On Wednesday partly cloud? weather will prevail, and on Thursday, overcast and cooler weather with local rain. IT 10 X? 10 t? 4." K JO K J JC K1 tf" 10 K Scml-Wcckly Founded ? 1908 Weekly Founded, 1844 J .J Jl ot Jt jt j j j tA Wayne County Organ ' of the REPUBLICAN PARTY " 67th YEAR. HONESDAJjE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1910. NO. 25 THK WKATHKU Ctfaett BREWEFTS DEATH. Supreme Court Justice Suc cumbs In Oath. WILL ftlFESS ALL WAS SEIZED WITH APOPLEXY. Wife Hears Sound of Falling Body. Death Cripples Court on Pend ing1 Oil and Tobacco. ase Decisions. Washington, March 2!). David Jo slali Brewer, associate Justice of tin United States supreme court since 1S85), dropped .dead from apoplexy it the bathroom of his homo here In lib seventy-third year. Up to the time ot j his death ho had been apparently in j Rood health and spirits. I Mrs. Brewer heard his body fall and went to investigate the cause. A phy- j siclan who was hastily called said I death was almost instantaneous. Close application to the work of tht supreme court in the Standard Oil and t tobacco cases undoubtedly hastened Justice Brewer's death. lie had been devoting himself arguments to the s case, and he had ord of the case in his hand when death overtook him. It Is probable that his death will have a farrenehJng effect on important cases now pending before the supreme court. Ilo was one of the progressive members of the court and Inclined to a liberal construction of the laws. Ho sat In both the tobacco and Standard Oil cases, both of which arc on the eve of being decided. It lint been the general expectation that tin vote of the court in these cases would be close. There is a strong likelihood now that conditions may bo reversed one way or the other over the deci sions as they would have been ren dered had Justice ltrewer lived. Justice Brewer's passing makes tht second vacancy-by deattt"d1i"thc,'wi": preme bench wince the beginning of tin Taft administration. The tirst death was that of Justice Hufus W. .Peck' ham, who was succeeded by Hornet II Lurton. David J. Brewer had lcen a justice of the United States supreme court fot more than twenty years. He was ap pointed by President Harrison to sue coed Justice Stanley Matthews, nnd he was sworn In on Jan. C, 1S00. i ho son of a missionary, he wai born in Smyrna, Asia Minor, in 18117 ! nut was brought to America before he was a year old. Like his father, his grandfather and his great-grandfather and a number ol his uncles, h( was an alumnus of Yale having taken Ills degree in 1850. After leaving college young Brewei studied law in the otilce of his uncle. David Dudley Field, in New York ami was graduated from the Albany taw school in J8T.8. The next vear he ro moved to i.Pnrnmvnrfh TTnn i he became United States mmm'i, mm judge of the nrolmto nmi Mr.,,.. I courts In 18r he was appointed n United States district judge and remained on that bench for four years. In 18(10 he became county attorney and from 187C to 1884 was a Justice of the supreme court of the state of Kansas. From 10il 10IIH 1... ... . .. , oo. uc us u juuge or tilt' .-i4(i;r ;iii:uji. LOllll. He was the author of several books among them "The Pew to the Pulpit,' 18117 "The Twentieth Century From Another Viewpoint," 1809; "American Citizenship," 1002; "The United State! n Christian Nation," 1005. MRS. L0NGW0RTH RICHER. She Receives $10,000 a Year Under Will of Maternal Grandfather. Boston, March 20.-Mrs. Alico Boose-velt-Longworth, wife of Congressman Nicholas Longwortb. and daughter of former President Boosovelt, receives a yearly income of $10,000 under the will of her maternal grandfather, Ocorge C. Lee, the Boston banker, filed' here. Mrs, Lougworth, who is the only grandchild, shares equally with Mr. Lee's children in the division of the estate, which is -divided equally Into six parts. Mr. Leo was one of the founders of the Boston banking house of Lee, Higglnson & Co. IVORY COAST BLOODSHED. Kroo and Fanteea Butcher and Eat Frenchmen In Wert Africa. London, .March 21). The steamship Salaga, which has Just arrived at Liv erpool from west Africa, reports that there has been an uprising of the na tives on the Ivory Coast. The Krooa nud Fantees attacked the French, killing thirty-four whites, of whom they ate several, s y- c whMw NeWS Snapshots A lral" k,1(nv" ,m" "Itnilolr-s" Special" left California for New York with six private cars carrying Andrew Cartuvle. ; Sirs. Kussell Sage, Kdwin Cuuld and W. Seward Webb. John F. Klein. ex-Plttsburg alderman, on his wav to penltentliirv Ol the Week confessed, and as a result indictments against sixty Pittsburg otllcials have been returned for grafting. Ktigene N. l-'oss. a Democrat, was elcctetl congressman from a Boston Itepnbllcan district on high cost of living platform. Superintendent of In surance William Ilotchklss has uncovered a graft fund among tire Insurance companies. The widows of Presidents Harrison and Cleveland will gut $r..0nu n year pension. President Taft. after a hard week of traveling, returned to Washington happy as a boy. he said. Mount Ktnu Is active again. MEETING OF ;ROAD SUPERVISORS FARMERS SHOULD HELPi'B til A ltediiction in tin Cost of Hnulliig From 12." Cents to 12 Cents Would .Menu mi nniiuul Saving of Over sn.-o,oo.i. At the meeting of the supervisors! of Wayne county at the court house I on Monday afternoon at the court house, A. W. Long, of Scranton, de livered an interesting address on "Earth Bonds." It should be read by every person interested in the making of good roads, and we are glad that we can give the address in full. The address follows: Of the different kinds of roads, the earth road is the cheapest in first cost, and is by far the most common. By the term earth road Is meant one whose surface consists of the native soil. There are 2, 151, .170 miles of pub lic roads In the United States. Of this, mileage statistics show that about 7 per cent, are improved. We may infer from this that 93 per cent, of the roads in the country are bad roaas. in Pennsylvania the total road mileage is 1)9,041, of which about 700 miles have been improved. ! During the crop-year 1905-OG, 85,-j provement with no expense for main 487,000,000 pounds of farm prod-J tenanco, the benellt being immediate ucts were hauled over dirt roads I an" certain; and therefore it is from farms to shipping points. It doubtful if money can be spent on is evident from this fact that the I earth roads to better advantage than slightest saving In the cost of haul- 1 laying tile. The side ditches are ing per ton would assume striking proportions when considered for the entire country. Investigations have established the "lul luul lue average cost or haul- f -.4 A 1 . A i 1. - lnB Per ton ner mlle " about 25 con!. on B.tono roails 1,1 ordinary conditions, 12 cents; on earth roads containing ruts and mud, 29 cents; on sandy roads when wet, 33 cents; and on sandy roads when dry, G4 cents. A reduction in the cost of hauling from 25 cents to 12 cents, would nieuu an annual saving ot over torn 000 000 Sometimes the state ment Is made that the cost necessary to build these roads would increase taxation, but the reverse is true. If the present cost of moving farm products to market is 25 cents per ton per mile, and by Improved roads it Is reduced to 12 cents per ton, we have n net saving of 13 cents on j every ton hauled. It is estimated mui me average larmer lives nvo miles from market, including his return trip there is, therefore, a loss of $1.30 to tho acre, cost of moving his crops to market. If ho farms 80 acres the tax of bad roads makes a loss in tho moving of his crops to the farmer of over $100 per year. Tho cost of steam transportation In this country Is about three quarters of a cent per ton per mile. The cost in tho Old country, where they know the value of good roads, Is 8 cents per mile. In all forms ot road construction tho most Important consideration Is that of drainage, since no road, whether earth or stone, can long re main good without It. Drainage alone will often change u bad earth road to a good one, while the best stone road may be destroyed by tho absence of proper drainage. Water Is the natural enemy of earth roads, for mixed with dirt it makes mud, and mud makes bad going; no road, however well mado otherwise, can endure if water collects and remains on It. A perfectly drained road will have three systems of drainage, un der drainago, side ditches, and sur face drainage. ; If natural drainage does not exist, artificial methods must be used. The best natural drainage is usually found upon a loose gravel or a sandy soil, especially when the grade of the road Is somewhat abovo the sur rounding country. If the land is dry and the sand deep enough to absorb quickly even the heaviest rains, no proper crown to tile surface of the nnisneu road to divert the water from it. Frequently the country is so low and level that the surface of the road is likely to be kept con tinually wet, from seepage. Under- lralnaee without grading is better tllan grading without drainage; and, in general, it may ue said tliat there Is no way in which road taxes can be spent to better advantage than In subsurface drainage. The best and cheapest method of securing under-drainage is to lay a line of G-inch farm tile or G-inch terra cotta pipe 3 or 4 feet deep on one or both sides of the roadway. The ordinary farm tile Is satisfactory for road drainage. Tiles are laid simply with their ends in contact, caro being taken to turn them until their ends are reasonably close, and with a slight fall to keep them clear. There is no danger of the grade of the tile being too great; the only (lllliculty is to secure sufficient fall. If possible the fall should be three inches in 100 feet, and care should be taken that the tile is laid to a true grade with a free outlet. A tile drain Is a permanent 1m- to receive the water from tho sur face of the traveled way, and should carry It rapidly and entirely away from the road. No good road can be obtained with side ditches that holds tho water until it evaporates. Public funds can often be more wise ly used in making ditches in adjoin ing private lands thnn by making ponds at the roadside in' an attempt to improving the road by raising the surface. It is cheaper and better to allow the water to run away from the road, than to try to lift the road out of the water. If it can bo pre-j have to take into consideration the vented, no attempt should ho made effect of grades upon the cost ot opor to carry water a long distance In I ntlng tho road. The grade may ho side ditches; for large bodies of wa-j reduced by going nround tho hill ter are hard to handle and are liable or by cutting down the hill. If the to become very destructive. Side slono to be nscended is n lone ono ditches should discharge frequently Into the natural water courses, and In order to accomplish this it may he necessary to carry the water across tho road, which would necessitate putting in n pipe culvert. As a rule side ditches will not have too much fall, but sometimes a ditch straight down a hill wll have so much ns to wash rapidly, In which case It Is an advantage to pavo the bottom with cobble stones. The drainage of the surface of a road is very important, and is pro vided for by making the surface crowning nnd keeping it smooth. Tho slope from the center should bo enough to carry the water freoly and quickly to tho Bide ditch. The slope from the center to the side should be about 1 inch to a foot. In crowning tho road tho material should be dumped and spread in lay ers as oven as possible, beforo being driven over. In building a new road it is very important that no stumps, branches of trees, or other matter subject to decay should be overlooked and left in tho road bed, ns at such points wenk places are euro to bo developed in tho course of tlmo. One way to improve an old road advantageously Is to .lesson tho grades; by cutting down tho hills and Ailing up tho hollows. Grade resistance Is tho force on a grade to keep the load from rolling down the slope. It is independent of the nature of the road and de pends only upon its angle of Inclina tion, Grades are ordinarily express ed in terms of the rise or fall In feet per hundred feet, or a per cent, of the horizontal distance; thus a 1 per cent, grnde means a rise or fall of 1 foot in 100 feet. Under average conditions, on a good hard road a work horse can draw up a short 10 per cent grnde but one-third the weight which lie can draw on a level. Up a longer 5 per cent, grade but two-thirds the weight which he can draw on a level. In other words, to reduce the grades at any time and all points on a road, from a maximum of 10 to 5 per cent, enables material or merchandise to be transported over the road for one-half the former cost per ton per mile. It is necessary to have a tractive force of 58 pounds to haul 1 ton 11 miles, including the ordinary vel hlchTover a good macadam road on a grade of 1 per cent., which would be equivalent to hauling the same load over l Ms miles of level road. On a 1 0 per cent, grade It would require a tractive force of 238 p.ounds, which would be equivalent to hauling the same load over 64 miles of level road, so you will see the Importance of reducing the grades on your roads. I might say that the width of tires i.ua .mi..- uuoi-i on miction wnen useu on a hard road bed, but assists very materially in maintaining a per- maiiently hard and smooth surface, One of the most common defects of ordinary country roads Is that dls - tanco has been saved by a disregard of the desirability of easy grades, Tho curving road around a hill may often be no longer than the straight one over it; ior the latter is straight only with reference to the horizontal plane, but curved as to the vertical plane, while the former is curved as to the horizontal plane, but straight as to the vertical plane. Both linos curve, and tho one passing over the hill is the one called straight only because its vertical curvature is less apparent to the oyo; for instance, the bale of a pall is the same wheth er up or down. In the matter of grades a road nearly level Is the most desirable, but as it can seldom be obtained vid the tirst method should bo em ployed, but if the grade Is short, the second method is usually tho better, increasing tho length adds to tho cost of construction and of transpor tation, while cutting down a hill adds only to the cost of construction. In n broken or rough country a proper adjustment of the grades is the most Important part of road building, nnd the better the road service, tho more necessary Is such an adjustment. All grades are objectionable for two reasons: First, because a grado increnses tho amount of power re quired to move a load up it, nnd secondly, because a grade may bo bo steep as to limit tho amount of the load that can bo moved over the road. As a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, so a road Is no better than Its steepest grade. Tho fixing of tho proper maximum or ruling grade is very important. On -long maximum grades it is wlso to pro vide a llttlo stretch of nearly levol road upon which to let the team rest. Considering only tho cost of trans portation level road is tho best; but It costs less to maintain a road upon a slight grade than ono porfoctly level. On any road longitudinal ruts are llablo to form and Interfere with tho surfaco drainago and, there fore, if the road Is perfectly level in its longitudinal direction, Its surface can not be kept free from water with out giving it so great a pitch cross wise as to expose vehicles to the danger of overturning. On n level road every rut will hold water, which will soak into the road and soften It whether it be earth or broken stone; whereas with even a slight longitudi nal grade, every wheel track becomes a channel to carry off the water. It Is a common observation that earth roads running up hill and down are better to travel upon than level ones. The harder the road material the loss necessity for longitudinal drain age of the surface. In tilling up a hollow or cutting down a hill, the employment or a light longitudinal grade may decrease the cost of con struction, and also the cost of maintenance. The important princi ple to remember is that a slight longitudinal grade is an advantage; although over a long stretch of level country It may 'not be practicable to secure'ilt.- - - After your road is once graded and crowned one of the best ways to keep it in good condition is by j frequent applications of the split log drag. This work should be done by farmers along the road. They should be regularly employed and provided with drags. Usually tills work is to be done when the iields are too wot to work in, and plenty of farmers can be found who will do u for little compensation. It is plain I that if this work were carried out It would not be necessary to use a i large road machine on the road once in ten years, and a rivalry would be , encouraged among the farmers as to , which would keep his road in the best condition for the least money. When this condition is reached the I problem of cutters Is solvon a farmer should have three or four miles of good road, or loss what ho Is willing and able to take care of. If the work is done at tho nrnnor , time. Immediately after a rain, and done well, the earth road will pack smooth, and tho trnlllc will spread all over the road, and there will be no ruts. When there are no ruts in the surfaco of a well crowned road, the road Is smooth nnd dry within a very short time after It stops raining, and tho water Is In the gutters. When the township roads are all put in good condition nnd are being well maintained, then let the town ships buy stone crushers nnd road rollers. Thero are plenty of stone all along the highways, and In ad Joining fields, which can be gotten with but little expense, and after that, with capable men the main tenance of tho roads is only a ques tion of patience and pay roll. ONLY $50,000 FOR AFFECTION. Judgment Againit Laura Biggar Re duced to That Sum From $75,000. Now York, March 20. Justice Cruue In the supreme court handed down a decision reducing to $r.0,000 tho Judg ment of fr,000 obtained by Mrs, Ag nes Mary Hendrick In her suit ngalnst Laura Biggar, the actress, for allenat. ing the affections of her husband, Dr. John C. Houdrlck. Justice Crane announced that if Mrs. Hendrick agreed to accept the $150,000 ho would deny tho motion for u new trial. PAULHAN HITS WRIGHTS. Call Them Birds of Prey and Says They Acted In Bad Faith. Paris, March 20. Paulhan, the avia tor, arrived hero today angry and dis gusted at ills experiences lu America. Ho said: "Wilbur and Orvlllo Wright are like birds of prey. They acted to ward me with Incredible bad faith. Owing to their persecution I had to flee from America, losing $40,000, which Is owing to me by my mauager thero," Wolter 'Promises to Tell of Ruth Wheeler's Fate. MOVED BY LETTER FROM GIRL. Murdered Young Woman's Umbrella Found In Suspect's Home Her Body Probably Burned In Open Fireplace. New York, Marcli 'J!). Upon Katie Mullcr. the so called wife of Albert W Wolter, the supposed murderer ot Ituth Wheeler, rather than upon Wol ter himself It depends whether or not the prisoner will ever tell what took place when the little stenographci went to Welter's rooms In Fast Scv-enty-tlfth street looking for n position Willie Wolter was being grilled by Inspector Titus a note was brought tc the Tombs prison from Katie Mnllei for Wolter. Inspector Titus handed the note to Wolter, who kissed the missive passionately, then read it through, with hysterical outbursts "Oh, my nod." he sobbed as he finish ed reading the letter, "she loves me still!" 'Then why not tell the truth and save herV" asked the Inspector. "I will write her." was the sobbing reply. "When I got an answer from her saying she forgives me I'll tell the truth." And with that the police had to be content. Not another word would Wol ter say except to add: "Coine see me Wednesday. I shall have her answei by that time. Then I will confess nil." Then, turnin:,' to inspector Titus, who had been very gentle with him ALBKItT W. WOLTKU. throughout all the questioning, Wol ter said, "What I toll I will tell to you alone." Later developments strengthen the police in the belief thnt Wolter hud something to do with the white slave trade. This belief of the detectives is strengthened by the finding of post cards that Wolter addressed to a num ber of young women. Still another link in the chain of circumstantial evidence against Wolter was added when tho police found Ituth Wheelers umbrella In Welter's room. This umbrella was Identified by tho murdered girl's mother and sister, who said that Ituth had tho umbrella when she left homo last Thursday. Katie Muller said that It was ono of three that she found In tho closet when, In accordance with Welter's order, shj moved their few belongings. One um brella was Welter's, she said, one her own, and tho other was unknown to her. But finding It hi the closet, she took It along. Another find that strengthens tho po lice In their belief that the dead girl was burned In the open Wreplaco was tho discovery of n brick in tho hearth to which were adhering ti piece of burned flesh and a bit of ribbed un derwear. This underwear was like that worn by the dead girl. Two tow els partly burned also came to light. Likewise Wolter admitted that the shirt found wrapped up on the tins es cape was his. This shirt was In a separato package under the body. Who Wouldn't, Eh. One tank that man Will do with vim Is tt-ach a pretty Ulrl to swim.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers