T H E E I, K A D V 0 C AT E 15LK ADVOCATE IiV.ih i k ryv S it, irliy- Ridgway, r?.. Oct. 7 th I8S5- 7 Tffh'Ulh' Trmtthr pen. IS ri''i ' m'lir.tan 1'niiwrtl h't p;rhi atiil ti?iLrtbf1 !if gain ; I'M" rW j Truth, l.i!c';i .'in-, .Vo Ai.nr m-iiin us ivi'l fi'i '''" "'( 7 rtii.-' S. M PFLTENGILL & CO,' AnvrnTtsr.iNc. ahi:m-y 11 9 Nassau St.. New York and 1 0 State St., Boston S. M. IM'. TTENG1 LL & Co., uv. the Agents for the Ei.K Ahvooatk and the most i'lUn'.'iit and largest circulating Newspaper in the I'nitod States mid the Camillas- thoy are authorized to eon tact for us :it our lowest rales. i) k mo: i: at 1 c ktat k t i j k et . roll Al'MToR (SKIS' ERA I.. CI. W. WMI. DAVIS. O ;..-.-.-.S Con.lt :. rott iiiv::vt'i: ckniiisai,. Li.-ut.Cl J. P. LINTON; (! ('ambriii on ill. P'sT'.'.KT N IMINAT! .IN. lull KF.XATOR, HON. W. A. WALLACE, l'KMOClt.YTiC (ul'NTV COM Ml TTKK. t ion. Dickinson, Chairman, llldgway, 1 f on ry I 'err, Bcncelt. Adam Joshi-nrer, Bellinger. John 0. McAllister, Fox. Spangler, .lay. Henry Winner, Jones. Charles Stuhbs, Highland. .Trr. P. Klliott, i),i in-- Creek. Michael Rrtii'.cr, St. Marys. COUNTY TICKET. Sheriff. James M alone, of Fox township. Associate Judge. Geo. D. Messenger, of Ridgwny. Treasurer. J. C. Chapin, of Ridgway. Commissioners. V.'iu. A. l!!y, of Fox tp. " years. horns oiimer, ol M .Marys, 1 year. Auditor. C. A. Wilcox, of Fox township. Ccioner. I). P. Hyatt; ol Fox township. Vfi'iKiisov Klk County. -In this our l:it issue before the election, u'c wish to impress upon your miii'ls its impor tance to every citizen of the conntv. Last year we were not represented in the Leg islaturc. Dr T J. P.oycr be ing nominally our representa tive, but the fact is well known that he was attentive only to his own interests. This question h one that ought to interest overv one without, (lis tinction of party, for there are many loor.l question? in the . District that need attention and which it is the duty of the member to take care of. In the last session this vas not done and many cases could be 'cited in evidence, but it ia unneceeaary. It rests 'with you to say whether you will consent to this usur pation of office, or whether you will rise in your might aud say to T. Jefferson Iioyer, "thus far shalt thou go and no far ther," VOTERS TO THE POLLS ! VOTE EARLY! VOTE FOR EARLEY ! Which will you have LA.lt LLY an I Kki'iucskntatiox, or BOYElt an I MiaiiKritKSKNTA tiont? Karley and your inter ests attended to fi'cdy, or Boy. r and the privilege ol paying for his vote Larley has influ ence ! Buyer h.i3 no influence ! Parley ' 'works, JJoyev hangs Lack in tho traces i Forward then in solid phalanx and so cast your ballots that tho re. turn judges will have no name of 7oyer to return. $3 An advertisement will be found in our columns of a now and most use. fill manufactory aud establishment union.,' us that of Mr. George Heed, Watchmaker Ae. As tho great value in such a matter is the real competence ' mid excellence the workman, we have pleasure in stating that Mr. Head brings v. 'th him credentials which are of the highest character in thifj respect. We cv.ii inform our readers that Ins testimo. Ma! brought from Great Britain are till moreassuringand we may gay without hisita'ion that our friends wishing (o bay articles of this description, or need ing to have them repaired, ill be per itettv tale iu his hauls. ii i "s jy3co it i) . In def idii-.L' to ;ipynrt C. U. Earlcy as their candidate for Reprasentativo of this district, the I)en:oarasy of Elk county xrem to have placed theiiHcK-.es in tho position of holtinj t ho regular nomination, but such is not the fact. Tho nomi nation, f right and in accordance with the usage ot the party, belonged to Elk, and the nomination of Ir. Iioyer was obtained only by tho deliberate violation of every principle of common honor and honesty, and of all his solemn pledges. It is not without duo consideration that the step has been taken, but the proof in J)r. Rover's own hand writing were so strong, that no other course was left. r. Rover's letters in which these pledges were contained arc still in exis tence and from them we quote. In a letter addressed to lr. C. R. Karley and dated, Li- riiEnsni.ua, June 17th ISO I. T am actually and in earnest a candidate for the Legislature, very many of my good friends in this cou:ity desire it, and I havo of couiso too much patriotism to refuse them so trifling n rc(ue.jt ; and now I want tho nomination, and as it will not interfere with the usual number of years allotted to each county, viz two, and only give Cleailield one year more iu this instance, I trust it will meet w ith your approval in consequence of Clearfield's immense democracy. I FLEIHJ E YOU THAT T WILL NOT AGAIN RE A CANDIDATE UN DER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and will of course then be for Elk. I much need another winter. I think about one more session will put mo out of the woods ; last winter was a poor session. Truly Youra FOYER." Another dated LuTHEnsiivno, June 2-lth 1864. I was iu Clearfield yesterday and wc got the matter arranged that I should go t j the Legislature again next winter for that term, and now being certain of a unanimous eiidoii enieiit in this county, please give ma tho beneiit of your tactics in Elk and I need scarcely say that 1 will staml hy E',k next y tar as by you this w inter iu the house, should you need my services. Truly your Ob't. Serv't T. J. 1JOYER. LuTiiKusucno Pa., July 27th 1804. And I pledge you that wo will only ask for one year and our people feel that wc are honestly entitled to it. After that I will ba for you or any other man you may mention. As ever Truly .yours T. J. BOYEK. Iln.v. C. R. Eaeley. Lutiiersburo Pa., Aug. 2Sth 1804. P. W. Hays EdQ, I hope the report that your debpatea will meet us ia true for wc cannot afTord in view of the great importance of tho Presidential, to have a division iu this district : not that it could have much effect on the election but the example would be bad, Now you well know that we do not wish to postpouc the right of pjik county, for when her term comes iu the regular course of cvent3, at it will next ycir, Clear field will yield her a hearty support for two years as she always has done, but we think that in consequence of her larger population and larger vote wc t-hould Lave tho odd year. T. J. ROYER. Is conment needed ? Every pledgo has beon violatod ; he was not at the ser vice of Elk county iu the house, aud local bills of Elk county could only pasi through the influence of members living in distant parts of the State, and ho has been acaudidato this year notwithstanding hisrepeuted promises to the contrary and us frequent admissions that Elk would bo entitled to it this year, while the cluiin of Clearfield last year was not put upon the ground of right but asked as a cour tesy on account of their larger vote. Verily it seems to be Dr. Royers opinion that "Honesty is (not) the best policy." On the eveuing of September 25th, the democracy of Forest county assembled in pursuance of a call of tho Chairman of the County Committee, and unanitnoits fy endorsed the action of tho County Convention of Elk. Dr. Earlcy thus stands in the position of being endorsed by two counties of tho three in the district. ELK COUNTY. Sr. Mary's, Oct. 2nd 1865. Mr. EniTOtt: IFe were informed in the last issue of the Clearfield Rcpuhli. can, that their County Committee would assemble and endeavor to settle the present difficulty concerning the office of Representative. The county Committee dil assemble and did cu deavor to produce peace aud harmony in the party, but were bafll d in their elFoits by no less a personage thau Dr. T. Jefferson Boyer, who claim to be the regular nominee of the party. The facts arc these : Dr. C. R. Earlcy, of our county, was at the time iu the town of Clearfield, and the county committeo desired that he and Dr. Boyer might appear before them, and that some set. tlemeut might be made, honorable to both gentlemen and advantageous to the party. Dr. Early, being called upon, briefly stated that ho would make the following proposition : That Dr. Boyer and himself would resign ; that the District Convention should re.assemblo aud that a new man from any of tho three counties should bo nominated, lie pledged himself, to do all in his power to bring the conention together again, and to spend his tims in securing the election of the nominee. Tho com mittee considered the propositions ex tremely fair and reasonable, and called upou Dr. Boyer to accept them and by so doing, evince his desire of harmon izing the present discordant elements. But what was the result ? Dr. Boyer Jlafy and positive? rc'use.l to withdra to, to tho great disgust of tho committee and his friends, who certainly expected that lie would promptly accept Dr. Farley's terms. This action of Dr. Boyer has produced a great chango of fee'ing in Clearfield county, whoso peo. pie were anxious that a settlement might be made, and who are now determined that if Dr. Boytr persists iu refusing to withdraw aud thus jeopardize the party, they will defeat liiui by voting for Dr. Earlcy. Delegations have come from Cleariiold, sent by no authority but their own, in older to influence the dem ocrats of Elk county to vote for Dr. Boer, thev have returned home big with statements tho most false, and which they have endeavored to palm off upon the peoplo of Cleariiold as truthful record of tin sentiments of Elk coutity. f ii this, however, they havo most miser, ably failed ; their actions have recoiled upon themselves with most fearful effect, for the talsity of there (statements has been discovered and the deiuoorats oi Cleai field are determined not to bo tho deluded victims of frauds and misrepro. sentationt. Think- o) man during to make the assertion, that out of four liuu licdaul fifty Cathjlic Vjtoa in the borough of St. Mary's and Benzinger township, Dr. Farley will not reeoivo one, and then tell me that the claims of Dr. Boyer are not held by luisrepresen. tat ion ol' the very worst kind. I wish to tell the peoplo of Clearfield county, or of all three counties if you please, that if Dr. Boycr'a friends count ou any votes for him in the borough of St. Mary's or Benzinger township, they had better at once disabuse themselves of the idea and thus save themselves the disappointment they will, otherwise, un doubtedly feel after tho election. The same may nearly bo said oi Elk county ; It is true we do not expect an entirely unanimous vote, for some disaffected persons will always be found in every community, who, either from personal or other motives, will array themselves in opposition to tho genor.il voice of tho people, but wo believe that a vote as largo as will be cast for Dr. Earlcy at the next election has never been seen iu Elk county. Siuce writing the above I have seen tno last issue of the 6'lear. field Rrpublican. This paper places Clearfield couuty iu tho light of au ia. jured party and willingly says tho de mocracy of Clearfield have "maio every effort to cjneiliate their fellow citizens of Elk, but no opportunity was given them to da so". Can wo believe, Mr. Editor, that the editor of tho Clearfield Repullicin was iguoraut of what trans pired at the last meeting of tho Clear. field county committeo ? Certainly not ! and why then does he state a falsehood so glaring as this ; that Elk coutity has given them no opportunity for concilia tion. Bat let mo nsuro tho Editor of tho Clearfield Republican that when he say that tho delogatos to the laat Elk. county convcutiou misrepresented the people he makes a woeful mistake. Let ma assure hiin that Elk oounty is unan-im-ms iu the stand which she has taken, and if defeuted sho will at least have the eousolatiou of feeling that, to tho last, fcho resisted tyranny and wrong. VIATOR. Thanks. Our thanks are due to "tlneo Ladies of Jay township," for a box received by the Clearfield stage, containing a quantity ot choice apples and peaches. We are always pleased to receive simlar marks of respect. fl5?We call the attention of our read, crs to the article iu this paper headed 'his record" and to the communication headed "St. Mary's." fifSCourt adjourned on Saturdav October 7th, after being in session five uays. Sore Throat, Cough, Cold, aud simi. lar troubles, if suffered to progress result in serious pulmouary affections, ofteu. times incurable "Brown's Bronchial trochti" are compounded so as to reach pirectly the seat of the disease and give almost instant relief. Court Proceedings. October 180:'). Common Pi,i:as. Fcth Clover vs Bryant & Ewer-Ejoet mcnt. Verdict for pkintiir for 21 acres. Souther & Willis for defense, Jenks oc Wilbur contra. Miles Joy t-t al for use of Lewis B. Joy vs Geo. II. Bowers et al. C.'iVm ucd. Frown fi Curtis for plaintiff, Souther & Willis contra. Same vs same. Continued. Same eonscl. Ralph Hill vs Alex. MayhooJ et al. Replevin, Verdict for plaintiff. Souther & Willis for plaintiff, Hall, contra. J. C. Chapiu vs D. S. Luthu-. Tres pass on case on promises. Continue J. Wilbur lor plaintiff, Souther &, Willis contra. Hyde k Cunnnings vs J, C. Burns. Trcs. on ca.-e on promises. Settled as per writing filed. Souther & Willis & Hall for plff, Chapin iS: Wilbur contra. Michael Sharttaw vs S. C. Ear! dux. Trcs. on case sur slander. Continued. Blakcly & Hall for pICTs. Jenks contra. V. Perry Carter vs' J. C. Chapin. Appeal from Justice's Docket. Plaintiff took r.non suit. Souther &. Wiiiis lor plff, Jenks, Hall & Wilbur contra Joseph George vs Hannah George. Libel in Divorce, Subiiccna awarded. lilakely for libel'.arir, I fall for rcspon dent. Court of Oyer & Terminer. Common wealth vs John llorack, in dicted for the murder of Joseph Krieg, in June last iu St. Mary's, nolle prosequi was entered ou the first two counts, charging prisoner with murder in tho first degree, and the case weut to the Jury on tho remaining counts. The Jury icturncd a verdict of man. slaughter. The prisoner was sentenced to six years imprisonment at seperato and solitary confinement in the Vrestcrn Penitentiary, to pay a lino of 8100 and costs of prosecution. District Attorney: Blakely tor Commonwealth, Souther & Hall contra. Court of Quarter Sessions- Commonwealth vs Frank Howe, In dicted ut July sessions, for maliciously obstructing track of tho P. & E. R- R. Ou motion of Dist. Atty., a nolle pros was entered on payment of costs by de fendant, Beardsley, Souther & Willis & District Attorney for Commonwealth, Jenks & Benson centra. Samcvs Charles llaut, Indicted at July Sessions for misdemeanor. Ou motion Dist. Att'y entered a nolle pros. Dist Alt'y., for Commonwealth, Souther & Willis contra. Same vs Hannah George, Indicted at October Sessions for Bigamy. AVfc pros entered, Dist. Att'y., for Common, wealth, Hall amlra. Same vs P. (). Nalan, Indicted at Oc tober Session' for Felony, continued Dhit. Att'y., for commonwealth, Souther contra. Same vs Michael Manny, Indicted at October Sessions for Felony, nolle pross j entered. Dist wealth, Souther contra ' 1 R. 11. Acciuknt. Lau (Tuesday) evening, a collision occurred at Irvine station, by which two men wera so severely injured, that amputations of limbs were ueccssarv. The physicians jroui mis piauu were seui lor, 10 oiuoi- alu; xu "c we" "j1 Crt,is"u u7 n ! train coming from Erie, ruusiiug into the train going west, which latter train was behind its time more than two hours, and stood on tho main tiaok at Irvine, when the train fro 11 Erie being on time, came along nnd pitched into the stationary train, throwing two cars from the track, and injuring passengers, as we have stated. Thero is a rumor that one of the injured parties has died; j but wo do not state it as a fact P. S. Wo have learned since tho above was in tvpe, from Dr. G. A. Ir vine, who was called with Dr. Talbot, I that ono of the injured men died from loss of blood before he arrived, while the other's limbs were so badly Iruiscl ana broken that ho would have amputa ted mm len- lit tho hin but tW. tlio r,n. ! t i. -.1-. i r. , .. tiont had too bt !o vitality left to admi ,t of it, ine probabilities arc that ho will die. Dr. Irvine will attend him this morniug, and if he is sufficiently revived to warrant the least hope, amputation will bo pcrforinod. So far as wo can learn, the blamo rests with tho managers of tho road the engineer and conductor of tho train off time were ordered to proceed to Ir. viue station. After reaching there, the engineer wen? into the telegraph ofiico to learn tho whereabouts ol the train came in on its usual speed. An acci. dent occurred on Sunday l ist on this road, at or near Spring Cieek, by which two persons were killed.- Wirren Lr-Iyer. Rrit Observer. The Philadelphia railroad on Monday "shut down" on receiving any more freight for tho Oil Creek road from this e'.ty, after having previously refused to take any from the Lake Shore lino for tho same source. What difficulty is at the bottom of this movement whether the old quarrel between tho officers of the two companions has been revived, or the Oil creek roa 1 is unable to carry tho freight intended for it we are unable to say. But of ono thing we are certain that will cause an amount of ineon vcn'C'Uce, unpleasant feeling and loss to the merchants of Erio, equaling if not surpassing tho memorable '-blockade" of last winter. Tho orders from tho oil country just now are tin usually large, many thousands of dollars worth of goods have been contracted for at good figures, and every branch of trade must suffer. Wo ure not prepared to say wharc tho blamo lies, but bo it where it may, wc trust the delay will not bo permitted to h:t 1003. It i3 provjking beyond aieas. urn to have the iinniori:o interests of all this section of tho S'.ato suffering th's;; periodical embarrassments, particularly at a time like tho present, when there would appear to be no excuso for thwn. What Erie needs and m t?t have, if wo expect to preserve our trade in the oil country, is a direct lino to that loeali. ty, under the control of men who havo an interest in thi welfare of our city, and would maiiagi tho roa 1 so as to promote the same. Why delay any longer in talking over the necessity and probable advantages of such a road? Let our men of capital and influence take oil' their coats and go r.t, the work in earn est. with a determination to havo tho road in operation before the G-t of April next, if such a thing if possible. Fearful Secno at Niagara liair-Brcadth Escape from Death. A correspondent of the Concord (N. II.) Xfatixiii in writes ; Prof. Rugglcs, of Djrmouth College, bad a vety narrow escape at Niagara Falls, on Friday evening. While walk, ing on Goat Island with a partv of l i lies, one ol them dropped her parasol ; w Inch slid some fifteen or twenty feet 1 down the bank of the river. Mr. Rug. glc :s vent down and picked it up, but on attempting to return, llio bank being steep and the ground hard, lost his foot ing, aud fell down to the very brink of tho precipice, which i:t this point is eighty or ninety feet high. Here ho caught hold of the roots of an upturned tree, the trunk of which hangs over the abyss. The shock oauol tiie tree to shako violently, and it appeared ou llio p lint of falling over the precipice. Tho ladies shrieked and called for help, but no assistance was at hand. A move ment on the part of Mr. Buggies, or a gust of wind, seemed sufficient to enuse the treo to fall. At this critical mo. Mont one of the ladies took off her br.s. quine and skirts, cut thorn into strips, got shawls and other ailieies of clothing from the rest of the party, lied them to gether, fastening a stone to the rope thus formed, and let it down to Mr. Rugglcs, w ho taking hold of it walked slow ly up tho bank. It was a moment ol fearful suspense. The rope war. held firmly by tho ladies above, but it might untie or break, and a fall of a hundred feet on tho rocks below must be the in evitable result. When Mr. Haggles reached terra firma, bis fair rescuer, who had shown remarkable presence of uiiml, fainted and was taken homo in au un ex.sciou? msuncr. Staebin'Q Affray at Edixkoro. About 4 o'clock ou Saturday afternoon, Jacob Tanner, a blacksmith, and Erastus Stafford, a farmer, got into a difficulty, at Robinson's Hotel, Edinbnro, which ended by Tanner stabbing Stafford in the abdomen with a largo kuife, inflicting a 1 s.M-iirA rvr,l iilil w f-.t,,t 1 i . . f 1 5 wcrc intoxicated, and havo long uii 11 uittci 1 injiim..!, i.aiiiik:i lilLu 1111 i self up to tho officers of tho law, aud is now iu jail. Tho Philabclphia railroal bids far.il it continues as it has been doing of late, to get an unenviable reputation lor ac cidents. We had scarcely finished wiit. , ,,.,, ne,un ,ii i.i .; Sunday, when wo were called upon to record another. The mail train from tho East was standing on the uiiia track at Irvine, about five o'clock 011 Tuesday afternoon, when tho fast line camo along and ran into it. Two men had limbs broken, a locomotive, was ruined, a num ber of cars badly damaged, and fresh occasion given fur the enemies of the rn'iil in .l!':rr:ir-. if Tim MiM!f ati -..,1.1 ot b M1,;;fi0(fwi,u twtln W, than a full investigation of ell thesooeaurrences and tho punishment of tho panics, re sponsible for them. Announcements. ASSl-MT.r.Y. Di C. R. Tavly, is oll'.M-?d to tho voter.? of '. ! ,l""'1" coiiipose.l ot (Iio enmities of I learliolil, Elk una I ni'cst, as a caiuliil ne to ,.0I)1.L.H,.nl' ,0 e,Ul UistHc, in tl.c uost I.t'irlslatiiie. FOIl rUHASUKKIt. Wuni-o authorize I to nnnoiim-e tho nnmo of .Imncs ('oyno, of St. M iry's ImMni, as an .'l A' -tirf-;!.' candidaio for Ilia otl'ua of County Treasurer. FOR SHERIFF. Ffllov,' Oitizkns: I off.-r myself to your consideration as au Indepnidant Candidato for tho office ot Sheriff, mil if elected, will discharge the duties ol the office to the best of my ability. Wm. J. LEAHY. Fox Augu,t 2'J. '05. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS KING'S P O R T A B L E L E M O N A D E Is the only preparation of the kind made from tho fiuit. As an article of ceono. my, purity, at.d delieiousnes.;, it cannot be surpassed, and is recommended by physicians for iuvalids and family use. It will keep for years in any climate, while its cjtiden.icd form renders it cs. pooially convenient for travelers. All w ho use lentous are requested to give it atrial. Entertainments at homo, p.irtise, aud picnics should not bo without it. Fot sale by all Druggists and first-class Grocers. Manufactured only by ions J.ET 'MV.W, No. 5PJ Peail Street, New York. WOODS & WlliUIlT Lock IIavev, Clixto.n County Pa. DEALERS in Flour, Grain and Feed near the Passenger Depot Notice. Is hereby given, that 1 uanuiv hi ios were carrier! 03 mv lands, 011 Bonnets Branch iu BonczettiJ township. Eik enmity V:i . sometime iu Match 10;). with tho following marks. ', 0 M T O M-0 T T O-R F O O-W D nnd other marks I don't , know tho"" meaning of, the owner or owners thereof, nro required to prove property, pay all legal charges and take them away, oth. crwNc they will bo forfeited according to the limitation of the law. RALPH JOHNSON Sr. Sept. 2:'th 'Go. Itch! Itch ! Itch! Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch Wheaton's Ointment Will Cure the Itch in 4S Hours. Also cures Salt Rheuir, Ulcere, Chil blains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 5) cents. For sale by all drug gists. By sending GO cents to WEEKS & ' POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washing ton street, Boston, Mass., it will bo for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. Sept. lSth 1SG5. Gm. til o m o --, c Til S -51 . O BOOK STORE, jist Rrorivkd at" the St. Mart's Book Stork. lii-cct from 1)10 Publishers iu '.New York, r.nston an.l PliilntelphU, a we'd se. !e:te-l stock of SCHOOL HOOKS, fuitabla for nil prim of Klk county mul portions ot the ii'ljoining counties. Teachers, School' Directors, and tho public ruo invited to call ami ox:iiv.iae mv stock. Having purchased tho hn1- from the publishers for oish, I am enabled to snll low. A lihevnl discount made on all purchases of And upwnrdn. W. J. 15LAKSLV. St. Mary's Ecpl. 1 hh '03. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. 7 IIEREAS. To n..d hv iho.l , - "j - SeClOO nf t!n .-iU nP ttw, n.in,,nl Ass.'iubly of Pennsylvania, passed July 2d 1 ;!'.), entitled an act relating to tho Elections of tho Commonwealth, it is enjoined on the Sheriff of every coutity in Pennsylvania to give notice of nil general Elections' to bo held in fall Commonwealth, and to enumerate iu such n-.itieo tho officers to bo elected. In pursuance thereof, I, P. W. Hays, Sheriff id the county of Elk, hereby make known to tho electors of saiil county that an Election will be held in tho aforesaid county of Elk, on Tucs day tho 10th day of October next, for tho election of 'the following officers, to wit : Ono person for Auditor General. Ono persou for Surveyor General. One person to represent tho counties of Clarion, Forest, Elk, Cameron and ClcarfioM, in the Seuato of tho Cmtuou. wealth of Pennsylvania. One person to represent tho counties of Clearlbld, Elk and Forest in the General Assembly of Pennsylvania. Ono Associate Judgo. One Sheriff. One Treasurer, " Two Commissioners, ono to serve one year and ono tl.ice years. Ono Auditor. r Oiio Coroner. The qti ilifi id voters of said countyf Elk, will hold their elections in tho several districts as follows, to.wit ; Highland towmhip, at tho housa tf Levi Eilithorpo. Jones township, at tho house of R V. Brown. orinir Creek townshin nt tlm Imnu of Stocktialc, Downer & Co. .UKigway township, at tho Court house. Fox townshin nf lm f1. ,-n,- VT..I School House. Benzinger township at the School House on Michael bt, near Elk Creek bridge. St. Mary's borough at tho housij of Ignatius Garner. Jay township at the house of Alfred Pcarsoll. Bcnezette townshin at th h Thos. Ovc-rturff. : ; And I also give notice that every pec sou excepting the Justices of the Peace, w ho shall hold 1111V office or umwiinin,...' of profit hi-trust uuder the uoveiuinent .1 .1. 1 . 1 w. . . 1 .1. . . ui iul- 1 oucu oleics, or oi me Mule, or ol any city or incorporated district whether a t'ouiuiissioiied officer or other-;' vjsc, subordinate cllioer or agent who is or shall be employed under ,'tha" Legislative, Executive or Juilciary. di partmimt of this. State orof the United States, of any incorporated district; and also, that every member of Conguss
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers