V Erie r.-t icfit l'n. I .. (lit (In Am., do Mnil r..i.i-i (tO (Id l.crivl Freight- East.. Jo Jo West... -Ill HI I: J :. Hi. 1U: -17 p. m. 10:47 a. m. 5;fil . til. O T I C K . Hereafter l't (Mt'c wiU bo closed every evening at 8 u clock. On Sunday it will be kept open Iron. 8 to 10 o'clock A.. M. Mail Cloned at 0 1. M. 1.. LUTHUH, P. M. GoM'yV for August is on our table. It i nn uni.iuo nun.. bet. Codcy ia nlmjs ? to tlio times. - Bjq.TIio death warrant of Chase, the Rccch Woods murderer, lias been sign d by (iovcrnor Geary, an 1 the 2Sth inst., has been fixed for his execution. Ka.Vrom" Calo b-nia to Driftwood, "Mr. '.. J. Jones h..s put cm the road a pnlcndi l lino of stat. They rao both ways on Tuesdays and Fridays, making railroad connections at Driftwood. r:-5-Mr. Isaiah Cobb, formerly ol tlio Kersey House, at Controville, has pur chased the property known ad Sehrani's Hotel, at !rockwtiyv:lltf. May tucocs, attend his new cnteipri.-:o. . -- -o Bi-iy-Wo learn that tho ladies connect ed with the K,.iseopal Church Ht this place are gu"n to hold a fair during Court wejk. Wo hope their laudable design uiay ineut with all the 6UCCess it deserves. A Useful ISnorc. See advertise, incut of National Publishing Company in another column. They are about to issue a new work entitled : Beyond the Mississippi," which will no doubt be in. Btructive, interesting and entertaining. CM. 15. Lr.vry, Deuti;,t, ol 15rok. ville desires t itit jnu those- wautiut: unythin;; done in his line that he will be in town next Tuesday, w hen he will bo most happy to do all work he may 4ic favored with, in a satisfactory manner. Rooms at the Hyde House. lhtuWNKii. On last Wednesday evening a Mr. Lackey, a son-iti law of Charles Webb, of Jay Township, this County, was drowned iu the mill-poud of Mr. Webb, while bathing. The de ceased was married to Miss Harriet Webb four or five mouth. ago. Hz.Thc match game of base bal' between tho Alpines and Renovos on Thursday last, ro.-ulted iu the defeat of the Alpines. Tho score standing, SO to 02. It tho Alpines would practice more, wo have no doubt but they would become a Grst-c'r.ss club. Du. J. S.M.r.n, Dentist, of Warren, requests us to announce that ho will be at the Hyde House, in this place, ou Monday, tho 51. ol August next, (Court week.) Those Laving wuik to do should lot fail to give hiiu a call on that day. " t2iTho coining court promises to be one ol uusuul inteiest. We wish some of our subscribers aud patrons who have foryittea to puy us their sub scription aud other matters, would call und settle. By so Joins-, they could make it of " unusual interest" to us. Come along, gontleiii'tii, our pocket. book is terribly mwiitycd. -n - jfAAt the second qua t riy meet. jng of the Ketsy Literary Society the the following poisons were elected officers for the ensuing three months. President, W. S. Hamblen. Vice President, A. K. Orcsh, Secretary, W. W. Shaw. As-istant Secret-ivy, J. K. Green, Treasurer, G. T. Mitchell. Catamounts, Attcxtjon. The Catamount 15. i. C. will meet at the office ot 0. A. Eatlbun on Saturday eveuiug, August "d, for tho transaction of important 15 lnruss. Nou attenJiug uiombers will Lod.vilt with aul fitted iu aoeordaucQ with tho by-laws. II. H. Timm as, President. Those persons who subscribed to wards the erection of a Catholic Church, in Jtiaway, will please held Uitmso.vcs in readiness to pay over the same, to the undersigned, or to Mr. J. Yuughuu, or L. J. Blakely, withiu thirty days. Lists can be seen at Mr. Vaughau's ho tel, at tho depot, ffr at Mr. lilakely's oflice. W. M KYF.it, 0. S. B. P. P. Br'Tho Kersey lJae JJull Club was organized last Friday evening and the following olhccM elected and commit toes unpointed ; A. A. Houston, rrcsi. dent. Homer I). Leech, Vice Pre.-i dent. M. James Karly, Secretary C. II. McCauli y, 'ireaiurcr. !)! etuis II. Larry, C. K. Giten J. A. M alone. CmutniHi u Ai ) ni, ,n. at- A. A. Huuatull, A. Li. Wheeler, J. K Green. LADIES' FAIR. The Ladies of Grace Church will Is-dd a fuir in the horse between the new residence ol G. 1. Messenger, Esq., ai.d the btore cf J. V. Houk, Esq., on Maiu Btrcet, commencing on Monday evening, August 5th, and continuing each evening during tho week. The proceeds arc to bevoted to build ing the Church in Ridgway A large aud varied assortment of use ful and ornamental articles will be offer ed for sale at reasonable prices. A well filled refreshment tablo will bo supplied each evening with the lux uries of the season, consisting in part of Ice Crcaui, Sherbet, Cake, &c, kc. No charge for admission. All are invited. 13y Qrper or the Com. erTho Annual Report of tho Ly coming County Mutual Insurance Com pany will be found in our columns to-day. It will be fccu that tho capital of the comtiauy has bceu materially increased dining the past year, it now reaching the large sum ot Sa,oUS,UID 4'J. J he number of polices in force Juno 10th, wan 13,01 2, and the total amount of property insured $;iO,4C9,lf.O Yl. The total amount of losses paid the past year was 3.' I) 1,1303 50, the whole amount paid lor losses since the organization of the coaitianv Si.eUSjoU 01. The Lycoming Mutual is now one of the strongest, most reliable, anu Dcst conducted companies in tho Mate, nnd is constantly increasing in strength and usefulness. J ) w u Jjitminnrv. James Ulakely, Esq., is the agent for this county, ltioso lio wish to in suro in a first-class, reliable Company, carjnot got a better one than the Ly. cuming. See Mi. Ulakley s advertise moot in another part of this paper. Female Fashions. One Mark Twain a witty writer, admires tho style of womeu's walking dresses, and so sweetly siugg their praises : " Who i hall describe tho exquisite taste and beauty of the new style of ladies' walk iu;r dresses ' Taken as a class women can contrive more outlaudish and ugly costumes than one would think possible w ithout the gift of instillation. JJut this time they have bceu felicitous iu tivention. lho wretched watrelails still remain, of course, but iu a modified form ; ovcry change it unucrweut was or the better, r irst it represented a bladder of Scotch snuff, nest it hung down the woman's back like a canvass covered ham ; afterwards it contracted, and counterfeited a turnip on tnc back oi the head ; now it sticks straight out behind, aud looks like a wire muzzle on a urevhound. Nestling m tho midst of this lou; stretch ot head and hair re poses the little batter cake of a bonnet, iKe a jockey-sa ldle on a race home, You will readily perceive that this looks very uuuiue, and pretty, and co. quctiish ; Hut the glory of lue cu.u me is the iooc thcurcss. 2io lur-bclowa, no flounces, no biases, no ruflles, no gorts, no fiutterwhcels, no hoops to speak of nothing but tfrich, plain nar. row black dress, terminating just oelow tho knees in long eaw teeth points downward,! and under it a flaming skirt, red enough to put your cyos out, that reaches down only to tho ankle bone, and exposes the restless littlo feet. charming, fascinating, seduotivo, be- witchm-' ! To see a lovely girl of seventeen, with her saddlo ou her head, and her muzzlo on behind, uud her veil just covering tho end of her nose, come tripiuiig aloug in her hoopless, red-bot tomed dress, like a churn on fire, is en ough to set a man wild. I must drop this subject -I can't staud it." 'I W (if' '': s g 55 ?4 5. w kl to H H O a PI M W PJ o n Ci SI (i- m tr r H O w r i 8 t LI 0 2 & mm J ,,- K 3" H a- a 5 so Cl KTTVSBL'UQ ASYM'M X Kur lnvnl'.J Soldiers. liiciirin, ruled liv Act or Assembly ol the Conmiuutrcaltli !' l'ciinsylvuiiin, March t, lti7. Tlio l'oarcl of Supervisors appointed by the nboTC Corpnritlion to carry out tho ob jects of the not of incorporation, respect fully announce to tho public that the Legis lature of l'cnnsylviiniii tins authorized tho raising of funds for the erection, establish ment, and tnntiiteniinces of an Asylum for Invalid Soldiers of t he Into war, to bo built on tho ISuttla Field of Ucltyshnrg, find as an inducement to patriotic citizens to con tribute to Huh benevolent object, have em powered tho Corporation to distribute a inoust the subscribers such ml idea of value nnd interest, from association with the lato war, or any moneys, effects, properly, or estate, real or personal, whatever, in this State or elsewhere, at Buch time or upon such terms, and in such way and mtnner w hatsoever, ag to them shall seem fit, any taws of this Commonwealth to the oontrary notwithstanding. The enterprise is cordially recommended by the following named well known gentle men : Major General George G. Meade llx-Governor Andrew G Curtin Major General Oaltisha Pennypackcr Major General K M Gregory Major General John H Urooko Major General Charlea II T Hol'is Major General James L Sclfridge I'.rig Gen James A Beaver r.vig Gen Harulio G Sickels ling Gen Joseph F Kuipo ltrig Gen Win J Holton Brig Gen Samuel M Zuh'ck Brig Gen John K Murphy Brig Gen T F McCoy Bi-iX Gcu It K Winslow Brig Gen Henry I'lcasants Brig Gen J 1' S Gobiu Brig Gen J M Campbell Brig Gen Thomas M Walker Brig Gen tV Cooper Tally Brig Gen D M M Gregg Colonel F Stuiubaugh The site for tho institution (thirty acres) has already been purchased, and it is hoped that tho good work may commence before midsummer. Subscriptions will be received at the offico of tho association, No. 1126, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, on and after Monday, the (th day ot May, lSt)7 For each subscription of five dollars a certiucatc will be issued, winch will cn title the holder to such article of value as may bo awarded to its number. The first distribution of awards will be made immediately upon therccciptof elhUOU subscriptions ot 85 each. The distribution will be public, and under thejdirect supervision of the Cor porators. Persons at a distance arc requested to remit their subset tptions (when practi cable) by Post office money order, or registered letter, to insure prompt do livery. Direct all letters to J. D HOFFMAN, Scc'y Board of Supervisors, Box 1481, P. O., Phil'a. The following is a schedule of the awards to bo mado under tho first distri butiou. The items of diamonds and other precious stones were purchased from citizens of the South duriutr the War, and thotr frcnuincneos is certihcd to by Messrs. Hcnlc & Bros., tho most extensive diamond importers in be country, and by J. Hermann, diamond setter, New lork. GETTVSUUnG ASYLUM FOR INVALID SULUICKS. Incorporated by Aot of Assembly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania March 6th, 18G7. Offico ll:iG, Chestnut St., Philadelphia FIRST DISPOSITION Eighty Thousand Subscribers at $5 Each, 1 1 Diamond Nocklaco, 43 Brilliants, valued at $30,000 J 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch and Ear Rinis 15,000 81 Award 10-40 Gov't Bonds 10,000 4 1 Diam'd dross, set in silver 7,000 5 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 5,000 ti 1 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 6,MM 7 1 8 1 01 Diamond Singlo St. King -1,500 Diamond Ulustor Bracelet Diamond Singlo Stone 4,000 4.000 4,000 4,000 Scarf Pin 10 1 Diamond Clustor Droouh.. 11 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 12 1 Pair single stone Dia mond Ear Kings 1 3 1 Diamond. Cluster Brooch 14 1 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 15 1 Diamond singlo Btono Piu 10 1 Diam'd singlo stonu stud 171 Diamond Clustor Droooh IS I Diam'd Single stone Ring 101 Diam'd & llmo'ld Di'oooll 20 1 Diam'd Single siouu Ring 21 1 Diamond Cluster Ring... 22 1 Long India Camel's Hair Slmwl 8.50O a,0!)0 8,000 8,000 8,000 2,500 2,500 U-.oOO 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 800 800 COO 500 600 500 600 400 330 200 200 200 loO 100 100 10') 50 231 Choice Emerald Stud Singlo Stone Diamond King 25 to 34-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov't Bond-, each 83 1 Three stone diamond Si Ruby halt' u.iop ring 801 diamond single stone Ear Knobs 37 1 P'rdium'd cluster studs 8S 1 diamond singlo stono Ring, star setting 3fl 1 diam'd single stone Piu 40 1 diam'd Cluster bracelet 41 to 50-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov't Bunds, each 51 1 Lady's diam'd set wutch 62 1 diam'd single stone ring 53 1 diamond and opal clus ter ling 5 1 ... 1 ditim'd single stone ring 65. ..1 pair Eui'ld scurf Pins 611.. .1 d'md single stono Ftud 67...1 diamond Cluster Pin... ; 6S...1 cameo and pearl Brooch and ear rings 58 to 108 100 Awards 10 40 Gov't Bonds, each 1-jO to 25H 100 Awards, tiov'mt Lcsial Tenders, each 3,000 Awards, Government Legal Teudeis, each 5 The distribution of tho above award? will ho inudo iu public as soon as tho subscription is full, of which due notice will be trivcu through the papers. On aud after May Gth tho Diamonds will be on exhibition at tuo otuee ot the As sociation. The public cau rely ou everything being conducted iu the most honorable aud fair muuuer. Ail the awards will be handed to certificate holders, iuime. diutely after the tlitti ibutiou, frei of oil cost, at the ollice ot the company, Mo. 1120, CHKSTNuT Struct, Pliila. CEKTIFICATB. Wo hereby certify that vo have cx nmined tho Diamond Goods, Pearls, Emeralds, Ilubics, and other Precious Stones, as described in tho abovo list, and find them all genuine. lUtiNlibJ I.IIO S, Diamond Importers, 26 Maiden Lane, New lork. J. HI5UMANN, Diamond Setter, 301 Broome St., New York. AGENTS WANTED. Books can be had containing 20 certificates ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. All orders for certificates must bo addrefscj to J. D. HOFFMAN, Soo'y. Box 1481, Postoffieo, 5 9 'm. Phihidulphia. fUHNITURE STOKE AT ST- MARY'S, PA- ASn, DOOR8 AND FURNITURE ! ! " The subperiber keeps constantly on hand all sizes of Sash and Doors, also Wurdrobcs, Bureaus, WasliBtamls, Bookcases, Tables, Desks, Lounges, Bedsteads, Sofas, &c. Picture Frames, Sash Tainted and Glazed, All work warranted to be of the best mai teriul nnd workmanship. Call and examine my work and prices as I feel confident my work will give satisfac tion and my prices arc as iow, if not lower than they ai o iu any other market. CUAS. L. BAGER, my23d07tf. St. Mary's, Pa. IN THE MATTER "J Iu the Court of of tho Incorpora- Common Pleas tion of the " Elk of Elk County. County Railroad and No. 11, Aug. T. Mining Gazette." j 18G7. Notice is hereby giveu that tho ccr. tiGcate of the Corporators of the " Elk County It. ilroad and Mining Gazette " has been h ed in my office, and if no sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, a decree of :ncorporation will bo made at t.ic next term of the Court. GEO. A. KATIIBUN, May 9th, 1867. Prothonotary. INTENSE EXCITEMENT! clothing:! CLOTHING 1 CLOTHIJra for the Million I A Well Dressed Man BUYS HIS CLOTHING AT THE STORE OF GEO. P. IIINTENAOI, IN ST. MARY'S. AhWAis mm GT. niNTENACH having taken en , tire oontrol of the establishment formerly oocuplod by G. P. HiutenaoU & Co., would respectfully inform the oitizens of Elk county that he is prepared to furnish them with the Best Kind of Clothing at rales which defy eompotltlon. Ho has on hand a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VESTS .J- COATS, whioh he has latoly purchased in tho East, and which ho will dispose of at a slight ad vance on oost. Ilia Uontlemen', Furnislng Apartment Is specially adapted to tho wants of hie 1 t i i vn m rt i Customer. He has also a large and extensive stook of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VEST 1X03 of the latest stylo nnd pattern, whioh he will niata to order in a neat and durable mauuer, and as CHEAP as it can be done any plaoe la the country, GIVE HIM A CALL. Satisfaotion guar anteed, uud goods warrauted. All he asks is a FAIR TRIAL to prove iu St, Mary's Pa Feb. 14. 1807. AIRES BUG'S PIANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA I Xhoso Pinnos nro universally acknowl edged by competent .judges equal to tho best Piuno made. For references, they have many thousand city and oountry resi dents, including largo numbers of the High Schools, Seminaries, &c. These Pianos have not onlv stood tho continued use and heavy piactieo of ou year, but have been usod tho last Ffteeu years to the utmost satisfaction of those using them. They have taken premiums and medals wherever exhibited. Such has been the demand for those Pianos, that Messrs. Haines Bro's have been compelled to en large their works to tho extent of 24 to 30 Pianos a week. Having now one of the most extensive and complete Factories in tho United States, Fuctories alone covering over three fourth of nn aci-o of ground, comprising a frontage of 2I(.l feet on Socond Avenue. They are undoubtedly the cheiipest tii-st-chiss Pianos iu market. Fully guaranteed for five yours. Send for Illustrated Circu lar. HAINES DUO S. 350, 358, 300, 302, 304, 800, 308,370,372, Second Avenuo, niur71003mos New York City. F OK SALE. The Store-house and Lot occupied by Burke uud Wood is otlrred lor sale. A desirable location in the thriving borough of St. Mary's. Apply CUAS MuVEAN, Denzinper 1". 0. Jan. 3, G7.tr. Klk Co Pa. S. SHOUT, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS YOLLMElt, J AS. K. P. HALL. U.VN KINO-HOUSE OF Short, (Tt'llVII) il V V(V St. flury'8, Uemlnsrer Jf. O. Elk Cocmv, l'tN..v J OHN 0. HALL, Attorney at law, Kidg way, Elk county Pa. mar-22 CO ly. J OU WOUK of all kinds aud des. criptiotis done at this office. A LP1NE HOUSE, St. Mary's Ta ITer- f man kretz, Proprietor. mgO'titj I EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, SUBPE. 2j nas. Warrants, &o., on hand and for sale at this office. W. JAMES P.L.VK.ELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. DR. W. W. SHAW Pranticos Medicine and Surgery, Ccnlroville, Elk county Pa. inai-22'00 ly. T"vlt. A. 8. HILL Kcrsev. Elkoounty Ta X Will promptly answer unprofessional oalls by night or day. imar-isa ou-iy. DR. EBKN J. 11USS. Physician nnd Sur geon, St. Mary's Klk couuty Pa. Juno-21'Oti-ly. AURIE J. ULAKELY, Attorney and Counsellor at law, and U. a. I ommis osnor. ludgwny 1'. U. l.lk count v. i n. mnr-22'OC.-ly. C10UTHER AND WILLIS Attorney! at Law, Ttidgway, Elk eounty Pa., will attend to all professional business prompt ly. imar-s liU-Jy. TVR. W. B. IIARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk II county, Pa. Lato of tho Army of the Potomac. Particular attention given to all cases of surgical nature. mar-22 CO-ly. KERSEY HOTEL. A. B. WHEELEK, Pkopbirtok This house is conveniently and pleasant ly located in the thriving village of Cenlre- ville. Every attention paid to the conven ience of guests. 1 ! lotxtr TOB PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, I Hand Bills, Bill Heads &e., done at the ADVOCATE OFFICE and at reasonable prices. on short notice II. VOLK. Manufacturer nnd Deale J in Lagtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county l'a. Mar-22'C6-ly. OUDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug- Cists, Dealers iu Drugs and Chemicals Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil et articles and Stationary, F.idgwny, Elk county Pa. mar-22'06-ly. ENRY II. TIIOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds and Mattresses, Ticture Frames and Coffins, Ridgway Pa. Ware Rooms on the corner of Main and Depot St's. my-17'G6-ly. D"i J. 8. BORDWELL Elcctio Physi cian. Late of Warren county l'a., will promptly answer all professional calls by night or day. Residence one door east of the lato residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar.22'08-ly. OLIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and Wholesale ft Retail Dealers in Flour, Food and Oram, CAiYAL MILLS, ERIE, PA. Orders solicit od and promptly filled at mar ket rates. aug9th-G0-ly JO, l! 0. HAM JAfl. K. V. UAIL. HALL & BRO. AttornSTM;Law' BENZINGER P. 0. ELK COUNTY, PA. September 20, 100. ly. SOMETHING NEW ! HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RE speotfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, nnd feel confi dent that ho can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMININO DONE 0 SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE most fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Oflico or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis Sl Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, MHy-17'C6-y. THAYER HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and oommodious hotel Tn the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronago of his old friends and the publio generally. decl3 C(J ly DAVID THAYER. JOSEPH WINDFELDER. O OF THE st. jtr.mjs nnmrEiu, Takes this method of announcing to tho Public, that during tho past season he has manufactured TEN TIMES MORE LAGER than he has ever before brewed in one season, so that he will be able to supply Trivate Families, Saloous, and Hotels, with a Superior Article of this favorito beverage, at a price that cannot bo undeisold anywhere on the line of the P. & E. Hailroad. On or abouc tho 15th of May he pro. poses to " llrcal! tic; asiall " of his vaults, where ha has etorcd it, and of which the public are respectfully ro. iuc.ted to take notice. Bifi-Ordcrs shipped as soon as receiv with promptness and despatch, pgi, Address orders to JOS. WINDFELDER, Sr. Mary's Hiiewkuy. Renziner Post Ollice, ap. !5tf. Elk County, Pa. The titranl Annuity lAfc Innurance & Trust Co. Of PHILAD'A. ClUtllTKilKn .' CASH CAPITAL - ASSETS $2 snn.nno.on. 455.3.5,i.5. Mutual Insurance combined with the curily of capital. For insurance apply to JOHN G. HALL, Ridgway Pa. JUc.a ilroiliL-rs eolilri. T IN Til 12 COUNTRY. A ro Sold ly WEIS UROTIILIU fSitcovssors to Geo. Wcis. I)EAL1'.1I3 l. fol-clgi) tii)J JoliK?JIe Si-jj Coo??, St. JIarj's, Elk Couuty, Pa. G ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Ye havo do hesitation in saying that in this departuieut of our establishment, we cau givo bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to ho satis fied. Wo luy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsous' Celo. bratod Root & Shoe Manufactory, Elnii ra, New York Wo warrant all good. in this line sold from our establishment. JJEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this lino bargains which cannot bc undersold in Elk coun ty. Our stock is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wants of the commuuity. jADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaines, Moire Antiques, Chintzes, White Goods, Cloths, Flannels, Bcres;es, Laces, Corsets, In fact we havo everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We are determin ed to sell lower, cheaper and BETTER Goods than any other firm in the coun ty. Give us a call, we 11 prove it. JJARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. 11 e Sell Ihs Best, thcrcfort THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of (1) I .0 II :J IJ (j IS IMMENSE, And wo confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothin ANYWHERE. canuot le found Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to givo us a call. TJ&No trouble to show our Goods. QROCE1UES, NOTIONS, &c, etc In Endless Varietv, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST I At the Storo of 9 In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. r IPES, TCRAUCOES .f SKGA11S. We have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a V E RY SLI C II T A I) VAXCE On cost ami rarruhe. f-s0r Sf irr t in he ii iv S 'nw Building on Mu'h St-'ict. July 11, la07-tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers