T II E E L K A 1) V.O C A T E NEW ABVERTIJSrlUTS ! ORPHAN'S COTT.HT SAL"T NOTICE hereby 'liven that, in pur-u-mice of mi ord r of lie- 0"pj!i- ";' ,"f Elk county, we v ill i e,. c ! I '-'; ' ''"'. on llir premises in the ' i 'i . n ii I Si. e.a'.ys in said county mi tin- - 1 d iy I' ''" 'her next lit otic o'elee!; n. m.. Hi" t'11 vin .1 1 - scribed Town 1". in f :i I I' el' --'I Mary's, to-wh : Town Lot Nil .1.1 - Wi-'u : I n Mi t rus street. Town Lot Nutnhei i.itc:i 1M ) 1 1 -rus street. Town I.ot Nc.mV".' irn t ;-' "a ''I i'i- rus Fticct. Town I.ot Xumber t-evet,; en ' 17) on C.m. Irr jtrcct. ' Town l.Ot Nut.. !; i'i'i'v i-1 i'i'i-m Hicrt. Kuril t.fMU.I U v.:- 1 1 F. v " 1 i.n !rcd feet front ' '.1 ttM nr is ;..! n.t leto; Kick nt rijilsl audits with mi-.iI s:ii,. f... himdi cd feet. Terms of rale, on: half cvIi nt lisno of sale nnd remain ho v. i . 1 . : six ::;..: 1 ho nftcr with intrn -t. t 1 b" : i-.v. ed by t!-e purchaser, to the sail I'.i"iim 1 r ii." ,ub tcribcrs. 1:. r. ,'T!:rt, rxi:, M.M.Y i Aooii.iis'iati.iP. Ft. Mary's, Nov. .'th 1 -v.V Orphr.u'3 Ccr.it. In tli e matter of tV "1 In V n-.-bnn's Petition of Wi'.'.-nia II. i r ,r,i t of f. u.o Marr guardian of Mary ! ty. llcllcu Marr. IViiii'i 'i i l-ao H '!nn' P. Mnrrand A'em 'I i:v '.- :. !. 'I " ID'HVm. 1. Hull trri. 1 i'i ir ii.'. 1 lian of David !'. Van-. ! f..i '" an y T Alfred Murr and An. i the ;t!i ticlta Man-, 111 1 11 i Ii il 1 day of ' ' -t . .1 -.t. drcn of David Man- hi'o I A. l., ''. of Northumberland Co., deceased. J AN exemplified record f. o a tin Orphan's Court of Nortli':i'.-.'!:Mvl r m;y I'eio-'a . decreed a calee! certain r-.-al flats therein mention. Ami now to.w't. ")., .t,nr 1V1 li:r. tho Petition otW'pi. I!. M:irr i .r !:.ri 1 I' M.ii'v llelienMivr. V.'n,. 1'. V-r.r and Win. 1'. liu'l i'-i Alfred Murr .! 1 A:i . '. 1 .V...-I 'a-r .v-.I i!. M.,rr . ... -ii.,- drcn of I'.ivi I Mr.-. !i: ' : v: !.;!) county, in l:.e .u' . ceased, se: 1 't't' . . . t': .- that their s-. ; 1 War'.. ..: .. in !' ': deme?ne a if 1 'ti' 1 in i'i ' !:.'! cnth interc.-t in a f 1:0 . r-f -I' Li t i. natc in Jay t '.; !n ing eighty srv. :i the Court to i:r 'e 1 1! petitioner..; to : ' dollars, IV :n t ! ' -.i '1 Wliorcui.r.n I !i tiou had, do o-(l ;. " nforcsai.l re .".I : '. ' and r lid ' ind bvii- 1 d" ijyv. . Oijilini: .- I' ! expose 1 I :i' . . ! .lidjwa'-. '.: the 'j:"'il.: V. , n'eloi'k p. in., : ! ; . i !. interest o!' !h.' f '.'.. ' .: .1 - laud. .' no I . . I. : nt llic N' r'!i w i ;i ' by Joseph I' i' :!:! (' .V thenoo V.'o -t on i,.r,.iiv.. nnd a half p.nT' . ' thenco lac:! Io i: inier in i aforesaid '.'( i'l" ' i i ' a:: thence North a' n;e '!. a!..!-, plnco of b"a'i:i Jn .-, s';o i: Klk euunt.y lVe:. .-. a:.d c . seven and on; half .ioiv same more or ie s. Terms c VM. W .I . flunnliens 'f minor e'lie Marr, latoof Nort!. deceased. l..!ri li I C To CcRsvijmtives. TllO undersigned h --.i:. - 1 -.!: to health ill alew weeks, by a pie reinedy. all-, t l:.!.!i -a-V , rul years with a .- -wye hw.: and that dreti 1 di.-. ase. o : oiu anxiotu to !i! ;i.e Ki;tv:i t i I: sufferers the tiie-in of cure. To all w'.io il ' ire it. he v. ' copy of the pre;i-i ip'ii n n . d chiirso.A with the' '! r. e'io I"i restored . 1 MID- l i 'II. i , i;i i. I is V- l.ar ilia; and u.-ing th :: . 1 :1 find, a Mire cm; e ! : 1 ' : Asthma, JJiTii' -bi;i-'. i : yV- The only rdjeet 't',. !.. i ins: the 1'ivsci ip-.i.iti i i,, afflicted, nt.d jv'oa a I ii.l' !.:' llO COncgive be io". aiea! hopes pyefy hh'P rer v, ;i' try h OS it Will CO.-t t!l"iil O ll:'U-. proven 1..:-.:i'::. Pai'tie-, wish'-! - i'i 1 .r.r -;: please addre;-.-. Rkv. E!W M"'- A W; ! ma William. -but l". .'ii..'- ''".'o. . NeW Y ' 1 1 k . Xt K Auicr'c loiiio Water. AN IS v A 1.1 A i i.t: l'i.-f u V V. A Fen. GRAIV ' 1 I.. i,, ,.,.-.,ee 'As-e'c'i e The must j ov.i r! il and Restorative knm n A'.ei.t , Sail. liticuin. I anci'i'.s, i !!: .0 ai i ,u, ( on. fitmption, and 1,1 ,ny t hionie and Hire, mlitary l)i.-eac--, are cue i by i.s u.-e, n thoUS.ilnis can te.-; ii v. I i i ;-n i.a I s free. Pi ice. tr'l p r la.ttle. or ti lor So. PR. If. AN;:ER'- ': Co., Physi.nn and Cheini-ts. i ; ; York Sold by P.a,:. iron i nth: in . a-.w.iy, .ite.v '.elie.'aily. Rl.MM,) 1 Be ) 1-1 11 v !. 0 with its I. in: Ei ing Ninm-ih, ' 1 the i, oh) k,.s., Prop .v, Chro'ii male 'Yed.i ;. ThoUailids le,v i Use i f tilis llledie . i 0 .it.;- held .1 . : !. is !i :. i . ' . . . . .". e,, I N. e. !.:li i. for I'v.-e .a, !.,!. I'i .ei"', . '.' . 11 I a - 'i a rl.an . I I v ' I'liilll w.-ak. si to .:io:i i. lie Butler eg cri-atui.s to s-,,.;i llL ,.,v. . una in happy lui'U an 1 women. A H2 pa-o p on di,.! s 'ii' I'l-. e. "i I C. I , , ' ' ' J. P. PINSMORE, ;;; n v Street,! New Yolk. I i nee I i-.u ...t . .. I .. . roll by I Ttigt; ..! gt.j'Oi-ai.y. tlGN OF THE FLAG r i.i:tn!:v, tiioto. t : ;t pii and A M l'." )'I V t'V.W In' ii"r r.-.iiio ld!."l j s (),,. lv jn-ojiavation of the kiml made litfvil iljitllC li.lll Voi l)l of . Ii'i'in tin I'niil. As an ttrtiuli! (,f ccono. till' "iMdintui l 11111'," WOlllll ".V- I',l,i(.V. "I'.'! l.'licioUMH'sS, it PH.IIlOt , ,. 1 1 , .1 , : ln .'iirtiasM'il. iiiul is fooiiimin'inli'il hv ri'sMi-i' u v siiiiiou u ; to tin' i , ' . 1 1 . , , , , . .1 f't 1 1 ' l'hvti'ii ins l'if invalids ami laiiuly tiMi. 11 ti. 1H t)i I J I-' way !inl ; j, viii ,,.(,p ,. j-oiirs in any climate, joiiiin c.iUlliirs, tliat lin h.'l! while its pmiilcii-a.'il Uirm lvtnlcrs it cs. a l.lif ion.il iniprDVi'iiii -lit ' wUy cnnvetiient. for tnivpifi-u. All T.i l.,.f!i li-l.l i..ln!ar;itus,:mirw,".'rs h',,'"M: !,ro -' 11 , , . , I , 1 atital. I .:i!cr(aiiimoutit li::tno. tiartisi. ! : ' J ; T ' ' liiMisclf l iiar. lie can f..i(li- ll;c liin-t fa-t Minus tatd ill ;i TKi ': mi l litt'liki- Hid' ; ., 1 , . . .1 ' lie Miso kecj!5 constnntly .n haiM. a gootl aoi t..H'iit of ( t.a ,, s " j I'jirrii-uktr attention p:iil to ; innviie--all Wn-h of pictures i Ui.l.oway Nov. lltli ): GjDLY S LADY'S BOOK T li i; K-tskinji Afjicynzino oftli" AVorM :, ''i ri !:i:. n.i-: aim's wn m ;t in i.'iiifi 'eiit I'Oi'liT.E PAS' If. . ' i i. i i f.. i noil rii'jravmirs on i v, rv sol jci ! ilnt e.-ui interest ladies. Civc!'o' keitritiL', Nettimr, Enibrnidery. Ai';e'es fa- the Toilet, for tha I'arlor, the lieu. loir, ami the Kitchen. Every. t!iinr. in I'arf, to make a complete I.MiY's liiir'iiv. TllO Ladies FavontO For 36 Years- N.i '..ii.'iic !i:ii in'ioi able to compete v. i'ii it. e:ie an .'in pt ii . i.iiM-.Y'S ItrcKIPTS i'ir ev:-i'v ci'-j.aviii.vnt of a iioa; e'uild. Tlii'sc i'..i. weri'i I in- I'l'ieo of I lie Dee';. i.-i ( ! e; i no ti!ir Aia;.:a.ilie rives : !e :.i v.-. : !i 'ii l , i m I ) : a 1 1 1 1 1 . i : s n s ro 'f 1 1 1: vi ) i." N c. A !...! .ii"- -i.e. i.,'!tv v. it!) C.d .y. oi'lGINAi. MI-SIC. wi.riii a year. ii".' '.'a . i.'ii'S l . 1 1 1 1 ! . ! i i!n wi.i'n - mil ii:n- . I-... .ni i . ..'.i c ... i: ...i..-.. i... ;!,', ,.i,. -.ir.v.. " " i may be the ineaiis of savin-j your money tin niie: I. r l.adii's. Auoi her pnciiliiir nnd perhaps your life. Seun an oddics i:y v.-:,!i ;!! "y. sed envehine til I :;-ie-ei f.-mn Mo-i"i. A. T. Stewart i.. of N. w Vnvk. the mill:.. ni a:,v, ei'r- 1. : 1: -' i'li'Dp-s. Vo jrivc more of thorn i : i n vi' ir tii:ti iiny ',f!:"p I'l'i'rtzi'i". In 1 i! t' I. '!;. IN, iv en iM.'s cvoi'y Iiuiy to ha l.i'P O'.VM l,,:i::'l .-s r.r -.?:,.;.' ;...! '-V ;.. .- ; '." . , ,.-.- r'-7 ..." v.-(..,i-y inonili, utiil f'-ii rn ' ; i' r-;t'iit. V now ivtvol I'y !.c; iii,!.,;-'i!' 1 in Wc liavo n!o rp- I i; ! .i'i iitir oi l iiml i'uvur'.i'j coa; rihu- T P R M S () V G03iM5y.AD73 BOOK FOil P-C3. I. a: -.' the terms of (!ia l.a'ly's i'ir ( Hie ee; y, o no year Two copiei. ore year 'i lirre e ii.i . one ye.iv l' . ir e .jii..s. i.te- car $3 00 j 6 .-i'i o 7 f.i) 1 -10 00 : r1 i : . e.i les. oae yea, r.p.il an trr, I e ; yti) the :. in yeiliiri; up ilie club. ia.Jd.i',' - ..-..pii's ' 1 1 00 , iiigiit e .yos oie yai. anl an trrtra ! eopytollie uiie irettinjr up il;e c'.ub. i? nine r..;.im 21 Cd i n r"'..i, .me vear. and an or- I trarny I a I l,e i.nc pel lie up the club. I inal, ; le' t w"li " eeii'es 'JT ."0 (-. ' AH 'I'Miiioiis to clubs at eluli viitc'K. I-'.'. . idey's l.ndy lioo.i and Arthur's line Ma'Mini' will '.je sent, each one year, a i ".'i'iil ot .s ! r,!!. t. :...Wi! bhve no club v.-ith nay other! IT!'!!! ' ei il.!Wsi;10!r. ; !,'' ,. '!''.- i'. .' .' he ten'al oiif limt r . I'll ni' !!' c. ! Tam. la y i i i.r.i.i ii eiibers must sp.id 2 1 , each suliserilier. I.. 4. !s::y. j '.V ar, I t,'.'t,:-(!iiit t'Urft(4 BL-li.JI5LnTEIHGS .ie u:i !)f I ai;e.l pleasure in ! nei-hi j, to t lie r! ti.-ns of RidLMVayl v.cin.iy. thai lie has huiir a new i e mi ll . li. 'I , .,.i on til" E 1st side I ol .be . lie leadii..;' to the P. k E. 1 1: ii.l a 1 Poo ... where he will do al I. I'i 1 f Hoik will) jiromptncss ami in tie' lies t vie. He does not intend to 1 be : .iirpa-sed eilher in low prices or good Also cures Salt Rheiiu.-, I'leer,. Chil v.'. rk. He iru-t.s that cohMilerable ex. l,Lti 11.-. and all Erujitions of the Skin. 1 erieiiC! iml uroiiiiit iitlentioli to the "... ... . '.iMii' 10 j'l'i.soii v.iii M'uu.i; u iiueiai share ol payi'iir pat.'oiia". SAMUEL STRICKLAND. Rid-iway, Oct. 2th '(io. tf A'A IC i:sTAr,usiiMi:sT. J0NN MoCLESY & CO., TANNER AND CURRIER cnrrevilh-, !'!'; ('..etnly IVunsylvauia. Wiil keep ,. ,t'y OI, ,,, kin 1 of st- e'. in their line. CASH PAID FOR HIDE, Joseph Windfelder of St. Mary'it, will receive nil kiuils of hides and pay , . C is l to" t to same, Ccntrcvillo, Oct. 26th 05 -tf. KING'S rouT vi; 1, 1: LK M O N A 1) 1: .,, ,.:,.;,., sim,i ,,t iJ0 wiihmit it. l',,r s.,1,. ,y nil I'Mi-uits ami first class '--rocors. Ma.,n!adiir.il imlv hv i, oris .i. r.jy.r.vM, No. r.r.HVarlSlroct. N-.vYork. W. J. l'LAKKIA", nooksi'lKtr la1 inner antl doal- t in Kaucv articlea l'05t ori'u' J5ttil-i.!-' Cc,1,r0 s'rcrt- r t. Alary s, liik counly, J a. NOTICE. Thf Coiiiinissiotiers of Rlk county, win inum ar incir oun:c in muwujr uu i thc2tt't of November inst. I 1 V order ot (lie Commissioners. JOHN C. M'CALLTSTF,!', CLEI1K. lliduway Nov. 1 Otli 18C5. TVotiCfA. Ishereby piven, that a '!aiii!iy i 1 Inn were earned o:. my i lands, on Poiinets liraneh in Uenrzette townsliip. Klk eiuntv Pa . fnmctiiiin in Match 1 Si'.i, w'ith the followinu' marks, (i ;.1T o M-OT T 0-P F O O-W 1) and other marks I don't know the mratiing of, tlic owner or owners thereof, are reij'.tired to prove property, pay nil le;.ral charges and take them away, oth. erwise they will be forfeited according i t0 'bo limitation of the law. U.M.PII JOHNSON Sr. Sent. 2!th 'fl"). Consumption. A vabnlde treati.-e by a Retired I'hyMeian, on the nature of ronmimp- tion and its various sta-es. touetnerviith rules lor self treatment, and simple pro- seriptiniis wliien have cured thousands, : wj li0 ,uU V0 nfchai-e, to liny one I . . ..... .1 1 1 .. . m I, 1 ...i.r i'.iii 1 1 . 1 1 1. ill. 1 .11.1 1 i i pivni'jr. STEPHEN HAMLIN. M. T. M ii f.i f i ' rout- H4 New York City. March 17, 'l "'in. BOOK STOR 5, . . . .1 .iist lineeivrn t -i n k !7. ..i.Miv s r.oini f;i-'ii;K. di net troin :he 1'itbll'lurs ii New V..tk. I'osio,, i.n.1 I'ldboMpliia. a well se. I... ,I KtoeU of SCIinn. lauiKS. Miie.ido i irallpan- ,d l-.lk eioiaty and por.ion-, o, the !i'h.n!oi"i- eininta-s. i i. hers, j-elinnl lmerinr-.and i:.e,.l,iic aie iaviled io rail an 1 e-:aio'.ii.' n.y tneU Kaviier pmrleiM-d . I I I . .' . ...... ... ....'. I III). v i.i'i' ii.ii lie- j'l.tjit.ii.i ."i ... -i.i. . tin cnaliii"! to sell low. a iro'i-u itise'iaiii made on all purchases of 1(1 and upwards. w, .i. i:i.ak!:i.v. Sit. Mhi-v's Seat. 1 1th 'ti". r 3 rvj -3 "Si icaa o as -1 k-5 2 - " 'xi -1 C3 - a -d H Pi I tcli! I toh! Itch! .,.,,, .ii, - Scratch . patch cvntoU f - "- Whcaton's Ointment Will Cure the Itch in -IS Hours. , !..;.... Ml ....... l. i 1 11 .1 w .its. can. ail lllUl! - i-"ls(s 1V sending GO cents to WEEKS h POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washimr, ho, street. Post,,,, Mas it will be lor- warded by mail, free of poftajje, to any part of tho United States. Sept. lth 1st;."). ti,,,. VALUABLE TOWN LOTS A.l)!",i",,''"",,'i,""c"''V ",0 T-whil parturr l,i i iMie ,',,i. ...ii, .lames (birU, to lha eonioion sine!;, is l-AHMS lOKSALL. leifcbteuithouuddollars: oth. The pavl- l,iroiie.h of St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. Likewise .") acres ol' land, 1 ol a mil south cast of the Porou-h. Likev.'io nine h.ind.el acres of ond f irm land. 'Three farms with ur"od h ui-esau 1 barns ttn!i them, and likewise Coal of an cs a ; celle!,t .jn.ility, the coal veins 1J feet ! in lhieknc--s, with a good pror-peef of oil ion Pine creek, near Greenville, Clarion l n l a. I.ikcwii-o one share in a flowing well, in Oil City, ami five, interests in oil Paso.-;. A Iso for sale a larir i and com- uiodious Hotel in G ivciiville, Clarion ! Co., Pa. i i.i .. . i . , i i i i.r i"rms ami inner particulars apply to JACOR SCIIl PFER, at. tha Hotel in Gieeuviilc, Clarion Co., I'a. .May 12th, '05. Pd ?1 50. M ANUF ACTUHUR OF ,l!clct ll mail in'tqilfi rill Hi MAIN STBEET. 1? 11 O O K V I L 1. K 1' E N N'A. 'i'cte-nti'ti'H, Sofas, Diavans, Easy Chair?, Chairs. j PP.AYVIXO.noOM ' IIAIKS, i Ami Upholstered ware of nil kimls. also Cain ("lairs, Cain Uockin-j Chairs. Comraon or "Windsor Chairs- Ueailsteads, Tahles, Staii'ls. 5caures. Li-ht flan.ls. AVhat mils, Corner Stands, AVash Stands, Wardrobes, Dookcases, eu. iu. ivc. i Wc spare no pains in parking fnriii. ' 1 ture so that it can ho shipped tiny dts j tnnco without bcin.2 injured. Do not : for-ot tho lee. UROWX'S WARE 1100M3. T)ec. 2ttli PTi l.-tf. NOTICE Letters of Adnonistra tion r ttslanuuto mw.rn. on the es- tate of Anthony Knntz. Into "f the bnr- ouh of St. A'ary's drpi a-ed, having been granted to the undeifiutied. All persons indebted to said es'nto are re. quested to make pavnient mid those liavine; claims to present them without delay to APOLPIT FOCIITM AN, St. .Vary's, VAk Co. Pa. June 1st 'Ci'i. Ow. iss,,r.LTl(.N.-Notiee is hereby liivc-n faV ,,, mtci partnership, here- tofore esiMin-liL'tween Tl eodore Palen ,lf Wics. Elk county. Pennsylvania, ,.,, .,,, . ,o;... r 'i'luinfi.-Kl 1 the State nf New Jersey, for ll io inanulac- tureol leather tit Wilcox llk county Pa. said partneiship hVrng formed under the Aetol Assembly of the 21st Match 1 !(!. entitled "An Act lrlalive to litni ted fiartner.-hips and its supplement.-1, will be dissolved, fully and finally on Monday the 21st day of August. A 1 1 Si'i'i ; the said iartnership then ceasing and determining by the mu'.ual consent of ll:o parties. THEO. PALES". ! VAir.3 L JAIUS, ' Xl!l.. T. 1 . 1l.i. 1 .li'" iiieox.jUi ii'in io.). A I ) M I X I ST 1! ATO IPS NOTICE. l Notice is hereby given, that let- ! ,lt-;imii,,ra.i..u on the estate of, , . t J Uillls V enioautne.., la e ol JuMi.iinrer : township. Elk county, deceased, having I ....... .1 ... I .- . . ...,...,.;......! .. out li : ii 1 1 1 1:'. I III in.; nil 1 1. i -1 r 1 1 o , i i persons indebted to said estate are re. i (juested to make lmuiC iiate payment, and those havinir elaiiiis atjaiiist the same will present the same duly auihcti- tieated for settlement to, HER..AN KOCII. : licnxinger April 13th 1S'J4. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Whereas, Letttis Testamentary liav. I ins been granted to .Jno. Stock man and 1 Anton Fochtman, Executors of the last will ami testament of Lori!iiy Stockman, j I late jf St. ?,'ary's, dee'd, all persons I knowing them.-clves indebted lo said! estate will make immediate payment, j ami tlioso havit g claims against tho j same will present them du'y authenti . I cated for settlement. j CEO. ED. WEIS, Register &c. j ! DISSOr.UTlOX or C0.1AKTXEItsim. NO ll:i: is hereby civen. that I he Co. I'artnership heretobu-e exist im, uuder the names off. I.uhr Co., at St. M,,ry-S and I'l-ed Selni'iiinj; ,S: Co.. ai Kersey, is dis- s .m-i,,,,!,. mnn i:.si. oy " ," ' , "- '''"'" f.,i iir.il. n.in . . in.niit. n i. 1. ,.. .1... hands of Chns. l.uhr St. Mary's for setlle- v..... ..... ..1. in ment. CIIAS. I.T'IIR JAS. SNKltl N'GKlt, ruKD scnojxixa. Mav, lf.th lfs.;.-. XOTlCI'l (IP I.1MI r I'D l'AltTXI'.ltSII .1' NOTICE is hereby .'iveri tl.it Theodru 1 aiey. iieretnioro resol-U'tat Alleiinv. at .v.,,., t.. .1... v..... v.-tc '",, .11 , iv- ' -1 .1 1 v- ...... . ...... but now yesMin,, at Wileo Elk Cenoty, , uiiin; 1 1 iiii- miniii, II II I .r Jl lll'JI 1 1 i residence at l'laenlield in the .Slate of New Jersey, have formed a limited partnership pursuant to ihe Aet of the General seiubly 01 Hie ateiit I ennsylvania, pas-ed tlie .'l-t iit IMri' 1 IKItl. mil 1 1...I . V .. ..I ,...l.i itive 10 ,. ,, ,. , 111110: l Jlitri 111111 l'I Illlll 11S M'M'llll Mll- 1 plements. for the manufacture of Leather at , "ileo.-are.aiih upon the nillo-vin, terms j rZ ! f the Indues, iransae.ed is .lie mnmifaeture I of leather :. 'Id The naa.o of the ernerat j partner is Theodore I'nlen. new residing at ll'ileox iifoi-esaid -till. Tho ani uint of lHiil. A LITTLE OF EYERYT1IING 1 Quffcrei'3 Wmi Coxji-mptiox - relating to the hum. hi syst, in, male : ij vst h m A, Rronehitis, or any tii,e.i.-c and female ; the causes and treatment of j ol liie Throat or Luiis, wiil be ciicr disiviscs ; the marriage cus'om.s ,,f (he ' fully luiiiislie I, with mt c!l:li m; .it'u ii,e win hi ; how to many well an 1 a thu- j remedy by the u-e of w iiieh the Ri.y. sand thin-js tievr published before road Euwaiid A. Wli.sn.v.of Wii!iaiu-bui .-. the revised and enlarged editio-i of ! N'ew York, was compleleiy rctoie 1 to "M rid (A I. fiiMMoN Sk.nsk." a curb J health, alter haviii- suiieiui several ousbook for curious people, and a good years with that diea i ui,c...;e. Cuu-a.nn-book lor every one. 4;);l page. 10J ti.iu. To Consumptive, iutrercrs, this llluMrations. price (fl, ,)). (.'ontents . iv.medy is worthy of mi immediate trial, table sent frso to any address, liooks It wiil eot nothing, and may he ihe may he had at the Rook stores, or will means of their perfect restoration, be f-cnt by mail, post paid mi receipt of Those, desiring the same wiil p!e.,.,e ,J the ptice. Add:e?s die-s Ric v. EDWARD W;i'0T' E H. I'OOTE, 31. D , 1 GO South gecoad Stteet, WiliiatnV 1130 Ureal war, N Y. burh, King Counfy, New York. MAKCil lilGirr INTO 1; IDG WAV ALONG .VAIN sri'vEUT TO THH Old C h a p i s Whcrn you will fin.l Dru-s, Uiis. I'air.N, Vai ni- h, Kni.-l-.-M. a t i o n a e v s w.T':!ii:'. WAUHANTD ; sii.vrrtwAUE, WARH ANTI'.D ; A general assortment of Va rieties ami x v i rt-rfi ' "r- w' i-Jjiij LAL:ljj I'aiicv Scir.i.' Violin Striiy'; ! PerfuiiK r:es, Albums, Yanl-.i e Nedins iVc. iunn Oil hv the Impe'cI, Dyt: j Allll H nieiits and Implcnu ntv i,artai:i - :. . . 111 i TO Tilt! ni'Tir lTT-iTVV? r IWLK I)UM.MV (I'C. for Mi'dical piirjioses. nnlv. llOKDWEEE & M ESSENCE; Rideway, Aug. 17, M'i.". Imformation Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMEN, enrek of Norvmt: j I'ebiiily. Incompetency j renuitnie le. cay, and Youthful E: Tor, aedta e 1 be a desire to benefit c.t'iers. will K hj.py" tii furnish to ail who need it ('Ley oi charge.) the recipe mid directions, f r ; m iking the simple remedy ti.-. 'l in l;;s case. SiuTereis wW.iag to ioliiby tho ainenisers uait eTCpe: leiir., l p".,a s I .... 1 1 . 1 1 1 .. . i a r hi u i "a ai u.ioie i e.i.eu y, can u.i so '.v Idiessiug him at r.ajc at his place of l,;,.-;0.: ' TI e Pet-i-, t a'- ' !'! .'rn.-i i;(, iifvii'. iniport.i uee v.ill be'iheer MK ,v lc ,,,,, ,.,;, 1 u'v 1 "i mi-i'i " .1.. Address .JOHN Ti. OIT'p.N"; Xo. lilt Nas..;i,i Sitv t. N..-,y Y.;;. i ... ( j (v Cl'Vi 1US ultOiTi.-ofh'iili sc.e-i .1.:. : . ii. i.;e.i i :i i -a i niloni:a;ieii rjvaluab!;.'. (3 ino'chs PIS SOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER IE II IP, NOTICE is h,icby '.iven, that the! j Co Partnership heivtoi'.i-c cxi-lipg uti ! dcr the triniis of Anthony Mr.!.;:; un ' John Krimh, at St. J.'ar has Cits day been ilioIycJ by mutual c..n.-. :.t : of the parti.-;. ANTHONY KTNTZ, ! JOHN JvRUOll. i June 22d 'G i'ult I'd. .. ATE W M U S 1 C 'T U N V: li A L .' M A li 0 If TO T II E M F. M - i ORY OF APR I1A.M LINCOLN,"! the Martyr President, by Mrs. H . PAR Kill' EST, the pojmlar composer' i lie lionie Journ:d s.:vs : "1 oi.; is u f., i ! C(, : .. e :.' , M"'";- ill' o.sll iin. U'eil woe lie t i.-i v. i mi .o i , .' AV,.V., ".il'l. J'"! . l'uM.ve .".'o l I'll r. Alih l-l I -' i EEKLY" Price IP.) cents ; wi'ii vi ..enc u. i.ie rresioei t, .11 cent;. .ia:l. "I nee. j U0il ,er, H 1 1 i" A I M-, W A I - . . iuuau v ii-A k w ; -v.. h. 1 ! ...... .-i T Ajl&g! - t i j 1 e. i..i , , . , .1. OTICE Wliereac. I.,.e ,.; V, .1 .. 1 metitary to the Estate ol Michae' Ovel late of Jcy lnwiishiii ",:!; county loo d have been granted to the tub.ei i. j -,-M : A11 pefsons indebted to said Ivstate aro ro'jiiest"I til iiaU'j itiiiyeMi:,te having ciims .payment: and tll".-e 1 '.!.. . .. mm :i 1 .1 1 i' S;l IIP V r .'.:,.!. I I ; .' !o . i e 11..'.:, .1,1 ill.'!,, .1,1,- f n'uthcudcatcd lor settlement to 1 . . . JOHN llRR. llcuczott tp., liik county J..,, ay tp. j-.U county .,c. io,. i6,y, -l..lls-.,i'.ui-'j.j. (TTRAY C.Pl'TLE -Came to the ST ' "!,,"l'.' .M,"",t ,!' -' " A!1"1 'b,' a ,'c'' V1"10 i-f-'Ucl t--y, about 7 J'ua,'s old Miico had a calf, olio red , steer about I year old. The owner is Josirea toc.n.io forvvar.l, prove property, . ,.... ,. . ( ,, '., ... ' i! .T' T u.,,,l'r v,so ,!,0' VlH j-.-.T- , mi tin i ii j lit y Ullltl.'l'i. Pox tp. Aug. P.l, (!,"), GEO J'AUiT. toco x s v n i t i v j : a . Ftaiionriry and PorlahV Kninr:. wilt new I'.-iti-nr J'hf.m. cMniilorn (or SAW JJUJS Oil IJQI'JXQ roii OUi. -A L S O- .02 i w'.ihTivo Kr,f;iry Saws, ricpod ior in a:.v .--'zed -k. ATO-DIHVING I'lPE, M.niufi.rtnr.-U in Famiii-ky, Ohio, find delivered nt any .:;.! i,,n" o;i the I!ail 1'oifl. rhearrr Rui liotfor, than can li fn-reMied J.y I'a-ti.i n Mfci.uf.icturr.rs. f - E"1' Cni 1 In r informal!. m. udurfi 1,v ''-"yvut lliduway, P. ()., E.k Co. Pa . i.rin fe,,,, at Spring CfOtk, o:i the Clarion Kivcr. Wui. Q. SWARTS. , . Antiit July 1st lCo.2ia Pd. rViU? ".iood how 7-'Y-'-:i. l.oht, how Re- 1 ' " new edition of Dp ICulvci'wellsOalc'oratcdEssay ' ' ''"'"'''v'-e f wi:Uut meiiiciue) ,;' ' '-: -'A i cKIirr.A. uv seminal i eak. , "i,-'---s Jir.oiuiiiiiry .-eminut Wiycs, i..ipd t::'. V, Menial and Physical Incapably luipe-'.iiiieiit s t j MM'riae. etc. asoctp coxsevrtox Ei'i;.Fi-isv, nt.d Errs, id, e.nei.d l.y .; f-ititluljruuso or scsual ex.. tr.-i'. aircncj. i J.-...1. rice, i ti a scaled envelope, only 1 ,;.;,us' ,, , . . ,. , . I 1 " ' ceielevtiod iv.iteor in this adnnra I 1 , , .i i i . r 1 ;:"';"'a '',-:';,'.v ''-w'"htrate?, from a i h.itv ve:;isMf'eo-n,i i.raiiee. that thou ar.rniii''.; (.,,M.-.ti(.)1(.,.s i I sctr'absucm lo! ta 1 1 'yr ruivd v.ilhoct the dangerou, use e!' in;.. v:ki! i.:editi::j or tho apjilicit. (mti r t !i - pointing out a inodt t)!'er:e, at o:;C sin.ple, certain andclTcep r.a'. 1 y i.tean, i f vbtcli every sufi'erft r.' i : : -1 1 v v.lo't i:i ce.n'.Viiioa may by way e;;r l.itr.scR ehcujyly, privately and nt '':!' i. Leei;'.i-- siiould be in tho hati'l.i i.i every youth and every man in the land. Sen! , under seal, bi a plain envelope,, li any address, jiosf-j'!,, on reec-pt ot t ix ten : s. or tv.o j.tst ul-.tuips. AdJress the pul-li-ltcra. CIIAS J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Uowc-ry, Now York, Post oflJoa 1 ' IOVeTxLM ; 11 "N 1 , T , ,. , Vn,-,,:i-V k-x 45SG. A RIM ON Y. man seniun? ma 1 P e if ad I nil! receive Jul! directions h r g.iii.'iig tin- aileLiio.i cf the oppo sife s:e:,-. an 1 which v. ill enable them to marry happily, irrespective of wealth, riARlE LEM07LLE, Uaricm P. O.. Now York city. TO CON: UMPTIVES. Vw -iiiii ive su.vjrer.s will reeeivo t v:dii:i!,i.! pivscript'iuii fir ths cure of c i!isu;iii.'! A-::huu. Eroiicliitis, and a!! thro it and l.-i:i;r ai:'ecti:5iis, 1'reo of charge. by s.-ndin-- th.-ir ad.'.ross to Rev. Ei.i'.."A ii!) A. WILSON, Y.'ihiauitLure;. lungs Co., 3 n.onths New York. IF YOU WANT TO K NOW NOri1'" is hercliy iven, that ona l.,.i, s. '....-. I . . .- ..... .-.mi.i.h ii'lo'ltlM!!,' Ill lilts pa- i 1K ' "" f Valuable Town Pits and Par ir sale, has v.o authori- t , to ,1.1! :; t ivy ii i'ts ar. 1 2." .neres of : , ijn a',1 11 ir Sr. M.irys lioroucll as 1 1 -i t u 1 . ..i 11. r 'o'em r, any s.de made of ' , il;e : am o-i any pa't ilieve if without lr.y aiii i'i.val ;. : l... v liiii. " EONi:i'ATlPSC:iM0NTl. Ft. MaryV.Jnne 2-..1 o5. i QCP. C CL'RE FOR DIPTIIEIU.l j O WAI.I.Ij IM.'T.OVED MAGIC HALM. . m n. r. . - .... 1 1 11 1. 11 .1 1, ,i II I I, 1. U 11 l!"iuove O'ostriueiaiis. n!hiy lnflamiition faeilit!i!e l'ei-.i. 'ration nnl Circulation, re il.iees liii'i.reeiiinii.--. nnd vitalizo nnl siren-j-rle'ii wealsuied pails Cininpnnd liil 1;.. ... i1..'.; . v. .... .. . 11-- 1... 1- i i. j.'.p.is , .'lino- iie.eiiiei.i, j.aracne, p)ia lis Kreetes, T-iothaehe Sprains, Ih-uise-), ie. : and fur ';ir:iins lh-uises. Galls, I Heave-, 1 'i -a en. per, i. horses. Tha ' T' . I' l: "ImZ I - .pf '.. !".''"' ,'la! 1; 1 V ' ''serves to re c'e ' I;'v.u' ol the pumie. It is its own (oiiela-s; relief )':! p.-.'.i, nf any l'nin Killer inimeu iiiiiiin. mill ley the noi'lorm nneu off ml weeks, where it is known, now en joys the hihost repnta: ion, l'or sale by .1. l'owell, II. nils .Si M' can, Uidawny l'a. Wlmlesnlc bv C'.rtevi a I j un, ii Warfecls Dials slie.es, VMm 1'ii. W 11 IS K E RS !WHISKERST Do you want Whiekcrs or Moui.tuchc.? O'.r tiieeian fomj ouud will force them to yroiv on the smoothest face or chin, or hair en ball lo ads, in Six eeks. Price, 0 !.(''. Sent by mail tuy here, tlo.-i.lv se.de 1, mi receipt of price. Addic's, WARNER & CO., Box 1S3 iiiookljn, N. Y. 1'fb. 2oth '6-3. lyt. X0TKT. The lie.-hi and nccounm of Jacob J. Morer i Co.. nod Charhs II. Goring & Co.. ef St Mary's, havo been piaoed in tho hands i.fi he undersigned for sciileiM'!it. Parlies indrbti'd to either of tho above anus, in e notified thnt Ihoir ku colons most be sei i ,ed l,y payment to tho uiidirole-ed, within "0 ilavs. i.u: ;ii: j. i'ilakelv. Atfy for c;:risg sco. & stopek t go. St.Mary'i TobruaTy, 25ih 'i.bt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers