THE ELK A D T 0 C A T E Trr VOrijg tAT t?tT TO T -vm tlmciy A'.r., hvU-'.nwm mcr Om r.r.f. Muf i. 'I lnvo fi'il-! t.irtH q.iiuiti of --Mtr SA,t'! r ? t.l A, 1 1 lu-V'T "! (!' tM1 ni'. it lulli I (Jl t'tf i sir il i-.Tt i1 r.M 1 httl ;t foitio.: v. iio tt"i i . A h our p f?t t:, !,t y lu r.s- tin r I. i ivtu no nni'li. jHf- if it iiif u Vwr cniiintr.ii y." errs Sorv J til t or L'.v La!h. I onlv .V !!tt tt "i I 11 fii!; , r hn vlil lilt 1 -ft fli -i, !( I' ?fil (Ml -ll-t " f;i! I'l i il vii In--n ul t.' m. r to im. . M , 1 iitti a fti, 1 ; 1 iu ..'."i.-ri -f h i:i.f 1 1 hi r i-.m, li;;! f vfflt, !if h f r itniM. to . l-f II HI ff tr 1 T;ir tt ft t V A UILI.A. L.IC llf . 'ta well (if wt Itfcrf." "I tV. . , w7 t-i"rrt j'trf m""fc- f 'i.V'ifi . ,., ft, ..-".'.. a... rr';ul:iu m."".!, !i v s r lr lM,on. HfTt 1 fir f. Ikf wvil fih( vmir ! Alif Al' A i; I ! .1 H iMlH.MtlyrHniiT," . Vorn .. f r, ' f f' iH p-:p. . 1 4 i. V ?. '1 li;il fifl t : r.-4; vrr frnnM. nm mir ht piy : , N';i r"- wor.- i tiil it lt-f ir 4 . : if ir .: 1 -i iiti. Jl fTI t I t.l.'il ttl.l.l4 tt lt u ' nf h vV !1 ! i .!. t Ui-f -hivr, I ' ? W.HfM iv . itlin' . t! iii-';t INr i !r i t ( t'. t . .i.i ln'jjn t" N ;)-.. n1 i,t'l tiPtil tr ft i ni;'i i i 1 1 I tun iHiVi1 m ' i f i.i tt k'lff.v of. 1 r!iir t r,- a h.ti.!t, r wttltsiui. a i ;ibt o t ! to T.i.if .ni:ni'u;,a,'' 2.1 jo!. F'ri 7r. W ?i. . irin H t.'nn St., Xff TorJt, lit. A vi h. I M Tm i( ! rcniDvc :vHftiont il .Tif SVir. lr Hi rrf rf njtloi T.lHf i- ns vrA!iiri., , I I I'ut ju-4 hotcr"t :t-i tl k - ' .V tit 'tjntt nt .Vii;V.(i v if f it. nlhv.iflv w ' sti'iP'oviiit. it-. S.wi rAi:ti.l.i to.i h.ive tup- K tiic pro . u well ;. t l.r.1 piii'k'." From J. T. J Mif'i, rr,-ri(. or lhe 'i, 1 lit I tkf vt'Ui' 5'vl;M'Ui r i in. ri'li1 jiftn. ri I-; wliicU ifnw 1 rwA hi I th . M.fAtfi o!if 1 ntl I rt ''i,a:l .m Imn- n-ei or (ttlUr iri or m.vlitiiMi, T)r n1r -.err to hid Hi it lUi tiii Ktvtnti vMM., nnl lit Ktor tfii If J tit il m ir,n mii!t tw iH;iMt:iits, I 'u tau' ynir S'4PAiiUj., 'I'oti'4 t'ii Imt i i, n;i mirn of tour 111.1 TtMrlKT li'v hve irt d ui.-. 1 tin-' :m w H tir.i I ; hi lnvtr. , k'iv In i iitl:i- rI Mir .? t k'un ti rvif ).K a this 1'oiritrid.fity, aA i'ct.- tite wvulx of tittt. 1 li ivc y?ir SAr.rAmi.t. 1-i mr fmllr, ( r tfe'-f-tff, m tor p-trit'rtiu-t tk hht, vry i ,1 n- ih .vi.l icvl uuaiMt.' lu t . aiiiituuijfr' it w tile itiwitMl." A.-. Anthrrr'J Tir, Hon, Bait Rheum, .rrrm Ti-f .f.if, 9f.,(Hr iii7r of th K'i....ii't. ., i'ftt-Hh ntfti. ' or.(r rliil I, .t tlir-- ul i.o, nt it 1 1 - r,ii o-i l.s i i ;.: I. 'Hi. mLity i-iM'' !i'.ti( Hil.i k. lo-l t-uHli' Virtlli 1,1 -(. rt - U riiv t titt hihI .-(ii..- v . t v nr inu? iis A it. ul iyi.'un il t j .TiTC Ol' UrtvCT III I uttl'.T n tltitK, HllfHMIl :iy t uv-t. I r iftWn rt o irii.iril l.ia .L,!in llfin lie wIiiKiM tt-jir t;M-ti Itic ( cM-rii.t t tili:nl V ill: h tvt-riil lilBhilt : lUtti inc. I ttTjr tni:ijf w' li.i'l nujr ;o Hum, ; ;i ii pun iinf y vi;.AlAiilI.LAt . ...1 i liniT tl.- i'ii te ui V.iIi 1o:kj(i, hs you k. .-'.vt. 'J 'ic Mit t. yvni lu wnt.ii uu li t I f:iviu .' if r-t S t: I. ml li win ii t h I finif-hoi - .f Mrmil!. I iiP r l I-Ut', Wll4l ll.t-l luiir : ,r, jjri' :;;mi, . ni in? i i.w.v It-t tii1 l.uf ii li. tV Jflit r. 'I It .iitio IlLMtiiUV- l'tftiiU'J i". t tilCCiiil l lit.iftK." Typliijij r.o;l 1TcrcurU-.l Bi;so. Vr.-' i iii . ittit'u i-.i.i- t, t.f ,-t. i-ui.J, M4'tH. '1 1..I.J jr.MT it' (.'l,4.i it luuto t lUvlit'l mi-. I itr t!f fiuiKi (,i;momi. in" Sa, Ui$ . ! kr, i.ii--..: 1. un..y i.i-t we Jnc -.. .t j:io mi m.v l.t t.-l.(c4 lu yyi lui iUiu i 1.4 -t it.Vii.j.n r !. 4!.' - -n 4. 7" -i , r )., f,i ctfii.teiti fV' A?h ' i l-, .1. .,(!. i4 r f i t iiun.ti ; I;!:. A l i.i;. '.y iiir 1 lirtvo fniui 1 voir J'-i:-.r,i'.;i ia ft il.. t riMir.-ly for - tli l I i' tut v, .i . i f tm!. titt ty it. 1 1 i iIlv : -..t In i" n i.ii.l l.i i.ti-'int.iK Ki J . 1.1 " i -r i i -. I i, .( li .xtx uli it v 4- .:i t-m- , i) w II !i l M t .iiil v ij n;i'n, . iivl w U -iNtr- ; iui.iit m i . M f 7:-i. S. V.i 7irt .Vffi I'mppwt, f. X..T.t vl i!r4M.;.i.l itli-i t.i I.i . I i-.itiM I try ti.f tu im tvtiry, or mr-'u U wlti !i ri'v iikm-v Hint'1 uvr.i;il'.l ur y:t:, 1 1 i tit o! mry t :miy it iriMtiii'-..! t!i t timi I i jt; Ii.- I, u.itit t:i ff.rV l li f,r (' A V MlN II-o AP Mil 1"Ium iI I -un. I'm i im'i Im 1 mum l iVi'Ti imt l .ihin-sp! i- t!i4 i tliit( ui jt luuk ttui.- I -AlUa io cuiu lam " oiiTorrlicci, Whit?1?, Pamfl! Woiknn, o." rk iin)W i-ro Inci'.l l y i tti rrnl S -rufiht l-.- .'(. :ni j: p. . ty o-'h tir-1 t 111 ' hllT.tTiv a. ." t.fKiN M k . S.irnir . r'iv. 1 v.r, in nil Ht' Hi: i. ww;iu.., Ke kil.u( . rl'ii ill m in I -I H'tiH-tii . .'row tit rf'yl 'tru rj. tr,V. (yVfi.Vl rv. , T Tvc f i t i ! n!.r i t m:: li n ,vit ' Ti'i i i ih- of friri.. I titr nii of J t .' .rily. l. i.rrU vi, Int.rml I lrfio it n?i-l .i! , i:rii i- lfo-i t;i t.-T'i"!! !riit , ; ;' .! I. I 1-1 it. :ti I t . T" U a lo .t tut i v i, (- :T.-. t i4 r .tI at VI l.r l- ' lr-iatttit.M ; .'( i;. u r'u'iifj U ." - pJ4i:U. of I r i'-mi ;!.rr ci I invi. li !rn r'tr'1 1 m rv i!. i't.,-,M ?!- n1' I m r', .o l.-.iiUro ui S tMi'AtfiM. .' J.'iev.n-ifitin:n, Clout, Tylvrr C-mplii -it, Dy. cr.i., lie i:t I) ' ;-Vi:r;.Ui( ty '.'-a .v - I ) y s.-rM.i i't 1S toia, rc rm;iUlr fr-.Lti Ly 1 14 J Ul. SAM VJ'AitlLLA. AVER'S CATHARTIC TILLS Jioses fo many advantages over the other ii!p::iivi in tho iii.-.i5. t. and lln ir iiH'rii.r Inui'j are n uni er.aily know n. tli.:t wt- need lii 1 (hi i.mre than to the public their tjiutliiy is inaintaiiii il cipi il lo V ie .,t it evtt hm Inn, und that tiny may U- (li'M-nd(.sl on to do all that Ihev have ever done. Prepared l y j. C. AYliU, M. ))., 4 Co., I owe!!, Mx.'., nJ .old by L!1U ClilU lull Dll'l'llEltlA YiALLlS IMPROVED MAGIf! BALM. V! II A T Til E 15 A L M W I I. Ii D O Jtc inov 2 Obstniclions, ul'ny 1 nflaiiiations "i H-ilitate I'ei. piiiiiion and (,'ircubition, re iiices Ei. !. o . fluents, and vitalizo and nienthun v.c.ikifiied parts Ciftinpnnd liil jloiia Colic, Nervous lleadaehe, Ihiraehe, Jlurii!', Freezes, Tooihache Sirnin, Uruises, le. ; and Im' sprains, I'.ruises, Gulls, llenve", Dl-'cmper, ,yc, in hnises Tho J.uickcit relief fur pain of any l'nin Killer hi UtO. Til. re is no lliat will act -n proir.ply in relieving the il's enumerated 11 the M i 'n 'i.iim. wlii.-'i de-erves tn rt : e'u i 111:. t iv ii 0: the pmi'ie. ttisiis own i ecf.'i.ui'Li'l ii . ;i. r.:il by tho psrf.r.n a nee td g')'. i v 1"!:7, v.-'ierc il kuorn. ivp eu ;.o b I !ie hi"1! .-I i;.m"iti,n. Fov s;h liv .!. i'.n'cM, i' .::!; .': U'Ye.i-i. P.idgwuy T'.i. Wliii...-i! !.. a -.its s Hull, ii Warfeois t.'i li-.' ir nv K: ie Pa. u iU.sK.:!:. : whisk i:us ! Do v.iu win? hi-k.-is ur M..ufjthes? ('ill' li.eoll'l r..ll.piUllld ill I'nICC till 111 lo ri' oil i':i'! s;u i.itl i'st or ( bin. l.r Ii i:r mi Lai I b-ads. in Six ei ks. I lit.1. .11.11!). Sent by n.iiil t.ny lure, thsilv R'.;:,'.c! on l.'eidpt ol price. A-i'drcM. U'AKNKIl&U.,3-.x U.'J J.-..I. '.I;, ii. N. Y. IV'i. 'ii ) Ivi, .fc ';tl''i'. fi.e !ii...i.s and aeeounls ol j J ...!. .1. -' . ..i- & Co.. and I luii'lis II. j (..!'.; .. Si Mary's, have been 1 I i.,r i ... ii.e .I-, iit'ilic iiudci-j'gne.l lor i 1 11!' 1 -1 . r Fui'l:. ii.dcbied lu 1-i'ner (if j i ( i.l.-.v c i'.v.,tr , me 11 iliiiid liieir ne. j .I'm" inn 1 h-i.iiV.l i.y p:-ynniu to tiie M.U;i'.-i'T' ( I, ;;;i d.i i. I ' J. ill. iKn.Y. Att'y lor Cn.LNG a CO. .V KTOHEU& CO. t.Mbi'v' lbiui..-y, iiUi 'ui. iu New Arrangement! TREMENDOUS KTISTI TO THE New Store of C ENTIIEVILLE, ELK CO. PA :kw GOODS j) a i h y a n hiving Awake to theih Interest ! A manifested ly the daily thronir of ustuiucrs csehauL;in 'oree. backs" lor G jods. -0 All the Domestic Cotton Goods are high. Custnmei s, ona and all exclaim ! IIow Cheap S uur Dress Good ARE My stock consists of B r j & o o cl $. isats & Caps, Groceries '" ur 'liu.ji num.: CLO'l'IIING TIN WARE, HARD WAHE Oils anil Paints. Wooden Ware, Pork, Flour It is useless for to attempt, to give a full list of the stock, but invito one and all, to drop in, and examine for themselves. SRutter, Es, Potatoes, Grain Hides, CallVkins and all country produce taken at market price, for goods. Ccntrevillc, Juno 1st, 1835. Administrators Notice Letters of Administration have been rraulcd in duo form of Law, to die sub scriber 'ni Mack upon the Estate of i-Jiinlui Jick, Lnto of Salem Md. do-ei-iiseiL All persons having nny claitu against said Instate, tue reftieted to present tlictn duly uiitbeutieaied fur set tlement. Any person owiii; the Kstate, are requested to ruako jiayment forth with. WILLIAM MACK. A'Jmini't'rator of the Eitte cf L'liiha Mick, iJexcoetb. 3 ' I' f3 MME. DEMORESTS'S MIRROR OF F ASM ON QUAUTEULV JOURNAL DU RAO MONDE.) Circulation 40,UOO (larpsf, in tlie world.) ImioIi number pmiiniiis lame iind iiiacniliccnt Fusliiou l'late?. pplcmliil illiisliatiotis ol nil the fnslnonntilc and I'nris novt lticf., for ladies' and children's l'rc.-f, usc'ul inrorniation. nnd the lour li f c-ri zc l'iiltcnis, cut ready fur use, etc. etc. Yearly, 81 i finale cnjiic. 2i eentJ. I'liblihlieil at Mme .)kM(iiikst's Knipn rinni ol' Fashions, No. 473 15roadway. X. Y. Kl'I.KNMn AND VA I,f AUT.K VII F.MI L'Mp ! ! ! raeli Yearlv Puliserilier to I'e- I ! nioiestV Mirror of Fa.-hions is entitled to the selection of")', cents worth of Kxtra 1'iitteiiis, (ir a rrj v ) Mme. 1'ciimieht' Sline fo Ciittinu ("'liildrenV lMsef' or lor 50 cuts extra, the Ladies' pss cm. For a club fo " subscribers at 81 each win be sent j'ersou s, Arthurs or liny owicr magazine or newspaper lor one year, or a splendid I'hotojjrnph Album, For a club of 8. Godev's Lady's Hook or any other S3 magazine, or an elegant gilt or .tecllWk Ootnb or Side Comb, Allubof 10, JInio Demorests bo uuniiins cnicn ccwinir diamine, or a ull.tuckiii Attaelinient, or a full set of Steel or Gilt Combs. A Club of 6"), a new Vlleclcrand AYild son's Sewing machine with Ileuiuieran Self tuckinp; Attachment. A Club of G5, a splendid pater t lever Gold Watch. All the Subscsibcrs are entitled to the first premium, nnd to the getter up of the club an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions for one year. ny number of $1 subscriptions sen. . . . . ... - townrd makina; up a club, will bo credited the same as if sent altopthcr. IJack numbers as spcciuicns sent c..t fare on receipt of 10 ent3. Splendid terms for agents. Send for Circular. Administrator's Sale- IJTI Y order ol the Uipiians Court of the eouiily of Flk, in the State of '., I shall expose tit suje, by public vendue or out cry nt the Court llou-e in Hid, way, on Tuesday the 5JJ day of Januaiy next at 1 o'clock r. M., as the property of Anthony Meyer, di e'd. Five lots in St. Mary's, in the said county ol Klk, known 11slots.N0. nineteen (19) twenty one (1) twenty eii'lit ('-) twenty. four 1 . .,,. . iiuu ivniy six v-vv " -i us m i cei , in lrout on evos street one liuudrca 1 100 ) leet each anil in depth at riuht auule.s two hundred (200) feet. Terms of s ilo. one third of the pur. ehasc tn iney in h nid at conformation of sale an J the lesiiiii ! in two eijiia! annual iiit:tlnn'iirs tiiot eul'ler, to bu s cured by Judgment, I'm d an.) .Mortoncn ANTHONY MH YE Adniitiisi lator of ANTHONY MHYI'Ill dee'd OOLDIERS IN THE ARM O and our peopc at horn Are now oHcrodati opportunity ( which they cau obtain a G00D& DU11VRLE TIVE-PU CE AT A VtfttV LOW. FIG U R F. orn wt(mifs Ans WAIt 11AM D TO Kill' TI i: ONE YE AT. and the buyer is allowpd the Privileffo of Kviminntion. BEFORE I'AYXES'T IS IIEQVI11ED Imprrvrtl Dupf.r !i fit'l .'.'r .l' 'iw. A first class Hunting Time-Voice of. Silver material, over which is electro fine pl.itfl 1H k. gold, most durable wrought, in iking the imitation so f-uiltlr-s that it cannot be detected from the solid material by ine must experienced judges : acids will not uf ect it. Loudon iiiade move nent. I.mimiov F.n Pri'i.i:x in i-ri.r. iu iiy action, has sweep econds, and is 11 it to be excelled in general nppearance. ins is one of (lie iikst Aimci.KSPver olfered for traders and speculators. Engineers, Emigrants, and persons travelling, will fin 1 them sunerior toaiiy other ; alteration of elir.iaie will not affect their accuracy. Vriep. paehed in irood bhape nnd good riiiining order, only or rase of ti for $-00. SILVER D0UULE TIE HUNTING LEV EPS, T.EST QUALITY SIEVE? CASES, over which electro-fino plated 18k. gold, similar t 1 our Improved Dunlex. and superior ad fusied movements with "Stop,' to bo used i timing horses, etc. ; lias Four Inderc-p nor Washington and Greenwich time, swee second, and nil t lie improvements. All in nil, taking its beautiful and faultless np pearance and its superior movement into consideration, we regard it ns decidedly the cheapest article of the kind in tho mnrket. Price, in good runu'tig order, $:15 of case of 0 for S 200. If jfWe nsk no pay in advance, but will forward either of lliem to responsible par tics, to any part of theluvnl States, with I bill pr.ynble to expressman when the goods nre UeliveriU. giving the buyer tho privil ege of examination, nnd, if nit satisfactory the watch can bo retu-ned nt our jrpense The express companies re" ...) niakini collections on eoMivr nnd other disloyal Plates, consequently nil such orders must be nccompnnied by Ilia cash lo insure nt tention. We innVe a deduction of two do lurs on cither wn'ch when the paymen n forwarded in ndvancc. Monsy may be sent by express at our ex pense. THO GAFPERTV k CO., A3 an! 85 St., opposite City P.and Providence, P, I k- NOTICE. Letters of Admiuistra toin have been orante l to the under, signed upon the estate of Lewis li'iit, I late of Vernon. Oneid.i count v New 1 York and formerly of Elk couuiy'Pa., by tho Register of Elk county. All per sons kiiowiti themselves indebted to tho I otato are requested to make payment j ! loithwith and any persons having elai:us , ayainst the c.Mate aro rerueted to pie. j sent iheuj to tho undersigned fjr settle- ; mcut. II. W. M All AN, ClintoD, Oneida Co., N. Y. IUdgway, June 22d, '05. Volunteers and Conscrips i Tf fpHirrmr my v'tliirp to in. err (if e 1 1 eir inn n e. il cie is i:o I ciK r veny lo doinp fn lit lliif liihp. tlinn ti tn Hip nile cf rur v.ntrles. T111.Y juil WAihiantku as lln ni prsirn ! 'Trrtirnlnrly vnliinl le for rfTicrr in the Army niul tinAclcin.'' TVunl- Lethe's, Feb. Jt. 'PrptlipM. Vipst nnd pli(?npot tiinppii'CPP PTcr oirercl," -V. . Hhrstratrd Xcic. Jnn. 10. 'Vpry pretty niul diirnlilp Tntplip? fortlip .frtny." N )". Arm? Jc Nary Jour. (Oot crnnipnt Orpnn. Aip. 20. '(teip nf the nlili't mvl most rp'ililo lmns p in luisincis." Louisville, L'i., Journal .InlVJ!. j MAGIC TIME OBSERVER?. roil')? n Hiintine nv Open T.T'P ov (ionlli'innn'o Wntpli r'nmcliliip, with Paler.l Sell' Wiii'lini 1 miirnvo'iicut n iiiiiI PlpnInit Ni.vpll v. U'E OKTflR lM!i:Tl'llT. VllHTTOV ' Vr.Nli;T. AND (U-hMc.H.v tin- l.o t mi chriippst tinic-pieon for penpnl .iimI rcl.nlil. e cvpr otioi'pd. 11 lin n il Inn it nml con , ni,eio,l witli its machinery, its own wiii.liio j r.tinehincnt. rendering n key cntively umie cessnry. The cusps of this Watch nip con' rn!I!'l,"f ,wo ,n,"-',ln1"- o'.tcrone Z: necurnto timepiece. Price suporblj enn 1 pravca. ppr ruse 01 nun oozen. i-mv plo Watches in ncnt morocco hoxes, $05, SLVE WMCAVS First Cl ss Hunting Time. Pieces for nccn racy of movement, beauty of material, ami nbovn all, cheapness in pi ice, these watches must insure universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that il can hnrd y bo iletcwteil by tli" most expend ce mlees. The material beinjt of two niplals. the outer one first (iinlily Sterling Silver, while the inner one is (ionium Silver, it can ,",t h? reco'r'iise.l by culling or heavy en. rrft,vii,(r t 1 11 1 1 ,1 rr it nnl 1,1 n,,inn I'm tnn lull graving, making it, not in appearance, but indtirn'iilii v. tho nest resemblance ol bOL DI ST.'KI.iXG SILVKU in existence The sale of these Watches in the Army is source of enormous profit, retniling. as hey very readily do, nt SU-i nnd upwards Many hundred dollars can be made in a sins gle pay day by any one of ordinary husines. ntta'i nr.AT Wl!OI,i:S AM'. ONLY ! In henvv huntinz cacs beautifuPy cugravcil. wbiic ennmel dial, ntnl fancy cm hamN. in s'mi! milling order, by the half dozen, $7i. Sold only by the cn-e ol six! lr pon receipt of t wo dollars, ns guarantee of good faith, we will send watches by ex press to any part of the loyal Slates, collec ting balance of bill on delivery. This en sures buyers against fraud. g:ving them their watches bel'ofp payment is required. Soldiers in the iImIohhI utttlm Mrsr remit cash is A ova nci'. as the cpru's .mtiipaiiie ; i..i.ii 1.1 1. . 11 lHr,lplnrill, ,,, nmkK collections such dangerous loealitic. P.emeniber. i Cmh in mhancr from within the arm linet tn eln'l ttntrs I ll'e gunr-mtee the tne deliver' a!! wa'e't w'lsther they ara seat by eor zprees Hubbard Ror3., Sole Importer ItiXWM A.lJCS.OrlJi ion the 11 111 T! 11 is 11 .vi it n:ti:ss:o and WoMii:itn:ri Hair Itesinra'ivi: ;-ii'l reWiins its preeedeiito iu'lahiouable cir cles, and is suj er.-ediuir all other prepa. I'ati'jiis, uotonly in ibis country but also iii Europe iind Smith Aim rica. Thou saiul.s of bottles are annually ued iti the (,'oitrt circles of l'aris, Lomlun, St I'o tersburi and Madrid, and the sale in Cuba is Liioiiiious. RRKEYKS' MA liliOSIA is composed ufau oily extract from herbs ol woudt rliil viriiie, nnd is highly scented with a variety of extjitis ite perfumes. It 1 - fleet ually prevents the I. air falling out, mid causes it to mw rapidly, thick and ioiiix It makes the hair curl, and ".ires, it a ulossy appear ance. No toilet is euuiplete without it. I'riee 7o cents per larue bn'tle. Sold by (li u.'ests and (to ilers in fanev jroods in all parts of the civilize 1 world. Wholesale by all wholesale druiri.-ts ju every citv. and at ri;eve.v amruosia imtot, No. G- Fulton St., New Ymk NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED Tho followin faot demo istratc that j 'heso Machines eumpriso the h-jhnt , unprovenvitf 111 tin bueinj M: thins j A7, viz' 1 1. Ew'i ;.!." '? u !'iir.i'itjil t) fjive better satislaetiun tl a 1 any other Sewinj; Macliiuo iu Market,or money relut.ded. -. 'J'hey have taken many ol the ltijhr,t jn-imiamn at the most important ex, iitn'lms and fniri ever heij iu the Unite 1 States. 2. They make the 7c stitch alike, on both sides thus saving more than half the thread uud silk used in the raveling ridne seams ol the loop-stitch and single-thread Sewing Machines t, Ihey are adapted to the widest range of heavy and light sewing. 5. They have no rattling wires, or deli cate attachment:- to keep iu repair, G. They require notukiu:: apart to clean or oil. and no Lessons" to set needle, regulate tensi m, or operate Machine Pie ise cull an I cx iinio') and demoti. strate fir yourself, or sen. I fit clnun: with s.unples ofsewiug. N. !L Town aud Country Ageuts wauled. FINKLE & LYON'S. SM CO., No. 858 lirodrry, New York St. Marj I take jpSeasire in calling atten tion of the public to my r-V a at -h " wr '&M (Ph Srf n Mf For JLadies, Centlemen and chil- 5 iff.. - 6-? - . "1 &&mm I il r; FhD H B Fa H H li' i 1 B ! l jl 1 m A'r-A l-n-.:j V V Jt A hv ge stock of Confectionary, d uch as candy raisins, su?ts of dif- ! e&'cnt kinds igs and all other goods of the kind usiialy kept. '.ij p,i. t-i '-U ; , ,J l..... L I -iUi J '--J 'tfli 'uj ''..Jul -U'-M liTifl f A Cnoll O Cr --f . It, 1 w", ,lbrtl-l .,,111 Krt 1 - n L 1 OiiiilJI tfcOi llllUliU ill L.lVJ ilULMt 11UI Ik n.cJU OIX XiHud and sold at low figuei'3 vg"My stock is full and cheap. Chi! and Post up before buying. St. Mary's Jmw, 11 1864. FJk County Pa. Moots and Shoes em -0- ilFii a- n ' in',-. - "ivi w1 I A' (i J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers