3 by clev- 4 t article. mensure 5 ofany- Boke hut yo r one if Yost. sbury. A oy 2 re & god ad to all that ean | given to S Yeasoli- ms. or SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1892. NUMBER 15. or desired information 23 Coup Tk Ofice 18 the United States | JOHN sEBASTIAN, Gen'l Tht, & Pass. Ag CRIOAGO, IL. © Walls Meat Market, is headqtiarters for everything usually Rept hn a first-class meat market. The Best of Everything ‘10 be had in the meat line always ou hand, in- cluding FRESH and SALT MEATS, BOLOGNA Cand Fresh Fish, in Season. { Ge Maanger, atronage, and if 1 dows trent right, there will be othiug 10 Insurance ABoncy of Wm. | B. h C00. | fou re of gaselh. MPT ATTENTION given to et | ilemént of clatms. + W. B. COOK. MP. BMITH Agent, General Boticdtor and Golisotar £4 aM, BE SURGEON, treats all Gurable diseases hotse flesh 1s heir to: flas the latest and most improved veterinaty fur- | ® gical Instruments and appliances, also & com: : “plete veterinary library, Veterinary Obstetrics a specialty. : te stock of veterinary m nd, tsreby saving trou ud an ot ‘3 miles west of Satay, ille, Ma. Hardware, STOVES and dell We handle the celebrated kine of Cinder ella Stoves and Runges, also the Sunshine ‘| and Rival Ranges, or almost any kind of fl stove that may be desired. - We aim to please the people in giving the LOWEST PRICES | ots shelf and other hardware, including Oils, | Paints. Glass, Nails Pumps. Hollow Ware. Horse Pads, Blankets, Robes, ‘ete., elo., and | such other things that may ‘be found in a . Jearduars store. accept & stinte. If your ¢ do 4 sell them send (00. or oe 3 ay stamps to F. G. Stewart & Co., i : 358 Desstiomm ., Chicago: ak . In the line o : Piaware | we can Furnish anything made of tin. and of-any quantity or quality. from the cheap- eat to the best of graden; ¢ at lowest prices. Spouting, Roofing and all kinds of job work, guaranteed to give satisfaction, at reasonable prices. Solfeit- ing your patronage, ‘we remain |. R. Haselbarth & Son, Salisbury, Pa. On the Corner of Grant and Ord Streets, iE And yet we are not content. While our trade has been growing’ year by year, we are today working as diligently to} ‘enlarge our business and serve you better in years to come {than our efforts were in the past. “Onward!” Is The Watchword, {pitigonce, Perseverance, Generous Dealing, | Low Prices, . . a’ matured experience and unflagging enterprise a are the keys to success, . We thank you for your patronage, which has made this | tere what it is today. A continuance, we hope, will be as} fruitful in the future development and enlargement as it ha} been in the past, and your happiness will be increased pro : portionatel y. We keep in stock a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots | and ‘Shoes, Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hard- ‘ware, Queensware, Groceries, Confectionery, School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Cor- iss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Lubricating Oil, Turpentine, 2 Varnishes, Dyes, Paints mixed, Paints in oil. Putty, Window . Glass, all kinds of Miners’ Tools, Ropes of all sizes Wood and illow-ware, T runks and Valises. ~~ Mining Powder and Salt by the Carload! * ‘Royal Flour, Minnehaha Flour, etc. n in exchange at market prices. | SIP. S. HAY, SALISBURY, PENNA. : necessary to make up for bad accounts. A. i aN AGEY, —Dealer In— . le Merchandise, = Grantsville, Md., ] takes this method of returning his thanks to the many patrons | who have enabled him to make a complete success of his strict- | § % re Ke ly cash system venture, We find that we can, under the above system, give our pat- rons any goods they may need, without the "additional profit] § 1 pay Cash and sell | § goods. at Cash Prices, for Cash, and give you a cordial invitation_ to visit us and i inspect « our stock; we will risk | yo u \ Bargains! | nothing to dv with her preference for Country Produce tak- : ee AT H. 0 SHAW'S, WEST SALISBURY. Look at the following quotations and govern yourself accordingly : Minehaha Flour, per barrel Plilsbury’s Best, per barrel... Minesota X.X X, per barrel Reita's Best, per barrel, . | Bécker Flonz, per barrel FE Le My wee Stanton’s Buckwheat outs per » cia 5% of, Shelled Corn, per bushel .... .l..........54 ls, White Oats, per bushel ..... aie Sei ood dl Salt, per sack del salcna ny nine Mining Powder... . . arn kD Patent Meal and all Kinds of Mu ead a 5 Bottom Give me a call and I will save you money. EE. ©. SHAW. Dr. D. 0. McKINLEY, 2 = | tenders His professional services to those’ requir- 3 ing dental treatment. Office on Union St. west of Brethren Church, A. M LICHTY, Physician And Surgeon. | Office first door sonth of the M. Hay corner, | SALISBURY. PA. A.B. SPEICHER. af Physician And Surgeon, tenders his professional serviees to the citizens of Salisbury and vicinity. - Office, corner Grant and Union Sts., Salisbury, Penna, 3.0 , LOWRY, ATTORNEY AT-LAT, | : SomeRrant, PA. THE VALLEY "HOUSE, H. LOECHEL, Proprietor. 3 Board by the day, week oF nth. First-class accommodations. Rates roasor ble. Tus ONLY LIcENsED Horny, IN SALISBURY. We take ‘pleasure in trying to please our pat- rons, and you will always find Tux Vaureya | good, orderly hotse: : + 1D 1 desire’ to HRA the publi¢ NE 1 Bave be team and wagon aud am well prepared to doail kinds of draying, haullng and anything that can be done with a team. Prompt atten ton given to. all business entrusted to me, and chi reason- ow" ILSON HAWN. a a a AR A a Ye JAN _proprintion committee. BOITORIAL RERIRES, Tne third party mevenient is not so amusing to some people as it ‘was ‘once. Cy eee er Miss CornumBIA will not be’ embarassed by lack of material when the time comes for her to chouse lier leap-year mate. ae PorrricArLrLy blessed is the ‘‘favorite son” whose hold upon his State delogniion will last until he can make a deal for something. ? Hut’ 8 Presidential train hus an electric headlight of great brillianey and carries an extra supply of steam calliopes and | Dass drums. ® Tue politician who has not heen “prominently mentioned” for the Pres- idency is not oun good terms with his home newspapers, Tae New York legislature is discuss: ing the bi-chloride of gold cure. Some of its mémbers have a personal interest’ in the subject, perhaps, IT fs no reflection on Secretary Foster's personal habits to say that he went to Burope on a Spree, as that happened to he the name of the steamer that carried him over. . i Hioves CLEVELAND says the present Democratic congress has never been ex- ceeded for blunders. Grover is not much of a statesman. bat once in a while he utters a mighty truth. CrarmaAN Haken, of the House Agri- cultural committee, proudly wears the sealp of Chairman ‘Holman, of the Ap It was taken in a fair fight on the floor of the House, BELVA ' Lockwoon says her being a widow and Hill's being a bachelor had him as the Democratic candidate. She passed the flirtation Stage several months Ago. : A Hosrox man has heen figuring on the pepulation of Heaven and the other place, “although he presents no evidence of having visited either place. Perhaps he had socepted the Hab idea that Bos- ton was Heaven, and New York the oth: er ‘place. “Brau of twelve members of the House committee on Public Buildings and Grounds concluded, after hearing from | their eonstitnents, that it would not be wise to adopt that reselution shutting out all legislation for new public build: ings. Great heads, these fellows have. bas yi RAT < “Turow physic ‘tv ‘the dogs.” said Shakespeare, and our County Commis: sioners: should throw their pretended ecopomy to the dogs.’ Let them visit each township and JDorough to hear ap- peals. Tt. isu’t economy to save the county a féw dollars by robbing the peo- | ple. The Commissioners want to roh Peter to pay Paul, and (he people nnd Peter nre protesting against it. As will be seen on second page of this |. issue, all England is on a strike! Itix a move in the right dir ection hy the laboring men, The time is coming when there will be a great upheaval in laboring: eir-- cles the world over, and the laboring men, the producers ofall wealth, are go- ing to have their share. of the comforts of life, Bome people may not beliove this, but it is only a quition of time un- til it conies to pass. IT is, of course, shocking to our Amer- ican ideas of freedom In all things. to kupw ‘that. 8 newspaper has been sup- pressed, in Germany, for having expressed an honest opinion; but before wa say too much gbout it suppose we think fora | moment of the minister dengged from the | rostrum by police, in a New York town, ‘and of the: mobbing of a band of Free Methodists in an Iown town. What do these people think of our boasted free “domf 5 ! Tur difference between notoriety and reputation. was sharply brought out by the death of Edward Pierrepont. Along in the late seventies this man while U. 8. minister to England achieved a world: wide notoriety by being made the siliy dupe of a spiritualist medium in London; | for fifteen yenrs he has been entirely un- heard of, and not many of those who read the few lines in the newspapers an- | nouncing his death, oven remembered his London escapade. THERE are various ways din which a man ean make x ridiculous fool of him- | self, but the light-brained preachers whe | every. now apd then hob up and declare own was destroyed by fleod her reason than because. of iis ; ‘wickedness, have the surest way of ex- posing their ignorance. The good peo- ple of Johnstown (and there must be a few good ones there) should’ move to | some plous place like New York City, come not to Sesttoy the. city, 3: ‘BoME of the Law and Order sneaks got their just dues, Inst week? in the Pitts. burgh Dispatch office. They had sneaked ito see who wus working. on Sunday; {8a that they could have them arrested and fined. Three of the “Blue Law So- ciety” had guined entrance to fhe build: ing, and all of them got a sound kicking | for their pains, which was perfectly right. It may be all wrong to work on Bunda. / but the man who works on that day is always a gentleman along side of the sneak who makes it his business on that. day to sneak around and see who is break- ing the Sabbath. Tae kid-gloved gentry. known as our County Commissioners, have it real nice ; in the matter of lienring avpeals.. tsa : soft snap to sit in their office at Somerset and issue an edict compelling people to come to the County-seat from all parts of : the county to make their appeals, but of couige they are doing all thut in the namie: of econatay. However economical they may pretend to be, they certainly. ought : to know that it is a poor quality of econ: omy to rob the people of their time and. money by making them come to Somer: set in order to save, the county a few pul: try dollars. To tii dogs with such econ. omy! ; % $Y Rn By some Scotch atistion recent vy ul lished it appears that. in the five 3 3 life between the nges of 20 wid 25. the mortality of unmarried men is 1 100.000, and of married men’ only ; From 25 to 80 the numbers respectively are 1,896 and 865. These figures, as shove indicated, are derived from the deat iE registry of Beotland, but the proportion of the bachelor to the benedict death rate is believed to beé'uboul the same in this country. Taking the whole of the may: ried men and the whole of the unmarried men from the age of 20 to theclose of life, it is computed that the lives of the former average 59% years, while those of the Int- ‘ter average only 40 years—a difference of 194 years in favor of married men: that is, marriage increases - the average dura: tion of ‘man’s life hy. one:half, lacking six months. ; Lai ran] ‘THERE is a movement in. Congress. to ’ have stricken from the pension roils all foreign eitizens and non-residents of the United States who are now receiving pensions, Justice and: common decency alike forbid such a step as this. Pen- sions are not granted’ to men for living in’this country. ' They are given for ser- vices rendered in its defense. Whenithey entered the nrniles of the United Sta‘es their nationality was no bar to their AO ceptance, nor were they asked where: ‘| they would make fueir homes when their B: gervice had expired, They terms § exrne are presumed to have eurned, the pensions they receive, and to take them away for no rensan other than that they have chosen to spend their declin- ing veurs in their native luud is a propo: sition ‘so unjist that respectable men should be ashamed 6 advocaty it. —Piuts- : burgh Times. Complaint Concerning the County Com- | missioners. There 18 a great denl of complaint i fn this part of the connty concerning the County Commissioners. They uve ac cused by a great many ofour farmers and other tux-payers of being too anxious to have people come fo Somerset to transact © business. Where ibe kick comes from = is the fact that the Commissioners donot © visit different portions: of the county, as used to be the custom. to make it more convenient for people in cases of appeals. It doesn’t benefit w man much 10 go to Somerset and pay car fare mul hotel bills in order to have his nxes reduced a Mow. dollars. our farmers to be put to that much trouble and expense, and the Comiuls- sioners. shouldn't be too bad afraid. of earning their Stnry. The people wre not always. going 10 stand that kind of rad tape” business. Even if it does cost the county alittle nore when the Coni- missioners visit different parts of the | eounty to hear appeals, the accommuoda- tion and saving in othér directions will more than make up for it, We thought we were onto about all the different ways that the ingenuity of man had invented for rising money, but a church at Durand, Mich... heads us off. A few days ago they had a sacinble, gotten up for the purpose of raising mon- i 6y 10 pay the preacher, They arranged slx comely misses ina row with a ng atinchied, “you wy kiss me for a guur- ter.” It is suid thal iw less thnn un hour every man in the room was. “hroke” and the minister “had four years salary in his pocket. “The Lord loves a cheerful aiv- or.” and (ie Way these old men parted with their anarters for the benefit of church will surely be abnndantiyrewarded in the next wold, bitter and now ilioge old dncke have a hard row to tryvel. Their Jealous and a sad reality. They say “that this w raising: money will never agin be: in Durand. Mich : It is just a trifle too tough en’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers