THE ELK ADVOCATE of the State Legislature ami ofthosoli( ! and Common Council of nny city, nr Commissioner of nny incorporated (lis diet, is Ly law incapable of exercising at the samo time the office of Judge, Inspector or clerk of nny election in this Commonwealth, and that nolnspee. tor, Judge or other officer of any such election, shall be eligable to any office then to he voted for. And. in and hy the 1th section of an Act, approved the l.rth (lay of April, 1850, it is enacted that the 15 .section of an act passed July 2d, 1J!, entitled "Au act rclatitiir to the ideetions of this Commonwealth," shall not he construed as to prevent any military or Borough ofTiecr from serving a Judge, Inspector or Clerk of nny General or special clcc. tion of this Commonwealth. rf'A'V.d the return Judges of the re. ppectivc districts aforesaid, nrc required to meet in Ridgway, the county seat of raid county, on Friday alter the second Tuesday ot October next, then and there to discharge the duties riquircd hy law. r. w. hays, sfariff. Office Ridgway, Sept. 0th ISO 5 V. J. UI.AKKLY, I3ookseller Sfatinncr and deal er in Fancy articles. (Ouc door South of Esq., Rudolphs.) St. Mary's Street. St. Mary's, Klk county. Fa. BOOT SHOP. New Firm ! New Work ! ! N ew arics i 5 rc( f f The undersigned, having opened Boot & Shoe manufactory iu Schultz' Steam Tannery. St. Mary's, Fa., hav discarded the "old man" of high price nd shoddy work, and girded themselves with the "ucw man" of low prices and A. 1. work. They will keep constantly on, hand and manfacturc toorder, custom made Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Etc. All of which they warrant will give satisfaction. Repairing done neatly tnd promptly. Customers can rely on receiving their orders at the promised time. SEXTON & BOIl.S, Jat:uary4th,J1805. Administrators Notice. ETTERS of Administration having been granted to the subscriber' on tho pstnte of Geo. A. Kicnzlc. late o St. Mary's borough, deceased. Notice hereby given, to all persons knowing themselves indebted to Mid estate, to make immediate payment, and all those lmving claims against said estate, will present tho same duly authenticated for settlement, FREDERICK K1ENZLK, Administrator Ruhjirwi Xou. hUh 1H(U. .SOfiwiv L.:tu;.".-i of Aiouuistru tion cum lataiwnto annuo, on tho es tate of Anthony Kiuit., latool tho bor ough of St. Jary's, deceased, having beat) granted to the undetsigncd. All persons indebted to said estate nro ro. ,, nested to make payment and thoao t ! ..1 ............. .I...... ...III.,... iiaviiituiuiunw .oi,-nui, omii, nimuiu ADOLP1I FOP HTM AX, St. J,iry'H, Elk Co. Pu. .June 1st '05. (Jw. DJtUG STOKE- J)a. (j. It. Earlky & II. IP Feshlku, will constantly keep on hand nt tho old tdnnd of Dr. C. 11. Early, a full assort, mcnt of choice Drugs aud Medicines, which will be sold at the very lowest cash prices. Professional Calls will bo promptly intended to, by 11. II. Fowler. All consultation to Offieo business, ft'ill be Bttictly attended too by Enrley und 1" esslor. Kerrey AugtK 1st 11)05, DIHHOI.UTION.-Nolico is hereby iven that tho limited partnership, horo- toforo cxislinn between Theodore Palcn of Wilcox, Elk county, Pennsylvania, und James Clark of Plainflcld of tho State of New Jersey, for tho manufac ture ol leather at Wilcox Elk county Pa. suid partnership being formed under tho Act of Assembly of tha 21st March lH.'JO, entitled "An Act relutivo to limi ted partnerships" end Its supplement, will be dissolved, fully and finally on Monday tho 21st day of August A. D' ' 1S05; tho said partnership then ceasing und determining by the mu'ual oonscnt d the parties. TIIEO.PALE.V. JAMBS CLARK, Wihjox July l'Jtli I Sod. Consumption. A valuablo treatise by a lletired Physician, on tho nature of consump tion and its variou3 stages, together with rules for self treatment, and simple pro- bcriptious which havo cured thousauds, will bo sent, free of charge, to any one applying. It will cost you uothiug. and may be the means of saviug your money and perhaps your life. Sena au oddres ed envelope to STEPHEN HAMLIN, M. D. Muray Street, F4 New York City. March 17, .'J5.3tu. 11 pataoni in Jcbied to late Tirms of (J. Luhr & Co, aud Krel Scl.uciiing & Co., are leciuested their aocoiints by ihe first of July next, either by ooto or other ifiBO, when the accouuia will then be ltd for immediate collection. Persons indebted ri to rrou Bouueiiing 4i Co., will bad their ac - couatsat Centreville until the ubovo btated limo. CIIAS. LL'UR. St. Mirv's, Mnyl jthlS'jj. United States Mail. Pennsylvania- Prnfinnah will bo received at the Con tract office of this Department until 3 p. in. of duly 31st 18fif. (to bo decided on the following day") for conveying the mail of the United States, from Aug. list Ifith 1 rt.), to Juno 30th 1SI5X, on iho following routes in the state of Penn. svlvnni.'i. h tho scheduler of departures and arrivals heroin specified, or such others as will make the desired cornice, tions at the terminal offices. The proposals must be endorsed "Mail Proposals. Statu of Pennsylvania," and addressed to the Second Assistant Post, master General, Washington P. C. Route No. 27-10. From Wilcox, by Kasson, to Smithport, 22 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Wilcox daily, except Sunday, at 2 p. ni.. arrive nt Wilcox by 9 p. in. Leave Smithport d;ily, except Sun. day, at G a. m. arrive at Wilcox by 1 p. in. Route No. 2740 A. From Wilcox by Wiliiamsville and Sergeant, to Cler. inontvillc, 1G miles and back onjc a week. Leave Wilcox Saturday at 2 p. in. Arrive at Clermontville by 7 p. in. Leave Clermontville Sat, at 8 a. iu. Arrive at Wilcox by 1 p. m. For forms of proposals, guaranty and certificate and conditions to bo incorpo rated in the contracts, sec pamphlet nd. vcrtiscnients for conveying the mails in Pennsylvania. &c., dated, 10th Novem ber 180:5, and 15th December 1864, to be found in the principal Post Offices. W. PENN1SON, Postmaster General Imformation Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMEN, curek of Ncrvom Debility, Incompetency Premature De. cay, and Youthlul Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (free of charge,) the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in his case, Sutlerers wishing to profit by the advertisers bad cxpcricnco, and possess a sure md valuable remedy, can do so by oddressing him at onco at his place of business, i lie Receipt end full informa tion of vital importance will be cheer, fully sent by icturn mail. Address JOHN B. OG DEN; No. (i0 Nassau Street, New York. P.S. Nervous Suffercisofboth sexes will find this information invaluable. (3 moths For &ale Stationary and Portablo Engines, with new Patent Piston, complcto for SAW MILLS OR RORING FOR OIL. -A I X O- Portabe, Saw with Two Piotary Saws, rigged for Saw ing any sized lugs. j ALSO DltlVING PIPE, M ,mti 1 n S.nt,f I nuL if fll.i.. t,t..1 . w....,, an dehvcredHt tiny ntu ion on tho Ilond. cheaper nnd better, thnn cuti bo lload, cheaper nnd hotter, thnn cnti bo furnished by Eastern Manufacturers:. Kpt-For further information, HddrpHo by letter the subscriber nt Kidjjwny, P. ()., Elk Co. I'll., or iu person tit Spring Creek, on tho Clarion lliver. Win. Q. SWA UTS, A'jcnt. July 1st 1805. 2m. I'd. ADM INISTUATOH'S NOTTCH. Notieo is hereby given, that let ters ol'aJtniiiistration on the cstato of Julius Voinbuunion, late ol lictuinger I towoship, Elk county, deceased, having nicen urauted to tho undersized, nil pcrMOim iudobted to said estate are re- qufstea to ninko iintnedinto payinont, nnd thoso having claims ngaiust 'tho same will present tho enuio duly authen ticated for scttlutuuiit to, II Kit .VAN KOC1I. Uotizinger April 13th 1801. " EX ECUTOItS NOTICE. Whereas, Letters Testamentary liav. iiiu boen granted to Juo. Stock uinti and Anton I'ochtmnu, Executors ol tho last will and testatiient of Lorcny Stockman, Into of St. Mury'g, doo'd, all persons knowing themselves luuebtcu to raid cstato will mako immediate payment, and those havhg claims against tho samo will present them duly uutheuti. catcd for settlement. GEO. HI). WEIS, Register &e. DISSOLUTION Ob' OJ'..i t . SHIP. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Co-Partnership heretofore existing un der the names of Anthony Kuntz and John Krugh, ut St. Mary's, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent of the parties. ANTHONY KUNTZ, JOHN KKUGH. June 22J 'Go ot Pd. ATP: W M U S I C "F U N E II A L 1 M A R C II T O T 11 K M E M - ORY OP -A BR 11 AM LINCOLN," the Martyr Prcsideut, by Mrs. E. A. PARKI1URST, the popular composer The Home Journal says ; "'fa is is a fine compohitiou, well worthy the rcjiutation of its writer." Very solemn and im pressive 1.000COP1ES ARE ISSUED WEEKLY- Price 30 ecut j with vig nette of the President, 50 cents. Mailed free. Publisher, HORACE WAT ERS, No. 41 Broadway, N. V, 1'nsT OiTtrr. Pkp.mitment, Washington, June l!Uh 1 SG5. FORWARD. O.O- 31'ARCH RIOHT INTO RIDOWAY ALONG AaiN srr.EFr to the Old C h a p i n vuy ill ".a1 xji..u k Where you will Cud Drugs, Medicine?, Oils, Paints, Varnish, Rriihh.cs, t a t i o n a r y , WATCHES, WARRANTO ; SILVERWARE, WARRANTED; A general assortment of Va rieties and V.'iil 'Ill '111 ''suuJ 'i' J mm Fancy Soaps. Violin Strings Perfumeries, Albums, Yankee Notins iVC. iiiinip Oil hy the barrel, Dye- btiiHS. Iiistru- merits and Implementrpartam inc' to the Dliua business; cOc. Pure Liquors, for Medical purposes, only. RORDWELL & MESSENGER. Ridgway, Aug. 17, '05. MOTICE. Whereas, Letters Testa. 1 mentary to tho Estate of Michael 1 Ovel late of Jay township Elk county dee d have been granted to tho subscri. barit : All norsons indebted to said i Estate are requested to mako iuiraodiiito payment ; and those having claims against tho samo will present thcni duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN JlRIt, Rcnezctt tp., Elk county A. W GRAY, ' Juy tp. Elk couuty August 19th 1SC5. OTIIAY 01TTLE Coma to the O rremiwjs of the subscriber in Fox township, on or about tho JO, of April l05 a red & white Bpottcd COW, ubout 7 yenrst old sinco had a calf, one red Htcer nhout 1 vear old. Tho ownor U desired to come forward, nrovo nronertv. pay chnrges, kc, or otherwise they will ho disposed of ns the law directs, Fox tp. Aug. 10, (!;-, GEO FAUST. TO CO.VSIM1PTIV EST.' Sufferers With Conkumi-tion, asthma, Dronchitix, or any disease I 1 4 of tho Ihrotitor Ltinfro, will be choov fully futnuihod, without charge, with tho ,.,1.. i,.. .1. ........ ..r... !.:.,!.' .t.. i,.., . - .. . ; Xow York, completely restored to I i i.i. i ..n-...-j i , HuwAiil) A. WlbtioN. of v illiumwbui'K, hcnhli. after haviinr sufl'ercd several yoars with that dicad discaso, Cotisuinp. .!.... n. n.. .!- .lV. tion. iu VUiisuuipuvu nuuurcr.s, 111 IN reuiody is worthy of on iiutucdiato trial. It will cost nothing, and may bo tho means of thoir perfect restoration, I'U .!..!..!.. . ill ..I - -I .1...... 11.... iMinrnin Mftciv umn ir.v, j'jiif A1W i. 11 iJioo.i 1G5 South Socond Stioet, Williams- burgh, Kings Couuty, New York. Furniture. MANUI AG TURK II OT Mod fin uciil iiiilauQ rural tuio. MAIN STREET, imOOKVlh L E 1 E N N'A. Tete a tetes, Sofas, Diavnns, Easy Chairs, Hocking Chairs, Du wiNO-nooM c 1 1 a ins, And Upholstered wuro of all kinds, also Cain Chairs, Cain Hocking Chairs. Common or Windsor Chairs. licadstcads, Tables, Stauds, llenurcs. Light Stands, What-nots, Corner Stands, Waiih Stands, Wardrobes, Bookcases, Ac. &e. &c. We spare no pains in packing furni. ture so that it can bo shipped any dis. tanco without being injured. Do not forget tho place. BROWN'S WARE ROOMS. Pec. 21th ISOL-tf. Administrators Notice- Letters of Administration have been granted in duo form of Law, to the sub scriber Win. Mack, upon the Estate of Elisha Jlck, Lato of Salem Md. de ceased. All persons haviug any claim against said Estate, are requested to preseut them duly authenticated for set tlement. Any person owing the Estate, are requested to mako paymcut forth with. WILLIAM MACK, Administrator of the Eslte of L'lisha Mrc, Dectviitb. June 11th mi. VALUARLE TOWN LOTS FARMS FOR SALE, AND Three town lots for sale, adjoining the Washington Hotel. Centre street, in the Borough of St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. Likewise 25 acres of land, ol a mile south east of the Borough. Likewise nine hundred acres of good farm land. Three farms with eood houses and barns ! upon them, and likewise Coal of an ex cellent quality, the coal veins II feet. in thickness, with a good prospect ol oil on Pine creek, near Greenville, Clarion Co.. Pa. Likewise one share in n flowing well. in Oil City, and five interests in oil eases. Also for sale a lai'L'e and com modious Hotel in Greenville, Clarion Co., Pa. For terms and other particulars apply to JAC015 SCIHTFER, at the Hotel in Greenville, Clarion Co., Pa. May 12th, 'Co. I'd 81 50. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that a quantity of logs wero carried on our lauds, on Rennets Rranch, iu Renczctte ton-uship, Elk Co. Pa., dur ins; the high water of March 1S(J5, with tho follovinsr marks, and h tiers : s x e. s t j, ir p. ii x jr. m h, c g W, R F &c.. AD, O T T O, D 3 in ecu tcr, A & S, diamond, hart, harp. Also two or three marks that wo do not know the meaning of. The owucr or owners i thereof, are required to prove property, pay all legal charges and take them away within three months from March 28th, A. D., 1SG5, otherwise they will bo forfeited. W. II. JOHNSON, WJI. JOHNSON. April 28th, '05. Pd. 3t. DISSOrUTIOX OF CO-PARTNERSlIll'-NOTICE is hereby given, that the Co Partnership heretofore exist ing unilor the names of C. I.uhr & Co , at St. Mary's nnJ Fi'cJ Schoeninj; & Co.. nt Kersey, is Jis solved since the first day of April last, hy mutual consent. The hooks and accounts for both establishments will he left in the hands of CI as. Luhr St. Mary's for eetlle- mcnt. CIIAS. I.UFIR JAS. SXEKIxr.O. FRED SCHtEXIXG. May, lliih 18C5. NOTICE OF LIMITED 1'AllTXERSIKl' NOTICE is hcrehv iriven thnt Thcodre ! l'uluu, lieretoforo rcbiding at Allegany, Cat tnraugun C cunty, in the State of New York ; but now residing at Wilcor Elk County, I State of rennsylviiniiv, and James Clark, ! residence at l'lnenfield in the State of Xew ' Jci'Bcy, have formed a limited partnership I purpuunt to the Act of the General Assembly I of the State of Pennsylvania, passed tho ".1st ! of March 183(1, entitled "An Act relative jo limited partnerships' and its several sup ploments, for the manufacture of Leather tit I Wilcox aforesaid, upon tho following terms J"-wi,1: ,t?'; Tho name (.t'Hahl firm to Tho name of Haid firm to he ,,,,, ,,:,,' u ti7,,mn,1r,1I,. nt ure ..Cl, .,,u,,nue 1 lu ll. ,.,,,.,,,(',, ,.,,,.. j of leather; tfd. The name of tho tfcncrul 1 partner is Tlioodorol'alcn, tu.w rcsi. ling at ll'iluox aforosald . 4th. Tho amount of'v,nX co'itrihutod hy tho Hiecinl partner James C'uirk, to the coininou stock, is eighteen thousand dollars ; oth. The part nership is to continue from tho ninth day Ayvil A. I). lSiit, to the ninth day of April A D. 1801). Dated nt Hilcoz, June 2;id 1801. LITTLE OK EVEUYTJllNU relating to tho human system, miilu ! and f'omulo j the causes mid treutment of i . i, r . .. . ' xaud things never published before read .i : ..V.i i ....i i .. ):.:.. .. world ; how to marry well mid a tiiou the revised and enlarge 1 edition of ' "Mkihoal common Sensk," a curb I t. .1. ... 1 1 .. . ,.1 uuun an uuiinui jiuupu:, uiu u iuwu 1 book for every ono. 4U0 "pacs, 100 i Illustrations. Piioo 61.50. Contents j tablo sent lreo to any address. Hooks j ...... I, 1....1 . I. 1!..I. . ......til, i. ' . 1 n .....!i- ..e mo dunk uj iiiuu, iusi i.tiu 011 icvuii, wi the priou. Add; ess E 1. FOOTE, M.D., 1180 liroadwny, N. Y. MME. DEMORESTS'S MIRROR OF FASH ON (JtMItTKULY JOt'ltNAL 1U KAO MONDE.) Circulation 40,000 (largest in tho world.) Each number contains largo and magnificent Fashion Plates, splendid illustrations of all tho fashionable und Paris novelties, for ladies' and children's Dress, useful information, and tho four lifc-siito Patterns, cut ready for uso, cto. Ho. Yearly, 81 j single copie.i, 20 cents. Published ntMMK. Demoiikst'h Empo rium of Fashions, No. 478 Broadway, N. Y. til'LKNMD AND YAT.UAHLK PREMIUMS' ! ! ! rach Yearly Subscriber to Mine. Do morcst's Mirror of Fashions is entitled to the selection of 50 cents worth of Extra Patterns, or a copy of Mme. Pcinorcst' bystnio to Cutting Children s Drostesy or lor 00 cuts extra, tho Ladies ess cm. For a club fo 5 subscribers at 81 each will be sent Person's, Arthur's or nny other 82 magazine or uewpaper for one year, or a splendid Photograph Album. For a club of 8, Godey's Lady's Book or any other S3 magazine, or an elcgan gilt, or steel Back Comb, or Side Comb, A Club of 10, Mme Demorcst's 5 Running Stitch Sewing Machine, or a Selt.tucking Attachment, or a full set of Steel or Gilt Combs. ( A Club of 65, a uew Wheeler and Wild son's Sewing machine with lleinmeran Self tucking Attachment. A Club of G5, a splendid pater t lever Gold Watch. All the Subsesibers are entitled to tho first premium, aud to tho getter un of the club an extra copy ofthe Mirror of lashions tor ono year. ny u'i u ber of 81 subscriptions pent toward makiug up a club, will bo credited tho same as if sent altogther. Back uumbcrs as specimens seat re t. fare on receipt of 10 cents. Splendid terms fjr agcuts. Send f.r Circv'ar, Administrator's Sale J Y order ol the Orphans (Joint of the eounly (r Elk, in the State of Pa , 1 shall expose to sale, by public vendue or out cry at the Court llou.-e in Ridg. way, on Tuesday the 3d day of January next at. 1 o'clock l M.. as the property of Anthony Meyer, dee'd. Five lots in St. Mary's, in tho said county ol Elk, known nslots.No. nineteen (1!)) twenty (ii, (ii ) twenty-eight, (jhj twenty. lour (21) unci twtl.ty six (20) on cross street, in front on cross street one bundled (100) feet each and in depth at light angles two hundred (200) feet. Terms of sale. one third ('('the l.ur. chase money in hand tit cinl'iriiiatinn of sale and the lesidii'; in two equal annual instalments thereafter, to he seemed by Judgment, Jonu and M r i n L'o ANTHONY ME YE Administrator of AN Til CM ME YE 11 dee'd QOLDIERS IN THE ARM O and cur peope at horn Are now offerudau opportunity which they can obtain a GOOD& DUilVBLE TIM! AT A P CE YEKY LOW F1GURK. orn WATl'IIKS A11R WAR RAN EI) TO Kri.I' Tl V, ONEYEAR aii'l the buyer is allowed the Privilege of Kxami nation. EE POKE PAY ME XT IS HEVIllED ImprcvrJ- Dunh:r in full Jlultf A' tions. A first class Hunting Timc-l'Mcc of Silver material, over which is electro-fino plated 18 k. gold, most durable wrought, uniting tho imitation so faultless that it cannot he detected from the solid material hy the most experienced judges ; acid will not af eet it. London made niovcuicut. Imi'HOV I'.d Urri.KX in fcli. Kt iiv action-, has sweep econds, and is not to he excelled in general appearance, ins is i)i:riiv:ni.v one of Hie best AHTICLF.S ever offered for traders au l speculators. A'ngiiieers. Einigrauts, and persons travelling, will fin 1 them superior toiiny other : alteration ol ciuoate will not affect iheir accuracy. lVi pacl'.cd in (rood ) shape and good running order, only vCj, or rase ot o tor j-jiiii. SILVER DOUBLE.! TI E HUXTIXO LLV Ei'.S, TtEST QUALITY SILVKf CASES, over which electro-fine plated 18k. gold, siiai'iir tl our Improved Duplex, and superior ad fnsted movements with "Sjtop." to ho used i timinp horses, etc. : has Four Inderei nor Wnshiniiton and Greenwich time, sweep second, and all tin improvements. in nil, taking its beautiful and fuultles:; Ap pearance and its superior movement into consideration, we rcfrnrd it as decidedly the cheapest arliele of the kind in the market. Price, in (food rnnirng order, $-13 of cajo of 0 for S200. Cf3?"We nsk no pay in advance, hut wilt forward cither of I Item to responsible par- f,es, to any part of the loyal States, with hill pr.ynhle to exurcisiaan when the goods are delivered, piving the buyer the privu ee of examination, and, if mt satisfactory the watch can he reiu-ned at our .rpense The express companies i'ei' innkinjr collections on sodiers and other disloyal States, consequently all such orders he accompanied Vy the cash to insure at tention. We make a deduction of two do lars on cither watch when the paymcu forwarded in advance. Money may be sent hy express at our ex pense. TIIOsV O.U'FERTV & CO.. 03 nnl 83 L'road St., opposite City Hani Providence, R I k1 NOTICE. Letters of Administra tion have been granted to the under, signed upon tho estate of Lewis Putt, Into of Vernon. Oneida county New York and formerly of Elk county Pa., by tho I'ejiistcr of Elk county. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to the cstato arc requested to make payment forthwith and any persons having claims against the estate are re((ueted to pie. , sent them to the undersigned for settle mcnt. II. W. M All AN, Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y. Ridgway, Juno 22d, '05. ADMiNISTATOR'S NOrlCS Letters of Administration have been rrantcd in duo form of Law, to the sub scriber upon the Estate of Thomas Over- turf, lato of Benezetto township HdK county, deceased, All persons having any claim against said Estate, are re quested to preseut them duly authenti cated for settlement. Any pcruon ow ing tho Estate, are requested to make payment forthwith. ANN OVERTURE Adminitratri.c of tl IF YOU WANT TO KNOW NOTICE is hereby given, that otic Jacob Schriffer advettisinsr in this pa tier, under the head of Valuablo Town Lots and Farms for sale, has no authori ty to sell the 3 town lots and 25 acres of land in and near St. Mary's Borou-h, as I am the sole ownor, auy sale made of tho same on anv part thereof without my approval will not be vilid. BONEi'ATIUSSCHMOND. St. Mary's, J uue 221 '05. WHISKERS 1 WHISKERS! Do you waut Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian compound will force them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six eeks. Price, SI, 00. Sent by mail tnywhere, closely sealed, on receipt of price. Address. WARNER & CO., Box 1S3 Brooklyn. N. Y. Feb. 25th '65 lyt. NOTIC1. Tho Hooks and accounts of Jncob J. Storcv & Co.. nud Charles II. Gering & Co., of t?t Mary's, have been placed iu the hands of the undersigned for settlement. 1'nrllcs indobtcd lo cither of tho ubbve firms, nro noiitied that thoir tic eouun mu?t be settled by payment to (ho uudersl"i'd, within !!0 days. I.U'RIEJ. IJhAKn.V. Att'v for GEIUNCi &. CO. ii: STOKO & Ct). St. Mary's February, '.'"ih 'Cj. jl. Manliood J ( iV I , v '.c-.iv i-t Cl I'd. f,.,J Just published new edition nf TT)t CulvcrvclhCelebratedEssay of the ;'(( livntrure (without: medicine) i,r f-'i't i;m.'1(iiikiii:a, or M-miral We;k ness, Involuntary Sciuiiiul Losses, I.mimi tiincv, Mental and Physical Incapably Impediments to Jlarriage, etc. asoet'p (.oN.i m i iun IJi'ii.Ki bV, and Fits, m it 1 1 i . i . (luccu oy sc.i-iiiuui:;l'Li-o or sexual ex. travagatice. -!"" Pi'ieo, :u a .-u.ili;d auvclop.', only li cents. The celebrated author in this aihiiint hie e-.-ay cleaily doluuustraii'S, from :t ! hilly vears successful prutice, that tliey ! anriili ug consequences of f ( If id s ii( in j bo radically cured without tbedangeruu. I use of internal medicine or the uppliCa. tion of the knife pointing out a mojl: of cure, at once simple, certain and cfl'ecr ual, by means of which every tufferc no matter what his condition may by may cure hiuiseU cheaply, privatclu and rndireff;. Q'j-'l his Lecture should be iu tho hands of eveiy youth and every man iu the land. Sent, under seal, iu a laaiu envelope to any audress, p ;)ot phi, ou receiit ol' six cents, or two no.1.- stamps. Address tho publishers. CHAS J. C. KLINE d" CO., 127 Howery, Nw York, Post otiicc box l')St). LO'j; ASD HAlliJl ON Y. Any Lady or G uitletnan seiulinj; mo their address, will receive full directions for jrainiiig the affections of the oppo site sex, and which vi!l enable them to many happily, irrespective ol wealth, 01' beauty. Address Miss MAlllE LEMOILLE. Harlem. P. ()., New Yo:k i y. Garetl 17, ''io-oin. TO CONUJl PTI VES. (insuniplive tuilTorcrs will reeeive ';, valuablo prcserijition for tin- cure ol Consumption, Asthma. IJroneliitis, and all throiit and Luiil; af!'ection., free of ehurire. by sending their adib ess to HevrEI)VAi;D A. WILSON, Wiliiams-bun:, Kin us Co . S months New York. eike:vss LtKmo ii run the ii.Mii rgllllS l'.UUAXT HAllt liKKSSlMi -- vo.:i:iii ri. Hair llosdorativo retains its precedence in lashiooabio cles, mid is super-cdiri;-all of lie r pr .-till cir cuit. rations, not only m this country but n!sn iu Europe and South America. Thou, sauds of bottle are annually used iu tho C'ourt circles of' Paris, London, St. Pe tersburg and Madrid, nud the filo in Cuba i.s enormous. KUEEVES' MA 15UOSIA is composed ofan oily oxlr.ict Ironi licrlis ol wctnieilul virtue, and is highly scented with a variety of exouis. i ite perfumes It cll'ectuaily lueveiits j the I. air falliujro'.it, and causes i! toi;row rapidly, thick and long. It makes tho hair cuil. and gives it a glossy appear ance. No toilet is complete without it. Price 7-i cent. per large bottle. Sold by ilr jggests and dealers in fancy goods in all parts of tho civilized world. Wholesale by all wholesale druggists iu every city, and 'it REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT, No. 02 Fulton St., New Voik. FEED The following facts detuoastrate that these Machines comprise the Iiiiltc improvements in t.'tr Xeiriity Mcltimt Art, viz' 1. Each Mi hinc is guaranteed to" ,;ivo better satisfaction than any other Sewing Machine iu Markcr,or money 2. They have taken many of tho hijhest jirciniitms at the most important r.r, liihitionn and fairs ever held iu tho Unite 1 States. 2. They make the ovk sf.'tifi aliLe'-'on both sides thus saving more than half the thread an.l silk used in tho raveling vidge seams of the loop-stitch and single-thread Sewing Machitic' A, Hiey are adapted to the widest r.ingo id heavy and light sewing. 5. They have no rattling wire, or deli cate attachments to keep in repair. (5. They icijuire notaking apart to clean or oil. and no "Lessons" to set nco Uo, regulate tension, or operate Machin i Please call and examine and deuiiei. stratc fur yourself, or send fut t ircutr with samples of sewing. N. B. wanted. Town and Country. Ageii' PINKLE & LYON'S. S M O, No :s.fc Pi-.u lirav. Neve Yjk
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers