Selected : n I. l.'l' .. 1 - tl'S CKtfPC.-r OF i)-ii.'i3;.,:H0N. i; U ,t i l i 1 1. ji 'V' I.,;! '-lift Jb: Aoi ..fs.. ' e ! It ; ! r.!t-t.l il (- -vino . C p.v Owl. Cxi .'oiii . I e--..;:, Tt f s(i,. . ,. gjj,;, ,.-;J ; I' u- e : i, i' !,.e.-:u! i'.-t iii Bcminiscienco of Thirty Yean Ago K'.-ln.-naLij of a Yonng Lady by a Steamboat C.w.iiu---Tho Capturoani Arrest, The actors in tho drama which I am a. liout .o relate (say.-.a (.'WcfipnndetH) have, ibr tlio most p:nt, pase,l (rem iho busy fctage til' life ; hence no one's frHn can lacerated by the recital i f the ta'e by one of the ririmitictit c'or in the play. In lltS, having reached my hamo i'l New Yoik City, after one of the most tedious on J perilott ; lssngrs of s--ycntv. live days duration, .having '."-t t.-irJv r'- Ivm Liverpool ; car sails, with a crew rr.ot "! tnom :m tbiltcit ami -used up by cxec.-rive hard.-iiip an 1 unusual labors, I hoar., from tho lips of a "Western friend, such (.lowing noeettnt ot the niajruitvino and beauty of our inland sea.-, and the great an 1 ic.'eas ing demand tor . ail Ti them, ihar de termined to abandon my ocean life and try the fre. h water f-u- awhile. I rosigiu d my p-Toti-m on i'io crack New Voik and bin i pe .1 liner, and with many letters of iulro duet'-en a:i 1 inendati m from my employers !i their friend.; in I ifi'.do, reached the, latter place in th;. of March 1 -:'.h As the opcnir.a of b.ko'on drew near, while cr-'ir;- al m' for employ ment, I met cm- d,-.y ut the ennui iti bowse of.!y -1 UV-M'f-r, V, Ilristol, n hi pruib.'-c i me a nil u:it i-n nn tho Gtcatu.diip.Janie Mao'-em, thru ly ing' at lirio. I ikvi'I'T.'! the po-hion, :;r. second fiTiccr, an;! r- a'-!..!)" ioi- i .s.m. ti(inf.i I f ! i .i . 1 0 i.UtiC" iting the ship rj rcaiiico:-!! lor r, a While cm-iped in the delta's of ' !i;. -ting onf." I tfink my ipiarlers lit the old Msii'irn lloo.e (ben kepi by iho widow 'o-nip!in," an 1 .io:.-. 1 a;i one ol toe ma I lut' . in Oav'S, When good " subsluilii had not given ( glitter e.l '.'ir pr. a cc.rreipor:':i:!g " froa'n:-:! cemf. Oho a.'!.-,-.iv... penters : .di. in tbeir rcv'i r..l , approached mo : thin wonM !."- : Ii nriel I'll', m lo l no eo'pMi-:!,v: . bed-, and v;i'h O'.-.'if or, : i;."y !.-.. . .!.'. Capt, b '.' .;o; if t'voij. .-r f..; a i.horl. l:.y depart. I'TilOlM V,-0!lM ir bioket:) :n (be n'iinii!! 1 mo to call 'i'd. ivbe;':; .n O: '( a. a li:,h. mo-. itpi.illi: nl :! i'i rea.'i trial I rip that cvtidi:;, i iticnt, :yirif4 iba" ti'o i:i have on the vepba'c 1W. ;ii the y. 1: i i ! T vrp'l ! tivo, ai'.l he 'he-, i ' upon him at the I-l.'o f! Mopped, litter I i;;tti l.i i r; Dotic 'd that !' I (;-: vouh ai.d cxci'i'i. b:'. I attiibol. it it i" bis anxiuly to tin: pcef.'Ot wrL it.:: ' tho i.taehioery an i too ' '-oh-'vi or " i f ths l.ij, o!i a trial trip iti the rpri'.).;. Acc. ediou'ly, after tea I called oo rapt, 1!., at h:-i room at lbi italic. nn.l ho then a ked toe if had hi r 1 of I. if Krio ' love air.oi." I told hioi I had not; that I had :oab; but few ricepiai.i tances in town, ami that toy lcanurc tiaic had been occupied in reudins and writ ing letters to Jar away friend ; and rela.. tivrs. lie then tout ! thrs : So:or time nrn I vr nn 'u'eerte-.t .'t.'itni (.; Miss .To'ci.h-r. .II Fro :bo lcv.dy a oh jromlu n the b'.orT v.-.-ocs to r-M " . .. far : in r ltd:l:e?-; f the bo -t'"-l :..! danhti';' of a ri'-h man, v.i;o.o kir.iiy r .''lire you m;i t ha"e : e! ! i : the pvr. !::' . : ; thai ho-t fail ev.oy'bin.' br the foil e'io?'joim i' i'n thei'i'hed hopes of (ho and myself. TJnt i.n (lie evo of iho -. c d '.i ,. vL-iiiii t!iiii"'. o of riy iofod fatloT, via rndtdy ribuTed, a:,d bidden to hold any f'.irL'ior tv:o;;,a'J tioti with roe 1 dearlv Je.ved. 1 lie J a cunnect inj.' Mic T:.r.ui!y k fitoed, ao ! all. r a ; ' sll l: v too.'.a-. i-. '- ! ob ucteroiir.ati'io v.a:.:i I ! the Whiter V.'hb le v i . " itetoroin- a . learned th-,f. niy oo ". iO , d I t. w'.i bo l oirrie 1 to a room-iii ate of ml comfitisro was or Tia 1 written a a: Mr. If., atatin r . llast, an 1 other Mr a.-., ( i:oiy ;. te; 11 1 m oM dir- to traceable ; for bo to o'd :. the tharae. , to. o t note l ; ; a it: i wor;c in true.'' tor, an 1'i'iv i: " I lo'irn thit tiii : ml: ,lv wodlin i-i to bo l.-,!y oh.l.itiizo'l l o. tioo r.;V,- cveu- ln", v i, lie i Kt.o'.v iictn lneiul. mat .io.'e-,i,i'o .1 "T 's afft'ctiuti for mo i.s uii. chaio'.ed, ., ti't withdrawn I". '..o c-.j'.y rci'j'.iim to he a t'e: !a' in r's rcroiciuu.i idfluoorc to i ," 'er- i.i' .i;. "TIihI v.-: ol in car. 1 to this rj-ing to a rsful r : ..'.( eml 1 lirrro been liurryoig m t!iC woik on the " I'rotiiimoi. and infl'i'Mitial eiiir-i.e aware of the jnstioo of my cause, volunteered their sen ices for la.iiighi. ; and I will give you my p'ari of cp; ra-tk-i.:-.. " My 1 idv be.'c will attend the hot. lull i f ' f'o; "if.-,e'i to toght ; i. the A Mi" fitt'I Fceoo at. .She will leave the festive half ;t f 'even. in o nirary with Jan. e-1'iis Chii-'y, lur f'ath.i'b clerk aod w aid T! ey will pa. .s along on that .s'.tu of the i;ttcet, crofi. Kt'i.g hi.ic at the Kat ie mid Vihen (l ey reueh yon vacto.t lot y u re ! I will .st. ji up nod accost them. A coach cootaic. ing two fd mire, whieii ia may in rtadioe -i in the largo tain nppo.sito, will whei 1 i nt o the roa I, v.os vi!l jump into it, drive to the Ma ii.-mi, embark for I'uol; irk. r. i th( re u o wilt havo the no r-iv. -d ling at iei . fi d. W illCil you ever I " My lien- is lb; I'.Ol'H.IOlo!! hp M U li. ay li e it the lady':. :.!..!, -.,.1 t. o hit.! !.( JOIfX 0, HALL, I'mpruior. J oily r. .vooi:r, rc.v;w. fao-tvaiio;: the fttcccfs of my operatiotu. " ?dv old s.iilur.-, yon know, are cog nizant of ihree fjvle. of mcu ; those who arc always Yillinj;, hot uovor ready tho-c who are ever ready but never willing, and tho.e who are always both ready ami willi: -.. May I e!a.-s you a. iii'ihl; the latior iiumbitr, and claim your hearty e o-oporrtirj Lo niht ? " l replied il everything wa.? '' on the 'e.'i ire " and truly level," if all that wa t necessary to bo done, was toivt the ymmr lady a fa'.rehatico to obey the dictate. of hoi heart ; if .--lie was nyivca. Ido to this nrnnjiomcnt, I would go with him, heart and hand. This as.suranoo wa.i leadily and toleoitdy (fivoil, tool f li'ttcnol to a loll;? nd ciiiliiulitaiin ili. ei'i taitro (imoi tlio i.;al!niil llaplahi on the i nn);; lady'e beauty iin.l ueoompli di. liK'Ot-i. 1 1. npp. Mi'.-. i that ;dio w:m i ll lo'ir.-.'i in Is.:!- own i:h!;her nmthep, i'l bar ib'nlb ) ji'ij .t.- i! Ji i t)r'( to lie i' o'lifo i loiii;.- fortuito lei tbi:.-i) peaceful if.iys, At lemrth iho (.'ap'iiio, I joking f,l Ida V.';'l-' ii , '-aid it. wii i ) I o'clock, nod V. o l.u I bi-at adjouni to t'o) Kll. et, for iho ', i-t.-J pi. vs vuuM rnaku her op- pe'U iloe '. in jo.:l 'i d! nn i.oor, A loll IOO..,I Wi'.l .'.IO!0:f il) .'III till . ctu'i I 1 by i'.o !i!0!it '.v as ti i li;;ht rs m;Ol. d.v. I.t.'indiiig il, l!.O.s'.iJyW of 1.1.0 Jvigie '-'a toii iiiy .oo'.d r,.udo? In be Under, I' !. t'.ii y.'O, i'l p'M"i' li" wai 'iho i e ptaii, ;!! idy .o;i in .. n .( c ebiiol ...!, " Tho-ro ;-U t.)!:n:-ii : " f ! ,-At-l lip tii'i r.'loet .Mil aV ,i C itpis t!iiOI',.;'t: ll-itn iho Altlcii .-Mil Hotel, ne.d; t.L "uy twcii tho UtxmU ind'etodi " huifpaM licnn," T'ibl b.o'tod hlvO all.U U.l! lill'Ji.l'.:t,lt)d. in;; eo The parti timm u! oti aa iiristo had ( o::t ! i, or"- od v.'ocii: ho Lad iod'.c-tted loons bofbi o, and, us ihoy icai'bc d tha " vi'.fatit lot," v.o (to(pi;d up to tbein ; thu cjjoaiii laying l;i hand on too la.iy'u .shoulder, who, lUUilu loo- tfilu! aoe tow at i u. exciuitued ; ' t.'i.ptai'i Jiii .t.d ij that you 't " lie fi 1:..J : " Ve.i, Jo. liiuo and I Want yon t o v, oh inc." I'er ureoi t iueaod with rained arm e.nd thaeatenicjc go.ilare, anJ eselaiiiicdj ' No, (Jr ptui.i Lii.rto!, by U U." I hod my hand upou Lid shoulder, saying, " My good liiend, thtro la uo i:eed of any foue hero." " Oh no," .sail bo, " I didn't intend any. Let. mo get my pumps, won't you!" Ho had dropped ihoiu iu the street. At tiii moment the promised coach v, heeled out into the road, the gailaot cai. run ami hi ' la-'y layro i-prac i:,tj;t, ti'.u away toey w cut at a " rat--tiing pace," leaving me, a hliKiiger iu a t.i::;.e p' ii'1, with my hands upon a t; :';.'.. :" ; i.tlttrau'ii coiiar, on the pub. lie bi.;:;v0. s'vidii',' l.ha oi.'y so loog a.s i d-e-ttl'.t CST fdionf, i at !:i.ifr reblKjUijh- e i j:iy .- . p, ami joit o:l alter theuisap. tearii'.' coiich, at a 2;iU L'own ; ::kl old I'iim.u'.s loam ion, dowo the u::i!ot precipitous lii'd.sid.:, duwn thu bog pi. r. 1 l jol.ed with eoo.-tiiut ae eeh rating speed thaculd air from the ico-neols in : loo I . i.C:'..e ' a-: the I: :t:i . -tt the rad ;!:0 mo.o'i:; : :.c Lko cutting my tiy tcon ra.m e: oe; d lOill tj b otut . itl -MO til, .0. ,': ' .1 LliO st .utoer itiiuugli L'hauticI oi iiio o..y, itiid ttt'H! ) tra J.Oie, lalu i'.i.a hoav ieefehhi :-ei:.::ed to ha." our course t.j.y.ii.l ti.e .v' il'.:; p'-is, hero li.v.u.-.'.i Lr m irrijgo wcte nut needed or K'.ju.i'eu. Vi-nlirtg i'otikiik a ItotLaded port, it i.'i.s d etoed jidvoaih'e to head the s'eamor up the lake, and thuj, boritig tbrooii mat-aed ol iiuaLiug ice, the long n::;ht at hist g:ivo place to tlio day liij;lit of a daik, gloomy, !oweiiiig( ?daieli mon, iog, which found U3 oil Asiitabula, of lucl. aud with tor naiall com j.'.i'.oeot i f . ;.n:eo and lieemen utterly exhausted v. i'.ii exeetsive labor. Kiistol, .'dcl'adden and myself were gathered around the pilot -house, ;a earorst coo :i.!iafi( n, and this plan was decided upon : to Lmd at Ashtabula, l:.he on a supply of fuel, and if the wed i'.'i ;; c.'i,oi:ot;ies could n l b; accom p'ii.'hed there, t r'tor .Ir Iktrcit. V.'o noido Juit to ihc dock, and white the i fi-vt v ere busily employed iu vood ing, Cup. lb wear iqi to the'toWQ to te ' h, w '.!. land lay." Ho had not been abseot many tuiuctia, Mel''adi!ed ealleii uiv alleiitiuo to a Lrgo gleuutcr in ti e c'litig, b.T(iiH;ks black wilh peo ple, uvi t.ii:t !y l etit on mischief, 'i bia was the Joii.::'sol), tiio Sister ship of too M; dison, both owned by oh. Col. Kcth lb e), of line. I hastened up to town to ne.uuii.t Captam lb v.'ilh the laet, Lut I met him coming ciev.'u, aud he then taid he had di: 'patched a Loy on a lust horse to Jtllm.son, to get a license that Lo woild take Mbft II. en idiorn, and we li.u-t l.ut oil uo the lake, and thus de ci ive the " Jilb r.-oti party," who, U 1. lowed in, wou'd give lime tu get ! his hi i i. e, Lo splicvd, and then all J v. juli. Lj veil. KIDGViAY, PXXXA., We tried the ru'c, but the JetTe.rson ran under our Ktoru, aud Captain Iob bingt of tbo rcvenuo cutter ordered us to put back to ihie at, once, orho should seize the shin ; wieh he could have done, as wo had no ship's papers on hoard. We aocordinply retraced our step?, and renching lirio wo found all the in habitants on the dock, awaiting the do noicoien! of the exciting" Love Chase," with breath le?a interest. As soo'.i as wo reached tho dock scores ol rtristol'n friends jumped on board tt'iJ eagerly ifked bow the wed ding lllld pr g IliS"1! I (old tlo'iu that it was 1 light llint we hud hiod.'.t Iblilol nml Jo-:o phioo n! A.tibtabuhi, iiiilmui' or more be. lore tlio .li ll'i'i'.-on (irriyod -I'mt Iho i roii.ta ha I been f.ih for, and (but in nil pr ibiibili'y " e'.orylhio.i; was lovely," lhit wliile v' liilliiog tbii', the Jolfil.r.iti (Viiije I'uuod iho point, ol (be I'l'tiim-uiiir, an I the Cutti r'a bo.t wai. soon uhiiigsido, v.hila a holy was dvOieetid'ing t ho stiJeps into ', The nifltter now lookH, duo lo mo , utlivliiit l.s.-i bidden t'tiW to be u very iooiariilo i: it' tit, .somimd, guddotily, fo tis-ooifi vrry't t-.of fuel proportion:), In n very slo rl tiitiO u'l tl.o oiheers of the Madison wi-ro tit .ij , csoo;.;t. my. (wdf; but I b.i-l takflii im.bito room in thu l.i l'o': eal'iio. d-'t'O mb.o I lo iivait the liiill'.i-r deveh-poieot. of tl,o enemy. Till turn divi-lo.J i.itu tha n-,o n' vriMo fiiolioo-i, at, -J Iho Itei.bil parly nuiohei'.-d four l i oio of j.'ie oj-poii. lion, 'f ii-.! la lief, lit ii imiit, wero .'-ym, p.a'hizoix Viilh itiu gallant C.ipt, JJrH 1,1, V.'ho nti lliog go.iil epulitc!) Jmvc fcinrif ben fully dovel'tped. 'I i.o dh ftpp'onliiif nf of tho eloping f arii.'H v.'ie sooa revealed. It i eeniM tha'. ti.e T.ursuiog pttrty, bended by ('apt. I 'oblitis, had need the whob movement of tho captain and Ids lady anion, nad after the Madieou had left Ibn Kcen-J of operation.', they rushed up the Ash tabula pier, found Uristol and Mb FJa im.t at the Hotel ; and by dint of foreb Lie persunsio'i, they induced the lady to return with them to Eric. There, the young lady asmrc.1 many of her friend that Captain 15. bad treated her wilh all due respect and consideration :but her vindictive father, completely terrified bcr, to assent to an immediate muni igc with Mr. Walker. That gentleman, however, was cur rently reported to have refused fuch an arrangement, until the rich old French, man, agreed to increa.' C the holy's dow ry, some thouev.ids of dollars. On the evening of our return to Eric, sent for Mr. I'tiz Chri.-ty, and it trail spired that he knew mo readily, having raiic 1 under me in one ol the Liverpool litters-, several years before. lie tol l me that Mr Ilanict censured him as abetting the cb.pement of his daughter; and if I would go to the oM gentleman's liiii-e, and there assure him that lie 1'itz tt.. had done all ho eould to prevent thn spiriting away " of his daughter, ho would 8es lo it that f should bo l.ell harmless in the mat ier. Thi', cveiiint: however, one of the i cotits of tho. l'i't. tol faction cams to mo v.iiii the inteioge oco tt .it lay quondam sailor hoy was to play mo false, and had tho officers prepared to arrest mo, after I had exculpated him before 31 r. I!a- mot. 01-1 Cm. Setlt Reed suit word to me to nome to hi ; house, and alter receiving my explanations of the whole afTiir ho hail toe can fully bestowed until the next Sunday night, when, in the midst of a heavy fain ri n-in, a hotse wa.i brought to the doo.-, :.t:d dhguhed as on drover I sprang into the sad. die, and never die w bridle until I had eree.-ed tho Ftato line. Poon after much of the cicitemcnt having ; nl)side 1 after the lady's h'.'sty wedJing I revalued my bliih on the la.'i-o'i ; and in the early summer Captain 1'rh'tol .tiro returned to bis com mand, vvh?n V. S. V. llame.t had him airest.d f.r abduction upon the liijh xcu;:, and he was sent to prison at Ihtts bttrgb to await his trial. Early i:i tho en tiling fall I was noti fied by (hipt. 1!. of his approaching tri. id, and he earnestly begged me to bo on baud, as tbo only witness on his side of the Madison's crew who had uot been arrested. Accordingly I joined a largo party of lUi-tol's friends a cloud of witnees at Erie, bound in lour hoiito post coach es to the Iron City. Thither alro weut the If.v'no; faction ia !.".roat rtato. The tr'al soon commenced, witti an array ct leal talent seldom cuuibiucXiu any court. There were the venerable and tulcmted Jude Wilkins, Mr. Uiddlo, aud Mes srs l-'orwand and t' baler. Misji Ellen Tree wa.s then "starling" it at I'ittsburgh in the " Love Chase," ami the ll'iiuut jim rl fllr, with their ... ''uesse.s, vsuti! liigtitly atlendaiits at i bo theater. The actors, during the day, vi.dted the court room, and a.s ihc cisc pioie.ssei ii waa ao cvidcully lid- AUGUST 8, 1SG7. ieulous on the part of tho p-oseeuticu that tinny things were said on tho board.i nt night not contained in tho ori g'ntd dramn, reflecting on the haughty and vindictive old FrcnchmrMi. The morits of the case, for tho pro-e-cution hinged upon the cjucstioti wheth er the lakes were " high scai" or low ones. Tei bring it under the jurisdiction to tho Supremo Court, it wai iioeesmry to swear that the alteged crime had b:eu commttV.l np.:n a mal! ti iangular of wator bctv.-ce t (! to nnd I'ornisylva nia, of thirty miles src i, v. bicti bad n it been laid d'jwn in tbo surveys, and which, cor,.!crjuently, would have made linn .'fence comm'tt-.d thereof aa.cuyable to thn lu-.r.j nftb-: l.'i.itc l .'.'.tat.-. Court. Ai'rr sevi i',.l ;! i;.'.t of m ' a'do pnd Vis lirtti.-t; ni',co,ii..ut on both ih..- It svas de.:( "ii.ui. flu lliihod Hial-.a ' 'i'it(-i.ti 1 1 it i jn; i di.o i ei in t!t iit-it'. or, and '.hi,,'..;.! ii. M. Jiiisiol iv is ih.'ns.;,l fioio i-ti.t..!;, i.i;.iJ(hfl i-Iilt's jiiid wel eotniop: thouis d tt eo'.)vded ooiii t rooni iho liij.tsjs who ih-'oiuoi.l ciiy ii (bo joioei liuifi v'iei.iiiy iM-'iig l.ii ii.tiieai--i.ieo-ilh a.I'-.l '..i'-- iiiid r.h;iii'.iof twit isf.'K-tjtii I'l'lii!'; hi'.-O't .'.'id!ii v I'n. tod iho i.ii'jhign f ll'-i delVati-d j-iirtics in n soil tl.el. bud f ;w l.-ii-. hots Mid f'.-vf.-r ii v i ' '. (Jen. Clt-O'l-,'1, Jt red, the Krio mil. !i iiiaiee, nMod ij. oii the stooji of the piiueiUil b-l-d, l-M !" d V.-ll !i-.!..-l will. lolls ofb-iok A'.U, v.'. b.h ho I )','."!; dis- pe-ntad to lli.l m- 1:7 (V ' ' II of -:V H to defray iho cimi'(i f 'lo ir ttovry trip to riu.-.btiig'i itiid t'-'-"-'' i-i- vi'ver j..uriwy Lome, Thill eti-b'J cue of the most ctteitmt; ineidonf!- ol llmno riir'iy days in tho bin. fury of bubo Etic; and throughout llm l-'ar Vit-t. ami among iho Mi-o-isiij pi eaptaim, the affair cs.-iu-l the tu .,'.t in lemo end idu'iorbing iutot-t-i't, Captiiio JJr'"! 1 C'Wn ftrterv.-nr-l was m-irricd, and audi r lbs pfroiUga of lit.; gold fi iar. J, Ocneral ileed, he became one of tin wealthiest, and Kuceoiul wheat dealcra in Chici'.go. A few years ago, however, he tjet with sum'! serious reveres, and is now talii-g out a patent, I believe, for a new cut oil which he invented come yearn ago, and has since been perfecting. The Jdsotin Artli 1'eaic;:. 1'hiilips raves and faai-'at the month. He has gone Mark mad over the release of l'avis. lie wants the "chief tcbel hong " nothing less will s.itLsfy him. Greely i:i nhtts? 1 without meaHuro by this b'o-vMl.ii'.-.ty and blood h. rufSait fer ;:o!n? bail. J.ct i'iiiliips trke rare. The history of the war which he was no instrumental in provoking will not be complete until he gets bi t di-si-r'-'ng. "obe-.p;. rrc m ii'iid li'.'i ctrC'.-r f.ti toe gui;! I'.r.e, ar.-l ii' riiiiiins ha? only half ju-tioo done hint, tie v.iil tc-'mitiaie bis at the fool o! the gallows, lie i-; not a human being, but a bell iio.tud, and his bloodies, putty like, cad r.-ef"os lo :k, bis cold bl iodod uoimpassioiu. 1 r.iaooer, all give wart.ioj of tho avttdi.-h bate, iho devil ts'.i ro iiico, with which lie is filled ti ovcrf. j.viiig. Jo.di lidiiogs truti. fully reu.aiks that "trying to live on the lepuiatioti or a dead gr.i.tidt'aiher about a.s enter. pn.itng via' tu -ti out loivcu eggs utulsr a tin weatnercoc;;. Tt is said (hat Horace Greeley has writteu a tetter to Joltn C. Itrci.-kiiiridge, recjt:e.-.:li!g hitn to reiur t hc-:ee and uid iu " ia Can. -t noting; " the country, re-fardle-s ol what may bo Sii.l about him by " m-trow tuiuded blockheads." Eejr KU l.i my a beitle, and tho l ot. tie uiary a birr. Wo walk here, as it were, ia the crypo of life ; at titties from the grea Cat he di d above us, e bear the organ and the c! atititoc i i' ths choir; we see bght stiv -.m the open door, flhon t nop fiiend goes up bctoie us atul fchall wo to mount tho nar. suirc use of the grave lit: hadd out of this uticei tain twi'ig'ut into the se recemaDjiot;s of the life eternal ? Heaven i.s not a place to be bargain ed for on a death bed or at life's close. It is n-'t a place into which you are to bo ticketed by Tries' or by I'opo, or by tho Lord himself. The fti'uro world can not be cheated of its due by the feigh of a sick room, or 1-y forced prayers on a s'uking ship. We are all our live t long .shaping with resistless energy the characters by whieh wo tire to bo jodT ed in aoerdanei! with the words, "He that is unjust let him bo nnju it still ; aad he that filthy let hitn bo filthy still ; and he. thai iu righteous let him be righteous ."till ; and lie that is holy let hitu bo holy still." A WUB wan oueo cuid : " There uro three thiuga which will suipriso us when wo get to heaven : Eirst, to fiud mauy tliero whom wo did tiot at all expect. Second, not to find many ihcro whom we did expect. Third the greatest won der will bo li Cud omaolves there" volumj: sbylw-xujimx: 22. TUiMSl 50 I'FAl AXXU.V. Mrivw.-jww. Discoveries at Toinrioii. Another very interesting discovery lately made, fny3 a lute letter is that of four rkeletons throe female rnd one male now lying in ghi.-o rates, uhieli are preserve.', in almost pcilecl fuiluess of form and outline, but have 1 ecu completely converted info gypsum. Even their fioeer-i and toes aro almost ns complete rod round us on the day when, J 75 years imn, tlio fearful flood of li'e and ?umke t ok away their lives, 'fit.-; procc.-s i.s expire l' at fallows : These budies were prostrated in Iho streets by tho cloud of suffocating va pors which came first, and which f .-on stopped respiration, aod after tt.ctn can.s tho ashes, light, of course, but piled up iu enormous mvts-v, so tlo.t the lower s'rat-t wer.1 eiur rsssed into solidity, Af tbo e'l.Oi-! t'liiin, that Iho pro" of do c'oopivi'i. n was o liii.. cry el.-wly, of evurte, (ur loobu tbo Nirbu-u tbo Rs'iea a!., ol the body apprer tohava bo eoiim etuo listed, ii. i'hi'.s Rith the tis.dii (ui)Oe of tho iiio'aHii'B ttitit iln,!ne-l down thl'.m.ih from above. At la.-f nil tho toft pratrl f) ft-1 di,-uppifri:d liO'l their! '. :i li'lhil.g eft. but ft li-do ill Vihieh iho. litot.; iiiij erishable bonfii rotmiined. it writ a hotg iimo belhie iho v.'oi ktocn h."iited how to pre tervo thrne I'emniio', Mid Liio'lfodi havo boon bi'oLeii to pio. d.g and lo,.t. 'J ho ptoci.-ss tiov,' adop'el in vety rim- phe 'oi' V.-iy I ftifbmt. Aa COO!) US the AvoikirTi to a il. 'i '( ni;.'... s, a ) l,; a f!kcL-li:i, it is ctoluily pt-ob:-!, a bole f nt l bee. Ujg'l , mid t-mlled gypmtiti poure-l in until ttio cavity la 'iho ie..ull. is a ..-el'-et tliO'h l ol" tio! per..-01 U1 IiO (van Oil tiio day be lb!! in the fire-els of I'oilipeii, l.'veit Iho titio't on (ho ti.j. pelt rt-ioaiti in place, mid ate tdo-i wiji gyi inm. 'j ho uoilo ioriu liarf aimut it a iji fi.".:tl V'ittl C.'itirt, fot'iililig (I IliU'e.! half n litro j. oeo'is bead, with -.vtiic-b. he Wii intending to escape. The following aro Agafsiz'n wtiuiates of the lorm ilion and age of the Florid.t rcelx on the I'lorida coast : These reefs a. 3 baiit op by rn ittitte! that bi:gii).i to woik on the gr ond, iu water of twelve or fiucni fathoms deep, and he cannot live unless he ha the comant action of the open fi-c upon him, fo that he stop at tho Ltiuhtof bigli tide. Uy uiioi.trotit expotiuien's it has been rsccrtuine-! th it the cor.-.l builder con -truot.i at tho I'.'.te of about half an inch in a century; but in order to ct-;-, if at rt'.i eii the .ale sile, Ag.i.-siz doubles !'.'.: est i:";ito iu bis c-ne'tbi! muking it ctt inch in a ccotui",-. Nor? outside U the I'toridu K-ys thc-v n lonpr r'-cf i;1t a-i avernga height of suvetity fort, which, thuiefaro, timet have bf-cn b gun 7,')''') year; r.go. or 1,000 years bef-rc Adam. Secondly, the Keys themselves are nothing but an inner repetition of tho same sort of coral reel, or at L--'t the same average height ; and th- builders must have fio. Lhed !t:em before they began on llir. f.ntside reof, as appaarj .'rot.j ttielr n?-ce?.--ily of haviu-r (he open sea, and frora tho fact that there are uo.? uoue oa Cm cutsMe of (tie one wo have mentioned above. Tho Keys, therefore, svrell the record to 1-1 .(i'i!) years. Nest wj linvo the shore biitiT cf tho rnaiirao. l, wbi-jb lj a'so of tho coral co.v.tructi.m, and which parries tho earth's re'-onl above LtO.'ooO rears. Morcevrr, there are, as you no inland, soveo w--il iV-liued, rod of couib-e, soece-sive ceoal rerf-;, which, added to tho foregoiiip-, would make tho world 70,0'JD y.-i--. old. And I'rote.-ser A'-t-tssiz reg-.rds this as a very moderate estinoitn, The bodiej of Masiiuillian, Miramo.i ttn l Mejia have been cinbalmcd. Hen. Paoiel iMv'-Kee, an ex-tnunber of Oo. uresis, and Po't'iti-fer at Laihy.. ette, Indiana, shot himself dead at hU home on Thurs liy, July 2'5. I; is reported in Mcritreal, Canad t, that recent notitieti.t for tho release of Mc.Mahoo, tho rein 1:1, are to be favor bly coit"id "-ed. .. - A boy nine years of ago, the son of Andrew Jackson, of Centre Hill, N. J., tell dead while his father was chastising him on the 27th nltitn . It. II. I'jiiihar, eo inty clerk of Ne vada county, California, and Radical caodidate for Clerk of tho Supreme Court. w.n killed July 27th, by an cx plosion of gas in tho court house. A Cincinnati editor attempted to swim across the Ohio river on the 25th July, with Aaron Jones, the pugilist, whom ho bad bautero 1 for a Hwiniming raco, but ho camo near drowning, and was renoiied by bis antagonist. The American brig WiL' Hubert son, fiotn Havana, arrived at Puss a 1' Ourtro, Louisiana, some days -inee, with 2 -J coolies onboard. O her hhipmouts oi small uuuibcrs had also arrived, aud were at work ou the planUtious. On. c elm was nil alive to Tliec, .'vie! thou sail'!. were converted, I'm ikov a s.i'l i i-vereo wo sec, Her glut-v is ib i t c -1 . I'-.-r pir-tnrs Pivo (.. live nl r.-i.o .-Tl-ev covet w e ia ii ini-1 honor, Am v.'liiic tto-y sees in li lliins nl these 'flu'- bring r. proiie!) 11)1.11 lu-r. t-ucli worthless oUji-cl" they pursue, iVaimly ami U'l I vol le.1. The chuieli they h- el to ruin too, Her g'-ory h:;. h;.ar!e .t. II. vr riv-i!e mi 1 : - rs no more j a Ji; . as l'!ii':. I has t:r.i;-ht 1 ) em , Hiches 101I I'll-:' ere they a-hive, Willi eueti ti.e v. .e.M lias ho't Ilium. Ti.e Cl.rt i. ih-;,- Mil! retain Ahs'iiMly iih 1 !'..!. -e lo arle-l. Ami v.liiie lle.y in i'i" uliureh rniimiu, ll-.-r gi'O- lias -.1. I'ai'te.l. Aiel h.-vi reli'-ii-.n 1-ft the elinrc'i Wit'i'-ut n lenee hi iiiiel hir. W here rliaU 1 pi. ul. i'.'.h..i! I rearch, Thai t e.iieu ii;i,. e ia.iy liuj her '! Allien, ye pi'ieel, 1 - i..'i;;ln, ye gay. I'll s.'ek 1 lie lo -.jh. loio-avle-.l. V.'iio vi- when titles of Xijii nay Ht-r gl-'-ry has 1- i-aitc-t. fume few liln- e'-.-l f'.-j.ih fOnet V. hile tlo.iif an. . have revu'io'l, la i-anie- t (or (lo ir heavenly man 'l loy iiei'.u- j'e have he.lte.l. Wild bi.iO, i-ivP,,!,.,, ,!,,.,!! r::e.:-.iii, l-'ii ! l.lo y uru a..! j.erverlcl, O, nitty (hey c-.-n , w. n i iter i.-'t-oy l.-eo s,, ,, u. t .) -. Vila Ciinrfttl'-Ui gd'-ssi al! Comers. Iteyoii l lb.' 0:1 r.iu : , of any other Oee.t.don, th., i uo between subversion and e.5!iirvnfi..-:i of a. fyst..n ot publio tu Jer i.f iini'ipmil".! cxec-llcnce towers up In foe lite eyes of a people renowned all t-. -ir'e: for lluir love of civil I. ,-! ay. 1 11 - o.-ti t',..3 i.- p-i. -ib':-, i:. loan'-.i 1 xahing 1 l.nti too (.'uiiiitiiui: That grtiit (egaoie cliai t.'t' of .mi' iihi-; ii" ii.'.-ec-.-ary, a -.i':i: uiider heaven, 1".: 1 ' o--h a controversy, no io the imagination of ml mure ln.pnmg 1 i.gaiiist all comers, law is c.dlcd tho ea. To uphold it, any rule of action Coer. iih tii.s io oar hand wo invito ; j.i-uj.ii; 01- the tilien f.i our bores. 1 n this we de liver to him his title deed of freedom. We never Keu'piuie the figure of any of our statesmen without, putting 1L0 Con stitution in bis bend. U'c cannot carve a national device but the parchment Eito'.i most tti 0 design. Tho beautiful heraldry of (ho Kepublic but figures is wooderf il 'ym nelry. The glorious ?,.i g i.-. its starry symbol ai'ii.o, -,'.'h"r:-.vev t.Vove is air to n banner, or won io .-ee a tin. "1-1 plmibus linuto," Wods so oa!eh!cs as its tnarvellous theory, would he senseless sound were the tuition;..! motto to survivo the National Constitution. All the leaden el all the parties tbo heroes of war, the t.i.i -tntes ol office, the stately s-i.-oh f.f the Seaaf", iloitro and the J.ll.-.-tl O tl. s-.v 11 i'i -"t.;, the poets and ove :-.!', and more p-mple, have, from ' faibe:s, tiiiitud in ol i-Miltattoti for r:aJ"s'iothsu,!',i th dayss i f the pat one voice of prai -e the !or,.til:;Vi,l',i. Frvti 11 ti: nations Cittno the ui: itimiou.- . clio for em- a.lnii raliv.n. To V"iishin gton, as tho histori cd father of'si.'i.'ti a ry tern, the proposal t 1 rear a r.: ::io;o;.,il from every people on the globe, i..; Ir ::i hundreds of orgeot,'. iti-.'.i., ol ti.v 1 of every variety cf doctrtiie, th.' eiT.-tii-.i i.f a stone and a lo'-.'vt-.-. c.i.-.-.'-l ii: 0..-.V..V i'e.'ever in it, to le-'i'y t'-.3 world ,i.!e geoy -.f th.t Aitierlcii Const ii t.Ioo, V'a3 ill's all dobtM..ii ' Ts it possibln , to.:' an :;-gtalc ?yitert e-pablo ol cvok- m.'-t fiieti ti v.M'.er.'.ttoii a mere lut'iiaii iu-li":'.ti-i, ve'- "Q ese.d'ioiec so par- Olio a;. ; .-:.) U'i:V(-,-a r-nsotiir ueit lira ;.- h i wled.'ed b nopla-iled the ltevo- by ntitt.'M; not vet a . ; lu'i ei 1.! (to 1 -cm it 1 tl,.o ,.V 1 a Coit'.ii.u'.: 1 is not wortli preserving ; that i. liiuy v.: .-up.c::-led, itifraeted, or !.bro.;.iO' j ia lav.n i f an ( lectioneei ing p-riject 'i Arc ',-r t b t:,!,l that tho tc.-!imoiiv of vw'.'h -I ovioLioil is to be di:ov.i 1. r. pt.diate.!, and d-.Ti-'d, and that co-it -el shall be had, f.,r gao-1 gov-err', f.-om ilie pr.iv-'iee ' of pi. -ran ism or hiihuii.-.u ''. V.:t. m v,-hat c-L-9 are wo invited by lha impio'is p '.'.tical stil verters who bal tho air with thVir nn tiiiiteiy, ti:eir m-ilev .lei.e,-, and their bhi: phemy, who have f-reten led tint a lawful porpr-sj brought them to the Cap itol far a session of ( r.:..To--s. when they know that t'nei.- object is to provide for Colitinuiii a fiaudnlcnt naitati- n of the f.eop!-,', through which they still Impe to end the coii.siitotioii'.l Itcpnblic with the pie-cot I'le-i lenlia! .tiii ? I 00 ngrarlaiiism whi.-h b 'i-aioe oliom in Pan-tii Uotno two ;h:ei-aod year.-" ago, is openly advocated bv the X? Prasi. dent of the Unito-l fstat. s, in opposition to iho provision, " mo- shall any person bv! deprive 1 of life, ldm-ty or ir 10 :rt v without doo process of Lur." The courts ol j:ili ;o aro :-ti:"iiati.e-.l as " leliiee-i of tres nn." 'Pie' .- :o -ili-,- is ib-elired to bo ib'-illiit.s tio;i , aad l.i 0 all 1 " a s1 civil obligi of ins' ittit'onal iio iKy ; " ilie -t-.-i 1 la lo of revoht. is pr i,-l . i ii-..l to b,- tbo only rtn edy a.aiost tin; iitt.-h t-iblo beniticenco of j'ld'eial tii'iee. mid fi ,.,!!-. MP n-nrbl bo! lly tiotiti 1. tbro -L-h tho central o gao of se li'io'i. t'i t il tho rlec'in 1 which is to be eon .i'n'ional'y held i i November. li(W phn'ili r'iilt in favo ot civil right, a reb. "ion i 1 1 be 101 b against the Xutim i ,h
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers