J A. M ALONE. Sept. 12, 1507. Sheriff. TMlKiL JLISTfor November Term of Elk County Common l'leas, commen cing 4th of November 1837. Ceo. Weis, for use vs M. Qerg. .Same vs Snino. Sumo vs Hume. C. Wninwright, vs 0. O. Crowcll, .1. W. Urown, vs H. Woodwurd, et al Ferd Coxe, et al vs K. H. England ct al J. C. Charin g Heirs vs W. Hrynnt John Tudor, vs H. Woodward " ' vu .Ina. Winmr " 11 t'h-ivloB Hell, Cliiulis limner Tlioni'.s llridgnua Jake Hill, 0. I). Mi's.-engor, vs John C. Soott. vs J. Powell, Adin'r. vs J. N. llrccden ct al vs P. W. llarrett. vs The County of Elk vs West C'kM&MCo VS M. Civl'2. it. v. Leonni, 0. W. H-.iliibun, co. Weis for use Same vs Same, vs Same. CEOKOE A. KATHliUN, Prothnotary. I'.UOIC AOEXTS WASTED. To Solicit Oracis for a New Illttstrated DIliLE DICTIONARY. (COMIT.ETE IS O.NC VOLOlK.) This Dictionauy embodies the results of the most recent sty. research, and investi. cation, oi anout sixty-five ol tho most emi. neul aud advanced .Biblical Scholars now livinu. Clercvmen of all denominations approve it, and regard it os the best work of Us kinil in t lie J.ngiish language, aua ono which ought to be iu the hands ot every bi ble reuder in tho land. In circulating ibis Work, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The numerous objections which nro usually en countered iu selling ordinary works will not exist with this. But, on the contravy, encouragement and friendly aid will attend tho Agent, making his labor agreeable, useful, and lucrative. Ladies, retired Clercvmen, beuool jeacn- crs, Fiu uicrs, Students, and all others who possess energy, nro wanted to assist in Can vassing every Town and County in the country, to whom the most liberal iuduce- mciiiS will no offered. For particulars, apply to or address PAR MELEE "BROTHERS, Aug. 29'G7.-6t. 722 Samson St. Thila, IV WE! LAGER rOSEPH WINDFELDER, I OK THE Takes this method of announcing to the 1'ublio, that during the past season he has manufactured TEN TIMES MORE LAGER. than he has ever before brewed in one season, bo that he will be able to supply Privato Families, Saloons, and Hotels, with a Superior Article of this favorite beverage, at a price that cannot bo undersold anywhere on tho hue of tho I . & K. Railroad. Oa or about the 15th of May he pro po3cs to " groat itf KStalt " of his vaults, where ho has stored it, &Dd of which the public are respectfully ro. quested to lake notice. r)(3i0rdcrs shipped as soon a3 receiv- witli promptness and despatch. B?i.Addrcss orders to JOS. AVINDFELDERj f?r. Mary's Bkkwehy, IJetiziner Post Office, ap25tf. Elk County, l'a. "Beyond the MisaiatippL" A Complkte HisTuav or TiitNtw States AM) TkUHITOBIKS, FROM TUB G lie AT P.ivi:it to the Cheat Ocean. lty llOirt Si. llichurdson. Over 20,000 Copies sold in one Month T IKE AND ADVENTURE ON PRAI- I j l ies, Mountains and the Pacific Const, W illi ov.-r 200 Descriptive and l'luitiitraph ic Views nf Iho Scenery, Cities. Lands, Mines, Pmplo nud Curiosities of tho New Stales an 1 liiri'.oiies. To ri'. pi'.i-live emigrants and settlers in tho "Jar vtet, lln.s History ot Hint vu ah I fertile region will prove uu asi. tain-sii -p'.ving as it does a waul long felt of n full, mil ln-m i mi l leliablo (iu'nlo to eliiinile, soil, products, means of travel, ic, AGENTS WANTED. Send fur Circulars uml see our terms, nnd a full description of the work. A-.ldres NATION AL PUBLISHING CO, 607 Minor bt., Philu'u Pu. Augl-ll. OLIVER x HAl'oN', Manufacturers and Miole:ilo ,y Retail Dealers in J'loiii-, IV.'d :m1 Oi'iiin, 1 1 Mi.i.s. :'.':. r,i. I 1 . ..- -. .. ...te t -jut .v.. .- l'b-1 ! .- . .' a.ia 1 -i' c-.'-ly isii)c,s Jjiivciol'jj. TOIIN O. II ALL, Attorney nt law, Itidg way, Elk county Pa. mar. 22 lit) ly SOUTHER A NO WILLIS Attorneys nt Lnw, Kidgway, lllli county Pn., will attend to all professional business prompt ly. mur-22'0t)-ly. T A UP. IE .T. BLAKELY. Attorney and j Counsellor at law, nnd U. S. Comniis. r. ltiugwuy r. 0. Llk county. Pa. mar-22 Oli ly. IN a. BAM. .IAS. K. 1'. 11 ALL. IT ATA j ! HllO. Attorn n vs - n t Law. ol. MAlu S : P.ENZINGEn P. 0. ELK COUNTY, TA. September 20, 18G0. ly. -pvlt. W. JAMES BLAKELY Physician I land Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. rmar-22'0G ly. -pR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine j and Surgery, Centrcville, Elk county Pn. fmar-22'OO-ly. DR. A. S. HILL Kersey, Elk county Pa. Will promptly answer allprofessional calls by night or day. mar-22'Gfi-ly. DR. W. B. HARTMAN, ft. Mary's, Elk county. Pa. Late of the Army of 'the Potomac. Particular attention given to all cases of surgical nature. rniar-22'G0-ly. D' R. J. S. BORDWELL Elcetic Physi cian. Late of Warren county Tn., will promptly answer nil professional calls by night or day. Residence one door east of (lie late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar-2200-ly. JOB WORK of all kinds aud des. criptions done at this office. HOTEL CARDS. ALriNE HOUSE, St. Mary's Pa.. Her man Krctz, Proprietor. eugO'Cfl H YT3"E HOTJR-R. Ricl- wav. Pa. V. C. OYSTK, Propr'r. This House is conveniently nnd pleasant. ly located in the business part of tho vil lage. Every attention paid to the conven. ienco of guests. Sep. 12'C7.-tf. B""""ATOiOAT itoIjskT , V.'IIEELEH & COBB, PnoeitiETuBS. inn liou-e is conveniently nn.i liteasant- ly located in tho thriving village of Brock- wayvillo. Lvery attention paid to the con venience of guests. Aug- 1j. ISfiTlf UAYElt IIOUS, RIUGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up n largo and comiuo.iious hotel on tlio southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stnbling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends nnu the public generally. deeltf'tiu ly DAY W Til Al Ell. XECUTIONS, SUMMONS, SUBP(E nas, Warrants, &c, on hand and for sale at this othce. di II. VOLK, Manufacturer nnd Dealer VV. In Lngtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'00-ly. BORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals Faints, Oils and Varnish. Terfumery Toil et articles and Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22 (ib-ly. TT XX. kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds and Matiresses, rieture Frames and Collins, Ridgway Pa. Ware Rooms on the corner of Main and Depot St's. may-1 7'66-ly J. F. M O O R E wmi LQUGilHEIM BROS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHING 0O3 Market Street, AugSth tf- PHILADELPHIA. S. SHORT, JOHN 0. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. V. HALL, BANKING-HOUSE OF hort, Salt ft c. St.. Vary's, llenxlnger V. O. Elk Count v, Pkxna riTIIE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT I recently opened by Miss DAGGETT lit tho residence of Mrs. J. V. Houk, has been removed to the rooms over J. V Houk s Store, where will be Kept a nice assortment of , Jtyl'iiW J)flJ ?ti0iiKi' TifillitK'I'JI. DRESS-TRIMMINGS, STAMPED WORK, Stamjiing and Dress.making done. Mrs. J. V.'HOUK. my2318(J7tf Itidgway, Pa. SOMETHING NEW! HOUSE, SIGN St, ORNAMENTAL PAIKTIN G. niHB SUHSCR1B E R W DULl) R E- X speotfully inform the citizens of Elk county tlir.t he lias just started in the above business iu l.i-lgway, and feci couti dent that he can please ull who may favor linn their custom. GrlAlMNG, PAPER HANGING AND CALC1.MINING DUNE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE most fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this (Mice or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. T. WILLIAMS, May-17'G(My. runrniunE stoiie AT ST. MARY'S, PA- 1 ASH, DOORS AND FURNITURE ! The subscriber keeps constantly on ban I all uf Sash an 1 Doors, also Wardrobes, Bureaus, Washstauls, Bookcases Tables, Di-.-ks. Lounges, lledntea Is, Sofas, Picture Fraaies, Sa-h 'l'a'iiited an 1 Glaze 1, All work warrant e l t i lie of ihe best nun teriiil and v. ei'kuivi.-ltip. I 'all ii!i l i-xai.,iii-.- my W'rt l; aa l prices ns I fee! Coiiliiieal my wui'k will gnu sati.-fao. ti-iu :,-i,l i j i y piic-4 aieuH iov, if ft' t biw.-r tl. in ;ii, e H.e in any oilii-r 'M'A'' I. I'.AV'.lV. ' ' j..,.";i'7 ! iUVu -v'-r- 8 0J5K STATIONAlir i VAHIE'l Y ST 0 R m (l In The Tost Office Building, Saint Mary's, ELK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. INTENSE EXCITEMENT! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CEOTISIC for the .Million ! A Well Drowsed Man. BUYS HIS CLOTHING AT THE STOP.E OF GEO. V. IHNTENACII, IN ST. MARY'S. THE BEST ALWAYS THE P. 1UNTENAC1I having taken cn X tire control of the establishment formerly occupied by G. P. Ilintenach & Co., would respectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he is prepared to furnish tjiew with the Best Kind of Clothing at rates which defy competition. lie lias ou liana a large assortment ot READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VESTS A- WATS, which he has lately purchased in the East, nud which he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. His Gentlemen'. Furnisinar ylnartmcrit Is specially adapted to the wants of his Oistonier. Helms also alareeand exlensivo stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VE ST INGS of the latest stylo nnd pattern, which he will niaAo to order in a neat and durable manner, nnd ns CHEAP as it can be done any place ia the conutry. GIVE HIM A CALL. Satisfaction guar anteed, and goods warranted. All he asks is a FAIR TRIAL to prove it. Bt. Mary s Pa., Feb. 11. 1SIS7. OR SALE. Tho Storehouse and Lot occupied bv lJurko and Wood is ofl'rred lor sale 1 desirable) locatiou in the tliriviug boronc-h of tit. Mary's. Apply CII.AS McVEAN, Ueuzinfrer P. O. Jan. 3, Elk Co Pa. TAKE NOTICE ! ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEM, selves indebted to tho undersigned are hereby requested to call and settle their accounts ut their earliest possible' conven ience. JOSEPH S. HYDE. Ridgway, August 1, 1807. BRICK ! BRICK ! t BRICK ! ! ! THE SUBSCRIBERS otlcr for sale u superior lot of BRICK in largo or small quantities, nt their new brickyard, ST. MART'S, Elk county. Pa. HUTLER & CO. St. Mary's, July 11, 1807 tf. 0 UK STARCH GLOSS, Is the only article used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beuutilul polish, making tho iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much lit ic and labor- Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out fo soon- It makes old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the best m the world. It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It is put up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any offered to the public. It is warrauu-d uut to btreuk ihe clothes. Agents wauled everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. No. -18 Fulton St., New York. AY J S11ERER. Ji'loOcOi)?, 0t'(Jiil)3 yi5 ?i)i'it ..... Au. i isi .lteit'", twy, it-.ii". Ki'ii-rs to J. roweii, is, r. i. iv. i.ii-.r-.v iv. lanaiiiis Garner. Chas. Haitfea. St. M.n v s. uov - ','ij',, ompd. ONE EOL'i'E AND TWO LOTS IN' .ST. MARY'S EOi'OPGir. FOE SALE. rg"Uli: fTRs-'CMIsnrt ...l'-vs fur th - I i,roo.-rty on th. .-.-o, r if M.-hl nt.j, u'siut iiri-ets. in the thi ieii:;.- town ol (St. Miivft-. is u ::o-''l- new t o Mot y tr.iuu laiilding 'J'lie'.iiMii.-i ui all fot. fiiere i-i ul-o a f -i i. li.l ....ii..; uf pure Wiiti i- ou ihu hi ui. wl:ieh ti. h.-ii-e is erecied. . , I'm- I'lj'h-r p:irileiib,rs i-!uu:re of I ho iub.-i.-r.ln r i a t.:. i i ,.'ii : .1 !.- 11 "'- ;jJ'..;iiK'sa ,1)!i'cioi'jj. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. TtT OTICU is hereby fciwu that I have Ink X en nut a license us unutiuiieer, and will iiiiond promptly to tlio culling of nil sales entrusted to my care. Any person culling salus without a licence wil be licld answerable to Hie strict letter of the law. P. W HA It RETT DccL'llSOCtf. Auctioneer. HE E LEI! Si WILSOVS SEW INO MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Solo Agent lor the sale of Wheeler X Wilson's Sew.u Machines for illk county. He keeps uii assorttneut coiisli.Mly on bund. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New Vcr prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WH1T.MOKE, March Ot-'GO-ly. at Ridcway, Pa. BEACKSMITI 1 1 XG ! H. S. P.ELNAP dcircs to inform the citi zens of Ridgway nnd vicinity that he Las leased J. S. Hyde's Ehiehsniith Shop ou Mill street, nnd lias employed good work men who will bo ever ready to make any thing from a burkle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the shoeing of horses. All 1 ask is u fair trial. May 17'CO-l.y. HE., . MERCHANT TAILOR, Rkliru-ny, Elk Co., Pa, The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citizens of l'i lgmiy and vicinity that lie is prepaicd to mal:e to order ns well as it can bo done anywhere, anything in the line of his business. All he nsUs is a fail trial. Good Fits guaranteed. nuClofhs, Cnssimers, Vcstings and Trimmings of tho latest and most npproved styles kept constantly on hnnd, nhieh will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE C11EAP E5T. augflO.y TifjIVKIillilC. i' 1 A LA11CE STOCK OP 'l s'-tU- 1iiJi1 Viu.J Mil ill 'W "Uiil -ml The uuJorsincJ liavo ou liauJ a largo and vet y desirable stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WE Alt, O It PEED, which they will sell at the very bottom figure nnd from this date will sell only for CASH. Wc will use every endeav or to walco it to tho interest ol our cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. Wc have de'enniucd to give tho CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be tho iutor cst ot both buyct and seller. POWELL & KIME. Ridgway, Aug. 13th, 1SG7. sc. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY 1 ALL WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, PA. P.U.STIC WINDOW i euAnte . ... OrlAUtO A T war:; ln, pa. 1 17 te. In tin' ui.l'U i- i. lb.. 1 1 :i ;M Coillll -1111. I1..11 A.-.-o.-ialioii." foiii. I'lea, I 5. N )V. T. 'ti7. N''J'P'K ;- b. i-.-b-. ;f',-..i t"i :i the certili c- '' ! !! i i. ;'. i. i i .,:!,fii i,i i-oro ii e-.'.- !' !! ri;. i. , i 1 :- ,.t U.':-: il i l , -. t; ' ; ;:, ;v ,. i,. 1 :i .h i,: ; ,, ,1 : re , i ii )-..!. -,' i i,. , , ...... A il?!;i'.i ui." h is i a 1 i, a oliji.,-i hoi, ' j -o. ., ion will Ii : :.: - ' i.-l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers