Mi) wiVmIT" r;c;t.'l. f i i c : In".! (::.!, ." o p;u'i rr . si C-'J.iMi Uoartcr shed ,nnJ bill, fill tnpxs or les! Half eheel hand bill, oO copies or lose :,.h Tn',' flin-t Imitil Ijill, CO copies or 1c;- blanks. Fomtiy qvmtiliiy mi. lor five quires. Sh ift per rjtiiio : i.u nil pmoiiiits "ver 1 tit reasonable reduction fcillho trn-lc. Ti l! MS (IF P U'l.b. $1."0 per year in n Ivanee t?-.r'0 if paid within the year, and i-'.uO if uol paid with in ill. ii lime. Car "J'imcat iiiifffivnif. Er'e F.;,tvsi lei if Vi:S.)p. id. d .1 1 We.'t :'.:3"j .i in. do Mail l'nt r.-.HO p. m. V.V51 1.-..';, p. , I.niil Infill ilait !):4Jii. m. it lo West 5; 10 p. 1,1. nTT mTi k . Hereafter t li t? lVst (JiDc-c will be '(i.-c(.i t-voy cvrninj; at S o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 tp 10 o'clock A. .M. Mail Closed at C 1'- M. L. LliTKKU. I M. Al-vivrn). Our V'uiMp; I riciiil. .1. K. 1'. was to day admitted to prac. ticc law in the several courts of t Ii county. May success attend him. CAi riuN. As Cold Weather in jirrmtliiiia fires will he required. It is a '.be i itcj-if .-ill to now ni:iko a th'irun'!i ex '.iniiiuiiim of your stow, pipes, flue-' ami c!i IiimovH. nnd s.-c thai they am I'.ili clean an 1 secure, ll th;-' aro nut make t hem so a! oien U'i? sale in the haiikin;: i-ffiee df .tfuwell. ChimiherLii'i A Co.. of Oioan. .New s rk. Was I'i.iwn nprn on 1'iiday ii!;.'ht. a nl S .!0OJ iii eiineney revenue sf.-iuip-j, &.. wtic carried till". There Wcre.-ri-ei-iil npeeial deposits of Guveni-li:i-tit bunds aljn taken. Tho wlmie U'li'iul I.i'kcii is nut knewn. tJiii.viY l'.wi.ns. '1 ho ii.tirct df a couiiiy paper is much enhanced by the pub;i'-;i;i'in of home iienis, but the lubnrs ol tho editor nru go'iciuliy .such ns to inibid bis hein;; ronuu at ail tiiue.- to pick ;heu up. and it our readoru will fend u.t the partioulars of oceuitenes, w;ih ( r Without eoKiui'.'iit, of suffioient i --t-vt toulniitof publication, they v.iil :' I'-.iUki .ily reoi(ivcd. SlUit in Si. .tt'it (.(. A liotol a very sciiois nalure, oj c iiii. l in .-'(. .Marys, l'a., on tins lit of C.p pie.-jnt un. mil. It mjmij tiiiit v.-h'le i ho cit:z.'ii, wiiii but very I-, w excr'ii iiu;:.s were in Church, it bi ii' "all Si.iut. ii;i) ,' a party of men, uuie lour or Co, l.oni !r:iinau:ahimiii, were iu the hi'! ro-iiii of llio Alpisi" I louse, Ichavim; in ;i b"i.steioU3 loariLier. The hal keeper was afraid to leiu.-o thoiu liiplr, an I both ho and Mr. Kreiz, the landlord, believed that they would .soon ioava po.i.'eably. That f.nvever wai nut tlio i.iioi.lion ol tho p:r(UF, who finally be- cmie so boisii'ious lhat .Mr. Kretz tjeci, ivrcz tji ci, iou-e. T! e t td tl.eni aul lecked up the I i tiU'f.4 returned in uo.iui (ivj niinuvs itii ip'.ile a laigs nuiubei- of ni'.-u, who, r.m;:i,i;; theuuclvcs uioaiid the 'joiiite i , i i -,i i ,, i .- I tin- i: -j. cl, e;i:ld upon .Mtijo1.' crcz ' J ' ti eiuiie out and tL'ht t!io:u. .Mi.j jrK. with M : j u- I'.Ui ke ap; .. svt d i n tho per tico and waroed the parties to rotiio la-.iL'i'ably ; to which tlo y replied by li'M.tiiijr, ydiiir,', cuise? u.id tl.e viio.it luii-uauo, and p' oceeded to put into cxc. en : i. u a previously fjooluved threat 4 tj t :! tharoc of the town." The bi.lias. ting it the 1'. & E. Hick luriisln-l ! --1 1 j uii plo I'jttsri.-.s'iive uieans, tiitd a per livi tl.ower of stoio.-i was iii;i-jel at the hol.s". Mnashliif, windows, doors and uini'ure, u.'id eiiuiiiigeiiiii; the imuaiia .eVinl ci:d.; ivj;ed to l.lea't op( u the loois, and SiVoic thoy would uia.-h he lo-ais of tiie iiiiuaics to a jeby, itc l)y this time, however, the citiz.-us iu Chuieh had be-.;i tvtiiijd, un 1 wher. lh-) e.nno lothe Mleuv- i.f t!,e di-uidC-i-i ll riot, tho i- w I es dis-.irs.d l ive id - I tlo m wt-re Hibsi rpleotly s.n ,.,u-.l. 'i!e-5. Miiffi.i. Dennis Mir'anhy, T iiuutl.v Me. Curl by, f-vlvostvr Eicimoi. and a man, who o.ivc his muni! ut John Kelly, but whoso real tiaiiie is "t'suith. At tho pre. ft nt session of Court, the erand jury to tu:ied Iriiua b'll M,'ai;ist them, tor lie t iCo , and a'sauit With intent to kill Mi. Kro;z 'j'ho case was ca'lel for trial T.ovlay last. John G. Hall, Es,,. for del .un. -, moved tho Couit to direct u nuu'r j,n,-tjui to bo i-iit.-rr I, n;.,l Gd. I.i.i, , .. ,r .. ! '. JciU-l. i.-p, counsel .,r Mr. Kratz. I Baid the latter ,cntl,.an would be fie 1 with tho Court so directing. Ilis I trict Attorney JJlakciy, said ho ihoiuht the cao was one which called for a trial I i I in every view no coiili take m fie cac, and bu wished it utilers'uo l the o proi. was not entered upon bis motion, lull ho thought a trial should lo had. Ti e 'ourt said, it waa go understood, jfi J .l'roctel tiie defondanta j;ive rccuri. (y in the sum of 30J each, whioh be ioj done, with pjtueut of ccts, thry wero dio'aarje j. . . ... lUniNO ISnniURV. On last l'riday . i. i .: . i ...i in Ml :n i'i I iiu uuii s mi .' ' uj:v ti .? ' ' i ; 1 1 , i r. W.li.t 'i Sodthoi'. i:i -liis jil.it '. Was II ...teiel ly j , i-.-on or tic,. S Tu eject the r I'uliunoo tliev Jirst wet t t.i the ,vir mill of J. S. Ilyle, mi Mill utr.'ct, miJ thero prucntcJ a heavy inn lur mid tiiiMther tn-tiniiK'iit, foiiiiiio.ry cuilu'd a milljnjr; thry theti went !o Delnsp's blacksmith simp and there procure:! a Itoavy ir.a f leJ,'..'. and a co'd chiM-1. It id prul.il.lo thoy thuu wont t J I ho b:iik la onmplctt' their nol'inuus wurlc. It nrpiiifl lh:f thin-, thieves weic well aeijiiuinicii with tho rurn'Uinlifjr. as tl.ey ivent to a rear tlunr tu cflcct i.n vtiliuncu into the bunk. They plied tlicir iustrututiiUi and xveic sniiii infii.iii ul i.nw ciine the niitin uiilienl: v . , , , . 1 they were in the. hank, hut time, Kt. r- iiitt tin-in iu the lace f-tonj un cnrrinoiis ,, , ,. i, , . , aleritniu iV I ut !or j Alum I'atent I' ire mil r.uiglar rio-i! Safe wh ell only t., Mr.-h men would w'cin impossible to ftitir. ri.,1, the was plated will, hardened iteel, id). iu'. three q lartors ol un incli in i ihiekiKS.s on the outside rloi rs. '1 hen came a laer of rMMp'. undeil alum, tho ptirpoto vf which is lo render the ?a!e lil'.'-proof. J)y im aus of a drill or punch they gut a hole through this ont.-ido door, and then poured iu their powder, and set their tuo in tin- hole, thus made. U is probable that they then retired tu Kju.o Convenient loeili v to awa.t. tho result ol the eSi,lo,i(,, which wo umiei- srand was heard by several prisons, but they paid no attention to it, not dieau of the cause ol it After the e plosion had taken place, uid when they ha l returned, tioy were no doubt ama? Zed lo liud lhat their Woik was not hall completed. There lay around them the scaiterod fivormnis of om; id tu.; side dours JJut Yhoio was the in.-ide d i.'r :!ie sti-uu;; box v, hich re.n's:i:li ail ila-ir eii'orts. Time, was probably now it -i.'ious, and the gathered op what money they c ,u!d find in tho drav.u's bc-ii.-ith (ho safe, an 1 dceainped, since which timy there has been . iioth;i:r; heard or seen ot llicui. 'J'ho iiniouut ol money taken v.-s about 33'JO, pait. of which was iu revu. nuo ;;!ainps. The loss 0 the li.in, in Ciii-Jinr .the repairs to be put un theii sale, will not exceed 3KIJ. Wo think the ruin h;.s judil lor iti-el!', (invhoiv. yj Bfi-..iewwj, KE.MlNGTOX SON'S, m yrr.fTcncr.s of revolver", P.itUis, Mosliefs und Paibinep, fur I iie United tit.-rc .-'ei viee Also , I'. "KIT AM) l;n.r nvVrtt.VittS. Ui po-iiiiift Fitols. I'.iflu Canes. Itpvi'vltirc Mules, Itiile iind Sun' 'un biii-fl. nnd l'iiii i 'n:i'.;i-i.'i;.-,iiold by gin O'.-iih.-is r.rd the trade yunerall. In lllPSP (bivs of hoii '.-l.rpfLtocf fiml Tr.li . t,(iyi pyryy heii-e, no -e. bank, and cfiic, I fliou'd bo ' iii rli-d wii'i en ? of 1 1 E ! I N ( i i ( ) X S K K V 1 1 , V E R 3 . rr'iedssirins to nvnil 4i-e nclves of iIij l.-ue iaipr ivements in Pistol, nnd siippi-tii- ,! U 1 1 1. u i i nii'ltonn, will find all cmblmt in tap M liemmrron I evo -pi-s. , , . , . . . o eiii-ns con-a ii:pc en nrid dpspi irt i ii uf a ii- hi ins will be furnished upoa a;plic. I iu. SINGLE EAtt.fi EE SHOT-GUN. Now Pattern. Liht, Cotiveiiioiit and Cheap. Manuf inured by the undorsiared. arid sold. v.-IihIps-mIi? mid rotail. A liberal disoioinr to (ii-alioo. K. I'.KMI.VGTGN A ?0NS, r.lon. N. ,. pi-il ut.'i leOC.-ly J Ail of mperioi quality , lor s;,lp by t!i Taunerdfilc Coal Company, j St Mary's, Elk Ci untr. 'l4,. rSTOrdci'S by ma,! p.-oi.iptly alfc.id- ! j'seot 1(1 'fi't-tt .,ppi 'f.' HM m')tt want a gun i cieiywlicro In sill our iurnnri;ii $ JO fewing Mathines. Three now kia l.-.. I'n li r and upper feed. Peat on irinl. Wai i niiieil five vcat . Above salary or large voimni isi.me piid. TheoM.Y inue inies old in i he L nitcl Suites for lei-s j than I0 wli.eli n:-c i ill litt n ! 1,1 . lie, Hhfiin II i(,.iin. fi.Tcr V lii'kti , linger Co., i n 1 I' ll-1! ! ( All hi her cheap ma. chine a- o iitfrinwHUHta and the telltr or unr r.i'i r'ltih't la nriftt. line mid tnwr.tnninei.t. 1 liliMN med creulars ,bih fret. Address, it call upon S iaw & Clark, a'. Ilidueford, Maine, or (')iicogo. Id. may-lT'HO-ly i. 'J wi Fteani Enpinet h n ili bori i n 1 Ll iu-li uruko, will, nuin siii.1 is nml l:np t ur,, , c- AI o. F ii. il evlin lor l,oi lers thirty feel l.ms nod o! I'llh.-.i-ni powor ,0 diiretli lo eiu'iiies. Any ,u. .-p..!,.,,,,. of ,,,...), s. UliT .-C-a n Al le. ,1,.. i". ,--,1. fi,..i ;. , ,. ineiran. vamai - i i call MiWriher at I'crti '"J, P, J- ; . T-T OltSKS VOlj SAIK ! On Sp-in of Crm J'irset nc nf il.... n ... . . . . it . - la . . ' J ):i9 (.( iheathir 111 imr iJi ; oti -1 I' Of 1,1 ( man ; Ivc t .j yar old mures; I'm '2 ijnir oi iolt3 ie ymrlin cult ; r. up fii,i')if mil. ami our Hum-, cufi iiffitni f ,r HuUUr. or fiartt$3, t:n,l rnmiut hr brut in the count if. The above clock is to be m Id on the pre mies within two weiAs, ai piivaieca'e. and if not rold by that lime ill bo luld to the bight! bidder at publio outcry, -col 24. 81. AMOS FOX.' . rx tp., Elk ouniy. . I.. A urn in. iii in a . b iir rtmiy I'ii. iiihi -'2'2 (Hi ly.' j - M:,iU, .1. LLAKH.Y. Att,rev nd i B V oua-cllor n l.iw. iimI t'. S. (.'i mtiiis. j lo.-i.ev. l.idgnay 1'. i). K:k emuitv. Fn. ' r?mr 'J2TjC-1y. J QHT'TIIKR AND TIJ.IS A'torney. a y i.ii-, i.i ipny, i.ik oitnly Fa., wiit tin i n J lo nil r iolessionul .nine Fl ,,n'F'--h'- i'mi- "2 0ii ly.i ".. .t. p roniiwi i.r. rw-rtie rr.t:-i- einti.. I.nteuf V."arren cnnnlv Ya'.. will lui'iiijitly nnwvr nil in nlc.MiiiiiBl eiills hy ni!ht nr ilnr. ci'lTire teie r.ior . npt of the lntp rei-iilcTico ot Hon. J. L. Gillis. M-ir.22-0 ly. It. V,'. It HAliTM AN. St. Mm-v's. Klk comitv. l'n. L.nto of il,i A vm v nf t ho I nliiniiM!. rmiieiilnr nlHM-.liun piven to nil e:iHc nf untpirnl isntnrp. fonir 22'HO lv. I ' , o JAM'-S, WI;AKI.LV Hiy.Viiin LiiJ Surgfoii, fct. Murv . TIU roimty I 1 . fmfir-2'J'OO.lv. ! V-v w en i w "r .. . I 1 6 ' '' SHAW rrncficr Merticn" J nnd Su-gery. Centrevillp. Klk eoiu.ly t m.ii-22T,i..1y. j T- A- R- ,,f,-f' K'-rp' l'.llt rnnntv Tu. MXZ D'i i:i?KN HFSS. I h--sieinii nnd Hur- ecnii. M'i v's Klk cimtiiv l'n. .1 mif-'J I "tic. l y. Ki:i!.VFY I'f'TI I. fVnivi-vllle, F.Ik .-our. ty. l'a.. C. 11. Hyatt. I'r. niigHT.O C1 HIV El! Hnr.S'i:. W J Hull, l'i-rii:i inlors. nrrru. I'n.. Hull k iiiig?r(;(i.iy 4 T.FINP llor.'JK. SI. Mary J mail Ri-etz, rioprii'lor. OT. MAI'Y'S !!OTI I.. P. 1 Wpilnndnrf ' , TL j i "is noiisp i npw iir.n tinril up wiili enpe ' clnl euro for tl. conv t.icncc ! enrifi-rt oi jrunsis. nt ivodi'vnio rati s. Fro" Hack, lo ii"il from the Depot. Good titnMiiitr nlr tii' lx 'l. noir 224(;(i'.ly. ! "ITrASHINr.TON HorPK. St Mar-,- T V I.Ik i-iiuni i Fa . Filw-i-,) mi-el I'ro. prictor Tins hoiiso is new nnd fitted up with especial eio-e for t lie rniivMiicnco of glioses. Pnod sTnlditi niliiehcd. M-iv 'Jtri'fl.iy. ""ni;i-ui i.i. and Mi-:.-si',vr.ri: Dmir; .! ) C'-ts. D'-.iiors in Dt tip nm riipmicnls. I'liintJ. Oils nnd Vinnitdi. l'ertmiiPiy Toil, rt nnioles ui.d .S in! ioniii'v. T,id.w!iv. "Hlk f"":'ty l'a. " uir "2'n'C y. j C1 II. VOI.K. .Maou'acliner nnd I'p.ilef LnjttiiCocr.npp--t.ite ilieRuilroaSi Den.e. St. Mary's, Klk cuuuty Pit. Mir.22XC-lv. I A MONT T-T !--A G F N T S ! wmiii d for tlx trlirrht rttr in lirl, ?, oi l net. Address O, T. GAUFV. Gut Miildil'p. Diddi-ford. Me. rInay I "'I'iC-J y. I-.NI1Y II. THOJhVv . Jeitor in all kinds ot I mint inc. Soiinc IVds nnd .Multiples. I'ietMi-tf Frames nnd Coffins. I:i h;ay l'n. W'mc llorrns on (hp corner of Main nnd l.-pot .(, noiy-IT'lll-ly. 1 ACT I OA I. Ol.tlOK AND WAK'lt. MAKIIl. ST. MF.Y'S. Flit r,iniv ii rewind MoHthIc. kocpp eonstnn'lv on hand nnd fer snip. V.'n ehes. Clock. Silver Fluted Wni-p nnd dowplry ol nil descriptions. V-' .llopninne npntly e'xpcutpd. nnd donf oi shoi t nnti -c and reasonablo terms . Mnr 2!rOCl.y. I XilR rr.TNTING. sueh ns Cards. Venter; f Hand Iliiw. pi'l IfpnJji c., done ai l ADVOCATK OFriCE on short uoticti ii'ul nt lvitsoieible prices. HO. McCONNKLT,. Hoiife. Sign nnd . ('inan pntnl l'nintci. All .iiiIpis pnnnnily intended (o v.iih ne.atr.pq nml ilc-imtcli. Infjuiri' nt this oiliec. or ol the Milu cilber at lvunc Stntion. nugO'j'JIy, . T w; DAIM.Y, ur.feon Demist, Sain t) '!"'. 's. I'-'k county, I'cnnsvlvai.in. ot a Vi. , ...V Knro,,., n.,...:... a..:... li-r-ii's protP-si.-iu.il services to the citizens ft Klk county Ufiico opposite Onvnp.Y Mo Vcan'sMore; (July 2'VoO.ly OTIVEH BACOX,ManufactureV- and '. holepn'o - Rptnil Dealers in Flour, FoecT and Grain, (At. .17 MILLS, LR1E. tA. (ivders solielttij and promptly filled at mnr keirat?s. n".i Oth-U'l ly ARtiE t'AI'Ail'lY, G It KAT .Stregnih nnd tineqiialled fpeeil, slninlicitv nnd ple'eness ol operation, r.re cuiulitics ce. ciiiinr to the Nonpareil "Washing Ma chine. It is a squeezing machine conslrecied on ft ictly mi'ehnniea' prineip'es, nnd Hie ex perience derived from five yours eHnivn use in fcmilies. hotel nnd public instiiu: j.nn proves it to be of laiipg value, to the pur C, V manner of cW.th.- n.. Nn-P,n by rmnry luotion nciinp on a cianl; s'init ' T" 'L1 "J,'" W ";"ves, "!" the sininle-t. li'iisi I laWlons nnd most powerful that can be ,lo- I .... .iw, nun necnnipiisuesilie i r..i . win k with (he meatedt rnuiditv nml ilm least possitde labor. The great nced with which this maehine perforins work will be understood lioai be Miiiiiinent ili.il ii is geared lo give six strokes of ti c pioneers for one torn of the l and o. or, wl.i.Ti woiked leisurely, all. an f airlnin diodsuikes a lunnite .Sifeiy to the fubi io wa-l'pfl ia insured by the eniire nb-ence of 1 i:hblti. A irl or boy of fifteen cm wovk thp ma. chine, and do a week's washing lur a fiuuly of sis or eiyhl persons in two in ihree lioai s' lime: Mid ii luny bo relied on to cleanse ihe clolhiie. Ihoronpliiy without askislaiiee from huiid rubbing .Send for tree Inscriptive Ciieu'nr nnd terms lo dealers, io wiiuin c&uli:. ivc r'. 'ht of salo is secured. OAK LEV & KE T1.G, IS-!, U'uter bt , N. V. July SRc.tj ly ii O . I FT 1 1 1 NO X IlWl nOUSE, STCN &, OP.NAMEI.TAE PilKTIKO. 'I 'ill'. St iiSi'lil it K it V 1 1 L' I, D ii V. J tiicctfully i nt'oi in i he ciiieiis of 1'lk county that he has just started ill tiie nbnvu business in Itidway. and teel conli deal iliai be can please a'l who nmv (avor Into wiih ilu ir cu-tum. GiiAlMMG, i'apkr hanging and o h.i imining done on shout noik f. and in uir: tno-t lio-hioniible nnd iinproved niiinner atut ityle. Orders left at ibis (Ithce or ut the bunking House nr Souther. Willis i Souther ill be proinpily attended lo. . . w- v' WILLIAMS, Mny-nCO-ly. T7XE0UTION5, SUMMONS. SCBPffi, I , U arranti, c, on haxd and for imI al UtU oftf. i w . , . . ... I ' ' i .n u. Ii A : i fj way. Ill't rr J. Po-wcll's Colnmn. THE LARGEST STOCK OK ' . SV .J 'ad" -w -(uv THE .MOST r-KFIHAKLE AfcOliT MENT. mifF. CNDnriSrONTU c.lT...-5 to i!,p pub JL " "t hi ron:ni("lioM s-ilrs Forn.s in Itnigwny, tlic !arst?-t nnd tift ppiiernl ni Kovlr.iciit of McicIimo'o.c tl.at c.-.n he feu lid at nny f-'ioia between vii.liamgf(i;t and tr.in, nnd nl more fnvoraliii priees tli.m can be bought al ?iihei- of llu se puinu. Ilis stock toiLpriscs a aplundld vn. itty cf I'Kints, ui:lanf.s, sheeting?, niESSGOOI) CLOTHS, 1EA.1;V .MADE CLOTHING, J500TS AND SHOES, TLVWATiH. HAEDWA1IE, CHOCK Ell Y, FTONE'.VAHE. GROCERIES PROVISIONS &. &c B.The propr'i tor, tbnnltfu! for tin very gcii'M-"iN pnirnintic thus tar cxtrnik'4 lo hU PtcHblisliinciit by ttie.iii3!p:i4 rS J-.:k mid ailj.eti!i eotiTirirs.'- hopes to merit and receive u c-iiiiiiii'i'iee of i i, c sihihv j. ro'.vnx, Anc.-HVCI'.-ly. F U JIN -IT IJIU: ! MM1E HNDEilSIGNEii T A K E ? 1 pleasure in ininotiui iiir to tho citi zens of liidjway and iidioininp towns, that he has j.t ( pioiod w'-Ftu-niinro -Shop -in Hidgwny. ri.d is -i'pnrid to sell fill I.indB of fitriiilure t die lowest prices. Ilis stock consisis in jiart of COMMON C IT A I US, TAELSS, rO'DSTKADS, , SPITING KTirS & MATTPiESSES ECF.EACS. iVASII STANDS, Cnno sent Chnira of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, TETE A TETES, l.r.Pi'.CCM SUITS of Cl estnet. Miihopiny nad Dlac.k V. alum and eveiy tiling UMi-iy ltuud in u i.r.;t clns cuuntry Vune loioia. riCTUHE FP.AME3 j of nil ',7c, nnd of Mahogany, Rosewood, iiluc't Wulnut and GiU MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on bnr.d. nnd made to outer, ot eveiy ktml nr d drsn ipi ion. I'lrnc CAI.I. nnd mimine my ftnil; J,;, fore purclmsinr olyewhoie, for 1 hope l.j strict iitieiition lo business, nnd Keeping r.:l tho mail et dra iuds iu my line, lo merit the yinronago of the public. Wnrerooins on tkv eciner ol Mh n nnl I.pj ot stropts. liEM.Y U. TliUMAS. Mny-17'(;G-ly, -mm I'oii 1S(W jHTLADEEIMIIA A- EKTE It AT I, t EOATt. This ou-af line traverses no ortlicrii ana .urthwisl coutities of J'eniis Ivai.ia to the city oi Erie, on I. nke l'.no. It has b"cti '.e.iti j by th I jhn- ill'l I. (ill iiO'Hf C i:i.-J;i. und is men ed ny them , 1 Da entire Icn-fh w: s oponcd for pc ...i i.. : r, . i V- T .t'VT , veU'.Uwr ' I r. llME OE PASSENGER TRAINS AT iUDG AY. .cote Eiitttuaitl. E'e Mail Train 3 33 p m Erie Express Train 10 80 p.m L''ici: Wcsvanl. Erie Mai) Tiain 1 SO p. ,. Erie Express Train 5! 24 n. in. l'a.sscner cars run throtiirh witlmut rhaiiL-e both ways between 1'hiladelpha und Erie. NEV YOiTK CONNECTION. Leave New Yo:k ut O.OU u. m., Arrive if Eric y 15 a. in. Leavii Erie, ut l.oo p. ui., arrive at New York 11.10 p. iu. El.ldKM Si.i.l:plri Cars on Eitprcsf Trains both ways I ctwccn U'illianisport ilid liall iinoic, and illiaiuspoi t uud 1'bilidelpl.ia. I'm- iiiloi-tnation respectin!: I'awen'r loisiiu-ss iijiply i.t iheS. Ii. eoriior ;iuth and M hi l;'t Sis. And I r l-r-iht lusiucss of the Com pany's Attcut.s: y. 15. Kiiiu.-ton, Jr. Cor. l"A und Market Sts. Hiiladelphiit. J . IV. liiynolds Erie. V. lirowii, Ajtoiit N. C. It. II. Eul timoio. II II. IltHTKTON, Cn'l. Frdght Ay't. Phit'a. II. IV. GWINNTR, C'u'l. Ticket Agt. PhWo. ALiBn. L, Tvlfb, i?mW Svpl Wwu't. a he a r b x cite r.v r li krpt up by ike DAILY AP.r.TTAE C" IfETT GOODS AT I KEDEEICK EUDOLPil',-? C Ii c a p Cash Store, Iwipre ho has on land tnd f0i- T-'EN & BOY'S CLOTH INO, DRY G00D3, EADIES : GENTS FCENISUI3 GOODS, EADIES DRESS C00D3, ladies' i ge:;-?' fillA-iTLS, S0NTAG3, EREAKf A;:T SHATTLa, ALSO HATS & C.T3V BOOTS SHOES. NUEIAS, C0MT0ETER3, SCARES, HOODS it, ALSo- GROCERIES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA ;i very Inrsa and well selected STOCK of . l. V .... 1 . t . . i.s- vni uiauo, ar.u nariantta iu cverv respect RIC t, DOUR, SALT, rORIC, FI3II i ALSO CONEECTIONAEY AND YANKEE NOTIONS IN GREAT QUANTITIES AND QUALITIES TOBACCO AND SEGAR3 OF THE BEST QUALITT Z-:y I sny. to one and nil, that, nsy etocV is full and complete, and will be euld al small profits. Give me a e&ll before r.urchabag -Ieq. wLere. FREDERICK tWCKTn .7 HOLE SALS & TitTAl DEALEil IN LTiY Q00D3, CLOTH IN 0, FLO C" P OBOCErJES, . QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, LUMPER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find T O II E s a:jong tiie ost Conipfc'c lT -4 XD LESTAPPO INT ED IN TIIE C 0 U N T R Y , AND THE TLACES TO GET Cood Bargains t C A L L & S E E ! Xm-cIi ':r.-,h,i?r;i;-:y. 3t K STORE. St. Mary's, Elk County. JUST DECEIVED COO EEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 1CJ HARrERS NOVELS. 250 GE11MAN STOHV E00:v3. ax Assonr:;Exr or all kinds of Stationary, Diank bonkq, Titr.e books, Eas Looks, unci School book us 0n naiid. rurcba9ing cm- Eovl:?, Taper, Envelopes &c. d'nec1 ircin the Mauuixiurcra for cash, w are enabled to tdl at the eamo rates tint ihf.y o:n be pnx'i ie ! ia ANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent tiiiowod on all ruichj.-es cf tea dollars and upituiJi. W. J. BLAKELY. JuneUTiS-'y. A O E N T s ' A N T E D J. T. IJi:..D!.V8 HISTORY OP -inn yAI! HOW HUADY. Co.iipl. t... iu TWO VOLUMES, also in ONL. It it admitted to bo tho most nta-nthij, vif ul r, and ri.'valle Hig. toiy of tiio ReooEiiiii, which is iu'dv ot tested by the i nm nwtis taio of 200. 000 volmucs, and a larej poitiou ot tho country s-ili u:ic,'.nvass.:d. Uec.ro ( billed to run cur presses ii'lit and (jay to enable Ui. to supply our Acnis. eli-u of chaiae'crond ubilitv. nbr, A. site ii lu'iativo cmpluyiucut," will find "" a lam I'JipoiIIJUlly. dbo price oi the work in - is ton-, (cuiuparcd with our Ilistorioe) as to bntij lt Wlttl:a t!l0 rcach of alj Cl.i.sscs. For lull particulars scod Jjr circular. Adore- American Pubmrttn Com'u. 11H Asylum Street. IlAitnctn, 'Cosy. gMPlKE SE A IXG MACHINE CO. i nn,-;jj3l CjTic:, CIO Dron.'.wiy, X. V. GREAT IMPROVEMENT in Se.ln. r. ohir.ea. Empire kuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It ia thin rendered notte. lean in notion. Its motion being all positive, it is not liable 'o set otI of onlep. Ii i. tvl best iamily Machine! Notice is called ti our jew and IroproTed Manuthfl'urinir Hi. chine, for ui ore and Bool and SSr fitters. Agents wanted, to whom a lilwr.l. will be glveai. No Cnneip-nioer.M made. l" EMPIRE SEWING MiT, f vi' oft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers