T II E ELK'ADVOC A T E tfLK :)V l I I ' I 1 I f5 V IV Ride; way- Pa, Not. 1 1 'ii(v,f .'. I'.V.V'.- A; . . ' 1 'IT. .''.'' -iA. A. Ar.Vr.:. ::..: 11 0 liassn a-,.- XT and I 0 tatw ot-., S. M. Pi'.l'l F.-Nii I i.i. i Agents li'i- the '-'. A : vv tnot i!i'.i:u,:i:i:!l aii I l.i i-t--s New-; a; oi-.-' i'i 1 :io 1 !! the : In. th-V !.' tr;'Ct lor us a' i : s v lnv.v.-t : cvr Yoik k-.c-:tcu I or? Iho :lli.i lb" Sill I'll ' i'i 1 cat' j v ; e i.u. J ,r,r exchanges. ents.il, ii!v.l dim: to tlit will i.i.o a.-. i 'er rt-ae ' i o ! i'i I e f... crat. I'v i.I:. ut 1 ;!'. red a p-n-: JU'trS I'i' t'.'i-i i i;i'k to J el I'i'! :a :;je t.i live. e.i hike ivarni and .'i . 'I ! 'i ', any I.e. ! like linia st tin ii ; o' !-.. e.-'.'iis. 'i'iii.-r- i ' tlnf the fut.J ' f t'.ie I vests w'.lh i.S leeal .ie ted, they are uiveN i.I if uneai'"i i i!.ey die (rats. i u .lie in. l he pre-s el' ll.is I'i i.i Mipi al to ail I rii-s i h in t lie inte.en's ul tin ir rl-. n.d .iill tiic inlcu' '. i.I tin ir to s!re'i::!'.!eii i I , y Im-al UU-'S :. al :...-. ti iii'.ci : cribo lur a . ln.iiiy iiS von can all i d, ut a'ioV a'.l ti, yuur hnuie paper, 'liimw I vcrtisinv; yi .'if can In it. cu'cai: not yield to a corrupt, oj.po-iti Democrat ('''; who takci .mi i.; : j'api r, and ivo if all his pa! Iiccus lo 1 e watched tie , .-ai. li,i a finaiR-ial pai iy u ii.ei..i.-l of hi- o'.vi'. r-wh in.-ii ! to cl.iini -. irejera'ie l.ivnr, a'.; I ; very class of in. u a,e t ! !:. , i f'l'iii.e, and tlcj iiei.iiiiali j.is i ,' i f'iit ... have 1 n.;-a. v. a an I'm i;.l- r-'-a-.i l tt'ii.MI ippal! V,'c l.ever tno-.v LiiJ :i,ij,o. l.lin'e ii! yrct , in t'.eir c ll'oi i t . i'liiatic.il and o-n i .i ' , , viha!l 1 '.:'.. a- i '.'..':,: iici.s .Vow i- ;' . , : .t. Vi'. i, a , , - -an 1 a ', " t ' , is i-a'v I'M' a Per i vr.;.- Tn:' Dn r;:t;:Nc. - v. ;o, a whiic in in wa.i I in a sc.-iu : 1 alley i i l'ii .Mayor v : at 'i'i.".i in fact, the city a-uh i i:i..1;? Oil lo I. 1, t In; nn;.-.': sh;i ilie ir ii. i ii- ing has been ( i i, ; i o to trjiors n! the ei inn? t , i in' j'L-.h'. 4-.l Wi'. a negro i.i . .1 ill an out Irut-e, not t'.ir '1.0 ',hilo In.'iu Was found. 1 .'layj:-, al once oflei-ed .1 r, lor tlie aiiist. ''i l ;';e vi this hoi'.'ih!e criiao." TI. j whiio njMi ?eeii!H lo be of v lid lie: ,al .'.,rd f.f-;-:UJ' '! el.'ittol.i uf deal.li 1 t' a 11 v t : 1 e eoual, uiii when a ljojiier meets: a S'lill- lar fate, it is ;i 'did li'inle lYUe v. Jill 11; 'in. "Gun. ii-." Th Vi linle. 'U'.l pol ing ci;-e in .i!eghi'ny City, v: t )a focus i.i ilie Q lai'tcr s. I'ittihuig, oa Saturday 1:-r. ir.an, Mrs. ) rider, was fouu 1 lit. .V Si HIS, The U'lliilN at luui'dev in the first degrco. iiDpre.-sive an 1 soletnn ; cei ! im in. .. that v triiii.'piniig 1:1 to.? c lirt ion:.!. h'. m t iiii 'l ti ; ite it e mil im-'e 1," mi i.'ppareii'ly, deaf and d ad. to (" thing around her, but. mi being c , 1 ted ha::!; t 1 her Ceil, she seems to h realized her a'vlii! e crliii 1.1. I.iiueut .Mil 'iVoej.iiig hitl .-rly dcm.iudin j admi.-siuii of her li'i.-'i.-ind and a c!.-. man a'l of which were raute 1. Vurnishc'l her little reiicf. C.'cnrj but .;'. ; XVifl'. mures meets at W'a ciiiiglon, on Mon lav 'h'5 1'h of ! 'eecmher next. A large po,a .0 1 of the mamb'.'i-s are on he gi'.''Uid aire id;.-, ti loara t'ie height t which the pih.i.'il gii's h-.s been 4 levai ! I by our Pichcan I 'i t idc.it 'I ii ' riir-' "ni tins hi'ipy family, iilolie plav,:l '.iiiiii alter the hoiii l iys, uhe'i the leiua ol r.-li i's, ;i 1 1 good folding v. ill !;. introdiiJJ I, w'licii will clo.-v.; nut the rwhsM' -'U.iioiJ J!- pa!,!il I. savers." Cl--i.-j1''l Ha r:;Co'u'.it crtcitcr ted- Arras ( l-tiN A, L-ng I hi i i, Oct h-ti (d'c iuiit-i lei'i'is iv:is bral. 1. A Leu up at s a id, it is oil ui.cy i.e.J Well! jti is'ie'h totd'iy. I'le.-,, t.ini t. &i j?, jv)d i" IVii.-C.mi.il Jcffcvcon Davia. : '; j' ;,' Iintii.'-li:it(! Pardon o'i the lu'ln'1 (:lii('Aai:. '1 ho Y.niniH Ih-opo-itions for his Trial A I and,. lied. Wamiinhthn. tn have 1 i en final Mill I 'nvi- H in I'i i Nov. 1 Tt appears y decided that .1 i-f.'i-r 'ivo :i lii'l j ; ri 1 free .i'i h-n. sns-.l he luriiUhcd ti jirtc-ipnrt to . .u ! i I'M u i v i 1 1 . ; liis parole never tn return The so .vi al i bins li' Iri.".! Law ul! i:i!' ti titrnii::h. 'I II. ni loik Cur!, .lii'lv.'1 I leT'.Vi nv) . was abrii. dolled lorrveount idn doubt ;is to t!i(i i j i l.'-i ii'i i i I' j'i: is iii-i i.m, and tilt ini ',"'.', ibihty ul ohtaiu'ii'jr nil unbiased jury at tied p! ace. A military eoteiois. simi had liri-M ,iNn aul'ci'.J n:nti at l' Hi' lini", nod vili'!ii: - Vi i-t )".". I Ciidhi.: t' i'i iiri hi:o n! i 1 1 s ; . i 1 ; i c V i'i tlio !i a-:-i::i:l";i i I' .Y L'nc.hi ; bu t!u: i're-i-h-t,f La included tn li ivis h i inure llli it,'. V ei lilt llinrliais I''.' IT.tliniWlltl.'. i t v..i :.! ii i'i; 'i-. i t.i t r v 1 i ii i in i.I. v I d atey ei! emt Cliase ver v. hich ( lii.'t ) u!:-ii l i 10: i was also lo iud , i- : s ycl no nr. ! S- iles ceut'i in i t!'" Tail I it ihere y .jmy t! is s : ! i i ' 'i: - in. had heen. an i 1 1 1 - would he im I'rcsiih'iit (ie !,. trie! anv-overr-ih-l the i;,-.iti',!liTe! (U 1 1 iis, ( on i hus said t I-1 t .inne cs (.( o. to "let t I" i ,.l. Ward hive vi'-iti"! tlie I'.r Ihe lil'e and I i''i" ". in of i,i Sou; hern st iles, .ir I, ,h'e I hat no i ehel will o !,. i i t t'.'e isoii, Ii Pavis ; , he wii! i'i.h:,!H' he made a i !,:l ' I a lo h" r. ',,;'. i- el in certain ('iar Im iiirvr. V 'I lut : ih- Aiik i if'in ,SV (. '(?.;?;!; H. ( ):r.viii of'Tlie Fi'iiinna. Fenian Urollicrhood has been in !. nee lot the T a t. eiht yearx. Its I' a 0( I .i v e, two (.1 the Ir'.sti exiles ol liui f )'Mahinev and Miclieal !i ul' w hum are well known The late (SelU'lal Cyreoran :,i ii. ii with t'letii. O'Ma. oi.n'ei'ed with this move '. nial t lion.;li a mere youth l ,1 in !' I:.' ! ut :i tin v . i"l and ..f i. era rv, i; II ioi tiea :-t .-. y s-:! ()' a. t; t! ie i v i Lanir.a. ; la siding in ' .,!: "V ca.ue by Ciiie iiaii I I the Fenian m. Fur Cve 7. it m.iit'taiued a ii'.-iding rapidly "s ' '.niada, and wiih a regular ii. 1 ti i-in i i .. and th- c civoniiou i 1 1 trnose of 1 ii 1! I'v av.r.v.'d. and a ove'ii-tn -.v 1 j irre ,ter iile.'s ' i' ;!m I'.'iii.ius t .ken e.ji dn'.vni'iuht a .'iiii'-s of t'l' ir lives. I Centre, is ack. i : 1 i!:.l 1 i '.'i : 'e n'.' men v '.10 li ivi 1 "V 'u'i .a as the ! tl'.Malioaev. t'ue 1. 1 ,vlei!,.f 1. evi' n by iii i ene'.nio.' hi 'I.!.- ei'.'.lured, if a chivalrous , to be nature, a. ,.i a in .ii.d -.T'oat deteruiiiiaiioii. The Stale "eu'r arc nearly all wealthy It Ml merchants. Vany Catholic cleigyme.i :,ri in itsnn'c--. and not verv long a-.') a ii neia! MeCroiii :v, pri-sideiit of the 1'cnian xl ilhtary C, uneil, went arm in i.i m v.i'h Fiithci-NVlgct, the Superior nf the i.i Y nit -. I 1 he l l a I'elil I'I processio'.i iio;ton. ('euei.ii Me iI.cr is a , iii' ! !"", aioi i ,: i.iie licueial I hiiilh, nf ! tin- Union -ii-nv, was a member nf the I ihiillici hoo 1 at the time of his death. xtili-.-ji'M of a I.argo Tovpt'ilo. Ni-.v llf.lv. CM,! , '). At 11.::) a.m. "('IT'' 1 ill Loot of N'.i :)') tlrccinvieli !i- n nf the hotel ii! 'lie :;l:tss in the to i t,,. i'n'i'iii tin.; n 1 , ? , ' io : t 1 1 1 a 11 ; , 1 ttie sijuire ihvo men h.eel : -! ! O il r 1 one xik 1 ill. 1 ia -; oi'the hotel ! a n ix as .ecui 1, y 1 ,,' his bill, and :ni-o I io c ,1 s in and !'! leelil it. This 'X s pl.c, ll I II , 1 in th s b igL: .iu's 100:11 111 ier 'J'his 111,1 ii ing sin ike e 1 it I ;-,iii.j Iroui tlie box. and it Ie, t ,v 1 III ni ini 1 c u rie 1 to the I; h-ivaU ) -.t us liiey reached the dewall. the ImX exploded, killing both ie men who were carrying the box, and imr much damage, -as nbovo meii- ti eied. This police arrested all the per- 1 s., ig at the hotel, and the nut ter is n nv being investigated. 1 lie cx i plosion was very loud, and attracted the ; attention of j'crsons who were a mile I iVuiii tho M'ciiii of the occurrence. LATE!!. Ir.w YiittK. Nov. 0. Twenty two ; ins were 'mimed bv tho explosion ! per I ', front id the Wvnini ti'-t Hotel vester- ry ; but none .seriously, except Cornell Is t-'ti vcus, a milkman, who was passing ':- ., . IV.'.: o x w is l it 111 tt.? ii'ia'i ny ii man 11 iinedTbeodo'e rsccnj. The barkeeper. (!' ran and MeK-.craii, who moved it out ,,f the building, got nway leloro it cx .l, d d, a. : I Wine l.ot a great deal injur el. Seers has b?cu arrested. lie states . h ,t he btuuuht the box iroui llaiiiburg, was entrusted to his care ns a specimen fcir sale liv the n?"nt of tlx; lionsn of i Wilhelm 'Kpo. i.I tins city. Wow n-- sens pnsitivcly tlmt lie iipvor nprned it, mill knew nntliiii"- liirtlicr cf its o.in- I loiif I Han Htatct udi.vo. u urn no i.'.o , iih; iiiih'i 111 imi.iiu ii- 111 1 1: iiu I'.iu ' , llir. Imx, l.ut snlii-f fpieiitlv toLl a innil i naineil '-'eliiiotiiakrr t" tret it for liiin, which the latter failc'l to do. National Thanksgiving Day. a rr.ficr.AMAiioN'. Y'lll UKAs, Tt has pleal Almi-hty i .-ii- ,i i - i : n. ( Hid, (Ins-iii r the year which i now i ' ."iniinir to an end. to relieve our i loved country from the fearful sc'iurase ' of civil -.var, and to permit us to secure ! ,i i i i' . .:., i i - the hle-sni'is ul neaee, unity nn'l liar. , . , . niony. with a preat enlargement of civil 'liberty ; I A w Ml. Vcrnn our Heavenly 1'ather ' has also (lurintf the year graeionsly averted from us the eilaniities of for eign war, pcfiilcnee and famine, while our granaries are full of the fruits of nn ;,lipd int season j A ml vlirrrtts "l iu'hteousne.is exalteth a nation, while sin is a reproach to any people ;" 'Now. therefore, be it known that T Andrew Johnson, President of the I'niied States, do hereby recommend , to the people thereof, that they do set apait and observo the first Thursday of December next as a day of National ... , Thanksgiving to the Creator of the ! Ciiivci-so for these deliverences and IdcssiiiL'S. j And do further recommend that on that occasion the whole people I ' I make confession of our occasional sins against His infinite goodness, and with one heart mid one mind implore ; ;,i...,,. ;., n, . nf , National virtue and holiness. In testimony whereof I have here unto sot my hand, and caused the seal of the United Stales to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 28th day of October, in the year of our Lord One .thousand l'.ight Hundred i anl Sixty five, and of the Iudependeiico of t'ue United States, the ninetieth. Andkew Johnson. 15 y tho President, Vi'm. II. SnWAitn, Secretary of State. The Jamaica Massacre. 'lilt! I, , , vcbollym I rogressmg T0!ii"il'.l ti'Oe'ltlt'S (iivat j iOxClUMiH'Ut I' rt'paratlOliS I t.) inLH't. thy Insurgents (icn. ('Conner ,.?tini'.'s com- inainl of till) SliltC Troop-!, j X,:w Voiik, Nov. C.-Tho Havana files l-eee.vol tier t lie fteair.er t uui.nm.-i liivu '" licul.n-s vmavilii.s I lie negro r-iliel. lion ia .Iiai.ile.i. Tin c'tv of lin;;-iton i i in re.it c vcilnaient, and business was cn. lii-cty suspend.!. The cut ire population were phic ng the.nselve, in a .t 1 e of do - I .I-.-j l.o 1 hnnn and voluateei'8 were enlisting 1111 lev the or- i'hm's ot'tliL. ilov.o'iior. The labelliuii rages wiiii fury at St. Thomas, and unpreecden- ted outrages wore cou.mitiea upon -a"'J 1 "i"-' .' i iie viniiiileerspont 10 I lie insurrectionary district were only partially eueeeislul 111 re v.,1 ;'ii,.t the insiirirenls;. One b ind of no roei 8 IK in number, and thoroughly or- o.l. wai secnuiijev,nyt.i:n. Kelcro it. The Kinsum mid olher 'jHinteers na i p:oi pod forward bravely and n'sidu.ms'iy, cap -Im in.; several prisoners, who were s.'i'.t to Kinc-loa. Aliispatdi from the Hon. iV. P. Geargo was received and read on tho Commercial l'xeiiaiiTc. aiming that ho had lieen woun iU'1, an i that I'on. A'aron Von Ketiollnivk, one of the olliuialsiti St. Thouias ; Dr. Oer. ar 1, Charles Anthony I'l ies .Siep'aen Cole anitlie Itev. M. Hors-chell hndbeeii killed. A t utu iii.-paic'.i contiiain ihe above, and add 1 llial in I'o'.at M nautc tlio insurgents killed am, !fi ;..il naai'd Henry Alherger, ! nnd cut o.T his held. lusi motor of Police, l'raneis li.uaw and Julia Walton were nlo shot by the rebeU. The secretary of the ' Ju-tieo of Peace is also reported murdered, i A couneil of war, was held i'i Kingston lonlheloih ult.. snbscpiently ;,iarti:il law ' was declared for the district of Surrey iu ' Ihe name of the Queen. Ma.j. den. 0 Con ue; hus taken command ot tho troops con ceatrale 1 on the Island, nnd active measures il lV(. i,ce., ;l;CIl iur u vigorous campaign . no:;r.!ii i,c rebels Pane linyle, the leader of iho rebellion has mil yet heen arrest d. A reward has been otl'erc 1 for his capture. Tlie hiiesl disp.uch received by iho Gover norfi onitheise.it of war says tho rebellion is increasing Troops ire wanted, and no tiun 1:111-1 he lost. Aiming tho clergy 111 ell killed isihett'iv. Mr. lVit, a nuut cxccllcut man. HOUSEHOLD FEIF.NDS. Cue's Cough Ihilsam fnd Cue's Dys. ppjisi.i Cure they should always be in the house ready lor immediate use; they are tho most reliable remedies known. The one ul'.vays handy and speedy in cases of sudden attacks of croup amongst the children, or for curing the most stubborn coughs nnd colds, excellent for sore throat and all lung difficulties, the other (Joe's Dyspepsia Cure is certain to cm e dyspepsia, uo matter ol hew long standing, indigestion, and till diseases that originato in a disordered state of the htomach and boweli. ISr.oWN'ii IJitoNciiiAi. TitoeiiE.s are widely known 11s an established remedy i'oI- Coughs, Cul ls, llroiichitis, Hoarse ness, nnd other troubles of the Throat and Luii .is Their good reputation nnd extensive 11 0 have brought out imita tions, nnd timilai preparations represen. ted to bo tho same, which ara generally injurious. Obtain on'y 'Brown's NEWS ITEMS. Thorpont of irgima is lyin dangeiously ill at liielimornl. 1 1 is sunnn mm. uhhu r.c.v.. are uciiii pent, to lexico, Governor Morton of Tndinna, is Ivinsr I ilanseronlv ill. from the effects of in- j flaniiitory llliuiiiati'Sm. A new hatch of counterfeit S")0, crrenhacks have just heen put. in circa. lation, altered from two's. ., . ... , .. Hev. Mcnrv fhrnk. n hishop of the Mrnnonite clmrch, fell dead in his pul pit near Lancaster on Sunday last, Pav wood, Rso., one of the tnc'iihers 1 ' r T cle?ted to the As-emhlv. from Laucas- tc.r countyi (iej on tho'22d ult. Ex-l'residcnt Inehanan'.s new hook, PIv;-' Kory of his Administration, A Necrro Convention was held in the state ol Indiana, on the 24lh ult. They j clamor loudly fir the 'rights of free men." Co in darkies ! Miss Shoddy ' and Mr. Loyalty, will see that justice- is , done you. TT T, ti rvv,: lion. John Alcorn, an old line W lug, and Ceneral in the rchel State army, lina l-.cnn pleeted TT. S. Senator from Mijippi, fr tlin long term, while -'x Governor Sharkey, was elected for the short term. , , , ,. The rebel Gencnl Simon Tiohver rincVnnf nf Kentnekv. has turned P,lit0r, and in eonnctimi with Col. Nixon of his staff, and former owner, have revived the N. Orleans Cvearont. . . . , ..--t,i ny A lot of snarpers were arrested at c; p).- ,1 ,",.,s.. last, week fir vns. inrr rjreenhaeks. They had their pock ets filled with all denominations, from one dollar up 10 io u.i.jv. "i""""" llllll'S Ilirie.W ciillllin iumiu j , uim , ' loyalty" pays them handsomely, . ,, . r. o The negro Jcthndist Conference in , sess.on at Washington last week ae : tually passeu a unanimous resolution, oi.,(;;, .i.nt .!, i,f nn,,n,lnpn in the Administration of President Johnson, ! a,T five nf the "eulled breddern were' appointed to inform him of this loyal . move. The three unknown person, killed at the rail road accident, near Lancas ter hist week, have heen identified, ns Mrs. Bean nnd her two dauirhters, from California, who were returning l.n... IV..., n t.iIf f. l,nt fi-tend-i in nil. lit; jioui u t'J uti.,, ... Ohio. Prentice says a bone ot c vitf iition should be thrown away when there is no longer any meat on it. At thirty we are tryimr to cut our , " -;' , , i"i- ... j have carved it, or shut up our knife. . . ,1 A marnaore cf two persons ol the - - --; , , . , V ; in this city. All who sat down to the j lynddiiv dinner reioiced in being nieiu- j(jrg 0xf anC;,nt clan, Ounn," all bo-; 5n , of that nalnc aoj regular sous of ( uunw, An honest Hibernian, trundling j along a hand cart containg all hi.s valua- . . , ,;,,, vl Tr. rick, von are moving, again, I see 'Faith, I am," lie replied, "for the times j are hard, it's a dalo chaptr hiring carta j than paying rcnti ! 1 , , , . , A newly married couple went to, Niagara on aisit, and the tren.lenic,,, in order to convince bis dear that ho was I as Diave as 110 wasgunui, ii-i-nn - " 1 " vj f diu Mint" lie .atewlw-ted ' , 1 ' ". , clown into tins "cave 01 n inus. of course, objected j hut was uete.-lllinen, ai.eeuoiiaieiy re.,ues.i-.. 1 , .re-.... Ui1. .i l.A-.n'.n Iii a ni-,flnt1iAlr 'tncl W:lt(Il ..... v ivu.v. .... - heh'iid. A confirmed bachelor ues the fol lowing argument against matrimony : Calico is a jircat proinptcr of laziness. If young moo wish to accomplish any thing of moment, cither of head or of hand, they must keep clear id the insti tution, entirely. A pair of sweet lips, a pink waist, swelling chest, a pressure of two delisatu hands, will do as much lo unhinge a man as three fevers, the incas. les. a large sized whooping cough, a pair of lock jaws, several hydrophobias, and the doctor's bill. 15. W. Greene, lato President of the fhinnecticiit I ire Insurance Company, ut Hartford, 111 a fitol iusauity, on Suiday night, cut his wile's throat with a razor, causing her death in t few moments, lie then cut his own throat in two places and trashed his arm. He is still alive, but there is very little prospect of his recovery. Contrary to the statements heretofore published, it is now asserted that Wade Hampton has not been elected Governor of South Carolina, and that Mr. Orr is elected by a majority of about 5'dO. Gov Perry was elected Senator for tho long term on the 30th ult. John Overton, a wealthy Tennesscean. received a pardon from 1'rcsidcut John son some days siucc. His property is held by the Freed nieu's Uurcau, and General Fiskc refuses to restore it, or recognize his pardon. Roth Overton aud tho General have gone to Wushing- LOCALS. At I f:M i;. -I t pives m ji!i usitrs to notice th 3 safij vn''tr;i hoin.-! of. Miss M.'i v I'ilv anil lisq Iviimi Il.irf on, who f.,r S(,Vlmm1 wenkp.f woro -I i'i -wnsly ill, with Typhoiil fever tit Allied Centre Cnlle.-e, Allegany county N. Y. Mr. Ely .V La'ly ami Mr. Ilorton & T,aily parents of t lie fvo young Irls, imiiui iliatcly on hearing of the i!!ncs9 of their children, went to see them. On arrivinjr where they were, they found them fast sinking under the treatment they had received from the Doctors of that plr.ee, Mr. Ilorton, started at once on his hack track for olher Doc'ors. Findintr Dr. I'ordwc'l of this place at home, lie urged him to go aaj sec them-and from what wo learn from Mr. Ilorton and Ely, they give uli credit to I'r 15ordwcll for raising them from tl cir then, very dangerous situation. SiWe unilerstand that the winti i term of school, will comment!'1, on u x' j,m(laV- Miss IJon.', wili take char of "j We were favored on last Sund av morning with snow, sufficient to whiten mother earth once auain. PnoTonnAPtis.-Mr. M'Cartney, hav- ing re module 1 and fitted up the hall room of the ' Fountain Ilousn," is now . 'eady to take lnoroouxr;is or AMnno ttpks. Mr. M'Cartney is agoodwnrk. man, and no doubt his work will give general satisfaction. Those wantin.' Photographs or Auibrotypes would do well to give him a call. See Adveitisc went in another column. 1 E'MODDLING. Ml". W. C. Ilealv, tiuc , oifuiu I , iiic ,.ini, UCK1I I U'lliuuvill IIU anj fittinjr up his house, which indeed. improves it very much. r Wanted.-A few cords of good hard . , 'ood at this ofTicc taken on subsenn- tion. Also, a few loads of coal. Sound. Rapilee on the Deer ques. tiot: I (hunk you. Pays Well. The Clock and Watch business. So says our friend Mr. Seed. rlV'.Ve arc req ieiled by J. V. Uaily, Dctuis' of St. Mary's Eik Co. Pa , to say to the cil z nis nf 1 1 1 1 lt v iy and vieuiily, that ho will h? at the "Hyde rioanO," on the Utllh of t'ie p-e?"nt mouth fViy.) to remain so'iie ti-ro I;:'.vie2 vork in his line, wilt find bin fully prepared to attend to their wantj. Not TIeturvet. Them papers that was loaned out of our fiice a 1 few days ago. John, you must be more nnM.,..l .. I'I .,.,.! 1..1 ...ti" UllliViaill, c ,11,1 DIUU l,UL UVI II ' after you TuAVKSGivrsn. Py reference to another coiuni it will be seen that Prcsi , dent Johnson has set apart tho first Thursday (7th) of Pcewnihcr next us a day of a national thanksgiving. AunESTEn.. ue1.11 go iviai.ui,ui iicu- (i tr r ti. dcrson town-lup. this county, was ar. rested a few days ago for passing cou.i- terfeit greenbacks. This is the s rme George lliamer, whd about a year ago' was Ki iutmwh loual m to desire and i ,. , c : assist in .he arret of a number o Den, ocrats in this and Ideal ft.eld counties for J J ' - I "roat rl '''1U it hesucceded in liav- I ins? a Democrat torn Cmui his !,.,:., and t,. ' ., , . ... Ci. 1 dlsioyaity. An amount ot labor was tea , ,, , , , nnllja ' f'slliiiiV ft ml 1 11 pjl l'pf 1:1 1 1 1I S.tllit HtllV , j - ... .. 1 prison, liut thinus have chauue I, and if this "loyal" knave gets his desert, ho ' n'v we think the Herald is certainly .,, ,. 1 ' mistaken 1.1 tha 111:11 let us havo a will have an opportunity of learning to wnr , ,0 MVOn l!i,1,jpf.t 0f Mr Jlln be honest at the expense of the State. Smith, having a 1th cou-in who hfs fre. Broukvdle Ilemld. quentlv seen the house in Highland I township, iu this county, whero Mr. S. We were in formed that, a parly ; lives. Ho is a weil to d 1 father and lias came olTat the "Hyde House" on l,lst served the Sta'e honorably iu the Legis- , bit ure and Penitentiary. Ilcisatprcs J hursday evening, ihe company com- ; m lho lU,j:lo KOrVsl posing the party, as we have been in-1 wenrs a striped uniform all letters com formed, came principally from Fmporr j taing money for him may be Bent to cur ttm Cameron couuty Pa., and were j care. Ede Advocate. joined ly a few couple, in Ridgway. I '' We presume they had a pleasant time, I , ,',rt (,non- Th ""; " Is of men lU,icunii.iii jim" 1 brcithe, move, and live pass of tht, . troiu the fact, Mr. Moure tho proprietor 1 Rt ) life-ami heard of no more. of the house, uever fulls to give general satisfaction. Gopey's Lpv's Rook. We have received the November number of this favorite Magazine It would be iur possible for our folks, to keep house without it. Let every lady iu F.lk Co., send for this useful book, Price 83,00 only. P being a serious question wheth er tho present prion of pouhry will war. rant two thanksgivings, the President is requested by a Connecticut coteniporary to change the duy ficd by his pioclauia. tion to Nov. 30th, to that which tho New England Governors had already as. signed. -- The Old Han Dreams- 0 for one hour nf youthful joy ! Dive lmel( inv twentieth spvinjr! I'd rather larjili n ln iirht hnircil huv, Th nn reign a grey-beard king ! . OCT with tho wrinkled spoils ofige! Away with learninq's crown I Tear nut licfs wlsdiiui-rritlcn page, And dash its trophies down. One nionient let my life. blood stream from boyhood s fount of flnmo ! Give tn one giddy, velinin dream Of life all love "and fame! My listninfr iini"! heard the prayer, And, calmly smilinc paid: "If I but touch thy nilver hair, Thy hasty vhh lmtli sped. 'nut is Oicr? nothin? in thy track Tn led I hoo fondly slay, Vi'hilo '1:1 pwift io.isoni hurry bnolf Tn find t'ie wished for day ? Ah ' trust Foul i f wnainnhind ! W'iihniit thowhnt werelif'i? One blNs t cannut l?ive behind : I'd take my precious wifo I Tho nisei ton!( n s-innliire pen And wrote a iinlintv dci' : ' T'ie man woul 1 b" a b iy ngaia, And bo a hu-haa 1 to ) I" 'And is there nothing yet unsaid llefore the elnnori nnie.irs ? r,e-rie'nber. all their cif's havo fled With those dissolving yenrs! AVliy. ye': forn-emnvy would recall My fond paternal joy : 1 could not bear to leave them all : I'd take my girl and boys !" The smiling nntrel droppel his pen "Why this will never do ; The man would bo a boy again, And be a father too !" And so T hutched my laughter woko The household with iin noise I wrote my dream when morning broko, To p'eise the pray-harcd boys. T!.nn Name. Tf there is such an individual in the United States as John Smith, ho is hereby notified that there is a letter for him in the Haiti, more Post Offico. It is advertised in the Sun. Exchange Tho last we heard of John ho was living in Michigan. Tho papers of that State will plcaso cony the above.- Toledo Blade. That's a mistake. Tie wan sent fo tho Penitentiary hero the other day for beinir caught with too much scrap iron whiskey aboard. fiiifftilo Ailverliscr. Strange (hat our cotemnorary should fall in such an errr.r. John Smith ia in the Erie county jail, on charge of be. in? an active participator in the lato ou'ratre on Linwood Avenue, nnd i likely to remain for some tinie.-B'(ri7o Courier. We don't see how he can bo in tho Fre ei-.iintv jail, as he slole our best exe'i-intros from our sanctum list even ing, in the f.iee. too, nf'nrivate' written in larire letter on tho door. Ulcvelanl Urnhl. Tf the.Tohn Smith referred to is nunri. ; of old Mr. Smith by his father's side, h.n is now living in Summit townshtp, Crawlord county ra. We know mm. Craw ford Journal. All wrontr gentlemen, John Smith lives in Oil City, lie is the husband of a prudent, wife, the father nf two cbil. dren, and is boss of a little Oil Well about two miles up the crerk. We'll bet oa that. 07 C'fg Monitor. We don't wish to insinuate that our colempcnries would tell an 11 11 truth, but a ., t , c-.,.., ' ill, mi I iiii.iu- in 11, ittlllll IM1HIII 11 Ul b 1 i j,, j!0 T.!!inir Mr 1. th-sr may. however be two John Smiihs. which is hardly prohah. Arm-trr.ug Dr:norrat. Well gentlemen, vou are all mistaken. -'hn Smith is an o!d resident of Brook- ville nndawc'l to d 1 and respectable J Vsot .TefrVlV!nn 0on.y .,,,B ectingns Js. iicu 1.-1 1 1 . 1 e.ie.o 1111 ui- jcuin. rhow tha' we are r.-t mistaken in tho " wi" 'n ''" ,con- si leroblv over tun li:i:id'-ed pounds. tics i f the Peace for five years. To . . 1 jjwknii-g ,,.,',. , Why ? They do not a p.rticlo of good ia the world ; none were blessed by them. ! as tho instrument of their redemption. ! Not a word they fpoke could be recalled, ,1.1 I I j 1 1 1 . ""." "V ronMIC;' 5.II,u,r K" went out in darkues- uou nicy n l 1 u uoi rc. meiiibcrcd more than the insects ot yes. terday W ill you thus live nuu die. O man immortal? Live for something. Do good, leave behind you a monument of virtue, that the storms ol time Jcau never destroy. Write your tiamo in kindness, and love, and mercy on tho hearts of thousands you may como in contact with year by year. You will never bo forgotten. No ! your Dame, your deeds, will bo us legible, on tho lie arts you leave behind as the ittars on tho brow ot tho eveuing. Good deeds will bhinc us the stars of heaven. Dr. Oilmen. CyTho Roiton Post says tha but ter sold in that city contains 83 pot .1 .. TV Ir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers