THE ELK ADVOCA T E A r v a n f in mt Vlunteers and Conscrips 1 Jit H'O LiVs onrAT r::m; M Tan f'erofula Mid Sjrcl'jlov.s Dr'"""' ' l IJM' II ll !.('. 'Uli-il I.K.V.. I I i mi inv li ine iptlans, PimrlT Il'l) i ti ' i Invc p.iU lirfr n.iairtiil of your K . i ii. vri-V 't (, l-l l,Ollle W lll.ll tail. II '.I C.l'.'ct IIP..! .'.II S.ltltetllMO'l t jl.HI W.IH I r.i-t i h ht p iijil.'iry it,!r-y u lii'-r ' U llKL ll ill' O,0 1-1 OUl COI.llllU .1 J , Biutoll2S, rur.'.iilrs, VI- fi i v..- f.ii 1 ...L jp;tC!uc.i i.: .-) ... i ...ilv In m.-,i ,it.-t i v.i.i iin.l tin i n ;'.. '. ' I nv t- tiiri'.'i-v ! Hi -t vim I'm! ii,. i fit- t j- ... - I i.tmni'l v.iar s w.iwr.v.;.. A-A . . ...... t-.-n . In 1 i -.1 unit. H 14 '"i-n ,;' 1 1 ' r. ! , and liair lor, v 1 . 1 ii we--' i i-t n . ill -n tit .1 S .,Ai .ir.-.Lt.. l.i: ii v. .11 ii.r mm ! i"-' i'-'" ." ,i v-.. ..?! r. ::' a ' u-v . ? f" v .iW'i r t 'C -iu r. ,v, i : i y. .' ' :' M v (1 ,u;:'.i't"f lias mi:V -re I ior r ye: . p -.- I v. H .1 a .lu'lous Tiinti'in,i-.!:i''i w.i. v -r? t... .'.l-wii?. nr.m-,1' d nY-l 'ye M ' vo ir .. ... PAIl-.I.I.A, Will m wj i coi;l.-t.I CUV 1 her." C.'i. ",' .yc, '''' '"-' ' '" ;" i.t ' f 'i'-i 11 iny'aV..A'J i, i.i.i " '"4 ',; in ' '. . I In, I tor never. I wars very 1rot..l-w.ii .) i.i ny H , wlii 'l irr-.T eo .at.enly wor o il u .lisfl . iru 1 my .. it iv i n i 1 lv.i-.-' i ' iM .1.. a 111 ti i i. I l. l I "I i..t ev.ry tliit a lit i.l iV if imii ivi i ' 11 ' ' 1 ,n;:' v,t "1V , r wli .t-'vr, uut.l I . Sum U'V.sii.' . linr hut.'ly m ni- in v I'i.v wi.-.i!, m y ' i t '1 1 i io , -bt lor il til'! I it 1 1 -- 1 , l.-.-ii. 1.1 I Mill 11 I I, T! I I lltf. II I I I ,'i'utll inv 111-! lil ll 11.11 Mil l 114 II . I I 'll wil'.l )' t IIHV .','!i;:ilU:,l'l HI i ,,v of. 1 cii'or i' . - I 1 1- tl : ' . t o.v 1! tJ ..! .j i.' .i'.vi:;i.n. ' iipcl3-aejcr-.t rcbiUty Pa.'i.V t'as JJ.o;l. ..Ti Vi: V. If- , :--'(in , Wj 1"". In:, vi.t:. I i.. i In ii nil lo vvi.ia e .'. i"'r m ' !.jtt;i.?prc.i'ri "n eo. y mi - v ill 1. 1. . i-'ni I l'i u'l jn.-1 iiu -V cun 1 1 ii i lil I ii 't t -'iiiiu-mt v.l.if wi;:i it. So iill.r.ti.i-wo i"ii:iU liw S.M.HW'.llll.t.v vol ll'UO f:iy i to til" Jiro.i'ij.l UJ Mvil IU to llU' piOi'l.'. '.-.m F. I h lit-". '."?.. ri"''i, (!hh. - I'or tw.lve vim,- I lnl tliifjr.-ll .v I'.ry.ri. ln inv ri 'lit nr.ii. c!i;ii.i.' w'ui-'i U no I tiw 1 ml iliu ' !,fiii1 piivi'l iuiia I ""''I ' n-.'ic!i. ami took Imii 'i of UuU'ir wuriH of iiK'.licintn. "I'liu ni-'-rs ,, i.o tvul t:nt tin- .'orli li.v.'vi 'vi-llil.'i mi. 1 tin) . torn 'li )i l'"l that tnv arm urut Ija (ini:.i!i:.l. I in t-iklu ' vo::r S t;s MMiiii.i. v. 'lo il; two liot '., :ni,t uiii of vmir I'll i s. 'l oiii'tli. r tln'y li.ivo - . i ,,i.i t .... ii,'.-.v a ' iin-1 H.nri I ih nny lift ly. t,t in t pit'ilif l'i i- r. my ! iu thij cjiiuirjiiity. n i 1 I.o I v iMmm t -i.l wulio..: oil ton. ii'., . ,-r; .U. ii i iit'.-ni- i1 Is liiimi'il to i'.-i rv i tin.' wouJci- of P. P.. Xril'fii'f-t c CuiiutUtii i'ui-.'ia- !.mttwwil I ' niT family, i-i.l lor imrit'ilii'H i'l--i'-. ti n.l icU tuuti.ltiu'i; ia 1 Inv.' v vir '.'i.' I .. .,1V I.BH.-fi -1,1 r ,..l-imiii,i i;. o ' Author.y'n Tiro, Ifcso, Salt r.heum, KcuiJ Ilo.i-J, Soro Eyes. . -vfj ,'.;;..--, I .., t'te ulile f.Wr ctla l-i ,' ,'.,i..i',,.'.'. Jhm -rr-it, t't nn-;i!riititt. - - i 'in ( vliiU. Rtioiii tluvv yiarn oi ii0'-', win , !,-.- j ii.i,l.n on iiin tor.'ln-u.l. 'lliry raiiKlly ur.i'il tli'-y loiiii.-'l a loathsome niiilviriil . wlii !l i-ovi li' I liia laiv, ini'i a'-tually Mi.i'liM ,'m lorpiiiin-'luvi'- A hkiltul'l it.- of ml'.ir I'n 'I otln-r nuii-'lu-s, witliout nny T, lit l-.'. -.-t. l iT l.liul'll tlllVB Ml' .'liaill-il lllH all, li-.-t Wltil tin III 1,1! I'llOllli tl'.ir l')l-ll Hi'' tl'ji- i i ' iiml i ;.'-ni..l nomi'-l wliii ii i-ovi-nd liia whole .." llavliitr t'.-icl i't"rv tliinir cW wo hail uaf .- from. o i- p ii !.:iii"',' yin.r .uis.M'aiiii.i.a, ; in" tin: iiliii''.:' H l'ltllB'.l lotion, Hit 'oO . l t'ii" fore In f ill to Ik-iiI wlii'U we lia.l niii-ll ,'rvt laHtln. liUil w.M wril wlii'U we lnni liill-ll' il ., i . iii.l Tin' viiilil'n i-v,'lii.slii's,Kliii'li lnni voine iv" ,-i'Miu, iiml he l.'iii'vvi.s In-altliy innl lair im'v ciilnT. flu! vvSi.'tu uciylilioriiooJ vwi-kfa-a .: t!w U.iM iui-.3t di';." j Byntilia raid Morcuplal Disease. -r.rt nr. Hi. "i ' !-: !, oU. louu; Miitrt. I lilrl V"lir SAU.sAl'AllU.I. V 11 llioftf I'l.iVl ll"l .. -,!-.- icir tli ' twoiwliirv Hymi'tonin ol ku,luh-i for i-vjiliiliiii iliniiisnlli-m any olm-r we io.-t-,.-i. iirn.i si-ioii tiro in.h't'UM to you lor i.oiuu m w ,. iai'.iK'iiii. I '.. e lia'. c." .'i.l. ',(! It, .If. 7)., (in tmivcnt i-hii ii -knx of (:,-' .1 , .If-. .'.,'., irio " pruuiiiMtt wiiw qf lm. A1KU. y.t iJejr Sir; 1 luivc founrl vonr 'SAi'.'.Kil.l. mi cxoi'il-'iit ruiK' ly ior .S;;. i'. l'i of mo )"'" '' a'"1 ef. -onihinj tyjie, 111..1 fueo 1 111 home cn.'.-tli:'tw.-rn loo 0I1 .tmatn to yl- U ,t!ier reiin li'.'ii. 1 do n- t l.oow what wecaii'-ai-. i! ii more .i-i t.iiiit v n' suvovin, wUvlu a quiver- .. alt -i-uiivc ia re.iai.cJ." r,. rhon If. I'o it V.-r,rfStie KrvmP"-!.; V. .f li'reaOfe.l iilc-i-M nil Ins 1 ;,,!, i-iiiim-iI l.y tin; ubii-nj in iviirT, or m.'.v i ,(.. 1.' ', wlii, ii ivw inore .1 inoi'ff'iii'criivate.l lor n t-f ii.i " cvi ry .n.-'ly or troatin -nt tii t t-oiilit l ni.;iln".l, until the i sev.'rinr; uieof Avi.i.M SAn-.VfAlaf.i. 'U-.-m-J n l-'w i-ai'i can I.o toiiit'l i!iori iiiviiti'i-ni 11.1 1 1 .treils thi n iii, i.- l it IjjU acrJ i!-J2.a i .'tU-a tj tui".- Li.a . aocrrhcea, Whit ok, rcnui'.o WinUnenn, .. ....n.mllv tira.lll.l-il t'V lilt' I'll. 1 .'.I'l-p. (,'..'' ' - . .-..on. 1.11.I .-ire very oft. -u c-aiv 1 ! . .-.-I- of 1I1U S um.u- viiii.t. . So. in1 1 .,V.-Pr, 111 lli'l 'ftlll S UKAIMU 1 .;.ne..iii 111 or In - il iviiKUi-.-.i. . i,k t!, tvff-7. -. "i' th1,-l!i-rWniHl Pr. .i.f" ''i7.'. t'iiu-vninii. "1 liavolo S MisAf.MUI.i. en rxc"l''."!t I in li"aK'-i of f."ii-ili-.-i. Many c-is ai 1.1 t .-"iil tiliv, I.i'U.'or 'hoci, I ..t.-rn..l 1 I wittwi, i i ifil. Sillily, nii'-int; iro n the n ro'iilo'ii iMathcsn, 1 am i,-l ! I to it an I t'li'in in-" low th t i'o tin', ..ciiils.-nV', 1 1 1 iitop. i ly ni.'.e.l hy 1 .".! i.'-ataioin." ;-.,!, uaiti:3 o ' ""'" the. palJiculhn olur " -i. o.l,'. I'-'-i. i " Hv ilan-liter nn l mv-'l ' h vo hM rvr" 1 n a rv ijelnlil itin-r ' enciii'i'liivi pf 1 m T'i '7 t , j boitl s of yo ir SAr.-M' .r.ii.i.i." loumatir.-.-!, Oov, Livrr C o:rpl l it, l ys vitnui 1. Iloc-.rt T s:a o, Ee.irnl :ir. i ' . n er.ii' 1 1 iv s fi-fii!,: i i lee -yntvm, :irv rai'ijiy t ...-.a tv lUlJ tXT. S.AI.-AI' VUIU..V. tin! I nil. iMiiva' i-as' "i lennire. .laixA, t'.ic skil.ul TO Till' Manliood Iu.h I t-t, l.( w l.i I I Hi). Jlt llll. tlll.-'i. new i iliiiMi ui Cr i CvjvciwellsCG.cbiatcdiEsav Tn pnlVeri or npy 'itlii'rs w:vliiii(r to in m piiso tl.c'v tnemt'e. tl-.rrc is tin brttt r vny I' doitirj !" Rt tlrf tinir. tliHti 1inni tin1 stile " nut wiitit.r-. Ihky a HK WArrantkb At llFI'tlt'SFNTI n ! rnv'irn'Hrlv TulntiVili1 for ntTicn in tin Army tinil tinvtlrin." Frank LttUt's, Feb 1 .III.' l',l.lil.'i! iWlLilllUi, 111 l utc uu ) 01 i- .' l.i. ii . A ' i ill ufi1-- A i.l- m'liiitinl V..L ! i i n Dtatiiiiiy ."-uiiiinul J.uivsi.', l .;i o litlCi fKNCV, .Mi'tilal Hint l'liifal Incii) liiijii'uiiiu iit.'j Id Mul'l'iat, olf. u roNsUMl'loN Kcil.I.l'.sv, uml I'll' iiiict'ii t v i'!l-iitdaioi.ii-e ur scxiinl I fill ilutllifC. h; I iii.-f, in n petil."! cuvclnpc, 1 'CiiS ; '! lie ('f't'lir.itL''1 I l-W.v V.Cti.U . Ill t. on!,i r. i : Aivai.i in : nun I.nt.ui si ii-Hv l.jl ! i ji.nls. .InJ I I. oil sv IlCBS CJCCO V Lints lulls iltii'-. til' -.1' I U 1 !., tin! c..;; .is. ii Mil. mi i,; tli '. i f. in Hal. ll', il'l ii mat l''t' 'till. CHI',' it. i -.' i i ' Mll'l'l'i'. 'I.I.M ll' i-inti! I'll,1 III! I nil,; - III, IT III- III what liiin -;. S I .if 'iiillinr in litis inlinil'Ji I' nl i'fi, li'uiii h tin pi, li -ii. t! ti lite, III l Ul St'II ill's 'll'Ul it In ill tl r ilnt li'-i mi tic, in nv t l.c iiii!ion I,, iiitii o ,,it llHIlll l! jlll'. I'I'I lllill lill'l I I'lflt'i M ll'l.'ll "Vi'l V SiliM'I'l S Ci'tnlilim. ..I ,,: n,:iv tiy in iv.'iit.'U uro S!,;.,,M I've li.'Ut'ls ul vprv jOU t'-.c hititj. "I'll', il'l it i - in :t p'ait. In i li S: U i ! I f f pi l. nil 's t'l'ti.. l'i two iil sumps. I'll! t'lltjll.slll I'o. in 1 Ti c una a (nvrlnpi , i t ri r l ul A 'hi it.'. ft i" o v. eric s '-u ' '-,t ''JUU V4. iti "'tirttt. 'H...'Jlit J CLOTHING CIIaS J. C. KLINE ro.. t -7 IS'itvery, New York. I'ust ofTicf box 4.VG. Ujw: and ii Ait7SINY Any'y ur G .intli'itian srndinp: nie their iiii'lti-K.s, will receive (uli flireetimis lor p.iiiin!; lite afioulitms nt" the opjio site s.'x. uml which will enable them to niarrj happily, irrespective ot wealth, or beauty. Address Mas MAUlELEMOUiI.E. H-rl. t.i I'. ()., New York city GarcG 17, ''55 .'irn. ;j o'l.oN u m iTTfvT:s. (lunsmiiptive sufferers will receive a valuable preset iption fur thi cure of CotiHuiuptioii, Asthma, liioncliitis, and all throat uml Juu ailectiuns, free oi charge, by sending their address to Hev. EKW'ARD A. WILSON, iViliiaui.sbuT";, Kings Co., !J avoiiths New York. I tts:i:v tm t i t i FOB THE II A IK rrctti('t, ir-t ni'l cliPiipp't. tirnrpiper? iver ofi'i.r)J." X. Y. Jlluitrat'd Vk.. .Inn. 10. Very rrrtty stil litimM Yfatelit"! fnrlhn .trmy." X V. Arm.v No' Jnvr (Gov ortiiiTt't fli p.iti.'i Aiijr. vo. tltie nf llie st nlel r-m-l rclii.h1" Il"li!' er in iiiisincss." I.ouhriUe, Ky., urvii .lulyUl. Hi'inp ;i H tntinjt "' Open Fiec n' T.nilv'p" (i.'Ti'leui'itrii U'liteli r'onii'liinp. wit!i I'ntent Spit' WitnlitiB Ttiiprovi' i.iMit n n'nst I'lpairi-j Vi reVv '( (IF I'n I' I'1! I'T 1 1 it mhjt rnv i t ' VF.MKNT. A'H .lee rieil'v fi e 1 t nil 1 j oarnt'P-it t'nip pipee o irTo'tn! .in re 'illp I ll -e ever ffTerp'!. It tins within it find Putt- ppptnl wi ll it nmeliittprv. itn own wntl'iiir , ttmel ippiii. vpnilevintr fl kpy ptitivply tinno : crfnry Tli en-p of tt.!fl Watch rp ram pnipil nf twn rnptdlt". th nutprnnp bp:n I 1" rrnt uiM. It Vixx flip imprnTPii r,i; .letion lnvv rtifiVPmPTit. nrni i wnrrntp.i fly j -1,'eiiv'itp t'm'.-piePP. fric" giipei-h! ppn i I j) '' ' ' 1 . J f ' Pf:'' PI t'flM l!n7f 11. S ol 't ,V"IU pie Vnlcliti in r.ctit uniocro It.jrs. f!).'), L TrA'U IFA7iM1KaS! First CI if TTnntinif Time TippcM for nccu rney nf ninveniptit. hemlty nf inatprial. nml nh'ivp nil, ciienpnpsit in pvipp. tlie-ip watclios iiut"t inline imivprsal npproliation. An Imitation o ftnltkm tltat it pan hanl y be detPeteii hy tb mo-t puperiptite n lces. The ma'pridl bpinit nf two metals, tlip miter one firt quality Hterlinu Siivpr, whilp the inner one is Herman Silver, it can nnt he recnptiiKerl by cutting or heavy cn, era vine, niakinir it. not in appearance, but in.lnraMlitv. the bpt resemblance of SOL 1)1 STA'ltl.iNO SII.VKK in enistence. I The sale of these Watches in the Army ii J pourco nf enormous profit, rptailinp, m hey very readily do. at $J5 and upwards Many hundred dollars pan ho made in a sini ir'e pay day by any onn of ordinary buaines. i a tact I HPSwAT WilOr.F.S I.F. ONLY ! Tr. hpavy hunting cases beautifully pnjrrnvpd. white enamel dial, nr.d fnnpy cut hands, in frond uniting order, by the half dozen, S7i. fold tuly by t li o ease of i.'! Upon receipt of I wo dollars, as Hiiarantee of pood faith, we will send watches by ex press to any part nf the loyal States, collec ting ha'auee (,f bill on dilivpry. This en sures buyers njtainst fraud, g'vhig them their watches before pnyment is required Soldiers in (As dittoyitl state mi st remit pvsii in nvANr't!. as the prpress .lompanies liertmptarilj reuttt lTirtking collections iu I Mich dangerous localities. ltemenuier, I Cash in atlennce from within the army linn in chcl st iffs I W't guririntfc the. life dchrery all iC'ffV-j, wlietuer they are scut by maii por i.prccs ft PMl (k MP Wfl St. Mark's Elk County Pa : 1 inke ilcasure in ctlaing atten t ion of (he public to my i Clothing, OF Boots anil Shoes For Iadics, Centlcmen and chil li rcii. o AYER'S CATITAltTICJ PTT.T.S ')'e.-s fo innry advanttiscs ovr t!. other i j-.irpiitivci in ti.o iiutrkft. r.ntl tli-i- i-ni't'iior ' i,-iui.'s are fourth iT.ii!y Unown. t'.ti.t we m ial v. t ilo i.iorc than in usui o t!.e j u l!.; tin i: q.iiiliivis iiinintiiini tl i qiiid to t' o I i-l :t evei l.8 been, it nd Hint they limy I e t'.qniHli-d oil to do all that they ever r.ure. i I'rfparcd ly ,T. C. AY1CII, li. V., &, Co., ! lov oil, Mass., ar.J iM l.y i I I 1'iN wai;i:, II MID WAUE i I Ol In and Faints ! k H. ki i I ! i i i i m tl I ! tij t'Ji W s- 'jTf 1 j i 1 nnnis kli-aiant haih duessing and J- WOM'tiuri'I, Hair Restorative still retiiius its 'recedeuco in ltishionablc civ cle?, and is supersediii"; all other prepa. ratiotts, nut Duly in this country but also in Europe and ottth America. Thou, sandn of bottleii are annually used in the OYurt circles of I'aris, London, St. l'e tersburp and Madrid, and the sale in Cuba is f tiormt.tin. J? HE EVES' MA- lUi()lA is comprised of au oily extract ; from hcroa ol wonderlul virtue, ami ia highly scented with u variety of exquis i;o terluuies. It effectually prevents I he I. air lalliiii: out, and causes tt to grow rapitlly. thick and inn It makes the hair curl, and ive.i it a flossy oppear anee. No toilet is compute without it. I'r'ee 75 eenit per lare bottle. old by din j,ests titid dealers in fancy ironda in all pans of the e'u tlized woi ld. Vhnles ile by all wuuleaie flrtijigists iu evet V City, anil at Ji'EEYl'X AMIESOSI A DEPOT, Na. OJ Eukoti St., Nov Voik. Hubbard Bors., Sole Importer- GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK T II li Fashion Magnzine of the World LITERATI KE, FIN E ARTS AND FASHIONS. The mnst mat-'iiiflcen tel cnoravings on every subject tha can interest ladies. Crochet knitting' Netting, Kmhroiderj, Articles for the 'l oileh for the FtIoi-, the lloudoir and the Kitct en. Krerytliing. in fact, to make a torn plete Lady's Hook. The Ladies Favrmto For 33 Years- No Magazine has been able to competo with it. Jiotic attempt it. ClOHLYS HFXKII'TS for every department of a household. These .lone are worih the price of the Hook, i Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives i them1, with diagram -i. Waiving i.ks.soxs fou the young. I Ani'tl.e'- speciality with i,.dey. i OHUIINAI. MUSIC, worth !?3 a year. I Other .Viipizinos pulilish obi worn-ruit inn ; uic : but the subscribers to Godey gei ii be I fore the inu-ic "tores. I Ga deiiit.p for Ladies. Anotl.'er peculiar ity will) Godey. I nshions from Messrs. A. f. Stewart & Coflee, Sugar, Tea, Rice &c sL IjUiJjIj 'ii'ii cuuu ryi 1!F 1 IlLlilA M'Al.Llrf IMtT..")Vi:D MAGIC BALM. V II A X 1 11 L B A L M V I L L L" O Hemnvc Ohstrufltions. allay Inflaniations 'neiiitute Persp ratiini uti'i (. irc.i'.nlion. re .iiees Lii'ai I'e.m-iu . tied vitalize and I t reii j.'tli pii w i'ni.i'iii''l putts liainpatid I'.il ; ;cii4 f'o'.ic, Nervoti- llni'l.'iel.e. L.'iiiicl.e. 3 v.riti, Frerie'. T 'l.nelif f'. rains. Mriiises. r.c. ; tttid for 'prams. I'riti- es. iall'. k'iive9, liis'ernj'ei'. d','., ill h'lses The i uickest relief lor aiti of sny l'tin Killer ii use. Thore ia no i etaedy tlia' wil' rn'i lo yromply in relieving tin- ilis enunierinid I a the ?dii.'i .! linlto. which ile-ei'veg to it i eh u the favor ol the public It is its own jecomttiCiid'Uifin. iiiid by the poi tor n anee ni' good works, where it is known, now e'l ;.oy the hiithert repiiintion. For sale by 0. Powell, Honk rcan. I'.iilpwuy I'a V.'holesalo by ''in i.'is IUU, & Warfce'.s l rug slorci, Krie l'i. ATTENTION LEGION! All jH'r.sons in It-1 t 1 to tin; Jate firms t.t cliot-iiing & i-o, ,t (. eutJ t illf. I'n, and 1 uhr it-co., at M. M-rv'r. I'a, are E A UN EST LY E EQU KRTED 1o come forward without tit Yl V . S V) I ''o.. of Ne York, the V tr V, . tW-'rV... V. .' leh uits. appear III Uoilev. I .11... has, hem. li .rvTs-.W i?-"-j'V A l-'i. riisliioiis fr 1 iffm&l V r New York. "'rf 'Xr- VftLl' -r-y-' JO I in a er than any othe V'Xf --.dV---, J--'Z?' j..,l,''s llo.k enibli million i. re. uic the only iu ia- the eelebra'fd &3 . . lfMSn L'.t".HH mm ws m ma m arc. Poik, Floit- ft is useless for tf attempt, to ftive a full list of the stoek, but invite one and tiM. to drop in, and eiinuino for theUlhtlVM. NEW JATL (sStj-Butter, Et.'L's, l'iitat"es, Griiin Hides, CaltVkins and all oountry produce alt en at Market price, for goods. Ceutrcville, June 1st, 1Mb. lav and (df-iik uj thtir ' .-p.n- tiulix," a v t'lose up ur .i.ducHB Ly the 1st of April Our accounts must Lo ttttied by that time or the fur ill fl' fcomH-vlu re v sjrnaiN'IN'1 k Co, Centrevule. Administrators Notice- I.ett.'s of Administration have been oi anted in due. tortu ot Law, to Tli frUtv horiher W in Mack upon tht Estate of Kiisha -Viok, Luto of Salem MJ. da o. antd. Allpiraons Invito; any elairu ujaiimt n:d Estate, are requested to present them duly authenticated lor set lie nient. Any peraon owinjj the Etitate, ure requested to mako payuieut forth- W,tU' WILLTAM MACK, Athni'iUtrotbr of the Ette of' EtUhx " -;' r.:r.Ci.h Tho following facts den o istrate that . 'heso Machines comprise the hnjhrt I mijiriii i in' uti in the , icntj Mchnict Art,vt' 1. Each M fiiie is pnai ntileed to fjive better Siitistae'. . ri than any other iSewinir Mf.i bine in M.tiket.or money rel ii i. !'.!. 2. 'i'lo y !;:''-' tikeii iu;;r.y of the hi'yhnt jirfM'uiii.i at the must important ex. Iiibiiiiit and fmii ever held in the United States. ! 3. They make the nek stitch alike on both sides thus saving more than halt the thread and Kilk used in tho ravelinj; ridoo seams ot the loop-stitch aud ainole-tbread hewui lUacniueb I, They are adapted to the widest range ot heavy and liht sewing. 5. They have no rattlinp; wires, or deli cate attachments to keep in repair. 6. They iequire no taking apart to clean or oil. and no "Lessons" to set needle, reoiilatii tensi in. or operate Machine I' ca'.l and examine and sirate for yourself, or send ful with Bamplfe of eewing. e give more of them in a ear tiutii any oi ner in if i.iue. in the Lady's liimk enables every lu ly to be her own b innet in iuei- .Murli'il lltiiliMi :1, .lurrjs of 'Alone," Hidden Path," '.1nfj Side." '.Vt.(si," and "Miriam," FEED wri'es for Godey eaeh inoiiih, and for no I oilier iniig'iziiie. H'o have also retained all our old and favorite conirtbiitJis. A large stock of Confectionary , LiicSi as candy raisins, nuts of dif- and all other usualy kept. ere nl kinds gooas figs of the kind T E R M OF GODEY'S LAD Vj BOOK TOR 65 iv?.Tnttn nf in flirt nl ifU'W llUA tCI 11 n l-nnf lion.l nuil sold at low fi'-ueis 11 00 I N. li. wanted. Town and Country (For uhich there, ran he no Dnittion ) The to'lowing are the terms of the Lady' liouk for lStif). At present, we will rete've tiusoribers ht the following ra'es. Due no tice will be given if we are obliged to ad vance, w hich will depeud upon the pnuo of paper. One copy, one year $1 00 Two copiei, o;.e year C 60 Three copies, one year 7 60 Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an eztra copy to the pciaon sending the club, makine sir copies Fight copiei one year, ana an enra copy to the one senumg iu emu, makine nine copies Kleven copies one year, and an ex tra copy to the one sending the club, makine two'.ve copies Additions to any of the abova ' fill each nubsoi-iher. Godey a l.aily a uodk ana Ariour s none Magaiiue will be sent, each one year, oat reoeips of $i f- We have do club with any other iagaiin nr Newspaper. The money must all be sent at one time for 1 . , any Club- AKeut I Canada subscriber must send 21 tents I . 1 .' U .l.j...,k., aiiaiuonai iur i.o uov. 1 1 r t --- -ij a Call and 1 00 27 60 clubs. demon. cirruar Post up hefore buying. TINKLE & LYON'S. S M 0, idd cm L. A. GOOEY. JV E. Cornr Sixth and Cicitnu! $tr,:e" St. Mary's June, 11 18G4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers