i .1 Lftt rf .VaVrrVffrs on the t'rc:iln;r Rlnr, t, The p9v?.n,-cr li -t of tho Evening P'ur Cftiti'''i:cJ the name r( more r.oto rms people than lli.it of my -tr-iicn-"t lost ttpon the mighty deep, r.nd up tT'ipoee toe.ive a brief description ot a i, ember nf persons drowned, and wp idull Pnleavor to pprform the duty ns nchpa'cly n rmsibip. As is. already 1 oown. tho Kvotiinc jitnr vra3 fi-rightcd fith three hundred and Iwcniy -Gvn lium.-n f(ti', rnot-t'y tdm-v people,1' nearly all of srrom tvc gone ta a tety pinve. .Vj s. riTs.'jv ?,..-, i!'3 nr-scl hcroit of t'tic rro:i? Pond jtrrct trsgclv. w." on kVsr.l tint ill f.vod 'csrae. fl.c had c-taMMird an fstrr-me and fi.-hioiiablc c iyr..'-j in N.rv O.-le-ius, Mid v.-u w turning to that pliid; i'-oui ri visit to Philadelphia. rJ;:lr :!not nn 1 JJos-.. whera she. In 1 c:.!!e.i-e 1 :i fr?.-!, p..! Ilrother and wiven, I. Nieolo and Vca-ig Nicolo, Tom Hucll, William Wny, Mad'lhs PelftMne. William Paw ron, Edward Murray, Ed. P. Pc-ry, Emma Powers, Mia. II. B. Kay, Marie E- Let;.-.. Minnie Tnjlor'trnJ Mary Pu viil. Of theso at tlirprci'nt writing, only (wo are known to hvc been a?ved ; viz; Fruit Onnrd. nn Kibiopeau com n.'an, who was the only man saved in the third male's boat, and whose resi dence Ig No. M. Bond p-icef, linvihlvn, and Minnie Taylor. These, arc the mi ly two out of eighty .mie professional, that are known to have hern saved. Seveial of flic performers who were on ca-.red to j" with this conj any broke their ronttacl.i. thus sarin:.' 1 n.-ii- liver . Tl.tao we r Bob II ,vt. Billy Emerson, and Wi li - .m:s!ronf ,'ho Lad promised to go, hut fo.liin-itoly tor them thoy did "t strrt. Hilly Roepcs nn 1 hU wife Til UK SUA , lsii. JOll.t II. IHU., EIIITi.R lltllPUILTOR. J. f. SKJI1KK, rtUI.IHIIKH. cre also rnpi-pd. but wnircd orer f.n- niioiiicr stea'ticr. an-1 s .- rl..-. r. I, yrop p.r. kn.-wi, :...-::.. .' j We hls.i U,.d s! ,nd tl.at ). K.,v toll.c Cronecnt City, in ovlor to pro t h!iarj. Dr. FuMtn., w.it . j,..Vh ... rroie ner noi.inou.-' tm-inc-?, v, 'nca i-.m ! Tlii? ;;).Ti'.';r.3 a-niniuiff raft prrpor! iht njnn l.r.q pone t" ;lip Lrtii.m ofil.c oecun. in cnnanv wiih t'lis-lr cinr-lov- . i Co-! ond c.rc-ii Ver? in piiine. Tl.i rnun? l.i.l v In 1 tine ! c;-P it r.- t;r-'jM an sciro's. vreaiii f. nod tern Ftcfcorcan artiji'.c at er.'fno? cr, 1 i-tis'e l:ulis. f-" T c wan a proat 'av.irhe in Xcw Yoik. Wadiinc'eii und 1'ahiiuorc. and c :ti:p-in!ed hi? fempu-y c:i this Mi'imu-r. but foUun.itcly hu.-'iiif-s prrvi-iiti-i Lim. The. Nicob) Troup. TlieCCie.ilj Tron;iP, e.msisfel of.?. NTfi!.). (rin'lit name Nichol-i.) Ynnn (a p-ipil.) mi I il:o Tallec.i 1Jv-.i1.ms (vilit iihtues William I;ndiipy mid Thomas T.iiiidap ) Mr Xico'o Pame t.i thi conn'ry with Frane'Mji's Hippndronip, anil tr ivi'L"! with that enmp anv f r fmio Jiine. After tliij he travsled with .iif- Bl;.mnf,li,allll,JJVi,,1!p feront ci.cus compa.,i,..s. . 1JC MJh-e tnotw wnmpii npm ih? t-: Sh U ! ft. .! r.-,,.! t....t.. i ... i I - ' ':il't illll'I ifpcr.'.l tiliave hpi-n lo-t Ev rn;n.T Star. V'1ilii ia-t P'v-n tiif Ft:Ctl hlif; nil alienee of t'ilVP yr:li'- io nnt.1 mnro ISItod tliH Pi'llintl-V. 1il-in..iii r u'ill. 1.;.,. "M,1",Ji!,,S ti,as!:",",, y:yonn, Nie.,!n. ,U ,o ha 1 ad..pt.,l ':far-v c"lM n,,t W:' r-'"w!n 've ; : 1,,-oa-ht ;, t, the t,.i,,e. Fine .he wav,5 Uvr. .In h Mortimer waaJJ,;, la?t nir!,i ,,, Kl, ,iwd w;th ,,,e native of I lii'adelphi., n-.l mi.lo hor ! Talloeo lJr.thor-5. ther l.v. tr,UI hi irst aj poaranco as a h-n ; use in ceil saioon ia Aveli sticot, Lalow Sev. eoth. Feme years a;o. She was trrout five $iu:a ol azs. .V-ss Sili i lie J i u!' Thin dk'tin"usi:cl turiisi loivan ar tiste was icckontrl the 1, i con. jiither ai the ."c It Tro ipe. wiih cir. cm e.nnpanics, .:tc. Tht-y have nl-o j- neon to Uavanna with Chiaiini. liia Tallt-cn TSrcitiisi-s had tluir wives with them. Mrs. Nieolo is at present in New Yxi l.-, confined to a sick Led, and v. ai "a-iliiii! i i.'jii) ! u. uu-r iiui i.va ot in r inw woman ,n her J- ofeH.-im,, Lot I. in f orm j l):11)J. The Vied., Tro,Po wore all G,-,t nd feature She was well know,, in j c:. artUt9. Thu fi,.st a ire , viij, iimi ji.jiij h rry sni". ;s-n ui riigajteintnt ut the Anwticin Thiafre ! here la.-t tpri?. ,g a ,;u.,etl,,: f.ic ! was rtmaikably aple and 'aopful, r,(j j was lapn.y ucoiuiiifr a um.-heii act re-'.-:' and vocali.-.f Millie, ia company with licr three sisters, CUri, Lmist and Em. niu, was tn route to N'pw Orleans to fill a A the Tailceu Etoiheis was ut the Four teenth f.;reet circus, in New York, uu dcr cativa?, wiih J. M. Nixou us tnana. ucr. Mr. Mill In m ir.-ry. Wiiiium U'ray. who was horn in New jiniw, .iiiiy n, i.i:i, w-,is a very clever I' id vi-rsei ti'e perfni nn.-rs in ii i - . J : 0 C ' -li i, ;i,n , i,n inliinst I f!l ),i.i?,!-in rt,. v.... ... II .1. - .i...C,t:,l . .1 i I"" ' """i.iii. ii? wen a;: uio i vv milium i:u.!L- ni.111. 1 ."I t. .11 i n ' .. . , ' , , . I '''' Il-l'.d! a was alio aecomp-iinoJ by her protector j ,.. .., , . and reriiii-d bn ilinni1. Mr V'.- T ... ' 1 f..ni , , c ! 'V'-fy mnsieai ius.-i uiin-iit l.n,.v.ii. lie o a ',! biUH-cr t-i inn ci:r. , ., ! win a a i-iivcp poiuin.vr in ma ie. Jl'ecni.i'c were osis -tblv rorv affou ! f t. ,. , i i ,. , .. ,: i .1.. ! '" tjot' h'; 1 J d a l;ith oi every- tionato, and met death heroieaiiy. ol.isp. ,i.- ,.- , . . cl in eael. other s ariin. S i prominent v,,.i. -,, v. .. ... , . . oik. w;.s with t-.it: ii ..a-,! Minstrels at pofitmn had Millie taken in hot pro 1 ,i, ;,.. T , ,. r , .. ' 1 "C Uii. Linury, in July last. iession that she read y enrnmanded a ! k,- ,i ri i V i . V , iu hiotln-r Edward died iioont six weeks salary ot S 12 j per week, and hr sisters. I .. . ,i i i r, ' , , '. , "-"J their a;;cd moiher is inov left v. th r. ara, Louisa mi 1 Loinia. Si o per wee ' i n. , , .,.,, , i . ii 1 I e w"r'd t" rule (or her. J iiPy were nf b.nah.-h prumitaL'p. Mi - ,. , ,. . . " 1 - 1 j in .,,'. , lis p.iinn to this lomitry about sis vears , , ,. , . . . . , , , . . to,A ' ! ioia l.us.-i-.. (n.!tl,t n-im.5 Io n B it ro, I ir.aue ner ihoui in !8jQ. She 1 i , ... i . - , . c h-r) was b.ivn m New mk, and was for became a yreat favorite, rcmaininj here ,.u...i.. ;,, uru.,,,,. inn tLKCTIo.VH. The ri.elii.t.s on the Gilt i.'mt pas sed oil (i mot 1 v. Mi.w V I J - - " I'll. . U . lu II :.. . .-riiiueiiiuu. nuveruor, aim lmuis lour Pem.icri.tio (;oniv-:sni:m. Mai-ylmid is Peuiooiatic, uud seudu a l)mu..ciatio delegaliuu to Co:.r.-ss, wi.h inn excep .ion. New .leis.-y i-i e t i 1 1 in l.;ijt. The Ffates r.l Illinois, Miithij.nn, Mis souii. and Maaehu.-etls h-.ve went licpul iieim by laiely iricvf.i:,u'J m j 'li lies. Wo will j.ivu the full returns in our next paper. At-TAHIS IS CAX.t).. TwohIh, C II' X,-. : 'I he exoifo nient wiih reai-l to the F--uii.il trials is iiniib-.fed. '1 h-j Ert'cop-iluan minisler. p. F. l.uinsilen, w:,s Hied to day The court room was (leir-ely crowded. A large tuu.ber ol witues--eg were exmiiined. The prisoner and his wife, who was piesent dm invr the tiial were vety muth uflected on the atiuouneemeiit of the rcrdief. His Lordship, before dischnrjn; Mr. i.nmsiien. a-.'uionished him to abstain ftom the use of ardent (.pints it hav in.- b-en proved that the prisoner, though a cler rvn ini, waa in u b'ate of intnsieai ion dntin-r ihc roni'iii.ssinn of the acts char-rd in thc'irulictinei.t. FKMAMSM. Ltifiilo, Xcv. (!i.nsid(;rtihle cs eitemer.t prevailed at Fort Erio hist li .it-li t in i tc neet-i lion of a Fenian raid. The cause of th-j n iiiio seoin-i to I.mt.. been the at rival ol the United States steamer Miehi-.au. wVch hai enne to restore the Fenian arms captured last Juno, and a Fi nian demonstration on Sunday nft.rnoon on the iron wotks portion of the city, whore Senator Mor. rison and other pronii.ient Fenians made speeches. After the meeiiii'' a crowd f jllowed the speakers, and it looked as though some demeustratiou wls to be mule. A pp'sm hiving "ome dd about him was seized as a British spy, but was rescued before beim; bally tved. The tifli lavits uoinj; to prove the in- as a ipiiut exeitemeiit iu ihucily, pro. bably oxacperatcd by thp pre."etipo theie of (Jon. Grant, and the movement ol JTnited States troops. Thero aoem to bono way njw of sottling this I'tnom !l'- exei pt in tho courts, where it shoithl and wili be disjoscd of unless kouio 'niadcip" btaits Hood which Ilcven fm bid. c tii ay i iTii"'lF."i7""i7 i.J rij iiiv-iy from p.,.m..,. ,, (,,. h s-.nh r about the I'n-st ot l.t-t lune, a I) it I Ot. . II i IFKElt. Ins t.. lnrfi ivIo!c-.,,ot on oiiin ,10 ofear.li loml Ing. gmnll iM.rns ouo cruol-oa, a few white upots ea bull, aula whitu -Oar on foreheat, an I ii tivi .Veirs ni I. Any reron irirlna !ii-,..m.,.i,. of e.iiO heil'or, will be liber-illy rewai-.cJ Nov. 8. ISOU.Ilt. lienzinger. l O. 71 ICS VOC.T. r.nctio.l duet ,l J II ilcl,ii.iiki.-. Si. AIio.v's c.uiiitv. 1 a.. I:. kin llns iin-ili.nl In u,inni llin public iliat ho is prepui ml to ilo all ll, r wi.rk ihry nmy f.ivnr iriii with in tieal ami fub-inii .ml nmiiiior. . He is prepared lo c oiTorfl with llin custom?!- in 'icniiari. Freucli or Kiit'lislr. Mis olinp is iu Hiurenacli s buibl. mg on Ceiiire itrcet. i10t. 8'fi'j.if. HVUi: H0U5E, Iti(l(Tway. Tcnna. .Mrs T. f). Clk.mk.xts, I'ropriciresg. Nov 1,0m 'iniiMAItKETB. M ERIC AX ARTLsTS" UNION! The AMEIUCJAV MJTI-2TC r'v ION establish.;.! 1854 unnniinee tliat oroer m extend the sale of the fol owit;, well kuowu and hi-ilily popular STKLL 1 LA TE EXGKA VIXG l-h paituro of the Piljji-:,u Faihers for Aint-iiea, -'7 t "CI ;.. Luiniiuo uf i!,c Ii!-riui Fuih. ,. 1 r 7 x CO I'Hht.ilT Mustering his lle- -"i-s. 25 x 33 Miukespearand his Friends, 27 x 31 otter h .aluruay Aiht, Viliu-ie Ulaeksiuuh, lauitest. Deoiiuv, (Fortune , '-I'vliiffj.) 21 x 23 The Massacre at Wyoming "il i 73, 3xSC Mount Vei uon in the olden time, or, Washington at 3 j;caia of ae, 20 x Si J he eseiipn of A luster Mao- Poaaid from th MuSiiuore of (jlu-coe, 20xSl Tim Mudoiiua, (J i They have deemed expeilient to offer io III QTEAY C(')W.--Cnnie:to the i , , .nir, s i 1 ll. f M1UMI uiei- in J( lJttlV. i'nul iheHOih ..l Uciobei . u light IMUMiI.E i'OW. iibnut 0 i- in venrs ..!d. Tho owi.ei ' requpucj to C"tne tin wait), prove profer i.v. piiv el.ni .'(-. and Like her nwnj. oi s!.e w 11 be UiFpood ofasllie law dii-run. Iti.lgv uy. uov lif J. ). PAKStjSA 1 l.'l. ii, pot Obi JonK do ;; J HEAT, per buBl.el. ... v.yv. con.v 0TP r-rcKwiinAT!!!")."""'." l-RirD AI'l'J.ES I'EANf .", JiUTTER per pound r.AitY) CItEERE "' MACKKREI WHITE FISH liUGS per duzi n , ."'! ( 0 ...B 00 1 r.o 1 2.1 '!! 1 21 A an ... Oft 30- . ....?n T. f....?0 SO Erie, I'a . FT.rifn per t.hl rttRK F.fOF F Winn-, fish i ui;;;;; M.V( KEllEf WHEAT per bushc'l!'.'.!.' F.E NS EfjCS per d. zor LAUD p. r pound CHEESE BtTTER Nov. 8. scr.. $ 8 r.0lo 14 00 ..!!3nuto KO'ri L'l' 0tito2:J t o fl 25 to fi f.o 10 t Oio 12 r 2 t:Oto r 1 7o m ( i) JSio ;-,- 24 lo ?r 1 to 17 3 to 23 2:J x :7 x 3J Klcctric Soap I Saves Time, Saves Money, Saves. Labor, Saves Clothes, Saves Womrn, AND AT.L GROCERS SELL IT. It is iis. d by cutting into small slmvinjis and Uissnivihg in li.it wrier, tlion soak the cloilies five u, irn minutes, and nliitlehand rutibiiig wi; iimke iln-ni us el nn as Inmrs of bard inacliiiii! rubbing would do. with or S I;, : W" ".?'e.',hri0 "!"!,A I'rico only SJO. ,,,-kinrr ...w v.t.-.i mm a i"int-i, ANTED. A'l i:TS 75 to 800 'Kit MONTH tor eemVioon and .05 to 875 lor ladies, everywhere, ti introduce the rehbrated ( nmmon' Sense Family Sewinir Machine. inn,r,r. e l and pe'leeted. It will Lcio, fell. .?.-.!. . ..M. ! l .si - ,l" ruiir., oiiict. DraiU and embini.-'er i their L-itnds i.ud the public at one ,li ,,'a!, wi:il severe lu dlur and fifty cents each, the D, jc J ,!,a' ,lntttl l H,'n0- ('"'" i i . ; .. I ions to nutkn k-mni-n i,; wii-re for some time, after which she went to Washing;. ni. She then tr availed with 1 rank Hi vera' Company, biciminj a f.re--i rv.iiito as a hinim:e. Iletnrne 1 to England, airl io comr-iiiy wi.h hrv Ei.-tcr (Jlara revi-ite-l America. The two then ann-arn l in difTjrent cities as the Fo-.v!,') :y!::Tr--, tiott'iu with flrtor iii f-uee: '. About a jcar a-.'", Millie ni:a:n vi-ite 1 jun ; e for tho jy.irpr.se , f . . , irin.U!ii!j her i.ioil.cr an-1 two sisters I :' Louisa and l;"i.-,:iia to tl.is country j She reluiiHu v.i.li Ihf-oi lo thi.-i city, i rJ ;- Fiuoe which time they have been bef :te tho j.ul.lio and recognized as popular . . f. l.-il'. i m I i i on oieis. .ni-iio an-j i , :ira were t n-j., ilnnru.'-r.i, ami Lonita was a vocalist. I t loon, on Ei-oadway. He first lfinieij to sin;,' by visiting the different "Free and Emir-s" ia town. Uoobtaoiel instruct -ions Ikiii Tony I'astor, who luu,i.-bed l.'ni v.iih th-. p ij-nlar e uu:u s-ouls ot tlx- d::y. I lis f.rst Kpular 1 1 u:e ..t vi at the V.:ri'.!ies. Ivtn.it. in lli:i. he li-Piiine a jivcat fav onto. 1! the:; w;-:it tn Clu-a-,-, ickV Y.ir!.-t h, Chi . returrdn ,n ,ifa-v t., e!r, ii. lin n he !,,..- rr-j-fa'ed in dl;T- n nt . ir. the c-iipury. lie .iV.;-ciu..-iJer. i.'"'"! e nu'e v-'calist. 77,.-V i ft t!:o is i i.r-r i.s w as the opera 'aui Alha Z i, O'.iupl is. The mother is at present living in I'hil li(.e, Inn. let! to uv-vtru fh-! . :;s I rautif'ul unu i;fT. ct',-mt.? d.i Mi.-s Miiiie was t.vei-.fy f.,ur ; e::.u !, v noin I man-ie . i' f : . "1 l"t.- , I - -, '. r tiers. ,-.rs Vo.i tso ; Mits Clara, twenty ; M:-3 Lou eighteen ; Miss Eni'na, twenty tin, .'.V TJf.y.rs i:.Hi;h I'.nJ, V'yhla llardiojie, was al.' a passenger 1 his jretith'tnan Leeoms i.o'oviuu-i in eon. artists n r u musi. is had en-.-iiL-eit -VinaiZi r':i:!:e;l New i y the steamer. ViHe do l'aris on September 2St!i with his pompatiy. He a. put his troupe at a hotel to await the I s:i!!'m.r lb,, TV, c; i s - . i.ii. i i . , ii 1 1 li oti i ne .!lU they look passa-e on tho ill. fated steamer. AVi-j '. i',iji,r. r.ec-bm with the j-ir-iioship Shennndouh. On bis an iv.il in Eo'aiul, ;.! out threi years ao. 1m married II :ll-t i ; I, thorily alter ikh'ii bia tlrt ,., ;i 0-.t malic read r in the provioe,.'. ' !., j-,. Ci-plion he met wiih there e nbol h neii him to turn bis attention to tha s!a-e. lie iiiiived in tl-.ts country abut't ix ii.onths ao, and at once advi i tiej for htar cnaoeinetitR, but i.ol t-ueocediny- in cuertitijj; any, sailed lor .New Orleans to try Lis fortune there. Up, was a youi;' liinn ah iut thirty J.at'S of Hire, rathet Hni.ly bu'lt, and ol' lt- I appear it.ee. Tkf SpuiiltUvij i'h'i,nU Jroui'F-, There were also on hi aid twenty. tno ferlormers rnvaed i;i Ne York by Jletsis. Spauliling i Didvielt fir the Academy of Muio, Kt Oileank, con tibtiug of Frsuk Gerard, tbo two Talwio M a ru i m . is i , i, Ftt, tci rv. In Francisco, during the year en IV; . ''J. lSIl'.., there v.-er.i 1 o.eivis i -an Hi voreu r.i.tel io t he ieveral com. so! that city. ('onnectieut, which by lr.ii!it;,.i:al fiett,,n, I. ;e; assum.,.1 to be the abo! ol the sternest pmitan n.oraliu. theie were no' !iss than -lol divorce pronotntcd in 1'jl. JJec nt staiisties s'lov.-that dminjr the hist fifteen years the divoree.s in liiat Stale have tuualied oue-tn-Liiiieih of tha nuudcr of the l.iu.;:;..s-. V.'e ii.:.y well -k the sjues. Violi, wliat iir the Country uomiuj; to, and here is thin thinj; jioiity; to Mop ? SuJj a fctalb ot deiiioralizatioii aa now prevail all ortr tho country ia horrible to oou. teuiih.te. j ,: W?i.Thu Oregon Eeikiature has re jtousJ she coubUtutUxal kuifudiueut. nocenen of Hav. Mr. M'M,iho:i, now miner heii'enoe nt Ueatli in lornn'o, i have ii lonvirdo-l to '.Whin ;ton. 1 MI" !:-. ...l VH MI-XI'ii. ii iis,i,r,'iii, '). Minister Ru nierotodiy receired the following let. tor by way of Niw Orleans, dated Yeia Cruz, Oct. 20th, 1 ; 'Maximilian lull the city of Mexico en tho 22d instant, resii'iiinj; verbally in favor of Lien. Il.izaine. ''Ocneral Ihiziine endeivored to per fuade him to delay bis departure until General Casfehi-iu'd ar.ival, two days later, but he declined, and e-corted, by eiiiht hundred Austrian troops, proceed ed to Orizaba by en . rou !i. iu order lo avoid meeting wi.h Generil Cu?telna j. lie reached Orizaba j ti-tevduy and is rs; ceted Iwre to n oriow. The Crptaiii of the Austrian fiigate Dandote, fctates I hut as soon OS Maxi. uiilliau arives li e will at once leave for Europe. It is said that Maxii lii'ian will pub. K-h to day a mmifesr at Orizaba. General Castehi-iu leaehed the city of Mexico voon niti.r Maximilian h it ! .... i ....... .' i -0 4 i ;,,k p-iM s.siou oi me l aiaco tnd iis.-uined the reins of Guvernmctit. The Frei.eh soldiers w ho had entered m.der Maximilian's colors will be re turned to Fiance under General Castel iiiiu'a iiifliier.ee. (Jeneral I'aiiierio Diaz, of the Libe rial army, has oiptured the city of Oax aea, taking all the ai tillery, aiumuuitioti, m. j uud sapj-lits. rtlTAIUS IN' B.U.TIMORE. On ilie.'ld tho Swauu appointed I'o l.i-e Comuiirsioueis m !:-i!iionr.-- ... Ijilipted to i;tl J ossesaion ol the Jioiice oftlee, failing in nhieh ihey undeilook to rjiu one on iheir own bik. IJut wlnle ihey were hunuig around in Svareh ol .heir iTjiee, a eomjilaiiit was tiieJ in ibe Criminal Court, and a bench wuirant was isi-urd by .)ud;e liond lot the iirrest of tl.e new fommissioiiers. on a charge of mdawlul n:,.-tuibly and riot, mid of an ttlleinjit lo in ei ropt the j't-aci of the city. Sh. r tt' '1 houias. who ,cr si.,tid iu Fwsaritig in a large rxlra fuiee in hpile of the Judge' Warning )e isi, iia. also anesitid, and ail ihice of Ceialu uuder tho lead of Capt. YaliMnt. ujioii refusing to give bail, were locked np. . In this condition of affairs their counaul bethought iheiiwelvoo ol huit. a corpus, but up to tti moniiog none had bocu obntne -Yeaterda; there d !.i,i......l 1, ., :.... i . ... 1 ......... .. u nut u.g ueen ivu u.iiiai: eacil, and lor the purpo.e of bliniulatiti!.' the tfetling up of Clubs, the) have deter mined to award tremiums to the getters up ol the Clubs, und in addition tliereto lo distribute amongst the subseribeis the sum of S3tJ,0J'J in money and paint in.L's. ns aooii as the sale half have teacli ;J i 00,000 ermravioiis. As it is nr intention to advertise very extensively, aud as the engiaviugs are well k.i.ovm thlou-hout tho whole eoiintie n b.-n no doubt that with tho low price we elia'-sre for thsm, and with the exi rtion which we put forth by our nun erous friends, the number will be reached in i-hort time. As noun as it is reached, tho subscribers, through their Club Aitents, will be noliGed by a circular letter from us, naming the timo and niithud of disti ibuiiou. CLUB HATES. Fii.g'cEn-raviiij.'s SI-0 each, by mail free. " j For 615 wo v.iil send 23 Eng. and 2 to ' the ( lub 'Agent anut c.1 lnnii!:es who are nsinjc it. and wbo could nut he persuaded indo without HOIJUIXS' E L E C T 11 1 C SOAP : Sold by all Leading Grocers Throughout the Slulc. WnOLESALK OFFICE: 107 SOUTH FIFIH STREET I'lIILAlJELl'lIIA. novl.lm ka- TO CONSUMPTIVES. r wi., iiuvertiser. b.-innn been iestr..d X " hf il'li in a luw eek. by a very tai aple rcnii.Jy, altrr halving sunVrel sevi-i". "oig iinueiioii. imil oil-ioiiijlmii it. ni,v ions to nutkn known lo bis teilow auff-uors itiL- iii.-ans oi cure. To all who desire it. lie wili fend a copy or the prescription u-ol. (fieei.r cli.uu-el with the diiochoi.j fur pre panne t lie sam-.' which liio.ywiil find a Sure t are IVn- Cnn eutiiplion. Asthma. Ilninoiiuu, &0. ' 10 , n ly uhjpci of the ndverliser in sendiiiR t ,e rrcripiion, is to 'lenefit the niijieled. and in-'Mnl ;.4-...n. . ! .. I .- . i i in. ,.ii . ii winvii ne Cut.Ci.-ives to be inva'iuible - Iind ,e hopes e v. ry mffVi or will ny Lis renndy. hs it will eo.it them liol.nnit. and ni-.y prove a b!."ing. Fames wishing tlio prcscripiion, wiil please aJ l,-es lirv. I'.DTAIlIl A. WU.SON Wili-aiiburpr. King, County. K.-w Vuik. Oct. 20th lD'i'i-)v. mid Full v win- ranied lor three years. We pay the above wapes. or a ton mission. ' Irom whieh twice lhat i:rnount pan be made. Addws with Ftamp. or call nn C EOWEliS & CO., Saiepr. t.w. No f,5 S-utli FIFTH Street, l'bilsdelpbia. I'a. All letters ans-weied t""tipilv. with circulars and Kims. May I'.lt.C-ly. rpilE SILVEU SEIFT. X Mo nr. Dir. able, MORE FI.A T!U, MORE (ir.ACEI'Cb! And will keep Its shnpe and re'ii'n iisp'.oco heller limn any ell or ."-.liii t 20 " 25 " .10 " J5 " 50 " 75 mo Th, lo " ' 4 " 20 " " 5 " 25 " (5 . :yc " 7 i. 5d ' " a S. Watch. 0 '' " a S. Lever. Ill) " "a 11 Lover. it- t lub raeksL'es wi'l bp r,.rv m curely packed aud lo'rwai.led by Exp'res.s Any jierson may yet up Clubs uud forward the amount either by Expres!., .-igni urait. fost t;.liee Order or ren:sti-red letter, and EiinravtiiLts will bo Olid t.i u jmek'ttie. C. O. ) OUPKHS. Fevsor.s v im; to send for Ki gravii.-s ami pay the Exro.-n Co. whenthiv me r-.etied, win t.c required lo send with their order f:i.i Ut-efi in a in id! cases the iiuuu'die.ji'v stnt. n il rt..'rviiL a iti-rti. Km, I i iir- ';'., and receint wili he i-n.-!, i fr,isiices j is no. & as- txtonsivo Msnof .ei,v., ,.,, p ,,..,.,,., ,f CC1E, IIATEB io CIirilE JStVXLSY, no in and nu KKI, SILVKIi WAItK. A.M.ltlC.tX, EnOUsH a.vu Swi.h 'Aicin:.s. Cttnf ( i Ov.rsetvcp., A. id e-try di-cripi ion of F.nct Goons Avn Y.n::i.k N.i-uus.. Fs. e.-i-iUy a.h.pt,-.l an., designed fur South, em und Uenei n Trade. .nvu:i'.;s and lull dnt-crintiTe Price Lim rec, Aarma wanr,.. vve!-k-wli,-,-. Al s.'.hlSiJUHV. lSliO.'i- To. 51 li. i ranee sirei-l oet 2;.-0, ly. r-uTi.i,,,,. K. I. J. A'l i.AKF. i 1TV. Ilk'Fmotfv. Fa iln Tuo-day. Nuveii.tirr l.'alt. 1 S.5 1," the. c v.ill be expo.fd to mile M e t..ll.,wo,R : 1 ett ut Itliu-kimiil, Ts. p nlpiL. - self ef Cs.v.em.-r Tools: hains. r.il.lc. .mini,; Tn-lsuf nil kinds,- Jtr.latea ud .r.ltl:i,e: Two r.n:-it.ls M. . :.... i ,, i . .i ji n, , ' . 1 1 i. ..it., ! bob S ..!-., I., ... sl.-rla. . i ,.i. Hi. and virions ether iiriij!, ;.,i, ,., ,' o tiic.ir'o-i. sv to e..ni!ii,-.ce at 10 .,'eh.ek fl. 111. of .aid clay. I'lvtf n:s c, .,dM wi; be civea lor .,!! um, r,.r ten dollars, lo proved i-eciiriM icqiored. II S t'.FM'' n. 1?,a u. C lh This rcw and hea'itu! siy'c of Pko-; fT-it-ei-'d Miirch 7. 1K';V) wa awm-did by Great Aineiiean Insiiiutt. fair, JPu ju Xew Yolk, October, ISoo, a SILVER MEDAL, being the Higheat Premium eTer given for a lioiiji Sl;irt. Jlie hterl Spripga arc wound with tine plated wire in place cf i cotton povei ii(f wbieli will not wear oil' or beccum- roiled, nnd Ihc whole skirt may he wr,sK-d with. mi. injury or tear of rua:n. ti-d will he as ;;")o l as new. TheCcinbinatiou Silver Si iit This inventir.n con.hii.ra villi :tie or ilni ry Fl.iit i l,o io.:vr,i.n,K. s c i cm Mv. r M in the boitiijii lu.i.ps are H.c suae us la ns ed in Iho Silver Skin, tlie coTeriei.f which cam, in wear elf. while ilie npt.er oties ar curereu Willi cotton. No lady Wing oneo worn i, no of our .Skins, will bj willing to wear any other, as the lower l.iioj s ol'u I otl.c-r kin,!-, nre-oon injiu-ci mid si!eed. Tli beat laioem-ils are use 1 in their eon. slroetiioi, mid. Iron. t.cir duruh l-iy uud uemuess lioy arc uosiieed to l-ocouie'a Favorito Skirt. Mauufaciured Suk-ly by ti.e Silver kirtand Wire JtTanu factiuing Company. 30 ami 32. fl All l. LAV ST. NEW VOtiE. Sl'BllBT, SlipV. Allg Itli-ly T. K ... .e lennireu ,o sen,, w.tl, their o.de.r I eli nocl Oil. Good Quality, by V- ,' ' u(-c"rd."r " "mount, uud i Lar-rl. at t;o vvm per cilU. h - toe 5,t(;'i I 5,0i!l.i lhi.i will be credited on tli.-ir bill. JLi&t of I'rftnisema To be distributed. One of Slu.Oib) iu ,m.,.,- ?!0 Ci"0 " 5. 00 Five f 1.01)0 " l'en ol fi ll) ' Fifty of 1U0 " Ooo hundred ele-.-nnt Oil Feint. ings, liehly liauied, Lands caj.es, at CI 00 eac h. I j,000 'I wo hundred eleuant ( ),1 Faint. i.iL's, richly trained, Iutclior Views, at lt50 each, 10,000 I50.C00 The AMERICAN ATISTS' UN. ION would add that these premiums are to be cmsideied only in the light of a lite Ii t to their (Kitions, as 7hc 'vn-iavinga are futniahed them below i heir market value, and as the cost ol I'.ignmiif.s, after tbo platea are pmeur ed, is eiy tr.fiiu". tl.ev can .asilv ..fl.,r.t to make the distribution as huge as it is. W c trust that our Minlcrous friends ihroughout the country aud Canada will uso i heir utmost exertions, so that it ,ot-sib!e, the distribution may be made soon, aud it can be done it they ure at all active. Ladies have often made excellent Club Agents, lor us. mid we t.dicit their kind ifiorts, which will not go unrewarded' Let one- or inure energetic pnewis in every town or village iu the country commence as noii as ihey roe thin, tud get up ns large a Club as )08ible. . JJy so doing they will be the means oi introducing ele aut engraving iuto lamiliea. and hus a;d in cultivatiug a taMe for the beauti ful ond refiutd. . Addten Orders fee. AWEUICAN AATISTS' CKIOSI, ' No. 3, ISCOsSm. 6 8t N. Y. K-t 11 -If J P(i. ii,!,. Ii, VOIl M-anl I'r- JnCr or Ir Ay. r, china , o V-i;..iflPs. ,.,.,.. ,.Ht: i iiiu niov flliri,,,, iv.-.l F.'IV. I A ''ll It!. I r"''- " n -i ii,..i:i!.. - y.P' "ilnt ii load of Suit, floor, i-l' J tld. von c..i ivi n,oi,..v I,.- I ... I. . f If' ,T I'ov. i: li,. J e irsu.-r .. CBI1 Lc bu, ... ;(( ; "' !"'f-i:e or re-ait, by -iL'L'i' ' I0'iVi;bL. AO A l.i. 1 s or ! A AGE by IT RE. rpUF. Veoir.p.n. County Mutual lnm-. snco r.,.,1p.1,lV nt Miiiu'ey. Pa., c,ii .ohibs io insure apauin I.ns? r 1) ounce bv riro on ..II L-... U r m. ... .. . .. .... u( iuirn'iiauo.se. i uijiie ...m pinuic hiumnigs, ruber in town or county, olso nn .1, 11.4. lantieriof.. IJarns Slock, of G.-ftiii, A.. , at ihc lo-.vc-t possible r,es. eon-isitiu uli saf.-iy lt thr Insurer aiid Insured. 'OiC Lycowiing t'onu-v Mu tual limiraiice Company mv.ics an Snve-ui, puion as io it, atability. J(i ca.,ila) aaiounis to ' 8a boo, ooo! gov n .ve trsr rpiiesnWriberl,!. leave to enounce to lies lhat he has ioii-l,a..... i .i..." . la-rly eeeupied by l Z 10 do",k,Bj' "-"' ?A iiu i ES be; PL ES. IIA US ESS kept ci.nctant'y on hand nt prices to mil mo nuies. (i.re me a rallgiop in ih too eudsioiy f iiauk'a Vu.lJ.ng. ocii b C. LEVIS. Thus assuring lo every one of in patrons tnat their losses will bepromptly and mi in. fsetorllj paid. Its ninpnni hssalwyi heen prudent, as in exiien;e of twenty is years fully deinoostralea JAMES ULAKELY. ' igwit for Eli oouaty, si 6ts Ms - '. PIIOTOG IIAPI n c. E. & H. T. ANTHOKY Sj CO., KamJactureii ol PhoiogTaphie IfaterIa, W ii.ile.s il und tti-iiii! i(. UhOAPW AY, .. Y. lu mldiiioa to our main business of PIIUTOUIS.XIMIIC ,M ATtl iAI.rf e 'are llei.d.iumitl's tr the tnlluwiiiir, v-z. STKi;KSCOPC.-J & KTEliilsCOl'lO VIEWS Of American and rorcipn Cities and Lund scajies, GiiHips, Suiuary, via. STEitEscorr: views oftiie wah, From negaiives made in the various cam puiiis and loriuii; a complete Photograph, ie i.i-lory of ti.e g.eat r.amcst. STEilECOPIC VIEWS OS GLASS, Adapted for either the Magie Liui-ern or the t'lereseope. Our Caiiti. .pine will be sent to any address on receipt of diatup. FHOroGltAPIlIC ALIIUMS. Vi e iiiauulaeiiire more Isrpely ilian anv olln-r house, about 100 VH.'iefi.'s from oO e.-ins to i '.oc ieli. Our .J l.lll. MS have the ii-pui.iib.il of bein su trior in beamy and durability to finy oiliers. Caidrho-.csr.'aphicI Ccacrala, Etatriasea, Aotsr. etc., etc. Our Catalogue iiubrut-es over FIVE Tll(l.8..L tiiil'erci.l subjects, iiicliidiiiu repiuducii.ois of tl, m,)M tu!c!,.-a.ed I n jii-uvit.ps, Pantinpr,, j-ta-ues. ele. Va. b .fines sent on receipt of st, nni. Pi.oio rspbers and others ordering poods U. U.. will please rciuit U5 per con oi ;ha aiiiuuiit with ilicir urder. to" I he prices and qitnlity of our eoods eann .t fail to aii,fy. (jULa Ifud-ly. I? XT 1 1 A PO LTXT Y.- l J lAlfM.i. A.sT It) .-sjl.Wr.H.e: oy a reent act ot Congress, all soldiers who served three yeais. or "hose wi.n were discharged by reasoa of wounds revived in Hervice, and the WIDOW, HIS OB CHILDEEN OB PAEENT8 of any such soldiers who died in the service ol ilie L'niicd 5iaifc. or of diVe.o or wounds cnniraoird while in the service, areentiiled to an additional bounty of $10:. By givinp this mailer your imniediaie at. lentioii, and tal'ini; on or writing to the un. dcrsigtied, these claims will secure prompt itienii.ni. JOHN G. 1UI.I. augoOtf. Uidr;tay. I'a. T'O LET! 4- The undorsigned wi!!let his rloiiee, Brn, stabling, Le , tiiuaieoa Ceatre meet in ST. MARTS ELK CO.. PA. nd formerly Known as the Washington oiel, far the term of three i- five years. Fpr furtLsr particulars, addrrss JQSErU Lvmi. xM 2k, BoosinrSi.- P. Os P.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers