EV CASH GUOCEUY STOUT, JAMES McCLOSKUY, Dealer in Groceries eve., would respect fully inform thu citizens of Kersey and vicinity, thut i, lus gone into the Grocery Imsit jHf. iiiul will open on or ubnut the iniddli of May. I te kecT cuoitAtly un huuc h n cjttousivc stock of TEAS, FLOUlv, SUGARS, TOBACCO KS, SEQ AltS, wins KEY by tlicbnrrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER, than the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to conic and satisfy themselves. JAMES MoCLOKEY. May 3d, 'GG. Cm. rillic subscriber bogs leave to announce to the citizens of Elk anil adjoining conn, tics that lie has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by .John Einiitz, nnd that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit able style, sa ddles,br;dl esjia rsess kept constantly on hand at. prices to suit the times, (live me a call shop in the sec ond slovy of Drug Store building, ocll-ly. C. LEVIS. I 1ST OF JURORS dwu j for August Term, 1H07. GRAND JLUOUS. Bemzrtt. George Winslow, Cole man F. Johnson, William Dorr. Benzinger. Peter Geier, William Gausmon, John Stockman. Fox. Michael Gil'.en, John Kylcr, TIczckiah Ilorton, John 1J. Cuneo, Clinton Uundy, Joseph Bonzar. Jut. Charles Gardner, Samuel Uhl. Jones. A. I.' Wilcox. Ridgway. Thomas Sullivan, jr., J. C. Burns, 13. F. Ely, Patrick Malono, Spring t'rcclc. Hiram Cannon. St. Mary's. Thomas BrauifT, Sebas tian Ilahn, George llottger, Thomas Zimmctt. TRAVERSE JURORS. Bciuzclt. R. M. Winslow, William E. Johnson, P. B. Winslow, Andrew Overturf, William Mm ray. Benzingcr. Louis Geis, Arnold Flc derinan, Nicholas Hill, Michael Lawlcr, Joseph Sehaur. Fox. Joseph Ernst, Martin Phalon, John It. Keltz, William Irvin, I.-aac Ilorton, sr., John Moycr, E. T. Mere James F. Martin, Henry 15. Shons, F. Sshoen'mg, Joseph S. Chamberlain. Jay. John J. Turley, John Iless. Jones. Anthony Cole, Jao. McfFert. Ridgway . Nat. P. Cummings, B. A, Dill, Nelson GardDer, James Love. St. Mary's. M, Wcllendorf, George W almsley, John Alios, ollrang ei gel, Frank Forenbaum, J. Suceringcr STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 35 & 27, Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Orocn. K KPT ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN f HUE STEVENS HOUSE is WELL L and widely known to the travel 1 1 n j-r public. The locution is especially suitable to merchants and business men ; it is in close Yirnximil y to the business part of the city is on the oighway of Southern and Western travel and adjacent to nil the principal Railroad and Steamboat De Vols. The Stevens House has liberal acemmo dution for over three hundred guests it is well f urnished, and possesses every modern liopi ivemeut tor the comtort unit entertain mini of its inmates. The rooms arc spac ions and well ventilated, provided with gas and water, tbo attendance is prompt and lospcrlful, and the table is generously pro vidud with every delicacy of the season-a moderate rates. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. May Oth, 1S67, 0m. Proprietois. LUMBER. 1 fli ARE PREPARED TO FUllMSII V upon short notice the following kinds ol Lumber ot the best (Utility. 1-LUOIUNG AND SIDING, dressed ill the best possible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready lor use. Also, LATH FOR PLASTERING W e wilfrnit on cars when required. jj-j"-Alt orders nddscssed to us at this place promptly attended to. SOUTH 1211, WILMS & CO. jmi'JlGTtf Uidgway, l'a. rilHADELFHIA & EHIE EAILKOAlT SUMMER TIME TABLE. T'ii" ugh and Direct Rome helwccn J'liiladefjiluii, Jhitttmjre Jlnrru lung, Wifiuinsport, and the a n e at oi l a i: c 1 o x of Pennsylvania. E L E G A N T SLEEPING CARS Ou all Night Truing. -Nand after MONDAY, APRIL 29il. the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Ka. ii oud will run as follows ; WK8TWAIIU. M-il Train leaves Philadelphia.. 7.00 p. m, " Ridgway 10.47 a. lit. " arrive at Erie 4.08 p. m Eric Exp leaves l hilad .'lplua... 1U. 00 uoou ' Ridgway ;i. in a. m i '( arrive at Eric lu OU a. m El KTWAUII. Mail Train loaves rne Kl.J.i a. in ' " " Ridgway :j.47 p. in " " arrive at Phildelphiii 7.0") a. in Erie Exp leaves Erie ft 00 p. m " ' K'nlgwuy 10 41 p. in nrr. at Philadelphia... 1 00 a. m Mail ami AV'.'i m limns annuel it ilh alt Irnimon II arreu ami t rmikUn hailwa'. I'asminjersUui'ihg I UiliuUllan ut 1'i.OO V. arrive ui. Iri-iii-hm at li. 10 a. tu. ami Oil Cilil O.'iOa. m. I. cm-ill) J'iiaililpiiu at SO p. in. iimec al Oil I ill at 4. .,5 . M. All trains on Warren & franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with trains for FiHiikiin lind Petroleum Centre IIA'ii; Ad E CIIECICEI) 1 IlltOKlll. ALT.E!l I.. T VI I'll, General Superintendent. is THE PLACE TO BUY ISAT THEJIIDOWAY DRUG STORE. KKPT 1Y GROVE G. MESSENGER, Dealers in Prus, Medicines, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumcries of nil Kinds, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Style and Sizo Pyo Stuffs, Pure Coufectionaries Citron, Haisins, Patent Medicines, 'Vines, Watches, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccocs & Segars Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Drug Business Gcn orally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Friccs ! Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless anety 1 American and English Watches ! American and English Wratchcs Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. .Latest btylcs of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages 1 Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings ! mar2018G6 T MIE S1LV12U SKI It T. MORE DURABLE, MORE ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! ud will keep its shape and retain its place ccucr man any otter Skirt. i!l tew ani beatif 1 style of Skirt (Pat. entea nl.irch 7, 1S05,) was awardtd by the Great American Institute Fair, held iu New loiK, October, lbto, u SILVER MEDAL, being the Highest Premium ever civen for a Hoop Skirt. The Steel Springs arc wound with fine plated wire in place of a cotton covering which will not wear off or bcome soiled, and the whole skirt may be woshed without injury or tear of rusting, and will be as good as new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the ordina ry Skirt the advantages or our Silver Skirt the bottom hoops are the same as those us ed in tho Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones aro covered with cotton. No lady having once worn one of our Skirts, will ho willing to wear any other, as the lower hoops of ull other kids are soon injured and soileed. j Iu oe(t mntceials arc used in their con- striiciiiia, and, from their durability and neft'.s;s hey are destined to become a 3'avoi'ito Skirt. Mazrafost ired solely by tho Silver kirt and Wire Manu- t cturing Company, 30 and 32, lURG'LylY ST. NEW YORK. T. S. Si-KRitr, Sup't. Aug 9th-ly Take Notice. rpiIE UNDESIGNED WISHES TO L say to the publio generally, but more particularly to the people of Elk Uounty that be nas opened a Black smith and Wagon-Shop iu St. Mary's, wucre be w ill be happy to execute all orders iu his line? with promptness and neatness- 1 have also purchased the right for Elk County, to manufacture and sell the F. M. Hubbard Patent Spring Wagon Scat, of which I will soon have a good supply on band, or will make to order, any desired stylo or si.o. 1 would iurtlier notilv tho pcordo of Elk County that any person or per sons infringing on my right in the man ufacture or sale of said scat will bo pros ecuted to the extreme limits ot the law. 5-9-Sw IJCONARD WITTMANN. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned lias laid out a vil. Inge upon his ground adjoining the Hidg way Depot, to bo called ELK.. The lots are 60 feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For tho third lot sold, $120 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. fto-First purchasers get the choice lot at the cheapest rates. l'urcliascrs will be registered in the or der of their application Ten percent of tho purchase money must be paid at the time of the application. Bf fUApplieulions will be made to Joh G. Hull, Esq., Uidgway, Va. 3. S. HYDE. Ridgway, mar,20'CC-tf. TO CONSUMPTIVES. riIIE Advertiser, having been restnrod j to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a sevcro lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anx ious to make known to his fellow sufferers the moans of cure. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), willi ilio directions for preparing the same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Con sumption, Aallilnil, llronchils, &o. Tho ('II1 ly object of the advertiser in sending tho l'rusi-riplinn, is to benelit the uliliulcd, and xpread information which ho couceives to be invaluable ; und be hopes every sufferers will try liis remedy, as it will cost them nothing, mid may prove a blest ing. l'aiiies wishing the prescription, will please address Ittv. EUVVAKD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, ow Voi k.d, Oct. 2Mi i:;oo-iy. ."i.-ITIXtl r.)hii cd at this olliuc. ;katlv execut- WAUDED A GOLD MEDAL! AT THE American Institute Fair ! OCTOBER 19, 1805. In direct competition with all the leading makers in the country. 'PELOUBET ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C. TELOUBET & SON, Manufacturers. Respectfully invite the attention of pur. chasers, the trade and profession, to the FOLLO WWG LVS TR UMENT8 Of their manufacture.' Pedal Base Organs, Five sizes, FiveOctavo, one to three Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Itecds, Prices $205 to $000. School Organs, Nine styles, singlo and doublo Itced Rosewood and Black Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to $240. Molodoons, Piano style and Portablo, Twelve Vnrie tics, from four to six Octaves, single and double Kccd, Rosewood and .Black Walnut (.'uses. Prices, $(15 to $240. Every instrument is made by competent workmen, from the best material, uneer our personal supervision, and every modern improvement worthy of the name, is ltitro duccd in them. Among these we would call attention to the TEEMOLANTE, which has been so much admired, and can be found only in instruments of our own manufac ture. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent protestors and organists, we give the following extracts : " The pedals 1 conceive to be unnpproacli able iu their beautiful smooth quality." Wm. A. King. "It is a grand, goodingirumcnt, and does credit to tho builder. II. C. Folgcr, Troy, Isew Jork. "They aro among the finest Instruments manufactured either in this country or a broad." Win. Berg, J. Mosenihul, Aptouias ' I hey have given universal satisfaction. W. E. Hawley, Fon-du-lac, Wis. "There is a peculiarly sweet and sympa thetio tone which harmonises charmingly witu the voice. w. ll.Uooke. " I am particularly pleased with the ar rangcinent of the differeut registers." Wm. 11. iiradliury. " No other instrument so nearly ap proaches (he organ." The Chorister, N. Y "This instrument has a clear superiority over everything yet introduced among us." Independent, N. V. " The tones nnd the action are excellent." ltev. W. S. Lcavitt, Hudson, New York " The moro we use it the better we like it. J B Hague, Hudson, New York. "The two Bank Organ is really a gem.' J W Kinuicutt, Boston, Mass. "We have found them excellent in all points constituting a good instrument." J V I'ook, 1 J look. "It looks and sounds splendidly." SB iSaxton, Troy, New York. " The most crfect toned Melodeon I erer saw. Ouy r Notli. " They fall back on such substantial mer its as superiority of workmanshin. bcautv of tono and reasonableness of price. And we must say mat in all their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer. EJ-frEvery instrument is fully warranted and bored and shipped in New York City wuiioui cnarge. Circulnrs, Cuts, and Prioe Lists, c sent oc application to C PELOUBET & SON, Bloo.mfielu, N. J. Or J M Pellon, 841, Broadway, New York Cuiirud Meyer, 722, Arch Street, Philud'a ti liriuuard S; bun, Cleveland, Ohio ; J A fucker & to, Jackson, Michigan ; Werner & Oerurd, Cincinatli, Ohio; Joel II Snow, Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AG EM'S. July 2ti,(jG-ly THE PLACE TO BUY 18 WHERE YOU CAN MUY The Cheapest. . tZ f 3 (- Q p m - a-, ire J?s.-"gH a o 9 "2 S 3 i a S- t Q o o W H O o " e . a s 2 p 2. toaS , ess 3; C Ota uSst-j t CSV! 5 Jf - H ,1 m to o . i M 5. & p a w. n j VI s. 2 -i P t 5 a t o- y B o ra D Si fa tt" ft sr s " a a 05 a 5 V ft- at. I g1 i2S 8 re p Zi FT" w S O U. u Sr. E3 2 2. 5 3 d ? O o 3" H O a;--,, 2 -I f ITT- 5 W 0 o o CO I WE SELL OOODS AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN Erie City I GIVE US A CALL, AND WE WILL Prove it PELOUBET OUGANS & MELODEONS. Unanimously awarded the First Prize, A (iOLD MEDAL, "AS THE BEST CABINET ORGANS," Am. Inst., New lork, Oct. 13'jj. Being pronounced superior in Quality Power and Variety of Tone, and in number of combinations. "As the best instruments of America were there contendine. whichever won tho battle would have nothhic left to conquer. Am. Art Journal, edited by a well-known musical critic. They have also taken the first premium wherever cxlnniteil tins season. PEDAL OliGANS, one, two and three banks of keys six sizes U-0 to ?l,ol)0. Without pedals, single nnd double bunk in great variety, 05 to $ii0. These Organs with their smooth, pipedike quality of tone, beautiful solo slops, strcn;;lli of chorus, unequalled pedals, and general org.in-liko etlects, are superior for t hurelies. Halls, Parlors and Schools. They are put up in cases ot nolid Walnut, lancy veneered al nut, (new and uniquo styles) and ile-tant Hoscwood, ot splendid designs and finish and of the best workmanship ! it beiiiK intended that each instrument shall be u model of its kind. All instruments down to a fine octave portablo Melodeon, have tho beautiful Ireuiolunto stop, without extra charge. A bii fre assortment, constantly on band at our tieneial holesale and lletuu Ware rooms, H41, Bioadwnv. Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lists with our new styles, uro now ready. Send tor a circular. PELOUBET, TELTON & CO Manufacturers, No. 8-11. inarllOiu Broadway, N. Y. City HOUIIT V II O C L AJIATIOX J Whereas tho Honorable Thomas W. Williams, President and Hon. K. C Scliultze nnd IIoq. Jesse Kvlur, Asso ciate Judges of the Court of Common 1'leas, und Justices of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer uud Terminer, and General Jail delivery, for the trial of capital and other oiTeuces in the county of Elk, by their precepts to me directed, have ordered the tifoiesaid uiunod courts to be lioldeu tit Uidgway, iu and for the county of Elk, on tho first MONDAY IN AUGUST it beiuK tho 5th DAY of the month, and to continue ouo week. Notice is hereby giveu to tho Coroner, Justices of the l'eace, and Constables of the couuty of Elk, that they are by these precepts commanded to bo then and there iu their prober persons, at 10 o'clock a. iu., of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things which their offices appertain to bo done, and that all Justices of said county make returns of all the recognizances entered into before them, to the Clerk of the Court as per Act of Assembly, passed May 4, 1831. Aod those who sre bound by their rcconizenceg to prose cute tho prisoners that aro or shall be in the jail of said county of Elk, and to bo then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. J. A. MA LONE, May 30, 1867. Sheriff. ITUEDKLil'S VOGT, Practical Clock & " Watchmaker, M. Mary's, Elk couuty, 1'n. Koouis next door to liiiitciiacli's Clothing More. All kiurfs of work done done in a sutisfiielory manner, and war runted. Consultations in regard to work in the Gtimun, reach or EuglUh lnu gauges. MavcU ll,.18o7tf. 5 O s IlIDQWAY, PINNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER, IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENSTVARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find STO R E S AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANI THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains ! CALL& SEE! March 29th,18GG-ly. T AB.GE CAPACITY, CHEAT Strcgnth oud unequiilled speed, simplicity and completeness of operation, nro qualities pe. cunar to t tie Nonpareil "Wasliiiij Ma chine. It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex perience derived from five years extensive use iu fciuilies, hotels and pulilic instituToiis proves it to be ot lasling value to the pur chaser The manner of operating the Nonpareil, by roiary motion acting on a crank Bhaft with balance wheel,) which moves the plungers alternately, is tho simplest, least laborious and most powerful that can be de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. The great speed with which this machine performs work will bo understood from 'ho statcuiontthat it is geared to give six strikes oi me plungers ror one uirn o: tne lianuie, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strokes a luinuto Safety to the fabrio washed is insured by the entire absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen can work the ma chine, and do a week's washing for a family of six or eight persons in two to three hours' time ; and it may be relied on to clcanscthe clothing thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing. Send for free licseriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 2G,'CG-ly SOMETHING NEW ! ! riHIE SUDSritlHEH respectfully desires ( to announce to the citizens of Elk county that he has recently fined up nn es tiiblivlimeiit for the manufacture and sale of TIN', COPPER, nnd .SHEET-IRON Ware, on Main Street, in Ridgway, where, by strict attemion to business, ho hopes lo merit the confidence and patronage of the community. He will keep on hand an extensive and varied assortment of every kind of TIN WARE, anil repair in the neatest possible manner, all work cuiuing under his super vision. He will also keep on hand a well-assorted stock of STO V I S Hiiitiiblo for cither Wood or Coal. 3 Ho desires especially to call tho atten tion of lumbermen to the fact that he can supply them with RAFTiNG-STOVES mado in a superior milliner. Roofing and Spouting done to order on short not iee. CfOld Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead nnd Scrap iron taken in exchange for goods or work. tt-Give hiii a call all he asks is a fair trial. (Uistoiiicrg will find liim at their "SERVICE." C. W. SERVICE. Uidgway, April 4, lH07-tf. JOB PRINTING NEATLY CHEAPLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at the Aut ooaik OUico A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the Interest i of the People of Elk Co. is rriii,isiti:i kvkhy TitrnstiAv, BY JOHN F. MOO UK. Ofjlce in ikt Court Uomr.. Thrms One !"!!'.& tai fifty Cents per annum, invariably in advuiib. No devia. lion from these terms. JOHN G. IIALL,pRO?iUF.Toa. Hates ol Advertising. Adm'rs nnd Executor's Notices, cacli 0 times f i M Audilor'b Notices, each 2 60 Transient Advrlising, per square of 10 lines or less, 8 times or less '2 (Xt For each subsequent insertion t() Professional cdars, 1 year 6 (Ml S peclal notices per line l-r Obituary nnd Marriage Notices, each 1 P Yearly Advertising, one squnre 10 00 Yearly Advertising, two squares l.r0 Y;ai'y Adver'ing three e,ures 20 M Y mrly Advertising, column 25 00 Y;arly Advert isng, 1 column 3"i oO Ysarly AuUetising, 1 column 70 OO. Advertisements displayed more than ordinarily will be charged for ot tho late (per column) of DO OO j dbing department. Having lately added materially to o.ir stock of Job Typo, we arc prepared to do nil kinds of work in a manner which can not be excelled by any establishment be tween WiUinmsport and Eric. Cards, Ilill Heads, Programme Checks, Notes, Handbills, Blanks, Envelopes, Labels, Tags, Visiting Cards, Letter Heads nnd any other work usually done in a coun try office. dHh ajounfu gim1oi!r. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge II. G. White. Additional Law Judge Henry V. Wi'liams. Associate Judge& E. C. Scliultze, Jesse Kyler. District Attorney L. J. Blakely. Sheriff James A. Malone. Prothonotary, &c. G. A. Rathbun. Treasurer James Coyne. Co. Superintendent James lilakcly. Commissioners William A. Bly, J. W. Taylor, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Byron J. Jones, Jacob McCauley. County Surveyor Geo. Walmsley. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January, . Last Monday iu April. First Monday in August. First Monday in November. B E A L E ' S (t.ATK rOWKI.t's R MIIIIOCATION! 17IOR ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO ; Horses, Cattle and tho Human Flesh, requiring the uso of nn external application. This new Compound, prepared by a prac tical Chemist having a full knowledge of all the medical virtues of each ingredient t li ut enters into its composition, is warran ted to exceed anything of the kind yet of fered to the public as an external applica tion for the diseases for which it is recom mended. Wo are satisfied that it will work its own road into the confidence of nil who use it, and those w ho try it once will never be without it, und therefore we rely on ex perience as the best test of its usefulness. It is pronounced by Farriers, nnd all who have tried it to be the best np) lication ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eight years, and it is only through the increasing demand and urgent r .'quest of my friends nnd the Public that 1 send it forth as the grand remedial agent for the various diseases to which that noblo and useful animal, the HOUSE, is subject. Many remedies have been uttered to thu Public under different forms, some of these are injurious, others at best of little use, and niauy wholly improper to answer the purposes for which they are recommended. A judicious and really useful composition free from thoso objections, has thereforo long been desired by many gentlemen who hnvo valuable horses, and are unwilling to trust them to the care of designing and pretending Farriers. Their wishes aro at length fully gratified, by Xr. ISeale being prevailed upon to allow this valuable Em brocation (which has proved so efficacious to tho various diseases) to be prepared and brought out lo the publio. This embrocation was extensively used by the Government during the war. Address all orders to DR. EDMOND BE ALE. South Second St. Phil'a. C'For Sale by Roidwell & Messenger, Ridgwuy, Pa. upGOly rpiIE MOST RELIABLE CUSmONu'seJ 1 on Billiard Tables is tho CAT-GUT CUSHION, Manufactured by Kavauagli & Decker, and patented Dee 18, lHOii. (See Scientific Am erican, voluiiKvlti, number 11.) It is the ONLY Cushion that posscsscss all the qualities essential toa perfect Cush ion. If is tho must clastic and most diirab'.o t'usWioii ever offered lo the bi'Iiard-pltiying public, as is abundantly proven by thu great demand for it since its introduction. The peculiarity which distinguishes tho CAT tll T Cushion and renders it superior to nil others, is the tightened curd of cat gut which overlies the face and edge of tho rubber, and running the full length of tho Cushion, which prevents the ball from bed ding into the rubber aud juinpingifroin tho tabic. The addition of tho rut-gut cor 1 tilso adds much to the elasticity of the Cush ion. The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been applied to ovej- 1K)0 tables which are in constant use. It can be applied to tables of unv make, for 7fi per set. KAVANAGH & DECKER'S Faotory, (,t the corner of Centre uud Canal Streets N V., is the most complete of its kind in Jhe world. The machinery is ol the most i:u. proved character, the lumber drying rooni the largest in the United Slates, the mute I' ia I used the best that can be purc'iasei) and the workmen thoroughly skilled. ' Billiard Chilli, Bulls, Cues and Trim mings, u!l of the best make, constantly ou hand. Kavauagli and Decker arc the onlv agent in this country for KAY'S CUE CK.MKNT adjudged by competent authorities to be tho lust fuuirnt ever used. Full S:iu Tables cut down for $100. Send for ldn.i,uhd Price Lint. KAVANAGH s DECKER, Cor of Centre nnd Canal Sta , M'3C'ly New York Ci'tv.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers